Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.
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'Cecil Papers: 1627', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen (London, 1971), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].
'Cecil Papers: 1627', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen (London, 1971), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,
"Cecil Papers: 1627". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen (London, 1971), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.
William Chigwin to Christopher Keighley. | ||
1626–27, January 24. |
"The stone that I sent you by this
bearer, Mr Howell, was found in the commons at Le [?], but
there is greater hopes in the severall which wilbe sett forward in
the latter end of Marche with good hopes to find some thing that
willbee beneficiall for my Lord. And also William Leyte of
Peran at Cabellan doth intreate a [?] ffor the searcheing and
seekeing of tinne in Cabellan being my Lords lande."—Marghasiew
the 24th of Januarie, 1626. Holograph. Damaged. Seal, broken. 1 p. (General 71/34.) |
The King to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1626–27, February 9. |
Our dear uncle, the King of Denmark,
having at the instance of other confederated princes, but principally at our father's and our instigation, engaged himself in a
war against the house of Austria, upon promise of assistance by
men and money from the interested princes, and by his armies
made a strong diversion of the enemy's forces and kept them
from falling down upon these parts: we find it both honourable
and most important to the public cause to support him with
such assistance as may encourage him to proceed in those royal
ways of force to give a stop to the ambitious ways of the enemy
and restore peace to Christendom. And because he stands in
great need of a supply of men to make up those losses which
accidents of war have this last summer cast upon his army, with
so great disadvantage as unless some present supply be sent he
will be enforced to provide for his particular safety and desert
the common cause, we have thought good to send him presently
the four regiments now in our pay in the Low Countries, and to
make up the defects of those regiments by new levies from hence;
and we hereby require you to cause one hundred able and serviceable men for the wars to be levied in that county, and to
observe in the choice, ordering and disposing of them such direc
tions as you shall receive from our Privy Council.—Palace of
Westminster, 9 February, 2 Carl. 1. Sign manual. 1 p. (131. 2.) |
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1626–27, February 28. |
By his Majesty's letters sent herewith
you shall understand his pleasure for the levying of 100 footmen
within your lieutenancy. We pray your Lordship that there be
especial care had in the choice of the men, but none of them to
be taken out of the trained bands, which you are still to keep
entire. The men levied are to be by their conductors brought
to the port of London by the 25th of March next, there to be
embarked, and for conduct money which was accustomed to be
a half penny for a mile, we think it better that they be allowed
their ordinary pay by the day of eightpence, from the time they
shall be assembled. [Further details follow.]—From Whitehall,
the last of February, 1626. Signed: Tho. Coventry; H. Manchester; Exeter; E. Dorset; Kellie; T. Edmondes; J. Coke; Jul. Caesar. Seal. 1½ pp. (197. 113.) |
The Earl of Marlborough, Lord Treasurer, and Sir Richard Weston, Chancellor of the Exchequer, to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1626–27, March 2. |
The Privy Council have ordered that the
moneys due to several counties for coat and conduct money for
the soldiers serving in the expedition to Cales [Cadiz] shall be
paid out of the moneys of the loans to his Majesty in every
particular county. These are to pray you to receive so much
of the loans of co. Hertford from the collectors as the coat and
conduct money for the two hundred men levied in that county
shall amount unto, after the rate of 4s. for every coat and 8d.
