America and West Indies: October 1734, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1953.

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'America and West Indies: October 1734, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735( London, 1953), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'America and West Indies: October 1734, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735( London, 1953), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"America and West Indies: October 1734, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735. (London, 1953), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

October 1734, 1-10

Oct, 1.
328. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. Enclose accounts of incidental charges of the Office, Midsummer to Michaelmas, and request payment of quarter's salaries now due. v. Journal. [C.O. 389, 37. pp. 356, 357.]
Oct. 1.
329. Mr. Popple to Mr. Burchet. Having laid before my Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations your letter of yesterday's date inclosing the copy of one from Mr. Gulston, Contractor for supplying the Royal Navy with masts, I have received their orders to write to the Governor of New England upon that subject, and inclosed you have a copy of my letter to him. But their Lordships apprehend the evils complain'd of cannot be cured without the assistance of Parliament; tho' a great deal might be done by a good Judge of the Admiralty: and if the Lords of the Admirty. would be pleas d for the present to name the Captain of the Station Ship there, Judge of their Court in that Province, with proper powers to name a Deputy whom he might confide in in his absence, it is apprehended more care would be taken of the King's interest there, than has been for many years last passt. [C.O. 5, 917. pp. 101, 102.]
Oct. 1.
330. Mr. Popple to Mr. Belcher. My Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations having received a complaint from Mr. Gulston, Contractor for supplying the Royal Navy with masts, their Lordships have commanded me to send you a copy of it and to desire that you will give all possible protection and assistance in your power, to the said contractors, agents and servts. in New England, that they may be enabled to do their duty in a matter of so great importance to the publick: and that you would recommend in an especial manner to the inhabitants in these parts, where the masts are now cutting, to abstain from frivolous and vexatious suits against the said Agents, who will otherways be render'd incapable of performing their contract, and you will easily imagine what clamour and resentment a disapointment of that sort must produce in Great Britain. Their Lordships hope you will have no disturbance in those parts either from the French or their Indians, but in case there should be any commotions there I am also directed to desire, that you would send a detachment of your Militia to protect the mast cutters for the Royal Navy. [C.O. 5, 917. Pp. 100,101.]
Oct. 2.
331. Mr. Popple to Nicholas Paxton. Mrs. Campbell having informed my Lords Commissioners that by the draught of a deed of conveyance by you prepared for her surrendering to the Crown her right of seigniory in Annapolis Royal, the £2000 to be given to her for the absolute purchase thereof is intended to include all the arrears of quit rent now due to her, I am commanded to acquaint you, that when my Lords made their report upon her petition, they proposed that exclusive of the £2000, she might be at liberty to receive from her under-tenants in Nova Scotia such arrears of quit-rent as should appear to be due to her at the time of her executing the said deed of conveyance. [C.O. 218, 2 p. 306.]

Oct, 3.
332. Duke of Newcastle to the Governor of New England. I send you herewith a copy of a letter from Mr. Burchett etc. to my Secretarys, inclosing one from Mr. Gulston, the Contractor for supplying H.M. Navy with masts from New England, setting forth that the persons employed by them, in searching for and providing masts pursuant to his contract have of late been greatly obstructed therein, particularly in the township of Berwick and County of York, the owners of the lands there having sued them for damages, to which they have been adjudged, as is represented for felling trees, which altho' they were of the dimensions of those that are reserved to the Crown by the Act of Parliament in that behalf, were pretended by the said owners to be their property etc. As this is an affair that highly concerns the good of the service, I am to acquaint you with the King's pleasure that you examine into it as soon as may be, and use your best endeavours to put a stop to any unjust and vexatious prosecutions that may be carrying on or intended against the said contractor's workmen, and give them what assistance and encouragement you can in the legal execution of their business. And if they should be under any apprehensions of being attacked by the French or other Indians, or otherwise molested, during their being employed in this service, for which you should think there is any foundation, you will in that case give them all the protection you can against any such attempts. Signed, Holles Newcastle. Copy. Annexed,
332. i. Mr. Burchett to the Secretaries of the Duke of Newcastle. Admiralty Office, Sept. 30, 1734. Abstract. Encloses following. If some speedy stop is not put to those unjust proceedings, the Navy must undoubtedly be distressed for want of the usual supply of masts etc. My Lords Commix, of the Admiralty desire that His Grace may be pleased to lay Mr. Gulston's letter before H.M. and signify H.M. pleasure to the Governor of New England in the most pressing manner and as soon as possible by the ship which will in a few days proceed to those parts, to use his utmost endeavours to put a stop to those unreasonable obstructions, prosecutions and abuses complained of etc. as last sentence in preceding. Copy.
