America and West Indies: August 1701, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 19, 1701. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'America and West Indies: August 1701, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 19, 1701, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 15 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: August 1701, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 19, 1701. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1910), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025,

"America and West Indies: August 1701, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 19, 1701. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1910), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025.

August 1701

Aug. 21. Ordered that the Collectors' Accounts etc. lie upon the table.
Petition of Robert Snead granted, for leave to lay before the House proposals to undertake the building of the Capitol. The said proposals ordered to lie upon the table. Proposal that he should lay before the House the drafts therein mentioned negatived.
Two books of Patents ordered to be new bound. [C.O. 5, 1408. pp. 171–175.]
Aug. 21.
New York.
769. Countess of Bellomont to Mr. Secretary Vernon. I have not yet been able to recover myself from the distraction I have been under for the death of my dear Lord, which hath made me uncapable of paying my regards, as I ought, to you who have been so zealous and sincere a friend, and who, I have reason to believe, will be tenderly touched at my unexpressible affliction. My loss is to me utterly irreparable, but that part of it that relates to my children may be somewhat alleviated by H.M. great goodness and compassion to the sons of an honest and faithful servant, who wore out his spirrits and put an end to his life by the fategue he hourly underwent to serve him in this far country. I know I need not indeavour to persuade you to join in representing the distressed condision of our family, who are made lower by this Government which was given as a mark of H.M. favour, or to recommend the sons of your friend to H.M. countenance, which would be to seem to doubt of what I am sufficiently assured. I shall be eas'd from the perplexity of accounts and other affairs here, by Mr. Weaver and Col. de Peyster, whose faithfulness I can depend on, and who hath taken the trouble on them, and I have expectations of finding a conveyance for England within a month by a man-of-war now attending Virginia. In the meantime my sons will pay their duty to you. Signed, Kat. Bellomont. Holograph. 1¾ pp. Endorsed, R., 15 Oct., 1701. [C.O. 5, 1044. No. 43.]
Aug. 21.
770. Order of Lords Justices in Council. Upon reading a Memorial from Brigadier Selwyn and a report from the Office of the Ordnance, relating to stores for Jamaica, ordered that six brass Minions and six Falcons, with carriages, harness, ammunition and whatsoever else the principal Officers of the Ordnance shall think necessary for such a train be forthwith provided and sent for H.M. service to Jamaica, and an estimate returned to this Board; as also that one Master Gunner and two Mates, one Master Smith and Mate, with their necessary tools, and the ingredients for fixing of bombs, carcasses and hand granados mentioned in the estimate of the Board of Ordnance be likewise provided and sent thither; and that the said ingredients, together with the six brass minions and six falcons be delivered into the custody of Mr. Bell, one of the engineers going to Jamaica, with direction that not any of the beforementioned stores be delivered out by him but pursuant to order in writing from Brigadier Selwyn or the Commander in Chief of Jamaica for the time being, and that the Master Gunner and his Mates be directed to instruct the soldiers and inhabitants in Jamaica in the Art of Gunnery as much as in them lies. And their Excellencies are further pleased to order that Brigadier Selwyn do not issue any of these Stores, but upon absolute necessity, unless the Assembly shall provide to reimburse the Board of Ordnance, and that he do endeavour with the Assembly that the Office of the Ordnance be reimbursed the costs of the stores now sent. The Board of Ordnance are to give the necessary directions for furnishing with all expedition and sending to Jamaica all the said stores by such shipping as shall be appointed by the Admiralty, as fast as they can be gott ready, and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are to give order for the taking the said stores on board such ships as they shall from time to time appoint to carry them to that island. The Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations are to prepare Instructions for Brigadier Selwyn relating to the issuing the said stores as above mentioned. Signed, John Povey. Endorsed, Recd. Read Aug. 25, 1701. 1¾ pp. Enclosed,
770. i. Estimate of the Charge of the Ingredients to be sent to Jamaica pursuant to the Lords Justices' directions signified by Mr. Yard's letter, Aug. 14. Office of Ordnance, Aug. 16, 1701. Total 80l. 8s. 8d. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 5. Nos. 48, 48.i.; and 138, 10. pp. 278–281.]
Aug. 21.
New York.
