Cecil Papers: June 1586

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1586', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp143-148 [accessed 11 February 2025].

'Cecil Papers: June 1586', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 11, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp143-148.

"Cecil Papers: June 1586". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 11 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp143-148.

June 1586

278. Sir Francis Walsingham to —.
1586, June 1. In the articles of the treaty subscribed by their Majesties, it is specially ordered in the 9th article, that the Princes shall send their Commissioners within six months after the ratification of the league, to hear and determine of such injuries and controversies as have grown on the borders since this King's government. Because it is intended that the same shall now be done at this meeting of Commissioners, in the reducing of these articles into the form of other treaties, that 9th article is purposely omitted as needless, and impertinent to be inserted in the league. And to the intent there may be no obstacle or hindrance in the service, by reason of any defect in the commissions of either side, sends enclosed the copy of her Majesty's commission, which he wishes to be showed, that they then may come furnished with the like from that King, and that they may accomplish the contents of that 9th article presently, so as these extraordinary causes being compounded, the ordinary course of justice may proceed by the frequent meetings of the wardens of each border, to the “reciproque” comfort of the subjects of both realms. And to the end the Commissioners may not spend long time in this treaty, to their own charges and the charges of the Princes from whom they are sent, it has been thought meet that the treaty should be reduced in some form, and delivered to the Earl of Rutland and the Lord Ewers. Whereof he sends a copy, which may be communicated unto the Secretary; which containeth two articles, it is conceived here, that they will not dislike of. “But, if they should, it were good that you and I, before the meeting, by our mutual letters, should consider hereof, and take some course for the removing of the difficulties.” —From the Court, 1 June 1586.
1 p.
Annexed :—Copy of the 9th article; with a note. Latin.
1 ¼ p.
Underneath :— “A passport to the Commissioners.”
279. The Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas.
1586, June 6. Since writing his last, has received a letter from the Earl of Leicester, a copy of which he sends in order that he may advise him thereon. Perceives by it that Captain Hatherstone has not yet come to my lord, so knows not what to say. Thinks it not needful, however, to be over hasty, and will not again cast himself loose till he be assured. Prays for his advice with speed.—6 June 1586.
1 p.
280. Archibald Douglas to Sir Walter Mildmay, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
1586, June 9. Please receive according to my promise the process of my trial, whereby your honour may judge that my innocency hath been at all times as now it doth appear by the same; albeit I have had many “owerwhartis” in the obtaining thereof, by such “unfriends” as thought my returning in this country might breed some matter to their disadvantage, yet in the end God of his goodness, who is protector of innocents and their innocency, did so favour my just cause that, to their grief and my reputation, I have received the said trial. Whereof I have taken boldness to make you acquainted, but dare not presume to write any discourse of the state of this country, so long as my lord ambassador doth make his abode here, who hath so well travailed in all things that may tend to the benefit of both the realms, that no man can be able to do better, and few so well as he hath done.—From the Court, 9 June 1586.
½ p.
281. T. Fowler to Archibald Douglas.
1586, June 12. The last news from the Low Countries is that Graves is sold to the enemy by the Governor thereof, and was delivered the 29th of the last month, after our computation. My lord, his Excellency, being at the siege of Nineguen, and not two days before, sent a trumpet to the said Governor to know what he wanted, either men, munition, or victual, and it should be relieved. It was answered, that there was not any want, and, with the provision they had, they were able to keep the town till Michaelmas, in despite of the enemy's force. We are in hope that the next news will be that Nimeguen is yielded to his Excellency, for the cannon is brought before it 10 days since, and we shoot murdering pieces into the town when we will; so that they have offered already to yield the town upon certain conditions, which his Excellency hath refused, but will have it in his own will. This you may be sure of to be true : good store of men goes daily over to my lord from hence. Our news of Sir Francis Drake increases daily. The ambassador of Denmark began to enter into matters of marriage by circumstance, but he was secretly advertised that he should do no good, and so wound out of the matter again, and no more spoken of it. For the peace which he dealt in between the Spaniard and her Majesty, he was answered, that when the Spanish King had declared himself desirous of peace, and would yield to such reasonable conditions as might be for her Majesty's safety and honour, the King of Denmark, her good brother, should find her tractable and inclinable to peace, the rather that he, so noble a prince and good friend, persuades her to it. But till the said King of Spain's mind be known therein, she could answer no fairer. Is glad to understand how well Douglas has gone through his business, and recovered himself from the malice of his enemies.—12 June 1586.