332. ii. Ralph Gulston to [Commissioners of the Navy]. Sept. 27, 1734. As above Sept. 30, end. i. [C.O. 324, 36. pp. 478–485; and (covering letter only) 5, 899. ff. 104, 104 v.]
Oct. 4.
333. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple. Reply to letter of 1st Oct. If the Captain of H.M. ships stationed at New England, should be appointed Judge of the Vice-Admiralty there, it might occasion his lying longer in port than is necessary, whereby the Trade may suffer. Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed. Recd. 4th, Read 23rd Oct., 1734. 1 p. [C.O. 3, 870. ff. 74, 77 v.]
Oct. 5.
334. Lieut. Governor Pitt to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I did my selfe the honour by way of S. Carolina to transmit to your Lordships the state of this Island according to your order sent me by Mr. Popple. I have now the honour to acquaint your Lordships that there is three vacancies in the Councill and by the violent indisposition of three others am obliged to recommend to your Lordships the three following gentlemen as men of integrity and substance intirly attach'd to H.M. service, John Darrell, Richard Hunt, and Samuel Spofferth Esqrs. sid 548001 I shall be obliged before they can receive their Mandamus's to call them to the Councill Board and hope your Lordships will approve of what I shall do; which will be a pleasure to him who is with the greatest respect etc. Signed, John Pitt. Endorsed, Recd., Read 31st July, 1735. 1 p. [C.O. 37, 12. ff. 168, 109 v.]
Oct. 6. 335. Mr. Fane to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Has no objection to Act of Montserrat for providing support for H.E. etc. Signed, Fran. Fane. Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read 23rd Oct., 1734. ¾ p. [C.O. 152, 20. ff. 140, 147 v.]
Oct. 7.
N. Carolina.
336. Governor Burrington to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers to letter of 17th Sept. and suspension of Mr. Rice. Continues:—Mr. Robert Halton another Councillor, haveing been frequently sent for to Council, and to attend the Courts, for two years together, and often admonished of his neglects, but still willfully absenting all the time, and refuseing to shew cause for his said neglects, I thought fit for H.M. service, to suspend him by letter the 26th past. Then there remain'd Mr. Ashe, and Mr. Gale in this Province, and no others, who had sate in the King's Council. On the 27th of September last, I swore Coll. Benjamin Hill, Coll. Francis Pugh, Coll. Henry Guston, Coll. McRora Scarborough into the Council; and on the 29th Coll. Daniel Hanmer (nephew of Sir Thomas Hanmer) to whom I have given the commission of Chief Justice of N. Carolina, vacant by the death of William Little Esqr. Mr. John Hodgson is made Attorney General in the room of John Montgomery, suspended on the 29th past for the innumerable villainys he has committed; I forbear writeing more of the said John att this present, referring your Lordships to the Council Journals, but promise to send the Board of Trade a much fuller account of this man, and his companions in villainy, Smith and Rice, when thereunto required. Mr. Lovick, and Mr. Little being dead, it is now mainifest beyond contradiction, that they did not profit themselves by selling the lands, as was falsely suggested to His Grace of Newcastle, and Lords of Trade. Both these gentleman dyed much in debt, and left no mony to pay their creditors. My Lords, I daily expect the King's leave for my return to England, when it arrives, shall make haste to London, hope to inform my Lords of Trade, of all that is necessary for H.M. service in N. Carolina, and endeavour to prove myself etc. Signed, Geo. Burrington. Endorsed, Recd. 18th March Read 3rd Sept., 1735. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 294. ff. 186, 186 v., 189 v.]
Oct, 7. 337. Same to the Duke of Newcastle. Repeats account of suspending Halton etc. " If it is your Grace's pleasure, to order these scoundrels [Smith, Rice and Montgomery] to be restored to their former places, this countrey will be in the greatest confusion; send what Governour you please etc. Signed, Geo. Burrington. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 309. No. 4.]
Oct. 9.
338. Thomas Gainsborough to John Potts. Inclosed you have the petition to his Majesty as also some remarks upon the same for your governmt. in talking with his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, and if the Duke will admit of it we shou'd be very glad to have the honour of waiting upon him with your good self. We remain respectfully, Sr., your most oblidged H. servt. Signed, Thomas Gainsborough for Sam. Storke and Self. Holograph. Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed,
338. i. Petition of Samuel Storke and Peter van Brugh Livingston. One of petitioners, an inhabitant and native of New York, has made it his chief study to secure a friendly correspondence with the neighbouring Indians etc. He has riveted himself so much in their favour as to be incouraged to venture a settlement on back frontiers of that Province, more advanced in the Indian country than might be adviseable for any person less acquainted with the said Indians. There is a tract of land about six miles in length and six miles in breadth upon the banks of the Mohawks River, commonly called by the natives Tionondarogued, not the property of any private person nor any considerable plantation settled near it etc. Petitioners propose to settle it with some of H.M. poor subjects, which will strengthen the frontier against encroachments by the French, and secure the fur trade which of late years in a great measure for want of that has been declining etc. Pray for grant of said lands. Signed, Samuel Storke, Peter V. B. Livingston. 1 p.
