Cecil Papers: 1562-1597

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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'Cecil Papers: 1562-1597', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp1-10 [accessed 19 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1562-1597', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online, accessed September 19, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp1-10.

"Cecil Papers: 1562-1597". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1973), , British History Online. Web. 19 September 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp1-10.


Scheme for a Funeral Monument.
[1562]. Drawing of a sepulchral monument in the event of the death of Sir William Cecil and that of his wife, Lady Mildred. The date on the drawing is 1562, and the figures are those of Sir William, Lady Mildred, Thomas Cecil (later 1st Earl of Exeter) and Anne Cecil (later the wife of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford). Certain inscriptions at the base of the monument commemorate the death of three younger Cecil children.
1 sheet (CPM 11. 14.)
[c. 1570]. Map of land between Hoddesdon and Cheshunt, co. Herts. Some of the entries are in Lord Burghley's hand. The map shows certain property at Waltham in the possession of Robert Huycke (? d. 1581). Huycke or Huicke was physician to Henry VIII, Edward VI and Elizabeth, and purchased land at Waltham in 1570. (See CP. Deeds 227/7.)—Undated.
Endorsed: "Hoddesdon, Cheshunt, Waltham." 1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 20.)
Lawrence Smith to Queen Elizabeth.
[c. 1576]. In consideration of many years of service he asks for a lease of all the lands forfeited to the Crown by the conviction for robbery of Richard Cole, of Northway, co. Gloucester, in 1576. He is ready to pay £60 annually as rent, but requests that Cole's life be granted him "in respect that the sayd landes of Coles ys supposed for to bee intayled, whereby your Matie nor any other by your Highnes graunte cannot receave any longer benefytt of the sayde landes then duringe the lyef of the sayde Richard Cole".—Undated.
½ p. (P. 820.)
[See Acts of the Privy Council, 1575–77, p. 186.]
John and William Goodwin.
[1576 or after]. A particular of the estate of John Goodwin, of Muswell Hill, co. Middlesex, who died on December 26, 1575. The property was inherited by his son William, who was 26 years old at the time of his father's death. At the Inquisition post mortem, held on May 22, 1576, "apud le castle in St Johns Strete" in Middlesex, the estate was said to have included Muswell Farm, Muswell Chapel, and cottages and lands held of the manor of East Greenwich, with a total annual value of £9.—Undated.
Signed: William Tooke, auditor. 1½ pp. (P. 2170.)
[c. 1581–82]. Plan of land between Enfield and Tottenham, containing notes in the hand of Lord Burghley. The properties named include Pymmes and Pleasantries acquired by him in 1582 and 1588 respectively. Another named Prior's Grove was leased to him on February 28, 1581–2, by Gabriel Grymston. (See CP. Deeds 238/14.) The map has also a drawing of the Minchendon Oak.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Lands adjacent to Enfield." 1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 27.)
F. Parker to Richard Perceval.
[1583]. December 2. "I have appoynted a frend of myne, one Mr Locksmith, to proceed with the offices after the death of Edward Humberston (fn. 1) and Edward Eyre this vacasion. [Marginal note: Hartford] If any inquier of them (for that I will not be seene in yt) I beseech you to directe them to the peticoner and to him; he is soliciter to Mr Swynnerton, farmer of thimposts in Aldermanburye. Therefore I praie you, make a note for a warrante for writts to Mr Hare, and that you would (if it please Mr Secretarie to graunte the other wards unto my cozen Warde) certifie me thereof by this bearer, and deliver him a note for warrants for the writts that I maie fynd the offices nowe when I am in the country. Also I beseech you, if any speake in Lucas his warde [marginal note: Lincolne] to have a care in it, and if it prove as I verylie hope to doe, I will geve you xxtie marks."—2 December.
Holograph. Addressed: "To the worthy my very good frend Mr Richarde Percyvall, Esquier, at his house in the layne leadinge from Charinge Crosse to St Giles."
