America and West Indies: November 1694, 17-30

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'America and West Indies: November 1694, 17-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 14 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: November 1694, 17-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online, accessed February 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: November 1694, 17-30". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online. Web. 14 February 2025.

November 1694

Nov. 17. 1,514. Memorandum. The King gave orders that the recruits raised for New York march to Brentford and thence to Deptford, there to embark on the ship Owner's Adventure. Rough draft. ½ p. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 88.]
Nov. 17. 1,515. The Council of New York to the Lords of Trade and Plantations. Asking that the salary of lieutenant-governor from Governor Sloughter's to Governor Fletcher's arrival may be allowed to Major Ingoldsby. Signed. N. Bayard, Chid. Brooke, Frederyck Flypse, Caleb Heathcote, John Lawrence, G. Minivelle, W. Nicolls, S. van Cortlandt. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. 31 May, 1695. Read 14 June, 1695. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 89; and 48. pp. 204, 205.]
Nov. 17.
1,516. -Lieutenant-Governor Sir William Beeston to Sir John Trenchard. Since my last two of our armed sloops have taken two small French vessels on the coast of Hispaniola. They report that the French give out that they expect daily ten men-of-war and two bomb-vessels, and then they intend to be at us again. Whether it be true or mere boasting I know not, but I believe that if they can collect the strength they will try once more what they can do with us. But I hope the promised reinforcements will arrive in time to prevent their intention. But the French are expeditious, so if our troops be delayed they may be beforehand with us and too hard for us. Letters intercepted in our prizes say that the French set fire to all Jamaica except Port Royal in their last descent, by which, though it be not true, they will encourage further attempts on us. At present they have few ships at Hispaniola. The three King's ships there have lost all three of their captains and six hundred of their crews through sickness, and are gone for France. The privateers are disgusted over the division of the spoil, for Mons du Cas proved the greatest privateer of them all, taking all the negroes captured from us for himself. The Island is healthy and things in a fairly good state. Signed. Wm. Beeston. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 54. pp. 11, 12.]
Nov. 18.
1,517. Lieutenant-Governor Sir William Beeston to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I send several returns of revenue and of the naval office, and muster rolls. The country is healthy so far as inhabitants go, but the West Indies have been fatal to newcomers for four years past. My proclamation has had a good effect at Curaçoa. 135 seamen have returned already and as many more will follow them, especially now that they know me to be as good as my promise, which they only doubted owing to their own fear and guilt. The Assembly met on the appointed day, and I was in hopes intended to go cheerfully in raising the money for paying the expenses of our defence; but contrary to my expectation they think that they have now got the government in their power, and will not raise money without a bargain that I shall adjourn the Grand Court at the end of this month and return to martial instead of civil law. All this is set on foot to keep six or eight of them, who are debtors, from paying their creditors, and they have virtually told me as much by a writing delivered to me in Council by the Speaker with the whole House at his back. I am extremely concerned what to do for the poor people who have earned their money and for the merchants and others who have advanced their goods; else I should have made the dispute with them very short, though I believe I shall have to dissolve them, for having thus begun they will stand on their terms, and I cannot allow the King's honour to be thus imposed upon. They are now adjourned for a few days owing to the departure of the fleet, but when they meet I shall deal with them according to the temper in which I find them. I told you that I had recommended the justices and vestries in every parish to make provisions for entertaining the soldiers, for their better health on their arrival, but the Assembly assuming all power to themselves (because they know the money is wanting) now dispute it, as contrary to statute law, and I am now under great uncertainty what to do with them when they do arrive. I have sent the Hampshire to Carthagena and Porto Bello, to bring back prisoners and money that is owing to our merchants. Signed. Wm. Beeston. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 54. pp. 8–10.]
Nov. 19.
New York.
