America and West Indies: December 1734, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1953.

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'America and West Indies: December 1734, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735(London, 1953), British History Online [accessed 9 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: December 1734, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735(London, 1953), British History Online, accessed February 9, 2025,

"America and West Indies: December 1734, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735. (London, 1953), British History Online. Web. 9 February 2025.

December 1734, 1-10

Dec. 3.
401. Governor Belcher to the Duke of Newcastle. About . twelve months agoe arriv'd here from London Mr. Benjamin Pemberton of this town with H.M. order to me to appoint him Naval Officer in this Province, which place I had some time before given to a gentleman that marred my only daughter, by whom he has a family of children, and really wants that place for his necessary support. However I immediately obey'd the King's command etc. But I would now humbly beg of your Grace, that I may expostulate and lay before you the great hardships in this case etc. Mr. Pemberton has not the least colour of justice to lay claim to any such favour from H.M., for all the merit he pretends to was having a vessel seized and taken from him by the French at Cape Breton, of which etc. he had not the least reason to complain, being ingag'd there in a clandestine trade, and it would be well for the fair trader, that all men concern'd in such illegal practices might find the same discouragment; but I understand he was so impetuous at the French Court, and then in England, that he obtain'd the order he brought me etc. Continues: —As to myself, H.M. Commission for the Government of this Province makes me at the same time Naval Officer, in conformity to several statutes of Charles II and William III, where the Governour and he only is intrusted and answerable for everything transacted in that office, and that upon severe pains and penalties, etc. Argues that in his Instructions upon the Acts of Trade etc. H.M. looks upon him as Naval Officer. This is the only place of profit in the Government that is absolutely in the Governour's gift, and asks to be restored to it, in virtue of the vast trouble and expense he has undergone since his arrival etc., and for a patent for life to his son in law. Signed, J. Belcher. Endorsed, R. March 12. 8 pp. [CO. 5, 899. ff. 120–123 v.].
Dec. 3.
402. Mr. Furye to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Criticises memorial of Samuel Wragg, James Hewlett and William Wood, which he describes as an invective against the Governor, Council and Assembly of S. Carolina, and suggests that a copy be sent to the Governor for reply. The appropriation law will expire in a little more than 3 years, but the duty on imported negroes, which the memorialists seem chiefly to aim at, is not governed by it, but will subsist whether that act be repealed or not, etc. Signed, Percyl. Furye. Endorsed, Recd., Read 10th Dec., 1734. 14 ¾ pp. Enclosed
402. i. Account of the disposal of the sinking fund in S. Carolina. Receipts:—£13,000 per annum from Aug. 20, 1731–1735.=£52,000. Expenditure:—To laying out townships and providing tools, cattle and provisions, etc. for new settlers, £19,725; for new settlers and forts in Georgia, £18,500; allowance for one year to Mr. Gordon and 40 Highlanders in one of the Northern townships, and to Mr. Wm. York with sundry Pallatines from Philadelphia as also several from England £5,000= £47,725. Provision for 300 Swiss now going over, £7,925. Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 363. ff. 180–187, 188 v., 189, 189 v., 190 v.].
Dec. 5.
403. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lord Harrington. In reply to 16th Nov., enclose following to be laid before the King. Autograph signatures.1 p. Enclosed,
403. i. Same to the King. We have considered Mr. Walpole's letter relating to Swiss emigrants, etc. (v. 26th Nov.). Continue:—We beg leave, upon this occasion, to repeat what we have frequently had the honour to represent to your Majesty, that nothing can be more conducive to the service of the Crown, and the general interest of Great Britain, than that all your Majesty's Colonies in America, and particularly the two frontier provinces of Nova Scotia and South Carolina, should be fully peopled with white inhabitants. The Lord Harrington having acquainted us, that he had communicated this intelligence to the Trustees of the Colony of Georgia, we have consulted with those gentlemen upon the proper means of disposing of these Swiss families, who have informed us, that the expence of transporting them to Carolina and of maintaining them for one year after their arrival, till they shall have raised provisions for their support, would amount to sixteen pounds sterling at an average, for each person; and that the funds of the Trustees for the Colony of Georgia being exhausted, they cannot undertake to transport these foreigners thither upon their own accounts. But they have suggested to us, that if means could be found for defraying the charge of transporting these people to Carolina, which might be done for an expence of six pounds p. head only, they might be conducted to Purrysburgh, where they would undoubtedly be very glad to settle and incorporate themselves with their countrymen already there; and that upon proper orders to the Governor of South Carolina, necessary provisions would be made for subsisting them for one year, funds being already settled and a vote passed by the Assembly of that province, for the reception and assistance of foreign Protestants. If mony be advanced for the transport of these people to Carolina, the Trustees for the Colony of Georgia are willing to take the trouble of providing ships and furnishing necessaries for the voyage, as they have done for those whom they have transported at their own charge; and therefore considering the advantage that will redound to the trade of Great Britain from the labour of these people and to the Public Revenues, as well as the strength that will be thereby added to this frontier province; and that on the other hand, if they should be totally rejected and refused assistance, their countryman and other foreign Protestants might be deterr'd from attempting to settle in your Majesty's American Colonies: we are humbly of opinion that your Majesty should be graciously pleased to order the necessary sum for their transport at the rate of six pounds for each person, to be paid to the Trustees for the Colony of Georgia, for their service, and that orders should be sent to Col. Johnson, your Majesty's Governor of South Carolina, to make the necessary dispositions for their reception. Autograph signatures, 3 pp. [C.O. 4, 383. ff. 15, 16–17; and (without covering letter) 5, 401. p. 116.].
Dec. 6.
Jamaica, Spanish Town
404. Major Ayscough to the Duke of Newcastle. I was honoured with your Grace's letter, dated the 25th day of July, with a duplicate of your former favour, dated the 6th of June; the forces are all arrived in good health, two hundred are quartered at Port Antonio, on the north-east side of this island, for the security of those parts, the other four hundred I have placed on the several plantations, in St. Thomas in the East, in the best manner that possibly I could, untill the barracks should be made ready for them. The two parties I acquainted your Grace with, in my last, were by the badness of the weather, and by the desertion of the people, for want of laws to punish them, defeated; finding that the gentlemen of this island, whose estates are secure from the attempts of the rebellious negroes, sent the worst of their people on those parties, I prevailed on the Assembly to make a law, to putt martial law in force, not exceeding six months, which I proclaimed on the 23rd day of October, and have raised the men according to the resolutions of the Council of War which I here inclose. This scheme is lookt upon here, as the best method for the reduction of the rebells, and it is the opinion of everybody, that we shall not fail of success; these parties are made up of the flower of the country, Colonel Brooks, Colo, of the Regiment of the parish of St. Elizabeths, a man of a good estate, a very discreet and gallant officer, has the sole command of the six hundred men, four hundred of which he marches with himself from Morant, in the parish of St. Thomas in the East, with one field officer, four captains and twenty subaltern officers, besides several young gentlemen of good estates, voluntiors, the other two hundred men march from Port Antonio, under the command of Major Munbee, with two captains and ten subaltern officers, in order to attack the rebells' town two ways. I must observe to your Grace that the officers upon this expedition in general, are men of good estates and goe into it, with great spirit and alacrity, as the generality of the men doe. I have been here at Morant, the place from whence the parties march, this fortnight, with five gentlemen of the Council, in order to see the men well fitted out, to give a better countenance to this expedition, and to encourage them to go on cheerfully: The Chief Justice with several other gentn. are gone to Port Antonio for the same purpose; as this town is the rebells' stronghold, I think it is necessary to beat them from that place, which will intirely break the neck of them, and disperse them, in small bodies, so that in time, they may very probably be starved or obliged to submitt. The method, my Lord, I have taken is as follows; when the six hundred men meet together, and are in possession of the town, they are to build a defensible barrack; in the meantime, two hundred of the best woodsmen, or more, are to pursue them, and range the woods in order to prevent them from settling again, in any great body, in any other part, which scheme, I hope, will be approved of by H.M.; nothing shall be wanting on my part, my Lord, for the service of H.M., and the good of this island. This law has been endeavoured at several times in Mr. Hunter's Government, but never could be obtained; your Grace is sensible, how disagreeable martial law is to a free people, and nothing but a person who is well liked, could have brought them into it. I have been so much fatigued ever since I had the honour of this Government, that I assure your Grace I have not had time to transact my own affairs: The salary and proffitts of it [are not] sufficient, to support the dignity of it, and though I may say, I have with cheerfulness, served H.M. at my own expence; yet as a faithfull servant and dutifull subject, I shall be always proud and ready to obey his commands. PS.—The parties march to-morrow morning. Signed, J. Asycough. Endorsed, R. 17th Jan. 2 pp. Enclosed,
404. i. Minutes of Council of Jamaica, 24th and 25th Oct. Copy. 6¼ pp. [C.O. 137, 55. ff. 122, 123–127; and (duplicate of covering letter only, endorsed, R. 16th Feb. Addressed. Seal. Postmark) 137, 47. ff. 259–260 v.]