⅓ p. (P. 2129.)
William Corbett.
[After December 14, 1584]. A rental of the estate of William Corbett, of Leigh, Salop, deceased. (fn. 2) The lands include the demesne at Leigh, which provide an annuity for his brother Reynold, and tenements situated in Aston Pigot, Asterley, Minsterley, Worthen, Sibdon Carwood, and the manor of Medlicott, in Salop, and Great and Little Hem in Montgomeryshire. The annual value of the estate is £161:4:0½.—Undated.
3 pp. (P. 2170.)
1588, April 4. By an Act of Parliament passed in the 18th year of Queen Elizabeth, it was enacted that two Justices of the Peace within or next to a parish in which an illegitimate child had been born, were authorized to take measures for the maintenance of the child and the punishment of the mother and reputed father. "Fforasmuch as Elizabeth Walshe was of late delivered of a childe at Hatfelde in the countie of Hertford, beinge a bastarde, and as she confesseth it was begotten by one Vincente Brandon, then her Mr late dwellinge at Northemyms in the same countie; and that uppon examination and triall of the circumstances and matters by her declared of that lewid facte it appeareth that the said Brandon is the reputed father of the said bastarde, who for his purgation hath had diverse daies to clere himselfe and faileth therein. It is therefore orderid and adjudged by us Henrie Coningesbie, knight, and William Tooke, esqr, two Justices of the Peace (and beinge of the Quorum) amongest others assigned within the said countie of Hertford and next to the parishe churche wheare the said childe was borne, that the said Vincente Brandon, the reputed father thereof, shall contribute and paie towards the kepinge of the said childe xiid everie weeke from the tyme of the birthe duringe the space of seven yeares, and the mother thereof to discharge the reste duringe the said tyme; and at the ende of the said seven yeares the said Vincente Brandon his executors or assinges to take awaie the said childe from the said parrishe of Hatfelde, so as the said parrishe shall not afterwardes be charged with it. [Marginal note: the money to be paide to the Collectors for the poore within the saide parrishe of Hatfelde for the tyme beinge.] And for the performaunce hereof we do order that the said Vincente Brandon with sufficient suerties shalbe bounde in the somme of twentie poundes unto William Brockett, gent., Clarke of the peace, William Curll, gent., Edmunde Smythe and Raphe Spier, yeomen, or to the survivors of them.
And furthermore we do order and adjudge that the said Elizabeth Walshe, mother of the said childe, shall on Mondaie the viiith of this moneth of Aprill, sitt in the stockes in the churche yarde of Hatfelde aforesaid from vi of the clock in the morninge of the same daie untill the tyme of the begyninge of devine service, and then to be broughte into the churche there havinge a white rodde in her hande, shall stande before the mynister with her face towards the congregation untill the second lesson shalbe reade; and then she shall publiquelie confesse her fault and aske forgevenes of God and of the congregation, and penitentlie desire the minister and the congregation to praie for her. And after devine service ended she shalbe stripped from the waste upwarde and so to be ledd aboute the streates and circuite of the churcheyard wall of Hatfelde, and there severelie whipped and so redelivered to the stocks againe, there to remaine in the stocks untill eveninge praier shalbe ended for an example to others." iiiith of Aprill, 1588.
Note at bottom: to the effect that Brandon gives sureties to perform the order, the bond being made out to the parishioners.
Signed: Harry Conyngesby, William Tooke." 1 p. (200, 185.)
The Earl of Desmond.
1588, August 29. Sessions held at Cork on August 29, 1588, to deal with the lands of the attainted Earl of Desmond, Gerald FitzGerald, within the province of Munster.
15 pp. (366.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIII, p. 382.]
Lord Burghley to Robert Petre.