1,518. Governor Fletcher to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I send the Minutes of Council, Acts of Assembly and inventory of stores of war. I shall husband the last named to the best of my ability, but I beg you to remember that this is a time of war, and that I am compelled to supply not only the companies of Grenadiers on the English establishment but all the Militia on the frontiers or that march to meet any insult from the enemy. An Indian lately returned from Canada (whose information I enclose) tells me that the New England Indians were with Count Frontenac at Montreal, boasting their mighty acts, throwing scalps at his feet, and reproaching the other Indians for not providing the like proof of their valour against the people of Albany. The Count caressed them with presents and fine words, and immediately gave 150 of them orders to march against New England, whereof I gave notice to Sir William Phips. He also assured them that he will march against me; but when he means to do this I think he will keep it secret. Our Indians having carried back to Canada eight French prisoners, Count Frontenac released eight English subjects, two of them from New England, whose examination I enclose. I had already given orders to the people of Ulster to repair their fortifications, send out scouts and keep themselves in a state of defence, and have sent them notice of the enemy's design to urge their diligence. Albany is in better circumstances than ever before. I have had it stockaded and added twenty great guns to it. There are 200 men in garrison besides Major Ingoldsby's company of Grenadiers, and I have furnished them with ammunition so far as the King's stores allow me. I know that 500 men is the least number that can be expected to adjust the several posts, but the Colony being much pressed, and our neighbours giving no assistance, it is impossible for me to get that number. I am trying to send up 100 men more, but find great difficulty in it. Some of Leisler's party are got into the Assembly, who at that time paid the men 18d. a day and levied it on the country, but now will allow but 8d. a day, or 4d. less than last year, which dispirits the men, so that they prefer to desert rather than to serve. Eightpence here is not fivepence farthing, and provisions and clothes are thrice as dear as in England.
I laid before the Assembly the ruinous condition of the fort and of the soldiers lodgements; but they would take no notice. I sent them the King's letter for rebuilding the chapel and desired them to make provision for mounting the guns sent out by the King. They voted £450, New York money, for the chapel, and £150 for the guns, not payable this twelvemonth. I shall do my best with it, and have appointed two of the Council to superintend the work. I hope to keep the Indians from joining the French. A present from the King, and the appearance of the companies, which I am daily expecting, will rivet them to us. I have asked Mr. Heathcote to give you a note of the most acceptable presents, not to cost above £200. The Sachems are so far influenced by my last treaty that they have not gone to Canada, and have left off corresponding with Count Frontenac. On a recent alarm that the French were on march against Albany, 300 of the uppermost natives came down to the Mohawks' Castles to our assistance, and remained there till the alarm was proved false. None of the Colonies have sent us any assistance except the Jerseys, but they have now made war upon us in point of trade by an Act prohibiting the export of timber to New York, whereby they will draw the shipping thither and establish a free port and will sink our trade. They pay no duty to the King, and all will flock to it. We already feel the injury of Pennsylvania, where they trade at large under no regulation, but this being nearer will utterly ruin the revenue of this province. Pennsylvania, Newcastle and the Jerseys were once part of this government, and now they command it. My commissions for Pennsylvania and Connecticut cannot meet the malady, whereas if all were united into one government, all would be subject to the same laws and duties. Pray enable me to pay the subsistence of the foot-companies, and send me annually a supply of stores. Signed. Ben. Fletcher. 4 pp. Endorsed, Recd. 1 June, '95. Read, 4, 12 and 14 June. Annexed,
1,518. I. Major Ingoldsby to Governor Fletcher. Albany, 18 October, 1694. By the enclosed intelligence the Governor of Canada threatens hard, though I am of opinion that he never intends to attack this place unless he hears how ill a condition we are in. I have mounted all the guns, made up the stone mount, and built a magazine under it. Pray send me up some powder and partridge shot, with anything else that you think we ought to have, and then we shall try to give the French a welcome if they come. There has been a fire which has destroyed a quantity of wheat. Copy. ½ p.
1,518. II. Information from Senectady. A squaw returned from captivity in Canada reports that some Cayonges lately came to the Governor with prisoners, which they restored, and said that they came to reject the kettle of war. The Governor replied that he had put the axe into the hand of all his people. The Praying Indians, however, did not wish to take up the hatchet, asking that if they did they might kill Governor Fletcher, and so bring the war to an end. The Governor answered that he could do that in the winter. It was also said that he meant to attack the Onandagas this winter. Copy. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. 31 May, 1695.
1,518. III. Information of two prisoners, belonging to New England, and lately released from Canada. After telling the story of their release the prisoners said that Count Frontenac had been mustering all his forces and treating with all his Indian allies during the summer. We heard (they continued) that he had sent out spies to the Esopus Country, who reported that the people were not vigilant and lived scattered. It was said that there is a design to attack the Maquas and Esopus this winter, their snow shoes being all in readiness. Envoys of the Five Nations arrived at Montreal to treat about peace, which was denied them unless they would fight against the English, which they utterly refused. Nevertheless they were sent on to Quebec and splendidly entertained. Three ships of war came to Quebec this summer, of which two went against the English factory in the North West passage; and we heard that parties had been sent out towards New England with large encouragement to destroy all they could. The fortifications of Quebec mount 140 guns, but not above 300 of the inhabitants can bear arms. There are still 63 prisoners, men, women and children, in Canada. Dated. 10 November, 1694. Copy. 2 pp. Endorsed, Recd. 31 May, 1695.
