America and West Indies: August 1691

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 13, 1689-1692. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'America and West Indies: August 1691', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 13, 1689-1692, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: August 1691', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 13, 1689-1692. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1901), British History Online, accessed February 6, 2025,

"America and West Indies: August 1691". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 13, 1689-1692. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1901), British History Online. Web. 6 February 2025.

August 1691

Aug. 1.
1,683. Proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. For all persons engaged in the salving of the hired ships to come in and prove their claims. Copy. 2 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 13 Jan., 169½. [America and West Indies. 637. No. 51.]
[Aug. 1.] 1,684. Major Peter Schuyler's Journal of his expedition to Canada. June 21st. Set out from Albany and in the evening met sixty of our Indians. June 24th. Arrived at Saratoga where we were joined by fifteen Mohawks. June 26th. Left Saratoga. June 28th. Reached the last carrying place. June 30th. Began to make canoes. July 5th. Continued our march. July 6th. Again making canoes. Some trouble with deserting Indians; sent off a party to bring a recruit of bread from Albany. July 7th–9th. More trouble with deserting Indians. Several canoes made. July 11th. The provisions arrived, but much had been lost by the upsetting of the canoes. July 14th–15th. Resumed the march; fresh provisions and more Indians arrived. July 16th. Resumed the march, and encamped on the Drowned lands. July 17th. Fresh Indians came, raising our numbers to 260. Camped at Chinandroga. July 19th. Advanced from Chinandroga to Crown Point. July 20th. Sent out spies; but the weather continuing bad we could not move. July 23. Spies saw fires on the Eastern shore. Our whole force moved to the Otterkill, six miles, when the spies reported the enemy to be numerous. July 26th. Broke up from Otterkill, and advanced to a place called Fort Lamorte, several years deserted. July 27. Started after sunset, and advanced ten miles to the mouth of the river Chambly, and twelve miles into the river itself. The spies reported fires. July 28th. Held a council of war, which resolved to attack Fort La Prairie in the evening. Broke up camp. Our Indian spies were fired on by French Praying Indians, and three of them wounded. Dressed their wounds and encamped with Fort Chambly bearing ten miles to N., and Fort La Prairie twenty six miles W.S.W. July 29th. At ten a.m. we heard alarmguns at both forts. Built a small fort for our canoes and provisions. I sent off fifty men to cut off communications between the two forts, which are thirty miles distant. July 30th. Left 20 Christian Indians to hold the fort, with our surgeons and wounded; and marched in a body to Fort La Prairie. After eleven miles march through the woods we reached a path by which a large body of men had lately passed. We guessed them to have gone to Chambly, so halted. The Indians resolved to proceed, but I sent back some of them to our fort to put them on their guard and help to protect our canoes, as the French must be aware of our approach. Then continued the advance and encamped within ten miles of Fort La Prairie. Our sign was a piece of white tape or linen or bark, upon a lock of hair; and the word was Tisago, meaning courage. Aug. 1. Resolved to attack the fort by break of day; and after prayers marched towards Fort La Prairie. A mile on this side we laid down our baggage, marched through the cornfields and by the water-side to the windmill which stands within eighty paces of the fort. We saw a flame stirred at the windmill as if to alarm the fort, and the miller after calling fired and killed one of our Indians; but one of our chieftains shot him dead and we continued our march to the fort. Before we reached it we found a party of Indians under canoes, whom we engaged and for the most part destroyed, and immediately afterwards we fell in with 420 men lying ready to receive us outside the fort. They forced us back 150 yards, where by chance there was a ditch which our men occupied. The French advancing in their full body were well received, and after losing many men fell back, but rallied and again advanced to the ditch. Their fire did us no hurt, and our men rising and firing into their whole body killed a great many. They rallied a third time, and to avoid the ditch took their men further east, thinking to divide our people. Then leaving the ditch we fell upon their rear, and fought them fairly till we drove them into the fort in great disorder and took three French prisoners. We then returned, after burning and destroying all the corn that we could, to our baggage. Our prisoners told us there were 40 men in the fort and 420 outside, and that 300 French and 40 Indians had marched by the path to Chambly. We now resolved with all haste for our canoes. We had lost but one Christian and one Indian, while two Christians and one Indian more ran away to the boats. Before we had marched eight miles our spies saw the enemy lying in the path aforesaid in the shape of a half moon. The enemy's scouts fired on ours, who came back to us unharmed, and dismounting our baggage I told the men that they must fight or die, as we were cut off from our canoes. We advanced briskly upon them, and received their volley, which killed nearly every man that we lost in the expedition. They fought for a full hour, and the French captain defied me, but our men being resolute broke into the middle of them until we got into their rear, and then facing about fought them at close quarters for a time. They gave way, and we drove them by strength of arm 400 paces before us, and to say the truth were very glad to see them retreat. We then retired to our canoes in good order, taking the wounded with us. From prisoners I learned that thirty ships had arrived at Canada with provisions. After reaching our canoes we waited five hours for stragglers to come in and picked up five of them. Advanced for one mile and camped. Aug. 2. Resumed our march homeward, and reached Albany with all our wounded on the 9th. The French had heard of our coming a fortnight before from an Indian deserter. Our force consisted of 120 Christians, 80 Mohawks, 66 River Indians. Our loss was 21 Christians, 16 Mohawks and 6 River Indians killed; and 25 wounded. Memo. Since this journal was written six men thought to be killed have returned. Enemy's loss reckoned at 200 killed and wounded. Certified copy. 9 pp. Printed in New York Documents III., 800. [America and West Indies. 579. No. 13.]