a day for the conduct money of every soldier from the place
where he was pressed to the rendezvous at Plymouth, accounting
15 miles to every day's journey from the first day they set forth
inclusive, and allowing 4s. per diem for the wages of every conductor of 150 men or fewer; which we pray you to see distributed
as may give best satisfaction to the country, giving acquittances
to every collector from whom any money shall be received; upon
sight whereof the collectors shall have such discharge by tally in
the Exchequer as if they had really paid their money into the
Receipt.—Whitehall, 2 March, 1626. Signed. 1 p. (131. 3.) |
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1626–27, March 14. |
Referring to their letters of July 10th
last, touching the mustering and exercising of the trained forces
within the county of Hertfordshire, they give order that the next
musters should be in or about Whitsun week, in order to avoid
the inconveniency of holding musters in the season of seedtime
or harvest.—From Whitehall, 14th March, 1626. Signed: Marleburgh; H. Manchester; E. Dorset; Exeter; Carlile; Kellie; Grandisone; D. Carleton; T. Edmondes; Robt. Naunton; Jul. Caesar. Seal. 1½ pp. (197. 114.) |
John Milles to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1627, April 28. |
Four horses of his are forfeited to Salisbury,
they having run away from plough and caused the death of
petitioner's son. Prays abatement of the forfeiture.—Undated. Note: that Milles is to pay 5l and have the horses, and to pay the charges in the Crown office.—28 April, 1627. 1 p. (P. 1836.) |
The King to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1627, May 11. |
Being engaged in a great and various war which
concerns not only our own honour but the defence of God's
religion and safety of our kingdoms, we must carefully provide
that our forces by sea and land in some measure be answerable
to our designs. This providence we observed in our late preparations, but partly by the ill choice made in the country and partly
by the ill carriage of such as in an unsoldierly manner have forsaken their colours we are forced, beyond our first intention, to
require a new supply of men even in those counties where levies
were made. Our pleasure is that you presently levy for our
service one hundred footmen in co. Herts, following such instructions as you shall receive from our Council, and by your own
good direction to your deputy lieutenants so stirring up their
endeavours that the omissions or errors of the former levies may
be redeemed by their diligence.—Palace of Westminster, 11 May,
3 Car. 1. Sign manual. 1 p. (131. 38.) |
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1627, May 11. |
For the levying of 100 footmen within that
county (of Hertford), we require you to make choice of more
able men than many of those you formerly sent for this service
whereof some were disallowed by the captains who were to command them, and not a few discharged themselves and returned
home, who are to be carefully inquired after and proceeded
against according to the law; which for the advancement of his
Majesty's service upon like necessary occasions you are to see
performed. Because these men are to be levied in nature of
recruits you are to take the more care to send young and able
bodied men, well clothed and fit for service, and to send them
under the charge of an able conductor to bring them to Portsmouth without disorder by the 26th inst. at farthest. For their
coat and conduct money and their delivery by indenture you are
to take order according to the last directions, and repayment of
such charges shall upon due account be made to the country as
is there also expressed.—From Whitehall, 11 May, 1627. Thirteen signatures. 2 pp. (131. 39.) |
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1627, May 18. |
We are informed that divers of the soldiers
formerly impressed for his Majesty's service are, according to
directions received from this Board, imprisoned in the gaol of
that county for running from their colours, and the said county
is much charged with keeping them. We therefore require you
to reimpress those men and to send them under some able conductor or commander to Portsmouth, to supply the troops that
are there now ready to be employed in his Majesty's service.—
From Whitehall, 18 May, 1627. Thirteen signatures. Seal. 1 p. (131. 40.) |
Christopher Keighley to [? Thomas] Hooper. | ||
[1627, May]. |
"I have received letters subscribed by your
selfe and Mr Stillingflete concerning the election of the burgesses
of Old Sarum, wherebe I understand that I ame elected for one.
