Cecil Papers: November 1586

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1586', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp190-199 [accessed 15 February 2025].

'Cecil Papers: November 1586', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp190-199.

"Cecil Papers: November 1586". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp190-199.

November 1586

385. David MacGill to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 1. I received your letter from Mr. William Scott, dated 16 October. The King came to this town yesternight. According to your directions, I shall cause more his Grace to stay the passing of any ore forth of the country upon some reasonable narrative : as, minding to find the same in his own country and applying it to his own use, as for making of ordnance and repairing of his houses. Andrew Redpath's ship, wherein you directed me to receive two tuns of beer, has been “pilleit” by the way, and little or none of the beer has come to shore. I know not if the narrative be true, or if it be false, of the skipper and his mariners. They say it is done by Englishmen, that came forth of the river with them. As to the pumps, I pray they may be here with the first commodity. For the pump that Mr. Eustace has presently, albeit it be over short, has been the occasion that there is a great quantity of lead “striking” up of and on the sill; they win daily four or five score [“stunnes” ?] at least. By reason of the winter, carriage comes not so frequent to Leith as it did. There needs no iron-work to be sent with the pumps, for that can be very well done here. I have better health, yet I look for such preservative as you may furnish me. I have caused make three barrels, to be sent by the first ship that comes to London—the assay of the lead ore. You shall have one of them of a new mine found in Crawfurd, the one since your departure. I send the assay in sundry barrels that you may direct them (if you think expedient) to divers parts, as well to Spain and Portugal as to Italy.—Edinburgh, 1 November 1586.
Holograph. 1 p.
386. The Earl of Angus to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 4. His servant John Douglas, having been lately at London in traffic of merchandize, has had the misfortune to be “pillied” by certain English pirates. Prays that he may have redress, or the poor man will be utterly undone.—Edinburgh, 4 November 1586.
Signed. ½ p.
387. The Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 6. I received this 5 of November yours of the 27 of October, having been long by the way, but I am assured you have of mine twice since the writing of yours. Before I answer your letter I must regret with you my hard fortune in the loss of my dear friend and brother Sir Philip Sidney; the most sorrowful death that ever I heard of in my time; for, beside a friend whom I loved well, I lose all my expectation, together with the great charges that I have borne, only for desire to have his company, which I craved indeed by all means possible. And now I must confess the truth, he and I had that friendship, that moved me to desire to such my voyage of the Low Countries. But now, I mind not to go, although I might have great advancement by it, and greater than ever I did see by it. Therefore, now, since it has pleased God to call on that man, I content myself to live at home. But it is not unknown to you how far that matter has run me under seas, therefore, to the end it be not said that I have served a thankless master, I pray you remember there that some consideration be had, otherwise I am the less obliged for my particular suit. Do in it as you think expedient. Remember how many enemies I have “conqueist” here for England's cause, how I have hazarded my life, spent my gear foolishly, and the thing I love best, the credit I have with my master, put in “brangle” for their cause. Now, Sir, the thing that grieves me most is, that I have employed for the Queen's service of the Low Countries so many of my friends and servants as would do for me, which employment is turned a debauchery. Therefore, as ever you loved me, and as that Queen would I continued to do her service, you shall press her to write earnestly in favour of the poor distressed gentlemen; and, seeing I am not willing now but to stay myself, that they be well used, and not made slaves of as they are. And remember one Captain John Scrygeon [? St. John], who is my kinsman and servant, and Captain Weddell, and Hamilton, and Colville. This, I pray you, remember in particular.
