America and West Indies: May 1696

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'America and West Indies: May 1696', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 14 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: May 1696', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online, accessed February 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: May 1696". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online. Web. 14 February 2025.

May 1696

May 1. Message from the Burgesses, approving the Council's proposals as to the State-house in the abstract, but stating that the country could not afford to carry them out. The Governor said that he was sorry the country was so poor.
May 2. Messages exchanged with the Burgesses as to the clearing or stopping of the ships now in the country, when the Council agreed finally that the ships should be cleared. (pp. 31–46.) Eleven more proposals to be laid before the Burgesses were read. Sundry petitions read. (pp. 51–53.) [Board of Trade. Maryland, 14. pp. as cited.]
May 1. 2,357. Minutes of Council of Virginia. Order for the despatch of the quota of men to New York to be deferred, and for £1,000, New York money, to be transmitted to Governor Fletcher instead thereof, towards which it is hoped that the £500 levied by the Assembly will be appropriated by the King. Order, that all ships that are cleared by the 23rd, and assembled at Old Point Comfort by the 30th instant, be permitted to sail for Europe in a fleet. Order for arrest of Christopher Merchant for executing the office of Collector in Princess Anne County without authority. Order for payment of £450 to Captain Harry Beverley for the expenses of a sloop for the King's service. The Governor nominated the sheriffs for the several counties, also three additional justices of the peace. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 53. pp. 20, 21.]
[May 1.] 2,358. Duplicate copy of the Minutes of the General Assembly of Virginia, 24 April to 1 May, 1696. [America and West Indies. 638. No. 28.]
May 1. 2,359. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Order for payments. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 79. pp. 4–5.]
May 4. 2,360. Minutes of Council of Nevis. The Lieutenant-Governor, Samuel Gardner, proposed several articles to the Governor-in-Chief as follows:—(1) That a law be made to enforce certain particular military articles. Agreed. (2) That a law be made for billeting the King's forces. Agreed. (3) That when runaway slaves are taken, there is no law by which they can be executed, as there is no Assembly to appraise them. Agreed that they shall be appraised when there is an Assembly. (4) That a law be made to regulate the holding of Courts. Agreed, and orders for quarter-sessions issued. (5) That the Lieutenant-Governor has no authority nor commission as Chief Judge. Answered, that when such a Commission was given to him he declined to use it till he had reported on it. (6) That the Assembly had addressed the Governor for removal of Charles Pym from his employments. Ordered thereon that the signatories attend the Governor with their complaint. (7) That a law to quiet possessions is absolutely necessary, as the lawyers have been stirring up lawsuits about possessions of thirty or forty years' standing. Answered, that the Governor is prepared to consent to such laws. (8) That an Assembly be called at once. Answered, that one shall be called when the King's affairs require it. The Governor then declared the Assembly lately chosen to be dissolved; and issued strict orders to the Lieutenant-Governor to call no Assembly, appoint no judge and grant no letters of administration and fulfil no duty as Lieutenant-Governor without consent of the Council, commit no officer to custody without consent of a Council of officers, and pass no law and appoint no officer without consent of the Governor-in-Chief. Certain petitions were answered. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 64. pp. 345–348.]
May 4. 2,361. Minutes of Council of Maryland. Information was received as to the illicit traders with foreign Indians, and ordered to be sent to the Governor of Pennsylvania.
May 5. Proclamation for a day of thanksgiving for the King's successes by land and sea.
May 6. A question as to payment of duties by a ship built in the province was referred to the law officers, on whose report it was ordered that the duties be paid. James Frisby obtained leave of absence, his lady drawing near her time. Two Councillors appointed to enquire as to alleged encroachments on the land of the Emperor of Piscattaway. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 13. pp. 93–97.]
May 4. 2,362. Journal of House of Burgesses of Maryland. The House concurred with the Council as to the clearing of ships.
May 5. The Governor prorogued the Assembly until the 6th.