Aug. 3. 1,685. Minutes of Council of New York. Warrant for payment of soldiers and sailors for the hired sloop Planter. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., p. 275.]
Aug. 4. 1,686. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Order for sundry payments. The bill to enable John Kirton to pay his debts was brought up by the Assembly and deferred for the present. The Assembly brought up a bill concerning attorneys, suggested William Bridges and Edward Littleton as suitable persons for agents for the Colony, and desired a joint committee to decide as to the renumeration to be given to them. The sum of £500 was recommended by the Committee. A joint Committee appointed to consider the instructions for the Agents. Commissioners appointed to superintend the repair of fortifications. The Commissioners for disposing of the provisions for the regiment ordered to bring in the accounts thereof. Orders for sundry payments. The bill to ascertain qualifications of electors passed. A day of fasting and humiliation appointed on account of the grievous sickness in the Island. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XII., pp. 206–211.]
Aug. 5. 1,687. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Requesting the recommendation of Thomas Johnson, Pieter Schuyler, John Lawrence, Richard Townley and John Young to be appointed to the Council of New York. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIX., p. 293.]
Aug. 6. 1,688. Order of the Queen in Council. Appointing Thomas Johnson, Pieter Schuyler, John Lawrence, Richard Townley and John Young to the Council of New York. Signed. Richard Colinge. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIX., pp. 293, 294.]
Aug. 6.
1,689. Lords of Trade and Plantations to Governor Kendall. The Queen has directed the squadron in the West Indies to remain there till further order, but the victualling ships for it are unfortunately fallen into the enemy's hands. The Queen has given orders for a fresh supply to be despatched as soon as possible, and you will meanwhile furnish the ships with provisions, drawing bills on the Commissioners of the Navy for the money. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VIII., pp. 244, 245; and Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 43. pp. 361, 362.]
Aug. 6. 1,690. The Commander in Chief and Council of New York, to Lords of Trade and Plantations. We forward the physicians' report of post mortem examination of Colonel Sloughter's body. The rest of this letter with slight variations, is a transcript of Governor Sloughter's unfinished letter. (see No. 1671 I.) Printed in New York Documents III., 794. Copy. 5 pp. Endorsed. Read 6 Sept. 1692. [Board of Trade. New York, 4. No. 50.]
