5. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen. |
[1583?] Apr. 3/13. |
Having listened to M. Somers for two or three days, he has lost his patience, and been unable to restrain himself any longer from sending the present bearer to kiss her Majesty's hands on his behalf, and to thank her for her remembrance of him. |
Arrived here on the eve of Easter “avecque toutes les incoumodites et hazars du monde.” from which having been happily preserved, he hopes that God will watch over him further, and give him the opportunity of acquitting himself of his many obligations to her Majesty. Is languishing on the coast, “dont lon voit le rivage du lieu ou jour et nuit je me souhete.” |
Beseeches her “a mins jointes avecque les petis dois” to continue him in her good graces.—Dunkirk, 13 April. |
French. 2 pp.
6. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen. |
[1583?] Apr. 5/15. |
His nearness to Her Majesty will not allow him to let slip any opportunity of commending himself to her good favour. Assures her “que lame ma gulardi de la moyties, santant mes sans tous rionis despuys le jour que jeus se bonheur de revoir la cote que coumandes, et me sanble que de la je santis un er plus dous et gratiheus que je navois fet despuys mon triste depart daupres de vostre belle Majeste.” Entreats pardon for his importunity, which nevertheless he will repeat “toutes les fois que le vant sera bon.”—Dunkirk, 15 April. |
French. 2 pp.
7. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen. |
[1583 ?] Apr. 12/22. |
The felicity of those who are assured of the goodwill of their mistresses cannot be understood by those who have never experienced the contrary. Will on this occasion remain a spectator “atandant ou la condanation ou lapsolution, car javoue dune part que lonneur que maves fet est trop grand pour mon peu de merite;
mais de lautre, cest me fayre unne trop grande injustice de me condanner advant mavoir oui.” Has chosen M. de Bacqueville, as one who has been employed from the first in these negotiations, to recall their commencement to her Majesty, and to bear witness that since that time he has been cognizant of no omission on his (the Duke's) part. |
Beseeches her to listen to him as an honest man, frank, faithful, and affectionate both to her Majesty and to himself. If through him he should receive good news from her Majesty they will come like a reprieve to one who is under sentence of death, “car je pause que froit que je suys, il fot que je lavouee pour les mauvezes esperanses que je eues, je deviendre non seullemant chaut mais brullant de lardant dessir que jaure de me voir entre les bras de ma belle deesse que jadore de tout mon ceur.”—Antwerp, 22 April. |
French. 4 pp.
8. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley. |
1583, Apr. 11. |
Desire him to give order that the agent of Lord Power, Baron of Coraghe Moore, may be supplied with 300 quarters of rye and 200 quarters of wheat, to be transported to Youghal or Waterford for the use of the garrisons and inhabitants there.—Richmond, 11 April 1583. |
1 p.