America and West Indies: September 1734, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1953.

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'America and West Indies: September 1734, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735( London, 1953), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'America and West Indies: September 1734, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735( London, 1953), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"America and West Indies: September 1734, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735. (London, 1953), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

September 1734, 1-10

Sept. 5.
300. Council of Trade and Plantations to Committee of Privy Council. Report upon Col. Purry's petition (cf. 18th April). Describes Governor Johnson's Proclamation and the opinion of the Attorney and Solicitor General etc. Continue:— Whereupon we are humbly of opinion that H.M. should be graciously pleased to direct His Governor of S. Carolina to cause a survey to be forthwith made by ye proper officer of six miles round ye township of Purrysburgh, to be reserved for ye sole use of Colo. Puny and of such persons as shall hereafter settle and inhabit within the sd. township, agreeable to H.M. Instructions, in that behalf, and that he do not permit any other person, or persons, to survey or take possession of land within the said district or circumference of six miles, under colour of any former grant, from the late Lords Proprietors, or of any survey made by virtue of such grants, since the above-mentioned Proclamation, or upon any pretence whatsoever. And that to prevent the like encroachments upon any other township already laid out in pursuance of H.M. Instructions, the Governor should be further directed forthwith to issue a Proclamation to the like effect, with that by him published in favour of ye settlement at Purrysburgh. With respect to ye 2nd Article of this petition, wherein Colo. Purry prays that such of the principal inhabitants as are employ'd in directing and assisting the rest etc. may be allowed such an addition of lands etc. as shall be thought adequate to their services, not exceeding 300 acres to one person, we beg leave to observe to your Lordships, that this demand is indefinite both as to the number of persons to be gratifyed, and the quantity of land to be granted ; wherefore we would propose as a proper medium upon this head ; that H.M. should be graciously pleased to authorize His Governor to grant a quantity of land not exceeding 2000 acres in the whole, over and above the ordinary quantity of land directed by H.M. directions, by way of reward to such inhabitants as shall be furnished with Colonel Purry's certificate of extraordinary services perform'd by them for the common benefit of the Colony, in such proportions as the said Governor shall think proper, provided the additional lands so granted to any one person do not exceed two hundred acres ; and as we have been informed, that there is no provision yet made for a Minister of Purrysburgh, we would propose to your Lordships, that 200 acres over and above the said 2000 acres be set apart as a perpetual glebe for ye Minister of yt. township. As to ye other two points of this petition, whereby Colo. Purry desires that such of the inhabitants whose lots are situated in the rivulet that runs thro' Purrysburgh, may be allow'd double lotts in consideration of their cleaning the said rivulet and draining a swamp, which communicates with it, and that such German or other foreign Protestants, whom he shall transport to Carolina, may be received and considered there, as part of the number of Swiss Protestants, which he hath obliged himself to carry to that Province, we are humbly of opinion that H.M. may be graciously pleased to indulge the said Colo. Purry in these requests, and that instructions should be given accordingly to the Governor of South Carolina. [CO. 5, 401. pp. 105–113.]
Sept. 5.
301. Extract of letter from Governor Fitzwilliam to Henry Lascelles. I can give you but a melancholly a coot. of my present situation, which you'l think as bad as it well can be, when I tell you that in the first place most of the principal inhabitants are dead of a contageous fever, that has been among the people these two summers past, and still rages to so great a degree, that I can scarce hear anything but of people being either taken sick or dead etc. Refers to conspiracy of negroes, v. followinq. Endorsed, Recd., Read 26th Feb., 1734/5. ¼.p. [C.O. 23, 3. ff. 100, 100 v.]
302. Governor Fitzwilliam to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to letter of July 2. Continues:—Since which most of the principle inhabitants, and a great number of the Independent Company are dead of a feaver that still rages to such a degree, that unless it please God to abate this contagion, these islands will soon be depopulated, which in all likelihood would have been done in a more speedy way, had I not about the midle of last week discovered a conspiracy among a great number of our slaves, who had agreed and appointed Sunday last to rise and destroy all the white inhabitants; the lucky discovery whereof was made by a very extraordinary accident vizt., a negroe man called Quamino who is deem'd a very bold daring fellow, and a principal in this combination, had been run away from his master for some time past, and could not be taken untill one night last week he came to town to concert measures with his accomplices, and happen'd to be seen by a soldier of the garrison, who endeavoured to seize him in hopes to entitle himself to the usual reward