I cannot but acknowledge your extraordinary loves unto me in
doeinge of it, but doe wishe, in regard my Lord had appointed
it for another and I my selfe have manie occasions for his Lordship
soe that I cannot convenientle spare tyme to attend it as is
fittinge, that it had bene unto him that my Lord desired it for,
or to anie other more fitt for it then my selfe." But in view of
their desire and their affection for him, he will undertake to
carry out his obligations as best he can. Holograph. Draft. Endorsed: "Copy of letter to Mr Hopper, Maye 1627." 1 p. (General 86/22.) |
John Southworth to Christopher Keighley. | ||
1627, June 13. |
"My Lord hath written to my Lord Presedent
only concerninge the Frenchmens howse in St Marttins Lane,
and would have Mr Ashton to signifie as much to my Lord
Threasurer." Discusses other matters such as Lady Conesbie's
purchase of Wanborrowe, and Delahay's business. "My Lord
thinks itt fitt hee should have such writtings as may bee fitt for
tryeinge of the title and to take his hand, for my Lord saith hee
cannott feight without a weapon." Any letters from Stillingfleet are to be opened, since they may concern money.—Hatfeild, June 13th, 1627. Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "June 13, 1627. Mr South. to me to deliver writings to Mr Delahyde." 1 p. (General 86/15.) |
John Fussell to [Christopher Keighley]. | ||
1627, July 26. |
"The importunitie of those tennants whose
leases are not sent downe especially Andrew Rogers of Rushton,
compelleth me to desire you to hasten to sende them away.
You neede not have doubted (which I thinke you did) but that
their ffynes were eyther paid or sufficiently secured according to
our agreement with them, ffor we never yet made any composition but wee saw eyther the money paid or good securitie given."
—Blandford, 26 July, 1627. Holograph. Endorsed in Keighley's hand: "Mr Fussell unto me aboute Rogers lease." ½ p. (General 86/2.) |
Sir Nicholas Salter to Christopher Keighley. | ||
1627, August 31. |
As to a fine apparently in connection with
a property in co. Essex. "In the meane tyme I have sent this
bearer, my servant, for the buck which my Lord was pleased
to grannt me yerely out of that or some other parke. Though
this yere I may challenge it as my free buck in regard the mony
is unpaid, yet I will take it as a favour from his Lordship, only
I desire it may be a fatt one to comfort me after so hard a bargayne. I am informed that the woodwards place is sould for
200s, which I am glad to here, though I conceived it to be well
worth the mony."—London, this 31 August, 1627. Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir Nicholas Salter to me." 1 p. (General 86/4.) |
Speech of Monsieur Joachimi, the States' Ambassador, to the King. | ||
1627, September 11/21. |
The States General have commanded
me to insist that you will allow the differences between your
Majesty and the French King (le Roy Treschrestien) to be accommodated, and for that purpose to commission your Ambassador
at the Hague or such other as you shall please to send thither to
treat thereupon. The States General, having suffered infinite
ills in their 60 years' war against one of the greatest Kings of
Europe, know well how weighty are those evils and draw conclusions as to the future by what they see daily. Hitherto they
have been preserved, after God, by the contributions of their
people and the liberal support of your Majesty and the French
King, without whose intervention no private (singuliere) forces
in Europe could make head against the King of Spain and House
of Austria. They see this great Germany, almost entirely, in
the power of that house, which has already penetrated to the
Baltic Sea and finds no obstacle to its subjugation but the invincible courage of the King of Denmark, which if it succumb or
flinch there will be no hope of resource for those princes and for
the exercise of the Christian religion according to the Word of
God, nor for their political liberty. And moreover the House of
Austria is proceeding by the advantage she will have in the
multitude of rivers discharging into the Baltic Sea and North
Sea and the great advantages (commodites) Germany can supply,
to make herself mistress of the sea, on which little by little she
is advancing to fortify herself in order to supplant those most
nearly bordering there, as is seen by the results. For the par
ticular of the United Provinces their lordships feel their charges
increase daily, and their revenues cannot equal the expenses they
must incur. It is hardly possible any traffic should remain long
assured to their subjects if dissension continues between the two
nations by whose traffic a very great part of the inhabitants of
the Low Countries ordinarily support themselves, who will be
reduced to extreme poverty and incapable of contributing to the
support of the war. The revenues of your Majesty and the
French King are very great, and though my masters (mes
superieurs) are entirely assured of the good affection and liberality
of your Majesty and the French King to sustain them against
their enemies, they doubt much if enough can be retrenched
