America and West Indies: August 1698, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 16, 1697-1698. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'America and West Indies: August 1698, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 16, 1697-1698, ed. J W Fortescue( London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'America and West Indies: August 1698, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 16, 1697-1698. Edited by J W Fortescue( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"America and West Indies: August 1698, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 16, 1697-1698. Ed. J W Fortescue(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

August 1698

Aug. 1. 712. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Mr. Yard's letter of 28 July as to New York read (No. 701), also a letter from Mr. Stanley of 30th ult. (No. 709). Order for an additional instruction to be prepared for Lord Bellomont accordingly, and a representation covering it.
Mr. Thornburgh's letter of 29th ult. as to the pirate Every in the Bahamas read (No. 707).
Mr. Phelps's letter of 29th ult. as to Ordnance stores for Bermuda read (No. 708).
Several papers from Mr. Walrond were laid before the Board.
Aug. 2. Commission for Colonel Blakiston as Governor of Maryland considered. Order for the Secretary to submit to Sir Charles Hedges a doubtful point as to martial law (No. 719).
Draft additional instructions for Lord Bellomont agreed to and a representation thereupon signed.
Order for the Secretary to request the Secretary of the East India Company to communicate all intelligence about pirates. Instructions to the Commissioners for the expedition against pirates further considered.
Mr. Yard's letter of this day as to the pardoning of two pirates in New York read (No. 717).
Aug. 3. The instructions for the Commissioners for the expedition against pirates further considered. Order that Mr. Gilbert Heathcote and the trustees for the General Society for the East India Trade be summoned to attend on Friday.
Stephen Duport's memorial of this day on behalf of Protestant refugees read (No. 721). Order for an article to be inserted in their favour in the next letter to Governor Codrington.
Order in Council of 16 July last with an address from the Lieutenant-Governor and Council of Massachusetts, as to appeals to the King upon seizure of ships under the Acts of Trade, read (No. 677). Order for a letter to be prepared to the Attorney and Solicitor-General on the subject.
Sir William Beeston's letters of 31 May, 4 and 6 June read, with enclosures. Resolved that the matter reported in the letter of 4 June needs no consideration, unless further application be made upon it. Order for the Governors of all Colonies to be instructed that papers addressed to the King should pass through the hands not of the Board but of the Secretary of State.
Aug. 4. Mr. Yard's letter of 2nd inst., with an address from the Council of Maryland read (No. 716).
Mr. Walrond's letter of yesterday praying for despatch of his business read (No. 722).
Colonel Jenings' letter of 15 March last and Mr. Beverley's of 1st December, enclosing public papers from Virginia, read.
Draft letter to the Attorney and Solicitor-General, as ordered yesterday, was approved and sent (No. 725).
Aug. 5. A letter from Mr. Yard with duplicates of public papers of Virginia, and Governor Goddard's letter of 7 July last, read.
Sir Charles Hedges' letter of 3rd inst., upon the question of martial law raised on the Governor of Maryland's commission, was read (No. 720); and an alteration made in the commission accordingly. Order for a representation to be prepared for transmitting the commission to the Lords Justices.
Mr. Blackborne's letter of 4th inst. with several enclosures giving information as to pirates read (No. 723). Order for the Secretary to request copy of the depositions therein mentioned as made by two of Captain Kid's men, and for the men themselves to be sent to the Board. The questions of the victualling of the expedition and the disposal of pirates were reserved by the Company for further consideration before giving an answer.
Mr. Gilbert Heathcote, being questioned on some heads in Sir William Beeston's late letter, gave information that Sir James del Castillo was a very worthy person, and Colonels Lloyd and Brodrick very troublesome men to the quiet of Jamaica. [Board of Trade. Journal, 11. pp. 154–167.]
[Aug. 2.] 713. A list of papers of public proceedings received from Virginia on 2 August. ½ p. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 6. No. 57; and 37. p. 250.]