May 6. Committees of grievances, of accounts and of laws appointed. The House attended the Governor at his summons, who made them a speech hoping that they would put aside all differences, lay an additional duty of ten shillings on negroes and continue the additional duty of threepence a hogshead, which would enable them not only to complete what was begun but would free them from present encumbrances. Several proposals from the Governor were then considered, and the following resolutions voted upon them. The House leaves it to the Governor to issue a proclamation against export of corn or not, as he thinks best. Agreed that a congratulatory address be sent to the King. As to the proposed law to explain beer, cider and wine measure, resolved that beer be sold according to Winchester measure and cider according to wine measure. Agreed that the inhabitants of Annapolis and Williamstadt be exempt from the law against registers and forestallers.
May 7. This being thanksgiving day, the House did not meet.
May 8. The correspondence between Governor Nicholson and Governor Fletcher was read. Resolved that, since Maryland has addressed the King to be quit of the duty of helping New York, and since she is under no greater obligation than her neighbours and Virginia has given nothing, the province is incapable of giving assistance to New York. Resolved that no further assistance be sent to New York and no further reply sent to Governor Fletcher till the King's pleasure be known. The following Bills were read a first time, for County Court Clerks and Vestries to furnish annual returns, to prevent driving away of wild horses, for speedy justice and encouragement of trade, and for quieting successions. Agreed to bring in a Bill for purchase of land for Kent County Court House.
May 9. Colonel Darnall attended, and was told that the bill for quieting successions had been brought forward in consequence of a public declaration which he had made as Lord Baltimore's agent. Colonel Darnall said that if the Bill were passed he would say no more, but that if the House addressed Lord Baltimore he would at once publish a notice that no advantage should be taken of his former declaration till Lord Baltimore's further pleasure should be known. Thereupon the House resolved to address a remonstrance to Lord Baltimore. Petitions considered. Resolutions as to a few structural details in the State-House passed. Several proposals from the Governors were then considered and resolved upon as follows. Agreed to write to Thomas Neale, master of the mint, for his good offices in passing the Act for advancement of coins. Agreed to address to the King as to the debt due to the revenue from Governor Copley's estate. Agreed that any persons who will build a Bridewell shall have a lease and the profit thereof. As to further measures touching Pennsylvania trade and runaway seamen, resolved that the Governor's proclamation on the subject be observed and executed. As to the proposals regarding the admission of testimonials from England, resolved that existing laws are sufficient. Agreed to propose to Virginia a reciprocal Act as to runaway servants and debtors. Agreed that the roads in the province be ascertained, widened and marked, and that the Commissaries see to their repair yearly. Agreed that all officers shall swear to their accounts when they pass them before the Governor. Agreed that the Treasurers of the province shall give bond for the performance of their duties, and that all public ferrymen on great rivers be suffered to keep an ordinary without a licence. [America and West Indies. 557. No. 5.]
May 4. 2,363. Minutes of Council of Maryland in Assembly. Message from the Burgesses agreeing as to the clearance of ships. Order for clearing them accordingly, provided they be ready to sail by the 30th of June. The master of one ship of force had agreed to convey the ships within sixty leagues of Ireland but no further, but the offer was rejected by the masters, as insufficient to counterbalance the disadvantages of delay. (pp. 46–48.) A Minute of Council of 3 March as to quick and cheap despatch of legal business was sent to the Burgesses. The Burgesses' answer to the Governor's proposals were brought up, also a bitter complaint against an Order of Council which, by empowering Clerks to go at all times to their offices, notwithstanding that the only way lies through the Assembly's place of meeting, deprives the Burgesses of privacy and uninterruption. Message from the Governor to the Burgesses. I am sorry that the House looks upon this order as a grievance. We do not think it so; but we do think it an infringement of Magna Charta that the King's offices should be closed, particularly as there is access to them without passing through the place where the Assembly sits. Peruse the enclosed accounts of County levies, and say if the charges therein made and allowed be not against the privileges of the people and against the law. I would propose, for disburthening of the country, that you make a law reducing the number of Burgesses from each County to two, or that the House should appoint two members only from each county to despatch the public business. It would be a great save to the country. Virginia, with near double our number of taxables, has but about the same number of Burgesses.
