America and West Indies: May 1709, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 24, 1708-1709. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1922.

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'America and West Indies: May 1709, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 24, 1708-1709, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1922), British History Online [accessed 17 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: May 1709, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 24, 1708-1709. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1922), British History Online, accessed February 17, 2025,

"America and West Indies: May 1709, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 24, 1708-1709. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1922), British History Online. Web. 17 February 2025.

May 1709, 1-15

May 1.
483. Governor Handasyd to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses duplicate of last letter. The Assembly has pass'd 12 private and publick. Acts, which I am getting ready with all speed, and shall send with the Minutes of the Councill and Assembly by the first man of war or packet boat, not daring to venture them by this ship. I have prorogued the Assembly from April 18 to May 30, at which time I design to prorogue them to March 1, 1710, believing I shall not get a better. A small Spanish sloop came in here about a fortnight ago from Porto Prince for exchange of prisoners, and gives an account that the ships are not yet sail'd from La Vera Cruz, nor the galleon from Carthagene to Havanna. The Island is at present pretty healthy.
P.S. I am informed by the Spaniards that came in the Flag of Truce, that there was in the ship lately taken by the Portland 400,000 peices of eight registered, besides what was not registered. Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Endorsed, Recd. 21st, Read 25th July, 1709. 1½ pp. [C.O. 137, 8. No. 44; and 138, 12. pp. 419, 420.]
May 2. 484. W. Nivine to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following. Signed, Will. Nivine. Endorsed, Recd. Read May 2, 1709. 1 p. Enclosed,
484. i. Abstract of Petition and Articles against Governor Parke. (See March 31, April 12). Same endorsement. 3¾ closely written pp.
484. ii. Abstract of depositions in support of preceding. Same endorsement. 10¼ closely written pp.
484. iii. Abstract of the Minutes of Assembly of Antegoa, Nov, 28, 1707–June 14, 1708. Same endorsement. 6¾ pp.
484. iv. Analysis of evidence in support of No. 1. Same endorsement. 2 pp.
484. v. Remarks [by Mr. Nivine] upon the preceding, and a proposal for the suspension of Governor Parke, etc. Endorsed, Recd. May 2, 1709. 2 pp.
484. vi. Draft of bond proposed to be entered into by 4 merchants in £500 each, for the indemnification of Col. Parke if acquitted. Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp.
484. vii. Deposition of John Barnes, in support of Article I. (March 31). Copy. 1 p.
484. viii. Depositions of James Atkinson, Mariner, as to pressure put upon him by the Governor to give evidence against Mr. Chester, etc. Copy. 5 pp.
484. ix. Copy of Col. Parke's Order to Col. Codrington to produce his title to Barbouda, etc. March 18, 1707. Signed, Daniel Parke. Copy. 1½ pp.
484. x. Deposition of Elizabeth Hastings, Aug. 10, 1708, that she was turned out of her house near St. Johns, Antigua, by soldiers, upon orders from the Governor, etc. Copy. 2½ pp.
484. xi. Deposition of Geffrey Duncomb, Antigua, July 30, 1708, as to a guard of grenadiers placed over some brandy imported by Edward Chester, and removed after an interview with the Governor. Copy. 1½ pp.
484. xii. Copy of a decree made by Governor Parke, Antigua, June 8, 1708, on the petition of Anne, wife of John Vincent, for maintenance. Edwd. Chester to pay her annuity according to a bond entered into with her before her marriage. Signed, Daniel Parke. 2 pp.
484. xiii. Copy of a decree made by Governor Parke, Antigua, June 14, 1708, in the case of Robert Latimer v. Samuel Watkins, James Field, and John and Katherine Greenway. Watkins to pay £43 as an executor of Leonard Waller, but only as far as he had assets. Nothing decreed against Waller's relict, Katherine Greenway. Signed, Daniel Parke. 4 pp.
484. xiv. Copy of an injunction granted by Governor Parke, St. Kitts, May 20, 1708. Giles Watkins of Antegoa is not to proceed v. Thomas Morris, until the Court of Chancery shall have given their decree in the case Morris v. Watkins. Signed, Daniel Parke. 1 p.
484. xv. Deposition of Richard Sharpe, Antigua, Aug. 6,1708. The sloop Great Britain, belonging to Edward Chester, senr., was condemned by a Court of Admiralty, St. Kitts. Governor Parke granted deponent leave to appeal to England, but deterred Dr. Rowland Garnet and Mr. Burreau by threats from providing the necessary security. Signed, Richard Sharpe. Copy. 1 p.
484. xv(a). Copy of Richard Sharpe's appeal (see preceding). 1 p.