P.S.— “My Lord Talbot being presently with me commends him heartily unto you.”
2 pp.
282. The Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas.
1586, June 12–22. Begs him to let him know the state of the country and of his Majesty, all months in Paris depending on the weathercock. Albeit he was very ill used, he wishes him well.—Paris, 22 June (S.N.).
1 p.
283. The Merchant Adventurers to [Lord Burghley].
1586, June 16. Where his lordship had accepted the offer of payment of 10,000l. at Middleborough on 10 July next, and had further demanded the furnishing of 10,000l. more, they state that the latter sum can be furnished, if the day of payment be appointed at Middleborough not before 10 August next.—16 June 1586.
Endorsed by Burghley :—19 June 1586.—To be paid the 10 of August.
½ p.
284. Thomas Randolph to Archibald Douglas.
1586, June 20. I have received your letter, and am sorry that you have been so long from Court, and that I heard no sooner of the King's mind touching the Commissioners' coming, which you say now shall be certainly the 25th of this month, just 7 days after the time determined by the King, and whereof I did assure the Queen, my mistress, by my letters to Mr. Secretary, as of anything that ever the King willed me to write—of what, cost, what grief and charge to their lordships, and muttering and speech is here amongst the gentlemen and such as wish not well to the journey, I would yourself saw or heard. How much my lord of Rutland thinketh himself touched in honour to be thus dealt with (being of that accompt as you know him to be), I leave to yourself to judge.
If by any good means it may be repaired. I pray you let it be done with speed. Until the 25th be past his lordship will slay, bearing a mind to do all good offices that he may, if he find or may be in hope of sound, upright, and honourable dealings, to that good effect and end that is intended by their Majesties. Let there be, therefore, no longer stay in their coming, for surely, if that day pass, they come all too late to find their lordships or any man else to deal with here.
Where you wrote that it pleased his Majesty to acquaint you with some speech that he had received from his secretary, by which appeareth some contrariety in my speech and Mr. Walsingham's writings touching the gentlemen to be delivered, what my words were are contained in the note sent herewith, which only to satisfy your request to show his Majesty and appeal unto himself whether ever I spake other words more or less, but always to this effect that the writing containeth. You shall withal receive the copy of Mr. Secretary's letter, which being compared together, will best show the contrariety that your secretary seemeth so curiously to espy, but let him look better and he shall find none, except I be blind.
If, therefore, you would put on minds to deal plainly, truly, and sincerely, and not draw nor rack our words and writings to other sense than we mean them, no such difficulties would arise as do, nor such scanning of words as I find. Hasten your Commissioners away, and let there be plain, round, and honourable dealings, and you shall find the like; but of cunning skill and craft, though we can see it in others when it is used, yet I assure you, as we condemn it in all men, you shall find none used by us, let matters fall out as they will.—Berwick, 20 June 1586.
½ pp.
285. Thomas Randolph to Archibald Douglas.
1586, June 20. Immediately after I had ended my other letters, home came “Squint-eye Crawe,” whom you kept prisoner longer than I trust you will do Richie Browne, or this bearer.
Where you write assuredly that the King is in no fault that the Commissioners came not at the day appointed, In re non dubia uteris testimoniis non necessariis, for I believe it as well as yourself, and therefore am sorry that such are about him as dare so to deal with him, as to cause him to do both against his word and his honour. And where he allegeth that it was my desire to have the day delayed, being never spoken or meant by me, it was untruely reported. I thank you for procuring the Secretary and others going to Falkland, but am sorry that you are not there yourself, as also of that which you write is promised by the King for redress on the Borders.
Touching the Master of Gray, I hope that both the King, himself, and you are now of another mind than you were of touching his lordship abiding at home, seeing he is now so earnestly desired by Lord Leicester to make haste unto him, which I pray you to further by all the means you can.
As for your desire to have me write to Mr. Secretary that he would give promise unto yourself that the Queen's promise made to the King for the gentlemen should be performed, if that which now I send you (being the very words of Her Majesty's letter to me, with the other from Mr. Secretary, in which no contrariety will be found by them that will rightly judge) will not serve, I will write to Mr. Secretary as you desire; which I have done rather to pleasure you than any other.— Berwick, 20 June 1586.
1 p.
286. William and Jane Shelldie.
1586, June 22. Warrant to the Receiver-General of Hereford and Salop to pay annually to Jane Shelldie wife to William Shelldie, Esq., late attainted of high treason, the sum of 200l. out of the rents, &c. the said William held in right of his wife; and to assign her one of the houses to inhabit in during pleasure. Also, to allow the said William, now in prison, such sums as are accustomed to be paid for prisoners in the Tower, and the yearly sum of 50l. for apparel, &c.—[Greenwich ?], 22 June 1586.
Endorsed :—Enrolled among the Memoranda [L. T. R], Trin. 28 Eliz.
Sign Manual.
1 Membrane.
287. Lynn Regis.
