America and West Indies: September 1702, 27-30

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 20, 1702. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'America and West Indies: September 1702, 27-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 20, 1702, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 10 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: September 1702, 27-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 20, 1702. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1912), British History Online, accessed February 10, 2025,

"America and West Indies: September 1702, 27-30". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 20, 1702. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1912), British History Online. Web. 10 February 2025.

September 1702

Sept. 27. 999. Governor Lord Cornbury to the Council of Trade and Plantations. In my former letters I acquainted you that at my first arrival in this Province, I met with great complaints from the generality of the people here against the persons then in power here, but more particularly against Mr. Attwood, Mr. Weaver, Col. D'Peyster, Dr. Staats and Mr. Walters, who are the five gentlemen who composed the Council at my arrival here. I hoped at first that complaints had been greater than they needed have been, but when I looked into the reasons of them, I found them inferior to the injuries; the chiefest, honestest and richest inhabitants of this Province had suffered by the wicked contrivances of Mr. Attwood and Weaver, who have been the chief actors of all the mischiefs and misunderstandings here, though the others were very willing instruments to assist them as farr as they were able in the destroying this Province, which appears plainly to me to have been their design, hopeing no doubt to raise their fortunes thereby to a very great pitch upon the ruins of the English and French inhabitants here in general, and most of the richest of the Dutch, who all of them having long enjoyed the benefits of an English Government, were not only contented to live quietly under it, but have allways been ready to assist it with their purses, as often as required, till they saw plainly they were to be made a prey to the unsatiable avarice of the persons above mentioned, who had projected the extirpation of the English here. This appears to have been their design by several instances, particularly turning the English out of all the Commissions of the Peace and Militia throughout the Province, and putting Dutchmen into their places, who were generally the meanest of the people, men extreamly ignorant of all things, few of them understanding the English tongue, much less the Laws; the sherriffs were most of the same stamp, most of them so ignorant that they can neither read nor write. This appear'd to me when I ordered the Clerk of the Council to read circular letters to the several Sherriffs to give me an account of the numbers of people in their several counties, in answer to which they write that it will take a great deal of time to doe, but they will endeavour it, and when they came to sign their letters, it is sayd, the mark of Thennis Talmane, Esq., High Sherriff of the County of Orange, and so of several others, and in truth they are such fellows that they know not how to goe about business themselves, and those that doe, think not themselves obliged to teach them, so that I shall not be able to give your Lordships an account of the number of inhabitants in this Province till I have a new set of Sherriffs, which will be in the middle of next month; at which time I will take care to appoint such persons as I have already put into the Commissions of the Peace, men (according to my Instructions) of good life and well affected to H.M. etc.
I am sorry the great mortality we have lately had at York has so much diminished our number there, for in ten weeks' time the sickness has swept away upwards of 500 people of all ages and sexes, some men of note, and among the rest Capt. Stapylton died two days agoe; he was Commander of H.M.S. Jersey and brought me into this Province; I hope the cold weather will be a great means to abate the fury of it. I found the four companies here and the fortifications in very ill condition; their has not been one farthing layd out upon the Forts at New York since Col. Fletcher went from hence; and at Albany money has been layd out yearly, but to little purpose. At my arrivall here I found Col. Bayard and one Hutchins, an Alderman of the City of New York, in prison under sentence of death for high Treason, which treason was no other than the signing Addresses to the late King and the House of Commons of England, complaining of the grievances they laboured under here, and likewise a congratulatory Address to me, to be given to me at my arrivall into the Province, which it seems was Treason too. The two original Addresses to the King and Parliament I herewith transmit, at the request of the Gentlemen who signed them, and copies of all papers relating to Col. Bayard's tryall as I had them from the Clerk of the Councell and from other persons who had collected them as well as they could, for Mr. Attwood would not permit any minutes to be taken in Court, so that I cannot send you so perfect an account as I could wish. Col. Bayard has lately printed his tryall upon such Minutes as he was able to take himself while he was at the barr, which I likewise send with copies of all the Addresses delivered to me since I came hither, by which you will see what a condition the People of this Province were in. I did intend to have by this oppertunity sent an account of the Revenue, and the debts of this Province, and, in order to it, on May 5, two days after my arrivall, I ordered Mr. Weaver to lay a state of the Revenue and a list of the debts upon the Revenue before me, butt I could not prevail with him to lett me have itt, which was one of the reasons of my suspending him from his employments. He has been one of the greatest, if not the chief promoter of the disorders by which this Province was well-nigh ruined, and besides he was certainly one of the worst officers in the world. I had ordered him to give me every Saturday an account of the entries inwards and outwards, but I could never obtain it, butt allways made me promises from day to day, butt never performed any. I find by his mismanagement the creditt of the Government entirely lost, because he took it upon him to pay whom he pleased, and when he pleased, so having broke through the method of paying in course, none of the merchants would deale without ready money or very extravagant prizes for their goods, well knowing that they could not get their money without paying 20 per cent. for it, so that, a little before I came, they could not find creditt for the least thing they wanted; I asked Mr. Weaver what accounts he had sent over; he told me he was five quarters in arrears, which I found to be true, about a month agoe, when he sent me his accounts from Jan. 6, 1700—Oct. 25, 1701; those four quarters' accounts are audited by Col. D'Peyster, who is Deputy Auditor, but the method here has always been that the Receiver General's Accounts, after they have been audited by the Deputy Auditor, are then reviewed by some of the Gentlemen of the Council, and then signed by the Governor in order to be transmitted to England. These four quarterly accounts are made up of such articles that ought not to be allowed; at least many of them are so notorious that I wonder how the Gentlemen that were of the Council could consent to pass warrants upon such accounts. Therefore I have referred them to the examination of two Gentlemen of the Council and one of the Commissioners for collecting the Revenue, and have directed them to send for the Deputy Auditor, to enquire about the vouchers upon which he allowed those accounts. Therefore it will be impossible for me to send the quarterly accounts as I am directed by my Instructions at this time, unless I send them without examining, which I thought I ought not to do. In a short time I shall send them, and likewise the Quarterly Accounts of the Commissioners whom I have appointed to execute the office of Receiver General till the Queen's pleasure shall be known. If Mr. Weaver had not carried away his books with him the last time he ran away, they would have been able to have sent one quarterly account now, but his carrying away his books has put them to a great deal of trouble, and the sickness coming presently upon that has made it impossible for them to do it, but the first ship that sails I will certainly send them. I am sorry I must inform you that the Revenue of this Province is, since my Lord Bellamont's coming, become very much in debt. When Col. Fletcher went, the debts amounted to 1,391l. 15s. 7¼d., and then their was so much of the Revenue in arrear, as would have paid that debt, but now the least debt I can hear of is 8,000l., some say 9,000l., and some say 10,000l.; and this in time of peace, no souldiers to be paid out of the Revenue of this Province, no new fortifications built, no other buildings erected but the Magazine I mentioned before, and the new lodgings which Col. Fletcher had built were furnished. Indeed, there have been some extravagant bargains made about timber, but where all the rest of the revenue is gone I cannot imagine. I wish your Lordships would be pleased to represent this matter effectually to the Queen. I hope H.M. would be pleased to order a sum of money towards the payment of the debts of this Province, and towards the compleating the fortifications. The late King was pleased to give 2,500l. towards the fortifications; certainly it is now much more necessary than ever that they should be carried on with all the vigour imaginable, and unless we receive some assistance from England, I cannot see any prospect of getting the Revenue out of debt, which I confess I would feign do, and then I am very sure it will be very easy to keep it so, when it is employed to its proper use only, which I am sure it has not been of late, nor was not intended to be, as you will see by the Acts of Assembly lately passed here, where large gifts are made to particular people. I send you the Acts of the last Sessions, one last autumn and the other the last Spring.
I have been at Albany to renew the Covenant Chain with the Five Nations of Indians, whom I found full of complaints, saying we did not keep our promises with them. I think it my duty to recommend to your Lordships' favour the case of Col. Nicholas Bayard and Alderman John Hutchins. The proceedings against those two gentlemen were the most unjust ever heard of or known. I always thought that the statute of 25 Edward III had limited Treason, but it seems Mr. Atwood is of another mind, for he declared upon the Bench that whatever was Treason by the Common Law before the passing of that Act, was Treason still, notwithstanding that Act. If so, that Act is of little use to the subject, who must be very unhappy under such a Judge; but allow Mr. Attwood to be in the right, and allow the papers to be really treasonable papers (which I conceive they are not), still they were not justly condemned, for those papers had at that time never been seen by Capt. Nanfan, nor any of the Council, nor by Mr. Weaver, who was made Solicitor General on purpose for that trial (an office never known in this Province before), nor by the Grand Jury who found the Bill, nor by the Petty Jury who tryed the prisoners, so that in truth those men were condemned for supposed written Treason, which was never produced in evidence against them, nor proved to be Treason, for I think it is very plain by the oaths of the witnesses both before the Council and in Court that their is nothing like Treason contained in their Depositions against the prisoners, wherefore I conclude that they were condemned unjustly and contrary to the known Laws of England, and therefore I hope your Lordships will be pleased to intercede with H.M. in behalf of Col. Bayard and Hutchins, that the sentence against them may be reversed. There were many other irregularities committed in the proceedings against those men; for example, the special Commission limited the Judges to hear, try and determine that very numericall day mentioned in the Commission, Feb. 19, and they had no power to adjourn to any other day, notwithstanding which Mr. Attwood adjourned severall times the Court. Another irregularity was with respect to the Grand Jury. Mr. Weaver, the new Solicitor, insisted upon it that he had a right to sit with the Grand Jury, and that no witnesses should be examined butt such as he should think fitt; four of the Grand Jury opposed this, and would not be perswaded to suffer it, for which reason Mr. Attwood dismissed those four men from being of the Jury after they were sworn and possessed of the Bill, and put in four other men which he thought more for his purpose; their were 19 persons upon the Grand Jury, of which eight would not find the Bill, so their remained but eleven, notwithstanding which the foreman of the Grand Jury (who is a brother of Col. D'Peyster's) indorsed the Bill, Billa Vera, and when the Councill for the prisoners insisted that the prisoners could not be putt upon their tryall, because the Bill was not duly found, Mr. Attwood declared that in this case the Grand Jury was but an Inquest of Office, and that tho' the Bill was found by a less number than 12, it was sufficient to put them upon their tryall, and accordingly proceeded. He would not allow anybody to take any notes in Court, not so much as the practitioners of the Court. These are some of the irregularities of that Tryall; I could name many more were I not afraid of tireing you with them. I entreat your care that we may be supplyed as soon as possible with stores and arms, without which we shall be butt in a very ill condition to defend ourselves, if we should be attacked, much less to attack the enemy. However, I entreat you to believe I will not be wanting in my duty. Signed, Cornbury. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, Read Dec. 4, 1702. Holograph. 8 pp. Enclosed,
999. i. Abstract of preceding. 3 pp.
999. ii. Copy of Petition of Protestant Subjects of New York to the King. Dec. 30, 1701. [See Cal. 1701. No. 1117.ii.] 5 pp.
999. iii. Copy of Petition of Freeholders of New York to the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses in Parliament. New York, Dec. 30, 1701. [See Nov. 30.] 10 pp.
999. iv. Minutes of Council of New York, Jan. 16—March 17, 1702, relating to the commitment and trial of Mr. Bayard and Mr. Hutchins. 18 pp.
