America and West Indies: May 1698, 11-14

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 16, 1697-1698. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'America and West Indies: May 1698, 11-14', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 16, 1697-1698, ed. J W Fortescue( London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'America and West Indies: May 1698, 11-14', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 16, 1697-1698. Edited by J W Fortescue( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"America and West Indies: May 1698, 11-14". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 16, 1697-1698. Ed. J W Fortescue(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

May 1698

May 11. Memorial of the Hudson's Bay Company received (No. 449), and order given for a representation to be drawn thereupon.
May 12. Representations as to Hudson's Bay and as to the draft Act for trial of pirates signed ( Nos. 447, 450).
May 13. Letter from the Victualling Board of 11th inst. read (No. 443), and an answer written to Mr. Secretary Vernon thereupon (No.456).
Order in Council of 12th inst. on Mr. Grey's petition read (No. 452); and a representation ordered to be drawn thereupon.
Letter from the President and Council of Barbados of 2 March received. [Board of Trade. Journal, 11. pp. 53–62.]
May 10.
440. William Popple to John Pulteney. I am to thank you for the report of the Board of Ordnance (see No. 418) as to Newfoundland, and am to acquaint you (for the prevention of mistakes) that there are no planters nor any manner of Government in that Island as there are in other Plantations, the trade thither being only by fishing-ships, and a few poor fishermen on the shore who cannot contribute anything towards the things now proposed for defence of the place. [Board of Trade. Newfoundland, 25. p. 216.]
May 10.
441. William Popple to the Victualling Board. I am to thank you for yours of 9th inst., and to acquaint you that the Council of Trade would have been glad to have understood that a store-keeper had gone out in charge of the provisions to Newfoundland, for the Commander-in-Chief, to whom they are consigned, is to return home, and none will be left there but inferior officers unfit for that business. I am also to ask what is the proportion per diem of each several sort of provisions mentioned in your foresaid account for one man at short allowance. [Board of Trade. Newfoundland, 25. pp. 220–221.]
May 10. 442. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Mr. Edwards appeared and spoke on the subject of the fortifications. Order for the commissioners of fortifications to survey the defences in company with Mr. Edwards, and report what shall be done. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 65. p. 348.]
May 11.
443. The Victualling Board to William Popple. With reference to yours of yesterday we received no orders to send a store-keeper, but we suppose that the officers and soldiers, whose concern it is, may choose one whom they will trust. We enclose an account how the provisions are allotted on whole and on short allowance. Signed, Tho. Papillon, Simon Mayne, Hum. Ayles, J. Burrington. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. 11, Read 13 May, 1698. Enclosed,
443. I. Account of the manner of allotting provisions. Whole allowance for one man for seven days is 7lb. of biscuit, 7 gallons of beer, 4lb. of beef, 2lb. of pork, 1 quart of pease, 3 pints of oatmeal, ¾ lb. of butter, 1½ lb. of cheese. Messes for whole allowance are counted to be four men, messes on short allowance six men. Short allowance given to each man on Mondays and Thursdays, 1⅓ lb. of bread, 1⅓ gallons of beer, 5⅓ lbs. of beef for the two days; Sundays and Tuesdays, 1⅓ lb. of bread, 1⅓ gallons of beer, 1⅓ lb. of beef, 1⅓ pint of pease for the two days; Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 2lb. of bread, 2 gallons of beer, 2 pints of oatmeal, 4oz. of butter, 8oz. of cheese for the three days. 1 p. [Board of Trade. Newfoundland, 3. Nos. 111, 111 I.; and (without enclosure), 25. p. 221.]
May 11.
New Providence.
444. John Graves to Council of Trade and Plantations. I enclose a list of all that came in here in the ship Fancy. On our arrival on 19 July, 1697, there were not above seven in the Island and mostly married. They had scattered themselves to several parts. Some had a trial, some none. The late Governor Trott got considerable out of them (sic); particulars I cannot certify, but it is reported at least £7,000. This Governor has fleeced those he found here and gives them another instrument of writing for a pardon. This is the substance of what I can learn as to Avery [Every]; if I learn more I will inform you. Signed, John Graves. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. Read 18 July, 1698.
444. I. List of the people who gave security in the Secretary's Office after their arrival at New Providence in the ship Fancy, Captain Bridgeman alias Avery. 93 names, the vast majority English. 1 p. [Board of Trade. Proprieties, 2. Nos. 18, 18 I.]
