America and West Indies: March 1705, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 22, 1704-1705. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'America and West Indies: March 1705, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 22, 1704-1705, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 15 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: March 1705, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 22, 1704-1705. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1916), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025,

"America and West Indies: March 1705, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 22, 1704-1705. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1916), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025.

March 1705, 6-10

March 6.
928. Circular letter to the Governors of Plantations. The Dolphin and Mermaid, bound from Guinea with negroes for the Plantations, are to sail at their pleasure and not be stopped for convoy. Signed, C. Hedges. [C.O. 324, 30. p. 25.]
March 6.
929. W. Popple, jr., to Sir B. Gracedieu and Sir G. Heathcote. Encloses an extract of the proceedings of the Assembly of Jamaica. The Council of Trade and Plantations desire you to write to your Friends there in order to the putting a stop to those irregularities. Annexed,
929. i. Extract of proposals and resolutions of the Assembly of Jamaica, Nov. 8–29, 1704, which seem prejudicial to H.M. service. (a) A clause to be inserted in the Additional Duty Act, that if any Company of Foot or troop of horse be called together and kept in arms on the day of election of Assemblymen, that election is to be void. Whereas upon due application to the Governor such soldiers would be removed without such unpresidented clause. (b) Another clause to be added to the same Bill, to oblige all publick officers to be accountable to the Assembly, and to be punishable according to the Laws of England and Jamaica for neglects and misdemeanours in their offices. (c) A resolution that no Councillor or Judge or Member of Assembly or J.P. shall bear arms but in case of invasion or insurrection, and then to be deemed as reformed Captains. (d) The price of Madera wine sold by retail to be settled by Justices of the Peace. Penalty if the retailer shall take above the limited price, as also if he shall refuse to sell such liquors for ready money. (e) The Members of the Assembly to give their votes by ballating when required. (f) The Councill having made some amendments to a Bill appropriating several sums of money, the Assembly refused to admit of such amendments from the Councill. (g) The Councill upon the Assemblies refusing to admit those amendments, or to agree to a conference thereupon, declare they will not pass the said Bill. (h) Resolution that the Attorney General is obliged by his office to attend the Assembly when required. (i) The Governor in his Speech gives several instances to justify his proceedings against Mr. Totterdell, whilst he was a Member of that House. (j) An oath of secrecy taken by some of the Assembly. (k) No person in pention or pay to be capable of sitting in the General Assembly. (l) Quarters not allowed to the soldiers upon paying 5s. per week. [C.O. 138, 11. pp. 384–386.]
March 6.
930. Governor Nicholson to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have already presumed to trouble your Lordships with three letters, vizt., of May 1, 2 and 3, which last is very long, and if what I have and shall now (God willing) write be not disapproved of by your Lordships, it will be a great satisfaction to me. I beseech your Lordships to consider that I may be accused of a great many Capitoll offences, crimes, and misdemeanours in little writeing, because the facts are only named, but to give answers etc. to them requires a great deale more, especially considering my owne inability to performe these things, and the want of those extraordinary helps that my accusers have had both here and in England, by their haveing so much time and so many to help them, especially the Gentlemen of the long robe in England, which no doubt they have made use of, and three of them were parsons, whose weekly buisness was either to copy out sermons etc., or to forme them, and they not in any parish in England, may be wanted to keep their brains about forming strange notions and invective, and malicious discourses (their usuall ways of late in this Country) and their hand in practice by writing. By the Petition, Memoriall and some of the affidavits, and Fouace and Ludwell's Reply, I think they not only strongly insinuate but almost affirme that there would be a Rebellion here, either by my setting up in the nature of Cromwell or Bacon, the falsity and improbability of which I have endeavoured already to lay before your Lordships, which (I hope in God) will be satisfactory. The other way is quite opposite, that the people are so exasperated against me etc., that, unless I was turned out of the Government, they would rise etc., so that one way or the other (tho' they are as opposite as ye two poles and as contrary as light is to darkness) there would be a Rebellion here, but a great many of their other accusations, according to the nature of them, are as untrue, inconsistent and contradictory as these. About the people's being so dissatisfied with me, I have also endeavoured to give your Lordships a short account of it, and I hope that the Publick testimonys that I have already (and I hope in God shall have) will pretty well clear that point, notwithstanding they have represented that the Addresses etc. were most clandestinely obtained either out of fear, or for hopes of places of profitt etc. These gentlemen know (and all of them have been partakers thereof) that my way of treating Assemblys, General Courts and Clergy I have used ever since I came into the Country. And as to the mony I gave towards the Churches to the Northward, I began it first when I was Lieut. Governor of New England and New Yorke etc., and I continued it ever since the year 1690, when I came here first, as will appear by the Testimonialls of the Northerne clergy mett at New York last October; but these Sparks I find have little or no sence of honour or honesty etc. in what they say or write of any particular persons or bodys of men when it will serve to accuse or blacken me. I find they represent my housekeeping very strangely as being scandalously penurious etc., and the house I live in (tho' I have 150l. per annum for one), in my letter to your Lordships of June 10, 1700, I humbly represented to your Lordships something concerning that affaire, and I have not been wanting since to recommend to the Assembly about building the Governor a house etc. I found it absolutely necessary to live at Williamsburgh, being the Seat of the Government, for getting the Publick buildings dispatched: when I came there I could have no other house than what I now live in. I had it of the Colledge, and may be if I had not made use of it, it might by this time have been quite ruined. I was by agreement with the Trustees etc. only to have laid out 75l., but I expended above 200l., for which I was only to have the use of it for three years. and if I dyed or left the country before, the College was to have it. I now pay 30l. per annum for it, and there is no other house in town, only Mr. Harrison's, about which I was once treating with him: but he supposed I was under an absolute necessity of either takeing it or buying it, so he would have put upon me: for he would let me have it on no other terms than to give 400l. for it, or take it for 7 years at the rate of 40l. per annum. I would have given him that for 2 or 3 years, and I suppose he hardly makes 20l. a year of it now, and besides his house and what belongs to it daily decays; so I suppose that article about the house might be as a revenge on me for not complying with the said Harrison. As for my housekeeping, without reflection I may say that I have spent more money than any of my predecessours ever did, or I suppose any of my successours will, if my way of housekeeping was not so regular and so extraordinary well contrived, I hope it may be put upon the score of my not being so fortunate as to have a wife (and then I should have had no occasion for an Hostes, as they call her, but she had been most of theirs before and was esteemed one of the best women in the country for dressing of victualls), but I think I endeavoured as much as any man could to have got one, who I beleive amongst other her good qualifications would have been able to have managed that affair, and therefore what is amiss on that account is not my fault but theirs, who used all the ways and means possible to hinder that match. It is true my servants very often have but one dish a day, but I don't remember that ever they complained to me, but it is likewise as true that no person whatsoever when I am at home comes to me (which are a great many in a year), tho' not at dinner time, goe away without being ask'd or invited to eat and drink, and I think very few goe away without doing one or both. I