1,518. IV. Account of stores of war in the province of New York. 19 November, 1694. 3 large pp. Endorsed as the preceding.
1,518. V., VI. Two copies of an Act of New Jersey, prohibiting the export of timber except to England and the West Indies. 1 p. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. Nos. 90, 90 I.–VI.; and (without enclosures), 48. pp. 196–200.]
Nov. 19.
New York.
1,519. Governor Fletcher to Lords of the Admiralty. H.M.S. Richmond is of little value in convoying our navigation more than in the months of May, June and July. It is difficult to lie on the coast during the rest of the year owing to ice and north-west winds. Our trade to the West Indies has much declined, and our merchants are falling back on trade to Newfoundland. If the Richmond might convoy the ships thither she could be back in time to protect this coast and may do some execution on the enemy. My commission from Their Majesties empowers me to erect Courts of Admiralty and appoint officers pursuant to my commission from you; but this latter forbids me to appoint a Judge, Registrar and Marshal, who are the principal officers of the Court. Nothing yet has been done here to bring forward such matters, but sometimes a small affair may fall in the way, and as it is worth no man's while to go to the charge of suing out a commission for these places, nothing can be done warrantably. I am told that my predecessors have held Admiralty Courts in despite of these restraints, but as I cannot think this right, I beg you to appoint a Judge, Registrar and Marshal. Copy. 2 pp. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 91.]
Nov. 19. 1,520. Governor Fletcher to Sir John Trenchard. Since my last Count Frontenac has returned to Quebec and, I hear, has ordered an attack on the Mohocks and the town of Kingston, sixty miles south of Albany. I have prevailed with the Indians so far that none of the Sachems are returned to Canada. They are at a stand what to do, and if the presents which I have desired be sent over to me, they will rivet them in their allegiance. The Indians sent 300 men to help us on a recent alarm of a French attack. Pennsylvania, Connecticut and the Jerseys are an obstruction to Their Majesties' service, being divided in method of Government, interest and affection. It is very unreasonable that the burden of this war should fall wholly on New York, but it cannot be remedied until the provinces are governed by one Assembly and one law. Signed. Ben. Fletcher. 1¼ pp. [America and West Indies. 579. No. 41.]
Nov. 20. 1,521. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Captain Hide's memorial read, and also Mr. Wallis's, and decision taken.
Memorial of the Barbados Agents read, and decision deferred.
Orders for an advance of pay to the Apothecaries for Jamaica, for the appointment of an Assistant Commissary, for payment for the clothing, etc. of the troops, for the transports to be ready to sail to St. Helens, and for a hospital ship to be prepared. [Board of Trade. Journal, 7. pp. 379–382.]
Nov. 20. 1,522. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. To recommend the grant of £10 extra to the surgeon with the troops for New York, that an additional month's provisions be put on board the transports, that the forces themselves be completed by drafts, and that Captain Hide's memorial for the advance of a month's subsistence be referred to the Treasury. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. pp. 185–188.]
Nov. 20. 1,523. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Agreed to lay the following matter before the King: that 400 recruits are required for the regiment in the Leeward Islands, which the officers say they cannot raise till they have been paid their subsistence to the same time as the rest of the army; and that for the clearings of the regiment to April 1692 there had been delivered to the officers tallies to the amount of £6,600 upon the credit of the Act for duties on vellum, parchment and paper, which the officers say will not be paid in three years' time, and that they cannot dispose of these tallies without a loss of five per cent. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 44. pp. 188, 189.]
Nov. 20. 1,524. Memorial of Captains Hide and Weems, commanding the two companies for New York, to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Our companies are come back after three months at sea, during which they have suffered much from hardship, sickness and loss in an engagement with three French privateers. Two months' subsistence is now due to the officers, and we beg in addition to this for a month's advance to enable us to provide necessaries for our voyage and for the soldiers. 1 p. Inscribed. Read 26 Nov. '94. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 92.]