Aug. 2. 714. Minutes of Council of Barbados. John Gibbes sworn of the Council and William Hare sworn Secretary. Several letters from the Council of Trade read, also one from the Agents with Mr. Eyles's accounts, and the African bill passed by the House of Commons. Order for the Agents' letters to be laid before the Assembly. James Hannay, Provost Marshal, and his servants sworn. The Assembly was then summoned, when the Governor made them a speech, delivered them the Agents' letters, and asked for his commission to be recorded in the Assembly's books. Petition of planters against increase of the duty on sugars read and, with the African bill, sent to the Assembly. The Attorney-General, Solicitor-General and Judge of Admiralty were sworn. The Assembly returned to ask if the Governor was satisfied with his house or would accept an equivalent and provide himself. The Governor answered, choosing the latter, if agreeable to the Assembly. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 65. pp. 361–362.]
Aug. 2. 715. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. The House met pursuant to an adjournment of 18 July, on which day there was no quorum. The House waited on Governor Grey, when the Speaker made him a speech of welcome as one who had sat in the House of Commons, done good service in the camp and taken a leading share in the glorious Revolution. Order for £500 to be presented to the Governor for his habitation. The accounts of Mr. Heberlands were passed and payment ordered. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 65. pp. 300–302.]
Aug. 2.
716. Mr. Yard to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Sir Thomas Laurence has presented an address from the Council of Maryland to the Lords Justices, who desire me to transmit it to you for your consideration and report. Signed, R. Yard. Enclosed,
716. I. Address of the Council of Maryland to the King. By the Governor's commission and instructions the Council of Maryland is to consist of twelve persons, without five of whom the Governor is ordered not to act except in cases of emergency. By the severity and sickness of last winter, David Browne, Nicholas Greenberry and George Robotham are lately dead, the Secretary was so ill that he could not attend, John Addison is now absent for the same reason, Charles Hutchins and James Frisby live so far away on the other side of Chesapeake Bay that they could not attend, and Edward Randolph is called away by his duties to other Colonies so much as to be little resident among us. No certain allowance is settled in the Council for their trouble and expenses but what is agreed to by ordinance of the Assembly, which is a certain quantity of tobacco per diem, hardly sufficient to pay necessary expenses. Thus the quick despatch of business is impossible and the reputation of the public authority is impaired. We propose that at least six be added to the present councillors, and that the numbers of the standing Council be raised to fifteen; and that you would graciously vouchsafe to them additionally a yearly salary of ten pounds out of the fourth threepence per hogshead, which generally produces £300 a year. The expense should the rather be charged on that fund since it is out of it that the Government is already competently furnished with arms and ammunition, and if the whole were applied to the purchase of arms, the people would depend wholly thereon and not supply themselves. For Councillors we propose Dr. Thomas Bray, the Bishop of London's Commissary, Robert Smith, John Hammond, Richard Hill, Thomas Tasker, Francis Jenkins. Signed, Thomas Laurence. Large sheet, endorsed, Recd. Read 4 Aug., 1698. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 3. Nos. 49, 49 I.; and 9. pp. 199–201.]
Aug. 2.
717. Mr. Yard to William Popple. I am directed by the Lords Justices to acquaint Lord Bellomont that it is left to him to pardon the pirates Edward Taylor and Samuel Burgess, if he thinks they deserve it. I omitted this in my letter of 28 July. Signed, R. Yard. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. Read 2 Aug., 1698. [Board of Trade. New York, 7. No. 90; and 52. pp. 386–387.]
Aug. 2.
718. William Popple to the Secretary of the East India Company. Desiring him to communicate any further intelligence that the Company may have received by their late ships respecting pirates. [Board of Trade. Plantations General, 34. p. 313.]
Aug. 2.
719. William Popple to Sir Charles Hedges. I send copy of an article which has hitherto been inserted time after time in the commissions of all Governors. Some scruple has now arisen whether it has been according to law to empower a Governor to commissionate a captain of any ship to execute martial law on board that ship (which seems to be the intent of the former part of the said article). The Council of Trade desires your opinion hereon. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 9. p. 198.]