May 11. 445. Unsigned letter to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have arrived here [place not stated] safely. This poor Government, whose whole dependence lies in salt and braziletta wood, is much prejudiced by the peace, and the people are very miserable, for in time of war fifty or sixty vessels used to load with salt at 2s. 9d. per bushel. Now here our salt lies raked, and we should be glad to sell it for 4½ d. to all ships sailing for it to Salt Tortudas. Braziletta, which was £6 a ton, is now fifty shillings. Since my arrival some persons, finding that I would not countenance illegal trade, have insinuated to the people that my seizures of ships guilty of these practices is oppressive. The first ship that I seized was the Supply, one James Berry, a Scotchman, master. He was, however, advised to abscond and to give out that his mate was master (as was proved in Court). She was bound to New England but driven in here by stress of weather. I did my best to enforce the law, but the jury after long delay and much brawling found against the King, chiefly owing to the insinuations already mentioned and to one Thomas Walker, a pretender to the law here. Under motion for arrest of judgment she was brought to a second trial, at which I was present for a time and informed them that Scotchmen were debarred from trading as English subjects. Yet in spite of this and of the Attorney-General's explanation of the law, the same persons prevailed with the jury to acquit the ship. The enclosed will shew what their tricks and artifices were. The next ship came from Curacoa, and, though we proved that she took in her loading there, yet Walker would fain have persuaded the jury that she came from Jamaica and that the French (who had captured, but released her) had kept the master's pass. In this case I stayed in the Court throughout and the ship was condemned. After these seizures Walker and others made much noise and have procured several hands to an address setting forth their grievances. Two-thirds of the subscribers are illiterate, and the Chief Judge refused to sign it and rated the people for their folly and falsehood. I have sent it and my answer to the Lords Proprietors. Unsigned, but endorsed, Supposed from Captain Webb, Governor of the Bahama Islands. 1½ pp. Enclosed,
445. I. Article in an address directed against the Governor, upon the seizure of two vessels. This sets forth that vessels driven in by stress of weather have been arbitrarily maltreated, and prays, among other things, that the trials of such ships may be in a Court of Record and not of Admiralty.
Answer of the Governor, that he was bound by law and his instructions to act as he did. 1½ pp. [Board of Trade. Proprieties, 2. Nos. 19, 19 I.]
[May 12.] 446. Draft of a bill for the more easy and speedy trial of pirates. This contains some slight alterations from the previous bill (No. 358) in that it requires a certain proportion instead a bare majority of the Court to find a prisoner guilty before he can be executed. Aiders and abettors of pirates are liable to trial and execution under the Act of 28 Henry VIII. 6 pp. Endorsed, Read 12 May, 1698. [Board of Trade. Plantations General, 4. No. 113; and 34. pp. 285–293.]
May 12.
447. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. We send the annexed draft of a bill for trial of pirates (see preceding abstract) which we think will meet the requirements stated in Mr. Vernon's letter of 28 March (No. 327). We must add that though the last paragraph seems very effectual towards the discovery of piracies, yet being doubtful whether it may not be thought too severe and liable to objections which might endanger the passing of the whole, we submit whether it might not be advisable to reserve that paragraph for another opportunity. Signed, J. Bridgewater, Ph. Meadows, Will. Blathwayt, Abr. Hill. [Board of Trade. Plantations General, 34. pp. 284–285.]
[May 12.] 448. Memorandum of the receipt of a memorial from the Hudson's Bay Company in answer to that of the French (see No. 398) respecting the capitulation of Fort Bourbon. See next abstract. [Board of Trade. Hudson's Bay, 2. No. 18.]