[Nov.] 1,525. Captain Weems to the Governor of Portsmouth. I know no other course than to direct the detachment to be removed from St. Nicholas Island to Plymouth and disembark our men there, ordering bedding to be supplied from the stores at Plymouth and full allowance of fresh provisions, etc., or money to subsist them. Copy. ½ p. Endorsed, Capt. Weems' mem1. For the Governor of Portsmouth. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 93.]
Nov. 20. 1,526. The Agents for Barbados to Lords of Trade and Plantations. The King gave orders for a regiment of foot 500 strong to be raised under Colonel Francis Russell for service in Barbados. There are now 272 privates, besides officers, of the regiment awaiting transport from England. We beg that transport and provisions may be supplied and the soldiers sent to Barbados under convoy of the men-of-war now bound to Jamaica. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 20 Nov. 1694. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 6. No. 71.]
Nov. 20. 1,527. William Blathwayt to the Apothecaries' Company at the Savoy. Ordering them to ship the magazine of medicines for Jamaica, consigning it to Commissary Murrey. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 312.]
Nov. 20. 1,528. William Blathwayt to the King's Physicians. Ordering them to ship the medicines prepared for the Jamaica expedition, consigning them to Commissary Murrey. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 313.]
Nov. 1,529. Memorial to the Physicians and Apothecaries of the Jamaica expedition to Lords of Trade and Plantations. For an advance of three months' pay to equip themselves for the voyage. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 314.]
Nov. 20. 1,530. William Blathwayt to Henry Guy. Directing an advance of pay to be issued to the Physician and Apothecary of the Jamaica expedition. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 315.]
Nov. 20. 1,531. William Blathwayt to Henry Guy. Directing the Treasurer to appoint a salary for an Assistant to Commissary Murrey. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 316.]
Nov. 20. 1,532. William Blathwayt to Henry Guy. The transports are only prevented from sailing because the clothing of the troops is not on board, which the Colonels say cannot be shipped until they are furnished with the money that they desire. The Lords of the Treasury are desired to hasten the payment of the money intended for the regiments. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 317.]
Nov. 20. 1,533. William Blathwayt to the Commissioners for Transportation. Directing them to order the transport ships to sail to St. Helen's, and from thence to Plymouth to embark the troops for Jamaica. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 321.]
Nov. 21. 1,534. The Attorney General of New York to Governor Fletcher. Reporting that he cannot obtain any sufficient evidence for the prosecution of John La Reaux. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 26 July, 1695. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 93A.]
Nov. 22. 1,535. The Agent for Barbados to the Duke of Shrewsbury. Begging that ships may be appointed for the transport of 270 officers and men of Russell's regiment to Barbados by the Jamaica convoy, or that forty shillings a head may be allowed for that purpose, also that the Victuallers of the Navy have orders to put provisions on board for them. Signed. Wm. Bridges. 1¼ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 22 Nov. 1694. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. No. 72.]
[Nov. 22.] 1,536. Account of the money due to the regiment in the Leeward Islands. The regiment was cleared at its departure in April, 1690, and again to 1 April, 1692. From 1 April, 1692, to the present the sum due to them amounts to £28,613 of which we [the Agents] have received but £8,647, leaving £19,965 still due. All charges are included in this account, viz. provisions, recruits, levy money, and transportation of recruits, which comes to £10,700. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. 22 Nov. 1694. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 4. No. 42.]
[Nov.] 1,537. State of the case of the regiment in the Leeward Islands, as represented by the Colonel, Henry Holt. The regiment has been five years abroad in a very unhealthy climate, and has suffered not only from action in five several islands against the enemy, but also from the pestilential diseases of the country and the great want of food and other necessaries; whereby at least three-fourths of the Regiment hath perished, and the officers have been put to the charge of recruiting it thrice over. The regiment has not been cleared since April, 1692, and out of these clearings have been deducted all charges for their provisions by sea and land, also the money for raising recruits and transporting them from England, which being charged at a very extraordinary rate amounts to upwards of £10,000. This, together with the regiment's being in arrear for subsistence and clearings up to the present time, has reduced it to great hardship, particularly the officers, who are in debt for the maintenance of themselves and their men. Your Majesty's order was signified by Mr. Blathwayt, Secretary at War, that the officers of the said regiment in England should at once repair to their posts in the Leeward Islands. Your Majesty is therefore begged that the regiment may be cleared to April, 1693; and that their subsistence from April, 1693, to the present time may be paid to them, and paid also constantly from time to time as to the rest of the Army. I beg also that since your Majesty has granted me a commission for the regiment, I may hold it under the same circumstances as the late Colonel Lloyd, and that it may bear date from the day of his death, for I have done duty as Colonel ever since the regiment left England, having also suffered great hardships from wounds, and lost almost all that I had, by several accidents of war. Copy. 1 p. Undated. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 4. No. 43.]
