America and West Indies: May 1734, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1953.

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'America and West Indies: May 1734, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735( London, 1953), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'America and West Indies: May 1734, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735( London, 1953), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"America and West Indies: May 1734, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 41, 1734-1735. (London, 1953), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

May 1734, 1-15

May 1.
155.Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Harrington. Enclose copy of letter and extract from Mr. Harris, giving an account that negroes from several plantations have deserted to those in rebellion in Jamaica etc. Conclude: As this is a matter of consequence and seems to confirm what has so long been apprehended in that island vizt. a disposition to a general revolt among the negroes we, etc., desire you will please to lay the same before His Majesty. Autograph signatures. 1 p. Enclosed,
155. i., ii. Letter and extract from Mr. Harris, 26th April, supra. [C.O. 137, 47. Ff. 220, 223–224; and (unithout enclosure) 138, 17. p. 400.]
May 2.
Charles Town.
156.Governor Johnson to the Duke of Newcastle. The first Session of the New Assembly ended the ninth of last month, when 17 Bills were assented to, which shall be transmitted to the Lords for Trade as soon as possible. By this conveyance (which is the Aldborough man-of-war, in which Mr. Oglethorpe takes his passage for England) I send to Mr. Fury our Agent, the humble Address of the Governor Council and Assembly of this Province to H.M.; the humble Remonstrance of the same on the Currency, and the memorial and representation of the State of the Province, as to the danger we are in from our neighbouring French, Spaniards and Indians. The Assembly have made provision for mounting the artillery, and we shall take all the properest measures we are able to put ourselves in the best posture of defence, in case the rupture in Europe should happen to affect this part of H.M. Dominions etc. Signed, Robt. Johnson. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 388. ff. 116, 116v.]
May 4.
157.H.M. Warrant for granting pardon to William Major (v. 14th March supra). His name to be inserted "in the first and next general pardon that shall come out for the poor convicts of Newgate." (Wrongly dated, 1733.) Countersigned, Holles Newcastle. Copy. [C.O. 324, 50. p. 84; and 324, 36. p. 458.]
May 5.
158.Governor Belcher to the Duke of Newcastle. Since I had the honour of addressing your Grace in February last, I have recieved from H,M. Secretary of New Hampshire, what passed in that Assembly, and in the Council at my last being there; by which your Grace will find, that after waiting upon the Assembly the length of an unusual session, they wou'd supply no money to the Treasury, which has been empty now near three years; the King's fort is therefore dropping down, the Province naked and defenceless, and those to whom the public is indebted, under great oppression, and this, as I wrote your Grace in my last, I attribute very much to the difficulties I meet with from Coll. Dunbar, who is in close concert with all those that oppose the supply of money for the support of the King's Government and people. It is impossible (with great deference), my Lord Duke, for that Province or people to be easy, while that gentleman stands in the place he does, for he seems to delight in nothing so much as quarreling and contention etc. Asks for his removal. Continues: I have order'd my agent, Mr. Partridge, to lay before your Grace, whenever you shall please to command, some papers respecting my not admitting Messrs. Wentworth and Atkinson to be of H.M. Council of New Hampshire; which I hope will give your Grace entire satisfaction etc. If, my Lord Duke, the insolence of such men must be suffer'd, it will of course destroy the King's authority, and subvert all rule and order. Altho' Mr. Atkinson refus'd to take the oaths as Councellor, when I first offer'd them to him, yet after he had as a member of the House of Representatives (during the whole session of the Court) oppos'd the supply of money to the Treasury, and everything that had a tendency to the King's honour and service, and to the safety and interest of the people, he came after the session was over, and offer'd to be sworn, but Mr. Wentworth never came to me after he refus'd taking the oaths. The standing number of Councellors in that Province is twelve, of which there are now two wanting, and I shall in a little time recommend to your Grace such as are qualify'd according to the King's royal Instructions to me, and in the mean time, I humbly hope your Grace will prevent the filling up those vacancies with any persons that may still bring me under greater difficulties in my administration in that Province etc. Encloses Journals of the last House of Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay where a new Assembly is to sit on the 29th etc. Signed, J. Belcher. Endorsed, R. 25th June. 4 pp. [C.O. 5, 899. ff. 65–66v.]