999. v. Copy of the Special Commission of Oyer and Terminer for the trial of Mr. Bayard and Mr. Hutchins. Feb. 12, 1702. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, 1702. 1½ pp.
999. vi. Narrative of the treatment Col. Bayard received after his condemnation. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, 1702. Printed. 6 pp.
999. vii. Copy of Col. Bayard's Reprieve, April 2, 1702. Signed, John Nanfan. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p.
999. viii. Copy of depositions of several of those who signed the Addresses at the request of Bayard and Hutchins, Jan. 16–22, 1702. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, 1702. 7 pp.
999. ix. Copy of summary of the evidence given against Col. Bayard in the Supreme Court in New York. As to the signing of the Addresses and their contents etc. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, 1702. 6½ pp.
999. x. An account of the illegal prosecution and tryal of Col. Nicholas Bayard in the Province of New York, for supposed High Treason, in the year 170½, collected from several memorials taken by divers persons privately, the Commissioners having strictly prohibited the taking of the tryal in open Court. Printed and sold by William Bradford, at the sign of the Bible in New York, MDCCII. Sentence of death passed. 44 pp. Printed.
999. xi. General Address of the Inhabitants of the Province of New York to Governor Lord Cornbury. We congratulate your Lordship's safe arrival, and will always promote to the utmost of our power the honor and interest of our most gracious Soveraing, Lord King William, and if it shall please God H.M. shall see it for the honor and interest of the English Nation to engage in a new war, we shall chearfully undertake the duty and charges thereof in these frontiers Provinces, as we have done in all the last warr, and will not be wanting to your Excellency in the hearty expressions of our duty, supporting and supplying those your Lordship shall judge necessary to adjust an impartial administration of Government. We have confidence in your Lordship's great prudence etc. that the name of party and faction may henceforth vanish with everything contradictory to the true English interest. Signed by 346 persons of the City of New York, and also by the Deputies from the several Counties of the Provinces. Set out in New York Documents, vol. iv. Subscribed, A true copy. New York, Oct. 2, 1702. Per Dan. Honan, Secry. 2¼ pp.
999. xii. Copy of Address of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York to Governor Lord Cornbury. We do heartily congratulate your Lordship's safe arrival, and we cannot entertain too grateful a sense of H.M. Royal favour to us in making so excellent and prudent a choice in sending your Lordship (a person of so great and noble birth, skillfull in the art of warr, and acquainted with the English Laws and Government) to heal our divisions and secure us from the danger of the enemy abroad etc. Signed, Tho. Noell, Mayor, Abrah. Gouverneur, Recorder, J. D'Peyster, Brandt Schuyler, Jacob Boelem, Martin Cloch, Aldermen, Philip French, Robt. Lurting, J. Johnson, Assistants, Abraham Mezier, Abraham Brassier, Robt. White. Subscribed as preceding. 1 p.
999. xiii. Copy of Address of Justices of the Peace and Military Officers of Suffolk to Governor Lord Cornbury, acknowledging H.M. favour in authorizing so noble and honourable a person to be our Ruler etc. Signed, Jon. Wick, Jasper Griffing, Joshu. Horton, Abra. Howell, Wm. Herrick, Sa. Arnold, Ma. Howell, Tho. Maps, Jonat. Horton, Tho. Youngs, Jos. Peirson, Jos. Fordham, Jeremiah Scott. Subscribed as preceding. 1 p.
999. xiv. Copy of Address of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants of Albany to Governor Lord Cornbury. We thankfully congratulate your Lordship's great kindnesse in visiting the frontiers, which are truly refresh[ed] with your Lordship's so long stay amongst us. We have laboured under the greatest of hardships during the late war, our inhabitants daily destroyed, carried captives and grievously injured by the furious incursions of the French, and those miseries have been attended with a grievous burthen and excessive charges in being obliged to give free quarter unto officers and soldiers posted here during the late war for the common defence of the whole Province. We have been also forced at our own particular blockhouses, which was accomplished at so great a charge that many of the inhabitants were thereby much impoverished, and others by such grievous charges constrained to desert. Nothing could conduce more for our security and for preventing these miseries, specially since a warr is now again begun, then the building a stone Fort for the security of the frontiers and preservation of this City; and though we have often petitioned for the same to your Lop.'s predecessor, yet we could never get desired thing begun but by your Lordship. We will endeavour to choice such Representatives for the next Assembly as will chearfully assist your Lordship in seeing the said Fort finished, and shall with our utmost endeavours improve your Lordship's favours by disposing the minds of all the subjects within this city to forget all injuries and animosities etc. Signed, Luycas Gerrits, Jacob Turck, Jo. Beeckman, Joh. Hermanson, Jer. Mynqueel, Hen. Jacobsen, Assistants; Wessel Ten Broeck, Jos. Roseboom, Johannes Cuyler, Johannis Schuyler, David Schuyler, Aldermen; Johannis Bleecker, Mayor; J. Abeel, Recorder. Subscribed as preceding. 1 p.
999. xv. Copy of Address of the People called Quakers in the Province of New York to Governor Lord Cornbury. We the King's dutiful subjects, being most of us ancient Planters, or descended of such, and having all along thro' the former Governments enjoyed the liberty of our votes for Members to serve in Assembly, whereby we might be represented as well as the rest of the Freeholders in our persons and estates, have been lately denied that undoubted right of choosing our own Representatives at an Election in Queen's County, on the Island of Nassau, Sept. 5, 1701, because we could not, for conscience sake, swear we were freeholders, altho' it was well known to the Sherriff and Judge Coe that we were such; as appeared by certificate under the hands of two Justices of the Peace of the said County, and that we had signed the Declaration ordered for our relief by Act of Parliament, the which hardship it hath graciously pleased the King and Parliament to ease our friends off in England, and which was never required of us here before the coming of the late E. Bellomont, who upon our complaint granted us relief. Since his decease, we made application to Lt.-Gov. Nanfan, who demanded the opinion of Judge Atwood concerning our right to votes, from whom he received answer that it belonged not to Governor nor Judge to give any opinion therein, but refer'd it unto the Sherriff. We are also necessitated to lay before the Governor an opression that we lie under, being imposed upon by some of our neighbours, who are likewise Decenters, destraining on our goods and disposing of the same at their own will and pleasure, because we could not think it our duty to contribute with them to build their Nonconformist Preacher a dwelling-house, and we do humbly conceive they have no legall power to impose any such tax upon us. Pray for redress. Signed, Jo. Rodman, Thomas Stephenson, Wm. Bickley. John Way. Subscribed as preceding. 1 p.
999. xvi. Copy of Address of the French Congregation of New York to Governor Lord Cornbury. We Minister and Elders of the Church of French Refugees in this City hereby express our lively sense of the great deliverance God has granted through your agency to this Province, which had long groaned under the cruel oppression of a group of people, who had converted to tyranny the authority placed in their hands. It is certain that they would have ruined this Colony, if they had had time to execute their black designs, and in particular our flock was on the eve of a grievous scattering, since the last Assembly had resolved, at the instigation of the principal officers, to prosecute our Pastor as a factious person, because having had certain intelligence of your Excellency's departure from England, he had prayed God in our public prayers to preserve your Excellency. Your Excellency has already arranged affairs so that it cannot be doubted but that the Laws, which have been so strangely trampled under foot, will recover under your authority all their ancient strength and vigour. Signed, Peiret, Minister; Jean Barbine, Pierre Basset, Elias Neau, Paul Droilhet, Elders. Subscribed as preceding. 1 p.
999. xvii. Copy of Address of Caleb Heathcote and others in behalf of themselves and two-thirds of the Freeholders of the County of Westchester, to Governor Lord Cornbury. Congratulate H.E.'s safe arrival. We lay at the brink of ruin, under a cruel and unheard-of persecution. Had your Excellency's passage been a month longer, most, if not all, of the principal inhabitants must have fled for protection, they being credibly informed that no less than a general destruction was designed; and amongst the innumerable hardships and oppressions we have laboured under, the late Earl of Bellomont placed for Judge in this Country one Richard Shuite, a person very mean in his fortune, parts and education, and profoundly ignorant of the English Laws and Constitutions, and extreamly unqualified or unfit for any place of trust; nor was any further regard had in the appointment of the other Civil Officers than their violently adhering to a party. And as if H.M. subjects in this County were unfit to bear arms, or at least to have a knowledge of the right use of them, since the time of Col. Fletcher's Government, no Commissions have been granted to the Military nor any officers ordered or directed to exercise or discipline the Militia, and that the enemies of our Peace might the better perpetuate their dominion over us in the Election of Representatives for this County, although the Freeholders by plurality of voices made choice of Mr. Joseph Purdey, who was not only fairly chosen, but returned by indenture, yet without so much as the least colour of Law, Custom or reason, he was unjustly expelled by the late pretended Assembly, and one Henry Fowler who was not the choyse of the people admitted to sit in his room. Protest their firm zeal and sincere affection to H.M. service and interest. Signed, Caleb Heathcote, John Bayly, Joseph Haviland, William Willet, John Drake. Subscribed as preceding. 2 pp.
999. xviii. Copy of Address of the Chiefest and Principal Inhabitants of the County of Ulster to Governor Lord Cornbury. Congratulate his arrival. It is our unhappiness we cannot say this in the name of the whole, for those wedges that have been formerly forged, these last four years, have been tempered to that extream hardnesse that have split the country almost into two halves, yet we thank God, can say we are the chiefest and greatest part. We congratulate your Excellency's extraordinary good success in the negotiation with the Five Nations of Indians, which is of that great import to all these H.M. Northern Dominions, and express our grateful resentments for your Lordship's untir'd fatigues and vigilance in fortifying the frontiers. The ingratitude of the nine leapers puts us in mind to return with the tenth to express our duty by our thankful acknowledgments for those particular favours recd. by commissionating a Judge of our Court, whose affections for the English interest and uprightnesse the most malitious cannot blame, and the Sherriff and Clerks' qualifications not to be ashamed by such as have had those places in the time of the two late Governors. These favours will be more than double ties to us to manifest our allegiance against all the open and private enemies to the English interest and your Lordship's administration. The fears that the threads of our ravelled expression will too much weary your Lordship to wind into clues doth hinder us from uttering more of our sincere obedience etc. 29 signatures, mainly Dutch. Subscribed as preceding. 2¾ pp. [Set out in New York Documents, iv. pp. 1009, 1010.]
999. xix. Copy of Address of the Officers, Civil and Military, and the most loyal Freeholders and Inhabitants of H.M. County of Suffolk, Island of Nassau, to Governor Lord Cornbury. The late administration of the Government of this Province hath appeared to us so strange and amazing, as well in the Legislative as in the Executive thereof, that notwithstanding we are all H.M. natural born subjects, we could not but apprehend our lives and estates to be in no small hazard etc. so that our general joy is redoubled at your Excellency's safe arrival. We in this County for many months together have been debarred from the common methods of Justice; had no Sherrif, Judge of the Common Pleas, nor Clerk of the Peace and County, no County Courts, Common Pleas, Sessions of the Peace, nor any way left for any man to recover his just right; strangers put in Magistracy, unexperienced and ignorant of our Laws and Constitutions, most indigent in their fortunes and scandalous to H.M. Government, etc. Signed, at Town Meetings, East Hampton, June 4; South Hampton, June 4; Southold, June 8; Broock-haven, June 9; Smith Town, June 9; Huntingdon, June 10. Subscribed as preceding. 2 pp.