Nov. 22.
1,538. Order of the King in Council. That £10 additional be given to the surgeon of the transport carrying the troops to New York, and that another full month's provisions be put on board the said transport. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. p. 189.]
Nov. 22.
1,539. Order of the King in Council. For instructions to be sent to Governor Codrington to hinder the settlement of Crab Island and the rest of the Virgin Islands by the subjects of any foreign state. Signed. William Blathwayt. ½ p. [America and West Indies. 551. No. 86; and Board of Trade, 44. p. 204.]
Nov. 22. 1,540. Minutes of Council of New York. A Committee appointed to examine Colonel Sloughter's accounts as to the two foot-companies, and to report, giving notice to Mrs. Sloughter that she may appoint some person to be present on her behalf. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 581, 582.]
Nov. 23.
1,541. Commissioners for Transportation to the Lords of Trade and Plantations. Forwarding estimate of expense of a hospitalship, including medicines, fittings and medical and nursing staff, £746. The Victuallers of the Navy will require an order to victual this ship. Signed. Sam. Atkinson, John Ellis, John Nicholl, Robt. Henley. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. pp. 319, 320.]
Nov. 24.
1,542. Commission of William Penn to William Markham to be Governor of Pennsylvania, with John Goodson and Samuel Carpenter for assistants. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed, Delivered to the Board by Mr. Randolph. 17 Aug. 1696. [America and West Indies. 599. No. 20.]
Nov. 24. 1,543. Commissions of the same to Samuel Carpenter and John Goodson to be assistants to William Markham. ½ p. Endorsed as the preceding. [America and West Indies. 599. No. 21.]
Nov. 24. 1,544. Copies of the two foregoing documents. [America and West Indies. 599. No. 22.]
Nov. 24. 1,545. Patent for John Archdale to be a Landgrave of Carolina. Signed. Craven, Bath, Ashley, Wm. Thornburgh for Sir J. Colleton, Tho. Amy. [Board of Trade. Carolina, 4. p. 22.]
Nov. 24.
New York.
1,546. Chidley Brooke to [William Blathwayt]. In April last I seized a brigantine for breach of the Navigation Laws, but the master pleading that his goods had not been imported, as they were not set ashore, the jury cleared the vessel. The goods however still remain in my custody. I have also detected a ship at this place called the Orange, Cornelis Jacobs master, carrying on illicit trade with Hispaniola evidently with the connivance of Mons. Ducasse, the Governor. This Jacobs was prosecuted in October last for assisting the King's enemies, but acquitted for want of evidence. I also have prosecuted his ship and obtained a verdict, but a motion has been made in arrest of judgment, and it is expected that the case will be carried to England. Mr. Robert Livingston who is shortly going to England will be very solicitous against me in this matter, having a considerable share in the ship. He wants but craft or assiduity to gloss over the foulest designs where his interest is concerned. It is certain that the provisions taken by this ship to Hispaniola in great measure enabled Mons. Ducasse to invade Jamaica. If such proceedings be overlooked the Navigation Acts will become of no effect. Signed. Chid. Brooke. 2½ large pls. Endorsed, Recd. 3 July. Read 8 July, 1695. Enclosed,
1,546. I. Copy of the log of the mate of the mate of the Orange on her voyage from New York to Port de Paix, Hispaniola. 3 pp. Endorsed, Recd. 3 July, '95.
1,546. II. Certificate of the condemnation of the ship Orange at Port de Paix and of the restoration of her to the master as an "act of charity." Signed. Du Casse. French. 25 Jan. 1694. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. 3 July, 1695.
1,546. III. Copy of the preceding.
1,546. IV. Copy of a letter of recommendation written by Mons. Du Casse to the Governor of St. Thomas in favour of Cornelis Jacobs. 28 January, 1694. 1 p. The French version above and the English translation below. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. Nos. 94, 94 I.–IV.; and (without enclosures) 48. pp. 211–215.]
Nov. 24. 1,547. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Agreed to defer the issue of writs for an Assembly. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. p. 297.]
