Index of Places and Things: U - Z

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 39, 1732. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939.

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'Index of Places and Things: U - Z', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 39, 1732, ed. Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1939), British History Online [accessed 18 February 2025].

'Index of Places and Things: U - Z', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 39, 1732. Edited by Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1939), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025,

"Index of Places and Things: U - Z". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 39, 1732. Ed. Cecil Headlam, Arthur Percival Newton (London, 1939), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025.


Utrecht, Trenty of, 323 i, 454 p. 251.
-, -,-, 14th article of, 259 vi.
-, -,-, articles of, infringement of, 160 i.
-, -,-,-, relating to Newfoundland, 235.
-, -,-,lands in Nova Scotia claimed under, 435.


Vera Cruz, plants for Georgia from, 416.
-, -, Act altering the days for holding the Courts for Richmond and Westmorland Countys, 308 (xv).
-, -, Act for altering the place for holding Courts of Spotsilvania County, 308 (xix).
-, -, Act for amending the staple of tobacco, effect of, 406 p. 230.
-, -,-,explanation of, 406 p. 229.
-, -, Act to confirm the sale of certain in tailed lands by John Douglass to John Frazer, etc., 195.
-, -, Act confirming the title of Richard Randolph to certain intailed lands etc., 195.
-, -, Act for continuing a duty on liquors etc., repeal of, 308 i.
-, -, Act to continue parts of an act for establishing the fees of certain officers etc., explanation of, 308 (xi).
-, -, Act declaring how long judgments, bonds etc., shall be in force etc., laid before Parliament, 136 i.
-, -, Act for dividing every of the countys of Richmond, King George and Prince William into two distinct parishes, 308 (xvii).
-, -, Act to enable Henry Gary to sell certain, intailed kinds etc., 195,
-, -, Act to enable, masters of .ships to employ their own sloops etc. in carrying tobacco on board, 308.
-, -,-,advantages of, 241.
-, -,-,passed, 241, 241 iii.
-, -, Act to enable and oblige the parish of St. George in Spot-silrania to refund to the parish of St. Mark in the same county the tobacco therein mentioned, 308 (xviii).
-, -, Act to enable Robert Carter Esq., one of the executors of Mann Page Esq. to pay the debts of the said Page etc., 308 (xxiii).
-, -, Act to explain and amend the act for amending the staple of tobacco and for preventing frauds in H.M.Customs, explanation of, 308 (ix).
-, -, Act for freeing owners from Castle duties, (1669), 87 p. 57.
-, -, Act concerning foreign debts, (1663), 87 p. 57.
-, -, Act for improving the staple of tobacco, alterations proposed, 241, 241 i.
-, -, Act for laying a duty on liquors, explanation of, 308.
-, -, Act for laying a duly upon slaves to be paid by the buyers, explanation of, 308 (ii).
-, -, Act laying £5 p. ct. ad valorem duty on negroes, explanation of, 406 p. 229.
-, -, Act laying an imposition on liquors, explanation of, 406 p. 229.
-, -, Act for lessening the reward for killing young wolves and for preventing frauds in obtaining certificates for wolves' heads, 308 (xii).
-, -, Act to make perpetual an act of 1727 for preventing delays in Courts of Justices etc., 308 (v).
-, -, Act to make the stealing of slaves felony without benefit of clergy, 308 (vi).
-, -, Act for making more effectual provision against insurrections and invasions, 308 (iii).
-, -, Act to oblige the county of Carolina to reimburse William Woodford the damages he sustained by means of the escape of Benjamin Fletcher, 308 (xxii).
-, -, Act prescribing the method for proving book debts, explanation of, 308 (viii).
-, -, Act to prevent frivolous and vexatious suits etc., 308 (iv).
-, -, Act for preventing the sale of rum to the Indians, 142.
-, -, Act, Privilege of owners (1668), 87 p. 57.
-, -, Act prohibiting sale of rum to Indians (1705), 86.
-, -, Act for pulling down wooden chimneys in the, towns of Norfolk and Southampton, 308 (xx).
-, -, Act for the priority of payment to the Country creditor (1664), 87. p. 57.
-, -, Act for raising a public lery, 308 (xvi).
-, -, Act for raising a publick revenue for the better .support of the Government etc. (1680), 87 p. 57.
-, -, Act to restrain the inhabitants of the town of Delaware, 308 (xxi).
-, -, Act for settling sortie doubts etc. in relation to the benefit of clergy etc., explanation of, 308 (vii).
-, -, Act for settling new ferries over James, Appamatox, Nottoway, Rappahanock, and Potomack Rivers, 308 (xiv).
-, -, Act, tobacco, opposition in England to, 241 ii.
-, -,-,-, support for, 241.
-, -, Act for vesting certain lands entailed in George Turbervile in fee simple etc., referred, 330.
-, -, Act vesting certain intailed lands in William Randolph etc., 195.
-, -, Acts for preventing the sale of rum to Indians, to be transmitted, 75.
-, -, Acts (4), referred, 26.
-, -,-,transmitted, 309.
-, -,-,private, approved, 195.