May 5. The above message was sent down to the Burgesses, who returned this answer. We have received no reply to our request that the order of which we complain should be removed from the journals of the Council. If this be not done we shall adjourn to another place, and proceed to no further business till we receive a satisfactory answer. Answer ends. The Governor and Council sent a reply enquiring whether the foregoing message of the Burgesses was passed with all the members present and nemine contradicente. The Burgesses replied to this that the message was approved nemine contradicente, but stigmatised the enquiry as to the number of members present as a further breach of privilege. The Governor thereupon summoned the Burgesses, and told them that he had found a middle way out of the contest if the Burgesses would shew real and hearty affection to promote the welfare of the King's and country's service; otherwise he would dissolve them. "And the "better to incite the House to the observance thereof His Excel-"lency was pleased to present to Mr. Speaker (for the perusal of "the House) a sermon preached by the present Archbishop of "Canterbury, of doing good for posterity, and then told them that "he prorogued them till the 6th inst." This incident does not appear in the Journal of the House of Burgesses.
May 6. The Burgesses sent a message asking what business the Governor might wish to impart to them. The Governor then summoned them and made them a speech (see preceding abstract) and read two letters from Sir Thomas Laurence as to his proceedings in England. The Burgesses then sent up their answers to the Governor's former proposals. (1) The House adheres to its resolutions that 200 acres and not 225 acres shall be laid out for a town and common at Williamstadt. (2,3,4) The fees of the Chancellor, law-officers, collectors and naval-officers, being already settled, need no further settlement. (5) The Clerk of Council is ordered to send a schedule of his fees. (6) The Burgesses' allowance is already paid by law. (7) The Governor is desired, if he pleases, to prohibit exportation of corn. (8) Agreed to present an address of congratulation to the King, and to send-letters to the Bishop of London and Archbishop of Canterbury. (9) As to sale-measure of beer and cider (see preceding abstract). (10) The law already makes provision against undue trusting of seamen and labourers by ordinary keepers. (11) Agreed to exempt the people of Annapolis and Williamstadt from the Act against regraters. These were assented to by the Council excepting No. 7, which was required to be made more complete. (pp. 59–67.)
May 7. Several masters of ships attended and presented a petition, showing reasons why their ships should be cleared as soon as they were ready. Several London merchants present not objecting, an order was issued accordingly, also a notice that no masters should be allowed the benefit of that order unless they first presented themselves before the Governor and demonstrated their willingness to sail. (pp. 48–50.)
May 8. Resolved to send a message to the Burgesses asking for a clearer answer as to the prohibition of the export of corn, and for quicker despatch of the proposals still before them; to which end queries are appended to these proposals as follows:—(1) Is it convenient that pork be exported at present to Virginia? (2) As to the debt due from Governor Copley's estate to the King, what certainty have the Burgesses for their statement that the King has bestowed it all on the Governor's children. (3) If duty be enforced on furs from Pennsylvania, should not those who shipped such furs last year be compelled to pay that duty? (4) If persons undertake to build a Bridewell at their own cost, may they not have the benefit of it? (7) A Virginian law as to driving wild horses has no effect in Maryland. (9) The proposal as to Pennsylvanian illicit trade and harbouring of runaway seamen is particularly important. (10) The question of authenticity of testimonials from England is settled by no law, and so important a matter should be regulated. (11) Disputes as to titles of land have caused great hardships to witnesses, so the lawyers' opinion as to this proposal should be respected. (17) As to a reciprocal law between Virginia and Maryland respecting runaways, should not some proposal be addressed to Virginia? (22) The question of laying the levy is not intended to raise that of granting allowances. (23) There is no law to compel priests entering the country to shew their orders, as there should be. (24) The division of Somerset County is necessary to settle the difficulty about the Court House, and could be effected as the Burgesses for the County may prefer to recommend. Petitions from two counties recommended to the Burgesses. Proposed that the bills taken for the import-duty on furs may be sent to England, where a friend will keep the money in bank for the use of the province. Proposed that in future all voters at elections shall vote in person or send their names sealed up in writing to the sheriff, and that all Treasurers be obliged to give security. Message from the Burgesses, with their resolution to give no further help to New York. Leave of absence for a few days granted to John Courts and Thomas Brook.