338. ii. Same to [?]. The lands referred to in preceding are in the County of Albany, unimproved and uninhabited, except by natives who are inconsiderable in number. Considerable quantities of grain could be raised there to supply the Indian traders, who are now supplied from towns at a great distance etc. as preceding. Without date, signature or endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1093. ff. 321, 321 v., 322, 324.]
Oct. 9.
339. Governor Mathew to Mr. Popple. Begins with duplicate of 14th Sept. Continues: I send by Capt. Adair, and recommended to his care to deliver, a box containing an Act of St. Christophers entituled An Act for continuing An Act entituled An Act to oblige all owners, renters or possessors of slaves to send a proportion of their said slaves to work on the fortifications of this Island, and an Act of the Island of Antigua entituled a suplementary Act to an Act entituled An Act for repairing the cisterns, compleating and finishing the storehouse, repairing the platforms for the guns on Monks Hill. Both these acts I pray you will lay before their Lordships. At the same time I must desire you will let their Lordships know there is a vacancy hapned in the Council of Antigua by the death of John Morris Esqr. Samuel Byam Esqr. of that Island, will I believe be recommended to their Lordships to fill up this vacancy at that Board. He is not in the list I sent home on my first arrival. Had I then known his merit, as I now do, I shou'd not have omitted him, and if my wishes would help his succeeding Mr. Morris, he certainly, from the regard I have to H.M. service, would obtain this honour. Signed, William Mathew. Endorsed, Recd. 18th Dec, 1734, Read 2nd Jan., 1734/5. Addressed. Holograph. 2 pp. [C.O. 152, 20. ff. 176, 170 v., 181 v.]
Oct. 10.
340. Lt. Governor Pitt to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I was favoured with your Lordships' order dated the 30th May from Mr. Popple desiring me to send your Lordships the state of these Islands, relating to it's trade, strength and fortifications, as also my oppinion what will be further necessary for the encouragement and security thereof. The commodity is platt, made of the palmetto leaves which the inhabitants exchang'd or barter'd for all sorts of Europian goods, and made good returns to the merchants to England, but that now growing in dislike with the people in our mother country, they have nothing to depend upon but their sloops built of cedar wood the growth of the Island, and applying to the neighbouring Colonies, are freighted as carryers to most parts of America, and the produce of the freight is what they chiefly support themselves and familys with. As to our strength there's an Independant Company consisting of fifty men, and about six hundred Militia, most of them are frequently at sea having no other method to gett their bread, we have five forts, two at the entrance of St. Georges Harbour; in one of them are mounted fiveteen guns five of which not being fitt for service, in the other is six guns, two at the entrance of the Castle Harbour, in one are twenty-eight guns, ten of which not being fitt for service, in the other is six guns, and one at the west end of the Island hi which is four guns. At my arrivel they were very much out of repair, therefore thought it my duty immediately to have them repair'd in the best manner the workmen of these Islands were capable of, but that will be of little service we not having any ammunition but some fue barrels of powder the remains of a supply ordered by His late Majesty King William, and the Island so poor as not able to defray the necessary charges of the Government, what may be further necessary for the encouragement and security of these Islands; an Engineer would be of great service to supply the defects of the Fortifications and to add to the strengthening of them where there is a deficiency by the ignorance of the workmen, and as this is the key of all our American trade, no ship to any part can pass but within thirty or forty leagues I am of oppinion that a small man of warr is intirely necessary, and another Independant Company to guard the Forts, the people of the Island not being sufficient in number to defend the country and forts. This is what I take the liberty to inform your Lordships in my oppinion is absolutely necessary for the security of these Islands, not doubting but your Lordships will represent the state of these Islands to His Most Sacred Majesty, that we may be supply'd with amunition and other necessarys as your Lordships shall think most proper for us. Signed, John Pitt. Endorsed, Recd. 23rd Jan., Read 31st July, 1735. 1 p. [C.O. 37, 12. ff. 167, 170 v., and abstract C.O. 37, 24. f. 21v.]