484. xvi. Governor Parke's warrant to Samuel Watkins to remit the powder duty to vessels owned by the inhabitants of Antigua any former act or order to the contrary notwithstanding. Signed, Daniel Parke, May 24, 1707. Copy. 1 p.
484. xvii. Deposition of Samuel Watkins, Antigua, Aug. 25, 1708. In June last past, Governor Parke said, "were it not for some few friends I have upon your Island, I would send your Island to the Devil." Signed, Sa. Watkins. Copy. 1 p.
484. xviii. Deposition of Samuel Philips, Antigua, Aug. 26, 1708. Confirms Articles 20 and 25, March 31 and April 12. q.v. Signed, Samuel Philips. Copy. 1 p.
484. xix. Deposition of Geffrey Duncomb, Antigua, July 30, 1708. Confirms Article 25, April 12. q.v. Copy. 1 p.
484. xx. Deposition of Capt. Joseph Hall, Commander of the Virgin Queen, privateer. June 13, 1708 at St. Kitts, Governor Parke exacted from him 1/10th of a prize, etc. Confirms Article 21. Signed, Joseph Hall. Copy. 3 pp.
484. xxi. Governor Parke to Lt. Governor Hodges, Antigua, Feb. 14, 1707/8. I understand that you have condemned the 54 negroes brought in by Capt. Dunavan; when I sent you that Commission 'twas only to try the sloop that was seized, and 'twas never intended to condemn any prizes, for no privateer shall condemn any prize but where I am. I shall take Dunavan's commission from him, since he has served me so. I expect the tenths in kind, and not by appraisment. I desire you to send them by the Bearer and the negro that run away, tho' I promised Capt. Akers, and the rest of the English privateers, for their incouragement, they should not pay the tenths, I did not promise it to Dunavan. I understand the Danes have a Free Trade at Mountserratt, for the future suffer none to stay longer than to fill water, which is not above an hour's work. Signed, Daniel Parke. Copy. 1 p.
484 xxii. Deposition of John French, merchant of St. Thomas. Montserrat, July 21, 1708. In Feb. last he was in Antigua, Commander of a Danish sloop. He twice received a message by Mr. Patrick Blacke from Governor Parke, assuring him he should not be molested in trading within his government, provided he gave him 100 pistoles in gold. He refused £40 which he offered. In Curacoa last May deponent met with Robert Jones of St. Kitts, Master of an English sloop belonging to H.E., loaden with brown Muscovada sugars, which cargo Jones traded for Dutch goods and money for H.E. account and brought to St. Kitts, July 10. Signed, John French. Copy. 1½ pp.
484. xxiii.–xxviii. Copies of Depositions of Edward Chester senr., William Chapman, Jeremiah Brown, Edward Chester, jr., Samuel Walker, and Jacob Thibon, confirming Article 24, April 12, q.v. Antigua, Sept. 20, 1708. The whole, 18 pp.
484. xxix. Deposition of Lt. Governor Hodges, confirming Article 23, April 12. q.v. Mountserratt, June 26, 1708. Signed, Anthony Hodges. Copy. 1¾ pp.
484. xxx. Deposition of Jonathan Warner, Jan. 3, 1709. Clerk of the Council, Montserat, deponent heard some dispute in Council, on Dec. 20, 1708, between Governor Parke and George Wyke relating to [preceding] deposition. Governor Parke said the [Lt.] Governor was a raskal, for what he spoke was in jest and over a glass of wine, etc. Signed, Jonan. Warner. Copy. 1 p.
484. xxxi. Copies of papers, warrants etc. relating to the proceedings at Edward Chester's house, Sept. 18, 1708, including letter from Sir Samuel Gerrard to Edward Perrie, etc. Confirm Article 24, April 12. q.v. 6¼ pp.
484. xxxii. Governor Parke's Mandamus to C. J. Samuel Watkins to sign an attachment against Henry Fletcher. Signed, Daniel Parke. July 30, 1708. Note: The Governor has no power to intermeddle with the orders of the Court of Common Pleas, except upon application in Council. Copy. 2 pp.
484. xxxiii. Mr. Nivine's evidence in support of the Articles of complaint against Governor Parke. Signed, Will. Nivine. Copy. 7 pp.
484. xxxiv. Col. John Ward to the Council of Trade and Plantations. St. Kitts, Aug. 25, 1708. Petitioner entered into partnership with Governor Parke to farm a plantation etc. The Governor has broken through all his covenants and so forfeited his bonds, besides so treating petitioner as to ruin him speedily, unless prevented. Prays that he be compelled to pay him the money due to him for the labour of his negroes etc. Signed, John Ward. Copy. 1¼ pp.
484. xxxv.–xxxvii. State of the case, accounts, agreements, etc. between John Ward and Governor Parke. Copies. 62 pp.