May 9. A writ returned by the sheriff of Calvert County was sent down to the Burgesses, it being thought morally impossible that the election could have been duly held within so short a time (pp. 67–72). The answers of the Burgesses to sundry of the proposals was received (see preceding abstract, to which list the following are added). The election of Burgesses is sufficiently provided for by law. As to priests, we think that Romish priests, who comply with the laws of the province, should be allowed to marry persons. The question of a church in Annapolis must be deferred till next Assembly. Bills shall be prepared for an additional impost on negroes and for continuing the additional duty of threepence per hogshead. A pipe of Madeira wine shall be reckoned at 100 gallons. (pp. 74–76.) [Board of Trade. Maryland, 14. pp. as cited.]
May 5. 2,364. Minutes of Council of Barbados. A quarter's rent for Fontabelle paid. A bill to encourage privateers by the Governor's resigning his share and his fees, sent to the Assembly. A conference appointed with the Assembly as to sending a sloop to the Leeward Islands to enquire about ships and prisoners expected from Martinique, and as to certain proposals for the encouragement of seamen; when the Assembly agreed to the Council's proposals on both points. Bill for excise returned to the Assembly with amendments. Proclamation ordered for all seamen to come in. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 65. pp. 92–93.]
May 5.
2,365. Governor Codrington to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Since my last, by fitting out three privateers and keeping the Hastings at sea cruising, I have kept the enemy at some distance, whereby our merchant-ships have arrived with greater security than heretofore. The King's ships and these small privateers have not only preserved our own trade in some measure but damaged the enemy's by bringing in six or seven small prizes, which, though of no great value, still is a weakening to the enemy and an encouragement to our own privateers. I hear lately from St. Thomas that the men-of-war attending Jamaica and some privateers from thence have lately taken two or three considerable French ships from the French at Petit Guavos, which they in their turn had taken from the Dutch off the coast of New Spain, also that the Jamaica men have landed and utterly destroyed Petit Guavos, which, if true, will prove the utter ruin of the Colony. But the news wants confirmation. I shall continue all possible endeavours to injure the French on our borders, and I am very sure that, when the King enables me by naval strength, I shall render effectual service to him and to these Islands. I am now, at the earnest request of the Northern Colonies, settling St. Christophers, which will strengthen these Islands by at least two thousand families. They only waited for encouragement to come, and the Island will well maintain them; and with such an accession to our strength it will not be in the power of the French to do us any considerable damage. I am the more induced to speedy settlement of the Island by the assurance that I have that the French families remaining there have recently by order of the French King been transported to Hispaniola, so I presume that they despair wholly of recovering St. Christophers, which, when thoroughly settled, will prove the best and most profitable of the Leeward Islands, and that in a very short time. I shall do all I can to make a thorough and speedy settlement hereon, if the King adhere to his resolution, and I would ask whether a quit-rent of twelve pence an acre on all the lands granted here, to be paid to the King's Commissioners, without the expense of surveyors and other officers except one Collector, may not be more acceptable than the former four and a half per cent. duty. The revenue will soon amount to £2,500 per annum, there being fifty thousand acres to be disposed of in the Island; and the laying of the tax on the land will be much easier to the planter, a more certain revenue collected with less charge, and a vast encouragement to the merchants trading to St. Christophers, since they will be far more inclined to sell to it than to the other Leeward Islands if they can save the four and a half per cent. duty, which in the other Islands is always paid by the exporting merchants. But in St. Christophers this duty will be excused, while the quit-rents will almost equal the King's entire revenue from the four and a half per cent. duty in the other three Islands. I beg for your directions herein as of present service to this Government, great encouragement to speedy settlement, and advantage to the King's revenue; for such a revenue, together with the duties raised under the Acts of Trade and Navigation, may all be managed by a single Collector better and with much less charge than the four and a half per cent. is now raised by several officers. Signed, Chr. Codrington. 3 pp. Endorsed, Recd. 21 Aug. 1696. Answd. 23 Nov. 1696. A brief abstract is attached. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 5. No. 3; and 45. pp. 2–5.]