Dec. 6.
N. York.
405. Governor Cosby to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Abstract. The Assembly was so intent upon fortifying the Colony and finding means to do it, which useful work was delayed by a few Members, that they could not find time before adjournment to make a proper answer to Mr. Popple's letter of 30th May. He therefore makes the best answer he can. Wheat is the staple of the Province, "and tho' that commodity seems literally to interfere with the product of Great Britain, it do's not so in fact. For it's generally manufactur'd into flower and bread, and sent to supply the Sugar Collonys. And whenever a markett in Spain, Portugal or other parts of Europe, have encouraged the sending it thither in grain, the Adventurers have often suffered by the undertaking. For at this remote distance, the intelligence of a demand reaches us so late, that the marketts are supplyed before our vessels come there, and even if it were otherwise our merchants lye under vast and certain disadvantages besides, for freight of wheat from hence in time of warr was at least two shillings and sixpence, and in time of peace is eighteenpence sterling pr. bushell, and by the length of the passage it often grows musty" etc. "The main bent of our farmers is to raise wheat, and they are like to remain in that way until the price of it becomes so low, that necessity puts them upon some other way of cultivation etc. There are a great many lands extream fitt for hemp, and there is not one farm in it but has land proper to raise flax; but little more than either is raised than what is for private use, the former they apprehend to require more hands than they have to spare, and labour is still so dear that they cannot afford to hire people for that service; nor do they well understand how to rott and dress it" etc. Tar, pitch and turpentine may be got here etc., if the price at home will encourage it, which it has not done for several years past, notwithstanding the bounty etc. The method used in Russia was found not to answer here, owing to the difference of the pitch pine etc. In the Jerseys is one extraordinary rich copper mine, and some others afford a good prospect, but in this province none as yet discovered, tho' a good deal of money has been expended in search of them. Some lead mines have been found in this Colony, but have not by far quitted the cost expended in search of them. If they prove good, the proprietors will rather send it home in ore, than be at the charge to erect smelt houses. Continues:—We have a great many iron mines both of the bogg and of the mountain bar, but as yet no iron work is sett up in this province; if an encouragement was given upon the importing of it in piggs or barrs, at least that it might be free of dutys, it is very probable that in a few years the Nation might be amply supplyed from her own plantations, and it's evident that the whole amount thereof wo'd be paid in the manufactures of great Britain, who now pays ready money for greatest part of the iron it has from Sweden etc. When the Dutch were in possession, they sett up a pottash work at a vast expense but found it wo'd not answer; about 25 years ago it was attempted here again at the expense of a gentmn. in London but dropt for the same reason, and a like essay is lately set on foot in Jersey; which, it's feared, will be attended with the same fate etc. Set out, Doc. Hist. N.Y.I., 491. Signed, W. Cosby. Endorsed, Recd. 22nd Jan., Read 26 June, 1735. 2 large pp. [C.O. 5, 1057. ff. 18, 18 v.; 19 v.; and (endorsed, R. in a blank cover, March, 1734/5), 5, 1093. ff. 330, 330 v., 331 v.]
Dec. 6.
