Lateran Regesta 686: 1469-1470

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 12, 1458-1471. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Lateran Regesta 686: 1469-1470', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 12, 1458-1471, ed. J A Twemlow (London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 11 February 2025].

'Lateran Regesta 686: 1469-1470', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 12, 1458-1471. Edited by J A Twemlow (London, 1933), British History Online, accessed February 11, 2025,

"Lateran Regesta 686: 1469-1470". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 12, 1458-1471. Ed. J A Twemlow (London, 1933), British History Online. Web. 11 February 2025.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. DCLXXXVI. (fn. 1)

6 Paul II.

De Diversis [Formis].

14 Kal. Dec.
(18 Nov.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 41.)
To the prior of St. Mary's, Dungebyn, in the diocese of Derry (Deren.), (fn. 2) and Cornelius and William Oqueruolan, (fn. 3) canons of Derry. (fn. 3) Mandate, as below. The recent petition of Bernard Odiubhyn, clerk, of the diocese of Derry, contained that after the pope's renewal and confirmation of all sentences of excommunication etc. promulgated by his predecessors against simoniacs, and his reservation to himself and his successors of the absolution therefrom, except in the hour of death, the said Bernard made an agreement with William Oghegirtaich, then holding the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Dompnachcaed in the said diocese, to wit, that if the latter would resign the said vicarage in his favour he would pay him a sum of money, which he afterwards paid, in consequence of which agreement the said William resigned the said vicarage in Bernard's favour, to the present bishop of Derry; and that the said bishop, perhaps unaware of the said agreement, admitted the resignation by his ordinary authority, and made collation and provision of the said vicarage, thus void, to Bernard, who under pretext thereof took possession, and has detained it for more than six months, taking the fruits. At his said petition, therefore, the pope hereby orders the above three to absolve him from the sentences etc. which he has incurred, enjoining a salutary penance, etc., dispense him on account of irregularity, and rehabilitate him, and in the event of their doing so, to collate and assign to him the said vicarage, value not exceeding 8 marks sterling, but, before they proceed to the execution of these presents, he is to resign it. Solet sedis apostolice. (Hug. and A. de Montia. | Hug. xx. Expedita Terciodecimo Kal. Januarii Anno Sexto. prothon.Bisuntin.) [3⅓ pp.]
Prid. Id. Dec.
(12 Dec.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 44.)
To the abbot of Londonderry (Celinigri Delen., recte Celle nigre Deren.), and the abbot of St. Mary's, Macosquin (de Clarofonte), and the prior of St. Mary's, Dungebyn, in the diocese of Derry (Deren.). Mandate, as below. The recent petition of Cornelius Ocearbalen, rector of the parish church of Dompnachinor (recte Dompnachmor) in the diocese of Derry, contained that if the rectory of the said church (the fruits etc. of which do not exceed 8 marks sterling in yearly value, and are equally divided between the rector and vicar, the latter of whom exercises the cure of souls of the parishioners) were erected for the lifetime only of the said Cornelius into a prebend of the church of Derry, of which he is a canon, it would add to the beauty of that church, and increase divine worship therein. The pope, therefore, hereby orders the above three to summon the chapter of Derry and others concerned, and if they find the facts to be as stated, and if the said chapter and others interested consent, to erect the said rectory into a prebend of the said church for the lifetime only of the said Cornelius, who was lately, notwithstanding his illegitimacy as the son of unmarried parents, made a clerk, and was afterwards dispensed by papal authority to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, after which, having been received as a canon of Derry by authority of the ordinary, he obtained the said rectory by canonical collation. In the event of their doing so, the pope specially dispenses him to receive and retain the said prebend, and to resign it, simply or for exchange, when he pleases. Romanum decet pontificem. (Hug. and A. de Cortesiis. | Hug. xx. Expedita Nonis Januarii Anno Sexto. prothon. Bisuntin.) [2 pp.]
Kal. Jan.
(1 Jan.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 254d.)
To William Fever, perpetual vicar of the parish church of St. Petroc, Brent, in the diocese of Exeter, S.T.M. Dispensation to receive and retain for life together with the said vicarage, value not exceeding 40l. sterling, any one other benefice, or if he resign the said vicarage, any two other benefices, with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if they be major or principal dignities etc., or parish churches or their perpetual vicarages, or chantries, or such mixed, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, etc. Litterarum sciencia, vite etc. (P. and A. de Cortesiis. | P. l. de Varris.) [2½ pp.]
19 Kal. Jan.
(14 Dec.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 256d.)
To all Christ's faithful etc. Relaxation, as below. The pope has learned that the church of Derry, which is notable amongst the cathedral churches of the realm of Ireland, is, on account of the various misfortunes with which those parts have long been afflicted, almost entirely unroofed (fn. 4); and that bishop Nicholas, and the bishop for the time being has no house which he can inhabit, and that the said church, in which there used to be a tin chalice only, is without chalices, books, paraments and other ecclesiastical ornaments, (fn. 5) and that it is feared that without the help of the faithful the said church will fall utterly to ruin. The pope, therefore, desiring that the said church may be roofed, (fn. 6) that the said bishop may be able to build himself a becoming house and buy the said ornaments, hereby grants a relaxation in perpetuity of seven years and seven quarantines of enjoined penance to all who, being truly penitent and having confessed, visit the said church on the feasts of St. Martin in winter and St. Columba, (fn. 7) and give alms for such rebuilding, restoration and maintenance. If similar relaxation have been granted by the pope, in perpetuity or for a time not yet elapsed, the present letters shall be null and void. Ecclesiarum, presertim cathedralium. (P. and Marcellus. | P. Varris.) [1½ pp.]
Kal. Jan.
(1 Jan.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 261.)
To the abbots of Londonderry (Cellenigre Deren.), the abbot of Macosquin (de Clarofonte), and the prior of Dungebyn, in the diocese of Derry. Mandate, as below. The recent petition of William Oqueruollan, a canon of Derry, contained that lately, after he had been dispensed by papal authority on account of illegitimacy, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and receive and retain a benefice even with cure, Nicholas, bishop of Derry, made collation and provision to him by his ordinary authority of the rectory of Dom[p]nachmor in the diocese of Derry; that after he had held peaceable possession of it for about six months, and had resigned it to the said bishop, who admitted the resignation, upon the rectory of the parish church of Cluaynlaig in the said diocese becoming void by the resignation to the same bishop of Eugenius Oqueruollan, and the resignation being similarly admitted, the said bishop made collation and provision thereof by the same ordinary authority to the said William, without his having obtained any other dispensation, under pretext of which latter collation and provision he obtained the said rectory of Cluaynlaig, and has detained it for between about six months and a year, taking the fruits; and that subsequently the said bishop created him, with consent of the chapter, a canon of Derry, likewise without other dispensation. The pope therefore rehabili tates him, absolves him from all sentences of excommunication, etc. incurred, and orders the above three if, after summoning those concerned, the consent of the said chapter be given, to erect the said rectory of Cluaynlaig (which has cure of souls, wont to be exercised by a perpetual vicar, and the yearly value of whose fruits etc. does not exceed 6 marks sterling, in the taking of which fruits the said William and vicar are equal) into a prebend of the said church of Derry, without prejudice to those interested; and moreover, in the event of their doing so, to collate and assign the canonry and such erected prebend to the said William. The pope further specially dispenses him to receive and retain them, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, notwithstanding the said defect, etc., but before the above three proceed to execute these presents, he is to resign the said canonry and rectory of Cluaynlaig. Sedes apostolica, pia mater. (Hug. and Rizzonibus [sic]. | Hug. xxvi. Expedita Sexto Kal.Februarii Anno Sexto. prothonot. Bisuntin.) [4½ pp.]
16 Kal. Nov.
(17 Oct.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 275.)
To Thomas Brent, rector of the parish church of Chilcombe in the diocese of Winchester, licentiate of civil law. Dispensation to receive and retain for life together with the said church (value not expressed) any one other benefice, or if he resign that church any two other benefices, with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if they be parish churches or their perpetual vicarages, and chantries or hospitals wont to be assigned to secular clerks as a title of a perpetual benefice, and major or principal dignities etc., or such mixed, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, etc. Litterarum etc. (Hug. and Ja.Prats. | Hug. l. prothonot. Bisuntin.) [2 pp.]
6 Id. Dec.
(8 Dec.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 292.)
To Robert Catesbij (i.e. Catesby), rector of the parish church of Loddebroke in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield. Dispensation to him, who is B.A., to receive and retain for life together with the said church (value not expressed) any one other benefice … vicarages (as in the preceding), or major or principal dignities, etc., and to resign them, etc. (as ibid.). Vite etc. (Hug. and M. Amici. | Hug. l. prothonot. Bisuntin.) [1¾ pp.]
Kal. Jan.
(1 Jan.)
St. Peter's, Rome.
(f. 313.)
To John Stanton, rector of the parish church of Gresshem (recte Gressham (fn. 8) in the diocese of Norwich. Dispensation to him, who is a student in theology, to receive and retain for life together with the said church (value not expressed) any one other benefice … vicarages (as ibid.), or chantries, or major or principal dignities, etc., and to resign them etc. (as ibid.). Vite etc. (Hug. and A. de Cortesiis. | Hug. l. prothon. Bisuntin.) [2 pp.]