Aug. 6. 1,691. Address of the Commander in Chief and Council of New York to the King and Queen. This province was first settled by the Dutch in 1619, who extended it eastward as far as the Connecticut River, westward beyond Delaware River, and northward to Senectady. In 1664 the province was taken by the English and granted to James Duke of York, together with the Government of all the tract to westward of the Delaware as far as Maryland. The Duke granted lands to Sir George Carteret and others between the Delaware and Hudson, and in 1682 William Penn obtained a grant of Pennsylvania. All that has been reserved is Long Island and some of the small islands adjacent to New York, Esopus, Albany and the limits thereof. New York is situate on a barren island between the Hudson and the East River, and has nothing to support it but the trade in food with the West Indies, which send back rum. All Esopus does not include above 3,000 acres of manurable land. Albany exists only for the Indian trade, the Five Nations being subjects of England. Long Island is pleasantly situated and well planted but brings in little to your Majesties, the east end being settled chiefly by New England people who live by pasturage and whalefishing. They frequently carry their produce to Boston, and despite all laws and regulations the Revenue Office there does not pay its expenses. All the rest of the province, Westminster, Staten Island and Martin's Vineyard excepted, consists of barren mountains and hills. If the encroachments of our neighbours be removed, the revenue of this province will not only suffice for the expenditure, but will bring a profit to the Crown. Connecticut pretends to the same independence as East Jersey with equal prejudice to us. Unless both, together with West Jersey, be annexed to this province, it cannot pay its expenses, and the annexation will be a gain rather than a loss to the proprietors. The inconveniences of these three provinces are not only the only prejudices to this province, but the pretences of William Penn to the three lower counties on Delaware River are equally if not more injurious. Susquehannah was part of the Senecas territory, was annexed to the Crown and was part of this Government long before Mr. Penn had his patent. But none the less he tries to disturb the Royal possession of it by tempting the Indians to sell it to him. Thereby he draws away the Indian trade from this province, which will be an irreparable loss to the Crown, will cause Albany to be deserted and will depopulate this province. The three lower Counties were planted at the expense of New York, and the cultivation of tobacco gave great encouragement to shipping, but since the claims of Mr. Penn we cannot load as many ships as formerly. All that we export is furs, which being of great value and small bulk employ little shipping. Much of the peltry goes no longer by New York and therefore pays the Crown nothing. Moreover Pennsylvania imposes a penny a pound on tobacco imported from here, thereby diverting the trade of this port to itself. Finally the French encroach much upon us and have through their priests enticed away many of our Indians, and notably of the Maquas. The Dutch Minister at Albany has been very successful in making converts to the reformed religion since the war began, and the Indians are very desirous to have a minister among them. This would be of great advantage both for the increase of our trade and for strengthening the Indians to us, who are our bulwark against the French. We hear that the French are about to attack Albany, which cannot resist at this moment. Our neighbours refuse to help us. We beg, therefore, that Connecticut and the Jerseys may be annexed to this province. If united they will be strong; if disunited they are weak and unable to defend themselves. We beg also for some military stores. Signed. Rich. Ingoldsby, Fred. Flypse, S. van Cortlandt, Nic. Bayard, Chid. Brook, Will. Pinhorne, Gab. Menville, W. Nicolls. Copy. 8 pp. Endorsed. Recd. 27 Feb., 1692. Printed in New York Documents III., 796. [Board of Trade. New York, 4. No. 51; and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIX., pp. 311–320.]
Aug. 6. 1,692. Minutes of Council of New York. The letter to the King and Secretary of State signed by the Commander in Chief and Council. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., p. 275.]
Aug. 7.
1,693. Sir Robert Holmes to William Blathwayt. I enclose copy of my letter to Lord Nottingham as to my claim to certain silver in custody of the Treasury. I desire no more than justice. Lord Godolphin will remember the transaction, as he was at the Treasury in King James's time, when the matter was brought forward. Signed. Rob. Holmes. ½p. Annexed,
1,693. I. Sir Robert Holmes to Lord Nottingham. Bath, 7 Aug., 1691. The Spanish Ambassador's death is the cause for my troubling you. I hear that one Davies, a pirate, has petitioned the Queen for the restitution of some £1,500 worth of confiscated silver. The robberies of Davies and his crew were unparalleled, and I am sorry to hear that he is countenanced in England, when the gallows is too good a reward for him. I think you must know of King James's patent to me for the reduction of these pirates. I beg that the money may remain in the custody of the Treasury for the present until I am heard before the Queen and Council. If these pirates get hold of it I shall never expect to see more of it. I will wait on you in London as soon as my health enables me to leave Bath. This money was stopped by the Spanish Ambassador at my request, for he knew the expense which I was at in serving his master, and he did all he could to countenance me. Copy. 2 pp. [America and West Indies. 637. Nos. 52, 52 I.]
Aug. 7. 1,694. Sir Robert Holmes to Lord Nottingham. The original of the letter enclosed in the preceding. 2 pp. Endorsed. Read Aug. 13, 1691. [America and West Indies. 637. No. 53.]
Aug. 7.
1,695. Lords of the Admiralty to Captain Wright, R.N. We have reason to believe that the victualling fleet despatched to you has been captured by the enemy. A fresh supply for four months is preparing for you, and if you need provisions before its arrival you will apply to the Governors of the Islands. Signed. Jo. Lowther, Richd. Onslow, Robt. Austen. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 43. pp. 362–363.]