therefrom for the King of Denmark and themselves to be succoured with as much as is necessary for their subsistence, so long
as you remain in arms one against the other, the expense of the
war having no limit. This serves as an omen (prognosticq) to
their lordships and to the King of Denmark that their ruin is
near unless your Majesty provide against it, as they both expect
from your goodness, or unless God aid them miraculously otherwise. Your zeal for the welfare of the reformed churches of
France and that the edicts and articles promised them by your
intervention should be preserved to them, is most laudable, and
it should not be found strange if a generous heart resent injuries
done to it. Your Majesty by the wisdom with which God has
endowed you above other princes knows how far such resentments
should go. It is not for my masters, still less their ministers,
to constitute themselves arbiters of the honour of princes, or to
judge how far or how much one ought to contend. But your
Majesty will believe that the common understandings of all the
world will judge you have sufficiently shown France, by the
exploit Commander Pennington did on the coast of Brittany and
Normandy, that the least forces of your Majesty can greatly
damage France; and the fitting out of the royal armada which
has gone forth under your High Admiral, that you have the power
whenever and as often as you please to oppose all the naval
armaments that the French can prepare, as the descent the Duke
of Buckingham made on the Isle of Rhe proved to them your
Majesty's forces and means to offend them by land. This will
suffice to repress the pernicious counsels which might be suggested
to the French King to the prejudice of those of the reformed
religion in France, and will give them more assurance that the
edicts and articles granted them will be preserved than all the
arms of Roman Catholic auxiliaries both within and without
the kingdom of which one can give them hope: it being certain no
papist prince will acquire any favour among the people of France,
or do anything of consequence against the King's will, unless he
show himself more zealous in his religion than the King himself.
The authority and credit your Majesty will for many respects
acquire with the King of France after the accord made, will dissipate also easily all that could be practised against the repose of
those who look to enjoy it by your favour. I crave pardon if I
have wandered, and coming back to the chief point of what is
commanded me, I beseech your sacred Majesty on behalf of my
masters that if you think hitherto you have not received sufficient
satisfaction for the injuries you resent, you will pass over all
offences and dispose yourself to an accommodation, and to find
suitable expedients to sweeten the bitterness of that action, for
love of their lordships and in the interest of all Christianity and
of the King of Denmark; authorizing your Ambassador at the
Hague, or whomsoever you please to send there, to treat with
the other side (la partie) forthwith. Your Majesty will be lauded
for ever and your magnanimity eternally commended by posterity
for having postponed your particular offences to the public good
of Christianity and to the interests of your friends and allies,
who will remain perpetually obliged to you. Delay and the
ulterior deeds of arms can only harden the courage of both sides;
and as all things are changeable, it must also be considered (under
most humble correction) that time may bring on inconveniences,
whether by storms, mortality in the army, approach of some
foreign armada or such like, which would dull the glory your
Majesty can now render complete.—Done at Havering, 11/21
September, 1627. Endorsed: "A copy of a speech made by Joachimi, the Ambassador for the States to the King at Havering the 11 of September. Repeated by him to the Lords of his Majesty's Council upon the 14 of the said month, 1627." 2½ pp. (131. 41.) |
The King to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1627, September 29. |
Being engaged in a war whereunto we
have been provoked by those just occasions we have mentioned
heretofore, there is now a necessity imposed on us for some speedy
reinforcement, to the end we may finish, with God's favour, those
prosperous beginnings He hath already given us, for defence of
religion and the safety and honour of us and our kingdoms.
Therefore we require you to cause 100 serviceable men for the
wars to be levied in co. Herts, and to observe such directions
as you shall herewith receive from our Privy Council.—Honour
of Hampton Court, 29 September, 3 Cor. 1. Sign manual. 1 p. (131. 43/1.) |
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1627, September 30. |
Directions for the levy of 100 foot. The
men to be of able bodies and years fit for service and well clothed,
but none taken out of the trained bands, which are still to be
kept entire. For the arming of them, though it has always been
done by the country, his Majesty is pleased they shall be furnished
otherwise at this time without putting the country to that charge.