[May 12.] 449. Memorial of the Hudson's Bay Company. It seems very strange that a memorial of such a nature as that submitted to us (see No. 398) should be delivered at this time, for by the 8th Article of the Peace of Ryswick it was stipulated that within three months of the date of ratification, Commissioners from both sides should meet in London to adjust this and other questions; but the French Commissioners have never made their appearance. It is not agreeable to the Treaty to proceed upon any particular branch of the 8th Article, nor, we conceive, can there be any regular proceedings therein until the Commissioners meet. Nevertheless we offer the following observations on the memorial. We admit that Fort Bourbon (formerley York Fort) was surrendered for capitulation by M. de la Forest to Captain Allen, but we say that this capitulation was made by Captain Allen contrary to his instructions, and of this M. de la Forest was aware. As to ill-treatment of the prisoners, M. de la Forest's own statement disproves any such thing. It is true that M. de la Forest was afterwards brought from Plymouth to London, but under only nominal restraint and for accomplishment of his own designs, as is seen by the actions of one Nelson who at first joined zealously with him, but afterwards pressed for his continuance in England under his seeming confinement. So slight was that confinement that M. de la Forest and one of his companions frequently appeared at the Exchange and came before the Council, with a freedom never allowed to English prisoners in France. They made use of this to ascertain the preparations of the Hudson's Bay Company, and on their information the French sent a greater force to Hudson's Bay last year than ever before, took several ships and also York Fort. This same fort was surrendered to M. d'Iberville in 1694 on a capitulation which (as has been proved) was violated, and on this account the King granted to us the goods (only a small part of those taken from us) which were in the fort when recaptured by the English in 1696. When the fort was again captured by the French in 1697, many of these goods passed again into their hands. The value of those recovered by the Company may be ascertained from the Custom-house books, and will be seen to be much less than is alleged in the memorial. It is impossible for us to restore these goods in kind, for they are already disposed of, the Company, owing to its losses through the French, being obliged to dispose of them as speedily as possible. All this we are prepared to prove before the Commissioners who shall be appointed in pursuance of the Treaty, and until they are appointed we submit that nothing further can be done. [Board of Trade. Hudson's Bay, 3. pp. 50–54.]
May 12. 450. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. We enclose the answer (see preceding abstract) which we have received from the Hudson's Bay Company to the memorial sent by Secretary Vernon (No. 398). The 8th Article of the Peace of Ryswick stipulates that Commissioners shall define the rights of each Crown in Hudson's Bay, that the places taken by the French in the peace preceding the war and retaken by the English during the war shall be left to the French, that the capitulation of Fort Bourbon shall be observed and the goods in question therein restored, and that any differences as to the execution of the capitulation and as to the value of the goods shall be settled by the Commissioners aforesaid. No such exchange of forts as that indicated in the article has taken place, and no Commissioners have been appointed by the French. It cannot in equity be expected that the Company shall restore the value of the goods in question until the Commissioners meet, and we think that for a due compliance with the Treaty the appointment and meeting of the Commissioners is before all things necessary. Signed, J. Bridgewater, E. Tankerville, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, Abr. Hill. [Board of Trade. Hudson's Bay, 3. pp. 47–49.]
May 12.
New York.
451. Edward Randolph to William Popple. Though far distant I have not forgotten my promise made at Parton's, St. Paul's Churchyard, to give an account of the success of the proclamation for the arrest of Every's men, but first I must remind you that I gave in a memorial (of which others have copies) to the Committee of the House of Lords, saying that so long as the Bahamas, Carolina, Pennsylvania, the two Jerseys, Connecticut and Rhode Island, remained separate governments and independent of the Crown, it was impossible to suppress piracy. The owners of these tracts of land, expecting great advantages, do not allow their Governors enough to support them honourably in their stations, which puts them upon indirect means to get a better maintenance. Besides, they generally appoint persons of slender fortunes with an indifferent stock of honesty. Mr. Trott at Providence stopped a Dutch vessel and got a deal of money by her before he would let her go, besides what he made by Every and his company. Colonel Ludwell and Seth Sothell, one of the Proprietors of Carolina, about 1692, enriched themselves by James Miller, a Scotchman, and some of his company, who shared £1,000 a man at Charleston and soon after went to Pennsylvania, where they paid Mr. Markham for his favour and protection. They are settled inhabitants there to this day: see the paper enclosed. I am heartily disposed to Governor Nicholson. He is really zealous to suppress piracy and illegal trade and was formerly very severe to those who were even suspected of countenancing pirates, so that not one of Every's men came to Maryland. I had not heard of any in Virginia, but at Philadelphia I saw Stephen [? Peter] Claus, one of them, living within twenty rods of the Governor's house, and another of them married to his daughter. I enclose a paper containing the narrative of Captain Snead, with whom Sir John Houblon corresponds, also an information of Mr. Henry Robinson, Lord Romney's agent to receive the King's share of prizes brought into the Colonies, also copy of the examination of two of Every's men, who were living in Philadelphia, though the Governor had received the King's Circular ordering them to be arrested. I saw them walking about the streets of Philadelphia for three weeks after my stay. But Lord Bellomont kept all close until he heard that a vessel from the Red Sea had landed her goods in Connecticut, when he ordered Captain Culliford to seize both her and a Dutch ship from Madagascar. In a little time about forty pirates had stolen into New York. I saw Edward Taylor walking about the town, but he was soon afterwards arrested and imprisoned with two or three more of the gang, upon which the rest fled to Connecticut and East Jersey, where Lord Bellomont cannot seize them. The Governors of those places live sixty or seventy miles up in the country. Not only are they annually elected by the people, but they are afraid to meddle with anyone lest the people that live by the seaside and get money for concealing prohibited goods should choose another Governor for the next year. Lord Bellomont has highly displeased the trading men in New York, who have all along encouraged privateers. But this will only make them move their trade to Amboy, which is nearer to Sandy Hook than New York, so that it is absolutely necessary for the Jerseys and all the other Proprieties to be just under the King's immediate authority. I am going to Providence and Carolina, where several of Every's men and other pirates are said to be settled. The first frigate appointed to transport me is driven ashore, otherwise I should be able under my commission to manage them wherever I met them. It will be a reproach to the Government if, after all that the King has gained by his victories, Mr. Penn should so far prevail with persons of honour as to set up little commonwealths in the King's dominions abroad which are of different principles from him. Signed, W. Randolph. 