Aug. 8. 1,696. Minutes of Council of New York. Warrant for repayment of such as provided goods for Major Schuyler's expedition, by allowance on the first customs due from them. Order for inspection of the Governor's accounts. Order for arrest of Robert Bloomer and his son for misdemeanour on reading the late proclamations of the Commander in Chief and Council; and for seizing certain French prisoners who have contrived to seize a vessel to make their escape. Order for the Council to meet every Thursday at eight o'clock. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 275, 276.]
Aug. 10. 1,697. Warrants for the appointment of Thomas Johnson, Pieter Schuyler, John Lawrence, Richard Townley and John Young, to the Council of New York. Countersigned. Nottingham. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIX., pp. 294, 295.]
Aug. 12.
1,698. Governor Lord Inchiquin to Lords of Trade and Plantations. The fleet arrived safely, though without its convoy, on the 22nd February, when I received your orders about suspending Sir Francis Watson and Colonel Ballard from the Council and appointing new Councillors in their places. Your orders as to the Monmouth rebels came too late, half of them being gone home by the last fleet while the rest have taken voluntary service here. I am sorry to say that I have to repent of most of my recommendations to the Council, for the members though quiet enough till the sitting of the Assembly have since shown themselves to be as turbulent as ever Mr. Elletson was, and worse Councillors even than he was, for he never advised the taking away of the King's revenue as these people have. The Assembly sat on the 9th of June last, and their first and only good vote was one of £4,700 for maintenance of two sloops for the security of the coast. The very next thing done by the Assembly was a bill repealing all laws made in the last Assembly, which are still under the King's consideration. This, should it pass, besides the disrespect of it, takes away the last farthing of the King's revenue, for no mention is made of receiving even the Twenty-one years Revenue Act. Chief Justice Bernard with Beckford and Lawes violently pressed the passing of this bill, for which I hope the King will dismiss them. The only opposers were Judge White, my son, Peter Heywood and Charles Knight, on the ground that it was disrespectful to the King, destroyed the whole revenue, and tended to destruction of the Government. Another bill which they passed with equal insolence was one for the solicitation of the Island's affairs in England, wherein they appointed seven of the most turbulent members of the Assembly, with Beckford, Bernard, Bourden and Lawes of the Council, to be Commissioners for the disposing of the money. The Governor they left out, as if he were a Judas, not to be trusted with the other seven apostles. How little cause I have to approve this bill you may gather, when I tell you that Beckford and Bourden had the assurance to say in Council that its chief use was to solicit against a Governor. They could get on well enough with one of their own people, but a strange Governor meant nothing but a contest between him and the people. Certainly so scandalous an Assembly was never chosen. At least two-thirds of them sit up drinking all night, and before they are cool next morning vote whatever is put into their hands by Beckford, Bernard, Lawes and their agents, Lloyd and Harrison, in the Assembly, who have made themselves heroes of faction and whose advice tends to the destruction of all government. When the bill for the £4,700 above mentioned had passed the Council, they would not send it up for my consent till they had seen what I would do with the two other bills, though I sent a message to expedite them as being all for their own benefit and relief. Next day they sent me a message desiring the expedition of the other two pernicious bills, showing that they did not mean to pass the money bills until I had passed them. I then thought it time to dissolve them and accordingly did so. They had read once a bill for raising money on negroes and on imported wines, and praying the King to grant me £2,000 or £3,000 of it for my good service. This was the bait they laid for me to obtain their end, but I do and always shall prefer the King's interest before my own profit. I would fain have had them pass a land-tax to meet the expenses of government, which would have been a means for discovering the lands that owe quit-rents. For this very reason they would not touch it, but were for taxing trade and the Assiento, which are the life of the place and were specially recommended to my care. The last fleet carried home £100,000 in bullion, thanks to the Assiento, but the Assembly are bent on destroying it just when the Dutch are longing to get it.