If in this I find favour, Her Majesty shall find me as willing a servant as ever I was before; if not, I may well lament I cannot amend; but I have had a hard fortune in bestowing my service evil. This is all I can or will write of this matter, till Captain Hatherston come there, who shall be at you within eight days, for that I cannot be there so soon, and Lord Leicester has written to me that his lordship is to be there about the 15th instant, so that I mind Captain Hatherston shall meet him there, and shall offer a just “compt” for all my disbursements. Now, Sir, for your last letters. The King, being ready to ride to hunting, had not leisure to see all, but read your letter; and where he found first of the Queen's good mind towards his mother, he was glad, but after, where you say that it shall rather consist in the Lords of Parliament than in the Queen's self, he thinks that very doubtful. And, therefore, he commanded me to write very effectually to you to be instant in that matter, as in like manner to William Keith, whom his Majesty has commanded to impart all he has to do first with you. As for the next part of your letter. where you crave to have some instructions from the King for dealing with the Lords of Parliament, the King's answer was, that William Keith's instructions served for you and him both, as indeed they do. Where before I pressed you with a prest of money, now I crave only that, in place of the prest, your lordship deal with Her Majesty for favourable letters for the entertainment of my poor distressed men in the Low Countries. This is all I crave. And I protest, before God, it is 5,000 crowns out of my way, beside the many good fellows it has “wrakit.” I shall see by this the good will of the Queen, for, by God, if she suffer my poor men to beg, being employed for her service, I shall think no less. Do as far as in recompence appertaineth a good fellow.
For my own particular you are a seeing witness. I have done her good service. But I am not the first has been hurt for good meaning. I pray you with all diligence send me word of the estate there. I am still pressed by his Majesty to enterprise this commission for his title; hardly shall I ever eschew it but to my great disgrace. Therefore, send me your opinion in it, for the excuse I pretended as I wrote to you, 27 of October, is away, in respect my Lord Leicester is to come over, and I myself to stay. And I have laid this ground, to obey the King in all points, seeing the other “moyen,” to be forth of the country with forces, has failed me.
And seeing, I perceive, foreign princes only seek their advantage of men, and use them as “Auld bouttis” [old boots], I shall be the more willing to serve the Prince who loves me, and at this hour I have no comfort but that I praise God I have my master's favour.
I shall be loth in my time ever to put it in hazard for any prince's pleasure. Would to God I could get again byegones! Because the letter is long. I recapitulate. The King has commanded me to desire you deal for his mother; in that to advertise him with celerity what falls forth. William Keith's instructions to serve for both. For myself, in place for to deal with her Majesty for a prest of money, deal to have her letters in favour of my poor men. Deal in my own suit as ye think expedient; the devil that ever it did me good, if I have not backed it dear. The ship wherein my beer came is “peilzeit,” beer and all “trit.”—From Court, 6 November 1586.
Annexed :
[P.S.]—Send me word by your next how William Heath behaves himself towards me there, in respect of his promise at parting [to be] of good behaviour both towards you and me. When either Captain Hatherston or your nephew, young Whittingham, come to you, which shall be shortly, you shall hear what I have heard of you. I shall keep nothing from you. Men have mystery to sit “sikar.” I assure your enemies were never so busy, nor yet mine. If that Queen do no better in things to the King than I find her minded, by God she will deceive herself! And, for myself, if I find such usage as hitherto I have received, the Devil learn her. I know of late, since she wrote to me, she has spoken very evil of me, but I intended to acknowledge it, and you shall not forget it, except it be amended. I think it very good ye deal as earnestly in William Keith's negotiation as himself, for it is the King's pleasure, and, seeing I see her life will not be taken, rather win part of the thanks for it than otherwise; and I am of the opinion ye may win the gentleman to be yours beyond our Secretary. I would not write to my Lord of Leicester, because I think he is not yet come to England. But, if he be present, my service to his lordship, and shew him that I shall see him, if it were expressly. The “arrminstis” (?) lords are busy, but I believe they shall be found snifflers. There is greater fraternity than ever betwixt the Secretary and Master of Glamis.
5 pp.
388. William Scott to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 8. Touching the recovery of some merchandize lost by him.—Edinburgh, 8 November 1586.
Holograph. 1 p.
389. The Laird of Restalrig to Archibald Douglas.
[1586 or 7] Nov. 8. The occasion that your horse and hawks come not, as you write for, was by the sickness, of Hopwood, who has been extreme sick this 14 weeks. They are in readiness, both the goshawks and nag.
I would you should direct any man to receive them. We had many to and fro with the Earl of Bothwell ere he was gotten to the pass he is at. At the rendering of the Castle, Robert Hamilton of Inchmechghan came forth, and was stealing his way through the park, and, awaited upon by some of the Laird of Mains (?) friends, was overtaken and slain by the Laird of Weston and William Hume, younger, and some others, at a combat upon the gate of Stirling, betwixt John Chesham and Mungo Edwinston; Mungo is slain, shot through the head. The other fled, being chased, and won the highroad hardly. There is a little strife among the Lords who should be Chancellor. The Master of Glamis would have had it, but my Lord Hamilton will get it. I find little friendship to my Lady Sowey (?) and her bairns with them. You shall blame me afterwards if they agree all well till Candlemas. But I regard the less, for I hope in God, whatever matters come about, that your lordship now shall be well.—Dunglas, 8 November.