2 pp. Inscribed with a short abstract. Enclosed,
451. I. Narrative of Captain Robert Snead. At the latter end of April, 1697, copy of a Proclamation of the Lords Justices for the apprehension of Henry Every alias Bridgeman and his crew came to my hand. Knowing that several of these pirates were in Philadelphia, I went to the Governor, told him that I had seen the proclamation (of which I had heard that he also had seen a copy) and informed him that Robert Clinton and Edmond Lassells of Every's crew were then in Philadelphia. He said that he had not seen it (which I can prove to be false), whereupon I offered to shew it to him. He said that it was not directed to him so that he was not bound to take notice of it, nor to examine from whence men came so long as they brought money with them. I answered that I thought it was directed to him, and that it would be for Mr. Penn's service and his own to put it in execution, for it would soon become known that the pirates were here. He said that the Houblons ought to have written to him. I said that no doubt they would have, had they known that the pirates were here. Being very intimate with him I told him that I saw plainly that there was an understanding between him and the pirates, and that none were so blind as those that would not see. He admitted that the pirates had been civil to him, but that they brought in money, which was an advantage to the country. I asked him how I could be discharged from my oath as a magistrate if I took no notice of the proclamation. He was very angry, and upon that I left him. His wife and daughter (as I was afterwards told) heard what passed between us, and warned Robert Clinton of it, who immediately told the rest of the pirates. They were so impudent as to call me informer as I passed in the streets. I went again to the Governor, acquainted him of their insolence, and told him of my suspicion that some of his family had warned them. His wife and daughter, who were in the room, then said that they did hear our discourse, and that I deserved to be called informer. I then told him that private discourses held in his house ought not to be divulged in public. His answer was that he gave me no thanks for it. I then told him that I was resolved to apprehend the pirates, and that I would not be forsworn to oblige him. I went at once to two of my fellow-justices, Edward Shippen and Anthony Maurice, who seemed well pleased to assist me, but while I discoursed with Shippen, Maurice (whose kinswoman was married to Claus) went to the Governor, and when he returned refused to act, but upon my threatening to complain of him at Whitehall consented to join us. I then caused Lassells, Clinton and Claus to be seized and brought before us, when, upon examination, it was evident that they had all belonged to Every's ship. I was for committing them to close prison, but Maurice and Shippen were for bailing them. I then sent for the Attorney-General, who told them that pirates were not bailable, but nevertheless they took bail, one pirate being bound for another, in spite of my protests. On the 15th of May, having evidence that the pirates had a design to be gone, I again arrested them. One James Brown (who married the Governor's daughter), confessed that Clinton, Lassells and Claus were of Every's ship and shared in the plunder, wherefore we ordered the Attorney-General to write the mittimus to commit them to close imprisonment. But soon after they were at liberty and went to their own houses. Hearing that there were other pirates in the town I issued my warrant for their apprehension, but the Governor, hearing of it, sent for me and told me that I had no business to send my warrants against one without first acquainting him, adding that the men whom I had committed would be brought to speedy trial, but asking to know what I had against the men, as they should not be kept in prison for my pleasure. I replied that the King's evidence was ready as soon as a legal court should be appointed, but refused to say what I had to prove against them. He called me rascal and dared me to issue my warrants against these men, saying that he had a good mind to commit me. I told him that were he not Governor I would not endure such language, and that it was hard to be so treated for doing my duty. He then ordered the constables not to serve any more of my warrants; moreover being greatly incensed he wrote a warrant with his own hand to the Sheriff to disarm me. I lived five miles out of town, and being often threatened by the pirates, was armed for my own defence. The under-sheriff accordingly took my sword and pistols from me in Philadelphia, leaving me to ride home unarmed, and kept them till the pirates were gone. The Governor then called the Council and asked them to consider of a Court for trial of these men, to which they answered that they knew of no means to try them and would not be concerned in it, but would be at the charge of sending them home in one of the King's frigates. He said that he did not want their advice for that, and dismissed them, seemingly displeased. At length the Proclamation was delivered to Governor Markham by Governor Nicholson's order. Immediately after it arrived the under-sheriff was seen to go from the Governor's house to the prison and walk with the pirates for a considerable time. Hearing that the Governor had received the Proclamation I went to the Sheriff and told him that if his prison was not strong enough to hold the pirates I would order a watch to guard them. He said that he could do well without it, but Clinton and Lassells escaped that night, though the others continued in gaol. Next day the proclamation was published, but a little time afterwards the remaining pirates were released without bail, and Clinton and Lassells were afterwards seen about the town. I desired the Governor to issue a warrant for their apprehension, but nothing was done. 3 pp.