May 5.
2,366. Governor Codrington to William Blathwayt. My last was by the Chester, since which I have had nothing from you. My present design is the settlement of St. Christophers, which the King has been pleased to leave in my hands, and finding that several families from North America are inclined to resort thither I am induced to proceed with the settlement at once, the more so I am assured that the remaining French inhabitants have been transported to Hispaniola, which has been much weakened by the Jamaica privateers since the presence there of Captain Wilmot's fleet. Pray give me your advice and friendship as to the substitution of a quitrent of a shilling an acre for the four and a half per cent. duty in St. Christophers. (See preceding abstract.) I must only ask that some small time be given to the inhabitants to begin their settlements before the revenue is demanded. Since my last, as H.M.S. Hastings has proved an indifferent sailor, three small privateers fitted out at Antigua have brought in six or seven prizes, which, though they are of no great value, has in some measure driven off the enemy's cruisers and allowed our victualling-ships to arrive in safety. Provisions are now cheaper than they have been for some years since the war began. With a good naval force and the help of the Barbados Regiment I should have no doubt of ruining Guadeloupe. Signed, Chr. Codrington. 1½ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 2 Nov. Read 6th. Answd. 23 Nov. 1696. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 5. No. 4; and 45. pp. 13–15.]
May 6. 2,367. Minutes of Council of Nevis. Order for French prisoners to be removed to Guadeloupe. Patent for land passed. A complaint against John Palmer and the complaints against Charles Pym heard. Certain petitions considered. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 64. pp. 348–349.]
May 7. 2,368. Minutes of Council of Massachusetts. Order for payment of £25 to Andrew Hamilton on account of the service of the Post Office. [Board of Trade. New England, 49. p. 26.]
May 7. 2,369. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Orders for certain payments. The Assembly brought up six Acts, an address to the Governor and resolutions to reimburse the Governor for the ship Frank Russell and to raise money for public expenses as soon as the public accounts have been seen.
May 8. Bill for hiring a sloop read and passed. Address of the Assembly read, thanking the Governor for foregoing his share and fees of captured vessels. Bills for Excise and for appointing a Committee of Accounts, read and passed. Bill for encouragement of privateers read a first time. Proclamation for calling in all seamen. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 65. pp. 93–96.]
May 8. 2,370. Minutes of Council of Maryland. Leave of absence for a few days was granted to John Courts and Thomas Brook, the time of the fleet's sailing being near.
May 9. The law-officers presented their report as to a lease of a mill desired by Mr. Thomas Tench, and as to the bearing of the Act of Assembly on the matter. The lease being found agreeable to law was signed by the Governor. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 13. pp. 97–100.]
May 11. 2,371. Minutes of Council of Maryland. Report of the law-officers as to the duty that should be paid on tobacco brought from Virginia and shipped in Maryland, and orders given accordingly (pp. 100–101). Cornelius Comegys was brought before Council for illegal trading with Indians, and was dismissed on giving £100 security to trade with them only according to law (p. 92).
May 12. Order from the County Court clerks to make a second and completer return of the last County-levy. A letter as to the casting up of two whales on the shore was read, and Colonel George Robotham directed to enquire into the matter.