484. xxxviii. Copy of proceedings of the Court of Admiralty, St. Kitts, re the sloop Great Britain, July 12 and 13, 1708. 9 pp.
484. xxxix. Copy of proceedings of the Court of Admiralty, Antigua, re the sloop Union. July 31, Aug. 3 and 4, 1708. 15 pp.
484. xl. Edward Chester to Robert Chester. Aug. 24, 1708. The Governor demanded a present of 2 negroes from every ship that came from the Gold Coast. Confirms Article 16, March 31. etc. Copy. 6 pp. [C.O. 152, 8. Nos. 15, 15. i.–xl.; and (without enclosures) 153, 10. pp. 352, 353.]
May 3.
485. The Earl of Sunderland to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The Queen being informed that some hundreds of poor German Protestants are lately come and more are coming from the Palatinate with intentions to settle in H.M. Plantations in America, H.M. being convinced that it would be much more for the advantage of Her Kingdoms if a method could be found to settle them here in such manner as they might get a comfortable livelyhood, instead of sending them to the West Indys, that it would be a great encouragement to others to follow their example, and that this addition to the number of her subjects would in all probability produce a proportionable increase of their trade and manufactures; H.M. has commanded me to signify to you Her pleasure that you should take this matter into consideration, and that if you can think of any proper method of having this done, you should propose the same to H.M. as soon as is possible, together with your opinion in what part of England it may be most feasible. They are for the most part husbandmen and labouring people, which renders it the easier to dispose of them to the advantage of the publick. Signed, Sunderland. Endorsed, Recd. 3rd, Read 4th May, 1709. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 388, 76. No. 54; and 389, 36. pp. 398, 399.]
[May 3.] 486. Capt. Moody to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Proposals for the better Government and security of Newfoundland. Signed, J. Moody. Endorsed, Recd. Read May 3, 1709. 3 pp. [C.O. 194, 4. No. 90; and 195, 5. pp. 86–90.]
May 4.
487. Governor Parke to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Capt. Buor, who brings your Lordshipps this, alsoe carrys with him the Minutes of the Councill to the meeting of the last Councill, etc. I need make noe remarke for I doe nothing without the advice and consent of the Councill, and it is all entered in the books. I can't gett the Minutes of the Assembly, the bookes are kept by the Speaker, and he is to deliver noe coppys but by order of the house, indeed there is no great regard to be had of them, for they are not kept by sworne Clerke, they pretend it is their right to put in their owne clerke, and he is not to be sworne to enter all yt. passes, for sometimes it is not requisite, and they are soe very fickle they have had in my time three severall Clercks in one weeke, one thing shall be put to the vote and carryed one way, if some of the cunning men dont like it, two or three hours afterwards, they will continue to gett some of the members out of the house with a bowle of punch, or some other way, and put the same question and have it carryed quite contrary, and then adjourne the house, and soe it must stand. Tell them this is not like the House of Commons, when a vote is passed, the same thing cannot be brought on that Sessions, they laugh, and thinke themselves in the right, they assume the negative voice, and without it they will pass noe law, that is they pretend it is noe Law, untill it be first passed their house, the Councill and myselfe, and after that be sent downe and the Speaker has signed it. Tell them when once a law has passed the House of Commons and Lords it is never sent backe, and when the Queen gives her assent to it, then it is a Law, they say it is noe matter for that, they will have it their owne way. None of the other Islands pretend to any thing like this. They had a Custome that all Laws were to be signed by ye Generall and Speaker, and when the Generall passed any Law, the Assembly were by, and out of respect they gave the Generall the penn first, but when the Generall was of the Island, the Speaker then signed the Law, and sent it for the Generall to signe, and it had gone on soe still but the last Assembly after a law had been passed wch. was a very good one, for establishing standing guards, after I had signed it the Speaker was order'd by the house not to signe it, and soe it was noe law, and that we might not have it to put in force, they kept it, these Gentlemen not only pretend to be part of the Legislative, but the whole Government, for if any man wants anything, they sollicitt them, and they adress me, and if I don't grant it, nothing is then to be done, noe mony must be disposed of but by a warrant from the Speaker, though it is contrary to my Instructions, it is all one if I will not suffer, they will raise none, the reason for all this irregularity is this, theyr former Generalls did not understand the proper methods, and then every time they met, they made him a present, and therefore he let them 'doe what they pleased, and because I would not lett them doe soe too and pass