confess that I have often dined upon a fowle, or any such little thing, when I have been alone, but I have very often done the same when I have not been well, tho' I have had 10 or 15 dishes of meat at my table. My accusers etc. have had all the advantage possible of me, both here and in England, for the Petition and Memoriall I find was signed May 20, 1703, a little after the Assembly and General Court and Mr. President Blair used privately to invite these gentlemen and some of the Burgesses and others to his lodgings in the Colledge to drink chocolate in the morning, and maybe sometimes in the afternoon a glass of wine; and this I think he used for about 2 years before, as likewise to invite the Clergy, these things can be proved, and that he did not doe so before; so that in that and severall others he accuses me of what he was guilty of himself. And no doubt all ways and means possible were used to gett the Burgesses and the other principall Gentlemen of the Country to joyne with them etc., and that was one of the Sessions of Assembly where Mr. Benjamin Harrison accused me etc. Mr. Wallace now brought them in all their letters and could give them a verball account what steps they had made in England, and how they were to proceed here, for he hath been a constant attender on them since he came. I have before humbly represented to your Lordships (as in ye Councill Book) his behaviour since he came in. The letter which your Lordships were pleased to write to me in his behalf, as likewise that about discharging prosecution etc., I suppose they both have and will endeavour to make great use of it against me, that they obtained it by the interest of their party to my great prejudice. They have also made use of a paper which hath been industriously spread not only here but to the Northward, for that which I herewith transmitt to your Lordships was sent me from New York; it goes under the title of a Ballad etc., a copy of these verses were sent by Mr. Comissary Blair's wife to her husband's countryman, one Dr. Bill, who came over with him, but he is not now intirely of their interest, but they knew him to be of a very uneasy temper and always finding fault with Governmt. and particular familys, and that he would not fail to make it publick, and he had the advantage of doing of it by his being a Physician, tho' I think of late his practice has failed him. I got from the Dr. that which was sent him, which I have, by this specimen your Lordships may be pleased to see their designs, that they are so farr from endeavouring to heale matters, that they would make the breach so wide as possible. And I find Mr. Blair continues to sound the Trumpett of Rebellion, Sedition etc., which he begun with his funerall oration and sermons here, and by his talking, and I suppose he hopes in time to have an army of these, or at least a regiment over which he might be Cheif Commander and make warr with them etc., but I hope in God as they have hitherto, they will be still disappointed in that and all other their unchristian designs etc. They have also industriously reported through the Country that there is a new Governor a-comeing, the first of it was brought by Wallace that Col. Park was to be Governor, then afterwards they said when he ask'd for it, he was told he came some hours too late, but their finishing stroke was just before the meeting of the Councill and Clergy and Governor of the College; that the Earl of Orkney, a Scotch nobleman, was made Governor. Some letters were writt from England by that party, and dated the beginning of January, that he was sworne Governor, but that he had not then appointed his Deputy etc. If it be thus, the trouble I have now given your Lordships will be needless, and I am much concerned at the extraordinary great trouble which her most sacred Majesty and your Lordships have had already this way on my account; but I suppose this is one of the ways they hope to have me turned out by wearying your Lordships with such voluminous complaints etc., but as I have hitherto been very sensible of your Lordships' great justice and wisdome in this affaire, it makes me hope for the continuance thereof, notwithstanding the unwearied designs of my most inveterate and malicious enemies etc. If I am now turn'd out I need not trouble your Lordships with particular papers in answer to the Petition, Memoriall and Affidavits, which I have now sent to Sir T. Frankland; but shall make use of them myself before your Lordships, where I hope I shall not be found to have a cloven-foot, to be a fury or have snakes instead of hair (for both by the petition, memoriall and affidavits they have represented me to be possest with a Legion of Devills), but like another ordinary man both in person and disposition, but if I am turned out now, it will be supposed to be on their petition, memoriall and affidavitts, if so, I hope without the least breach of Charity, I may be allowed to take the benefit of the Laws of my native country, old England, against them, both in respect of perjury, as likewise for Defamation, slander etc., for I shall then have no other way of endeavouring to clear myself etc. I humbly beg leave to observe to your Lordships that if this H.M. Colony and Dominion had been under such unhappy circumstances as they have represented both in the petition, memoriall and affidavits etc., and that there would have been a Rebellion one way or other, why did they not immediately apply themselves either to her most sacred Majesty or your Lordships that speedy remedys might have been used for prevention thereof, for I suppose the petition and memoriall went for England in a shipp that sailed from hence in the beginning of the next month after they were signed and had no long passage for England, where those persons were whom they stile eminent friends of Virginia, some of which no doubt were Fouace, Wallace, Moodie and old Ludwell, but may be they wanted their Robin Hood, Blair, and his Little John, Beverley, and the Sancho Pancho, Esq., Luke, with his Dulcinea, del Toboso, these three arrived in England in November after, but yet nothing of all this presented to her most sacred Majesty till March 30 (in which he had time to form his projects and affidavitts with these Sparks) and chose a time when the ships were all sailed for Virginia, and they were sensible that I could not have any notice of it, and would be a long time before I could make my answer; hopeing that their loading me with capitoll crimes and others of such an high nature would so influence your Lordships as to judge it absolutely necessary forthwith to remove me, for that delays would give time to make matters here most desperate, and they knew I could not for a long time have the opportunity of hearing of or makeing an answer to their accusations, but I suppose that had they foreseen the method that H.M. and your Lordships have taken and what hath since happened thereon, they would not have ventured to have presented such a petition, memoriall etc. The Replyers say that they made their applycation to H.M., but I am informed they did not make it to H.M. first, for when there was complaints to the Honble. House of Commons against the Governor of Barbados and the Leeward Islands, there was a petition or memorial or both put in against me to the Committee appointed to examine into those affairs, of much the same nature as those to H. M.; but by whom it was done I could never yet hear, for it seem'd to be slipt in by the by, on that occasion of complaints against Governours; but I suppose when they found that the Complainants were obliged to signe their petitions and make out their charge, they did not think fit to prosecute it; and may be the times were not so proper for them, or they wanted Blair etc. I don't in the least pretend to find fault with them for putting their petition into that Honble. House, but only to show that their application to H.M. was one of the last remedys they took, and after Mr. Blair came for England, he, Fouace, Wallace and Beverley had a hearing at his Grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury's, before him and the Bishop of London on January 10, before the presenting of the petition: and I suppose if they could have managed their affairs for their own interest and satisfaction, may be, by getting their Lordships to have writ to me in their behalf, for their comeing hither and being in the same circumstances as they were before (especially Blair), I suppose they would not publickly have concerned themselves any further. And I think it is also observable that the petition and memoriall was presented, and the affidavits, and reply made when publick affairs were not in so happy a condition as might have been wished, especially relating to Scotland, and they seem to have servilely followed Mr. Fletcher's speeches, for they rather seem to be remonstrants than petitioners, and if what they ask is not granted, they seem to threaten strange things; one way to accomplish which they have sent the party a copy of the affidavitts etc., and have made them publick; but I thank God I don't find they