Aug. 3. 720. Sir Charles Hedges to Council of Trade and Plantations. I have considered the copy of an article relating to the execution of the law martial by captains of ships, etc., to be appointed by the Governors of the Colonies. With submission to the gentlemen of the Common Law, by whom this question may best be resolved, I am of opinion that the granting power to a Governor in America to commissionate a captain of any ship to execute martial law on board that ship is not agreeable to the law. Signed, C. Hedges. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. Read 5 Aug., 1698. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 3. No. 50; and 9. p. 202.]
Aug. 3. 721. Memorial of Stephen Duport to Council of Trade and Plantations. The French Protestant refugees in the Caribbean Islands beg you to recommend them to the Governor thereof until they can procure themselves the necessary privileges to live comfortably among the English, with whom they have served in all expeditions in these parts during the late war, to the satisfaction of their commanders, to the end that they may not be molested but rather supported after a manner answerable to their lamentable dispersion. Signed, Duport. ½ p. Undated. Endorsed, Recd. Read 3 Aug., 1698. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 5. No. 107.]
Aug. 3.
722. Edward Walrond to Council of Trade and Plantations. The particulars of Captain Arthur's case have been before you for ten months and Governor Codrington's answer thereto for four months, yet no report has been made. I remember that it is inserted in your commission that you shall send for persons and papers for your better information, but no care was taken to secure me from Governor Codrington's arbitrary power, so that if I had not happily been at Barbados when you sent him copies of my letters, the results might have been deplorable. The remedies which the King's care had provided for the security of his subjects in the West Indies prove our destruction. It would be much better for us to be declared slaves than to be amused with the bare notion of liberty. If my ignorance of the method of laying complaints before you prove injurious to the equity of my cause I cannot help it, for I have remonstrated what I knew with all sincerity. Mr. Popple tells me that I have not used the method prescribed to me by your orders. I have done it in the best way that I can, and shall not be so imprudent as to give Governor Codrington's friends any advantage against me. I expected to have met in England with encouragement suitable to the services I had endeavoured to render by detecting villanies injurious to the public weal, but I can say that no man ever had less. I have but one cure for all my ills, which I hope, if I live, some little time will procure me. Signed, Edward Walrond. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 5. No. 108.]
Aug. 4.
East India
723. The East India Company to Council of Trade and Plantations. Enclosed are extracts from letters received from Fort St. George and Bombay relating to piracy in the East Indies, also the narrative of one William Willock and other papers touching Captain Kidd, a pirate who has done much mischief in those parts, also certain letters and papers received from New York by Sir Benjamin Bathurst. Signed, Ro. Blackborne. ½ p. Enclosed,
723. I. A list of pirates who came into Pennsylvania from Carolina in 1692 and showed £1,000 a man, also of seven of Every's men. Sixteen names in all. 1 p.
723. II. Extracts from a letter to the East India Company from Bombay, dated 18 December, 1697. It is certain that there is a nest of rogues seated in Isle St. Mary's near St. Lawrence, where they are frequently supplied with all that they want by ships from New York, New England and the West Indies. If you can obtain such strength as is named in your last letter, no doubt they may soon be brought to deserved punishment, especially if care be taken to prevent their recruits and supplies from the forementioned places. Whither the Mocha frigate and others of them are gone we know not, but we fear through the Straits of Malacca with a design to rob the China and Japan junks, the Portuguese ships from Macao and such of the English as they can master. We have sent home two of Kidd's men that ran away from him, with their depositions. ½ p. Endorsed, Read 5 Aug., 1698.