999. xx. Duplicate of No. xviii.
999. xxi. Copy of Address of the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry of Trinity Church, New York, to Governor Lord Cornbury. We, with hearts full of alacrity and exuberant joy, congratulate your safe arrival. The just fears which we had conceived under the late administration of your predecessor, and the great hopes and confidence we presumed in your Lordship's friendship to our Church and righteous cause, moved us to an earlier Address, but as the news [of your appointment] appeared to us to be the opening of the door of Hope, [so] to those who were contriving to raze our very foundations, it caused a bitterness and overflowing of the gall, who not only laboured to diswade the people from their hopes of seeing your Lordship, but raised a terrible and violent persecution against our Ministers, and most of the Members and frequenters of our Church, on account of signing Addresses to your Lordship etc. the contents of them being still to them unknown etc. Mr. Weaver and Mr. Atwood were the principals. These enemies of our peace being dissolute in principle as well as immoral in their lives and conversation, make it their study falsely and maliciously to slander our Minister, as well as others, with the character of Jacobitisme etc. and had like to have broke over the hedge which H.M. had most graciously planted about us. We do assure your Lordship of our sincere affection to H.M. most sacred person and government, and that we will contribute our utmost endeavours with our lives and fortunes to support and maintain this principle against all H.M. enemies and the enemies of the true Protestant interest, etc. Signed, Will. Peartree, Ja. Emott, Jno. Theobalds, Lancaster Syms, David Jamison, Robt. L. Hooper, John Corbett, Will. Smith, Wm. Morris, Wm. Huddlstone, Robt. Skelton, Will. Vesey, Tho. Wenham, Richd. Willet, M. Clarkson, Ebenezer Wilson, Robt. Lurting, John Tuder, Tho. Ives, Jeremiah Tothill, Will. Anderson. Subscribed as preceding. 2 pp.
999. xxii. Copy of Address of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of King's County, Nassau Island, to Governor Lord Cornbury. Similar to xix. Signed, Henry Filkin, John Grigg, Joseph Sedgman, Nich. Stilwell, Saml. Grigson, Thomas Stilwell, Wm. Van Burkeloe, John Orsen, Jacus Cortelyon, Peter Cortelyon, Claus Wickost, Garret Stortsoft, Denis Hegeman, David Williamson, Alexander Simson, Laurence Johnson, Stustel Robasko. Subscribed as preceding. 2 pp.
999. xxiii. Copy of Address of the principal Freeholders and Inhabitants of Queen's County, New York, to Governor Lord Cornbury. Congratulate his arrival. For near four years we have laboured under the utmost calamities, our liberties infringed and properties invaded, etc. for no other reason but that English blood fills our veins etc. Signed, Thomas Willet, Thomas Hicke, Thomas Yeates, Danl. Whitehead, St. Clowes, p. Wm. Lawrence, Robt. Read, Elbert Willett, Thomas Jones, John Moss, Tho. Willett, junr., Jonathan Haight, Joseph Field, James Clement, Robert Hinchman, Wm. Bloodgood, Wm. Doughty, Saml. Haight, Danl. Clark, Wm. Flower, John Larwoud, John Salmon, Tho. Hickes, Thomas Cirus [?], Francis Doughty, Wm. Ampeny, Thomas Hedger, Joseph Hedger, Samuel Thorne, Saml. Thorne, jr., Benjamin Thorne, Benjamin Haviland, John Esmond, Jacob Haviland, John Hicks, Benjamin Hicks, Richard Cornell, Jacob Cornell, John Cornell, Thomas Cornell, John Cornell, William Owen, George May, John Foster, p. Henry Dewsberry, Tho. Okley, George Woolley, Joseph Smith, jr., John Wolsey, John Feney, Joseph Smith, James Lewis, Daniel Deane, p. Wm. Laurence, Ebenezer Smith, p. George Wright, Anthony Waters, p. Thomas Smith, Saml. Smith, David Waters, Nathanl. Smith, Charles Williamson, John Carpenter, Jona. Deane, Isaac Grady, Andrew Gale, J. Bentustener, Nehemiah Smith, Henry Taylor, Saml. Hallett, Abel Gale, Wm. Pearce, Wait Smith, Edw. Burrowes, James Hadlock, Saml. Heght, jr., Edwd. Griffin, Wm. Laurence, jr., Richard Griffin, Nich. Height, Tho. Wildey, John Man, Nath. Denton, John Lambertse, Jonath. Waters, David Waters, Saml. Bayley, Elias Bayles, Danl. Bayles, Saml. Skidmore, Timothy Mills, Saml. Gaile, Thomas Borrows, jr., Josiah Wiggins, Henricus Hedgman, Jacob Cornwell, Tho. Stevenson, Jonath. Whitehead, John Jackson, Saml. Dane, John Smith, John Jackson, jr., Wm. Pine, Thomas Smith, Christ. Dinge, Pet. Stringham, David Scudder, Edward Spragg, James Bates, John Livington, Charles Radle, Ephraim Golding, Tho. Flewelling, Tho. Davis, Saml. Denton, Tho. Cheesman, Joseph Halsteed, Jacob Doughty, John Cornwell, Johna. Denton, Benj. Halsteed, Richd. Smith, George Pearceall, Tho. Pearceall, Danl. Pearceall, David Halsteed, Jerem. Post, John Robinson, Jno. Johnson, John Spragg, Richd. Townsend, John Carman, Thomas Carman, John Serring, Adam Mott, George Wood, Edward Hunt, Arthur Willis, John Roberts, Jacob Reeder, Joseph Hallett, Wm. Case, Richard Alsop, Thos. Evins, Jona. Strickland, Jona. Roberts, John Pettit, Saml. Moore, Tho. Betts, John Denman, Joseph Sackit, Joseph Moore, Saml. Moore, jr., William Hallet, John Sendder [sic, ? Scudder], Joseph Reed, Jacob Gosselin, Joseph Sackit, jr., John Reeder, jr., Richd. Schudmore, Josiah Forman, Richd. Burt, Wm. Hallet, Thomas Farmer, Robert Warry, John Albertus, Richd. Betts, Wm. Denman, Richd. Betts, jr., David Helbert, Phillip Ketcham, James Way, John Stephenson, Benjamin Severus, James Renne, Nath. Fish, Saml. Hallet, jr., Johnan. Fish, Elnathen Field, Josias Foreman, Thomas Pettit, Nath. Woodard, Jonant. Moore, John Gaveel, Eddw. Stephenson, Wm. Hallet, Joseph Burrowes, Joseph Keeder, Abrah. Kecke, Gresham Moore, Jacob Keeder, John Everet, Gresham Wiggins, Natha. Okeley, Wm. Cornwell, Peter White. Subscribed as preceding. 4 pp.
999. xxiv. Copy of Address of the Principal Freeholders and Inhabitants of Richmond County to Governor Lord Cornbury. Congratulate his arrival. For this four years past we have been deprived of the benefit of our Laws and Liberties, by reason the most ignorant being put into Commission, and had it not been for one Englishman, whom pure necessity constrained to be commissionated, the English language had been lost on our Bench, etc. Signed, Nich. Manning, Richd. Mitchel, Richd. Mitchel, jr., Joseph Palmer, John Rew, Oswald Foord, Jno. Tannoe, Jab. Suss, John Brown, Jean La Tourrettes, Henry Chadeayne, John Chadeayne, Diner Cerveau, Danl. Stillwell, James Pitchie, Jno. Heremson, Jno. Shotwell, Jan Tomison van Pell, Laur. Decanus, Johan. Decanus, Benj. Cooper, Ferdinando Wamisly, Richd. Curtis, Tho. Stillwell, John Stillwell, Tho. Stillwell, jr., Nath. White, jr., Aaron Prall, Cha. Marshell, Wm. Britten, Lambert Garison, Lewis Du Boas, Tho. Walton, David Bonfoy, Geo. Green, Jos. Britten, Ephraim Tayler, Danl. Shotwell, Richd. Marel[1], Philip Marell, Richd. Marell, jr., Wm. Comins, Ellis Duxbury, J. Billop, Abrm. Cole, Danl. Arnan, Jno. Arnan, Benj. Britten, B. Le Conte, Jean Chadeayne, Christ. Garetson, Nath. Britten, Henry Berry, Nath. Britten, Ed. Aresmoth, Nyec Reals Direckse, Hendk. Van Dyke, Danl. Lake, Abrm. Lake, Saml. Osburn. Subscribed as preceding. 2 pp.
999. xxv. Copy of Address of Freeholders and Inhabitants of the City and County of Albany to Governor Lord Cornbury. We congratulate your Lordship's arrival, which has already had that fortunate influence among us to dissipate clouds of disorder, abuse and oppression etc. We give your Lordship our thanks for taking it out of the power of our oppressors to perpetrate their wicked designs, divesting them of that authority they perverted to the ruin of H.M. subjects. Entreat protection of the County in case of war. Signed, Peter Schuyler, Derick Wessells, John Obele, John Schuyler, Wesselton Broeck, Jonathan Broadhurst, Jacob Turke, Lucas Garretse, Johannes Meindertse, Harpert Jacobson, Johannes Mingel, John Gilbert, John Harmense, Egbert Tunese, Gerret Feynese, Hendrick van Rensler, Hendrick Othout, Wm. Alen, Fredrick Meindertse, Andres Janse, Edward Reinies, Johannes Chuyler, John Sandersglen, Adam Vroman, Peter van Olinda, Isaac Swits, Arent Vedder, Symon Swits, Peter Vroman, Danl. Johnson, Jacobus Vandick, Gerret Lucason, Hendrick Vandick, Albert Richman, Jacob Lockermans, Robert Livingston, Evert Bancker, Meinert Schuyler, Phil. Schuyler, John Collins, Anthony Brat, Fredrick Harmansen, Wm. Jacobson, Will. Ketel, Alber Slingerlandt, David Ketel, Hendrick Dow, Derick Van Vieght, Jan Witbeeck, Wouter Quackenbus, Harman Richman, Johannes Beker, Andres Dow, Jacobus Peake, Flip Flipse, Jacob Van Olinda, Giles Van Vorst, Marter Bentherse, Andres Clase, Harmanes Vedder, Jan Fort, Clause Lorese, Jacobus Schuyler, Barent Brat, Wm. Van Aula, Johannes Brat, Tho. Harmanse, Johannes Van Viechter, Albert Richman, jr., Meinert Fredrickse, Wouter Vanderse, Jan Rosee, Anthony Brees, Derick Vanderheighden, Johannes Othout, John Feyne, Jan Garrise, Jan Venes, Alber Harmanse, Hendrick Linsing, Lamber Janse, Folgert Weitbeck, Harman van Slike, Evert van Epan, Danl. Van Olinda, Josias Swart, Symon Danielse, Arent Daniese, Victor Potman, Peter Mebe, Daniel Danielse, Arnout Clause, Curset Vedder, Powles Martense, Van Bent Heise, Robert Livingstone, Keliann van Rensler, Will. Hogan, Lucas Lucase, Abra. Schuyler, Reier Garretse, One Van Corler, Derick Egberse, John Car, John Salmonse, Cornelius Bogardus, Isaac van Plank, Gisbert Marselus, Derick Hogobome, Jacob Ennison, Hendrick Froman, Tho. Milton, Anthony Van Skick, Tho. Smith, Marte van Fleek, Ben. Roberts, John Mebe, William Morris, Isaac Falconbrough, Harman Flips, Malcot Vanderpoole, Ahasuerus Marselus, Claus Jacobs, Malgert Vanderpoole, jr., Manning Harmerense, Johannes Aple, Danl. Brat, Claus Lucas, Joseph Johnsen, Martin Van Olinda, Jacobus Parker, Warner Castense, Reiner Meindertse, Baltus Bentherse, Jacobus Schohanhova, Hendrick Schoanhova, Falcot van Viohten, Wouter Quackenbus, Laurence Van Skeech, Corne Van Sleek, Johannes Teller, Jan. Danielse, Saml. Arnse, Jan Baptist Van Eps, Johannes Glan, Lewis Peake, John Linch, Ennis Swart, Perter Clement, Geraldus Camfort. Subscribed as preceding. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1047. Nos. 68, 68.i.–xxv.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1119. pp. 230–245.]