771. Lieut.-Governor Nanfan to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Some time before my expedition to Albany Mr. Livingston, H.M. Secretary for the Indian Affairs, did apply himself to me for leave to go to England in order to lay his case before H.M. in Council and your Lordships, concerning his demands upon the Crown for salary and other public services, but finding I should have occasion for his assistance in the late treaties with the Indians at Albany, I therefore deteined him, and look upon myself obliged in justice to certifie that he hath been a very great help to me in all this negotiation, for which I am humbly of opinion that he very well deserved the salary allowed him by H.M. in his Commission, there being no person in the town and county of Albany so capable and well qualified as he is, and because his voyage to England cannot be performed without great expense of time, lest his Majesty's service in the Indian affairs might suffer in his absence, I do therefore at his request presume to beg you will be pleased to lay his case before H.M., so that his pleasure may be signified to this Government upon the report which Lord Bellomont made and sent home in his favour in obedience to H.M. Instruction Aug. 31, 1697, for want of which the Collector and Receiver General of this Province is by a Minute of Council here commanded not to make payment of any such warrants as are granted him for that salary, until H.M. pleasure be known. By reason of the delay of which he has been, and still is, wholly deprived of any part of that salary allowed him by H.M. Commission. Signed, John Nanfan. Endorsed, Recd. Dec. 16, 1701, Read Jan. 8, 170½. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1044. No. 45; and 5, 1119. pp. 56–58.]
Aug. 22.
New York.
772. Robt. Livingston to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to letter of June 21. The success my negotiation with the Indians (mentioned therein) (I hope) will be found of so great moment, that I am glad to have been anyways instrumental therein. Refers to the letter of the Lieut.-Governor preceding. I am likewise kept from receiving the interest ordered by H.M., and from the money due for ye victualling. I humbly beg your Lordships will be pleased to hear the complaints-my Agent will lay before your Lordships and to represent my case to H.M. etc. Signed, Robt. Livingston. Endorsed, Recd. 16 Dec., 1701, Read 8 Jan., 170½. 2 pp. Enclosed,
772. i. Copy of the Earl of Bellomont's report upon Mr. Livingston's case. New York, June 28, 1698. 2 pp.
772. ii. Peter Schuyler, Robt. Livingston and Gertruyd, relict and executrix of Cornelius Stephanus van Courtland, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. By the contracts made with petitioners by Col. Fletcher and Lord Bellomont, there appear on the foot of each of their accounts to be due to Peter Schuyler for subsisting H.M. soldiers upon the frontiers for two years from Nov., 1696, at Albany, 1,449l. 5s. 8½ d.; to Robt. Livingston per certificate under the late Earl's hand, Nov. 9, 1700, for victualling the company of Fuzileers at Albany, 1,196l. 4s. 3d., and to Gertruyd van Courtland for victualling the garrison in Fort William Henry, Nov. 1697—Oct. 1700, 1,196l. 18s. 2½ d. And forasmuch as great indeavours are, according to information given to your petitioners, made use of towards obtaining the King's money intended for the discharge of your petitioners, to be put in the possession of the Countess of Bellomont, or her Agent, to the hazarding of your petitioners' just claim; they pray you to vouchsafe them a stop to all future payments of the same to the aforesaid Countess or Agents, till such time as your Petitioners may be heard to their said contracts and charge, if anything to be objected thereto, and in the meantime that the said Countess and her Agents may account to your Lordships for all receipts relating to the premises already made by either or any of them. No signature or date. Endorsed, Recd. Dec. 16, 1701, Read Jan 8., 170½. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1044. Nos. 46, 46.i., ii.; and (letter and enclosure ii. only) 5, 1119. pp. 58–62.]
Aug. 21.
773. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Letter from the Council of the Massachusetts Bay, July 10, read. Copy sent to Mr. Secretary Vernon.
Their Lordships returned to consider the papers relating to the Jerseys sent by Mr. Yard, Aug. 18, together with other proposals offered formerly by the Proprietors for surrendering their claim to the Government of those Provinces.
Brigadier Selwyn taking leave of the Board for Jamaica, the letter signed by their Lordships relating to colours to be born by ships commissionated by Governors, was delivered to him.
Aug. 22. Further progress made in considering the affairs of the Jerseys. [Board of Trade. Journal, 14. pp. 141, 142.]
Aug. 21. 774. Journal of the House of Representatives of New York. None of the Members that left the House yesterday attended.
Ryer Schermerhoorn, having taken the oaths etc., took his place as a Member.
