Addenda: November 1701

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 19, 1701. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Addenda: November 1701', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 19, 1701, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 17 February 2025].

'Addenda: November 1701', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 19, 1701. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1910), British History Online, accessed February 17, 2025,

"Addenda: November 1701". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 19, 1701. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1910), British History Online. Web. 17 February 2025.

November 1701

Nov. 4. 1179. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Barbados. Answer to Mr. Skene's Memorial read and signed, and ordered to be sent to the rest of the Members to be signed. [Entered.]
Ordered that twelve ships appearing off this Island do alarm the whole Island, and seven ships alarm all the Forts and Towns, and it is ordered that H.M. Attorney and Solicitor General draw up a Proclamation to that purpose that the same may be read in the several Churches. [Entered.] [C.O. 31, 6. pp. 40–48.]
Nov. 6. 1180. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Barbados. Letter to Admiral Benbow signed, desiring one of H.M. ships might be left here to guard the Island, H.M.S. Ludlow being speedily bound home for England and the relief ship being not yet arrived.
100l. paid to Lieut.-Col. George Peers and Wm. Heysham for the buying of fresh provisions for Vice-Admiral Benbow.
22l. sterl. paid to Col. Thomas Maycock for payment of a flag and pendant for the use of Orange Fort. Wages of the watch at the Magazine paid.
191l. 0s. 2½d. paid to George Peers for so much disburst by him for the use of the fortifications in St. Michael's division.
19l. 14s. 4d. paid to John Dickinson for entertaining the Commissioners of the Leeward Fortifications.
Alexander Lamply paid 50l. 17s. 6d. for 203½ft. of timber for the Leeward Fortifications, and Jno. Parkinson 18l. 3s. 1½d. for 83ft.
53l. 7s. 9d. paid to Sarah Dwight for entertaining the Committee of Public Accounts.
Paul Carrington and Saml. Finnis, junr., executors of Saml. Mansill, paid 23l. 18s. 9d. for entertaining of the Assessors for the Town of St. Michael's. Wages of the garrisons paid.
James Marshart, Clerk of the Committee of Publick Accounts, paid 47l. 10s. for attendance.
188l. 16s. 10½d. paid to Willm. Heysham and Compy. for maintenance of servants etc., 363l. 14s. 6d. to Nicholas Baker and 305l. 12s. 6d. to William Roberts and Company for the same.
68l. 10s. 5d. paid to William Heysham for interest at 11 per cent. on money advanced by him for the owners of several servants.
Ordered that Charles Thomas, Receiver General of H.M. Casual Revenues, pay Richard Bowles, Escheator General, certain small sums expended by him, and also Thomas Brewster a sum due to him for expenses when Escheator General.
Petition of Hester Justice, widow of Love Justice and of Thomas Wilbraham, for salary due to the latter as Clerk to the Committee of Accounts for four years and one month, referred to the Committee of Accounts.
Account of Simon Cooper, decd., employed by the Country to keep the Fortifications in repair, referred, on the petition of Robt. Arthur, his executor, to the Commissioners of the Fortifications. [C.O. 31, 6. pp. 48–53.]
Nov. 9.
St. John's.
1181. Capt. Powell [? to the Council of Trade and Plantations]. Enclosing the following petition. Signed, Joh. Powell. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 12, 170½. ½ p. Enclosed,
1181. i. Petition of all the Serjeants, Corporals, Drummers and private soldiers in his Company to Capt. John Powell. Whereas there is an Order for the stopping out of your Petitioners' subsistance so much a day for the maintenance of a Parson (who has above 300l. a year given him by the ships and Planters) to the prejudice and disincuragement of your Petitioners, everything being so dear in the Harbour that it will be impossible for them to subsist this long cold winter if you do not stand our friend and write to England that your petitioners may not only be eased of it for the future, but that which is already stopt may be returned. In former Regiments Petitioner never had any such thing stopt. We have heard the men that are deserted to Placentia complain of this thing as their greatest hardship. Signed by the Serjeants, Corporals and private soldiers of Capt. Powel's Company. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 194, 2. Nos. 54, 54.i.]
Nov. 11. 1182. Minutes of Council of Virginia. H.E. laid before the Council a letter from the Council of Trade and Plantations, July 22, 1701.
Col. Gawin Corbin took the oaths appointed and signed bonds as Naval Officer and Collector of Rappahanock River instead of Corbin Griffin, decd. He was ordered to take into his custody the papers relating to that office now in the custody of Griffin's executors, and make up his accounts.
Committee appointed to consider the Commission of Messrs. Chatin and Nicod to govern Manakin Town, now called King William Town. [See Oct. 24.]
Lieut.-Col. Miles Cary made oath to his accounts.
Wm. Davie, Master of the James City sloop, made oath that, when sailing from Virginia to New Providence, Sept. 5, he was robbed by a pirate. And see No. 1042 viii, ix.