723. III. Extracts from a letter from Fort St. George to the East India Company, 26 January, 1697–8. You will receive several accounts of the pirates, particularly of an engagement between the Mocha frigate and the Dorrill in the Straits of Malacca. Both ships suffered somewhat and parted. The Dorrill put into Acheen to repair and proceed for Malacca, but it is not known how far she proceeded. The Mocha robbed several small China vessels, a Portuguese ship and several others. She was then careened and repaired, and sailed, whither unknown, on the 22nd December last, releasing one William Willock, one of their prisoners, whom they made pilot in one of their prizes. He brought the ship hither (Madras) on the 5th inst. We have sent word to Negapatam, as she is a Dutch ship, and they are sending up persons to take her over. From Bombay it was advised under date 27 September last that Captain Kidd attacked the Mocha fleet on its return to Surat, but was driven off by the Sceptre, frigate. He was lately cruising on the coast of Malabar. 1¼ pp. Endorsed, Read 5 Aug., 1698.
723. IV. An account of Captain Kidd of the Adventure galley of 250 tons, 30 guns, 200 men and 26 or 30 oars. Captain Kidd fell in company with several English ships bound from the East Indies about 200 leagues west of the Cape of Good Hope. One of them chased him and made him bring to, when he was ordered on board the Windsor, Captain Warren, and said that he was from New England and on the look out for Every and other rovers who infested the coast. He produced an authentic commission under the great seal of England, and hearing that the ships were bound to the Cape said that he was bound thither too, and would accompany them. Captain Warren saying that he was short of men, Kidd said that he could spare him several, but that night he rowed away in a calm and next morning was almost out of sight. He talked very big while on board, which made many suspect the honesty of his design. The fleet was shortly afterwards dispersed, and two of the ships, East Indiamen, entering Johanna harbour found Kidd then at anchor. Kidd hoisted English colours and the King's jack and pendant, fired at the Sidney, East Indiaman, and ordered her to strike her colours, with threats. Just then two more East Indiamen came into the harbour, and we sent Kidd word that unless he behaved civilly we would call him to account. He gave us all an invitation on board his ship, and gave out that he was bound for Port St. Mary's on the east side of St. Lawrence to hunt for pirates, but for all his pretences his men confessed that they expected to find no ship in Johanna but a single East India ship, which they knew was bound for Surat. The Johanna people told us that Kidd had given the King of Johanna a bill on the King of England for his provisions, which was not accepted. Kidd not liking our company filled up with water and sailed away. Signed, John Clarke. 2½ pp.
723. V. Extract from a letter from Carwar to Bombay. 9 August, 1697. Two of Captain Kidd's men have come to the factory, who tell us that they have taken an English vessel at Bombay and have the commander a prisoner on board. They took out of her about £100 of gold and other goods. Their going to Mocha was with full intent to take the Surat ships, had not the convoys prevented them. They were on the watch for a rich native ship. They intend to take into their own use the first good ship they meet with, as their own is rotten and leaky. We believe he intends to lie off here, so if you send a force against him, it is ten to one that you find him hereabout.
Here follows copy of a letter from Kidd asking for permission to take in wood and water. He represents that he had left England fifteen months before, with the King's commission to take all pirates. Dated, 4 October, 1697. The whole, 1¼ pp. Endorsed, Read 5 Aug., 1698.