Nov. 25. 1,548. Memorandum. The owners of the ship Restore offer to carry 420 men of Russell's regiment to Barbados at fifty shillings a head. Transport can doubtless be found for 52 more men, besides officers, in the ships of the Jamaica convoy. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 26 Nov. 1694. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. No. 73.]
Nov. 26. 1,549. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Sundry letters to the Treasury ordered. Letter from the Commissioners of Transport read and copy sent to the Treasury. Mr. Edward Antill's information as to French preparations for the West Indies referred to Sir John Trenchard. Protest of Mr. Blackmore and Mr. Sutton considered, and decision taken.
The proposal of the Agents of Barbados as to transport of troops thither considered, and decision taken. Petition of the owners of the ships Coronation and England referred back to them for supply of the necessary certificates.
Memorials of Captains Hide and Weems read and referred to the Treasury.
The question of the Newfoundland trade considered. [Board of Trade. Journal, 7. pp. 383–386.]
Nov. 26. 1,550. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Agreed to move the King to refer the protest of Thomas Sutton and Francis Blackmore against their suspension from Council, to the Governor and Council of Jamaica for report. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 408.]
Nov. 26. 1,551. William Blathwayt to Commissioners for Transportation. Directing them to prepare the hospital-ship, according to their estimate, with all speed. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 320.]
Nov. 26. 1,552. William Blathwayt to Henry Guy. Forwarding the estimate for a hospital-ship for the information and opinion of the Treasury. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 320.]
Nov. 26. 1,553. William Blathwayt to Henry Guy. The hired transports are already upon demurrage to the great cost of the King and great prejudice to the expedition. The Lords of the Treasury are again desired to despatch the payments to the Colonels with all speed and save further delay. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 325.]
Nov. 26. 1,554. William Blathwayt to Colonel Northcott. Directing him to be in readiness to embark with his regiment, as the transports have been ordered to Plymouth. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 324.]
Nov. 26.
1,555. Commissioners of Transportation to William Blathwayt. We have ordered the transports to sail to St. Helen's but the masters say that St. Helen's is a dangerous road in winter and ask that they may sail to St. Helen's or Spithead. Several also complain that many of their men are pressed, notwithstanding our protection, so that they cannot sail for want of hands, and they fear that their men may be pressed in other ports also. Pray see that the Admiralty give effective orders to put a stop to this. The Masters also declare that they will not sail unless the article in their charter-party protecting their men from impressment in the West Indies be strictly enforced. Pray let strict orders to this effect be issued by the Lords of Trade. We beg also for instructions as to convoy of the transports; and we would remind you that an order is necessary for the victualling of the hospital-ship. Signed. John Ellis, Robt. Henley, John Nicholl, Sam. Atkinson. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. pp. 322–324.]
Nov. 26. 1,556. John Povey to Commissioners of Transport. Forwarding Mr. Bridges's memorandum as to shipping for transport of men for the Barbados regiment, and directing them to attend next meeting of the Committee. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 44. p. 88.]
Nov. 26. 1,557. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. That the proposals of the Agents for Barbados as to transport of the regiment be laid before the King. Memo. The soldiers being in Yorkshire could not embark to sail with the Jamaica fleet, so nothing was done on this report. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 44. p. 90.]
[Nov. 26.] 1,558. Account of the charge of raising 400 recruits, with 20 non-commissioned officers, of clothing them, and of a month's subsistence:—
For clothing one man. For clothing one sergeant.
Coat and breeches £1 15 0 £4 10 0
Surtout coat 0 16 0 1 10 0
2 shirts 0 7 0 0 12 0
2 neck cloths 0 2 0 0 4 6
2 pair shoes 0 8 0 0 8 0
2 pair hose 0 3 6 0 8 6
Sword and belt 0 8 0 0 16 0
Cap 0 7 0 0 18 0
—— —— —— —— —— ——
Total £4 6 6 £9 7 0
—— —— —— —— —— ——
400 men at £4 6s. 6d. £1,740 0 0
8 serjeants at £9 7s. 0d. 74 16 0
8 corporals at £4 16s. 6d. 38 12 0
4 drums at £4 16s. 6d. 19 6 0
Levy money at £2 0s. 0d. 800 0 0
A month's subsistence 300 8 0
—— —— ——
Total £2,963 2 0
—— —— ——
1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 26 Nov. 1694. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 4. No. 44.]