  • 1. On the back of the volume is the modern description in Italian:Bonifacio ix. 140l. Anno xii. Lib. 133. This erroneous description is cancelled in pencil, and below it is the note in ink: ‘è una sola Bolla di Bonifacio, e le altre sono di Paolo ii,’ to which is added in pencil ‘1469.Libro io . Anno vi.’ On a modern end-paper is also Mgr. Wenzel's ‘ to. 16.’ A contemporary end-paper has the contemporary description:Primus de dignitatibus vacantibus et de diversis [formis] anno vio domini nostri domini Pauli pape secundi, the order ‘R(ecipe) F., P.,’ and the answer ‘Rubricatus est per F. de Suno.’ There is also a contemporary note ‘quesitus pro Philippo,’ and several scribbles, e.g. ‘Omnia si veniant,’ and ‘Anima nostra (ill written, but apparently not ‘mea’) sicut passer electa,’ an attempt to quote the Vulgate, Psalm cxxiii, v. 6: Anima nostra sicut passer erepta est de laqueo venantium. A similar description ‘Primus de dignitatibus …’ occurs also, as usual, on the bottom edge of the volume. There are ff. i.—cccxiiii. of text, followed by a leaf containing an unfinished letter of Boniface [ix]. For ‘Omnia si veniant,’ see above, p. 662, note.
  • 2. In each case ‘Deren.’ is corrected from ‘Daren.’
  • 3. ‘et Cornelio ac Williermo Oqueruolan,’ i.e. they both have the same surname, unless that of Cornelius has dropped out.
  • 4. Cumpene totaliter discoperta existat.
  • 5. ipsaque ecclesia, in qua unum calicem stanneum dumtaxat erat, calicibus libris paramentis et aliis ornamentis ecclesiasticis careat oportunis. The Latin is open to criticism.
  • 6. coperiri.
  • 7. Sancte [sic] Columbe.
  • 8. As in the text of the bull.