Holograph. 1 p.
390. James Murray to Aarchibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 9. Finding the sufficiency of this bearer, your good friend, Mr. Nelbon, I thought good to write, &c. I was minded to write to Mr. Welthingham and Mr. Randall, but remit that to your advice. If you think he, Mr. Welthingham, should speak himself, or desire the Queen's Majesty to speak to Willaim Heyt, if he be present there, I think it would do no harm.
As for nouvelles, I can well none at this present. The estate of the country is quiet, but it is not thought it will be long so, for in all quarters there is privy trystings amongst the noblemen, which raises a general suspicion of the Papists and Jesuits' beginning to avow them — selves more plainly nor ever before, which makes a great misliking among the Ministers and the Kirk. Some sufficient discreet person should be directed to remain here; one who had experience both of the estate of this country and of the persons should accompany him. I fear there was never greater need to hold us in good order. Mickle depends on the estate of the Queen's Majesty and her standing, &c. Holyrood House, the 9th of November 1586.
391. The Provost, &c. of Edinburgh to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 9. Complaining of the frequent piracy of England, and referring particularly to the seizure of goods in a ship of Leith called the “Scoutt.” whereof Andrew Redpath was Master. It was intercepted by and English pirate at Flamborough Head, and taken into Burlington Bay, and there spoiled. Pray him to intercede with her Majesty and her Council in the matter, that the losers may have their own restored to them.—Edinburgh, 9 November 1586.
Signed :—Wm. Litill, Provost; Alex. Udnatt, Baillie; John Robertson, Baillie; J. Arnott, Baillie; Michael Gilbert, Baillie.
Seal. 1 p.
392. Lord Provand to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 10. Referring to his losses sustained from the English pirates, Secretary Walsingham promised that he should be helped by a licence of corn or drinking beer, if no other means were found for writer's satisfaction. Prays Douglas to travail with Mr. Secretary in his suit. Writer's father-in-law and wife commend themselves to Douglas.—Edinburgh, 10 November 1586.
Seal. 1¼ pp.
393. The Master of Gray to Aarchibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 10. The King begins to think that he has done more for the Queen there and that country than he has received any great appearance of good meaning. Is of opinion that, if franker meaning and dealing be not used towards him, he will at length be moved to run some other course. Has taken the resolution to serve his Majesty faithfully and first. Lord Leicester has sent at divers times an offer of the “propriety” of the Low Countries, to the King, and craves an answer. He will not accept it without the Queen's good will. Asks for his frank opinion as to the suit for the King's title; the King now begins to apprehend that matter very fair. [This is all I can write to you for the present in matters of Estate. Now rests somewhat to touch to you the matters of the Low Countries, and to pray you to press her Majesty for her favourable letters for the entertainment of such as are already there, otherwise, his Majesty shall retire the whole number of his subjects. I think my Lord be not there as yet, but, when he comes, I pray you insist with him for the bearer's particular. I need not to recommend it unto you, but I have written for him to the Earl of Leicester. You will send me word of William Keith's proceedings there, for I have not heard from you, nor him either, since his parting. The last letters sent here by Mr. Secretary Walsingham, and subscribed by some of the Council, move little the King against Claud Hamilton, but now I think he shall desire to know the verity, for Claud is in this town, and I am to put his Majesty in remembrance.]—Holyrood House, 10 November 1586.
Holograph. Four small Seals. 3 pp.
[Murdin, pp. 571–2. In extenso, with the exception of the passage given above between square brackets.]
