Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 12, 1458-1471. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.
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'Lateran Regesta 669: 1468-1469', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 12, 1458-1471, ed. J A Twemlow (London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 10 February 2025].
'Lateran Regesta 669: 1468-1469', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 12, 1458-1471. Edited by J A Twemlow (London, 1933), British History Online, accessed February 10, 2025,
"Lateran Regesta 669: 1468-1469". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 12, 1458-1471. Ed. J A Twemlow (London, 1933), British History Online. Web. 10 February 2025.
In this section
Lateran Regesta. Vol. DCLXIX. (fn. 1)
5 Paul II.
De Diversis [Formis].
1468. 13 Kal. Jan. (20 Dec.) St. Mark's, Rome. (f. 41.) |
To John Genyns (or Geuyns), priest, of the diocese of Worcester. Indult for him, who has studied in arts in a university, for five years to study etc. civil law in a university, and to receive the degree of licentiate and the insignia of the doctorate (fn. 2); notwithstanding constitutions of Honorius III, Otto and Ottobon, etc. to the contrary. Vite etc. (P. and A. de Cortesiis. | P. xii. de Varris.) [1 p.] |
1468[–9]. 5 Kal. March. (25 Feb.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 81d.) |
To the abbots of Holyrood de Edimburgh and St. Mary's de Neubotil, and the provost of Holy Trinity de Edimburgh, in the diocese of St. Andrews. Mandate, as below. The recent petition of the dean and chapter of the church of the college called the college of St. Salvator at St. Andrews contained that formerly, during the voidance of the church of St. Andrews, prior David, vicar-general in spirituals, united in perpetuity to the capitular mensa of the said church of St. Salvator the parish church of Lesuad in the diocese of St. Andrews, the said union being brought about by its rector George de Abirnethi, who was received as a canon of the said collegiate church, and the chapter of St. Andrews expressly giving its consent. At the said petition, which added that the said union has not yet taken effect, the pope hereby orders the above three to summon those interested, and if they find the facts to be as stated, to unite in perpetuity the said parish church, value not exceeding 40 marks sterling, to the said mensa, value not exceeding 50, so that on the resignation or death of the said George the dean and chapter may take possession of the said parish church, etc., and cause its cure of souls to be governed by one of the canons or chaplains of St. Salvator's, etc. Pastoralis officii debitum. (P. and Ja. Bigneti. | P. xxx. de Varris.) [2 pp.] |
1468[–9]. 15 Kal. April. (18 March.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 108.) |
To David Colden, perpetual vicar of the parish church of Saulyn in the diocese of Dunkeld, M.A. Dispensation to receive together with the said vicarage (value not expressed) any one other benefice, or if he resign the vicarage any two other benefices, with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if two parish churches or their perpetual vicarages, or major or principal dignities, etc., and to retain them for five years if they be two parish churches or their perpetual vicarages, or if not for life, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Litterarum scientia, vite etc. (F. and M. Amici. | F. xxxv. Sassenat.) [3 pp.] |
1468[–9]. Prid. Id. March. (14 March.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 135.) |
To William Fregusii (recte Fergusii), perpetual vicar of the parish church of Crawmone in the diocese of Dunkeld. Reservation and assignment to him (seeing that Alexander Lummisdem, rector of the parish church of Flysck in the diocese of St. Andrews, has this day consented to the assignment to him, for services rendered, of a yearly pension of 10l. of the usual money of Scotland, equal to about 17 gold florins of the Camera, on the fruits etc. of the said church and of a canonry of Dunblane and the prebend of Abernethi therein, which the said Alexander also holds, the said pension being payable for life to William, or until Alexander shall have procured the making to him of provision of some benefice without cure in Scotland of a net yearly value of 10 similar pounds) of the said pension, payable on the said fruits, and on the said conditions, half to be paid on the feast of St. John Baptist, and the other half at Christmas, at Endynburgh (sic); with the usual sanctions for nonpayment. Vite etc. |
Concurrent mandate to the abbot of Holyrood near Edynburch, the dean of Reims (Remen.), and the archdeacon of Glasgow (here rather with the spelling ‘Crawione’). Hodie dilecto filio. (P. and A. de Piscia. P. de Godis. | P. xiii.xi. de Varris.) [4 pp. See above, p. 610.] | |
1468[–9]. 3 Id. Feb. (11 Feb.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 138d.) |
To Thomas Overay, rector of the parish church of Chedon' in the diocese of Bath and Wells, LL.B. Dispensation to him (whom Pius II dispensed to receive and retain for life together with the said church of Chedon any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if another parish church or its perpetual vicarage, a chantry or a hospital, or a major or principal dignity, etc., and to resign both, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased; and who inter aliaholds under the said dispensation the said church and the chancellorship of Wells, which is a non-major nonelective dignity without cure, the value of both not exceeding 60l. sterling), to receive and retain for three years only, together with the said church and chancellorship, any other third benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if a parish church or its perpetual vicarage, or a major or principal dignity, etc., and to resign it, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, provided that he do not hold more than two parish churches or their perpetual vicarages, or major or principal dignities. Litterarum scientia, vite etc. (Hug. and A. de Cortesiis. | Hug. xxx.prothon. Bisuntin.) [2¾ pp. See Cal. Papal Lett., Vol. XI, p. 517.] |
1468. 4 Id. Oct. (12 Oct.) St. Mark's, Rome. (f. 145d.) |