1588, December 13. "I perceave yow have chested such mony as Mr Stonly and Taylor had in chardg, but I require yow not to suffer them to receave any more, but what so ever may come to be offred to ether of them that yow se it delyvered to the chardg of the other tellers, for untill they shall gyve better answer with mony and not in words, I meane not to accept them for ether tellers or payers. I pray yow observe this and lett the Chauncellor know the same, and move hym to press them to mak payment in dede and not to offer words, for nether he nor I can pacefy the Queens great officer with cold dealyngs in this so lewd a matter." xiii Dec. 1588.
Holograph. ¾ p. (213. 123.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. 111, p. 377.]
Henry Ashley to the Privy Council.
[Before September 5, 1589]. He submits three requests: that the authority by oath be given to Francis Hastings, George Trenchard, Francis Haly and William Gibbs, or any two of them, Hastings to be one; that the Lord Marquis personally conduct the examination of the parties and their witnesses, and report on the same; and that the case be heard at the Council table. He also objects to Thomas Hannam, Lawrence Hide and Christopher Anckitell being nominated commissioners on the grounds that: it is known to some members of the Council that petitioner and his father have been commissioners against Hannam, and that as a result relations between them are none too cordial; Hannam has long been a legal adviser to Sir Matthew Arundell; Lawrence Hide is likewise Arundell's auditor; Anckitell, although an honest gentleman, cannot be considered because "at this tyme he was procured by Sir Mathewe Arundell to com unto me to perswad me to disolve or adjorne the musters, muste nowe there be examined, and therefore in this case not fitt to be a comissioner."—Undated.
On reverse: "Mr Trenchard, Mr Hannam, Mr Hyde, Mr Antyll, Mr Hawley, Mr Fra. Hastings, Mr Gibbes." 1 p. (P. 825.)
[See Acts of the Privy Council, 1589–90, p. 80.]
Mr Wardour.
[c. November, 1589]. Reasons for the invalidation of the grant made to Mr Wardour.
"Ffirst, for taking it by the name of Clericus Thesaur, where in deede there was never any such officer since the erectinge of an undertreasourer, and he that was first undertreasourer was before that Clericus Thesaurar as it wilbe proved, and his office in truth at that tyme in another personne as by the ffee therunto apperteyninge will manifestlie appere.
Next, that it annswereth not in forme any of the grauntes made to his predecessors.
Further, that because he arougateth to hym selfe by his said graunte an authoritie to lay owt and allowe of the Quenes treasure for all kinde of necessaries expended in the receipt, the whiche he that graunted hym the patent coulde or wolde not dar with owthe the Quenes spetiall warrante.
Next, for that he taketh uppon hym by the said graunte the Tellers office to make contentes of the money, to put his seale to the bagges and chestes, etc.
Lastlie, for that he hath it with an expresse ffee that none of his predecessors ever had and under the Lorde Treasurers seale at armes, his predecessors having the same time . . ." [partly illegible].—Undated.
Endorsed: "Allegations for the annihilating of Mr Wardours patent." 1 p. (P. 2227.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIII, p. 417.]
Sir Thomas Heneage to Queen Elizabeth.