-, -,-,-, transmitted, 308 p. 176.
-, -, agent of. See Leheup, Peter.
-, -, Assembly of, Governor's Speech to, 241, 241 i.
-, -,-,-, reply to, 241 ii.
-, -,-,journal of, 136 i. 308, 309.
-, -,-,meeting of, 241.
-, -,-,proposal to alter customs duty on tobacco, 308 p. 177, 309, 309 i.
-, -,-,prorogued, 308 p. 177. 308 i.
-, -,-,and Tobacco Act, Northern Neck members desire repeal of, 149 p. 98,
-, -, Attorney General of. See Clayton.
-, -, boundaries of, 372.
-, -,-,Commission to settle, 314 i, 376.
-, -,College of William and Mary, support of, 308 p. 173.
-, -, convicts in, 149 p. 98.
-, -, convicts and felons transported to, effect of, 308 p. 178.
-, -, cotton and flax, 406 p. 230.
-, -, Council of, address of, 241.
-, -,-,to examine Col. Spotswood's accounts of expenditure, 109.
-, -,-,letter from, 24.
-, -,-,minutes of, 309.
-, -,-,opinion on proposed Act of Parliament concerning laws in Plantations affecting British Trade and Navigation, 24.
-, -,-,President of. See Carter, John.
-, -,-,reply to House of Commons regarding trade etc. in the Plantations, 24 p. 18.
-, -,-,representation from, extract of, 80 ii.
-, -,-,Surveyor General of Customs to be a member of. 111, 333.
-, -, Council and House of Burgesses, Address and petition from, 309, 309 i.
-, -, Councillors. See Carter, Robert ; Blair, James; Byrd, W.; Grymes, John; Dandridge, W. ; Custis, Jno.; Randolph, William; Harrison, Hen.; Digges, Cole ; Robinson, Joh.; Carter. John; Bray, David; Page, Mann; Armistead, Henry; Taylor ; Lee, Thomas.
-, -, debts in, method of recovery, acts concerning, 87 p. .57.
-, -, A Dialogue between Thomas Sweet-Sented etc., by Lt. Gov. Gooch, 149 i.
-, -, Eucquehannah River, silver mine at, 376.
-, -, Falmouth, warehouse burnt at, proclamation concerning, 308 p. 177, 308 i.
-, -, Governor of, circular letter to concerning Georgia, 444.
-, -,-,instructions, additional, for, 205.
-, -,-,opinion on recovers of debts, 36.
-, -, House of Burgesses, address of, 241.
-, -,-,grant of Northern Neck land by, petition concerning, 308 pp. 176, 177.
-, -,-,Speaker of. See Hollonnis, Jas.
-, -, Indians, trade with, 406 p. 230.
-, -, iron works in, 24 p. 18, 406 p. 230.
-, -, lands in, grant of, by James II, to Lord Fairfax, 125.
-, -, lands beyond the Great Mountains, claims to, 314 i, 372, 376; and see Fairfax, Lord; Baltimore, Lord ; Perm, W.
-, -,-,dispute over, Commission proposed for settlement of, 314 i.
-, -,-,settlements on, begun, 376.
-, -,-,-, by Swiss, petition for, 372.
-, -, Lieutenant Governor of. See Spotswood, A.; Gooch, William.
-, -, linen manufacture, 24 p. 18.
-, -, Madeira wine imported, account of, 241 iv.
-, -, manufactures in, 87 p. 61, 406 p. 230.
-, -,-,induced by low price of tobacco, 24 p. 18.
-, -, merchants trading to, petition of, Council's objection to, 24.
-, -, mines in, 315 i.
-, -,-,copper, 24 p. 18, 315 i, 406 p. 230.
-, -,-,silver, 315 i, 358 i, 363.
-, -,-,-, enquiry concerning, 376 ; and see Jones, Anne.
-, -, naval officer, returns of, 308 p. 178.
-, -, negroes, exported to Carolina, duty upon, 308 p. 173.
-, -,-, imported, account of, 24 iv.
-, -, Northern Neck, boundary of, dispute concerning, 308 p. 177.
-, -,-,disturbances in, 308 p. 177.
-, -,-,lands in, grant of, 308 pp. 176, 177.
-, -,-,objection to Tobacco Act, 149 p. 98.
-, -,-,warehouses burnt at, 149, 241.
-, -, Potomack, copper mines at, 315 i.
-, -, Prince William County, copper mines at, 315 i.
-, -, queries concerning laws etc. affecting Great Britain, reply to, 87 pp. 53, 57.
-, -, quit rents, 362.
-, -,-,paid in tobacco, 149 p. 98.
-, -, St. Mark Church, burning of, proclamation concerning, 308 p. 177, 308 i.
-, -, seal, old, defaced, 343.
-, -,-,-, returned, 312.
-, -, Shenandoa River, 308 p. 177.
-, -, Stafford, copper mines at, 315 i.
-, -, Sugar Colonies monopoly, objection to, 28.
-, -, survey of, expense of, 308 p. 178.
-, -,-,importance of, 308 pp. 177, 178.
-, -,-,recommended, 308 p. 177.
-, -, Surveyor General of. See Robinson, John.
-, -, tobacco, 24 p. 17, 87 p. 61.
-, -, tobacco act, dislike of, 149p. 98.
-, -,-,disturbances on account of, 308 p. 177.
-, -,-,good effect of, 376.
-, -,-,Lt. Governor's defence of, 149.
-, -,-,planters' reaction towards, 149.
-, -,-,repeal of, urged, 149.
-, -,-,uneasiness caused by, 149.
-, -, tobacco, alteration in customs duty on, proposed, 308 p. 177, 309, 309 i.
-, -,-,false packing of, 149 p. 98.
-, -,-,low, price of, 309.
-, -,-,-, effect of, 24 p. 18, 309 i.
-, -,-, planters, grievances of, 308 p. 177, 309.
-, -,-,-, petition from, 308 p. 177, 309.
-, -, tobacco trade, 406.
-, -,-, abuses and frauds in, 308 p. 177, 309.
-, -,-,management of, measures proposed for amendment of, explained by Mr. Randolph, 309, 309 i.
-, -,-, regulation of, success of, 241.
-, -,-, warehouses burnt, proclamation concerning, 308 p. 177, 308 i.
-, -, trade of, 31 i p. 22, 87 p. 61, 406 p. 230.
-, -,-,with Bermuda, 406 p.230.
-, -,-,with France, 406 p. 231.
-, -,-, with Holland, 406 p. 231.
-, -,-, with Madeira, 406 p. 230.
-, -,-, with N.E., 406 p. 230.
-, -, Upper Counties, objection to Tobacco Act, 149 p. 98.
-, -, warehouses burnt, proclamation concerning, 149 p. 98.