have made any Proselytes, but the contrary, but hath opened the eyes of a great many indifferent people etc. for I hear that even Geo. Marrable himself said that he knew Mr. Blair had forsworne himself in two or three things. I heartily wish your Lordships had sent me your report to H.M. on this affair, for they have the advantage of makeing use of such things, no doubt the politicians of the party in England have advised those here not to comply with what I might propose towards an accommodation, but rather to continue their complaints in hopes that by wearying H.M. and your Lordships with multitudes of papers it might be thought absolutely necessary to remove me. I suppose they will by this oppertunity endeavour to represent to your Lordships not only a great many new pretended grievances, crimes and accusations against me, but also to perswade your Lordships that if I be not turned out, they and some other of the principal inhabitants will be forced to leave the country; and likewise insinuate that my continueing here will increase divisions and animosityes in the country to that hight as to run all into factions and confusions, which may bring to pass what they have already suggested, vizt., a Rebellion, and that if I should be turned out then there will be an end of all these, which if I were sensible of, I here declare (as I did in Councill) that the first thing I should doe would be humbly to desire H.M. to let me surrender the Government. But I could say a great deale to make out that the country is in no such uneasiness, nor that any of their consequences will follow upon my being continued here, as likewise against the incourageing of complaints of this nature, but this would look as if I was guided by self-interest. I shall wave it till it please God I come from England, where I shall (God willing) fully make it appear, only I should be sorry to fall a sacrifice to the inveterate malice and revenge of my enemies, or for gratifying (as I think) their unjust and unreasonable desires or rather demands etc. But whatever H.M. shall determine in relation to the Government shall be most readily obeyed by me, and that without sending the least force from England, or raising any here, to make me comply with it, notwithstanding they have industriously insinuated in England, and I suppose they may have mentioned something of it to your Lordships, that I ridicule all that advise me from thence, and that I frequently say they meddle with that they don't understand, and that I know how to carry it better then they that busy themselves about it, but I have all along according to my duty endeavoured to give your Lordships as full and just an account of affairs in all respects both whilst in Maryland and here, and I hope have followed your Lordships' orders etc. If any of the merchants in England should either joyne with them, or make complaints themselves, I suppose the true reasons for their so doing, may be because I have endeavoured according to my duty to give your Lordships an account about trade, as likewise about fleets and ships etc. I have heard that some of them have found great fault with me for so doing, and even before your Lordships have taxed or reflected on me for writing about these things. Your Lordships in your great wisdom and judgment can't but find that our Tobacco merchants very seldom agree in point of trade and shipping etc., nay I heard that some of them were so ingenious as to confess that tho' the pretence was publick interest, yet their owne swayd them etc. I do not here in the least pretend to reflect on any of these gentlemen, but I humbly beg leave to observe to your Lordships that if they can't agree amongst themselves because of their various interests and designes, which are sometimes quite opposite, how is it possible for me to please them all, and I can safely swear it that whatever I writt to your Lordships on these subjects were not out of any private interest or advantage to myself, but for the generall interest and service, not only of her most sacred Majesty, but of her subjects; but if any of them should be desirous to have me turnd out of the Government it may chance to be that my successor might either be of their party, or at least be a meere stranger to trade etc. If I were given to astrology, I should fancy that (after a new way) some malignant constellations were in opposition to the governing planetts in these parts of our Hemisphere, because there have been of late years and now are complaints against most if not all the Governours. But I am in hopes that according to the nature of the Clymate, violent things will not last long, and tho' they are given to sudden changes, yet the next will be the better sort: for no doubt in these parts as in others, people's humours and constitutions partake of the nature of the clymate. Refers to the proceedings of the last Councils, "how affaires have been managed on both sides in relation to the petition, memorial etc. since I received the copies of them with your Lordships' letter of June 22, and I can't but againe observe to your Lordships the strange powers and ways they would have to take affidavits etc. against me, but I flatter myself that if they had the power of using the Scotch way of Thummikins and Bootes, or the French way of the wrack, or the Barbary way of impaling, or twisting a cord about their heads, to make people confess, they would scarse find any to swear up to what they would have them." Refers to enclosed sermon. If I had not apprehended that it would have been presumption in the highest degree, as likewise if I had in any measure mistrusted your Lordships' great wisdome and justice, I would have drawn an humble and dutifull petition to H.M. in answer to their petition etc. If I was infallibly sure that I had a successor comeing, whether in the same capacity or as Lieut. Governour, neither that nor anything else should make me discontinue (according to my bounden duty to her most sacred Majesty) to endeavour what in me lay to promote the glory of God, H.M. interest and service, and the welfare and prosperity of holy Mother the Church of England, as by Law established; and after I have endeavoured to do these, to do the inhabitants of this H.M. Colony and Dominion of Virginia all the good I can. One reason is because I have found the inhabitants thereof, excepting a very few, a most loyall and dutyfull people etc. to her most sacred Majesty, and therefore no fear, but that God willing I shall be able so long as I stay to keep this Country generally in peace and quietness, as to what respects themselves, and likewise that they will be very ready and willing to venture their lives and fortunes if they should be attacqued by any forreigne enemy either by sea or land, etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. P.S.—I would have sent the account of proceedings in the Courts etc., but that they are not all returned to the Secretary's Office. I am in hopes that Col. Jennings will be here before the Assembly meet which, God willing, is to be Aprill 18 next, so that what your Lordships are pleased to send by him may be laid before them. I am in hopes that your Lordships will be pleased to approve of my having made John Lewis, Esq., one of H.M. Honble. Councill, and if any objection shall be made against his having H.M. royall approbation, I most humbly propose that no finall determination be made therein, till both he and I are heard, and our being so with submission I think will be for H.M. interest and service, and may be the faction will endeavour to make great use of it, if they obtaine it, and then they may pretend that it was done pursuant to an old custom of the Councellours being as it were chosen among themselves, for I have formerly writ to your Lordships the ill consequence of having custome and common law in these parts etc. The last summer was one of the hottest that has been knowne for some years, and this winter hath been remarkable for snows and hard weather, but now, I hope in God, the bad weather is pretty well over and that we may have a good spring and summer after. I hope will not be reckoned as a peice of vanity in me to observe to your Lordships that tho' these sort of things has falne out yet no remarkable ill accident hath happened either here or in Maryland since I had the great honour to command, tho' I had the misfortune of finding both the places in some unhappy circumstances, one of which was there being in debt and haveing publick buildings etc. to erect, and may be there was some unhappy differences in the two countrys when I took possession of the Governments, but as it pleased God I delivered up the Government of Maryland under very good circumstances in all respects, so I hope that by the divine assistance the like shall be done in respect of my beloved Virginia by, Francis Nicholson. Endorsed, Recd. May 2. 7½ large pp. Enclosed,
930. i. A Ballad Address'd to the Reverend Members of the Convocation held at Man's Ordinary at Williamsburgh, in Virginia; to defend G[overno] R N [icholso]N, and Form an Accusation against C[ommissary] B[lair].