Sept. 27.
At the Court
at Bathe.
1000. Order of Queen in Council. Approving the Report of the Admiralty upon the reference of Sept. 24, that it is very necessary all care should be taken for the security of Barbados and the trade thither, and finding that during the whole course of the last war with France there was not more than one-fourth and one fifth-rate allowed at the same time for this service, we shall, as soon as an opportunity offers, and that a ship can be spared, add a fourth-rate to the fifth that is now attending that Government, and in the meanwhile we hope they will be safe thro' the countenance which they may receive from the Squadron of H.M. ships with Vice-Admiral Benbow in the West Indies, who tho' he is in a particular manner directed to have a regard to Jamaica, yet he has also Instructions to protect and assist the other Plantations, which is a greater security then they had all the last war. Signed, Geo. Churchill, Richd. Hill. Admiralty Office, Aug. 31, 1702.
Ordered that H.R.H. the Lord High Admiral do give the necessary directions for adding a fourth-rate to the fifth that is now attending Barbados. Signed, John Povey. Endorsed, Recd. Read Oct. 9, 1702. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 28, 6. No. 81; and 29, 8. pp. 222, 223.]
Sep. 27.
1001. Order of Queen in Council. Granting Capt. Haskett's petition, and ordering, in favour to the petitioner and for his more speedy relief that his petition and affidavits be referred to the Lords Proprietors, who are to proceed thereon instead of the Commission of Enquiry, and to report their opinion upon the whole to H.M. in Council. Signed, Edward Southwell. [C.O. 5, 289. pp. 106, 107.]
Sept. 28. 1002. Minutes of Council of Bermuda. H.M. Proclamation for war read, and ordered to be proclaimed. The information of Lawrence Hedding, who came a prisoner in the French Fleet from the Havanna, approved of, and to be sent to Jamaica. [C.O. 40, 2. p. 50.]
Sept. 29.
1003. Col. Morris to the Council of Trade and Plantations. New Jersie is still without Government and the receptacle of abundance of rogues that cannot be safe anywhere else, who dayly repair to this Province as to an Asyle; and so many of the soldiers from New York are here protected, that in a little time whe shall be able to supply that garrison. I cannot say we suffer all the miseries of confusion, but really a great part of them we do; our Province being without Law and Gospell, having neither Judge or Provost. I lay'd (when in England) before your Lordships some records of severall ryots, or rather Rebellions committed against that Government there was here, and begged there might be some notice taken of them; I must renew the same entreaties, because it is for the publique service, and must assure your Lordships, if those persons are suffer'd to passe with impunity, H.M. Governors, not only here, but in all the neighbouring Plantations, will find the ill-effects of so pernicious an example, the common people never considering the true natures and circumstances of things, but blindly coppy, and generally after (and outdo) the worst originals. I dare not determine that the present ill circumstances of New York, Jersies, Pennsilvania, the Carolinas, and Lucay Islands, are derived from New England; but the transcripts were so exact in most or all the circumstances, that I fear they were too much influenc't by that worst of examples. It is urged in deffence of the rioters in our Province that the Proprietors had no right to Government, and their Governor without the King's approbation had no more authority than a private person. All the power then in being was lodged in the Proprietors Governour, whether rightly or no, I won't determine; nor do I think the mob were to be Judges, were it so or not. And since his late Majesty did not think fit to supersede the Proprietors' Governour by any person more immediately commissioned from himselfe; it was the people's duty to sit still and obey, there being no other end in asserting any authority than the publique good. And however lame the Proprietors' authority was, 'twas derived by a grant from the Crown and dependent on it. The conservation of the peace, putting in execution the Laws and administering Justice was both a benefit to the people and a service to the King. On the contrary, the beating and wounding Sherrifs, affronting the Courts, driving the Justices of the Bench, laying violent hands on the Governor, and part of his Council, and imprisoning them, and all this (excepting three or four) done by the very dregs and rascallity of the people, was an almost irreparable losse to the Province, an affront to the Crown, and what ought not to pass (I speak with submission) without a check at least. The making of them sensible of their errors by force was a method of conviction forbore not of necessity but choice, not doubting proper notice would be taken by both their superiors and ours. I trouble too long, and am sorry for the occasion, but to see men of the best figure and estates in the Province daily insulted by crowds of the most necessitous scoundrels, the scum and dregs of mankind, is no small temptation to resentment, and hope will inclyne your Lordships to excuse. Signed, L. Morris. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, Read Dec. 9, 1702. 4 pp. [C.O. 5, 970. No. 9; and 5, 994.A. pp. 124–127.]
Sept. 29. 1004. Sir John Fleet, Knt., and other Merchants of London to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Petitioners' ship the Joseph, Capt. Brooks, Master, being impressed into the service of his late Majesty by H.E. the Earl of Insiquin, then Governor of Jamaica, to serve in the expedition against the French, there is due to Petitioners, as appears by accounts adjusted by H.M. Auditor General, 1,147l. 8s. 10d. Petitioners obtained Order in Council, March 30, 1693, referring the matter to the Treasury, and an Order, Oct. 5, 1693, referring the report of the Treasury and of the Navy Board to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their report. Notwithstanding their solicitations, they never proceeded in the matter. Pray their Lordships to take their case into serious consideration. Endorsed, Recd. Read Sept. 29, 1702. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 5. No. 84.]
Sept. 29.
1005. Governor Lord Cornbury to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Acknowledges letters making enquiries as to the Court of Admiralty. [See Cal. 1701.] The first time there was a regular Court of Admiralty here, it was established by Col. Fletcher by virtue of a warrant from the Lords of the Admiralty impowering him to appoint a Judge, Register and Marshall for the Court of Admiralty ; after that, in my Lord Bellomont's time, there was a Commission from the Lord of the Admiralty appointing Col. Smith Judge of the Admiralty here, and since that, Mr. Atwood brought over with him a Commission from the Lords of the Admiralty, constituting him Judge of that Court. Signed, Cornbury. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, Read Dec. 23, 1702. Holograph. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1047. No. 69; and 5, 1119. pp. 256, 257.]
Sept. 29. 1006. Duplicate of preceding. [C.O. 5, 1047. No. 70.]
Sept. 29.
1007. Governor Lord Cornbury to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Your Lordships' letters of May 5th came safe to my hands, the one on July 29, and the other on the 21st instant. Reply as to Naval Stores:—In the beginning of June, came into the Port of New York the ship Benjamin, Capt. Ondyke, from Jamaica. She is by her charter party bound to go to the West Indies, and in her return to take in masts and timber at New York. Upon that ship's arriving, I enquired after the masts and timbers, and found that my Lord Bellomont was entered into an agreement in writing with one Ryer Schermerhoorn of Schenectady for the providing 24 masts. That number of masts was cut, but they were not of the dimensions agreed for, nor were they brought to York as they ought to have been. Schermer-hoorn had had 100l. advanced to him by my Lord Bellomont, and he is not able to refund it. This being the case, and this ship being come, I thought it was not fit to send her home empty if it could be avoided, so I sent for the carpenter of the Jersey and the carpenter of the Benjamin, and ordered them to goe to Albany along with Schermerhoorn to view those masts, in order to have them brought down, and I told Schermerhoorn that if they were found serviceable, I would appoint two persons to value them, and if he would do the like, he should be paid according to that valuation; if not, I would have nothing to do with his masts. At last with some difficulty he consented to this proposall; the carpenters reported the masts serviceable, Schermerhoorn brought them down to York where they have been valued at 410l. 10s. 0d., of which Schermerhoorn has already received 180l., and indeed I thought it better to take the masts, though there must be 230l. 10s. more paid, then to sue a man for 180l., who we know not able to pay it, and espetially since here is a ship that must have returned empty. As for the timber, that was a private bargain between my Lord Bellomont and Col. D'Peyster, of which I cannot yet get a full account, but thus much I find, that the money for it is paid, and the timber lyes rotting some part of it upon a kay at New York, and the rest in the woods where it was cut, 50 miles from New York ; as much of that which is at York as is good shall be put on board the Benjamin with the masts; that which is in the woods cannot be brought from thence till the frost is strong enough to bear the slays, then it shall be brought from thence to York; then I will send an account of the nature and quantity of it to the Commissioners of the Navy for their directions. I have made the best inquiry about Naval Stores in general which I could in the little time I have been here, and considering the difficultys I have met with in most things, occasioned by the mismanagement of those I found here in power, nevertheless I am well satisfied that England may be suplyed from this Province with great quantities of very good timber of all sorts for ships, masts, rosine, pitch and tarr, and I hope at reasonable rates; but I doe not think it for the advantage of the Queen that these things should be provided by the Government here, but that contracts should be made with merchants here to furnish those stores at certain prices to be setled, then the Queen will be at a certainty, because whoever contracts must deliver nothing but what is fit for service, whereas if the Government does it, there may sometimes happen great loss by the negligence of those that fall the masts. That your Lordships may be satisfied that the thing is feasable, I send you a copy of a proposall made to me some few days since by very substantiall men; if the proposall is approved of, I desire your Lordshipps will let me know it as soon as may be; because they would be preparing those quantitys they propose to send for a tryall by May Day, 1704. Signed, Cornbury. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, Read Dec. 23, 1702. Holograph. 2 pp. Enclosed,
1007. i. Abstract of preceding. 1½ pp.
1007. ii. Copy of the Charter party of the Benjamin referred to in preceding letter. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, 1702. 2 pp.
1007. iii. Copy of Contract between Lord Bellomont and Ryer Schermerhoorn. [See Cal. A. & W. I. 1700. No. 953. x.] Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp.
1007. iv. Survey of the Masts intended to be shipped on the Benjamin. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p.
1007. v. Valuation of 21 masts referred to above—410l. 10s. Sept. 11, 1702. Signed, Samuel Blackman, Beverly Latham, John Bond, Thomas Clungen. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p.
1007. vi. Valuation of 19 masts referred to above—390l. 10s. ¾ p.
1007. vii. Proposals made to Lord Cornbury for supplying masts etc. for the Navy from New York. The quotations range from 16l. for a mast 26 yards long and 26 inches in diameter to 85l. for a mast 35 yards long and 36 inches in diameter. No signature. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, 1702. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1047. Nos. 71, 71.i.–vii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1119. pp. 257–263.]
Sept. 29. 1008. Duplicate of preceding letter. [C.O. 5, 1047. No. 72.]