[1589 or before]. "That your Maty shold mislike me is my unwillynge fawte and my wurst fortune, which I finde by your wordes, must confesse by my lackes, and suerly wold faine forgoe by my labor. But nether any of my deserts nor all my desire hetherto hath enabled me to contynew your Mats favor, or to avoyde the contrary. My bitter experiens prooves yt, specially in matters of Parliament whear nether heartofore my best speeche with my most burden for your Highnes coold be thought worthe thanks, nor now my silens can stand withowt blame. Moch more happy be they that by popular speeches can purchase credyt in the world and by partiall reportes procure favor from your Highnes. Howbeit, I wold never coome by happines with soch condityons nor seek ether ii strings to my bowe nor ii bowes for one marke. For I will never shoote but to serve your Maty alone, leavyng divers markes for conynger archers, whether I save or lose. To doe all thinges that might be most acceptable to your Maty is that the honestest seeke but the wisest can not find. And yet my selfe that is so unsufficyent, if I wear sometymes warranted of your Highnes will by your wordes, I coold doe better than offend you, thoe not so well as to content you. Which grace if it be thought to great for me, yt might yet please your Matie of your goodnes, when men of more consideratyon and of your Cowncell (fn. 3) shall say nothing with your favor, not to impute it as a fawte that I shew not my follye, I mean to speake sodenly in soch causes as by some experyens I can telle yow may be better served in with sylens. As for your Mats sharpest speeches, I acknowledge with all humblenes it becoomes me to beare them, tho it be reputed to other a matter of prayes that was reckoned to me in way of reproche. And thus will I conclude: whatsoever be the cause that the dogge must be strycken, I can best assure your Matie he will nether breake cheyn nor coller but byde at your feete."—Undated.
Holograph. 1⅓ pp. (114. 38.)
Court of the Admiralty.
1591 to 1604. List of names, possibly of those who were involved in legal proceedings in the Court of the Admiralty.
128 pp. (243. 2.)
1593, April 1. A letter from Captain Francisco de Arcola Vergara, alderman (regidor) of the Island of Tenerife and Governor of the naval fortress of Santa Cruz, to Dr Pedro Farfan, judge, Florian de Mansilla, Dr Juan de Quesada and Fray Juan de Aguirra. They are authorized to arrange a meeting with the King at the Court with a view to recommending that Vergara be nominated Captain of Tenerife.—San Cristobal in the Island of Tenerife, April 1, 1593.
Spanish. 1 p. (205. 66.)
1593, June 28. A letter from Doctor Pedro Farfan in recommendation of Lope de Vallejo, alderman (regidor) in the Island of Palma.—Madrid, June 28, 1593.
Spanish. 1 p. (205. 66a.)
Henry Damstorff to the Lord Treasurer.
[Before September 25, 1593]. Mr Sebastian a Bergen has asked petitioner to approach him on his behalf to obtain "cassationem repressaliorum Georgii Leakii" under the Great Seal, accompanied by letters from the Privy Council, as promised by the Judge of the Admiralty, for the restitution of the £234 which Leake has already received. Leake's whereabouts are unknown and the plague is becoming more virulent from day to day. Bergen proposes to delegate full authority to Herman Langerman, merchant of the Steelyard, to prosecute Leake for the repayment of the money. Bergen also requests that no commission of reprisal be granted to Peter Gerrard against the Hamburgers, since the Judge of the Admiralty has informed him that Gerrard is not desirous of any such commission, nor, in the Judge's opinion, can he legitimately claim one. Finally, Bergen asks that both Leake and Gerrard be persuaded to rest satisfied with what law and justice shall award them at Hamburg.—Undated.
Endorsed: "The humble petition of Henry Damstorff of the Stillyard." 1 p. (P. 1973.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1591–94, p. 373.]
William Ball to the Privy Council.
[? 1593]. Three years ago petitioner married the sister of James Reynolds. He discovered that the greatest part of her estate was in ready money, but that it had been borrowed from her by her brother who had not troubled to give her bonds or receipts, or arranged for witnesses to be present at such transactions. Moreover he declined to make a full reckoning of his debts to her for more than two years. Eventually, at Lord North's house last Christmas, petitioner and Reynolds agreed to approach Lord North and request him to adjudge the matter between them. He showed himself willing to do so on condition that both parties stated their respective cases and demands on paper. This was done, and after due examination and discussion, it was decided, following upon pressure by Reynolds, that out of an estimated £341 he should be asked to repay only £230. Reynolds faithfully promised Lord North and petitioner on his word as a gentleman that he would implement the agreement. Now he refuses to honour it on the grounds that it was not formulated in strictly legal terms. Petitioner asks that Cecil oblige him to do so, especially as he obtained all that he demanded, and gave his word to an eminent person like Lord North.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1790.)