394. Mons. Brulart to Mons. de Courcelles.
1586, Nov. 12/22. Il y a quelque temps qua je vous ay faict une dépesche, avec une letter pour le Roy d'Escosse, luy recommandant sa Mate qu'il ayt à ambrasser la protection de la Royne. Et considérant sa Mate combien ce faict toucher au dit Roy d'Escosse à sa réputation, comme il faict aussy à la sienne, elle desire que à toutes occasions vous luy parlez de cest affaire, et le pressez d'y faire ces bons offices que l'on doibt espérer de l'amitié que ung fils bien nay est tenu de porter à sa mère. Et quant toutes ces considérations ne le mouvoient poinct, il doibt penser à ce qui concerne le particulier de sa proper personne, laquelle sera comme j'estime moings asservée sa mère estant morte, que tant qu'elle vivra.—St. Germain en Laye, 22 Novembre 1586.
¾ p.
395. Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 13. Letter from Sir Henry Woodrington, Marshal and deputy-governor of Berwick, to all justices of the peace, mayors, sheriffs, head-boroughs, &c., requiring them to cause Mr. Archibald Douglas (sent by the King of Scots with letters to her Majesty) to be provided with “two able and sufficient post-horses and a guide, at prices reasonable.”—Berwick, 13 November 1586.
Seal. 1 p.
396. Sir Francis Walsingham to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 14. I beseech your lordship to hold me excused for that I deferred speaking with Mr. Keith and you, whereunto I was of necessity forced, being most earnestly entertained with business concerning mine own private estate. I will not fail at my next coming to London (which I hope will be shortly) to give your lordship knowledge thereof, to the end we may at that time have conference together.—From the Court, 14th of November 1586.
¼ p.
397. The Earl of Shrewsbury to Lord Burghley.
1586, Nov. 17. I have received your letters of the 12th and 13th whereby I find myself beholding unto your Lordship for your good remembrance of me, with the proceeding of the foul matters of the Scots Queen, sentence whereof I understand by your lordship is given and confirmed, and for execution to be had according. I perceive it now resteth in her Majesty's hands. For my own part I pray that God may so inspire her heart to take that course as may be for her Majesty's own safety, the which I trust her Majesty's grave wisdom will wisely foresee, which in my counsel cannot be without speedy execution.
After my physic I find some ease of my extreme pain, but I am now in such weakness that I am not able to stir forth of my chamber, &c.—Orton Longville, this 17th of November 1586.
¾ p. [Murdin, p. 572. In extenso.]
398. Lord Provand to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 18. Wrote before, by Douglas's cousin, young Whittingham, about his loss, committed by the pirates of England, and prays remembrance thereof, if any occasion of payment of the loss may be had. Thomas Stewart, the bearer, has some wares appertaining to him and writer to be brought home, therefore prays Douglas to obtain him that favour, that his coffer may be permitted to pass to Lynn, and there to be customed, seeing what danger it is to any to ship any good wares in the river of Thames.—Edinburgh, 18 November 1586.
Seal. 1 p.
399. John Dorvall.
1586, Nov. 20. Warrant remitting the moiety of a sum of 327l., taken by the Searcher at the port of Rye from one John Dorvall of Newhaven in Normandy, who had embarked the said sum, in angels, in a passenger's boat, to transport the same beyond the seas contrary to law. Recites that the French ambassador had shown that the offence was committed unwittingly, by one unacquainted with the laws.—Richmond Manor, 20 November 1586.
Sign Manual at head.
1 sheet.
400. The Provost, &c. of Edinburgh to Archibald Douglas
1586, Nov. 21. Thanking for his care, diligence and success in the matter of Andrew Redpath's ship, of which the goods had been “pilleit.”—Edinburgh, 21 November 1586.
Seal. Six signatures.
1 p.
401. Lord Burchley to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 21. My Lord,—Whereas her Majesty understandeth that you and you colleague, Mr. Keith, require to be resolved in a question concerning the King of Scots, your Sovereign, upon the proceeding against the Queen of Scots, his Majesty's mother, her pleasure is that you both shall receive answer thereto, if you please, to morrow, here at my house, in the afternoon. And, to that end, I do heartily require you both to take a homely dinner at my house, where you both shall be very heartily welcome, though not by any plenty of meat, but of good will, and I trust with satisfaction and good resol[ution of] your doubt. This Monday at night 21 November 1586.
Holograph. ¾ p.
Modern copy of preceding.