Sept. 29. 1009. Governor Lord Cornbury to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Having appointed the Five Nations and the River Indians to meet me, at Albany, June 25, I prepared myself to be there at that time, but having received a message from them, that they could not be there till July 10, I got thither July 5. On July 9, three of the Canada Indians desired to speak with me; on the tenth the far Indians, called Twightwighs and Tionondadeos desired the same, on 15th the Five Nations came to me, and on 17th the River Indians. I look upon the yearly presents made to the Indians to be a very great charge to the Crown, and yet I doe not see any possibility of saving it, as long as the French are possest of Canada, because if you once give over giving them presents, they will immediately goe away to the French, and the consequence of that will be that the people here will not be able to stir out of their houses, for fear of being scalp't. The Five Nations promised me to be firm to our interest, but I have some reason to believe the Ciniques [? Senecas] Cayuges, and Onnondages will not be true to us, for I was inform'd two days ago that they had received Priests among them, and indeed that is one reason of our loosing them, because we have no Ministers among them, and indeed I think it would be a means to keep them much firmer than they are, if we could have two Ministers settled in two of their Castles. But I think the only good way of securing the whole Continent, would be to drive the French out of Canada, and I look upon it to be a very feazable thing, and not be a mighty charge neither, considering the advantage that would accrue by it to England; the duties upon peltry would alone in a short time reimburse the charge, for it is certain that they send more goods from Canada in one year to Europe than we do in ten. That the thing may be done with ease is certain, 1,500 well disciplined men from England, well officered, and eight fourth-rate fregots joined with what we can raise in these Provinces will do that matter effectually, if they are well armed, and sufficiently provided with ammunition; as for victuals, we can supply that in these Provinces, and we have smal craft enough here to carry the Provisions to the places where they will be wanting. It will be very requisite that 4,000 arms be sent thither to arm the men we raise here, and I propose a bomb-vessel be added. I propose the ships and 1,500 men should be at Boston by the end of March, or the beginning of April at farthest, when the ships are fitted with what they want, I propose they shall take 1,000 men more on board, and saile directly up Canada River towards Quebeck, in order to attack that place, and that at the same time 2,000 men more, or 2,500, may march by land towards Mont-real from Albany; this will make the whole number of men to be employed 5,000 men at most, besides the ships, so that the charge may easily be computed. The advantages that will accrue are many; first, this being done, you will be masters of all the peltry trade of America; then the constant charge of presents to the Indians will cease, for then the Indians must depend upon you for what they want, so you may doe with them as you shall think fit, and the people of these Provinces will apply themselves to the improvement of their lands, without fear of being scalp't, whereas now they are in perpetual fears and alarms. They are so sensible of these things that I believe there is scarce a man that would not leave his family and his business to give a helping hand to this undertaking. If this should happen to be approved off, I know your Lordships will let us know it as soon as may be, that we may be preparing for it, in order to be ready against the time, that nothing may be wanting on our parts. By the next ships I shall send your Lordships an account of the Forts the French have at Canada, and the number of men in each Fort. Signed, Cornbury. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, Read Dec. 23, 1702. 3 pp. Enclosed,
1009. i. Abstract of preceding. 1 p.
1009. ii. Conference held at Albany between Governor Lord Cornbury and the Indians, July 9–20, 1702.
1009. ii. (a) Propositions made by two Canada Maquase Sachims, Taquayanont and Sinjaderise, accompanied with Degagedore, another Indian of Canada, to H.E. Father Corlaer; We heard at Canada that you were sent by the Great King of England to be Governor, and congratulate your arrival. We are not sent in the quality of Sachems from Canada, but are come here to trade. Since the Peace we have had the liberty to come here and trade and have had the benefits of hunting in Peace and safety, and as a token present your Lordship with two bever skins. We hope your Lordship will contribute to the Peace. We presume to inform you that Onnondio, our Governor of Canada, has told us that if a war should break out, as is dayly expected, that we Indians should sitt neuter. Now we desire to know whether you think our Governour is reall or not, and whether we may depend upon it, and how that your Lordship intends to do with the Indians in your Government, whether you will keep them in from warring upon us. To be plain with your Lordship, this is the cause of our stay here so long. Do give two Bever skins.
His Lordship asked how long they designed to stay, that he may give them an answer. They said they believed they would not be ready before the Indian propositions were over. Signed, P. Schuyler, Robt. Livingstone, Secretary for the Indian Affairs.
1009. ii. (b) Propositions made by Five of the Farr Indians called Twightwighs and Tionondadees, sent by the Sachims of the said Nations, who live at Tjughsaghrondie, a place where the French have built a Fort last year, to H.E., July 10, 1702. Tehonwahonkarachqua, a Twichtwigh, son-in-law of the principal Sachim of Dionondadee. said, "We bid your Lordship heartily welcome and do give a Bever coat." Rughkiwahaddi, a Dionondade, said, The greatest part of the Dionondadees and many of the Twichtwighs are removed and come to live at Tjughsaghrondie, hard by the Fort which the French built last summer, which said two Nations are united. We belong to those Dionondadees who live at Tjughsaghrondie, and our Sachims having heard by one of our Indians called Towasquaye that he was kindly treated here about two years ago, we are sent hither to return thanks, and to see if that good treatment and understanding continues, and withal to enquire concerning the trade of this place. We are directed by our Sachims to see if goods be cheaper here than elsewhere, and where we find goods cheapest, thither we will bend our course. We designed to go to Canada with our Bever and Peltry, but we ventured and are come here to try and see whether the goods be cheaper here than there. Do give seven bevers. We being strangers were much at a losse when we came to the carrying place of Oneyde, none of us having ever been that way before (Tewasquaye, when he came hither two years ago, coming by the way of Canada). We do therefore pray that the path over the carrying-place may be mark'd upon the trees, and the old trees taken out of the Creek, which much hinders the passage of canoes, and will much facilitate their coming hither. There are 8 of our Nations that are now in war with the Nandowasses, by the French called Pani, a Nation of Indians that live to the westward, towards the Spaniards.
My Lord replied that he was glad to see them; that Abraham Schuyler and Jean Baptist were appointed by him to goe along to see they be civilly used by the Traders in the disposal of their beavers and peltry. The Indians prayed he would dispatch them as soon as possible with an answer, since their Sachims would think long for their coming back. His Lordship said he would either answer them before they traded or after as they pleased; they should not be detained. They prayed they may have an answer before they traded, for that they hoped to be dispatched before the Sachims of the Five Nations came, whom they would not have to be privy to this Conference. His Lordship directed them to attend to-morrow morning, and they should have an answer.
1009. ii. (c) Albany, July 13. The Sachims of the Five Nations being come upon H.E.'s message, they all waited upon him at his lodging, and after they had saluted him after their manner, addressed him by Onucheranorum, the old Maquase Sachim:—We are extreamly glad that the Crown of England has been pleased to send one to be our Governour who is so nearly related to that great Woman who reigns now over England and all these parts of America. You are, as we are informed, of the Queen's own blood, which is matter of rejoicing to us. We will be obedient to your Lordship's commands. Our joy of seeing your Excellency here Governor of this Province is from our very hearts, yea, our joy extends quite to the heavens. H.E. answered: I am glad to see so many of the Sachims here. I thank you for your kind congratulations. I have several things to propose to you, and will appoint the day for your attendance. Mean-time you shall have provisions for your refreshment, whatever you shall have occasion for.
1009. ii. (d) H.E.'s answer to the Far Indians called Twightwighs and Dionondadees. Albany, July 14, 1702. I thank you for your kind congratulation, and am extreamly well pleased that I have now an opportunity (which none of my predecessors ever had) to speak with you about the establishment of a lasting friendship and trade, which shall always be encouraged on my part, and as a token of my sincere intentions and of your being heartily welcome to these parts, I do give you 5 guns, 10 bags powder, 5 lac'd hatts, three stroudwater coats, some tobacco and pipes. I perceive some of your people have left their native country and come to live at Tjughsaghrondie, a place where the French have built a Fort last year without leave of the Five Nations, who claim that country. I am also inform'd the French are very loath you should come and trade here, fearing that you will receive so much satisfaction that you will for ever hereafter decline going to Canada. I observe further that you have met with some difficulties in your journey hither at the carrying place for want of guides. As to the first, I could wish that since you are removed, you would come and live nearer us, at Jagare, or some other convenient place, that upon occasion we might be able to supply or succor you without any interruption from the French, and I conjure you to acquaint your Sachims that I send them these two belts of wampum, one to each Nation, by which I invite them to come and see me here next July, when your people come from hunting, when the Indian corn is a-blossoming, and I will then order the Sachims of the Five Nations and the River Indians to meet me here, and get you and them joyned in a firm League, that you may be united in heart and hand against all those who may envy your happiness by being linked in our General Covenant Chain. As to the second, I shall say little, since your own experience will decide that. The rumour of warr breaking out in Europe has raised the price of goods extreamly, insomuch that a Bever formerly could have purchased that which two will scarce do now; nevertheless I doubt not but you will find the goods are far cheaper here than in Canada. As to the third, I shall not only give directions to have the path at the Camping-place marked out, and the Creek cleared of old trees for the ease and accommodation of all strangers that may be inclined to come and see us, but will, upon the least intimation of your people's coming this way, send guides from hence to conduct them hither. I would have sent a present to your Sachims of some of the commodities of this place, but fear it would be too bulksome and heavy for you to carry, have therefore sent them by you some Indian jewells, which I hear are most in request with you, vizt. 110 wampum pipes, 9 shells, 117 round small shells, 32 jewels that they wear in their noses and ears, and some toys for their children, viz. 3 doz. tobacco tongs, 16 fanns, 36 looking-glasses, and you may assure them from me that they may freely come without any fear or jealously, that they shall be civilly treated, and have everything as cheap as any the Indians in Covenant with us; and as the Indians of the Five Nations have found the benefit by a constant, inviolable league with us, since the first settlement of this Province with Christians (which the French cannot pretend to with any of their Indians) so you shall, with the unanimous consent of all, be received in the same Covenant, and partake of all the benefits thereof. As to what you say about 8 of your Nations warring with the Nandowasses, when your Sachims come next year, I will be ready to give them my best advice, till when I shall suspend my judgment.
1009. ii. (e) Proposals made by H.E. to the Five Nations, Albany, July 15, 1702. Present: Col. P. Schuyler, Capt. James Weemes, Major Dirck Wessels, the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, and sundry gentn. come from New York, with many of the principal inhabitants. Refers to deaths of King William and Lord Bellomont. I assure you in the name of that great Princesses, Anne, Queen of England, my mistresse, that you shall have all the protection, favour and countenance imaginable, as long as you continue in due obedience and subjection to the Crown of England. I have sent for you in the beginning of my Government to renew the Covenant Chain between us, wherein is concluded all H.M. subjects on the Main of America, and hope it will be more lasting and bright now on your parts than ever it was. I understand the French have lately madè a fort at Tjughsaghrondie, at which the Brethren seem much concerned. I desire to know the truth of that matter, and what force they have there, and how many men they have in garrison with the Far Indians. I am desirous to know the state of your country, the strength of your people, how many have deserted their native country since the Peace and gone to Canada, what are the causes and what would be the proper means to retrieve them and prevent the rest from the like defection. I am also desirous to know in what state you are with your neighbours, the Twightwighs, Dionondadees, and other Nations contiguous to them; whether the intended Treaty of Peace with those Far Nations has had its desired effect, and if not where the difficulty lyes. It is also requisite I should have an account of your late Treaty with the French of Canada, whether public or private, and whether any of your Sachims are gone thither lately, and upon what businesse, what late messages you have received from the Governor of Canada, what fortifications the French have made lately, and how scituate, or whether they have made any further encroachments upon the Brethren's land, that I may be able truly to represent things home to my great Mistress, Queen Anne.