May 13. The commanders of the two parties of rangers attended, and were directed to follow their instructions strictly. Orders for delivery of arms and ammunition to them. Proclamation of liberties granted to the inhabitants of Annapolis and Williamstadt. Proclamation inviting proposals for the building of a house of correction. [Board of Trade: Maryland, 13. pp. 100–105.]
May 11. 2,372. Journal of House of Burgesses of Maryland. Colonel Darnall was informed that the House had decided to address a remonstrance to Lord Baltimore, and that his declaration there-upon had been read and approved. Bills for an additional duty on negroes, and for continuing the additional duty of threepence per hogshead, were ordered. Bills for speedy justice, and for Vestries and County Court clerks to report their proceedings, were read three times. Message to the Governor that the Senecas, Susquehannahs and Shawanoe Indians desired peace with Maryland, and asking him to take measures accordingly if he think it beneficial to the province. The two Bills passed, as above, and a bill to prevent driving off wild horses were sent up to Council. Two new members sworn. The two bills respecting additional duties were read a first time.
May 12. Bill for a site for Kent County Court House read three times. The bills for additional duties were read a second and third time. A bill to revive temporary laws and a private naturalisation bill were read three times. The whole of the aforesaid bills were sent up to Council. Bill for an imposition on imported slaves and servants assented to. The House agreed to two proposals, to clear ships that are ready to sail, and to enable the tobacco collected for building a church at Annapolis to be sold.
May 13. A petition from certain merchants as to the ten per cent. duty on European goods was read, and it was resolved that the Act was not intended to extend to Virginia. Report of the Committee of Grievances brought up, complaining of the decay of trade owing to the strictness in taking security from masters of ships (which is very difficult to procure) and imposing oaths on them, insomuch that if the Governor cannot abate the strictness here or procure the same security in other Colonies, it may prove of ill consequence to Maryland. The report was sent up to Council with a request that the Governor would represent it to the Commissioners of Customs.
May 14. The bill to explain the Act for imposing a duty of ten percent. On European goods was read three times and passed. The House attended the Council, where the Governor gave his assent to the following bills, viz., bill for speedy justice, bill compelling Vestries and County Court clerks to send annual accounts of their proceedings, bill to prevent driving away of wild horses, bill to revive temporary laws, bill imposing a duty of threepence a hogshead, bill to lay an imposition on negroes and slaves imported, bill for purchase of land for Kent County Court House, bill to explain the Act for a ten per cent. duty on European goods, and a private naturalisation bill. The Assembly was prorogued to 1 July. [America and West Indies. 557. No. 5.]
May 11. 2,373. Minutes of Council of Maryland in Assembly. James Smith's petition to be continued as sheriff of Talbot County was received from the Burgesses, and returned with a message that the question was left to them, but that the Council had already sent a proposal for keeping several of these officers in their posts. Councillors were sent down to swear some newly-elected Burgesses (pp. 77–78). Letter from Governor Fletcher of 30 April read and sent down to the Burgesses. Proposed to the Burgesses that Mr. John Perry be continued in the Post Office for another year on the same salary. Messengers from the Burgesses brought up a remonstrance addressed to Lord Baltimore relating to surplus lands, which was approved, the Governor remarking that if Lord Baltimore accepted it he would do good service to the country, and that if the Burgesses passed an Act to ascertain boundaries, there would be no more trouble as to titles. Bills for speedy justice, against driving off wild horses, and for annual accounts from Vestries and County Court clerks, received from the Burgesses and read a first time (pp. 72–74).
May 12. Proposed to the Burgesses that all ships that cannot get ready to sail before 30 June be allowed to sail as they are got ready, unless the fleet come in meanwhile (p. 50). Request of the Burgesses as to Indians read. The following proposals were sent to the Burgesses and returned with their answers as follows:—(1) That an interpreter be provided for discourse with the Indians. The Burgesses left this to the Governor's wishes. (2) That proposals be sent to Virginia as to runaways. Already answered. (3) That Naval officers swear their accounts and that Treasurers give bond before the whole Assembly. Already answered. (4) The above proposal as to ships was agreed to. (5) Agreed that the tobacco collected for building a church at Annapolis be sold. (6) That the Treasurers do their duty as to bills on furs ex-officio. Already answered. A private naturalization bill, and a bill to revive temporary laws, were received from the Burgesses, read and passed (pp. 78–79).