They are to be committed to discreet and able conductors to
govern them orderly in their march of 15 miles a day to Ply
mouth where they are to be November 1st next at farthest. The
coat and conduct money to be for the present disbursed by the
country and repaid according to former precedents. The conductors to receive the men by rolls indented tripartite containing
their numbers, names and parishes whence they were impressed:
one roll to be returned to the Board, the other to remain with
him or his deputy-lieutenants, and the third with the conductor.
As the abuses of constables, conductors and other officers in
former levies have been frequent and often complaints made
thereof to the Council, he is to give strict order to the deputylieutenants that there be no conniving, selling, changing or sparing
of the most able men. If such abuse be committed they are to
bind over every such offender to answer before the Board, where
they shall receive such punishment as a misdemeanour of so high
a nature and tending so much to the disservice of his Majesty and
the commonwealth deserves.—Whitehall, 30 September, 1627. Twelve signatures. Seal. 2 pp. (131. 44.) |
The Duke of Buckingham and Monsieur de Toiras. | ||
[1627, September]. | Two letters: | |
(1) The Duke of Buckingham to Monsieur de Toiras. "Le desir que j'ay de vous tesmoigner en toutes occasions combien j'estime et prise les personnes de qualite et merite, me fera tousjours proceder a leur endroit avec toute sorte de courtoisie. J'espere que je me suis comporte jusques icy envers vous de cette sorte autant que la loy des armes me l'a sceu permettre. En continuation de quoy, avant que la suite des affaires m'oblige a prendre d'autres conseils et changer de procedure, j'ay trouve bon de vous exhorter a la consideration de vos necessites, lesquelles vous avez desia endurees avec grande patience, et vostre courage vous pourroit porter a continuer jusques a l'extremite soubs de vaines esperances de secours au prejudice de vostre seurete. Pour ces causes, et pour le regret que j'avois de vous voir arriver plus grand deplaisir, avons juge convenable de vous convier a vous rendre entre nos mains avec ceux qui sont de vostre compagnie et soubs vostre charge ensemble la place par vous occupee, soubs de conditions honorables, que vous ne devez esperer a l'avenir si vous m'obliges a poursuivre les moyens que j'ay en main pour accomplir mes desseins, et que vous portes les affaires a l'extremite. Sur quoy attendant vostre responce, etc."—Undated. | ||
(2) Monsieur de Toiras to the Duke of Buckingham.
"Vos courtoisies sont cognues de tout le monde, et estant
faites avec le jugement que vous y apportez, elles doivent estre
principalement attendues de ceux qui font de bonnes actions.
Or je n'en trouve de meilleur que d'employer la vie pour le
service de son Roy. Je suis icy pour cela, avec quantite de
braves gents, dont le moins resolu ne croiroit pas avoir satisfait
a soy mesme, s'il n'avoit surmonte toute difficulte pour aider a
conserver cette place. Ainsi ny le desespoir de secours ny la
crainte d'estre mal traicte en une extremite ne me peuvent faire
quitter un si genereux dessein. Comme aussi je me sentirois
indigne d'aucune de vos faveurs si j'avois obmis un seul point
en ceste action dont l'issue ne me peut estre qu'honorable, et
dautant plus que vous avez contribue a ceste gloire, d'autant
plus seray je oblige d'estre toute ma vie, etc."—Undated. Contemporary copies. Endorsed: "Les lettres de Monsig. le Duc de Buckm et de Mr de Toiras." 1 p. (130. 108.) |
Ralph Cox to Christopher Keighley. | ||
1627, October 2. |
"I praye you take notise of Sir Thomas
Wisemans letter, and that there maye be answer sent backe with
speede to one Mr Newton's house in Fanchurche street, a grosser,
and ther it shall be sent to him in to the countrie. My Lord
Routlands steward was here to speke with John Glass to sertifie
my lord of Routlands pleasure that there maye be a drafte of a
leasse made verey speedelye, that my lord of Routland maye see
itt before he goeth into the countrie what my lord doth let to
him before he enter to com to it."—Salisbury House, this 2 of
Octobar, 1627. Holograph. 1 p. (General 86/26.) |
John Coke to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1627, October 27. |
Begs for leave to be a suitor on behalf of
Ernest Carey of St John's College. "His father is a commander
in the Low contries; hee is of the howse of the Ld Viscount
Rotchford; hee was bred by the Bishop of Exeter, my brother
in law, and is now desirous of a schollership in that howse where
your Lordship hath the disposing of some." Requests that he
grants him the next scholarship that becomes void.—London,
27 October, 1627. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (General 71/41.) |
Walter Morgan to John Delahay. | ||
1627, November 8. |
"I am as vigilant in your affaires as I maie.