Upon investigation, it was decided that William Nicoll (see Aug. 19, 20) was not qualified to be a Member for County Suffolk. Ordered that the Speaker issue out his warrant for a new writ for the electing of a Member in his room.
Ordered that His Honour's Speech and the Votes of this House be forthwith printed.
The Governor's Speech was read. The House went into Committee to consider that part relating to the Additional Duty expired in May last. (Printed.) [C.O. 5, 1184. pp. 998, 999.]
Aug. 22./Sept. 2.
775. Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Popple. I have been too backward in acknowledging the receipt of the letters you have favoured me with, May 1, 8, and 15, Aug., with an abstract of the Minutes of our Board, which I have communicated to my Lord Lexinton, and may thereupon return you our private opinions, which may not deserve any further consequence. As to the alteration of the value of ye current coins in Carolina, it is so ruinous to trade, and contrary to H.M. pleasure everywhere exprest in ye Plantations, that if it cannot be redrest before next Sessions, it will be fit to be represented there as a very great grievance. We find the Board was inclined to put the name of Col. Romer into the list of ye Council for N. York, but how far that may consist with ye Act of Parliament if he be not naturalized, is fit to be considered. The papers received from Capt. Bennet are very particular, and show him to be a carefull officer, and therefore nothing should be wanting on our part to make him easy and his Government safe, so that we don't doubt but the account he has sent of stores, ammunition etc. in ye Bermuda Islands, and what is wanting there, will by our Board be laid before their Excellencies the Lords Justices, in order to a suitable provision. I send you a letter from him relating to the continuance of the pay of ye Foot Company there, which is very necessary to be taken care of. The matter may be explained to their Lordships by Mr. Nodin, and the assistance of Mr. Clark may be desir'd. Col. Bennet desires likewise to know whether the ship provisions shall be allowed to the noncommission officers and private soldiers in their passage, he having stopt the money for it, which seems very hard and a discouragement to soldiers going to ye Plantations, tho' the Governor cannot be blamed for desiring orders in the matter, which may be best had by a communication to the Lords of the Treasury, who may at the same time order the farther subsistance to this Company. Brigadier Selwin writes he has made a shift to get his dispatches, and he is by this time, I suppose, under sail, with Capt. Whetstone's little squadron. Signed, Wm. Blathwayt. Endorsed, Recd. Aug. 28, Read Sept. 2, 1701. 3 pp. Postscript on separate sheet. I had almost forgott to send you ye enclosed papers from New York, which may be worthy of the consideration of ye Board, and particularly the paper wch. states ye pay of ye four companies at New York of the total whereof, amounting to 3,534l. 2s. 4d., the Lords of the Treasury, I think, have only given order for the sum of 675l., and not for ye two others for want of the muster-rolls, which cannot be very pleasing to my Lord Cornbury, who will have the weight of that arrear upon him. Mem. The paper above-mentioned was not sent in this letter. [C.O. 5, 1046. No. 34.]
Aug. 22.
776. Wm. Thornburgh to Wm. Popple. I know I'm under an inevitable Fate of having your censure for not answering your last. I immediately transmitted it to my Lord of Bathe, in whose custody are all the Charters, Books and writings etc., relating to Carolina and the Bahamas, and from whom consequently I must be enabled to answer your letter, and was so promised by his Lordship's Chaplain, who carried my letter to Epsom, where my Lord lyes indisposed, and I have received no answer as yet. Signed, Wm. Thornburgh. Addressed. Endorsed, Recd. Read Aug. 25, 1701. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 1261. No. 17.]
Aug. 22. 777. Minutes of Council of New York. The Governor produced a letter sent express to him from the gentlemen at Albany appointed for managing the Indian Affairs, dated Aug. 19, with a Message from the Sachims of Onnondage, informing that the Governor of Canada hath sent to Onnondage 7 prisoners, who are now on the way, and desiring that two wise, understanding men, who write well, may be sent thither; that the Managers of the Indian Affairs have sent back the Indians who brought the Message with answer that they would send an express to the Governor with their Message, and that in the meantime, if the French should arrive at Onnondage, that the Sachims should not call any meeting or hearken to any proposals of the French until they should receive an answer from the Governor. This Board are of opinion that Capt. John Bleeker and David Schuyler do immediately repair to Onnondage, in order to hinder the French from deluding our Five Nations of Indians, and that they keep a Journal of there proceedings there.
The Governor produced the Journal kept by them during their last journey to, and residence at, Onnondage, which was read, as also the propositions made by the Governor at Albany in July last to the Five Nations and the River Indians, together with their answers, which were read.