723. VI. Diary of the proceedings of an European pirate, that came into Calicut Roads. 23 November, 1696. On this morning a ship under English colours stood into Calicut, and when alongside the outermost ship struck the English and hoisted Danish colours, fired a broadside, boarded and took her. Her boats then took three other ships. The Governor then came to us with threats and ordered us forthwith to send off to her and ask who they were, whereupon we sent Captain Mason, who returned saying that they were soldiers of fortune and that if the ships were not ransomed for £10,000 they and the rest of the shipping should be burned. We were well guarded all that night by the Governor's people. 24 November. This morning the pirate was found to have moved her prizes to deeper water. The Governor ordered us to send off to know if they could lessen their demands. Captain Mason was accordingly sent off with a flag of truce and remonstrated civilly but to no purpose. They said he was no countryman of theirs, that they would not abate of 40,000 dollars ransom, and that unless it was sent off by noon one of the ships would be fired. Captain Mason again went off and offered 20,000 dollars, but they were deaf to it, and at four o'clock set one ship on fire. Again Captain Mason was sent off to offer 20,000 dollars if the three remaining ships were returned without further damage. This they accepted provided the money should be sent off in the morning early, but detained Captain Mason till it arrived. 25 November. The native Governors came to us to say that the money could not be ready till 10 o'clock, and to ask us to send aboard the pirates to persuade them to wait so long. They said they would wait till noon and no longer, and finding that the native Governors were trifling with them let another ship ashore on fire. The native Governors had meanwhile sent for the Malabar pirates and ten prows arrived in port this night. 26 November. The pirate weighed and put to sea this morning, the Malabar pirates stood after them and the two remaining ships were recovered. The Malabar pirates returned at night, but the English pirates were hull-down by six o'clock, with Captain Mason still on board. 27 November. Captain Mason returned, having been put in a boat by the English pirate which was captured by Malabar pirates, whereby he was obliged to jump overboard and swim ashore. He brought news that the pirate would cruise for Persia and Bussora ships. He reported her to be of about 300 tons, 20 guns and 100 men, her captain a Dutchman of New York, and that she daily expected a consort of about the same strength under one Hore. They offered him command of the ship if he would join them. He gathered that most of the pirates were fitted out from New York and returned thither to share the plunder with the Governor's connivance. One pirate had presented the Governor with his ship. 4 pp. Endorsed, Read 5 Aug., 1698.
723. VII. A list of the men's names on board the pirate-ship John and Rebecca, John Hore, captain. 114 names, chiefly English. 2 pp. Endorsed, Read 5 Aug., 1698.
723. VIII. Narrative of William Willock, prisoner on board the pirate ship Mocha for eleven months. I was master of the ship Satisfaction, bound from Bengal to Surat. When off Ceylon I met with two ships which ranged up alongside, one on each side, and sent a boat full of armed men aboard, who at once took me to the larger of the two ships. She was the Mocha, commanded by Ralph Stout; the other was of about 130 tons from Madagascar, with about seventy men, all old privateers. They told me they were short of water and that I must go with them to Cape Comorin and bring them water. Accordingly we sailed across the bay, and when we came in sight of the Cape they took the best of the cargo and rigging out of the Satisfaction and sank her. They then obtained water, fowls and provisions from the natives of Cape Comorin. On the 7th or 8th February they weighed and stood after three sail of Portuguese, hoisted French colours, and so induced two of them to stay until the Mocha and her consort were almost within range. They took one of them, very richly laden, with at least 100lb. weight of gold and 2,300 pieces of silk, besides great store of provisions. They punished the prisoners cruelly to make them reveal if they had more in the ship. They put all their lascar prisoners into a passing ship, and about the 14th or 15th they captured a large Moor's ship and a Moor's advice-pink, which last they took in tow. They were now leaving the coast for fear of the Dutch fleet, and sailed for the Maldivas, where they burned several villages, but after a time got a pilot and sailed for the King's Island, where they sent the King presents to the value of £100, but were not allowed to land or to trade. They therefore sailed for two other islands, where they procured oil for cleaning their ships, and there they lay about six weeks before they were ready to sail. Owing to a quarrel the Mocha sailed alone, with about 65 men besides blacks, leaving the Maldives about the last day of April for Quiloan, to take in arrack. A storm drove them to the Laccadives, and