N. York.
406. Same to Same. Abstract. After long refraining from entering complaint against Mr. James Alexander, a Member of the Council, is now compelled to do so for H.M. service and the safety of the Province. President Van Dam employed him in the payment of the forces, and for that reason the Governor showed him all the civility in his power, but as soon as Van Dam and Morris began to treat him with rudeness, he found Alexander to be at the head of a scheme to give all imaginable uneasiness to the Government etc. "A Press supported by him and his party, began to sworm with the most virulent libels, scurrilous and abusive pamphlets publish'd against the Ministry, and other persons of great honnour and quality in England were reviv'd and reprinted here, with such alterations as serv'd to incense and enrage the People against the Governour, the Council, the Assembly, and all Magistrates in general. No man in H.M. service, tho' many had been ten and twenty years in the same employments, was spar'd, all were equaly made the objects of rage and fury with a deluded and unreasonable mob" etc. Some of these papers gave very plain hints that the Governor was in no greater safety than his friends. Meetings of their factious men is still held several nights in the week at a private lodging, "Alexander always present and Morris, till he lately fled privately for England, in great fear, as 'tis publickly reported, least the printer of their seditious libels should discover him; for these reasons it is, that I have not lately requir'd Alexander's presence in Council." For "one particular and remarkable instance of the most abominable and detestable villany that ever was committed" refers the Board to enclosed report of a full Committee of the Council. The person whose life, caracter and fortune were struck at, is Mr. Harison, one of the eldest Members of that Board. Yr. Lordsps. will see where the instrument intended to destroy him was dropp'd, how found, and by whose vilanous blank affidavit, (a common practice wth. Alexander and Morris) the same was imputed and charg'd to him at that critical juncture when the passions of the people, who were to be his tryers, were rais'd to the highest pitch against all who avowedly declar'd their resolution to stand or fall in a steady active opposition to the enemy's of the Government. Mr. Harison has for twenty-six years past been very employ'd in very considerable haste, by the Governmt. tho' with little profit to himself, his steady adherence to the present establishment, his known and long experienc'd fidelity, to Lord Lovelace, Mr. Hunter, and his successors here recommended him to me, while Alexander, Morries and ye disaffected party were thereby become his mortal enemies" etc. Believes that Mr. Alexander, some years since a teacher of Navigation on board one of H.M. ships, was dismissed from the service for disafection to the Protestant Succession and refuseing the oaths to the Governmt. etc. Continues:—Now, etc. after the Council had order'd certain seditious libels, tending to open rebellion, to be burnt by the hands of the common hangman, that the printer of them be committed to the common goal, and prosecuted by the Atturney Genll., and a proclamation issued by their unanimous advice (a Grand Jury haveing presented the same libels) wth. a reward of fifty pounds for the discovery of the author of them, this man James Alexander has apear'd as the printer's counsel and attorny for several successive days before the Cheif Justice James De Lancy Esqr., attended by William Smith attor. at law, another declar'd incendiary, and one Jansen an alderman chosen as their audacious libels set forth in oposition to, and in a different interest from that of the Government" etc. For these reasons he entreats the Board to intercede with His Majesty that Alexander be removed from the Council etc., and John Moor appointed to succeed him. The removal of Mr. Morris, late Chief Justice, has already been of consequence to H.M. affairs, his successor, James De Lancy having upon some very important occasions exerted himself with so great prudence, steadiness and resolution as has in great measure allayed the heats of the common people and defeated the factious designs of his predecessor etc. Enraged at this, and almost distracted with disappointment, Morris has privately embarked for England, with complaints and false affidavits etc., some forged and all gleaned from the meanest labourers, for he has only been able to seduce a few men of reputation, upon their weak hopes that a new Parliament would produce a new Ministry, and that something more would follow etc. Will not name them unless their misbehaviour continues, which he does not expect, now that the principle incendiary has left them to the support of Alexander whose credit is growing very