1586, June 24. A certificate of all the grain exported from the port of Lynn Regis during the months of March and April, 28 Elizabeth, the total amount being 24,620 quarters.
7 pp.
288. Thomas Morgan to the Queen of Scots.
1586 June 24/July 4. Received her Majesty's letters of the 20th of May on the 19th of June. Has promised Pietro, for his labours, a prebend in St. Quentin, in her Majesty's name. Recommends Dr. Lewes to deal with the Pope on her behalf. The King of France is grown to marvellous evil conceit amongst all States by reason of his deportments, which exceed all limits; there is here and universally over the realm a murmur among the people, which is like to break out and breed inconvenience.
Urges her by her own pen to talk to the Pope and to the King of Spain with regard to her own position and that of her son. Drake's enterprise has done much for the diversion of the King of Spain's designs. Refers to a league between the Queen of England and her son, and furnishes details of a letter written to her of England by her son. It should seem that she [Elizabeth] hath made him some deceitful assurance of that Crown after her; so as heretics of both realms make their accompt to live in continual heresy under him, and to prefer him before the Queen of Scots to that Crown; whereto, by reason of his evil education and hope to reign a great King, they find him inclined. Means should therefore be devised to bring her son out of Scotland and to recommend him to the care of the Pope and the King of Spain. The Earl of Westmoreland is in distress, and in small hope to have any help in this country; the same Earl will serve some good turn one day, for which purpose it is necessary he be retained. Recommends Abington to her service, who is to be called by the name of Mercier in all her writings to the French ambassador and to Cordaillot.
One Ballard, a priest, is well disposed to her service, but at present followeth matters of consequence, the issue whereof is uncertain. So long as these labours be in hand, it is not for her service to hold any intelligence with him at all, for fear lest he or his partners be discovered. Charles Paget is not returned. Retained her cipher letters for him.— 4 July.
Copy, [Murdin, pp. 520–528. In extenso].
289. Thomas Morgan to the Queen of Scots.
1586, June 29/July 9. Has signified to Mendoza that she would be able with the King of Spain's lively assistance, to make a good party both in England and Scotland to embrace any good enterprise. Furnishes particulars of the state of matters in France. Leicester's affairs in Holland go still backwards; not long since he lost Graves, and now Venloo and 2,500 Englishmen. That Queen has no great confidence in Leicester. Sir Philip Sidney's wife has gone to her husband, who is with Leicester. That Queen going of late to her Church was in the way suddenly stricken with some great fear, that she returned to her chamber, to the “admiration” of all that were present. There is of late some new supply made by sea for the better furniture of Francis Drake; the Earl of Cumberland and Cavendish to be great doers, and at great charges for the setting forward of this supply for Drake; that State doth little apprehend any foreign enterprise. There was a speech of late in London, and given forth by Burghley, that your Majesty was departed this life.—July 9.
P.S.—Advises her if possible not to go out of Staffordshire, which is altogether in her favour. It was told him that she should have come to Mr. John Gifford's house in Staffordshire; the incommodity of the house will be requited by the service of the said Gifford. There be some good members that attend opportunity to do the Queen of England a piece of service, which he trusts will quiet many things, if it shall please God to lay his assistance to the cause, for which he prays daily.
Copy. [Murdin, pp. 528–530. In extenso.]
290. The Earl of Rutland to Lord Burghley.
1586, June 30. At what we stand in the proceedings in this treaty I must refer your lordship to the general letter that is written from us to Mr. Secretary. The King (as I hear) is most willing to this league. His nobility, and specially those who dwell northward, not so well affected. And the alterations that have proceeded from above with you (I mean the putting out of the 9th article), the well affected Scots allege to be the only gap whereby the French and their furtherers have gotten this entry for their delays, which, surely, my lord, would perplex me very much, if I were not wisely and friendly assisted by this our ambassador, whom I find a sufficient match for any of our opposites, who now remain idle with us without doing of any thing, till the King's answer be come; and then, my lord, as we hear, so shall you be advertised. The borders, especially the Middle and East Marches, are in great decay. The Scots have had great justice from England, but they “correspond” again with very little; the relief hereof I refer to your consideration. Country's duty doth enforce my troubling of you with it at this present.—Berwick, 30 June 1586.
P.S.—If your lordship would thank Mr. Randolph for his well dealing in this negotiation with me, I should accept it as a great favour showed unto me.
1 p.
On the back of this letter Burghley has roughly drafted a portion of a letter commencing : “One thing we have omitted in the former part of our letter, for answer to that cavillation, or rather a sophistication of words, in saying that your Commission was dated since the signing of the articles, and for that therein were contained words of tractandi et concludendi” &c., &c.
291. Archibald Douglas.
1586, June. Warrant by the King of Scot for the restoration of Archibald Douglas to his position as one of the Lords of Session.— Dated at Dunfermline the — day of June 1586.
Copy. 1 p.