then they resolved for the Niccombar Islands, to take in water. They sent some boats ashore to plunder provisions, and about the 20th May sailed for Acheen. On the 30th they took a Portuguese ship with a cargo worth 40,000 dollars, but while they were plundering the captain went ashore to look for water, and was killed by the natives with seven out of ten men with him. Robert Coliver was then made captain, but I was importuned by them every day to take them through the Straits, for now their pilot, the late captain, was dead. Several times they pointed pistols at me and threatened to maroon me, and this continued till the end of June, when they sighted an English ship. "Hell was never in greater confusion than was then aboard;" some were for hoisting French colours, some for fighting, some for running away. Coliver resigned his charge owing to the confusion, but at last they resolved to fight the English ship and Coliver resumed command. They then hailed her and were defied, and after three or four broadsides the pirates were disheartened and refused to fight more, but sheered off, while the English ship went on her course. The pirates lost two men killed. Three days later they anchored in Polla Varero and took in wood and water, and decided not to go through the straits that year but to make for the Niccombars to careen. They took several brigantines coming from Batavia with arrack, and at the end of August they took this ship, which I, under God, have brought in. They forced me to conduct them to Negrais and put me on board this ship for the purpose, promising that I should have her when they had done with her. We arrived at Negrais about the middle of August, and then took another ship, and on the 22nd of December set me at liberty. Here follows a list of the crew of the Mocha, and the narrative continues. Most of these men were of Every's crew. By Baldridge's advice they were able to surprise and seize a New York ship at Port Delphine, but it was said that the captain, Glover, had orders from his owners to dispose of her to pirates, and that the Governor of Barbados owned half of her. My opinion is that piracy has been encouraged by the Governments in New England. All kinds of stores for the pirates are sent to St. Mary's from New England, New York and Rhode Island. 15 pp. Endorsed, Read 10 Aug., 1698. [Board of Trade. Plantations General, 4. Nos. 123, 123 I.–VIII.; and (without enclosures) 34. p. 314.]
Aug. 4.
724. Lieutenant-Governor Norton to Council of Trade and Plantations. On my arrival yesterday I met with the news of Governor Codrington's death, and upon what you told me I presumed that the Government developed upon me. I find, however, from his instructions that it passes first to Lieutenant-General Thomas Hill and after that upon the Council of Nevis. I find therefore that I do not command, though no one except Lieutenant-Governor Delavall holds his commission direct from the King besides myself. It seems, too, to be the intent of the instructions that the Governor of St. Christophers should first take place, as the ancient and mother island, and that the command devolved on Lieutenant-Governor Hill for that reason. I beg therefore for your instructions herein. Signed, James Norton. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 15, Read 19 Oct., 1698. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 5. No. 109; and 45. p. 300.]
Aug. 4.
725. William Popple to the Attorney and Solicitor-General. Forwarding copy of the Address of the Council of Massachusetts (see No. 677 I.) with an extract from the Colony's Charter as to appeals, for their report. What creates difficulty for the Council of Trade in the matter is the improbability that it was ever intended, when the Charter was drawn, to exclude the King from having a remedy against the Courts of the Province in case of an unjust determination in respect of the Customs or revenue, which would infallibly be the consequence if no appeals were allowed in these matters under the value of £300. Many small vessels and cargoes are not really of that value, and it may be easy for illegal traders so to order their affairs that no single seizure shall amount to that sum. [Board of Trade. New England, 37. pp. 21–22.]
Aug. 5.
726. Mr. Yard to William Popple. Forwarding certain papers from Maryland and a letter from Governor Goddard (see No. 647) which have been received by the Duke of Shrewsbury. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. Read 5 Aug., 1698. [Board of Trade. Bermuda, 3. No. 30.]
Aug. 5. 727. Minutes of Council of Antigua. A letter from the President of Nevis read, confirming the Government of Antigua as it had been left by Governor Codrington. Order for a writ of error to be signed by the Deputy-Governor notwithstanding that he is Chief Justice. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 64. pp. 266–268.]
Aug. 5. 728. Minutes of Council of New York. The Lieutenant-Governor reported that he had heard from Lord Bellomont, who approved of clearing the ship lying at New York from Amboy, on security being given, as prepared by Governor Basse. [Board of Trade. New York, 72. pp. 126–127.]