In justice to the Assembly I must say that Mr. Sutton, the speaker, Mr. Charles Boucher, Mr. Favet and one or two more have proved themselves very honest and legal, but above all I must mention Mr. Musgrave, who has been indefatigable, and whose abilities would have wrought with any people but those upon whom force of argument is wholly lost. I have long tried to inform myself through the most impartial people about the election of the last Assembly in the Duke of Albemarle's time. I find that the irregularities were so many that hardly five members of the thirtytwo were fairly elected, if the making of freeholders for purposes of election only be judged corrupt. I find the complainers to have been as faulty in that point as the others, and to have begun at least as early, but they happened to be outdone by them, thanks to the advice of Elletson and others. Now the case is such that though I dare not advise the confirming of their Acts, which are all very good, I cannot advise the abrogation, since I fear this would lose the King his whole revenue here. Beckford, Bernard and Mr. Beeston, who is now in England, all aspire to this Government. The hopes of the two first will make them very uneasy to any Government here, so I recommend that they be removed from the Council for their late behaviour and that in the room of them and of Colonel Freeman, lately deceased, there be appointed Francis Hanson, Walter Ruding, Thomas Sutton and John Peeke. There is great mortality here and I am failing so much that unless I mend I must ask for leave of absence next year. Mr. John White would be the best man to put in my place. The convoy for the fleet is only just ready. The Captain has not behaved too discreetly toward the town of Port Royal. He has been tried and fined for riot, but I hope that at his next coming his manner will be a little mended. Signed. Inchiquin. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. pp. 16–21.]
Aug. 12.
1,699. Governor Lord Inchiquin to [the Earl of Nottingham?] I will not repeat what I have written to the Lords of Trade, but I must beg you to remember one point, that the King do not on any terms abrogate the bill passed in the Duke of Albemarle's time for perpetuating the revenue, since it contains a clause which vacates what was granted to the Crown by the Twenty-one Years Act, and I can expect no good from the ungrateful temper of these people. What can you think of their sitting eight weeks without passing an Act of Recognition or a congratulatory address to the King? People die here very fast and suddenly. I don't know how soon my turn may come, but I find that I decay apace and must ask leave to come home next year unless I mend. Pray obtain it for me. I wish I had power to appoint a deputy to save the Government from falling again into the hands of a President and Council; but if not I think Mr. John White the fittest man for it. I take him to be a very honest gentleman, and one who will not let the King's prerogative or revenue suffer, which most of the Council have attempted, especially Beckford, Bernard and Lawes, the greatest incendiaries here. I hope the King will remove them from the Council. Signed. Inchiquin. Holograph. 2½pp. Endorsed. R. Dec. 7, '91. [America and West Indies. 540. No. 18.]
Aug. 13. 1,700. An account of ships condemned in the Admiralty Court of New York from 27 March to 13 August, for breach of the Navigation Acts. Five ships in all. 1 p. Endorsed in Edward Randolph's hand. [Board of Trade. New York, 4. No. 52.]
Aug. 13. 1,701. Minutes of Council of New York. Order for credit of £350 on account, for payment of Major Schuyler's men. Order fixing rates of measurement for purposes of Excise. Order for repayment of £30 to Major Ingoldsby for money advanced for the Canadian expedition. Robert Bloomer not appearing despite the summons, it was ordered that he be tried at next Supreme Court. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., p. 277.]
Aug. 15. 1,702. Minutes of Council of New York. Mr. William Blankestein appeared from Maryland to treat as to the quota to be furnished for defence of Albany, reporting the difficulty in providing men, and that there was no money but tobacco. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 277, 278.]
Aug. 17. 1,703. Minutes of Council of New York. Resolved that Captain William Kidd's ship be exempted from paying customs. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., p. 278.]
Aug. 17. 1,704. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. The Governor reported the measures taken for victualling the King's ships, and the expense, amounting to £4,066. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. pp. 105, 106.]
[Aug.] 1,705. Summons for the New England Agents and Sir William Phips to attend the meeting of Lords of Trade and Plantations on 20th August. Draft. ½p. [Board of Trade. New Hampshire, 1. No. 5.]
Aug. 20. 1,706. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Lord Nottingham acquainted the Lords with the Queen's pleasure as to the Charter of Massachusetts and the Agents' acquiescence therein. Agreed that it be provided that all public money be disposed of by the Governor and Council; also that the Deputy-Governor have first place in the Council and a vote like other Councillors; also that the Western limits of Massachusetts be bounded by New York.
Agreed to insert a clause in Colonel Copley's instructions directing him to endeavour with the Assembly to raise necessary supplies of money. [Board of Trade. Journal, 7. pp. 40, 41; and (so far as relates to Massachusetts) Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXII., p. 293.]
Aug. 20. 1,707. Minutes of Council of New York. Order for the arrest of three French prisoners escaped from the Indians and now at Esopus. Order for Commissions for officers for settlement of Martin's Vineyard and Nantucket. Order for salary of £50 for one year to be paid to Dirck Wessells for his services in corresponding with the Indians. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 278, 279.]