We have a rumor that there will be a warr between England and France, and I am inform'd the French of Canada design to keep back their Indians from committing any acts of hostility, and some of the Canada Praying Indians that are now here a-trading seems to be very fond of a peaceable hunting, and are desirous that I may contribute towards their future peace. I need not tell you what the French are, I understand you have had the tryall of them often to your cost; if they be real in this, it is because their interest leads them so to be. I doe not design to trust them, neither would I have the Brethren doe it, but be upon their guard. Nevertheless, if the warr breaks out, I would not have the Brethren be the first aggressors, nor commit any acts of hostility upon the French or their Indians without directions from me, but if the French begin first upon us or any of the Brethren in league with us, we must join unanimously and make war upon them with all vigor, and not make a lingering war as the former was. I know they will be threatning of you, and forcing priests upon you in your country, but I must tell you not to fear the one nor suffer the other, as you tender the preservation of the Covenant Chain. I hear that you Onnondages are going to build your Castle eight miles nearer Susquehanne River, towards the southerd. I wish I had been here sooner to advise you to build it nearer us, towards Oneyde, where there is better land and more convenient to be assisted upon occasion. There has been great divisions and animosities among you of late, not only occasioned by the French of Canada, but by some evil-affected men among us, who to serve their own private ends and gratify their own malice without regard to the honour and interest of H.M., or the welfare of this Province, have encouraged faction and parties first among the Christians and then among the Brethren. If you will discover who they are, I will take such a course with them that they will be cautious another time, and I hope you will also take care that those incendiaries among you be curb'd and severely punished, and for the future you are only to hearken to those whom I shall appoint to manage the Indian affairs, and none els.
I have received express commands from the Great Queen to build such forts for our and your security as I shall see convenient. I design to go about it with all expedition, first with the fort at Albany, and then Shinnectady and the out-garrisons, which I design to view speedily, to which Forts you and your wifes and children may retire in time of danger, where you shall be succor'd and protected from all assaults of the enemy. As to the two Ministers that were appointed for the instruction of the Brethren in the Christian faith, one at Albany and the other at Shinnectady, I understand that the Brethren have been told that the latter was alone appointed for that work, and not the Minister here. I desire to know who is the author of that story, since I find upon your own request two years agoe, the Minister here was directed to take pains with you and learn your language, the better to enable him to serve you in the work of the Gospel. I reckon this has been fomented by those restless spirits who of late have endeavoured to disturb the peace of the Government, but I shall take care to prevent such wickedness for the future, and you may be assured that those that are inclin'd to be Christians shall have all the encouragement imaginable. I recommend to you to send to those gentlemen I shall appoint to manage the Indian affares here an account of all news that comes to your country etc., who will send me an account thereof with all convenient speed. Exhorts them to keep the Covenant Chain firm, bright and inviolable. Gives presents from Her Majesty; 1 Belt and 500 gilders strung wampum, 100 gums, 5 pr. strouds, 2 pr. Duffels, 2 pr. Blanketts, 80 hatchets, 15 lac'd hatts, 150 knives, 15 brass kitles, 1,500 lb. lead, 1 cask of pipes, 600 lb. powder, 100 gall. rum, 1 cask of tobacco, 2,500 flints, 100 pr. stockings, 200 wheat loaves, 12 casks of beer, 5 live catle.
Sinnonquirese, a Maquase Sachim, prayed that the rum might be lodged somewhere till their conference was over, since if their people should fall a-drinking, they would be unfit for business. Ordered accordingly.
1009. ii. (f) H.E.'s reply to the Canada Maquase Praying Indians, Albany, July 16, 1702. Children, Being informed that you are inclined to return to Canada speedily, I shall not detain you, but give you an answer to what you proposed to me, though in effect you have heard it answered yesterday, in the public propositions to the Five Nations. I shall be so far from envying your happiness in your peaceable hunting, that I will rather contribute towards it as you desire, provided you hearken not to the French to disturb any of the Brethren which are in league with us, for though you have deserted your native country and subjected yourself to the French, yet you see that you have the same privilege of Trade with us as the Brethren have, where you find better pennyworths then at Canada, and if your inclination to your Country or the Christian Religion will induce you to return to your People and kindred, the same houses which you left are still open to receive you, with all the treasure of a plentiful country, which can make you for ever happy. As to the question you ask, whether I think your Governor is real in his proposals to you of neutrality, you will be the best judges of that, if the war breaks out, only I must be plain with you and reall too, that if you suffer yourselves to be deluded by the French, or any others, to make war upon any that are in allyance with us, you must expect not only to loose the benefits of your peaceable hunting, which you so much value, but we will all join to destroy those that shall first take up the hatchet to kill any of the Brethren that are linked in our Covenant Chain. Gives one Belt of wampum, 3 faddom strouds, 3 bags powder, 3 lac'd hatts, 15 bars of lead, 6 faddom of tobacco.
1009. ii. (g) Answer of the Five Nations to H.E., Albany, July 18, 1702. Names of the Sachims, set out, New York Documents, iv. pp. 985, 986. The Sachims sung a sorrowful song which they had made upon the death of his late Majesty, and said they were glad the Princess Anne had succeeded. Onucheranorum, a Sachim of the Maquase, welcomed H.E. (1) We are very desirous that the Peace may continue and the Covenant Chain be kept inviolable, and that Quider (Col. Schuyler) may cheerfully continue to keep it fast. Do give 10 bevers. (2) We rejoice to hear that the succession of the Crown is continued in the right line and that the Queen is of the Protestant Religion. We give a present of 10 bevers to make Her Majesty fine withal. (3) We condole the death of King William and give 10 Bevers. (4) We speak now to our Brethren, the Sachims of Albany, the Commissioners for the Indian Affairs. We said a great deal last year and desired several things, which, it they had been comply'd withal, would have proved to our future advantage and welfare, as well as yours, but we find by the divisions that has been among you, you have minded nothing of what we so earnestly requested, and we have no answer from England to this day which we so much long'd for. You have thrown all our Propositions in the water at the mouth of this River. Nevertheless we renew our request to our Brother Corlaer, to the end that our Great Queen may have a right information of the state of our affairs. Do now again give 10 bevers, altho' we threw away several bevers last year upon this proposition. (5) We renew our Covenant Chain, which is so strong that the thunder and lightning cannot break it, but we have had but little assistance from our Brethren during the late war; we have been forc'd to wage war alone and lost many of our people, but see none of our Brethren either to assist us or to revenge the blood of those we lost by the French. (6) Brother Corlaer, you tell us that we are not to take up the hatchet first. We approve of your proposition extremely, and if any of the French or their Indians begin with us or the Brethren, we will then come and consult with our Brother. (7) The reason why our Indians go to Canada is that the goods are cheaper there than here, and the elk and moose skins are a better commodity there then here; moreover, your weights are too heavy which you weigh the bears and other skins withal, and we are oftentimes not fairly dealt with by the Traders, and lastly, the River of Cadarachqui is easier to go down, being with the stream, than to come hither, with the heavy elk and moose skins. Let the goods be cheaper, and there is no doubt but our Indians will return very speedily. (8) We are unanimously resolved not to suffer any Popish Priest to come into our country, and as soon as the goods are cheaper here, then we will consult about having Ministers in our Castles, for then we can afford to buy a good honest coat to go to Church withal, for it would be scandalous to come to Church with a bear-skin on our backs. (9) As to the French encroachments, they have had Cadarachqui long ago, which lies on our side, and is built upon our land, but we never see any care has been taken to remove them; they have on the other end of us built last year another Fort upon our land without consent, at Tjughsaghrondie, with high palisadoes, and have a garrison of 100 brisk men in it, who have most of them brass gorgets about their necks. We leave it wholly to your Lordship to do therein as you shall think fit. (10) Your resolution to build forts here is very good. We have been promised formerly that we should have a stone fort built at Onnondage, but it never was performed, and so have put it quite out of our heads. (11) We are glad to see your Lordship here and that Quider stands at your side. We do make this House, where we have our Conference, clean, and are heartily glad that all dark clouds are dissipated, and that we see matters restored, and things run in the right channell again, and to see those who always have had the care and management of our affairs to have your Lordship's favour. We doubt not but the public affairs of the Five Nations will now have good success.
Awanay, a Sachim of the Mohogs, in behalf of the Maquase Praying Indians, said:—There has been feuds and animosities among us Christian Indians, and last summer we were recommended to amity and friendship, but it hath not had that good effect upon us as could have been wish'd for; we have lately been exhorted at Mr. Lydius's, the Minister's house, to unite as Christians, and not to live in envy and malice, which are the works of Satan, not becoming Christians, but to live in peace and concord, and then God would bless us, which last exhortation hath so wrought upon our spirits that we are now all united and friends. As an acknowledgment of our gratitude, we give a Belt of Wampum. He acquainted the Five Nations, that in regard they had also recommended them to unity, they had followed their advice, and that there was now a thorough reconciliation, and as a token, gave them a Belt of Wampum. H.E. said he would in a short time give them an answer.
1009. ii. (h) Albany, July 19, 1702. Ten Sachims waited on H.E. and explained their above propositions, repeating their suggestion of 1701, that Mr. Livingston be sent to England to represent the state of their affairs, etc. We cannot conveniently give your Lordship an exact account of the number of our people, but shall do it as soon as we can. One of the Sachims of the Sinnekes said, There was about 24 of the Twichtwichs and Dionondadees came to their Castle this spring and told them they were bound for Canada to trade, and that they would deliver up the 12 Sinnekes prisoners which they had taken in the war, and desired that they might send for them. Upon which the Sinnekes ordered Owenano, one of their Sachims, to go and fetch them from Tjughsaghrondie; they said further that all the Five Nations and Corlaer ought to be acquainted with this their resolution, for the Governor of Canada has ordered that the Far Nations should make peace with the Sinnekes, and that there should be an exchange of prisoners on both sides, and they were now going to him to acquaint him that they had complied with his desire, and laid down a Belt of Wampum to the Sinnekes. They said further, We are now come to live at Tjughsaghrondie, at one end of your house, and having now concluded firm peace with you, which the Dowaganhaes have done in like manner, we must tell you not to trust too much to them, for they are a brutish people, and if any of your men happen to be killed by them, we would not have you take up the hatchet against them before you acquaint the Governor of Canada with it, and they will do the same if your people should by chance kill any of them, that so the matter may be composed and not come to an open rupture, for the Governor of Canada has given such directions that if either Nation should send out a troop to war upon the other, he will have your company, if they were 30, delivered up to him to be punished, and if that Nation or Castle should refuse to deliver up the said company, then he would make war upon that Nation or Castle. Gave another Belt. The two belts so given we did present to the Oneydes, Cayouges, Maquase and Onnondages.
An Onnondage, Otsakana, said there was a Sachim of their Castle called Great World out a-hunting this spring, a Frenchman comes to him and bids him go to Canada, which he did, and coming to Mont Royal, he went to M. Marricour and the Priest, who said they had not sent for him, neither knew they anything of the matter, upon which he returned again to his hunting, and now when the Sachims were upon their way hither, and got as far as the small Carrying-place, a messenger from the Governor of Canada overtook them and asked them to go to Onnondio, but they said they were sent for by Corlaer, and would not go to the Governor of Canada. H.E. told them they should abide by their conclusion yesterday, not to take any priests into their country.