Uppon Mundaie I left the letter for Keighley with the porter in
his absence, and this daie I mett the ympious fellow and Hide
with him at Lyncolns Inn, and asked him if he had perused your
letters; who answeared scornfullie of you, sayeing that you did
cause suites and clamors more then you ought, and as you had
an estate for liefe soe should you defend it if you would. I put
him in mynd of the promise he made in Mr Atkins chamber the
last terme. He replied sayeing whoever would saie soe of him
did lye, and withall that he did not care a f—for you, and that
if it had not byn for som pretence of kindred you made to my
Lorde, he had sent you and your lease packing long since, and soe
will it if you amended not your courses." Advises him to prosecute the business himself, and not to expect help from Keighley
and others. "Let my cosen, your bedfellowe, knowe that all
her frends are in health. I have not yet spoaken with Mr Barlowe.
Mr Reade, John Parrys intended ffather in law, is sherriff and
one Kenys is shirriff of Monmouthsire."—November 8, 1627. Holograph. 1 p. (General 86/11a.) |
John Delahay to the Earl of Salisbury. | ||
1627, November 27. |
Writes that Mr Atkins, Mr Keighley
and Mr Hyde had advised him to join in a commission in order
to protect Salisbury's interests in a matter concerning disputed
land, and that Keighley had promised that he should have his
expenses defrayed. Instead, Keighley had not only deceaved
him, but abused him and his kinsman, whose letter he sends for
Salisbury's perusal. (fn. 1) "Your Lordship doe knowe that as you
are to expect your rent, soe I am to enjoye your lands quietlye.
If your officer would performe his duty, your Lordship neede
not be troubled, but yf you will examine his tyranicall and
impious courses towards all men, you shall finde that your Honor
is muche abused by him."—Alterenys, the xxviith of November, 1627. Holograph. 1 p. (General 86/11.) |
Accounts. | ||
[1627, December 19] | ||
For Sutton on ye Sacrament, for my Lord of Salisbury. | 1–0 | |
For an Accidence for Mr Robert. | 2–0 | |
For a Common Prayer booke for him. | 6–0 | |
For a Grammer for my L. Cranborne. | 2–0 | |
For another ordinary Grammer. | 0–10 | |
Endorsed: "December 19, 1627. Mr Browne his not for bookes for the children." ½ p. (Bills 210/7.) | ||
Cranborne. | ||
[Before 1628]. | "A consideration of injuries don unto my Lorde fitte to be reformed." | |
Inter alia: (1) There is a cottage erected longe sithence and thereunto a plotte of grounde enclosed neere unto the highe waye leadinge from Cramborne to Alderholte in a womans possession, who never had anye estate therein. There is offer made to give my Lorde xls for an estate therein, and to paye some yearely smalle rente besides and the woman nevertheles to abide there during her life. | ||
(2) William Wigge hathe longe sithence encroched and enclosed a plotte of grounde, parcell of my Lords waste at Alderholte, and there digged claye without anye righte, ffor which plotte and like benefite as the saied Wigge hathe taken there one Richard Cooke hathe offered to give my Lorde xxxs by the yeare. | ||
(3) William Ffrye, Anthonye Kinge, Richard Blunte and Jone Lawrence, widdowe, have either of them made severall smalle encrochements uppon my lords waste at Alderholte (they beinge my lords tennants in some smalle tenements there), and have helde the same a long time without righte. They confesse their encrochements and doe praye to continue them stille, and for the same to give some smalle fynes to my Lorde or some small yearely rent, for they are parcell of lands and corners of my lords waste. | ||
(4) There is a cottage erected in my Lords waste at Alderholte in the tenure of one Henrye Lawrence, and hee is reported to have noe estate therein. | ||