451. II. Information of Thomas Robinson. On 16 June I came to Philadelphia, and shewed Governor Markham my patent from Lord Romney in relation to prizes, told him that I had heard that Robert Clinton and Edmund Lassells were of Every's crew, that the gaol was insufficient to keep them and that I wished them to be better secured. He said that they should be so that night. Next morning my landlord told me that these two men had escaped. I waited on the Governor and complained of this, but was answered that he was not sheriff nor gaoler and that the county ought to be fined for letting the gaol be insufficient. On that same day or next I went down to the gaol and saw where a board of about fourteen inches by ten had been ripped off, but could not believe that men of their bulk could have crept through such a place, especially Clinton, who was a very fat gross man. On the morning after their escape the Governor raised the hue and cry and offered £5 reward for their apprehension. In the afternoon, one Hannah Witt came to me and Mr. Francis Jones, before whom she had made oath that she had seen both Clinton and Lassells in some bushes near the centre of the town, Clinton being armed with musket, pistols and sword. The Sheriff told the woman he was sure she must have been mistaken, but I went to the Governor and asked for his special warrant to apprehend them. He answered that he knew not what business I had with a warrant and that I need not trouble myself, but presently consented to sign a warrant if I would write it, which I did, addressing it to the Sheriff and leaving blanks for him to fill up with names. The Sheriff, however, absolutely refused to fill up the warrant and refused to go with it unless I went with him, so the warrant was unexecuted and the prisoners made further escape. There were warrants for the arrest of other pirates, but they were seen in the streets of Philadelphia without any notice being taken, and one of the Justices, Edward Shippen, confessed to me that he was in the company of one of them.
On the 19th of June, one John Mathias surrendered to me as one of Every's crew. On the 21st he was brought before the Governor and confessed that he was one of the sixteen men taken by Every from the two ships captured by him at Isle de Prince, that from thence they sailed to the Red Sea, where they captured two ships, that Clinton was Every's Chief Lieutenant and Lassells some sort of officer. He said that he knew of no other pirates in Philadelphia, and that he had received no share of plunder, but only what they gave him for mending their clothes, etc. He added that there was a rumour of a Carolina sloop there to carry off the pirates, that the Governor had made him enter into £2,000 bond to the contrary, but that it was suspected that the captain, being an old privateer, had carried off Clinton and Lassells with him. 2½ pp.
451. III. Examination of Peter Claus and James Brown. Already abstracted (see No. 404 II.).
451. IV. Proclamation of Governor William Markham, of Pennsylvania, for the suppression and punishment of piracy, 12 February, 1697–8. Copy. Endorsed by Edward Randolph:—I was in Philadelphia on 10 March last, when I saw several pirates walking about the streets, also Claus, one of Every's men. The Governor had received the circular letter and Proclamation for arrest of Every and his men. Large sheet. [Board of Trade. Plantations General, 4. Nos. 114, 114I.–IV.]
May 12.
452. Order of the King in Council. Referring a petition of Governor Ralph Grey to Council of Trade and Plantations. Signed, Wm. Bridgeman. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. Read 13 May, 1698. Annexed,
452. I. Petition of Governor Ralph Grey to the King. The ships appointed to transport me to Barbados have not been paid off till very lately, and have been a long while detained, to my great charge and expense. I beg your permission to accept the first present that shall be made to me on my arrival in Barbados, without sending to England for leave, as was granted to Governor Russell in the like case. 1 p. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 7. Nos. 65, 65 I.; and 44. pp. 194–196.]