Bless us! What Dismal Times are these!
What Stars are in Conjunction!
When Priests turn Sycophants to please,
And Hair-brain'd Passion to appease;
Dare prostitute their Function.
Sure all the Fairies must Combine
To sway the Convocation,
That Seventeen Clergy-men should joyn
Without one word of Proof, to Sign
So false an Accusation.

Or rather some for ( (fn. 1) ) Interest,
And hopes of next Preferment;
By false Pretences finely drest,
Slyly impos'd upon the rest
To Sign on their ( (fn. 2) ) Averment.

First W[heat]ly ( (fn. 3) ) heads the Reverend Tribe
Amongst the Chiefest Actors:
A Tool no Pencil can Describe,
Who sells his Conscience for a Bribe
And slights his Benefactors.

Sober and Meek under Disgrace,
As better Fate Deserving,
Now he's Advanc'd, he Soaks his Face
And spurns at those that wrought his Peace
And kept the Rogue from starving.

Portlock ( (fn. 4) ), the Cotqueen of the Age,
Deserves the Second Station,
A doubty Clerk and Reverend Sage,
Who turns his Pulpit to a Stage,
And Banters Reformation. Etc.
Nine other similar verses, describing the "Convention" at the "Tavern," where "Good Store of Bristol Beer and Stout By dozens was expended." London. Printed in the year 1704. Endorsed, Recd. May 2, 1705. 4 small quarto pp.
930. ii. Extract from Archbp. Tillotson's Sermons concerning Detraction. Quoted as applying to his own case, by Governor Nicholson. Endorsed as preceding. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1314. Nos. 44, 44.i., ii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1361. pp. 329–353.]
March 6.
931. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Sir B. Granville. Acknowledge letters of Sept. 18, 29 and Nov. 18. We are very sorry for the disorders you found and which have continued since your arrivall, and we hope that by your prudent management those divisions and animosities will in a great measure be healed. The Duplicates of those papers we expected by the Milford (which are yet in Portugal, where that ship was forc'd by stress of weather) being now arrived by the express you sent, we are proceeding to examine the complaints of the Four Suspended Counsellors and the Seven Absenting Members of the late Assembly, and shall give you timely notice of what shall occur thereupon. Enclose Order constituting Mr. Mills of the Council. We doubt not but H.M. pleasure upon Mr. Chilton's petition for leave will be signified to you. We transmitted what you writ in relation to Capt. Martin, as also to the French men of war at Martinico to a Secretary of State to be laid before H.M., as also to the Admiralty, as soon as any determination shall be taken therein, you shall have notice. But we cannot but take notice that it is very improper for the Assembly to send expresses with petitions etc. in their names to H.M. and the Lord High Admirall by Agents of their own, which should only come from the Governor, in whose hands the administration of the Government properly lyes and not in the Assembly, such application from other Plantations has not been allowed of. And therefore you will take care that for the future this method of Representations be rectifyed and brought into the proper channel. We have transmitted to Mr. Secretary Hedges what you write about English Prisoners at Martinico and we doubt not but you will receive directions from him thereupon. We expect the Naval Officers' Lists you promise; as also what you have further to offer in your vindication touching the complaints preferr'd here against you. And we desire that in the doing thereof you would explain yourself at large in your Letters, which may serve the better to explain to us the Minutes of the Councill, to which you only referr us. We desire you to hasten as much as possible the dispatch of the Collection of the Laws in force, it being necessary for H.M. service that it be done with all possible speed. [C.O. 29, 9. pp. 207–210.]
March 6.
932. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lt. Governor Johnson. Since our writing the inclosed to Sir W. Matthew, we have received your letter, by which we are informed of his death. We are very sorry for the loss of so worthy a Governor, and will not doubt of your care in the administration of the Government devolved upon you by this accident. You will be directed in general by the Instructions given to the late Governor, and endeavour to send us the collection of laws by the first opportunity, according to the inclosed letter. We do expect from you a continued account of the state of the Islands. We must repeat to you the caution formerly given to Sir W. Matthew, that you give charge to those intrusted with the packets of the merchants, and your own most especially, that they fix lead to such packets, and that they be thrown overboard in case of unavoidable danger from an enemy. [C.O. 153, 9. pp. 89, 90.]
March 6.
933. Council of Trade and Plantations to Col. Codrington. We have received yours of Dec. 6, and are very sorry for the unexpected death of Sir W. Matthew, and as to your desire of succeeding, we are laying the same before H.M. in the most advantagious manner. [C.O. 153, 9. pp. 90, 91.]
March 6.
934. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Handasyd. Since our letter of Nov. 30 we have received yours of June 19 and Dec. 17 and 31. The first we have laid before H.R.H. the Lord High Admiral, and upon this occasion we must repeat what we have already writ to you, that in all affairs relating to the Admiralty you ought yourself to make immediate application to H.R.H. the Lord High Admiral's Council, giving us at the same time notice thereof. The Instructions already given to our privateers and men of war are drawn with so much caution as to encourage our trading as much as possible with the Spaniards upon their coasts in America, without disabling ourselves from annoying the Spanish ships and galleons in the open sea coming to or going from Europe, or to and from any of their Islands, so that as we conceive that matter is not capable of any further explanation. However we have represented to H.M. that she would be pleased to write circular letters to her Governors in America to enforce H.M. good inclinations in reference to trade with the Spaniards in those parts, and directing them to take good security from the persons to whom they have granted or shall grant Commissions, that they shall not break faith with such of the Spaniards as they shall trade with, nor intice them from the land or out of their harbours on pretence of trade in order to make a prey of them as is complained of by you. We are sorry to find the Assembly so little sensible of their duty in complying with H.M. demands, in relation to quarters for the soldiers, but we approve of your steadiness in not permitting their incroaching upon H.M. prerogative, and we doubt not of your care upon all occasions in maintaining and asserting the same. We have not received the list of ships registred in the Admiralty Office mentioned to be inclosed in your letter of Dec. 17. The Minutes of the Assembly transmitted in your said letter are very imperfect, and several of them wanting. We therefore desire you by your next to send us a perfect copy. The Board of Ordnance have writ to us, that having sent to Jamaica several artificers, who, not being imployed there, they intended to send for back, unless we had any objection to the same: but not having heard anything from you in relation to the said artificers, we were not able to give any positive answer thereunto. You will do well therefore upon all occasions to give us particular accounts of everything relating to your Government. [C.O. 138, 11. pp. 381–383.]
March 6.
935. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lt. Governor Bennett. Since our Secretary's letter Nov. 30, we have received yours of Aug. 12 and Oct. 26 last. We have already explained ourselves upon your having given Commissions in time of peace which no Order or Instructions you have received can any way justify. In your next we desire you to give us an account of what pirates have been taken and what prizes made by the numerous Commissions which you have granted from time to time, and caution you for the future that no Commission that you shal give out be made to be in force for more than one year, and that security be given in the summe of 1,000l., as well for the good behaviour of the persons commission'd during that time, as for returning to their commission'd Port. We are not sufficiently apprized of the affair of the wreck ship, and think it proper that in such cases for the future you give us a full and particular account of those things from the beginning to the end of such matters. Mr. Nelson has not yet made any complaint here, when he does we shal make the proper use of the articles and affidavits which you sent us. By the letters which we presume you have already received from us, you will understand that Mr. Jones's case has been examined at large at this Board, your brother being present, and altho' it does appear he had behaved himself disrespectfully towards you, as H.M. Commander in Chief, we could not but think that he had been hardly used by the Juries and at the tryal at Bermuda wherein too little regard was had to H.M. Letters Patent. And whereas he had promised this Board to behave himself with due respect and decency towards you for the future and acknowledged his fault in a manner which we thought satisfactory, so we do not doubt but you will lay aside all private animosities and live in good correspondence with him as you are both honoured with H.M. Commissions. This inclosed Petition is sent you upon the recommendation of the Lord Bishop of London, and we doubt not but that you will use the best means to secure the petitioner a relief as his character and the justice of his cause may require. [C.O. 38, 6. pp. 99–101.]
March 6.
936. W. Popple, jr., to Lt. Governor Bennett. Their Lordships are not offended at your enclosing in their packet such letters to other people as may be of publick concern; the reason of what was writ you was because that the postage of those letters was excessive high. When you send any packets of any large size it would be convenient they were made up in small thin boxes, in order to preserve them from being torn. My Father is not well enough to answer your letters himself etc. [C.O. 38, 6. p. 102.]
[March 7.] 937. Council and Assembly of Barbados to the Queen. Congratulate the victories of the Duke of Marlborough and Sir George Rooke. "This poor declining Island has in a more particular manner shared of your bounty and favour by the advantages we have reaped under our good Governor Sir B. Granville, a person of probity, justice etc., and by his extraordinary vigillance and prudence has wrested this unhappy Island from its Destroyers, a sett of corrupt Ministers, vizt., the four Councellors suspended by the Governor, and seven disaffected Members of the Assembly, etc., etc. Signed, Robt. Waite, Wm. Grant, Wm. Allamby, Geo. Peers, Jo. Pickering, Tho. Sandiford, Wm. Holder, Speaker, Alex. Walker, Tho. Alleyne, John Holder, Paul Lyte, Reynd. Alleyne, Simon Lambert, Cha. Thomas, Geo. Harper, Tho. Merrick, Wm. Sharp, H. Pickeringe, Robt. Johnstowne, Abell Alleyne, James Colleton, John Milles. Endorsed, Read March 7, 1704/5. Copy. 3¼ pp. [C.O. 28, 7. No. 101.]
[March 7.] 938. Mr. Ball's Calculation how Sir B. Granville would have gained 3,000l. by the Bill. [See March 2.] (Bread is calculated at 15s. per 100lb., and rum at 12d. per gall.) Endorsed, Recd. Read March 7, 1704/5. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 7. No. 102; and 29, 9. p. 212.]
March 7. 939. Papers produced by the Agents of Barbados in vindication of Governor Sir B. Granville upon the hearing of the complaints against him, March 7.
939. i. Petition of several merchants and others to the Governor to stay the sailing of the convoy-fleet till the packetboat be gone a week, in order to enable them to advise their correspondents to insure for them. Endorsed, James Miller, John Dure, John Hasilwood, Wm. Board, Jos. Green, Mathew Beesly, Ed. Lunde, Geo. Adams, John Grove, Ed. Singleton, Robt. Stillingfleet, John Gill, Abel Bond, Fra. Loud, Conrad Adams, Edwd. Cordwent, King Townsend, Mich. Baker, Wm. Cogan, J. Newport, Wm. Godman, Guy Ball, Charles Thomas, A. Skene. 1 p.
939. ii. Council and Assembly of Barbados to the Queen. Duplicate of No. 937.
939. iii. Copy of Minutes of Council of Barbados, May 16, 1704. 2 pp.
939. iv. Copy of Minutes of Assembly of Barbados, Aug. 24, Sept. 1, 1704. 2½ pp.
939. v. Certificate under the Seal of the Island that the following are true copies. Signed, Bevill Granville. Sept. 29, 1704. ¾ p.