H.E. laid before the Board a letter from Lieut.-Governor Nanfan, Oct. 24, 1701. The Lists of Militia etc. and accounts not yet being ready, and it being thought absolutely necessary for H.M. service that the same should be transmitted to England, ordered that H.M.S. Shoreham do not sail till the 21st, and then to take under convoy all ships ready to sail.
H.E. acquainted the Council that himself had been at the general musters of several Counties, and observed that not one quarter of them were fit and provided with arms and ammunition to attack an enemy, which he thought it his duty to represent to H.M.
Dionisius Wright, Clerk of the Council, moving again to be discharged from his office, H.E. asked the Council if, according to his former proposals, they could propose any one to undertake that place, to which they answered they could not tell of any at present. Ordered, that he draw a list of all the Council Books and Papers that he hath belonging to the Council Office and make oath that he hath not embezelled nor waisted any of them. [C.O. 5, 1409. pp. 183–190.]
Nov. 11. 1183. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Barbados. Admiral Benbow appointed H.M.S. Ruby, Col. Richd. Kirkby, Commander, to attend this Island till the ship ordered hither shall arrive.
120l. sterl. paid to Lieut.-Col. George Peers for one year's salary of himself and an officer by him employed in gaging of vessels.
7l. sterl. paid to Hugh Agnew, merchant, for work done at the Fortifications.
Latimore Richards, Millwright, paid 50l. on account of work done at James Fort, his account being referred to the Commissioners of Fortifications.
150l. paid to Guy Ball on account of work done in James Fort, he to pay Richards as above, and also Martin and Hopkins for their work.
H.E. being suddenly designed to depart the Island, it is the humble desire of the Council the same respects may be paid to him at his embarquing as hath been paid to any former Governor, and that the Royal Regiment of Foot Guards and one of the Regiments of Horse, be drawn into arms at the Town of St. Michaels on that occasion, and that there may be three rounds of guns from every Fort and Battery. H.E. returned his thanks for this and other their former civilities, but considering the badness of the ways, and for the ease of the People, he is unwilling to have a Regiment of Horse to attend him, nor no more of the Royal Regiment of Foot, but the six Town Companies.
Charles Middleton took the oaths as Member in the Assembly for the parish of St. Thomas.
The Assembly attending delivered the following Acts to H.E.:—An Act for laying an Imposition on Strong Liquors; an Act to prevent persons from going off this Island; an Act for the encouragement of white servants; an Act to encourage the Inhabitants of this Island to become owners of vessels.
50l. paid to Edmund Bedingfield, for his services to the Country, according to an Address of Assembly. [C.O. 31, 6. pp. 53, 54.]
Nov. 17. 1184. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Barbados. Bill for laying an imposition on strong liquors read three times and passed, the Hon. Wm. Sharpe, Pat. Mein, and Samuel Cox dissenting, by reason they are of opinion that some parts of it are repugnant to the Acts of Trade and Navigation. The other Members were of opinion that the Acts of Excise having been sent to the Council of Trade for many years past and never disapproved by them, and no inconveniency or repugnancy for the Acts of Trade and Navigation yet appearing, this Act ought to pass, and protest that if they thought it any waies derogatory or repugnant to the Acts of Trade and Navigation (whereof they will be allwaies most tender) they would not consent thereunto.
Bill to prevent servants and slaves running from this Island in shallops etc. was read the third time with amendments and passed, and consented to by H.E.
A bill to encourage white servants and to ascertain their allowance of provisions and clothes was read three times, passed, and consented to by H.E.
25l. paid to Will. Woodhouse, Marshal to the Assembly.
Edmund Bedingfield resigned his employment of Clerk and Register to the Court of Chancery, he being suddenly bound off. Thomas Harison was appointed and sworn in his place.
The Assembly attending presented to H.E. an Act for the payment of 2,000l. sterl. to H.E. Ralph, Lord Grey, Baron of Warke, which was read three times, passed, and received H.E.'s consent.
An Act for collecting public arrears was read a third time and passed and consented to by H.E.
Mr. Bedingfield resigning his office of Deputy Secretary and Clerk of the Council, Mr. Skene, the Patentee, was given leave to depute Tho. Edwards to officiate at this Board for him to-morrow, he having some urgent business.
Nov. 18. Bill to ratify Letters Patents, gifts, grants, bargains, sales, conveyances and all other instruments of writing relating to the titles of lands, tenements and slaves and other hereditamcuts within this Island, was read three times, passed, and consented to by H.E.
The Council desired H.E. would leave H.M. Instructions to him with them, for their better administration of the Government in his absence. H.E. replied that he would leave an authentick copy.