May 12. 453. Minutes of Council of Maryland. Order for Colonel Addison to report as to the positions of the Rangers. On information that Edward Dorsey was about to convey away his estate in order to defeat his bond in contracting to build the church and free school, order was given to refuse to record such conveyance, and to ask Mr. Dorsey as to the truth of the information. Order for arrest of Robert Mason and for seizure of his books and papers. Contract for completion of the State-house approved. A letter from the Commissioners of Customs respecting the ship Fisher was referred to the Attorney-General. An answer to the petition of the Pennsylvania merchants was agreed to, to the effect that the Maryland duty of 10 per cent. on the re-export of European commodities is of less hindrance to such re-export than Mr. Penn's encouragement of German manufacturers in Pennsylvania. Another letter from the Commissioners of Customs as to a ship was referred to George Muschamp. The Justices of the Provincial Court made a report approving the Governor's proceedings against Gerard Slye. A letter of denization was referred to the Attorney-General for examination.
May 13. Robert Smith, Richard Hill and Thomas Tasker called to the Council. Order for putting several navigation bonds in suit. A letter of Gerard Slye, making grave reflections on the Governor, was read. Order for the Naval Officers to give security. An address to the King and a letter to the Council of Trade were read and approved, and Richard Hill was ordered to attend the Council of Trade in case of Sir Thomas Laurence's illness. A letter from the clergy to the Bishop of London read and approved. Order for payment of three bills of exchange which were protested at New York, and for prosecution of the security for the said bills. Order for commissions to be prepared for officers of an Admiralty Court for Talbot County. A day of fasting and humiliation appointed on account of the prevailing sickness. Address to the King for an increase of the Council read and approved. A proclamation concerning pirates read and approved. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 13. pp. 495–503.]
May 12.
454. John Usher to Council of Trade and Plantations. Pursuant to your orders of 30 November I forwarded the Articles of Peace to Captain Nathaniel Fryer, President of the Council in New Hampshire. I should have gone in person but that I judged myself not safe, Partridge having seized the government vi et armis, until Lord Bellomont's arrival or your further orders. On the 9th inst. the Indians to eastward killed three persons and carried off several more. I am told that no care is taken for the security of the frontier-places, and fear this summer like the last may be trouble-some with the Indians. I have accounts that several pirates from the South Seas have been on the coast of New York and Rhode Island, bringing in gold and East India goods to the value of £200,000. If the proclamations against them and those that harbour them be enforced, I judge that the value of the seizures made would repay the charge that the King has been at in these parts. Signed, John Usher. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 24, Read 27 June, 1698. [Board of Trade. New England, 9. No. 20; and 37. pp. 8–9.]
May 12.
455. John Usher to William Popple. I have sent the Articles of Peace to Nathaniel Fryer for publication, judging it unsafe for me to go in person. I hope the Lords Justices will not suffer such affronts to be put upon their orders without calling the offenders to account. The Indians are still doing mischief. Signed, John Usher. ½ p. [Board of Trade. New England, 9. No. 21.]
May 13.
456. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary Vernon. We lately represented to the King the necessity for sending a store-keeper to Newfoundland, and the Victualling Board have already shipped provisions thither without appointing one to take charge of them. We beg for the King's order to the Admiralty that a store-keeper be immediately directed to go aboard the ship on which the provisions are laden, to take care of them, and that the Ordnance Board and Victualling Board agree upon a fit person as store-keeper both of provisions and ordnance stores. Signed, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, Abr. Hill. [Board of Trade. New-foundland, 25. p. 222.]
May 13.
457. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. On Mr. Grey's petition referred to us in your Order of Council of 12th inst. (No. 452 I.) we think that, in consideration of the reasons alleged by him and of the probability that the refusal of his request might disparage his credit and lessen his authority on arriving at Barbados, you may allow him to receive the first present offered to him there by the Assembly without waiting to seek further permission. But, lest this should be drawn into a precedent, we think that you should declare that you will not for the future grant any such leave to receive the first or any other present before application has been made according to the rules already laid down. Signed, J. Bridgewater, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, Abr. Hill. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 44. pp. 205–207.]
May 14.
458. The King to Governor Day. Authorising him to use the new seal provided for Bermuda. Draft. 1 p. Endorsed, Sent to Mr. Secretary Vernon, 13 May; Received back, 31 May, 1698. [Board of Trade. Bermuda, 3. No. 24; and 29. pp. 116–117.]