low. Morris, when President of New Jersey after Col. Montgomery's death turned several good and loyal old officers out of employment with the Council' s assent, to make room for his relations, and sat as Chancellor and made a decree without regular notice given, or hearing of the parties, whilst ever since Governor Cosby arrived he has been declaiming against all Governors who have sat as Chancellors and assuring the country that no decrees of that Court or any other Court of Equity here are binding, and that H.M. has no right to establish any such Court here etc. Resigns to the censure of the Board the authors of such doctrines, including Van Dam at least as a publisher of them, his capacity making it impossible to believe him the writer of even their meanest performances etc. Proposes that he be replaced in the Council by Paul Richards. Will send details of Morris' behaviour in a separate paper, so as to save the time of the Board. Believes he will complain that he has not been summoned of late to the Council of New Jersey. His residence is always in New York, and whenever the Assembly meets in New Jersey, the method is to issue out a proclamation requiring the attendance of the Council likewise, who stay with the Governor upon the spot during the whole session, it being impracticable as they live very remote from each other, as well as from the places where the Assemblies sit, to call them together upon the necessary emergencies, if they were to separate at pleasure as the Council of New York does, the majority of whom reside in the City. To these proclamations neither Morris nor Alexander have ever paid the least regard since 7th Aug., 1732, seven days after the Governor's arrival etc. He can do these Provinces no greater service at present than by using all his credit with the Board to secure H.M. Commission for Robert Lettice Hooper, Chief Justice of the Jersies, to succeed Morris as one of H.M. Council there. He is a person truly affectionate to H.M. royal house and in very great esteem in his country etc. Concludes: A mislead populace in this Citty in Sept. last elected their annual magistrates and aldermen and common council out of such as were followers of the leaders above named, they very soon, though too late, began to reflect upon their own folly and madness in throwing out of office several gentlemen of the best fortunes and greatest interest here, who were their own constant employers and cheife support, publickly wishing that they could recall those weak papers which Morris and Alexander have prevail'd on them to sign, without aprehending their design or intention of them. My Lords if you are pleas'd to assist these my requests I solemnly assure your Lordship's that you will lay the highest obligations upon many thousands of his Majesty's best and most loyal subjects in both Provinces, that you will secure the fidelity of all, and at the same time, do a thing for which I and my successers shall ever be obliged to yr. Lordships etc. Set out, N.Y. Col. Doc. VI, 20; N.Y. Archives, 1st ser. V, 395. Signed, W. Cosby. Endorsed, Recd. 22nd Jan., Read 4th Aug., 1735. Holograph. 5¾ pp.
406. i. Certificate that the following is a true copy. Signed, Fredk. Morris, Cl. Counc. Dec. 4, 1734. ¾ p
406. ii. The Report of the Committee of H.M. Council, to whom it was referr'd, to examine and make enquiry, touching a letter found in the house of Mr. Alexander in New York on Friday the First Day of February, 1733/4, in order to make the fullest discovery concerning the author of the same. New York, Printed and sold by William Bradford, 1734. Mr. Alexander, who had made an affidavit as to his suspicion that the author was a Member of the Committee, Mr. Harison, and suggested that it was in his handwriting, refused to attend except upon conditions. The Committee decided that Mr. Harison was entirely innocent and incapable of so foul a deed; and that the letter found in Mr. Alexander's house, 'threatening destruction to his wife and family, in case a villainous demand therein made, was not complied with, is a most wicked, scandalous and infamous counterfeit and forgery, calculated by some artful, malitious and evil-minded person to traduce and villify the character of an honourable Member of H.M. Council" etc. Signed, Daniel Horsmanden, Chairman. Feb. 21, 1733. Endorsed, Recd. Jan. 22, 1734/5. Printed. 11 pp.
406. iii. Letter from Mr. Francis Harison to the Mayor, Alderman and Commonalty of the City of New York. March 12, 1734. Protests against the imputation of the forged letter referred to in preceding. Printed and sold by William Bradford in New York, 1734. MS. note in margin. Lewis Morris junr.....keeps this forged letter, and 'tis by many beleived to be his own handwriteing, or Alexander's. I take it to be of the latter. Endorsed as preceding. Printed. 9 pp.