Whales and whale fishing, Act of Parliament to encourage, 400.
-, -, at Canso, 496 i.
-, -,-,scheme of, 439, 439 i; and see Act of Parliament to encourage Greenland fishery; Newfoundland.
-, -, encouragement of, 439.
-, -, licences for. See Bermuda; Pitt, John.

William and Susanna, case of, suit arising out of, 99 I–xii.

Windward Islands, French, Governor of. See Champigny, Marquis de.

Woods, H.M. in the Plantations; and see under each Plantation.
-, -, destruction of, remedies proposed, 359 p. 201.
-, -, Deputy Surveyor of, seizure of white pines in Maine by, proclamation concerning, 185 i.
-, -, in New Hampshire, log wood cutting, 359 p. 201.
-, -, in Nova Scotia, waste of, 238 p. 122.
-, -, reserved for the Navy, infringements on, 238.
-, -,-,-, Act to remedy proposed, 238 p. 123.

Woolball, seizure of, by Spanish privateer, 415, 417.

Woollen and linen manufacture. See under Separate Colonies.

Woollen manufacture in the Plantations, 31 i p. 24, 87 p. 59.

Worcester, member for. See Winnington, Thomas.

Wynneau Bay, settlement on, 394 p. 220, 490 p. 277.

Wynneau River, Indians at, 490 iii.


Yamassee Blutte, on Savanna River, 127 i.