Nov. 26. 1,559. Petition of Killian van Rensselaer to Lords of Trade and Plantations. For an order from the King to Governor Fletcher, to put him in possession of Rensselaers Wick. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 26 Nov. '94. Read, 7 Jan. '94–5. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 95; and 48. p. 190.]
Nov. 26. 1,560. Proclamation of the Governor of East New Jersey for enforcing the Act for regulation of Trade. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 2 July, 1695. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 95A.]
Nov. 27. 1,561. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Orders for payments. Adjourned owing to the Governor's indisposition. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XII., pp. 492, 493; and Board of Trade. Barbados, 65. p. 26.]
Nov. 27. 1,562. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. The Governor reported losses through French privateers, on which a committee was appointed to fit out two sloops, the House engaging to repay them the expense. Bill for payment of the Agents passed. Adjourned to 11 December. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIV., pp. 396. 397.]
Nov. 29.
1,563. Commissioners of Transport to Lords of Trade and Plantations. The Captain of the Restore will not undertake to transport the 270 men of Russell's regiment to Barbados except at fifty shillings a head, half to be paid on signing the charter-party, and half when the men are on board. We believe his ship to be suitable and the charge reasonable. Other captains of ships to Barbados refuse to take any men on board (see No. 1,548). [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. No. 74.]
Nov. 29.
1,564. Order of the King in Council. Referring a memorial from the Commissioners for the Leeward Islands to Lords of Trade and Plantations for report. Signed. William Blathwayt. ¼ p. Annexed,
1,564. I. Memorial of the Commissioners for the Leeward Islands to the King. In spite of your Royal order last winter that ships of war and 400 recruits should be sent to the Leeward Islands, neither of them have been sent. The Chester and the Wild, prize, were ordered to stay there, but the latter being unserviceable was sent home, and the Chester is so much out of repair that she can do the Islands little good. The officers of the regiment for want of pay and money have not raised recruits, though men and ships are greatly wanted in the Leeward Islands, the French privateers having of late given much trouble, carrying off negroes and keeping the inhabitants in continual alarm and on hard duty. We beg therefore that ships and recruits may be sent out. Signed. Bastian Bayer, Jeff. Jeffreys, Christopher Jeaffreson, Joseph Martyn, Rd. Cary. Copy. 1 p. The whole endorsed, Recd. 5 Dec. Read 14 Dec. 1694. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 4. No. 45; and 44. pp. 189–191.]
Nov. 29.
1,565. Order of the King in Council. Referring the petition of Thomas Sutton and Francis Blackmore, against their suspension, to the Governor and Council of Jamaica for report. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. pp. 408, 409.]
Nov. 29.
1,566. Order of the King in Council. Referring the petition of merchants and others concerned in Jamaica to Lords of Trade and Plantations for report.
Petition of merchants, planters and others, resident and not resident in Jamaica, to the King. During the invasion of the French the whole of the militia was collected in one place, whereby our property was laid open to destruction by the enemy. We beg that a clause of the Militia Act, which provides for compensation for such injuries out of the public revenue, may be enforced. Ten signatures. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 54. pp. 1–3.]
Nov. 29. 1,567. Minutes of Council of New York. Orders for payments. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., p. 582.]
Nov. 30. 1,568. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Accounts passed and payments ordered. Edward Stanton took over the post of Provost Marshal. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. pp. 297, 298.]
Nov. 1,569. Lieutenant-Governor Usher to Lords of Trade and Plantations. The Council called an Assembly in my absence, giving me to understand that the Government could be managed in my absence and that they knew that I had been at great charge from my own estate, with small prospect of reimbursement. I thought it my duty to be present, however, and laid before the Assembly the necessity for raising £1,500 besides money for support of the Government. After a long time they raised £700, to be gathered in by next March. This will only pay the Government's debts. The expense of the soldiers desired from Massachusetts, together with the garrison of the fort, will amount to £500, so that the soldiers, even if obtained, will probably be dismissed. I have spent over £400 on them from my own estate, and have received not one meal nor draught of drink. I am directed by my instructions to encourage trade; but trade is nowhere more discouraged, owing to the impressment of seamen by the King's ships, though they have more than their complement. Thus Captain Taylor, who came to this Province, owned that he had more than his complement, but without shewing his orders or paying any respect to the Government pressed over twenty men, leaving the ships disabled. The masters required him to secure the ships, but he refused, and the Council would not stand by me to call him to account. I had a ship of my own of which all the men were pressed; and I could obtain no relief from the Council. Two mast-ships arrived and refused to make entries according to law, but the Council would not move to enforce the law. As the King's Commission is derided and the Council have written to me that they have full powers of Government I have been obliged to quit the place until I receive your orders. Signed. John Usher. 1¼ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 14 Jan. 1624. Annexed,
1,569. I. Speech of Lieutenant-Governor Usher to the General Assembly of New Hampshire. 6 Nov. 1694. I recommend to you my speech to the last Assembly urging the necessity of providing for support of the Government and paying the country's debts. I could have repulsed the Indian enemy, if you had found money to supply provisions for the militia. I judge it necessary for £1,500 to be raised, but have no account yet of the indebtedness of the Colony. If you strengthen not my hands for support and defence of the place, the blame for the result must not be laid at my door. 1¼ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 14 Nov. 1694 (sic).