406. iv. Copy of The New York Weekly Journal, Numbr. xlviii. Munday, September 23d., 1734. New York. Printed and sold by John Peter Zenger. 4 pp.
406.v. Copy of Same, Oct. 7th, 1734. No. xlix. 4 pp.
406. vi. Copy of Same, Sept. 30th., 1734. No. xlviii. 4 pp.
406. vii. Copy of Same, Dec. 17, 1733. No. vii. 4 pp.
406. viii. (a) A Song made upon the Election of new Magistrates for this City. To the tune of, To you Fair Ladies now on land:
To you good lads that dare oppose all lawless power and might, You are the theme that we have chose, and to your praise we write: You dar'd to shew your faces brave In spight of every abject slave; With a fa la la.
Your votes you gave for those brave men who feasting did dispise; And never prostituted pen to certify the lies That were drawn up to put in chains, As well our nymphs as happy swains; With a fa la la.
And tho the great ones frown at this, what need have you to care? Still let them fret and talk amiss, you'll shew you boldly dare Stand up to save your Country dear, In spight of usquebaugh and beer; With a fa la la.
They beg'd and pray'd for one year more, but it was all in vain: No wolawants you'd have, you swore; By jove you made it plain; So sent them home to take their rest. And here's a health unto the best. With a fa la la.
(b) A Song made upon the foregoing occasion. To the tune of Now now, you Tories all shall stoop.
Come on brave boys, let us be brave for liberty and law, Boldly despise the haughty Knave, that would keep us in aw. Let's scorn the tools bought by a sop, and every cringing fool. The man who basely bend's a fop, a vile insipid tool.
Our Country's Rights we will defend, like brave and honest men; We voted right and there's an end, and so we'll do again. We vote all signers out of place as men who did amiss, Who sold us by a false adress, I'm sure we're right in this.
Exchequer Courts, as void by Law great grievances we call; Tho' great men do assert no flaw is in them; they shall fall, And be contemn'd by every man that's fond of liberty. Let them withstand it all they can, Our Laws we will stand by.
Tho' pettifogging knaves deny us rights of Englishmen; We'll make the scoundrell raskels fly, and ne'er return again. Our Judges they would chop and change for those that serve their turn, And will not surely think it strange if they for this should mourn.
Come fill a bumper, fill it up, unto our Aldermen; For common-council fill the cup, and take it o'er again. While they with us resolve to stand for liberty and law, We'll drink their health with hat in hand, Whoraa! Whoraa! Whoraa!
406. ix. Address of Council and Assembly of New York to Governor Cosby. 28th Nov., 1734. Request his assent to the bill to strike and make current bills of credit to the value of £12,000, on the fonds and for the uses therein mentioned, and so "to put the last hand to the erecting these fortifications, which we hope to see rise under your direction" etc. Conclude: Sir, The present war in Europe, the dilegence of the French, our neighbours, the decayed forts and defenceless state of our principal trading city and frontiers, compel us to beseech your Excellency to pass this bill, and we flatter our selves, that when his Majesty shall be graciously pleased to consider the naked and defenceless condition of this Colony, He will be convinced of the loyalty and zeal of his subjects, to put it in a posture of defence by the only method in their power." Signed by six Councillors and, by Order of the General Assembly, Adolph Philipse, Speaker. Printed and sold by William Bradford in New York, 1734. 2 pp.
406. x. Certificate of Adolph Philipse, Speaker of Assembly. New York, Nov. 28, 1734. Order of Assembly, 19th Nov., 1734. That Col. Morris have leave to go home being indisposed. Certifies that, as the House was about to adjourn, Col. Morris, aleaging his sore legg grew worse, moved for leave to goe home. Whereupon I asked him, What, to Morrisania? To which of this he replyed, Yes. I then askt him to furtha, Had you not better stay in town where you can have the assistance of docters? To which he answered, No, I must keep myself quiet and still, and docter it myself" etc. No objection being raised, above order was entered. "A few days afterwards I was informed he was embarked for London" etc. Signed, Ad. Philipse. Holograph. 1 2/3 pp.