a law to fine and imprison any one that should affront any of their house, and they to be judges, and alsoe power to inflict corporall punishment, they would not pay me what they settled on me by a law for house-rent, but if I would have humoured them in their unreasonable desires, then I should have my houserent well payd, and have a hansome present, besides had I done this your Lordships had heard of no complaint, notwithstanding all Codrington's intriegues. Now they tell the people I have taken away all their libertys, though in a messuage to them I offer'd them all the priviledges the house of Commons pretended to, but they are for they privileges of the Lords, and the Queen's prerogative too. It is in your Lordshipps' power to bring them now into the same method with the other Goverments. Their Clerke should have a sallary settled on him and sworne, their proceedings ought to be as near as may be like the House of Commons. I shall be governed by your Lordshipps, and shall follow ye order I recieve. Your Lordshipps will see in the Minutes of the Councill a letter I writ to Coll. Jones about cloathing, and paying his regiment, and I there offer him if he will lett me recieve wt. the Queen allows, I will doe it, and add to the pay of the subaltern officers. I undertooke to doe it myselfe because he should have noe pretence to evade it, and I had people in every Island would have undertaken it, I know noe reason why the poor soldier should not have that paid him and layd out upon him the Queen allows, they ought to be paid once a month, and every Captaine have liberty to take up money to pay his company, and his bills on the Agent to be paid, but the Coll. is makeing bargains with the merchant who will give him most, and they send over goods, and if any accident happens, the men are [u] npaid and uncloathed, and consequently a great many will die for want of neccessarys. Provisions now are cheap, such as they eat, and they may live very well on their pay, if the Coll. would duly cloath them and see that they be paid their due, if the Queen does not think fitt to intrust the Captains, there should be a Commissary apointed to see it done, for unless some care be taken in a litle time they will be reduced to a very small number, and those not fitt for service, it is now allmost six months since I recieved any letter from your Lordshipps. I expect your Lordships' command with a great deale of impatience. Capt. Medcalfe is arrived with the Queen's bounty provissions, and I have sent the Queen's order and my Lord Sunderland's letter to the Lt. Governor of Nevis and St. Christophers. Refers to enclosures. I sent some of these by the last fleet, but not hearing of their arrivall, I send others. I shall have an adress alsoe from Nevis, but the sickness being there, I could not call the Councill and Assembly when I was at that Island, and the Adventure being taken the first of March last has made me a prisoner to this Island. The Weymouth being now here, I thinke to get Capt. Legg to carry me to the other Islands. Signed, Daniel Parke. Endorsed, Recd. July 13, Read Nov. 15, 1709. Recd. from Mr. Perry. 4 pp. Enclosed,
487. i. Affidavits of the officers of the Regiment in the Leeward Islands, justifying Governor Parke from the com plaints made against him March 31, April 12. Sworn in Council, Nov. 12, 1708. Endorsed, Recd. July 13, 1709. 3 pp.
487. ii. Address of Freeholders, Merchants and Planters of Antigua to the Queen. Congratulate successes of H.M. We should think ourselves as happy as any other your Majesty's subjects, if a spirit of division, (which of long time has been brewing) had not at this time broke out into a flame begun and carried on by the restless malice of some few persons against Governor Parke, etc. Praise Parke's administration, etc. Signed, Richard Olive, Samuel Byam, Wm. Yeamans, Christopher Knight, Thos. Rome, J. Huyghue, Will. Grear, John Smith, Wm. Lyell, Nathaniel Humphry, Tho. Dewitt, Alex. Blake, Edward Morgon, Jno. Sawcolt, H. Pember, Charles Goss, John Gosse, Richard Oglethorp, Danl. Hobart, Robert Porter, John Chamberlain, Henry Beaulieu, John Weatherill, Saml. Picart Lafertey, John Vineens, Sam. Wickham, Jno. Wickham, Saml. Proctor, Leonard Burroughs, Saml. Hewes, John Barbottain, Alexander Calman, Geo. Salter, Timothy Singin, [? St. John] John Parry, Dennis Machelmore, Cuth. Black, Walter Shelley, John Blondon, jr., Thomas Sawcolt, John Brady, James Westmore, Michael Ayon, John Brett, Robert Weir, F. Pouch, N. Symon, Jno. Poach, Jam. Robinson, Saml. Podivinu (?), Alexr. Dunn, Henry Norton, Giles Blizard, Giles Blizard jr., Gousse Bonnin, Petre Vollard, Abraham Cairson, Cæsar Rodeney, John Hoskins, Elias Jamain, Richard Sharpe, Walter Kirwan, Geo. Napper, John Watlington, Jer. Blizard, John Greenway, Jeremiah Blizard, jr., John Elliott, John Buxton Clerk, Jean Decosty, John Reynolds, Hazael Reynolds, B. Johnson, Thomas Lone, Jer. French, Edwd. Taylor, John Wright, James Nisbitt, Richd. Buckeridge, Abr. Redwood, John Haddon, Isaac Royall, Humphry Osborn, Joseph Buckshorn, C. Stoodly, Francis Rogers, Saml. Parry, Tho. Gateward, John Burton, Anth. Henteyne. Endorsed, Recd. July 13, 1709. 1 large p.