1009. ii. (i) Albany, July 20, 1702. The 10 Sachims being sent for, H.E. told them he perceived the principal matter they insisted upon was relating to the conveyance of the tract of land they made last year, which they alledged was not sent to England, together with the account of their country, how the French invade the same and encroach upon them dayly, and that the person they had proposed to go to England was not sent. He would take care that the said Conveyance be sent home and an account how the French encroach, and would send a person to the Great Queen who will be able to inform H.M. of all their circumstances, and would send them word when that person went, and when he returned. He added, I am informed that some of the Brethren have a wrong notion of matters relating to the Far Indians coming hither, as if by their coming goods would rise and be dearer, which is just the contrary, for the more bevers that comes, the more goods will come, and then goods will grow cheaper. Therefore I conjure you not only to let the Far Indians come freely through your country, but you must assist them in their passage hither. H.E. repeated his injunctions to them not to be the first aggressors in case of a war, and not to receive priests into their country, which they promised to observe very carefully.
1009. ii. (j) Answer of the River Indians, July 20. Father, we thank God for your safe voyage. Give two Bevers. Our numbers are, 110 Indians at Skachkook, 87 below the town. In all 197 fighting men. Give two Bevers. Condole the death of King William, but we hear the sun shines again in England, and that we have got a great Mother, which rejoices our hearts extremely. Give 3 bevers. Our young men will look out narrowly and give their Brethren of Albany an account of all occurrences. Give 3 bevers and a deer-skin. You renewed the Covenant Chain two days ago, and we ratify it now and make it stronger. We will stay at Skachkook and send news of anything of moment. Give 4 bevers. We are thankful for your promise of protection. Give 3 bevers. 26 years ago Governor Sir Edmund Andros planted a tree of welfare at Skachkook, and invited us to come and live there, which we very luckily complied withal, and we have had the good fortune ever since that we have increased that tree, and the berries thereof are grown hard and strong; the tree is grown so thick of leaves and boughs, that the sun can scarce shine throw it, yea the fire itself cannot consume it, meaning, they are now so strong that they do not much fear the enemy. We now desire that our Father Corlaer may strengthen that tree and cause the leaves to grow so thick that no sun at all may shine thro' it. Give 4 bevers. We design to use all endeavours to persuade our Brethren and Relations to Eastward to come and live among us, and for their encouragement we will go with the Covenant Chain and tell them they shall be included therein. Give 2 bevers. We will obey your commands not to take up the hatchet first, and if the French or their Indians first attack us, we will acquaint you before we take up the hatchet for revenge. There are sometimes Indians that in their drunken fits will be apt to sell the land at Skachkook, by which means our young Indians will be scattered; we therefore pray that no such thing may be tolerated, but that a record may be made that they may live peaceably at Skachkook, as hitherto. Give 2 bevers. We are glad that we have now got a Mother as well as a Father, and welcome Lady Cornbury with a present of an otter for a muff. We thank you for your care and circumspection that none of our people should be duckoyed to Canada, to live there; we will take particular care to prevent that, and if any should design to remove, we will acquaint our Father. But if any of the young men should be out a-hunting, and go thither, that must not be taken for desertion, for they will return. Give 2 bevers. You desire to know what is become of those messages that are gone from time to time to the Eastward to draw those Indians hither, and why they stay. The only reason is the French priests in their Castles; they detain them from coming. Give some elk-skins.
1009. ii. (k) The Sachims of the Five Nations, having received an express from their country, acquaint Governor Lord Cornbury, July 21st, that the Governor of Canada hath sent for four of the Five Nations to come to him to Canada, a Sachim from each Castle, that is, Dekanissore from Onnondage, Ochquariogichta from Cayouge, Nehassochqua from the Sinnekes, and the Chief Sachim of Oneyde. He says he knows the mind of the Governor of New York, and that the Sachims of the Five Nations are now all with him, and therefore expects they will bring him an account of what Treaty and negotiation they have with Corlaer. He has also sent for an Onnondage called The Great World to come along with the Sachims to be their servant. A Canada Indian called Teheewie and an Onnondage called Tahaiadoris brought this message to Onnondage about 8 days ago, and an Onnondage called Sinnagariago brought the news hither two days ago. Since then we have been somewhat confused and in disorder by some of our people being disguised in drink, but as soon as that was over we acquainted your Lordship with it, for we remember that it was said that we are to have one eye and one ear, although you sometimes write to Canada, and we know nothing of the matter. Laid down the 7 hands of wampum sent by the Governor of Canada to the Four Nations.
1009. ii. (l) H.E. said he took it well that they communicated the message to him, and exhorted them to do the like in future. He said that he thought it no ways convenient for them to hearken to any proposition of the French at this juncture, because of the uncertainty of peace or war, but as soon as he comes to New York he will have instructions from England, of which he will send the Five Nations forthwith an account, with directions how to behave themselves. If there be a war, he will give them an account from time to time of what happens, and instructions. He gave them 7 hands of wampum and wished them a good journey home.
1009. ii. (m) Albany, July 22, 1702. Sadeganaktie, Otsagana of the Onnondages, and Wakajenquarachto of the Sinnekes, in behalf of the Five Nations, came and told Mr. Livingston to acquaint his Lordship, who was gone to Shinnectady, that altho' the Maquase were ready to go to Canada with their prisoners, yet it was now concluded by the Five Nations upon the proposition H.E. made yesterday, that none should go to Canada, till they heard further from H.E.
1009. ii. (n) At a Conference between the Maquase and Governor Lord Cornbury, Shinnechtady, July 23, 1702, Onucheranorum says, Brother Corlaer, Our Sachims were at Canada last summer, when the Governor proposed (being now peace) that all prisoners should be delivered on both sides, and that we should bring ours, and they would deliver up theirs, which the then four nations have done, but not we. Therefore we desire to go and receive ours, and pray that Brant and Awanai and some others may go for that expedition, and they oblige themselves to return in 30 days' time.
H.E. replied that if they had made this proposition to him when all the Five Nations were together, he might have done something in it, but since it was resolved by all the Brethren that nobody should go until we hear further, I cannot now consent to it.
1009. ii. (o) Proposition made to Governor Lord Cornbury, Albany, July 28, 1702, by the River Indians. Suckquans, Speaker. (1) Remembering what you told us 8 days ago, we come to acquaint you with what has lately happened. Do give a faddom. (2) We must acknowledge that our people are much given to intemperance and are apt to be disguised in drink in our Castle, and after abuse one another, but that is among ourselves; neither do we know that our people ever hurt or killed any Christian, except one Stuart, who was murdered by two North Indians 30 years ago, and the two murderers were both executed. Gave a faddom. (3) There is an accident now happened to one of our people called Minichque, who is desperately wounded by 4 negroes, who have confessed the fact, and are now in prison. We thank your Lordship for the great care you have had in dressing his wounds etc. We are now going to the Maquase Country to renew the Covenant, according to our custom, leaving some young men and squaes to attend him. We pray your Excellency, if he should happen to die in the meantime, to send an express to acquaint us. Gave a faddom of wampum. H.E. replied that he takes it very well their acquainting him with their going to the Maquase Country. He would cause the wounded man to be looked after, and would send an express as they desired.
1009. ii. (p) Proposals made by Hendrik and Joseph, two Maquase Christian Indians, to Governor Lord Cornbury, Albany, Aug. 9, 1702. We were told last year by the Lt. Governor to acquaint you first, that we are ready to go to the Onnagongues with the first conveniency. This is the third time we have made the Government acquainted with this our intentions, twice in one year 2 years ago. Moreover, the Onnagongues have been here thrice about the same time, to enter into the Covenant Chain, and desired to be received as Brethren. We told them that they should be received as children in the Covenant Chain, wh. they accepted of accordingly, and gave 7 hands of wampum.
H.E. asked them, who had sent them? when they went? and how many in company, and what there business was there? They say they are sent by the Sachims, and know not the exact time when they go, neither is the number yet concluded upon, and their business is to confirm the Covenant between them. They would be 3 months by the way. They were asked whether they would go alone or take some of the Skachkook Indians with them? They said that would be in the choice of the Skachkook Indians. H.E. told them, when they proceeded on their journey, to call here as they went by; that he would send some message with them; and when they returned, they should give some account of their negotiation. They said that was there duty, and they would comply with it.
1009. ii. (q) Propositions made by the River Indians to Governor Lord Cornbury, Albany, Aug. 13, 1702. In accordance with our duty we are come to inform you of news. Do give 7 hands of wampum. About 2 days ago we see a canoe coming from Hosak, and were surprized, because our people were all at home, and it proved to be two Indians come from Pennekook, who desired that all the Sachims of Skachkook should be convened, and then said, The Governor of Canada has sent us a message and desired the Pennekook Indians to break up and come and live at Canada, that there were houses, land and provisions for their entertainment, and gave a belt of wampum. The French Messengers repeated their proposition and gave another belt, and said further, We leave it in your choyce either to come to Canada, or to the Onnagongues, but to remain here at Pennekoke, you must not by any means, and gave five belts of wampum; and said the Governor of Canada designed to send the Maquase Praying Indians to the River of Harford, and to take Hudson's River himself. The Pennekoke Indians answered that they rejected the Five Belts and would not comply with the Governor of Canada's Proposals; they were in amity with the Government of New York, and the Indians of Skachkook, and the Five Nations, and they would stick fast to that Covenant Chain, with which answer the Messengers returned to Canada.
H.E. replied, Aug. 15, I am glad to see you so ready to acquaint me with what happens among you, and that the Pennekokes are so sensible of the French intrigues. If they consult their future safety and welfare, they will persist in their resolution to reject all such profers made to them by the Governor of Canada, and adhere to the Covenant Chain, in which you and the 5 Nations are linked. I have had a great longing to hear from the Pennekoke Indians, and whether they will at last resolve to come and live with you at Skachkoke, where there is land enough, and for their encouragement you may tell them they shall not only have land assigned them gratis, but a fort shall be built of stockadoes to secure you and them from any suddain attempts of the enemy, and in regard your land is tough and hard to break, I will order next spring a plow to break up the ground for them to plant in, and they shall be protected and secured as well as any other Indians under the Queen of England's protection. To the two Pennekook Messengers: You are to acquaint your Sachims with what I now say. For your further encouragement, if your people be inclined to be instructed in the Christian Religion, the Minister here shall teach them. Gives a Belt of Wampum to carry to the Sachims, and each of you a gunn and a bag of powder and some lead and flints.
The River Indians replied: They were glad my Lord spoke so kindly of the Pennekoke Indians, and sent them a Belt of Wampum. They will add a belt to it, and send it with the Messengers. H.E. said he had heard a Squae was dead of the Small-pox; if they had brought her hither to town, care would have been taken of her. The Sachims said there had been a Court kept now four days about the negroes that killed Minichque, and prayed for information. H.E. said they would be executed on Wednesday next. The Sachim Sackquans says that when Minichque was wounded, they see such great care taken of him by their father, that they went to the Mohogs' country to pursue their publick business. Meantime he died and said before his death that he had been a faithful servant to the English, and enjoined all his friends to follow his example; nothing troubled him more then to be so treated by negroes, that have no courage nor heart; if he had died with his arms in his hands, it would have been more satisfaction. But he desired no revenge, and therefore they interceded with H.E. that the negroes be reprieved. Aug. 19. H.E. informed them that he had reprieved three of the negroes in accordance with their request, but had caused the ringleader to be executed. He would cause further satisfaction to be given to the relations of Minichque according to their custom. The Sachims thanked H.E. for his justice and paternal care.