(5) The heire of — Bunckley, esquire, holdethe a parcell of my Lords waste at Alderholte called Heathye Cloase conteyninge in lengthe 50 perches and in bredth 20 foote in moste places and 16 foote in the straighteste place thereof, which was longe encroched by his ffather. | ||
(6) There was a cottage longe sithence erected at Alderholte gate uppon my lords waste there and a plotte of grounde therewithall enjoyed by Jone Cotman, widdowe, without anye righte, whereof and of an other little plotte of the waste there my lords stewarde at my lords courte graunted an estate for lives by copie unto James Ffethers for a fyne of iii1 given unto my lorde and paied unto the bayliffe, and for xviiid rente per annum, and his estate nevertheles is made to him uppon condition to suffer the same Jone Cotman to abide therein duringe her life. | ||
(7) There are enformacions given of divers other encrochements made uppon my lords waste in divers places but are not perfectlie made knowen as yet. | ||
(8) There are divers freeholders in Alderholte as namely Bartholomew Horsey, gent., Mr Studley and one Kinge and others that have uppon their owne freeholds allotted and graunted severall plotts of grounde to severall persons, and thereon they have erected severall cottages, and the tenants thereof without righte digge turfe infinitely uppon my Lords waste called Alderholte heathe. | ||
(9) There is a copieholde in Alderholte which before my Lorde boughte the mannor was devided into twoe partes, thone parte remaynes copiehold to my Lorde, thother parte is the ffreehold of Henry Tobye: and the tenant of the same freeholde usually cutteth turfe in my Lords saied waste called Alderholte heathe without righte, for turfe is cutt by custome and the free holder hathe loste his custome. | ||
(10) There are seaven tenements in Little Asheforde in the countie of South[ampton] which are nowe of my Lords lands, and every one of the tenants of those 7 tenements doe every yeare put into my Lords common at Alderholte Rother beastes and horses without number, some xxtie and others fewe lesse; whereas in righte they oughte to put none thither but only their plowghe beastes, and for them to pay iiiid a peece unto my Lorde. | ||
(11) That the same Mr Bowyer whoe hath offended in huntinge, and in the week before this executed thoffice of Coroner in my Lordes liberties at Cramborne uppon the deathe of one whoe was drowned in a well, hathe made spoile of about xxtie fayer younge trees on my lords waste. | ||
(12) That Mr Hugh Pyne (fn. 2) deteynethe anncient rentes from my Lorde de cert reddit and other dueties in money due yearely unto my Lorde, whereof hee is presented at divers courtes. | ||
(13) That the same Mr Pyne cawsed his servant to forbitt my Lordes tenants at Rushton to cutt thornes on my lords waste called Breache lane. | ||
(14) That the tenants at Rushton doe grevously complaine of spoile of woodds made by Oliver Hill aboute vi yeares agoe by keeping of fyve horses in the coppice called Sinckleys when the coppice was not twoe yeares olde. | ||
(15) They the same tenants doe grevously complaine against Cookeman and Lambert, keepers at Chittered, for spoylinge the same coppice by keepinge three kyne there, and for takinge in thither divers horses of other mens at that time, and that the same Cookman did the like the last sommer. | ||
(16) They alsoe complayne that the said Cookman and Lambert, keepers of Chittered, spoiled Queen coppice in the same mannor assone as the same coppice was cutte. | ||
On another sheet are set down details of the arrangements
whereby some of the "injuries" mentioned above have been