Bill to encourage the Inhabitants to become owners of vessels was read a third time, passed, and consented to by H.E.
Lieut.-Col. George Peers took the oaths appointed as Keeper of the Stores of the Magazeen.
Bill to encourage privateers in case of war was read three times, passed, and consented to by H.E.
50l. paid to Col. Tho. Maycock, Executor of the Hon. Robert Harrison, for two of his negroes who were executed.
Act to revive and continue an Act to secure the peaceable possession of negroes etc., was read three times, passed, and consented to by H.E.
Ordered that the Excise Act passed yesterday be published by beat of drum in the usual manner in the Bridge Town to-morrow, and by Saturday next at farthest in the other three Towns in this Island in the same manner.
Petition and Address of the Council and Assembly to the King read.
86l. 18s. 3¾d. paid to Wm. Roberts and Co., for money advanced for servants imported.
Nov. 19. 166l. 13s. 4d. paid to H.E. for rent for his house.
The Pink Ermin, John Dorsett, Master, belonging to the subjects of His Most Xtian Majesty being lately brought into this Island, by Col. Richd. Kirby, H.M.S. Ruby, under the command of Admiral Benbow, to prevent intelligence, Commdr. Kirby and the Master of the French sloop coming before this Board, the latter was asked by H.E. and this Board whether he had received any damage from Col. Kirby or any of his people, who answered that he had received nothing but very civil usage and treatment from Kirby, but that he missed part of a hhd. of dry goods, wch. his people charged the English seamen withal, but the English seamen do deny that they medled with it, but charge the same upon the French Carpenter. It was ordered by this Board that if they have any depositions to offer about that matter they should be taken, but the Commander of the French ship said that if he had lost anything it was so trivial as not [to] be worth his staying to have it enquired into, and desired he might be admitted to prosecute his intended voyage, which was granted and ordered accordingly. [And see No. 1009.] [C.O. 31, 6. pp. 54–64.]
Nov. 20. 1185. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Barbados. H.E. designing immediately to go off this Island did deliver up to this Board the Seal of this Island, and a Copy of H.M. Instructions and a Commission for trying pirates, and then H.E. embarqued himself in order to his departure for England. The President and the rest of the Council, the Secretary, Mr. Skene and his Deputy Mr. Edwards then took the oaths appointed. Proclamation ordered continuing all Ministers of Justices and officers, military and civil, in their respective employments.
Ordered that the President of the Council do sign the copies of the Acts lately passed by H.E., in order to their being published in the Parish Churches.
Writs ordered to be prepared for holding a General Sessions on Dec. 9. [C.O. 31, 6. pp. 64–79.]
Nov. 25. 1186. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Barbados. Letters from the Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Lord Grey, July 31, 1701 [see No. 682], and Aug. 20 [see No. 767], were received and read. As to the first, this Board will take care to observe their Lordships' order, the latter is already provided for by an Act of this Island, Oct. 1692.
The Hon. Richard Downes was sworn Treasurer and Charles Thomas Comptroller.
Nov. 26. Ordered that all Masters of vessels arriving at this Island, by reason of the distance the President lives from this Town, do forthwith attend the eldest of the Members of the Council then in town, and in case there should not be any Member in Town, then the Master may pay his duty to any Member of this Board who shall live nearest to this town, which shall be sufficient to excuse his attendance on the President. Letters directed to the Lord Grey for H.M. service to be immediately delivered by the person who brings them to the Hon. Col. Richd. Scott, a Member of this Board, one of H.E.'s Attorneys, and that he forthwith give notice thereof to the President, who is desired by this Board to call a Council with all convenient speed in order to the opening the same.
James Hannay was sworn Provost Marshall.
The Hon. James Colleton was appointed Chief Judge and Chairman of the Grand Sessions.
Ordered that henceforth all petitions be heard and determined by the ordinary Courts of Justice and the ordinary Courts of Law, and this Board will hear petitions of grievance at their respective meetings till further orders.
Ordered that the President and five Members of this Board do hold Courts of Error, Chancery, or be a Council to determine all matters that lie before this Board, and in case of any extraordinary occasion of the President's absence any six or more Members have the like power, and the eldest Councillor present to preside.
The Council desired and empowered the President to sign all orders and petitions relating to the Court of Chancery causes to a hearing, to the end there may be no failure of justice.
Ordered that the President grant letters of administration etc. and take the probates of deeds etc. and sign despatches for vessels and tickets for persons going off.
Ordered that letters be sent to the absent Members to meet on Wednesday next in order to be qualified to sit at this Board. [C.O. 31, 6. pp. 79–88.]