487. iii. Account of Stores of War in Antigua, Feb. 10, 1708/9. Same endorsement. 1 p.
487. iv. List of inhabitants of Martinique, their stores, ammunition and cattle etc. Jan. 1, 1708/9. 1481 men and 150 soldiers, 20,282 slaves etc. Same endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 8. Nos. 35, 35.i.–iv.; and (without enclosures) 153, 10. pp. 386–395.]
May 4.
488. Governor Parke to Mr. Secretary Boyle. I have desired the favour of Capt. Buor to deliver this to you, with some cytron water etc. He is an officer in the Regt. here, soe will be able to informe you of the state of these Islands much better then I can possibly doe by a letter. I hear they have sent some time agoe Articles against me, but what they are I am yett a stranger too, as alsoe are the whole Councill, and all the inhabitants except 5 or 6, for though they have gott severall to signe them, they were not suffered to see them, there are adresses from the severall Councills of each Island in my justification. I send these Adresses home, that the Queen may see that 3 of the 4 Islands not only thinke I have not been guilty of any male administration but on the contrary I have acted like a very good Governour, and the whole Councill, part of the Assembly and the most considerable inhabitants of this Island are of the same opinion, as they declare in their Address. Everybody knows very well the Duke of Marleborrough and my Lord Treasurer are my patrons, and it is by their favour that I was sent here. If I have been guilty of any male administration, the Duke and his Lordshipp ought to see that I bee not only removed but punnished, but common Justice requires that I be heard before condemned, this is all I desire. What a villanous petition did Mrs. Bowden deliver to the Queen against me, which upon examination by the Councill of Saint Christophers was found to be every article falce in fact, as apears by their report sent home with the severall affidavitts to justifie their report, this was putt in by order of her brother, Coll. Lillingston, to be revenged of me for pressing for his comeing over to his Regiment, putting in a petition and makeing a complaint costs nothing, it is throwing of dyrt, and when it is proved to be falce I can have noe remedy against the authors, the Articles Col. Codrington's friends have sent home they know themselves to be falce, notwithstanding the pretended depositions they have sent with them, but they hope to gett me out by bribery without being heard, for they make noe scruple to owne in their cupps and declare their articles are only to give a pretence to some great men. In all my publick transactions I have taken the advice of the Councill, and they are to be seen in the Minutes, etc., and if I am very charged with any ill thing in my private capacity, I am very certaine I shall be able to prove it both false and malitious. Had I had a Commission to be Brigadeer Generall, as the Duke promised me, when I tooke my leave, I had not had this uneasyness, but Coddrington finding soe many Collonels made Briggadeers over my head, who am by the Duke's Commission an older Coll. than any that has been made brigadeers for this two years past except Coll. Lillingston, he therefore concluded I had noe intrest, and consquently flinging of dyrt and makeing a claymour and some money well disposed of, would gett me removed. Signed, Daniel Parke. 3 pp. [C.O. 152, 42. No. 11.]
May 4.
489. Mr. Popple to Mr. Lowndes. The Council of Trade and Plantations having under consideration the most effectual method for preventing illegal trade in the Plantations, and more particularly in Virginia, they desire you to move the Lord High Treasurer, that they may have as soon as possible the opinion of the Commissioners of H.M. Customes upon an Act past in Virginia in June 1706, entituled, An Act for establishing of Ports and Towns in that Colony, transmitted to you in my letter of Dec. 4, 1706. [C.O. 5, 1362. p. 383.]
May 5.
Treasury Chambers.
490. Mr. Lowndes to Mr. Popple. My Lord Treasurer directs you to signifye to his Lordp. what accounts at any time have been sent to the Lords Commrs. for Trade and Plantations concerning the galeon taken by Capt. Waager in the West Indies. Signed, Wm. Lowndes. Endorsed, Recd. 5th, Read 6th May, 1709. Addressed. ¾ p. [C.O. 137, 8. No. 38; and 138, 12. p. 397.]
May 5.
491. The Earl of Sunderland to the Council of Trade and Plantations. H.M. being graciously disposed to relieve the necessitys of the German Protestants [see May 3], you are forthwith to make enquiry into their numbers and condition, and report to H.M. as soon as may be, what it may be necessary to give them for their present support, till they be either settled here or sent to H.M. Plantations. Signed, Sunderland. Endorsed, Recd. Read May 6, 1709. 1 p. [C.O. 388, 76. No. 55; and 389, 36. p. 409.]
May 7.
St. James's.