939. vi. Notice, that there has not been any ticket given out of the Secretary's Office for Thomas Maycock, William Terrill, John Curle, Lawrence Hyde, Francis Whight and Hugh Dugin to depart this Island. Signed, A. Skene. Sept. 27, 1704. 1 p.
939. vii. Governor Sir B. Granville to Capt. Martin, H.M.S. Blackwall. Order to cruise for 15 days. July 8, 1704. ¾ p.
939. viii. (a) Warrant for James Hannay, Provost Marshall, to arrest Thomas Maycock and Wm. Terrill for menacing and violently interrupting the sheriff at the election of St. Lucy's parish. Sept. 12, 1704. Signed, A. Skene. 1 p.
939. viii. (b) Subpæna to Col. Thomas Maycock and Katherine Harrison to answer a bill of complaint by Capt. Josias Harrison in the Court of Chancery; together with a Ne exeat insulam. Sept. 16, 1704. 1 p.
939. ix. Deposition of Capt. Ackland that Capt. Martin pressed his men and detained them contrary to the Governor's express orders to deliver them back. Signed, Wm. Ackland. Sept. 13, 1704. 1½ pp.
939. x. Minute of Council of Barbados, July 13, 1704. Order that Col. Maycock attend to answer a complaint of his speaking indecent and scandalous words against H.E. and Council. ¾ p.
939. xi. Minutes of Council of Barbados, Sept. 11, 1704. Proceedings on Maycock and Tyrril's violence to the Sherif. 1½ pp.
939. xii. Order to Capt. Martin to convoy clear of the Island, June 17, and then to cruise for 24 days. Signed, Bevill Granville. June 5, 1704. ¾ p.
939. xiii. Order to A. Skene, Secretary, to bring ashore Maycock, Tyrril and Curie, who are fled from justice aboard H.M.S. Blackwall without a ticket. Signed, Bevill Granville. Sept. 18, 1704. 1 p.
939. xiv. Minutes of Council of Barbados, Sept. 1, 1704. Deposition of Thomas Campin and Henry Sherburne, masters of sloops captured by the French, that their privateers intended to raid Speights' Road. Referred to the Assembly. H.E. demanded of Capt. Martin why he did not send a man of war thither. 2½ pp.
939. xv. Certificate that no tickets were given for Laurence Row, John Waterman and Ann Maycock to leave the Island. Signed, A. Skene. Sept. 28, 1704. ½ p.
939. xvi. Petition of William Gordon to H.E., as to the violence of Maycock and Tyrril at the election of St. Lucy's. 1½ pp.
939. xvii. Copy of Summons to the Freeholders of St. Lucy's (Maycock, Terrill, Gordon, Capt. Samuel Maverick, Middleton Chamberlain, Capt. Christopher Berrow, George Thompson, John Harris, Thomas Aggard, Wm. Harris, Thomas Waite, William Rollock, Richard Jones, George Dowridge, Joseph Jemet, James Greyham, William Bruning, Francis White, Hugh Graves, John Curle, Richard Aldin, Wm. Yarwood, and Capt. Samuel Osborne) to attend H.E. in Council, Sept. 11, 1704. 1 p.
939. xviii. Governor's Order to Capt. Martin to deliver pressed men to Capt. Ackland. (No. ix.) Sept. 9, 1704. ¾ p.
939. xix. Capt. Martin's reply to H.E. I cannot discharge so many men at this juncture. Sept. 11, 1704. 1 p.
939. xx. Order of John Farmer, President, to the Treasurer, to pay Thomas Maycock 1/3d. of the money raised by the Act for repairing the Fortifications. Dec. 23, 1702. Col. Maycock's receipt for 1,500l. thereupon. 1 p.
939. xxi. Certificate that the following are sworn to be true copies by William Sharpe, J.P. Nov. 18, 1704. Signed, Bevill Granville. 1 p.
939. xxii. Deposition of Alexander Walker, Nov. 17, 1704. [See Report, March 29.] 1 p.
939. xxiii. Deposition of John Holder. Nov. 17, 1704. [See Report, March 29.] 1½ pp.
939. xxiv. Deposition of George Harper. Nov. 17, 1704. [See Report, March 29.] 1 p.
939. xxv. Certificate that the following depositions are true copies sworn before Robert Johnstown, J.P. Signed. Bevill Granville. 1 p.
939. xxvi. Deposition of George Hay, Dep. Provost Marshall. Sept. 18, 1704. Capt. Martin refused to deliver up Maycock, Terril and Curle (Nos. viii and xiii) or to recognise the jurisdiction of any officer of Barbados on board H.M.S. Blackwall, etc. 1 p.
939. xxvii. Deposition of Alexander Skene to the same effect as preceding. 1 p.
939. xxviii. Depositions of William Sharpe and William Holder that the sum received by Col. Maycock [No. xx] has never been accounted for. Sept. 25, 1704. ½ p.
939. xxix. Depositions of Capt. Samuel Goodwin, Chief Gunner of Charles alias Nedham's Fort, and of Thomas Johnson, matross, that H.M.S. Blackwall arrived in the bay of Carlisle from her cruise July 16, and continued there till Sept. 18, 1704. ½ p.
939. xxx. Certificate that the following are true copies of depositions sworn before the Honble. James Colleton, J.P. Signed, Bevill Granville. ¾ p.
939. xxxi. Deposition of William Sharpe, Member of Council, Nov. 17, 1704, as to the Governor refusing to take any benefit from the bill to raise a guard. [See Report, March 29.] Signed, Wm. Sharpe. 1¼ pp.
939. xxxii. Deposition of Robert Johnstown, Member of Council to same effect as preceding. 1¾ pp. The whole endorsed, Recd. Read March 7, 1704/5. [C.O. 28, 7. Nos. 103–131.]
March 7.
940. F. Gahtman to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Repeats prayer for relief, Feb. 8. Signed, Francis Gahtman. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 15, 1704/5. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 863. No. 131.]
March 7.
941. W. Popple to Mr. Bernard. The Council of Trade and Plantations have appointed Munday at 4 to hear the matters relating to the Four Suspended Counsellors of Barbadoes etc. [C.O. 29, 9. p. 211.]
March 7.
942. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary Hedges. Announces death of Governor Sir W. Mathew, and Col. Codrington's desire to serve H.M. again in that Government, which you will please to lay before H.M. Autograph signatures. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 39. No. 101; and 153, 9. pp. 91, 92.]
March 8.