Aug. 21. 1,708. The Governor of Pennsylvania to the Commander-in-Chief and Council of New York. We have received the late Governor Sloughter's letter, reporting his good understanding with the Indians and calling upon us for aid. While retaining a good regard for your difficulties we are unable to answer your requirements. We have no public fund nor revenue, our infancy not yet being trusted with the very requisite expenses of Government, which have been so far defrayed from our private purses. A Provincial Assembly is ordered to meet next month to continue a secret correspondence with you. This answer has been delayed owing to the expected return of the messenger from Virginia and of our Secretary from you. Signed. Thos. Lloyd. Copy. 1¼ pp. Endorsed. Read 6 Sept., 1692. [Board of Trade. New York, 4. No. 53.]
Aug. 22. 1,709. William Blathwayt to Governor Copley. Warning him that the convoy in which he will sail to Maryland will leave on the 15th of September. Draft. ½p. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 2. No. 47.]
Aug. 23. 1,710. William Blathwayt to the Attorney General. The Lords having received the King's approbation of their minutes for the new charter of New England desire you, if you cannot come to town yourself, to send Mr. Gwillym hither as soon as possible to make a draft fit to pass the great seal. Draft. 1 p. Endorsed. 23 Aug., 1691. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 181.]
Aug. 23.
1,711. S. Gwillym to William Blathwayt. Mr. Attorney directs me to tell you that he will return to London on the 1st of September, and I must beg for leave till the same time as I am much indisposed and have not been here long enough to benefit by the waters. If greater despatch be necessary please send the papers here and I will work at them. Signed. S. Gwillym. 1 p. [Board of Trade. New England, 5. No. 182.]
Aug. 24. 1,712. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Petition of George Harris read (see No. 1663). Agreed that Lord Inchiquin be ordered to restore him to the full office of Secretary of Jamaica.
Petition of James Smailes read (see No. 834). Agreed to recommend that John Hubbard's appeal against him be dismissed unless he have given security before receipt of the present order by Governor Richier. [Board of Trade. Journal, 7. pp. 23, 24.]
Aug. 24. 1,713. Minutes of Council of New York. Order for 100 men to be detached from Esopus to Albany, if news of the French invasion be confirmed, and for Connecticut to be asked to provide 100 men, to be paid by New York. Major Schuyler presented the journal of his expedition and his accounts, which were ordered for audit. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 279, 280.]
Aug. 26. 1,714. Instructions to Lionel Copley as Governor of Maryland. The Councillors are as named in No. 1768. Lord Baltimore's right to the fourteen pence per ton on shipping and half of the two shillings duty on exported tobacco is asserted. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 8. pp. 18–36.]
Aug. 26. 1,715. Minute by Sampson Warde. I conceive that since the disability of Lord Baltimore the shilling per hogshead duty in Maryland is a perquisite of the Governor's office. For the debt due to their Majesties therefore there may be an extent out of the Exchequer, or their Majesties may order that the goods be not discharged from the Custom house till the duty be paid. Signed. Samp. Warde. ½p. Endorsed. Read 3 Sept., 1691. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 2. No. 48.]
Aug. 26. 1,716. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. The Lords of the Admiralty and Commissioners of Customs appeared on consideration of the question of convoys.
Colonel Copley's draft instructions approved and referred to the Attorney General. [Board of Trade. Journal, 7. pp. 25–27.]
Aug. 27. 1,717. Minutes of Council of New York. The Auditors brought up Major Schuyler's accounts, and order was made for payment to him. A patent for land in Katskill was granted to Elizabeth Barker, and for land about Albany to Egbert Tennyssen. Robert Livingston's accounts handed to a committee for audit. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 280–281.]
Aug. 27. 1,718. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Captain Joseph Cuttance and Mr. Hugh Gaines produced the King's grant of a wreck within seventy leagues of Jamaica. Order for payment of salaries. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. pp. 106, 107.]
Aug. 31. 1,719. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Petition of Lord Gorges read (see No. 1676). The New England Agents were heard thereon; and it was resolved that he be left to his legal remedy. [Board of Trade. Journal, 7. p. 28.]
August. 1,720. Ralph Wormeley to [Lieutenant-Governor Nicholson]. While Simon Richardson of the ship Constant was awaiting orders to sail, Captain George Purvis tried to seize her and finally agreed with him to load her, which he did without making any entry or giving any bond to sail. However Richardson gave security and bond which I accepted. I believe that Purvis acted through ignorance. Richardson could not help doing as he did, being under compulsion. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 13 Jan. 169½. [America and West Indies. 637. No. 54.]