1,569. II. Answer of the Assembly to the above speech. We have passed an Act for continuing impost custom and excise for one year, also an Act to raise £700, which with what is in the Treasurer's hands will, we reckon, pay the Colony's debts and also the maintenance of sixty soldiers for six months with provisions, ammunition and one third pay. The province is too much impoverished to raise supplies for any other object, and we beg you to lay our deplorable condition before the King. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 14 Nov. '94 (sic).
1,569. III. Extract from Minutes of Council of New Hampshire. 16 November, 1694. On the petition of George Long, John Long, and John West praying that their ships under seizure might proceed on their voyage, it was resolved to answer that the Council was not concerned in the seizure, nor will be in the detention of the ships, but gives them all countenance in their legal proceedings. A letter was written to the Lieutenant-Governor to inform him hereof, and to ask him to take such measures as he thinks fit. Order for replacing the soldiers at Oyster River by twenty soldiers from Massachusetts, and that the officers of militia be called together to consult as to the settlement of garrisons.
Order that if the Lieutenant-Governor do not prosecute the seized ships, they shall be no longer detained.
Extract from Minutes of 21 November, 1694. Order for the seized ships to be allowed to sail, since the Lieutenant-Governor has taken no steps to prosecute them. Orders for payment for powder and for mending the arms of the Massachusetts soldiers. Copy. 2 pp. Endorsed, Recd. 14 Jan. 1694–5.
1,569. IV. Extract from Minutes of Council of New Hampshire. 10 August, 1694. The Lieutenant-Governor declared that he had issued warrants for the seizure of George Long's and John West's ships for not making due entry. Extract from the same. 10 November, 1694. The Council refused to be concerned in the warrant of the Lieutenant-Governor for the above seizure. Extract from the same. 16 November, 1694. Petition of Long and West for release of their ships, and resolutions of the Council thereon. Letter of the Council to Lieutenant-Governor Usher of 16 November, informing him of the foregoing resolution. Answer of the Lieutenant-Governor, 19 November, 1694. I asked your advice as to the seizure of the ships, since they had not made entry. If they have made entry, as is said, they ought not to be detained. The Government is in your hands, so you can deal with the matter, for I have no wish for any to obstruct anyone in their legal proceedings. I renounce all share in any forfeiture; as to the King's share, it is left with you to deal with it. Copies. 3 pp. Endorsed, Recd. 9 Mar. '94–5.
1,569. V. Copies of the Council's letter of 16 November, and of the Lieutenant-Governor's of 19 November, abstracted above. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 9 Mar. '94–5.
1,569. VI. Items of necessary expenditure submitted to the Assembly of New Hampshire in May last, the total amounting to £1,540, besides money for the support of the Government. On 10 November £400 was also asked for Mr. Blathwayt. 1 p.
1,569. VII. Another copy of the same items, with a note that the Assembly passed an Act in November to raise £700. [Board of Trade. New Hampshire, 1. Nos. 42, 42 I.–VII.; and (without enclosures) Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXVII., pp. 253–255.]
Nov. 1,570. Petition of Robert Thomas to the King and Queen. Praying for grant of peaceable enjoyment of certain "Kingdoms" that he has purchased of Indians in America. Endorsed, Nov. 1694. 1 p. Annexed,
1,570. I. A list of the Kings and Queens from whom the purchases were made. The boundaries are to Eastward the Ocean, to West the "Black Lake of Canada," to North the Weaoake or Blackwater river, to South the Amazonian river. Scrap. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 8. Nos. 61, 61 I.]