943. Governor Nicholson to [? Sir Charles Hedges]. Acknowledges letter of May 25. Will send Journals of Council by the next safe opportunity. H.M. Instructions for letters of marque, May 25, 1704, shall be most readily obeyed, but there has no Privateer been fitted out from this Country since the Warr, nor probability of any. What your Lordp. is pleased to write, June 13, about pitch, tarr and other Naval Stores, I have given the necessary orders thereupon, and when I receive answers from some Countys about that, I shall transmitt them, etc. Congratulates his appointment, "wch. will no doubt be to the great satisfaction of the whole English Empire in these parts of the world," etc. Signed, Fr. Nicholson. Endorsed, R. May 2. Enclosed,
943. i. Copy of Address of Governor, Council and Assembly of Virginia to the Queen, 1704. Assure H.M. of their loyalty and thank her for her Picture etc. Signed by Governor and Members of Council and Assembly. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1340. Nos. 8, 9.]
March 9.
Fleet Prison.
944. Mr. Clifford to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Prays for the speedy despatch of his business. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 12, 1704/5. 1 p. [C.O. 388, 75. No. 114; and 389, 36. p. 252.]
March 9. 945. W. Penn to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Honble. Friends, I made a poor shift to waite upon you to pray the Perticular of wt. I am to surrender, My Counsell telling me that Genlls. are neither fitt for ye Queen's service, nor safe for me. But when he has the mind of ye Bord, he will speedily make a Draught for your vew. My late illness has been an hindrance to ye dispatch desired, wch. being out of my power to hinder, I hope it will not be thought a fault or neglect in your assured and respectful ffrd. Wm. Penn. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 9, 1704/5. Holograph. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1263. No. 14; and 5, 1291. pp. 131, 132.]
March 9.
946. W. Popple, jr., to Mr. Penn. In reply to preceding, the Council of Trade and Plantations expect you will surrender your Letters Patents for the Government of Pennsylvania to H.M. with all the powers therein contained, reserving to yourself the Propriety of the soil and the Quit rents thereof; if there be anything else which you desire to reserve, their Lordships would be glad to know it at any time you will think fit to call here, etc. [C.O. 5, 1291. pp. 132, 133.]
March 10.
947. Governor Dudley to the Council of Trade and Plantations. My last addresses were by the Gospir, Oct. 31. Acknowledges letter of May 26. H.M. letters, enclosed therein, to the Governments of Connecticot and Rhoad Island to give their assistance to this Province, arrived while the Assembly of this Province were sitting, who were very sensible of H.M. speedy care for them, and accordingly I despatched them to both the Governments by foure Gentlemen of this Province, that they might improve them to advantage, who pursued the busness with good diligence, and both the Governments had to answer that the last summer since my complaint they had done something. Road Island had sent 50 men to joyn in the Eastern expedition, and Connecticot 300 to our West Hampshire upon Connecticot River, which is truly the frontiere and cover of all theyr Colony, which are both true, but have more shew than reality, for though Connecticot did send the men they mention, yet I was forced to subsist them, and find them their ammunition, which truly reduceth their sum to a quarter of what they mention, and they have now 200 men in the same place, but I am yet obliged to give them all subsistence, and they will march off when they please by the direction of their own masters, so that I am sure of nothing, nor doe I ever expect they will be under command while those Charter Governments are standing.
Road Island Assembly is now sitting, and have promised that they will make a perfect muster of their inhabitants, and then consider of a quota which they will maintaine. To this Government I sent the Judge of the Admiralty with H.M. commands referring to the Admiralty Jurisdiction, and the repeal of theyr Lawes pretending to those powers, to which Col. Cranson and the Council gave answer then that there should be all obedience given, and no further pretention made as heretofore; however some moneths since Col. Cranson hath given commission to — Halsye, in the Charles galley, to whom I had myself expressly refused any commission because she was that unfortunate vessel out of which the pyrates were lately executed, and truly Laurence not fitt to command her, and particularly because I had your Lordships' letters informing me that H.M. had given new Instructions to her Governours for the regulation of privateers, which were not then come to my hand, and I had refused to suffer any vessels to proceed until those commands and directions should arrive. However Col. Cranson hath commissioned them, and they are long since proceeded on theyr voyage, what I humbly informe your Lordships in these articles is strictly true, and will again revive all the disorders of that place, unlesse prevented by some further methods, which your Lordships' wisdom will find out.
Since my last expedition in the summer to the Bay of Fundee, we are every day advised that what the forces of this Province did there against the enemy was of great value, and hath been such a discouragement to the French and Indians that for 5 moneths past my marching partyes in the desert can find no footsteps of them, having left all their settlements neare us, and though we were (by intercepted letters between the two Governors of Quebeck and Port Royall) threatened with a march of 1,000 men upon our frontiers, we have seen nothing of it, although it hath necessarily put me upon very strong guards from Deerfield to Wells, 200 miles distant, besides that I have 300 of the best men in the Province now out upon their snow-shoes to find Norrigawaog, their farthest and greatest quarter of residence 200 miles into the woods on the back of Pemaquid, that have been now marched 20 daies, of whose returne I hope to informe before the ship's departure, all which adds to the great charge of this Province, tho I must doe the Assembly here that right, however they neglect my personall support, they have at no time doubted or delayed their concurrence to any expedition I have thought fitt, nor the payment for it, their whole being at stake. They have also given the last session 2,000l. for the rebuilding H.M. Province galley, which was built here 7 years since, but was too small and decayed, and thereby unfitt to meet a privateer of the enemy of any bignesse, and she will be neare 200 tons and carry 18 guns and 60 men, and I hope will saile within a moneth. I humbly offer these articles to your Lordships if it may be to strengthen theyr addresse to H.M. that there may be ships of war and ordnance and stores necessary sent hither, which your Lordships acquaint me have been delayed for want of plans of the severall fortifications, which I had sent by Cary, but were unfortunately taken. I have desired Col. Romer to repeat them if possible, by this conveyance, but he is at Pascataqua. By the Gospir I gave your Lordships the account of the pyrates that were executed and remaining condemned, since which 6 have broken prison notwithstanding constant guards upon them, our prison being so full of French prisoners, and some ill people, that are offended that any such proceeding should be had against those that bring in money though never so ill-gotten, have taken care to hide them off, which I cannot discover, and one of them is dead in prison, so that there are but six left. Prays for H.M. directions. This proceeding was the first Session of the Court of Admiralty established here by Act of Parliament, and I had a long and great trouble to bring the matter to passe and to discover the treasure, being in near 100 persons' hands before the pyracy was made certain, that I humbly offer whether H.M. may not be moved that some share thereof may be assigned me, especially considering the mean support I have at present in this Government, that will not pay the halfe of the expense of it. I understand 10 p.c. hath been taken in some other Governments where there hath not been such difficulty in the proceedings, besides that it will convince everybody here that my care and service therein is acceptable to H.M.