Petition of Adolph Phillips and Stephen Delancy read, setting forth that they had replevy'd a sloop within this Port by a writ out of the Supreme Court of Judicature, which during the last war with France was fitted out by them from hence, and taken by the subjects of the French King during the said war, but never tried or condemned, and the vessel being now fully loaden and ready to sail, it would prove a great loss to the persons concerned in the cargo of the sloop, if she be not tried until the Supreme Court in Oct. next, and prayed that the Chief Justice be ordered to try the matter on Saturday next, at which time a Special Court is to sit. Ordered that Col. Gabriell Minviele, the person concerned for the said sloop, be served with a copy and give his answer to-morrow. [C.O. 5, 1184. pp. 575–577.]
Aug. 22. 778. Minutes of Council in Assembly of New York. Ryer Schermerhoorn took the oaths appointed and subscribed the Test and Association. [C.O. 5, 1184. p. 867.]
Aug. 22. 779. Minutes of Council of the Massachusetts Bay. A letter received yesterday from Mr. Brouillan, Governor of Accadie, directed to the Earl of Bellomont, or, in his absence, to him that hath the command here, and sent by an officer of the garrison at Port Royal, was read at the Board, wherein he informs of his arrival in Accadie, and that the King his Master had honoured him with the command of that country, and proposes to entertain a neighbourly correspondence with this Government. Ordered that an answer be drawn up, which was done and agreed to.
Warrants were signed for the following payments past by the Assembly in August:—To the Hon. Wait Winthrop, Elisha Cooke and Samuel Sewall, Judges of the Superior Court of Judicature 45l., and to the Hon. John Walley one of the Judges of the said Court 22l. 10s.; for salary for the year and half year respectively; and to the Hon. Wait Winthrop, Elisha Cooke and Penn Townsend 10l. each, for their service in travelling to New York to congratulate the arrival of his Excellency, the Earl of Bellomont.
Whereas the General Assembly, Feb. last, ordered that the dwelling-house in Cambridge built for a President's house be forthwith repaired and fitted up for that use, a warrant was signed for paying 70l. to the Committee appointed to see thereto for the charges thereof.
Warrant signed for payment of 312l. 8s. 10d. to Capt. John Fayerweather, late Commander of H.M. Castle upon Castle Island, and the officers and soldiers under him, on account of wages Nov. 26, 1700—July 18, 1701.
Warrant signed for paying unto John Phillips, one of the Commissioners imployed in a late negotiation with the Eastern Indians, 3l. for a coat, which, in his negotiation, he supplied to one of them.
Aug. 23. Proclamation for a General Fast to be observed throughout this Province, Thursday, Sept. 18 next, was drawn up and signed. [C.O. 5, 788. pp. 81–83.]
Aug. 22. 780. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Virginia. Report of Committee appointed to consider of ye ways and means to strengthen ye frontiers by sea and land was read, and ordered to lie on ye table.
Report of Committee appointed to inspect the report of the Committee to examine titles to land in Pomunkey Neck etc., read the first time.
Ordinance of Assembly, prohibiting the Ordinary Keepers to entertain the workmen employed for building ye Capitol, read the first time.
Aug. 23. Report upon the claims to Pomunkey Neck etc. read a second time. The Hon Edmd. Jennings entered a caveat and prayed that no patent might issue to Benjamin Arnold for 2,100 acres reported by the Committee, until he was fully heard in ye matter, suggesting that some of the same was within his grant; also that no patent might issue to John Hunt for 546 acres.
Conference with the House of Burgesses to settle all Indian matters, appointed.
Ordinance of Assembly with regard to the workmen of the Capitol read a second time and amended. [C.O. 5, 1409. pp. 350, 473–475.]
Aug. 22. 781. Journal of House of Burgesses of Virginia. Petition of Orlando Jones referred to the Committee of Claims.
Report of the proceedings of the Committee for strengthening the frontiers ordered to lie on the table.
Aug. 23. Report of the Committee to consider propositions relating to the Capitol ordered to lie upon the table.
The House was called over, and the Messenger ordered to goe about Towne and summons Mr. Bray, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Thorowgood to give their immediate attendance.
Joint Committee appointed to consider the report upon the lands of Pomunkey Neck etc.
Ordered that Mr. Bray be sent for in custody of the Messenger to answer his default in not attending the service of the House.