492. Additional Instructions for Brigadier Whetham. If the squadron of our Fleet employed in this expedition shall act against the enemy's battery's or fortifications, or shall assist in reducing any place possess't by the enemy to our obedience, the Flagg Officer [Com. in Cheif, in margin] who commands the same, is to be considered with regard to the plunder in the same proportion as you or the Commander in Cheif of our said forces, and the Captains, other officers of ships and seamen in our fleet, in the same manner as those acting on shore, and all other cases of plunder to be ruled, according to former custome of land, and sea forces acting together in the West Indies. ½ p. [C.O. 5, 751. No. 77.]
May 7.
St. James's.
493. H.M. Warrant for Governor Hunter to be Captain of the Independant Company at New York, whereof John Lord Lovelace was late captain, etc. Countersigned, Sunderland. [C.O. 5, 210. p. 176.]
May 7.
St. James's.
494. The Queen to Governor Crowe. Alexander Skeen is to be restored to his offices, according to the Representation of the Council of Trade, April 15, q.v. Countersigned, Sunderland. [C.O. 5, 210. pp. 149–151.]
[May 9.] 495. John Tribbeko and George Ruperti to the Council of Trade and Plantations. According to your Lordships' order, we have made a particular enquiry into the condition of the poor Protestant Palatines (see encl. ii.). These poor distressed people, who most humbly implore H.M. most gracious protection, have desired us to represent, (1) That those of 'em who had some substance when they left their country, have during their journey been obliged to assist the others who had nothing, by which means all of 'em (except some few) are now reduced to great want. (2) That they finding themselves under great straits, and having already some sick among 'em for want of necessary sustenance, and many of 'em going allmost naked, they pray some speedy relief, lest the vigorous young men might lose their health and strength, and so not be serviceable in the Plantations. (3) Those who are come over last and landed May 5th, having had some brandy taken from them by the Custom House Officers, pray that it may be restored to 'em. (4) That your Lordships would be pleased to order that they may not be overcrowded in the ships in their voyage to the Plantations, they having been in great misery, and had severall children died in their passage from Holland for want of room. (5) That about 100 more of their countrymen having been obliged to stay behind at Rotterdam, they cannot pay their transport hither, and leave it to your Lordships' generosity, etc. (6) It being likely that these poor people who are destitute of a minister, may stay here some time, we are ready to perform the divine services with 'em once or twice a week, if your Lordships would appoint a place near their dwellings in St. Catherine's, where they might meet. Return thanks etc. Signed, John Tribbeko, Chaplain of his late R.H. Prince George of Denmark. George Andrew Ruperti, Minister of the German Lutheran Church in the Savoye. Endorsed, Recd. 9th, Read 12th May, 1709. 2 pp. Enclosed,
495. i. Same to same. A great many of the poor Palatines begin to be very sikly, and several are dead here already, because (1) they are pakt up in such great numbers, we having found very often 20 to 30 men and women together with their children in one room; (2) when they fall sick they are destitute of all comfortable assistance, and many really want bread. Pray for some speedy relief for their great necessity. Signed as preceding. 1 p.
495. ii. A list of the poor Germans lately come over from the Palatinate, taken in St. Catherine's, May 6, 1709. Names, families, and ages, religions and trades of 852 refugees, of whom 150 of the 210 men are agriculturists, the rest tradesmen and mechanics. Signed as preceding. Endorsed, Recd. Read May 12, 1709. 19 pp. [C.O. 388, 76. Nos. 56, 56.i.,ii.]
May 9.
496. Governor Crowe to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses, duplicates. Acknowledges letters of Nov. 25, Dec. 15 and Feb. 24. There is not amongst them the copy of the Representation of the three Counselours as H.M. letter expresses, and commands me to answer to. I doubt not but fully to clear myself from all false aspertions which I find has had so great an impression on your Lordships etc. Signed, M. Crowe. Endorsed, Recd. 6th, Read 8th Aug., 1709. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 12. No. 34; and 29, 12. p. 1.]
May 9.
St. James's.
497. Additional Instructions to Brigadier Whetham. Whereas by our former Instructions you are at your arrivall at Boston in New England to consider at a Councill of war whether considering the failure of the Quotas of the respective Provinces, or the latenesse of the season, the expedition to Canada shall be found practicable, this is further to direct and require you, that in case the said expedition is found not practicable, you forthwith repair with the forces under your command to Newfoundland, in order not only to the recovery of St Johns, and what the enemy have lately taken from us and our subjects, but to the reducing to our obedience Placentia and the rest of Newfoundland, and this in such a manner as shall be judged most practicable in a Councill of War. N. This Instruction was sealed and thus endorsed "Additional private Instruction not to be opened by Brigadier Whetham, except upon his arrival at Boston in New England, if it be at a Councill of War found impracticable to go on the expedition on Canada." ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 751. No. 78.]