for taking up run-away slaves, but he got clear of this soldier and in making his escape was met by another, who laid hold of him, but the negroe put him to death with a long knife; however the struggle between them lasted so long, as that many people came up, who at last secured the vilain, and delivered him to the guard at the fort, where he was loaded with irons by my order; the next day the serjeant of the guard came and told me the prisoner had disclos'd to him an intention among the negroes to rise and make themselves masters of the island, whereupon I went to the fort to examine the fellow, who confess'd everything as I have before mention'd with this further addition only, that it was determin'd I shou'd be the first man put to death in order to strike the greater terror in the people. I have ordered several negroes into custody, who are said to be the principals in this wicked design, but they are sullen, and as yet will confess nothing more than that they have heard other negroes talk of a rising in general, but as these wretches are to be tryed in a few days, I hope I shall be better enabled more fully to inform your Lordships in my next concerning this matter. Your Lordships are already so well apprized of the miserable condition of this place, that it would be indecent in me to be any longer troublesome on that subject, therefore I shall now only beg leave to acquaint your Lordships, that the apprehensions of a sudden war, and the appearance of a famine in this island by reason it was generally known that there was no salt made in this government the last season and that the inhabitants have no money or any produce of their labour at this time of the year to exchange for provisions, consequently no vessels from the continent expected, obliged me to embrace the only chance opportunity that offered of buying one hundred barrels of beef, and one hundred barrels of flower for the use of the garrison, some part whereof I begin to apprehend will be spoiled, before they can be expended, whereby I may sustain a greater loss than I can well afford out of the small salary I am allowed, wherefore I beg your Lordships' speedy directions how I am to act in emergencys of this nature, for here is not one single shilling to answer any such contingency, nor will the Assembly raise one farthing. They are now sitting, but such a sett of headstrong, simple, ungovernable wretches were never conveen'd in a ligislative capacity, and in my opinion, and indeed in that of the few people of any understanding on this island, the power of holding Assemblys has been very prejudicial to the inhabitants, because they are too few and ignorant to have any such previledge or power invested in them, and it's remarkable that whilst everything was regulated by ordenance of the Governor and Council the place was quiet, which has not been the case ever since there has been an Assembly; for Colebrooke, who has been often mention'd to your Lordships by my predecessor, together with two or three fellows, who have heretofore been pirates, have infused notions into the people, that there is no power subsisting in the Government equal to that of the Assembly, when they are met, and that the King's Instructions are no way building upon them. As soon as they are prorogued I will transmit their journals and a more particular account of their proceedings to your Lordships. Signed, R. Fitzwilliam. Endorsed, Recd. 21st, Read 26th Feb. 1734/3. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 23, 3. ff. 98–99 v.]
Sept. 10.
303. H.M. Warrant granting leave of absence for one year on his private affairs to Benjamin Pemberton, Clerk of the Naval Office, Mass. Bay. Countersigned, Holles Newcastle. Copy. [C.O. 324, 50. pp. 62, 63, and C.O. 324, 36. pp. 467–7.]
Sept. 10. 304.Mr. Wood to Mr. Popple. Encloses following etc. If the Assembly is heartily desirous to settle the Province and increase its trade, the most effectual means will be, not to impose additional duties on negroes or other requisites for plantations, or to create new paper currency, but to make provision for discharging all the old paper currency etc. Signed, Wm. Wood. Endorsed, Recd. 12th Sept., Read 23rd Oct., 1734. 3½ pp. Enclosed,
304. i. Merchants of Great Britain trading to S. Carolina to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Remarks upon and observations occasioned by the Remonstrance of the Governor, Council and Assembly etc. (v. July 23). 4th Sept., 1734. London. Argue at length against Act for appropriating £104,775. 17¾ large pp.
304. ii. An estimate of the charge arising, by the engagement of the Government of S. Carolina, for encouraging Col.Purry to transport into that Province 100 able men and 200 women and children, and for their subsistence for one year, and for purchasing tools. The £5000 a year appropriated for this service from March 1731 to Dec. 25, 1734 will produce £18,750, and provide a balance of £7,442, according to the following estimate:—Paid to Col. Purry for going to Savannah River and viewing a proper place for a township, £150. Allowed him as a premium, £2,800. Surveying the township, £500. Provisions for 250 persons above the age of 12 years at 17s. 5d. each, £4312 10s Provisions for 50 children, half allowance, £405. Tools for 250 persons at £4 each (an axe and broad and narrow hoe), £1000. 60 Cows and calves at £8 each, £480; 60 young cows at £3, £180. Contingencys, at £5 a head, £1500–£11.327 10s. 2 large pp. [C.O. 5, 363. ff. 130—140 v., 141 v., 142, 143 v.]
Sept. 10.
305. Mr. Popple to Mr. Attorney and Solicitor General. The Board agrees to meet them on Sept. 9th etc. [C.O. 5, 401. p. 113.]