America and West Indies: August 1695, 12-20

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'America and West Indies: August 1695, 12-20', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 14 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: August 1695, 12-20', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online, accessed February 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: August 1695, 12-20". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online. Web. 14 February 2025.

August 1695

Aug. 12. 2,002. John Povey to the Commissioners of Ordnance. In reply to yours of 10th Mr. Micaiah Perry, merchant, of Leadenhall Street, and Mr. Bateman, solicitor, of St. Nicholas Lane, follow the issue (?) of the stores for Virginia. But the warrant for the Governor of Virginia to transmit bills for the money to the Treasurer of the Ordnance according to the late estimate being sent only last Tuesday to be signed by the King in Flanders, they have, I believe, omitted to attend you till the warrant be issued out. However I will give them notice to attend you, that there may be as little delay as possible. Royal draft. 1 p. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 5. No. 77.]
Aug. 12. 2,003. Minutes of General Assembly of Montserrat. Order for ten men to be drawn out of each Windward company and sent to Northward, and that the Treasurer deliver a barrel of herrings to each company, to be distributed by the captains to such persons as have most need. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVIII., p. 333.]
Aug. 13. 2,004. Minutes of Council and Assembly of Antigua. Message from the Assembly complaining of the dilatoriness of the contractor who had agreed to build the guard-houses. On the proposal of the Governor, the Assembly agreed to provide victuals for the poor men on duty and for their families. On the proposal of the Assembly the Governor agreed to order casks for the powder to be bought or pressed. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 64. pp. 142–143.]
Aug. 14. 2,005. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Report of the Admiralty as to next year's trade and convoys read. List of documents received on 26 August. [Board of Trade. Journal, 8. pp. 95–99.]
Aug. 14. 2,006. Memorial of Henry Dunn. Praying for a copy of Governor Kendall's instructions, with a view to taking legal proceedings against him. Copy. ½ p. Endorsed, Read 14 Aug., 1695. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. No. 108.]
Aug. 14. 2,007. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Agreed to lay the memorial of Henry Dunn before the Lords Justices for their decision. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 44. pp. 197.]
Aug. 14. 2,008. Minutes of Council of Maryland. The Governor produced a letter from the Plantation Office reporting the death of Queen Mary. Orders issued thereupon. (pp. 35–36.)
Aug. 15. On a letter reporting the seizure of a vessel for illegal trading, a riding surveyor was appointed to check the pursuit of such practices overland between Maryland and Pennsylvania. (p. 44.)
Aug. 16. Order for the Deputy Clerk of Calvert County Court to act in the place of the clerk, deceased, until Sir Thomas Laurence can receive notice. On petition of Henry Darnall, order was given for strict collection of the shipping dues belonging to Lord Baltimore. (pp. 45–46.)
Aug. 17. Colonel Fletcher's letter applying for 160 men towards the defence of New York was considered. Letter from Governor Nicholson to Governor Fletcher. Yours of 17 June did not reach me till the middle of July, when it was difficult to collect the Council. This letter will be presented to you by Mr. Thomas Tasker, who, by an order passed in the late Sessions of Assembly, was appointed to wait on you if you sent either for men or money, and to lay before you the state of this province. The Queen's letter of 22 August, 1694, gives no order that our quota is to be paid or armed by us, nor do I find that you expect it; but you ask for officers as well as men. Again we are not bound to furnish a larger proportion of our quota than is furnished by other Colonies, but you do not say whether you have called for the entire quotas of all the Colonies nor whether you intend to invade the French. If you do so intend, we must raise a larger number of men to guard our frontiers, which will be very costly to us and a great loss to the King's revenue. Letter ends. Instructions to Thomas Tasker, to present the letter and to inform Governor Fletcher of the difficulty with which the Assembly was induced to impose additional duties, of the murmurings of the people, of the impossibility of paying the men of the quota, of the losses owing to the severity of the winter, and of the address sent to the King for exemption from the duty of helping New York (pp.36–39). Order for appointing the Colonels of militia in the following counties, viz.: Colonel Henry Jowles for St. Mary's County, Colonel John Addison for St. George's County, Colonel John Courts for Charles County, Colonel Mitchell for Calvert County, Colonel John Hinson for Kent County. Order that the above Colonels consult their officers as to regulating the militia, and that the Military Instructions be sent to them. The Governor desired the advice of the Council as to the seating a certain tract of Indian land by the Potomac. Orders issued that the Commissioners in all the Counties lately divided take care to have the business of their Courts completed, that vestries take care for the building of churches, and for a great number of ecclesiastical matters (pp. 40–44). [Board of Trade. Maryland, 13. pp. as cited.]
Aug. 15. 2,009. Minutes of Council of New York. Letter from Sir Edmund Andros, promising to send the quota of men from Virginia by 1 May next. Martin Cruyger obtained leave to build a house near one of the blockhouses at Albany. Orders for sundry payments. The purchase of 100,000 acres of land from the Indians by Lucas Tienhoven and John Cornelius was disallowed as too great, but a purchase of 1,000 acres in one block by each of them was sanctioned, if they should choose to accept it. Patents for land granted to Martha Ashfordby and Hendryck Jansen. Resolved that the Governor go to Albany to meet and give presents to the Indians, and that the Sachems receive notice to attend. [Board of Trade. New York, 72. pp.54–56.]
Aug. 16. 2,010. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Order for the French prisoners brought from Hispaniola to be distributed among the ships for England. Order for a rebate of duty to a distressed vessel. Order that all captured negroes brought from Hispaniola shall remain free, if they were free in that Island. The case of Thomas Sutton and Francis Blackmore heard, who disclaimed the petition offered on their behalf in England. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. p.313.]