Lt.-Governor Usher hath offerred his accounts, wherein this Province is indebted to him in the time of Sir E. Androsse etc. I think they are very plaine and just, and a Committee of the Council, who by the Charter have the power of drawing money out of the Treasury, have reported upon them with very little objection, and the Representatives have left theyr objection very uncertain. All which Mr. Usher will lay before you. If your Lordships shall obtain H.M. commands for payment of the balance which shall appear to your Lordships, there being now no further to be said in it; it will be a great favour and justice to him.
As the Assembly have neglected the support of all their publick officers, so they have done particularly of Lt. Governor Povey, who hath shewed himselfe in all occasions a very good officer. I lately found an establishment of the Castle, whereof he is Captain, which setts the Captain's pay at 100l. per annum, and when they refused to do anything for him in either post, with the consent of the Council as the Charter directs, I gave a warrant to the Treasury to make payment of that sum, farre lesse than he deserves and lesse than they have given others before. Thereupon the Assembly have voted it a grievance, as truly all salarys and payments to the Queen's servants are, and desired that the money be again returned to the Treasury. I have directed the Secretary to cover that Establishment and their vote thereupon, and submit it to your Lordships whether that be not a standing establishment till the Governor, Council and Assembly shall all agree to take it away, all which I am humbly of opinion would want H.M. consent also. The Judges' salarys being but 50l. per annum, hath occasioned their memoriall and complaint often to the Assembly, but I can obtaine no addition, and the Law requires five, whereof three to sit, I expect that will soon be a complaint of greater concernment. The Cheife Justice hath layd downe a year past and one other now offers to lay downe, and the Council will not consent to such as I have nominated, being the best qualifyed men for estates and loyalty, and if the Bench failes, I cannot consent to lesse and inferior persons such as perhaps they would have. I pray your Lordships' directions therein. I expect it not to end well until H.M. hath an approved Lawyer sent hither for a Cheife Justice, that may direct the whole and be well supported, which the present forme and constitution will not admitt of. Capt. Redknap is very acceptable to me. The complaint of Loyd against Bald was a wrong information. George Bald proceeded in the vessel mentioned from the West Indies, and was never in this Province as anybody can informe me, there was another George Bald of this countrey, who was not then at Newfoundland, and is lately dead in this towne. I shall obey your Lordships command in the new Direction for privateers both as to the instruction and value of their securityes. The Castle of this place is perfectly finished and when Col. Romer comes to Towne shall have the inscription etc. The fort at Pascataqua is very well advanced, but I am got 1,000l. beyond the graunt of that Assembly, which was but for 500l., which they are very hardly able to beare. Your Lordships' commands refering to inhabitants coming from England or the other Plantations to settle here, is soon accounted for, there hath not been 10 families these last 10 years, come to settle here, but some hundreds are gone from hence to all the neighbour Colonies who are in peace, and quitt of taxes, while both are heavy upon this place, so that I dare put it to that issue with Connecticot and Road Island, if they will impresse and send into the service such or so many good able men as they have got from us in seven yeares past, I will aske no more.
I shall obey H.M. commands referring to Uncas when the affaires of this Province will allow me to be so long absent. It is 120 miles to the place where I must necessarily sit, and they are very tedious in their proceedings. By the last ships I received H.M. picture and coat of armes, the armes were the next day fixed in the Council Chamber; and I issued warrants to the Sheriffs forthwith to reforme the armes in all their Court-houses before the next session of any Court. H.M. picture I have set up in my owne house, where it is alwaies in the view of all masters of sea, strangers and others etc. Signed, J. Dudley. P.S.—Acknowledges letters of July 6 and Aug. 24, 25, with Instructions. I humbly offer names for Councellors of New Hampshire: Winthrop Hilton, Richard Waldren, Joseph Smith, Shadrach Walton. The best men of loyalty and estates in the province not already of the Council, and three of them have agreed Mr. Alin's title. Endorsed, Recd. 25 June, Read Dec. 10, 1705. 6½ pp. [C.O. 5, 863. No. 132; and 5, 912. pp. 4–15.]
March 10.
Boston, New England.
948. Governor Dudley to [? Mr. Secretary Hedges]. Acknowledges letters of May 21, June 23, July 6 and 17. I shall yield strict obedience to the Instruction for privateers &c. In the business of the masts, I am well appraised of the importance thereof to H.M., and have not had for a year past less than 100 men guard upon the axes and teams, and have not lost one piece upon which they have laboured. I shall take care that there be no imbeslements of prizes, tho' the Judge of the Admiralty is a person of loyalty and good estate and the officers very carefull, so that I have no complaint from the Prince's Receiver here. The last letter containing the indulgence to merchants to sayle with half foreingners, I received this day, and shall forthwith publish it, and put it into the offices of the sea, where it will be very acceptable. The Assembly of this Province the last year sent home their Address to H.M. without any consent or direction from myself, and were reprimanded by the Council of Trade and Plantations, and the Address was not delivered. This year they have done better, and I humbly pray your Honour's favour for them in the perticulars. The warr is very pressing and the expence more than £40,000 a year, an excessive charge for this Province, but they have in their Address acknowledged the just expence of their taxes and the good success of their forces, and their defence, and yet will by no means settle any support for the Governor or other officers of H.M. here, however I ask H.M. favour for them. Signed, J. Dudley. Endorsed, Apr. (?) 26. Holograph. 2 pp. [C.O. 5. 751. No. 64.]


  • 1. G—N. promised several of them their Commissary should be turn'd out, and they in his Place.
  • 2. Some were New Comers, and would fain have come off by that Pretence, but were not suffer'd.
  • 3. When he was affronted and abused by the G—r., and not suffer'd to Preach, and without a Penny of Money to support him, Mr. B. H. and Mr. R. B., with some Friends of theirs, gave him 30l.
  • 4. He Preached a Sermon against Women upon the Serpents Beguiling Eve, wherein he laid out his Wife to the best advantage, for Hanging his Cat called Alice, whom he more dearly Lov'd. He is his own Brewer, Baker, Butcher and Cook.