406. xi. Resolution of Assembly of New York, 11th Nov., 1734. Ordered that Capt. Rutgers do carry the bill for the better establishing the night watches in the City of New York and for the more equal defraying the expence thereof, for the ease of the poor inhabitants, with the amendments, to the Council, and acquaint them, that this House cannot agree to any amendmt. to a mony bill. Signed, R. Ludlow, Cl. Endorsed, Recd. Jan. 22, 1734/5. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 1057. ff. 20–22 v., 23 v., 24, 25, 26–30, 31 v.-45. 46–48 v.; and (covering letter only, endorsed, R. in a blank cover, March 1734/5) 5, 1093. ff. 326–328 v., 329 v.]
Dec. 7.
N. York.
407.Governor Cosby to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Abstract. Acknowledges letter of Aug. 22, and will in future send over with every act the general purport of it and reasons for passing it. In his letter of 17th June, he omitted by mistake to name the deceased Councillors whose places he wished filled. They were John Johnston, John Parker and James Smith. Since then he has recommended John Schuyler in the room of Col. Peter Baird deceased. He also recommended Col. Provoost who succeeded Mr. Hogg, who died in Col. Montgomerie's time. Repeats part of preceding letter of 6th Dec. Encloses copy of Col. Montgomerie's Charter of New York. As the Assembly only broke up on the 29th Nov., it has been impossible to get the Acts passed there printed in time to send copies, which shall be done by the next ship. Replies to the Board's enquiry as to the quantity of lands, which they have been informed is 30,000 and not 1200 acres,—vested in the Crown in trust for the Mohawks;—They have two wayes of discribing their lands, the one they distinguesh by the genll. name of land, that is, what they call land, is flatts or meadow ground, where wood nor brush was never known to grow. This puts me in minde of a try all that happened at the Supream Court in this Province in relation to boundrys of lands etc. One of the wittnesses etc. gave his evedence that he had walked severall miles over itt but did not see one foot of land. Now, my Lords, as to the lands, you desire to be informed of, is certainely that tract of land, that the Mohocks Nation has put under the protection of the Crown in trust for them, they are called ye Mohock Flatt, where we have a gerreson, and are generally computted at about twelf hundred acars, tho most people that have seen itt, say, it is not quit so much but verry near. All the lands quit round itt, to Cod knows where the Mohocks claime, and there are many and many thirty thousand acars but not an acar as I could ever learne of flatts or clear medow land, being every foot (except this twelf hundred acars) all the country besides being all wood lands, and most of them for some mills each side of the Mohocks river already granted long since. So that those that sent your Lordships that information in an unknowne hand designed only an imposition upon you, being ashamed to put their names to it, knowing the ascertion to be falls. Now, my Lords, since I am upon this I cannot help mentioning one more vill action amongst the many committed by Mr. Morris, Allexander and their adherants; Some months since I had the honour to transmitt to your Lordsps. ye proceedings relateing to the Mohocks flatts, which I thought my selfe in duty bound to doe, to secure them from goeing over to the French intrest at that verry time they were vilifying mee, and falsely acusing mee here, as well as at home, I say at the verry time, did this same Mr. Morris, Mr. Allexander and one Smith a lawer one of their gang goe to one Mr. Boyle a Scotch gentln. here who they imagined had great intrest at home, and gave him thire opinion, which was, that the Albany people had no right to them flatts, that Collo. Dongan's grant was not good, therefore desired he would write to his friends in England in order to obtaine a grant of the said lands, and for there oppinion they were to come in for a share of them. This I doe assure yr. Lordsps. is true from the mouth of Boyle, who told it to Mr. Lindsy, Shirff of Albany County, who is a verry honest man. Mr. Lindsy came to mee an hour after he had beene with Boyle, the said Mr. Boyle makeing no secrett of itt, Mr. Lindsy further said that Mr. Boyle had showne him coppys of his letters he had wrote to his friends in order to obtaine ye grant. So that yr. Lordsps. sees the absurdity of these people and how capable they are of doeing everything that is badd. My Lords, it is just now come into my head, that it is not unlikely but that Mr. Morris, who is gone over may say, that there was sent a sergant with a file of men to stop him. So farr from it, that I doe assure you my Lords, if he had sent to mee for a pass to goe for England, I would have readely granted it to him. Your Lordships well knows that desersion is verry common where there are soldiers and verry often they desert and gitt on board sloops and ships that goe from hence, a Capt. mist a man, and found that he had deserted and had inteligence, that he went to the Hook on the Jersey side in order to gitt on board Capt. Payton, the Capt. himselfe saying two or three day's before there had been a man bargaining with him for his passage, upon which ye Capt. sent downe a sergant with a file of men in order to take him, in case he should attempt itt, to goe on board at the Hook; this my Lords is the truth of the whole matter." Signed, W.Cosby. Endorsed, 22nd Jan., Read 4th Aug., 1735. 3 pp. Enclosed.