rectified or satisfactorily compounded, and by means of which the
Earl of Salisbury's revenue has been enhanced by £23:10 in fines
and 35/- in rents. 4 pp. (Legal 213/13.) |
George Lowe to Richard Bennett. (fn. 3) | ||
[Before 1628]. | "I doubt not but Mr Lowe hath at lardge advized you of a resolution lately taken betwixt us to part after thende of this month, proceedinge uppon a question which fell out about securitye to be given for the great ffarme wherein it seemes Mr Lowe intendes if he can to be an undertaker, of which matter I make he him sealf hath at lardge wrighte you; and therfore I forbeare to doe it. Only I wishe that after you have settled your bussines at Antwepe in any good sorte and have spent the first shewe weeke at Middel[burg], that you come for Englande wherby to dispose heare of your sealf and your part nowe in stocke with us as you shall see occasion. | |
I have eaven nowe received your letter of the 19th present,
and am glad to heare of your salf [safe] arrivall at Middel[burg]
hopinge you have in this interim taken your jorney to Antwepe,
and will soe bestirr your sealf whilste you are ther that you maye
come home directly from Middel[burg] after the firste shewe
weeke is paste."—Undated. Holograph. 1½ pp. (General 101/14.) |
Christopher Keighley to — | ||
[Before 1628]. |
"This morneinge my Lord receaved this inclosed letter from the Lord Keeper, which he commanded me
to send unto yowe, and desires yowe to send it to Sir Charles
Morisone (fn. 4) and the rest to acquainte them with it, and to retorne
his Lordship the letter againe at the Sessiones."—Undated. Signed only. ½ p. (General 103/7.) |
The Earl of Salisbury to [the Earl of Northumberland]. | ||
Before January 14, 1628. |
"Had I not beene confident that
it had beene freely left to my Lo: Percy to make choise of his
owne wife, I should not have suffred any ingagement betweene
him and my daughter untill I had acquainted your Lordship
with it, and after the ingagement was passt, my Lo: Percy going
immediately downe to your Lordship, I thought none fitter then
him selfe to breake the businesse to you. Since that tyme my
Lo: Percy hath ever found your Lordship so averse to this match
as he was unwilling I should lett you know how farre he had
proceeded upon the libertie you had given him, still hopeing that
he might gett your Lordships consent without letting you know
how farre it had passed. I perceave by my Lo: Percy that att his
last being with your Lordship he hath acquainted you with all
the particulars of this busines. I understand that your Lordship
findes many difficulties, and that one principall objection you
make against it is the difference that hath beene betweene our
famelies, which I hoped had beene long agoe buried, knowing
both my selfe and mine free from giving your Lordship any cause
of exception. What passed betwixt you and my father I am not
able to answer for, I being then so young that I was, and am still,
ignorant of any particulars. I hope this businesse will be a
meanes to make your Lordship wholy forgett the quarrells you
have hade with those that can not now answer for themsellves.
I confesse I shall esteeme this alliance one of the greatest happinesses that could befall me, and whensoever your Lordship will
please to intertain a treatie I will expresse my desire in actions
by strayning my fortune to give your Lordship such satisfaction
as I would not do to any other subject the King hath. By
which your Lordship may perceave that howsoever your respects
have beene or shall be to me, yett I desyre nothing more than
to approve my selfe."—Undated. Unsigned, but the last sentence in Salisbury's hand. Draft, corrected by Salisbury. 1¾ pp. (200. 92.) |