Mr. Daniel Sullevant's absence excused.
The House further considered a suitable method to represent to H.M. the case between this Government and New York. Resolved that an Agent be imployed to represent it. Choice deferred.
The House accepted Mr. Bray's excuse for his absence.
Mr. Bland was granted leave of absence.
Report upon lands in Pamunkey Neck etc. ordered to lie upon the table.
And see preceding abstract under date. [C.O. 5, 1408. pp. 175–182.]
Aug. 23. 782. Tho. Hodges to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I return herewith the answer of the Governor and Council of Barbados to my complaints. I acknowledge their Lordships' great favour in letting me have it; but I find several certificates and other papers referred to in it, without the sight of which, it is impossible for me to make any pertinent reply. I send you a list of them and desire that you will doe me the favour to procure their Lordships' leave that I may have them. Signed, Tho. Hodges. List subscribed. Endorsed, Recd. Read Aug. 25th, 1701. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 6. No 12.]
Aug. 23. 783. Journal of House of Representatives of New York. The Members who left the House (Aug. 20) were still wanting. Ordered, that that matter be taken into consideration Munday next.
Warrant issued for a writ to elect a Member in lieu of Mr. William Nicoll.
The House considered the Additional Duty in Committee.
Petition of Henry Fowler, complaining of an undue election for the County of Westchester, being read, was committed to be examined. (Printed.) [C.O. 5, 1184. p. 999.]
Aug. 25.
784. Governor Codrington to the Council of Trade and Plantations. My very good Lords, Yesterday by way of Nevis I received your letter of May 23, two days after I had dispatcht a packet to your Lordships from hence. A ship is just now sayling, so I must answer very much in haste. If the declaration of my intentions pleased your Lordships, my conduct since, I am perswaded, will not be disapproved, for I have pursued all my resolutions with steadyness and sincerity, and I no more pretend than I expect that your Lordships should take my word for what I assert. You are pleased to say you are not without hopes of a better regulation in time as to the dependance of Governors upon Assemblys. As to myself I will serve the King and Publick as well as I can, and be as little guilty of any mean arts and complyances below the dignity of my imploy (tho' my salary is not the fourth part of my expence) as if it were ten times as much. But I must take the liberty to say in respect of Governours who come abroad to make their fortunes, as I did to understand and establish mine, that Acts of Trade, Instructions and all your Lordships' wise and good Orders to them are verba et prœterie [sic] nihil. I think what I say is self-evident, but I could give such flameing instances, as would flash light and conviction into the Ministers. Pardon me, my Lords, this escape, and I will never agen trouble your Lordships or myself on this subject. I will write a separate and perticular letter of our judicature of all kinds.
Your Lordships are pleased to say you do not understand what I mean by saying I came too late to make a demand on the Governor of St. Thomas's; I deserve this reprymand for not having refered to the Order which was to demand one Bolton and Burke wth. the piratical goods they had bin entrusted wth. Bolton was before my arrival sent home, and Burk I found to have been before, as he still is, an inhabitant of the French part of St. Christophers, without my jurisdiction. I had it also in my Instructions to send to the Governor of St. Thomas's a caution both concerning St. Thomas's itselfe, and Turtola, wch. I did not faile to do by our Governor of Spanishtown. The Daneish Governor answered that as to St. Thomas's, the King, his Master, he supposed would give an account of his own title, and as to Tortola, it was a desert island, and free for anybody, he thought, to turtle at. If you would have me do anything more effectual in this matter, I beg precise and punctual directions, and I shall not faile to execute them.