To the archdeacon of Lismore. Mandate, as below. The recent petition of Maurice Stak', clerk, of the diocese of Ardfert, contained that he was dispensed by papal authority, on account of illegitimacy, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, and was thereafter made a clerk; that provision was made to him, first by authority of the ordinary, and afterwards by papal authority, of a canonry of Lismore and the prebend of Thelacharthayn therein, on their voidance by the death of John Iffyrnussii, he being at the same time dispensed by papal authority to receive and retain them, notwithstanding the said defect; and that, not in ignorance of a provincial statute of Cashel, which requires those who keep concubines to put them away within a month after its publication by the ordinaries in their respective dioceses, under pain of ipso facto voidance of their benefices, and without putting away a certain woman whom he had openly kept as his concubine, and by whom he had begotten offspring, he continued to hold for several years, as he still does without her, having since put her away, the said canonry and prebend, possession of which he had obtained in virtue of the said later collation and provision, taking the fruits etc. thereof, although in good faith. (fn. 3) At the petition of the said Maurice, who alleges that the said fruits etc. do not exceed 6 marks sterling yearly in value, the pope hereby orders the above archdeacon to absolve him from the said excess, enjoining a salutary penance, etc., and to dispense him to retain the said canonry and prebend. Apostolice sedis indefessa clementia. (P. and A. de Cortesiis. | P. xx. de Varris.) [1¾ pp.] |
1468[–9]. Kal. March. (fn. 4) (1 March.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 167.) |
To Alexander Baiear, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews. Rehabilitation, etc., as below. His recent petition contained that after he had been dispensed by papal authority on account of illegitimacy, as the son of unmarried parents, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, and after he had been so promoted and had obtained by canonical collation the parish church de Corrudis (fn. 5) in the diocese of Glasgow, he and Patrick Tayit, clerk, of the diocese of St. Andrews, resigned to Andrew, bishop of Glasgow, for the purpose of exchange, their respective benefices, namely, the said parish church and a perpetual chaplaincy, called an altarage, in the chapel of St. Monanus de Inuery (fn. 5) in the diocese of St. Andrews, which is of lay patronage; and that the said bishop, with consent of Patrick, bishop of St. Andrews, carried out the exchange, making collation and provision of the said church to Patrick, and of the said chaplaincy, with consent of its patrons, to Alexander, who had obtained no other dispensation on account of the said defect; and that under pretext thereof he obtained possession of the said chaplaincy, and has held it for about a year. The pope, therefore, rehabilitates him, but requires him to resign. Sedes apostolica, pia mater. (P. and P. de Godis. P. xvi. de Varris.) [1¼ pp.] |
1468[–9]. Prid. Kal. March. (28 Feb.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 248.) |
To Cornelius Oboyain, perpetual vicar of the parish church of Ardmor in the diocese of Lismore. Grant, as below. Pius II ordered provision to be made to him of the said vicarage on its voidance by the death of Walter tunc per obitum quondam Johannis Iffyrnussii olim ipsius ecclesie canonici extra Romanam curiam defuncti vacantibus, provisum, et etiam secum ut illos non obstante predicto defectu recipere et retinere valeret eadem apostolica auctoritate dispensatum fuerat, non ignarus statuti provincialis Cassellensis quo expresse cavetur quod tenentes congubinas [sic], nisi illas infra mensem a die publicationis statuti huiusmodi computandum per ordinarios locorum in suis diocesibus facte absque spe revertendi dimiserint, eorum beneficia ipso facto vacent, dictos canonicatum et prebendam quos vigore posteriorum collacionis et provisionis earundem ex tunc tenuerat et possederat, non dimissa quadam muliere quam in publicam congubinam tenuerat et ex ea prolem procreaverat, post et contra huiusmodi statutum simul cum dicta congubina per plures annos tenuit et possedit, prout dimissa per cum congubina predicta tenet et possidet de presenti, fructus percipiens ex eisdem bona tamen fide. Viot, (fn. 6) the said pope's letters stating that its fruits etc. did not exceed 12 marks sterling in yearly value. Subsequently, as the recent petition of the said Cornelius contained, the executors of the said letters made provision to him, and in virtue thereof he obtained and has since held possession of the said vicarage. His petition adding that it is alleged by some of his enemies that the said fruits etc. are worth more than was thus stated, although not more than 15 marks sterling, wherefore he fears molestation, the pope hereby grants to him (who alleges that he did not then believe that the said fruits exceeded 12 marks sterling, and does not believe so now), that the said letters and their consequences shall hold good from the date of these presents, and that he may retain the said vicarage, as if it had been stated in the said letters that its value did not exceed 15 marks. Vite etc. (F. and Ja. Prats. | F. xiiii. Expedita tertiodecimo Kal. Aprilis Anno Quinto. Sassenat.) [2 pp.] |
1468[–9]. 10 Kal. April. (23 March.) St. Peter's, Rome. (f. 308.) |
To the bishop of Cloyne (Clonen.). Mandate, at the petition of Florence Yhederscoll, layman, and Alyna Barry, mulier, of the dioceses of Ross and Cloyne (containing that they contracted espousals, not in ignorance that they were related in the simple third and the double fourth degrees of affinity, on the understanding that they should obtain dispensation from the apostolic see, and that, before the said dispensation had been obtained, they consummated the said espousals per carnalem copulam), to absolve them from sentence of excommunication incurred, enjoining a salutary penance, etc., for their incest, and thereupon, if he think it expedient, and after temporary separation, to dispense them to contract marriage, and remain therein, decreeing past offspring if any, and future offspring legitimate. Oblate nobis. (Hug. and A. de Cortesiis. Hug. xx. prothon.Bisuntin.) [1⅓ pp.] |