Aug. 16. 2,011. Extracts from two letters from Barbados. Letter of 27 June. In my last I told you of our answering the King's letter respecting the maintenance of the clergy by a short address to the effect that they were already sufficiently provided for. The question of paying the passages and other charges of transporting the soldiers of England was also met by an Address to the King to pay them. It was then resolved to send a flag of truce to Martinique to recover our prisoners. Judge Langley was therefore sent down with a horse as a present from the Governor, but Count de Blenac refused to receive either the flag or the horse, and denied that he had any prisoners, having sent them to France or to Petit Guavos. On the 11th of June the Governor proposed to the Assembly to give additional pay to the King's troops, when he would find the guards from his own regiment; also that if the Assembly would give him a sum of money he would move from Fontabelle where his health was amiss; also that the men-of-war should be victualled, adding that if victualled by himself they should go home, but if by the Assembly, they should stop here. The Assembly resolved to allow each soldier fourpence a day, and that the old Act for twelvepence a day be repealed, in consideration that they should find the guards. Resolved further to grant the Governor £500 a year in lieu of Fontabelle from the time when he leaves it. On the 12th of June a bill passed for giving fourpence a day to the soldiers, and for taking off the guards, the number of soldiers not to exceed 500 men. A bill was also passed for the allowance to the Governor in lieu of Fontabelle; and the two bills were drawn into one Act. An address was also sent to the Governor against pressing men from the provision-ships. On the 18th of June the bill as to the soldiers was returned with an amendment, increasing the fourpence a day to sixpence for the rest of the war, and for two months after the notification of peace, and confirming the withdrawal of all guards except in case of imminent danger. It was also provided that soldiers should be quartered on no one family for more than three months. The bill was passed. At the Governor's repeated request a bill passed for £700 to furnish the Bristol and Play with provisions, Mr. Prideaux and Mr. Heysham promising to lend the money under certain conditions. It was unanimously voted to discharge the hired brigantine Marygold. The Assembly was then adjourned for a month but again called on the 22nd of June, the Governor and Mr. Prideaux having failed to come to an understanding over the £700. A bill therefore passed for security to Mr. Cranfield, for £784, which was added to the other bill.
Letter of 12 August. This bill was not passed by the Governor. We were asked for our reasons for not appointing Mr. Bridges to be our Agent, but we returned the bill without amendment. Contrary to our expectations we have for five weeks had four companies on guard and twenty-four horse-troopers. The towns are full of small-pox, and few companies returned without loss of several men, while the small-pox spreads throughout the Island. We have also been lately summond to ride in the life-guard and to do weekly duty, viz.: Councillors, Judges, Assemblymen and others, who used to be exempt. On the 29th of July the major part of them appeared on guard and were discharged after exercise till that day four weeks. Mr. Prideaux was summoned to do weekly duty with the troopers at Fontabelle. He pleaded that he was superannuated. On Saturday last Colonel James Colleton received a summons to the same duty for a whole week. Last week the Assembly passed a Bill to encourage importation of servants for supply of the Militia, which is much reduced by severe duty. The price of servants on the planter is thus raised to £18, besides £5 for wages paid to him by his late master, with a larger addition of clothes and victuals than ever before. A clause was added to excuse those who had no servants from doing impossibilities, but this was sent back by the Council to be struck out. A committee was then appointed to draw up an address against the burden of the militia-guards, which was sent up to the Governor on the 7th of August. A petition of the purser of the Play, prize, for money to victual the ship was rejected. A proposed drawback of duty to be granted to Jonathan Langley was rejected, but, on the allegation that he had done good service to the Island at home, was ultimately granted. On the 16th of August there was to have been a conference on the Bill for imported servants, which was however adjourned. 3 pp. Endorsed, Recd. from Mr. Littleton, 9 Nov. 95. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. No. 109.]
Aug. 16. 2,012. Minutes of Council of Barbados. The Assembly desired a conference on the bill as to importation of servants, but the matter was adjourned owing to the sailing of the fleet. A petition for drawback of duty passed. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 65. p.64.]
Aug. 18. 2,013. Order of the Lords Justices of England in Council. That Governor Russell permit Ralph Lane to come to England to prosecute his appeal, and give him every facility for collecting evidence. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 44. p.199.]
Aug. 18. 2,014. Minutes of Council of New York. The Governor reported that he had intelligence that the French intended to resettle Cadaraqui. Resolved that Major Peter Schuyler be ordered to march with as many men as can be spared from the companies, and with such people of the country as will join him, to the castles of the Maquas, to show the readiness of the Government to assist the Indians. A letter from Connecticut read, refusing to send the quota and expecting, if they send any men, that New York will pay the charge. Advised that the Governor write again to them, mentioning the French designs as to Cadaraqui. [Board of Trade. New York, 72. pp.56–57.]
Aug. 19. 2,015. Minutes of Council of Maryland. The question of assistance to New York was again brought up, and deferred for a fuller Council (p.36).
Order for the clerks of the County Courts to attend at Annapolis in the first day of next provincial Court, in order to be sworn before Council. On consultation with the Burgesses in town and the Justices of the Provincial Courts it was decided to fix the meeting of next Court and of the Assembly for the 2nd October. On petition of Edward Green a commission was granted to him for seizing wrecks. William Aldern sworn as a Deputy Collector (pp.46–47).
Aug. 20. Proclamation against illegal trade ordered (p.40). Samuel Watkins sworn as Naval Officer of Patuxent. Major Robert King produced his accounts as Naval Officer of Pocomoke and swore to them (pp.44–45). Two other officers also swore to their accounts. Henry Denton sworn a Deputy-Collector. Order for enquiry to be made as to the numbers of wild horses taken up since the Governor's arrival, and that no more wild horses nor cattle be taken up (p.48). [Board of Trade. Maryland, 13. pp. as cited.]