I am glad you approve my proceedings against Capt. Norton. I assure you I proceeded not only with Justice but candour; he was never imprisoned, but for formality sake delivered the Marshall, but hath constantly had the privilidge of rideing about. There has bin no prosecution for the thousand pounds, because I did believe it would not be insisted on, and indeed I found him so brutally ignorant not only in his own business as Governor, but in all the common duty of humanity that I scarce think him an accountable creature. I designe to engadge Col. Elrington to go down to St. Xphers, where he will be more useful to the publick as well as assistant to me then at Nevis. He has an interest in that Island and knows all the passes of it very well, and as he is a man of courage and vigour, I find him also to act wth. great vigilance and honour in his imploy, and I believe will be found to deserve a much better then he has at present. I send your Lordships Col. Hodges' letter, which may serve to confirm what I lately wrote to your Lordships about the Irish at Montseratt. No care and vigilance on my part shall be wanting to prevent ill consequences. We have very unfortunately just a this time lost Mr. Parson, one of the Councill there, a man of as good understanding as any in those Colonys, and only unfortunate in being burthened wth. so great a family and too many imploys, for he was Secretary, Collector and Agent to the Royal African Company, besides a great trader on his own stock. I have given a Commission to a couz. German of mine, Mr. William Codrington, until H.M. pleasure is known, to be Secretary of these Islands. He is a young gentleman of great virtue and hopes, has a very good and clear estate in Barbadoes, and the foundation of one in this Government; I wou'd willingly lead him into business and make him fitt for ye Publick service. I give your Lordships my word that office shall be better managed then it has been, and I most humbly beg the favour of your Lordships' representation that my nomination may be confirmed and a patent sent from Home. I shall never faile to acknowledge your Lordships' goodness to me on this occasion.
I have sent your Lordships as perticular acct. as I cann of what is wanting in these Islands. Nevis, I think, can defend itself, and Montserat might, but that there's more danger from within than from without. In Antigua we have more ground to defend than in Barbadoes and not above a thousand fighting men, so that wee stand in need of very great assistance of men and small arms, and as to St. Christophers the Fate of that Island will be decided the first moment of the warr, the Commander that has the first news will certainly attack his enemy, and the English and French (since the accession of their people from St. Martin's and St. Bartholneys) are pretty near of a strength. If Mr. Grey had thought fit to have lent me the Barbados frigat, I think I cou'd pretend to secure that point. Signed, Chr. Codrington. Endorsed, Recd. 10th. Read Nov. 13, 1701. 2½ pp. Enclosed,
784. i. Abstract of preceding. 1½ pp.
784. ii. Col. Hodges to Governor Codrington. Montseratt, May 28, 1701. Upon the first apprihention of warr, I was not without thoughts, in case a rupture should happen, your Excellencie would have occasion to draw of men from all the rest of the Islands, in order to make an attaque on the French part of St. Xtophers, and therefore was not wanting to observe to the inhabitants of this Island the reasonableness of such an enterprize in order to the secureing our intrist and making us easie at home, and this I then found to concur with the scence of the generality, but since the letter lately wrote your Excellencie from the Councell, I have made it my chiefe business to meet the seaverall Companys of this Island in their respective exercising places in hopes (at least) to comply with our promise of supplying two companies of men, but soe contrary hath it hapned to my expectation that am much concerned should have occasion to acquaint your Excellencie that not three men could be prevailed with to inlist themselves for the servis. Whence soe generall a defection should arrise am not able to learn. Signed, Anthy. Hodges. Addressed. Sealed. ¾ p. [C.O. 152, 4. Nos. 47, 47.i.–ii.; and (without enclosures) 153, 7. pp. 261–268.]
Aug. 25.
785. Mr. Addington to Mr. Popple. I esteem it my duty and necessary for H.M. service that the Rt. Hon. the Lords Commissioners of the Council of Trade and Plantations be made acquainted with the arrival of Mr. Brouillan in Accadie, whereof he is appointed Governor by his Master, the French King, and also that his letter lately sent to the Government here, and their answer made thereto, be laid before their Lordships. His residence is at Port Royal, which place he is fortifying with all vigor, having demolish't the Fort in St. John's River, and removed the garrison and ordnance to Port Royal. It's credibly reported, and also acknowledged by the officer, who brought his letter, that there come four companys of soldiers with the Governor, and two more were to follow, which are supposed to be arrived in a ship which was standing in for that place, just upon the officer's coming away. The ship, which brought the Governor, was mounted with 50 guns or upwards, and remained there, the other going in, he supposes to be a forty gun ship, and several other ships of force were expected; so that we are like to have a dangerous neighbour in case of war, and that place will be made very strong. Our fortifications on Castle Island are carrying on under the direction of Col. Romer, with all manner of application, which when finished can serve only for the defence of the Port of Boston, there being many other avenues that lie open for an enemy to make impressions upon us. Their Lordships will be sensible that besides the stores necessary to be supplyed for the furnishing of our Fortifications, there will be further needed a Naval Force for guarding of the Coast. The Province is in present quiet, but we are in daily expectation to hear of the balance of affairs in Europe turning for war, and concerned for the dangers we may thereby be exposed to, Signed, Isc. Addington. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 27, 1701. 2 pp. Annexed,
785. i. Abstract of preceding. ½ p.