May 13. Order as to clearing ships according to the resolution of yesterday (p. 51). The Sheriffs were nominated and approved, it being made obligatory on the sheriff of Anne Arundel County to reside at Annapolis or Williamstadt. Eight bills were sent up by the Burgesses, perused and passed. A bill for a public levy could not be assented to, there appearing no accounts to particularise any allowances. A petition from merchants for explanation of the ten per cent. Act referred to the Burgesses. A report from the Committee of Grievances was received from the Burgesses (see preceding abstract). The Governor answered that he could take no measures therein contrary to law, but would represent the matter to the Commissioners of Customs. Message from the House of Burgesses praying that the Governor and Council would not press their proposal that they be joined to the House for the purpose of laying the public levy, that being the undoubted right of the Burgesses. The Governor summoned the Burgesses, and told them that he could not pass the levy bill as it stood, since there were no accounts to particularise the allowances, so begged them either to amend the bill accordingly or to join such of their number as were Justices of the Provincial Court with the Council, in order to apportion the levy at the meeting of the Court in the fall. A Committee appointed to sell the tobacco collected for building a church at Annapolis. Message from the Burgesses, saying that the levy bill mentions the purpose for which the tobacco is levied, viz., to defray the necessary charges of the province.
May 14. The Burgesses attended. Address of congratulation to the King signed, as also an address concerning the debt due to the revenue from Governor Copley. Letter of the General Assembly to Thomas Neale approved and signed. Bill to explain the ten per cent. Act brought up and passed by Council. The Naval officers swore to their accounts, and the Treasurers gave in their bonds and security. The Acts passed this Assembly were then assented to, and the Assembly prorogued to the 1st of July (pp. 85–87). [Board of Trade. Maryland, 14. pp. as cited.]
May, 12. 2,374. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. The public accounts were brought in for audit. Proclamation for all who have not yet taken the oaths appointed instead of those of allegiance and supremacy, to attend and be sworn at next Grand Court. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 79. p. 5.]
May 12. 2,375. Minutes of Council of Barbados. On the petition of James Colleton the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas were summoned to answer for neglect of an order. Sundry accounts passed.
May 13. The Assembly attending, the Governor announced that the Council was now engaged on the Privateers' Bill, and recommended them to raise supplies, as the Treasury was empty.
May 14. The Privateers' Bill and a Bill for a levy read and passed. On the news of the defeat of the conspiracy against the King and of an Association entered into by the English Legislature for protection of the King's person, the said Association was transcribed and signed by all members present of the Council and Assembly, and orders were given for its signature in the various parishes. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 65. pp. 97–99.]
[May 14.] 2,376. Duplicate copy of the Journal of the House of Burgesses of Maryland from April 30 to May 14. 27 pp. [America and West Indies. 557. No. 6.]
[May 14.] 2,377. Duplicate copy of the Minutes of the Council of Maryland in Assembly, from April 30th to May 14. 42 pp. [America and West Indies. 557. No. 7.]
[May 14.] 2,378. Authenticated copy of the Acts of Maryland passed in the Session of April 30 to May 14. 7 pp.
Duplicate copy of the same. 10 pp. Endorsed, R. 26 Aug. [America and West Indies. 557. Nos. 8, 9.]
May 14. 2,379. Minutes of Council of Massachusetts. Leave granted to James Gooch to enlarge his dwelling-house by the erection of a wooden building about twenty feet square. [Board of Trade. New England, 49. pp. 26–27.]
May 14. 2,380. Minutes of Council of Nevis. Petitions considered and letters of guardianship issued.
May 16. Orders for ships to be cleared, and for the Commissioners to be sworn to their accounts. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 64. p. 349.]