May 9.
St. James's.
498. Additional Instruction for Brigadier Whetham. Whereas by your former Instructions you are directed at your arrivall at Boston in New England, in case of the failure of the Quota's of the Troops of New England and New York etc., to consider whether the expedition to Canada will be found practicable, you are hereby further directed, in case at that time there shall be any doubt, whether the proper season of the year is past, to take that matter at the same time under your consideration, and you are at the same Councill of War to have the opinions in writing of the Lord Lovelace [Col. Hunter in margin], our Governour of New England, of Coll. Nicholson and Mr. Vetch, or as many of them as shall be present, together with their reasons for their said opinions, and this for the better guidance of your judgment in the said Councill of warr, and for our information of the reasons on which your resolutions shall be founded. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 751. No. 79.]
May 9.
499. W. Popple to Mr. Lownds. I herewith transmit to you the extracts of two letters from Brigadier Handasyd of June 17 and June 20, 1708, relating to the galleons taken and destroy'd by Capt. Wager (Cf May 5) which is all the information their Lordships have received of that affair. And as Brigadier Handasyd has given me no account of the value of any of the prizes mentioned in his letter, their Lordships have writ to him about that neglect, and directed him to transmit to them by the first opportunity the best account he can of the value of the said prizes. This you will please to lay before my Lord High Treasurer. [C.O. 138, 12. p. 400.]
May 10. 500. Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company to [? the Earl of Sunderland]. The Hudson's Bay Compa. have sent your Ldshipp. the two Bookes promised you, which your Ldshipp. would have had sooner, could they have been gott ready. They have likewise sent you the Compies.' case which they have already distributed in London, and designe to send the same over into Holland. They returne your Ldshipp. theire harty thankes for the many and great favours already received, humbly praying the continuance thereof. Signed, Step. Evance, Govr. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 3. No. 36.]
May 12.
501. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of Sunderland. Reply to letters of May 3 and 5. Quote MM. Tribbeko and Ruperti [May 9]. These Gentlemen proposing that the medium to provide for the 852 persons now here, if carefully distributed, may amount to no more than £16 per day, we signify the same to your Lordship for H.M. pleasure. [C.O. 389, 36. pp. 401–403.]
May 14.
502. Messrs. Sharpe, Walker and Beresford to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Our Governour Mr. Crowe's behaviour upon the receipt of H.M. gracious orders for restoreing us to ye Council and for ye examination of evidences on our complaint against him, has oblig'd us to lay before your Lordships this Representation, whereby your Lordships will perceive how little H.M. sacred commands are regarded, and what violent steps he is forced to take, rather then suffer an examination of those unjustifiable practices, which he knows we can so evidently prove against him. On ye 6th of this month we received duplicates of H.M. Orders. On ye 7th H.E. promised to restore Mr. Walker and Mr. Beresford, who waited on him, on Tuesday following, when the Council was to meet, and yt. he would give an order to any magistrate yt. we should name to take what depositions we pleased. But on Monday, the meeting of ye Council was adjourned to ye Thursday ye 12th; and that evening, as the paequet was goeing under sail, the Assembly met and passed an Address, wherein they falsely pretended yt. H.M. Order for restoreing us had occasion'd a general consternation and great dissatisfaction in ye inhabitants. This Address was passed by those persons against whom we were forced to complain in our Representation. They themselves seem to have been so sensible, yt. that they had given a wrong account of ye people's inclinations, yt. they endeavour'd to keep ye Address private; and in order thereunto ye Speaker took it from ye Clerk without leaving him any copy, or so much as suffering it to be enter'd on ye Journals. But as soon as it came to be known, by ye information of ye Members that voted against it, yt. ye majority had passed such an Address, it rais'd ye resentments of everybody to yt. degree, yt. in 48 hours an Address was presented to H.E. sign'd by 160 Gentlemen, who happened to be then in town, whereof nine tenths are ye most considerable merchants and traders, and it would also have been sign'd by a very great majority of all ye Gentlemen on ye Island, if they had had ye least notice of it; but they will still sign duplicates, and if there had been any freedome of choice at the last election, very few of these factious men would have been now in yt. House. The ten Gentlemen that voted for ye Address were Richard Downes, Speaker, Thomas Maycock, Thomas Maxwell, Edmund Sutton, Thomas Horne, Thomas Neal, Samuel Husbands, William Terril, William Grant, and James Vaughan, and we most humbly submit it to your Lordships, if it be not a matter of very dangerous consequence, yt. a few Members of the Assembly