785. ii. Copy of letter from the French Governor of Nova Scotia to the Government of the Massachusetts Bay. Port Royal, Aug. 8, 1701. Announces his arrival. Having left the affairs of Europe in a doubtful situation as to war or peace, I thought it my duty, my Lord, to represent to you as far as I can, and the King, my master, has left it to my disposal, that it seems to me of consequence for the public safety of your Inhabitants, as well as ours, to find out a way to avoid the havock and cruelties of the Indians, who breath nothing but blood and sorts of inhumane and odious torments, to us as well as our enemies, which cannot be hindred but by a particular treaty from you to us, during all the courses and acts of hostility on our coasts, in not espousing the differences which our Sovereign Princes may issue in Europe by force of arms. I do not propose these sorts of agreements but as far as the consent of the King of England may resolve you, and if you be determined, in case of war, to a suspension of arms on your side as well as ours, till you have informed and received orders from H.M., we do assure you that on our side shall be held till then a firm and sincere peace, expecting a declaration made faithfully on the resolutions which you shall take, of which we pray you to give us advice with the same fidelity which we promise on our part. If hereafter the proposal, which I make you singly for the good of yours and our people, do not suit the interests of both Crowns, we will make to you, as we expect you will to us, a public declaration, before we enterprize anything which may break our Treaty of Union and good correspondence. My Lord, This is what I dare promise to have ratified by the King, my master, if yours will do the same. I pray you would let me know it with speed, that so I may know what to do. I cannot omit advising you that I have orders to hinder, conformable to the Treaty of Ryswick, all English vessels from coming to fish in sight of the lands of this Province. I pray you would let it be known in your Ports. Assuring you nevertheless, my Lord, that in all things that shall not hinder the interest of the King, my master, you shall never have a neighbour more desirous than I shall be to contribute to everything that may be for the good of our Colonies, etc. Signed, Brouillan. Endorsed as preceding. 2½ pp.
785. iii. Copy of a letter from the Council of the Massachusetts Bay to the French Governor of Nova Scotia. Boston, Aug. 22, 1701. Acknowledges letter. We approve your generosity in proposing to find out a way to restrain the rapines, inhumane and barbarous crueltys, practiced by the bloody savages in time of war towards the people of your Nation and ours, and shall be ready to agree with you in concerting of such methods as may be effectual to that end. We also take notice of your other proposal for a suspension of arms within these territories, if it happen that war be declared betwixt the two Crowns, until we shall have represented the same unto our King, and have received his Orders on that subject, which you assure us till then shall be held firm on your side, if so we agree, and to have the same ratified by the King, your master. Concerning which, being by late intelligences from England given to understand the Peace do's continue, and no Declaration is made of war, and being in daily expectation of the arrival of a General, to be sent us by our King, and know not what Instructions he may bring, we cannot at present take any resolutions in that affair. But whilst on your side all acts of hostility shall be forborn, we shall not be forward to be the aggressors, or to enterprize anything to interrupt our mutual quiet and repose.
As to the orders you intimate in yours to have received to hinder, conformable to the Treaty of Ryswick, all English vessels from coming to fish in sight of the Lands of Accadie, we must observe to you that such orders are so far from being conform[abl]e to the Treaty of Ryswick, as that they are directly contrary to the Vth Article, it having been the accustomed indubitable right and priviledge of the English to fish in the high seas on that coast for time out of mind. We trust and expect that you will not suffer any obstruction to be given to our fishing vessels in that their lawful imploy, whereof we shall have a just resentment, and esteem it not only a breach on your part of that good neighbourhood which you profess to maintain, but also to be contrary to Justice; whereas we shall on our side contribute all that is necessary, not derogatory to the honour and interests of the King, our master, to preserve intire a good understanding. Signed, Is. Addington, Secretary. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 27, 1701. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 862. Nos. 75, 75.i.–iii.; and (without abstract) 5, 909. pp. 472–481.]
Aug. 25.
786. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Ordered that Sir Thomas Lane and any other of the Proprietors of the Jerseys have notice to attend the Board on Wednesday next.
Letter from Mr. Thornburgh, Aug. 22, read.
Order of Council, Aug. 21, read.
Letter from Mr. Hodges read. Leave given that he may take a copy of Mr. Chilton's letter and have the inspection of other papers for such notes as he shall find to relate to his own concern.