1009. ii. (r) Proposals made by Dekannissore, Chief Sachim of Onnondage, and two others of the same Nation, to Governor Lord Cornbury, Albany, Aug. 17, 1702. The Governor of Canada has sent a message to our four upper Nations, that three of each Nation should go to Canada to treat with him, but the Mohogs he has nothing to say to; as for my own part, I will not go, but will send one of my family. Our Sachims arrived two days before I came from home. There are great divisions in Onnondage; one half of the Indians are inclined to have a French Jesuit among them, the other half are against it, and many of those that are for the priest seem to be inclin'd to hearken to Corlaer, and to take a Minister to instruct them in the Christian Faith. Doe give a faddom of wampum.
About 15 days ago there are 10 of the Onnondages gone to Canada, to speak with the Governor of Canada, and three of the Cayouges, whereof one is the principal Sachim; the Oneydes and Maquase have sent none; neither do I know that the Sinnekes have sent any, having not been in that consultation. When the Messenger came from Canada for some of the Sachims to go thither, one called Aradgi, a Sachim of Onnondage of the French faction, came with him, and told that a French Jesuit would come to Onnondage, and Tohonsiowanne, that is Great World, was gone to fetch him. But I, Dekannissore, told him I would tell Corlaer, and that I did not approve of it.
H.E.'s answer to Cannissore [sic], Albany, Aug. 19, 1702. I understand that while the Sachims were treating with me, other of your Sachims went to Canada to treat with the French Governor, and departed two days before the other Sachims came home. I can't be but surprised to hear that they are gone to Canada, before they heard what was concluded here, since it is determined in the publick propositions, that none should go till farther order. I understand also that some of your people are gone to fetch a Jesuit from Canada, notwithstanding it was concluded by all the Five Nations not so much as to suffer one to come into your country, much less to send for him. Now, Brethren, whatever I have promised, I will take care shall be religiously observed on my part, and since that is my resolution, I expect that what you have promised should in like manner be punctually observed. I am now sending over to England to be supplied with Ministers to instruct you in the Christian faith, and therefore can stand in no need of any from the French. Gives a faddom of wampum. Dekannissore said the French priest would be arrived in their country in 12 days' time. H.E. told them that upon their allegiance they should either send the Jesuit back to Canada or bring him hither; this is no new proposition, but that which has been concluded of long ago. Dekannissore said H.E. should have an answer of this proposition as soon as he came home. Signed, Johannis Bleecker, Mayor, Johannis Schuÿler, Alderman, Dirck Wessels, P. Schuÿler, Rt. Livingston, Secretary for the Indian Affairs. The whole endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, Read Dec. 23, 1702. 54 pp. [C.O. 5, 1047. Nos. 73, 73.i., ii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1119. pp. 263–267.]
Sept. 29.
1010. Governor Lord Cornbury to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I transmit the Acts of Assembly made April and May last. They are seven in all; the first is intituled an Act for continuing the Revenue for two years longer. This is a specious title to give an opportunity to them to give away sums of money out of the Revenue; therefore I hope that Act will not be confirmed. The next is called an Act for paying the debts of this Government made in the time of the late happy Revolution; that which they call the time of the late happy Revolution was the time when Leisler usurped the Government here, and robbed several of the merchants of divers goods under pretence that they were for the King's use, and now the Province must be charged to pay those rapines of a rebel. The third is an Act that, if confirmed, will destroy the City of New York, for it overthrows the Charter; the fourth is the only Act I have nothing to object against; the fifth is a most unjust Act, for either the people of this Province are intituled to the Laws of England, or they are not; if they are, they ought not to be outlawed but according to the Laws of England; if they are not, it ought to be so declared, that the people may know what they are to trust to, and that an English Governor may know how to behave himself; but by this Act here are men outlawed in ten days without any manner of proceedings before had against them; the sixth Act is contrived for the burthening the people of some places in this Province, who have already as many Members of Assembly as they care to maintain; and the last Act is designed to ruin the town of Kingstowne in the County of Ulster. These Acts were contrived and intended for the ruin of this Province; therefore I hope they will not be confirmed, except it be that for continuing the Commissioners of Accounts. Signed, Cornbury. P.S.—The Acts of the former Sessions, being in the Secretary's Office at York, I have ordered the bearer hereof to seal them up, and deliver them to your Lordships. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 30, Read Dec. 23, 1702. Holograph. 2 pp. Annexed,
1010. i. Memorandum of Acts referred to in preceding. ¼ p. [C.O. 5, 1047. Nos. 74, 74.i.; and 5, 1119. pp. 268–270.]
Sept. 29.
1011. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Letter from H.M. to Lt.-Gov. Bennett, Sept. 4, was read.
Letter from H.M. to Governor Codrington, Sept. 25, read.
Petition of Sir John Fleet and others, read, and ordered to be reconsidered when Mr. Blathwayt shall be at the Board.
Letter from Mr. Robethson, Clerk of the Council of Virginia, July 22, with duplicates of public papers received from Col. Nicholson, read.
Letter from Governor Nicholson, July 29, read. Ordered that what relates to his proclaiming the Queen be sent to Mr. War to be inserted in the Gazette. Papers transmitted laid before the Board. [C.O. 391, 15. pp. 214–219; and 391, 96. No. 155.]
Sept. 29. 1012. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Barbados. Ordered that Wm. Hart also go to Martineque in the Flag of Truce.
William Sharpe, Commissioner of H.M. Customs, having been informed that the late Flag of Truce to Martineque had brought up from thence considerable quantities of claret, and that the same was privately sent on shore before they came to an anchor, moved that those that came in her might be examined, and the offenders punished according to Law. Order that Judge Buckworth examine on oath those suggested to be concerned.
Capt. John Foljamb, Commander of H.M.S. Kinsale, signifying that he had but a small number of men allowed for the said ship, her middle complement being but 115, and her highest 135, and desiring to know which complement he should keep on the books, and what number of supernumeraries they would allow, because they are to be mustered upon a list by themselves, this Board being informed by Mr. Roberts that the French were fitting out two vessels well manned on purpose to attack H.M. said ship, do believe it necessary that the highest complement, vizt. 125 [sic], be kept upon the books, and 65 Supernumeraries, and order accordingly.
Petition of Elizabeth Bond, widow, praying an appeal, read, and ordered to be heard in the Court of Chancery to-morrow.
Petition of Wm. Gordon, Minister of the parish of St. Lucy, read, setting forth that the said parish Church is much out of repair, and not fit for celebration of Divine Service; that for reparation thereof the Vestry did, March 25, make a levy of 700l., and required Simon Lambert, Churchwarden, to collect it and repair the Church, which he had used no diligence to do, ordered that what money Lambert has in his hands be applied towards pulling down the old Church and building a new one, and that he take all due care to collect and get in the aforesaid levy.
Petition of William Shuller, Attorney to Capt. Anthony Ford, Commander of the John's Bonadventure, who in 1697 took a French ship, the Concord or Conquest, in company of another Dutch vessel, the Dolphin of Middleburgh, which was condemned in the Admiralty Court of this Island as lawful prize, read, that Charles Thomas, H.M. Casual Receiver, doth keep in his hands 80l. due to Ford, being the moiety for the guns taken in the French ship, pretending he cannot justify payment, notwithstanding petitioner had obtained an Order from the Court of Admiralty in England to that purpose, which was also read. Ordered that the sum be paid.
Petition of Alexander and Mary Davis referred.
Sept. 30. Stores ordered for the use of the Leeward fortifications. Ordered that no order pass on the Treasurer for payment of the salaries of the Matrosses until they have taken an oath before their respective Colonels, that the sums laid down in their petitions are due to them, and that no other persons have or are to have any part of share thereof.
Petition of Thomas Horne and Alice his wife, formerly Alice Cousins, widow (June 3) argued. It was the opinion of the Board htat the letters of Guardianship were legally granted by his late Excellency as Ordinary, and therefore ordered that they stand good.
Petition of Capt. Robert Arthur and the crew of the Madera, for some allowance for their expenses and loss of time, recommended to the Assembly.
Lt.-Col. John Holder appointed Col. of a Regiment of Foot in place of Col. James Colleton, resigned.
The Assembly attending, presented a Bill to prevent privateers carrying off servants; a Bill laying excise upon liquors; a Bill entitled a supplemental Act to an Act for purchasing a vessel of war. They moved that one of the Spanish Fryers might be sent to Bermudas, the merchant being dead as was proposed lately. Also that Major Trimingham be paid 1,000l. for his brigantine; that the Board concur in their appointment of Lt.-Col. George Peers as Keeper of the Stores in the Magazine. The President answered that he well approved of their choice, and proposed to them to prepare a Bill to furnish the man of war with powder out of the Magazine, the powder he had appearing upon a survey not to be fit for use. The Spanish prisoners were very sickly and breeding infection in the town; he therefore proposed that some vessel might be provided to send them for an exchange. Supplemental Act to an Act for purchasing a vessel of war read a first time, and sent down with amendments, but the House had adjourned. [C.O. 31, 6. pp. 279–284.]
Sept. 29. 1013. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. Richard Downes was elected Speaker.
Excise Bill read and Col. Downes elected Treasurer.
The brigantine Madera was discharged from further service. And whereas Capt. Arthur hath made a complaint that several of the men on board were mutinous, and endeavoured an insurrection and to run away with the said brigantine, the Commissioners are requested to make strict enquiry and report to the President and Council.
Resolved, that the Commissioners for fitting out vessels of war doe move the President and Council that for the future instructions may be given to all Commanders as shall goe out in the publique service, that they may not permit any of their men to come on shore at their return from the said service until order is given for the same by the President, that a due account thereof may be taken, and that such servants as doe get any wages on board, may be returned to the owners, or secured.
Resolved, that Capt. Arthur be not recommended to the President and Council to go in the country's service.
And see preceding abstract under date.
Sept. 30. Supplemental Act to an Act for purchasing a vessel of war read and passed.
Resolved, that the Commissioners enquire into the usage of the men on board the Madera in her late cruze, for that it hath been represented to this House that the men have not been well used, and especially as to the provisions, altho' the allowance by the country was sufficient, and report to the Council.
Bill to appoint watches in the Towns, read and passed.
Committee appointed to consider a petition to H.M. that the Kingsale may be continued here to guard these coasts, being a good sayler and a vessel convenient for that purpose.
Resolved, that the House at their next sitting will proceed to the choice of Agents in England.
And see preceding abstract. [C.O. 31, 6. pp. 490–494.]
Sept. 30. 1014. Minutes of Council of Bermuda. On a motion made by H.E. about trying of the persons now in H.M. prison on a charge of piracy by a Court of Admiralty, and this Board having taken into consideration the great tenderness and respect which ought to be had to the lives of men, and they conceiving it not safe or advisable to proceed in holding Courts at this juncture until further directions from her sacred Majesty, the time of six months limited by Act of Parliament and H.M. Proclamation not being elapsed, it is thereupon the unanimous opinion of this Board that the said Court cannot at present be holden, but that the said prisoners be safely kept in custody in H.M. said prison in St. George's until further directions from H.M., peace being thereby in the meantime preserved and sufficiently secured.
This day H.E. the Governor issued out his precept to George Larkin commanding him to confine himself to his lodging, which he contempted, and thereupon was committed. [C.O. 40, 2. p. 51.]