[See Acts of the Privy Council, 1592–93, pp. 487–8.]
Richard Young and John Ellis.
[Before 1594]. Certificate to the effect that Richard Young held a messuage in Stratford at Bowe in April, 1590; that his son-in-law, John Ellis, agreed to subscribe with him to a bond for the payment of Young's debt of £1200 to Reynold Tardiff, (fn. 4) and that in consideration of this Young conveyed the messuage to John Ellis. For the past two years Ellis has been residing on the estate, and to strengthen his title to it Young releases himself absolutely from all rights to the property.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Mr Ellis." ⅓ p. (P. 2340.)
Baynham versus Ashley.
[? c. May, 1594]. A note to the effect that Baynham has been granted in reversion for 31 years the demesne of the manor of Allington, and the best part of the manors of Maidstone and Boxley. Ashley desires to purchase a part of the manor of Boxley, but will have to pay heavily for it "unles hir Matie please to have the more gratious consideration of him onely becawse he nor his children shoulde not be molested hereafter by his adversaries whoe pretended to further the Queens title and gett to him selfe this commodious grant". Baynham has the manor house of Boxley and is alleged to have cut down some of the Crown's woods there, whereas it is denied that Ashley has felled any trees but those for which he has paid.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2370.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. IV, pp. 538–9, and PRO. Depositions of the Exchequer, Kent, 30/31 Elizabeth, Mich. 19.]
Sir William Dansell.
[? c. May, 1595]. Details of the allowance granted to Sir William Dansell, late Receiver-General of the Court of Wards, which amounted to £210.—Undated.
Signed: Walter Tooke, auditor. ⅓ p. (P. 2209.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. V, p. 222.]
Humphrey Plessington to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[After October 25, 1595]. He has been given the wardship of Henry Farr of Burstead, co. Essex. Next Monday he is to bring a case in the Court of Wards against Pease and others for committing waste on his ward's property. He understands that Cecil will not be present in the Court that day, and asks him to speak to the Attorney on his behalf.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1337.)
[See PRO. Wards 9/348.]
[? 1595]. Map of Redrith (Rotherhithe), co. Surrey between the River Thames and Long Mead. Certain places are shown, such as, "Pickeringes", "Nashe", a limekiln and other buildings and fields. In 1595 a lease was granted to Carpenter of Pickering, Nashe and Samshore. (See CP. Legal 24/16).—Undated.
Endorsed: "Bermondsey" and in another hand: "A survey or plotte of Pickeringe and Nashe, Redrith". 1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 49.)
John Curtis.
[1595–96]. "The Sheriffe havinge her Mats wrytt of execution to enter into a howse and to putt an other man into the possession therof (which howse is purposelie kepte with greate force againste him by manie desperate persons soe that he dare not enter), he requireth A.B. (A justice of the Peace) to aide and asiste him, and uppon theire approchinge unto the saide howse the said Sheriff readeth his wrytt unto them, and useth perswasions with them and all other the good meanes he maie by two longe howers that they shoulde avoid out of the same, wherbye he mighte make execution therof accordinge to her Mats comandement; whoe obstenatelie refuse to doe the same and answere that they will sooner loose theire lives then the possession, and then they thretten the saide Sheriffe and A.B. of theire lives and throwe greate stones, shoote arrowes and also gonns at them, wheruppon the saide Sheriffe and A.B. sett uppon them, and a servant of the saide A.B. (beinge farre of from the saide A.B. and without his privytie) killeth one of them with a gonne.
The question is whether the killing of this rebellious person be murther or manslaughter or justifiable by the saide A.B. and his servant or by anie of them."—Undated.
Endorsed: "The case upon the deathe of John Curtys." ¾ p. (P. 2292.)
[See Acts of the Privy Council, 1595–96, pp. 228–9, 239–40, 247–8.]