should presume to address H.M. Governour to disobey Her Royal Commands, as well as to take upon them to declare the sentiments of ye People; the contrary whereof will appear from a copy of ye Address herewith transmitted, etc. On ye 12th we went to Pilgrim, where the Council was appointed to meet, to know whether he would restore us. Soon after we came in, Col. Christopher Codrington, at the request of ye most considerable merchants of ye Island presented ye aforesaid Address; upon which H.E. after having read it, broke out into a violent passion, and turning himself to us, abus'd us in such scurrilous Billingsgate language as would be offensive to your Lordships' ears to hear; such as no Gentleman would have given even to a footman. After his temper was a little cooled, we presented to him a Memorial, praying him to give order by ye Honble. Thomas Beckles, Chief Judge of H.M. Court of Common Pleas for ye precinct of St. James and St. Thomas, to take ye affidavits upon our complaint. He ask'd whether your Lordships had transmitted to us a copy of ye Representation, and when we told him that your Lordships had not, he said that neither had your Lordships sent any to him, and yt. therefore untill he had a copy sent him, he would give no order. Then we offer'd to give him a copy of it, to which he answer'd that there was no occasion, since he himself had ye original; but that he did believe H.M. in her Order meant some other Representation then that which we deliver'd to him; for he had already answer'd that very fully. Upon which we tender'd H.E. our oaths that we had not since that transmitted any other Representation to your Lordships; but he told us yt. would not do. However, after several times pressing him, he said he would take time to consider of it. When he went in to Council, he order'd ye doors to be shut, and would not suffer us to be admitted, notwithstanding that ye serjeant at arms attending the Council acquainted him yt. we were without, and had waited several hours, and desired admittance, haveing matters of moment from H.M. to lay before him; and a 2nd time told him yt. we had H.M. letter unopen'd directed to H.E., as indeed we had, which we desired him to receive. His answere was, that he would receive no paper from us then; but that if we had anything to say, we must give it him in writeing another time. In ye evening ye Minutes of Council were sent to us, by which we perceive yt. ye reasons there given, why he will not restore us, are, in complyance with the aforesaid Address of ye ten Assemblymen, and some crimes as yet to us unknown, which they pretend to charg us with; tho' it is but too evident yt. the true reasons are his own numerous causes now depending, which are like to take up ye business of ye Council for some time, and which he is willing to have determined before our admittance, besides 2 Addresses, which were that day to be passed in Council, one for £500 to himself and ye other for £300 to be sent to Mr. Heysham and Mr. Royle to carry on a complaint against us; as also an Act constituteing them Agents with the allowance of £250 per annum salary to each. And we humbly recommend to your lordships' consideration, whether an Act obtein'd with such violence, yt. was carry'd only by one voice, and when 3 Members of ye Council were excluded, ought to be confirm'd. Assert their integrity, etc. Signed, Wm. Sharpe, Alexander Walker, Saml. Beresford. Endorsed, Recd. Read June 27, 1709. 4 closely written. pp. Enclosed,
502. i. Minutes of Council of Barbados, May 12, 1709, referred to in preceding. Copy. Endorsed, Recd. June 27, 1709. 4¼ pp.
502. ii. Petition from Messrs. Sharpe, Walker and Beresford to Governor Crowe, that he will instruct Mr. Beckles to take depositions as supra. Signed, Wm. Sharpe, Alexander Walker, Saml. Beresford. Endorsed, Recd. June 27, 1709. ¾ p.
502. iii. Governor Crowe's reply to preceding. He will give orders as desired as soon as he receives their Representation referred to in H.M. Order. Barbados, May 16. Signed, M. Crowe. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p.
502. iv.,v. Reply of Messrs. Sharpe, Walker and Beresford to preceding, May 18, 1709. Copy, sealed and certified by Alex. Skene. Same endorsement. 2½ pp.
502. vi. Petition of Messrs. Sharpe, A. Walker and Beresford to Governor Crowe for a copy of the Address of the Assembly accusing them of crimes to them unknown, etc. Copy, sealed and certified by A. Skene. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 12. Nos. 25, 25. i.–vi; and (without enclosures) 29, 11. pp. 460–468.]
May 14.
503. S. Cox and J. Pilgrim to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Confirm statements in preceding as to proceedings in Council of Barbados, May 12, 1709. Signed, Saml. Cox, Jno. Pilgrim. Endorsed, Recd. 9th, Read 15th Aug., 1709. 2 pp. [C.O. 28, 12. No. 38; and 29, 12. pp. 3–5.]
May 15.
504. The Earl of Sunderland to the Council of Trade and Plantations. H.M. approving of what you propose [May 12], has given orders for a supply to the poor Germans till they are otherwise provided for; and desires you will make what dispatch you can to report your opinion in the several points mentioned in my letter of May 15. Signed, Sunderland. Endorsed, Recd. Read May 17, 1709. 1 p. [C.O. 388, 76. No. 57; and 389, 36. pp. 403, 404.]