402. The Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 23. I received both yours dated 13th and 20th of this month. The King nor no man ever believed the matter would have gone so far. Do your honest duty in all matters according to the obligation you owe to your master's service. The King has commanded me to set down to you and his other Ambassador both his intent, deeply touching his mother, as also the opinion of all his people. And first for himself, he thinketh the matter so far toucheth his honour that he cannot but deal more earnestly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and if her life be touched, or her blood meddled with, he can no longer remain on good terms with the Queen or estate of that realm. He will find it hard to keep peace with the realm if her life be touched. For remedy of this matter he wills you by your private moyen and credit and his authority, to see if you can learn if they intend to come in capitulation for her life, if so . . . . . . . he will find . . . . . . . . . some nobleman fit for the purpose, &c. Therefore let him know your opinion by the first commodity, to the end he may use the best expedient, for he is very careful that the whole world should see his good mind and honest inclination on this point. I never saw all the people so willing to concur in any thing as in this same. His borrowings, &c. are to give him a taxation for the employment of an ambassador. They that hated most her prosperity regret her adversity. Wm. Keith wrote very honestly of you to the King. But the King has been very evil informed anent this matter, &c.—Holyrood House, this 23 of November 1586.
Very much damaged.
403. J. Gray to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 26. I regret that I has not the honour to receive any small advertisement of your lordship since your departure. His Majesty's good will continues with you in the old manner, who, so oft ever I remember you to his Majesty, he hath very loving and favourable speeches of you, and accompts of you as one of the most wise in his country. But I think your lordship does not well that writes so seldom to his Majesty; of whatsoever small importance they be, he is glad to hear news. His Majesty hath received by these late advertisements greater contentment nor of before. I pray God all succeed happily, I doubt not you will bear yourself so as justly in your behaviour there shall be no occasion of jealousy. The world is evil, “absentes has ever bak-frendes,” but do well and dread nought.—Holyrood House, 26 November 1586.
Holograph. 1 p.
404. [Archibald Douglas and W. Keith] to the [King of Scots.]
1586, Nov. 26. Albeit we have not been negligent in dealing with such counselors as were somewhat slandered in these last proceedings, wherein by commandment we entered, yet we had no audience of her Majesty until this 26 of November, where we delivered the letter given to James Hudson, together with such speeches as by direction we were commanded to use. At the first, this Queen uttered some hard speeches, alleging that she would not be boasted by no worldly prince, and also did affirm that whosoever thought it meet to boast her should be deceived, as by proof would shortly appear, because she had already through occasion thereof given out a commission for execution of the “decreit” given against her own kinswoman, which otherwise she would not have done, and that, therefore, she could give no assurance to the contrary; but, that the said execution was already performed.
These and some other cholerick speeches being uttered, we prayed her Majesty to consider of that letter wherein she said the boasting was contained, and that your Majesty's meaning was no other thereby but to give information to her what was spoken of before your Majesty. After some reasoning it was her pleasure to become somewhat more tractable, and did promise that she would give the hearing to any that should come from your Majesty, because she could not believe that this late dealing, not very prince-like, as she termed it, did come of your Majesty's self, because if your Majesty did rightly consider how you should use her, she could not think that it was your welfare to misuse such, of whom your Majesty might look for so great good as the world thought you might look for to come from her. She refused to send a safe-conduct other than that which they had received at Berwick. But by such speech as she delivered and such answer as we have received . . . . .
Rough draft, corrected. 1¼ pp.
405. The Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 27. Because the King sent William Keith away in haste, and both his opinion and yours was that some nobleman should be sent there, his Majesty is resolved to send a nobleman and two of his Council. As yet he can scarce resolve whom to send, but has dealt with Earl Bothwell and myself very urgently. As yet I have refused, but have taken me to advise. Refuse I, the King shall think I know already what shall come of things; so that, if she die, he shall not fail to quarrel me for it; live she, I shall have double harm. Refuse I not, but enterprise the voyage, if she die, men shall think I have lent her a part, so that I shall live under that slander; and, live she by my travail, I bring a staff to my own head, or at the least shall gain little thanks I pray you do what you can to make mattes abide our coming. have been here very plain, and plainer than reason would in respect of the way I send them. I pray you to gain that young William Keith, for he may do good, and I perceive he writes reasonable well of you, at the least to me, and to the King himself, yet the King has a vehement suspicion, which satisfy, I pray you, by your next. [As for my own particular, do in it as you think good, I care it not “mickil.” But pray you, as you love my honour, to deal earnestly for my poor men in Flanders, for I am evil used and, as God lives, be they not better used I shall have amends. If I cannot keep the use I shall keep thrusting; for it does me more displeasure than anything I ever enterprised. I stay my “komptis” now till my own coming. Once again I pray you do diligence for it. I thank you for the money given to Thomas Tyrie. I shall, God willing, satisfy it at my coming thither. So I commit you to God, this 27 of November 1586.]