William Claxton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[September 1596 or later]. He is an apprentice in Newcastleon-Tyne, and since April 13 last has been in prison, where he was committed by the Mayor and other magistrates of the town. Their reason for doing so was the suspicious arrival of a letter from France addressed to him but delivered into their hands, but of which he knew nothing until it was shown to him at his examination. He denies knowledge of the identity of the sender, neither was he ever at the place from which it was sent, nor knows any living person there. Petitioner can only assume that it is part of a conspiracy to discredit him in the town. After suffering five months of close detention, and despite the efforts of his master and others to have him released, the Mayor and other magistrates refuse to do so without instructions from Cecil. He begs that letters be sent to them authorizing a re-examination of the case, and that he be dealt with according to his guilt or innocence.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1797.)
[His indenture as apprentice is dated June 24, 1595. He was transferred to a second master in January, 1596 and to a third on April 27, 1598. [See Newcastle Merchant Adventurers, Vol. II, p. 223. (The Surtees Society, No. 101.)]
— to Philip II, King of Spain.
[? 1596]. A petition describing how the English forces took possession of the city of Cadiz, and seized a number of prominent men and women from whom they demanded a ransom of 120,000 ducados. Fifty of the prisoners, most of them clerics, were shipped to England because they did not pay the money asked of them by their captors. Petitioners request the King that instead of sending the Fathers of the Order of Our Lady of Mercy and of the Trinity to the territories of the Moors, he dispatch them to England to effect the release of the above-mentioned fifty prisoners.—Undated.
Spanish. Imperfect. 2 pp. (205. 65.)
Robert Smith to Sir Robert Cecil.
[Before 1597]. By means of forgeries and perjuries Robert Harrison, of Ely, with the connivance of William March (fn. 5) of the same town, has succeeded in depriving petitioner of his estate. Others have suffered the like treatment at his hands, and petitioner proposes to submit a petition to the Privy Council since no course by law is open to him. He asks Cecil to view his case with sympathy and favour.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 364.)
Sir Francis Willoughby.
[1597]. "My true and just conceipt, as farr as my understandinge can judge, of the valew of the wardshipp and lease of her Mats parte of the land duringe the mynoritie, protestinge that I will sett it downe no lesse but rather more then I judge it to be worthe, and would nott in that pointe abuse so honorable a frend for x soche wards." There follows an evaluation of the lands of the late Sir Francis Willoughby which have been conveyed to his heir Perceval Willoughby and to his widow, and out of which an allowance is to be made for the maintenance and inheritance of the seven daughters of Sir Francis. An estimate is also given of the provision left to Frances Willoughby, the ward and one of the daughters, who has been awarded no marriage portion and very little inheritance in land. It is signed by Michael Molyns, who adds the further information that Sir Francis had sold much of his estate before his death and mortgaged a certain portion of it to Lady Arbella, all of which is to be excluded from the benefits which the Crown may expect from the wardship. —Undated.
Endorsed: "Mr Fra. Willoughby. Richard Bolton of Little Bolton in Lanc." 1⅓ pp. (P. 2298.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. VII, pp. 233, 493, 545, and Vol. XIV, pp. 27–8.]
West March between England and Scotland.
[1597]. Map of part of Dumfriesshire and Cumberland referred to as "the debatable ground between England and Scotland." —Undated.
Endorsed: "1597". 1 sheet. (CPM 1. 3.)


  • 1. Died in 1583. [See East Herts Archaeological Society Transactions, Vol. X, 1937–39, p. 28 and n.]
  • 2. Died on December 14, 1584. [See PRO, Wards 7, 21/177.]
  • 3. In September, 1589, Heneage himself was made Privy Councillor.
  • 4. Probate of his will granted in 1594. [See Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, Vol. IV, 1584–1604, p. 407.]
  • 5. Probate of his will granted in 1597. [See Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, Vol. IV, 1584–1604, p. 276.]