407. i, ii. Drafts of an Act for appointing an Agent for New York. Oct. 26, 1734. 3 and 6 pp.
407. iii. Draft of an Act to lay a duty on tea. Committed to a Committee of the whole House, Oct. 25, 1734. 2¼ pp. Nos. i–ii i endorsed, Recd. 22nd Jan., 1734/5.
407. iv. Attested copy of Charter granted to the City of New York by Governor Montgomerie. Endorsed as preceding. 36 pp. [C.O. 5, 1057. ff. 49–52, 53–58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 95 v.; and (duplicate of covering letter only, endorsed, R. in a blank cover, March, 1734/5) 5, 1093. ff. 332–333 v.]
Dec. 9.
408. Governor Belcher to the Duke of Newcastle. Abstract. Has laid before the Council and the Assembly the complaint made by Galston and referred to him by his Grace's letter of 3rd Oct. Encloses following, showing "the particular steps taken for the better preservation of H.M. woods." Will, as always, do his best to protect H.M. right in the woods, and give encouragement to the Contractor's workmen by putting a stop to any unjust and vexatious prosecutions against them etc. Signed, J. Belcher. Endorsed, R. March 12. 3 pp. Enclosed,
408. i. Copy of The Boston Gazette, "From Monday December 2 to Monday December 9" No. 799. Printed. 4 pp. [C.O. 5, 899. ff. 124–127 v.]
Dec. 9. 409. Mr. Williams to Mr. Popple. The inclos'd is an extract of a letter Mr. Fotherby read to the Board, which his Excy. Govr. Cunningham has desir'd me to leave with you for their Lordships' use. Signed, Saml. Williams. Endorsed, Recd., Read 10th Dec., 1734. Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed,
409. i. Extract of a letter from Richd. Hemings Esqr. one of the Assembly at Jamaica to his aunt at London, dated the 5th July 1734: "I find by unkle's letter he willing to dispose of his estate here, wch. in my opinion wd. be the best thing he cou'd do. But fear wt. shd. be the strongest motive to induce him to sell will likewise be an objection to the purchaser. For the insecurity of our country occasioned by our slaves in rebellion against us, whose insolence is grown so great that we cannot say we are sure of another day and robbings and murder so common in our roads, that it is with the utmost hazard we travel them; the method's hitherto taken to suppress them, have been attended with unsuccess, and so vast an expence that I can safely say two-thirds of the inhabitants are alredy ruined, and tax's from this calamity so high that it is impossible we can long stand under them. Copy.1/2 p. [C.O. 137, 21. ff. 126, 127, 131 v]
Dec. 10.
New York.
410. Governor Cosby to the Duke of Newcastle. Abstract. Explains how Mr. Colden obtained a copy of the Council's answers to Mr. Van Dam's complaints, and communicated it to Mr. Morris, with the result that it has been made public in a most scandalous pamphlet containing a very rude reply to those answers. The general behaviour of Mr. Colden is unworthy of the character of a Councilor. He has so little regard to the trust and confidence of his office, and is so closely linked with the opposers of the Government, that he is not ashamed of being made their spy upon all the proceedings of the Council, whose most secret consultations and resolutions are no longer so than while they continue sitting etc. Set out, N.Y. Col. Docs. VI, 26. Signed, W. Cosby. Holograph. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1093. ff. 334, 335.]