Holograph. 3 pp.
[Murdin, pp. 573, 574. In extenso, with the exception of the passage given above between square brackets.]
406. Jo. Shairpe to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 28. Recommending his friend Adam Fullerton, the bearer, having to do where he may be helped by Douglas.—Edinburgh, 28 November 1586.
¼ p.
407. Sir William Davison to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 29. I have sent you herein enclosed this greater packet with the two lesser, which I received this morning from Sir Henry Woodrington, which when you have visited, if there be anything fit for our knowledge, we shall be glad to understand thereof.—At Richmond, this 29th of November 1586.
¼ p.
408. Sir John Selby to Archibald Douglas.
1586, Nov. 29. Touching the late fray that happened betwixt Sir Cuthbert Collingwood and my son, whereof I have somewhat written in my former letters, the truth thereof was in this manner. Before my son came nigh the place where Sir Cuthbert was not known of him, the said Sir Cuthbert was alighted in the way with his whole company, and divers of their swords drawn; my son riding on his way, and perceiving them alighted, and standing in that manner with his company, alighted, and in his alighting they shot their pistols at him. Notwithstanding this injury offered, my son, loath to bring all that company in trouble, came to parley, and in a manner agreed to leave for that present. Notwithstanding, in my son's return and his company to their horses, some of Sir Cuthbert's company discharged two more pistols at him. The one of them struck a horse of one of his company through the head, which was the only cause of that which happened, which chanced only in their own defence. There were divers of my son's company taken, who are by the shewing very extremely handled, and I fear that, through the persuasions of Sir Cuthbert and the sheriff, my Lord Lieutenant will presently hold a gaol delivery for executing of them that are taken.
I am informed that they try all the means they can to make Mr. Secretary their friend in this matter, and that they incense his honour wrongfully with the cause. If the execution of the prisoners may be stayed while the assizes at Lammas, I doubt not but by good dealing the matter may be brought to some good end. The slaughter of the sheriff's brother was by great chance, for he was my near kinsman, and it is well known through all the country that there hath always been great friendship betwixt our houses, and never before this any manner cause of controversy. I am therefore heartily to request you to be a mean to Mr. Secretary that the indifferency of the cause may be heard, and that the judgment may come before indifferent judges, and then I doubt not but the truth will take effect, and that there may be justice used according to deserving.—Berwick, 29 November 1586.
Holograph. Injured by damp. 1 p.
409. [The Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas.]
1586, Nov. In the last you wrote to me that, if I undertook the voyage for his Majesty's title, that it would be thought there I had turned my cloak and was become French. If they will trust opinions I cannot “remed,” but I mind not to be so “solist” as I have been for any conceits, and truly, they shall find me as constant a poor man as ever they dealt with in their time. If any cause be to complain, it is on my side, and not on theirs. If I turn my cloak, good faith, the Queen of England may quit her friendship in Scotland. But, assure you, I shall not be the first breaker. As for this commission, I cannot refuse it, or else I shall “wrak,” and all Scotland will lay part of the burden on my shoulders. And, another thing I perceive, and you may see it by his Majesty's letter to you, that he will no ways keep friendship if his mother's life be touched, and, if he change course, it shall at the least put me in peril, if, indeed, it wrecks me not, so that I will press what in me lies to deal for a “miclis,” and I pray you, do you diligence for this as you love your own weal, for you are evil bruited in this matter. I think the Queen of England surely may be provided, and all honest men's and her blood live. So press that all things continue till our arrival, I pray you, for [by] none other moyen shall you remove slander of you. Be earnest, I pray you, for my men who are in Flanders.—Undated.
No signature; but in handwriting of the Master of Gray.
1 p.