May 6.
Tower Hill.
159. Mr. Harris to Mr. Popple. Some time since I sent you an extract from a letter from Jamca, on the same melancholy subject as two of ye same kind hereinclosed, to wch. I shall only add that if either French or Spaniards openly or secretly go on in assisting these rehellious negroes, the said island will soon belong to one or the other of them. Perhaps this hint may be also disagreabie, as it comes from one so out of fashion as myself, but as I judge these notices from what way soever they come may be proper to be laid before your Honble. Board, I therefore trouble you therewith etc. Signed, Rd. Harris. Endorsed, Recd. 17th, Read 22nd May, 1734. Holograph. ¾ p. Enclosed,
160. i. Extracts of letters from Jamaica (a) 18th March, 1734. . . . The rebellious negroes openly appear in arms and are daily increasing, they have already taken possession of three plantations within 8 miles of Port Antonio, by which means they cutt off any communication between that harbour by land. They have also attacked a place called the Breastwork where severall men armed were lodged to cover the workmen.
(b) 23rd March, 1734. . . . The rebels do certainly increase, and upon the success they have met with in defeating our parties are grown very insolent and audacious, insomuch that there is too much reason to fear a generall defection. In which case we shall be in the utmost danger if some assistance be not speedily sent over. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 21. ff. 56, 57, 58v.]
[May 7.] 161. Mr. Yonge to the Council of Trade and Plantations. By a letter from Governor Johnson etc., 22nd Nov., I am commanded to acquaint your Lordships, that by the advice of H.M. Councill he had removed Thos. Cooper Esqr. from his place of Assistant Judge of the Court of Pleas in that Province until H.M. pleasure be known, and that he has appointed—Dale Esqr. in his stead. And that their reasons for so doing were: Because the said Cooper had taken upon himself to publish and affix in a publick place at Port Royal, that he wou'd dispose of H.M. lands in that province to such as wanted and wou'd apply to him and company. And that on such an application they shou'd have the mesne conveyances under patents eonfirm'd to them, which advertisment is subscribed Cooper, Rothmoller and Company. And for that when the Governour had sent to the Collector of H.M. Customs at Port Royal to transmit to him and H.M. Councill the said advertisment and it was inclosed in a sealed letter, and sent by one Lewis Pacquereau and directed for H.M. service to the Clerke of the Councill. He the said Cooper intercepted the delivery of the same, by going to the lodgings of the said Pacquereau and takeing it away from him in a forcable manner; as appeared to them by several affidavits, copys of which are herewith annext. All which doings, they the said Governour and Councill look upon as a great contempt of H.M. authority vested in them. To whom the sole power is given of disposing of H.M. lands in that Province, and that the same was done (as they judged) with a design to create divisions and contentions, and to stirr up the people to tumult and sedition. And that the said Govt. and Councill have also thought fitt and proper to appoint Thomas Lamboll Esqr. to succeed Daniel Green Esqr. as an Assistant Judge of the said Court, he being come for England for the recovery of his health etc. Signed, Fra. Yonge. Endorsed, Recd. 7th, Read 16th May, 1734. 1¾ pp. Enclosed,
161. i. Deposition of Louis Patureau. 16th May, 1733. v. preceding. Signed, Louis Patureau. Copy. 1½ pp.
161. ii. Deposition of Joseph Raper, 25th May, 1733. Relating to above. Signed, Joseph Raper. Copy. 1½ p.
161. iii. Deposition of Elizabeth Patureau, wife of Louis Patureau. Signed, Eliza. Patureau. Copy. 2 pp. Nos. i–ii i endorsed as covering letter. [C.O. 5, 363. ff. 56–58, 59, 59v., 62v., 63v.]
May 9.
N. Hampshire.
162.Col. Dunbar to Mr. Popple. Abstract. In obedience to the Board's recommendation of Mr. Slade, one of his Deputies, he has treated him as civilly as if he had been his brother, but learns that through his connivance with the loggers, compounding with same and discharging seizures etc. in return for contributions from them, more waste has been committed in the woods in New Hampshire than in all the time since Col. Dunbar and his deputies came over. When he decided to dismiss him, he asked to be allowed to resign, so that there should be no occasion for writing home about him etc. Believes that he was an instigator of the riot at Exeter etc. Signed, David Dunbar. Endorsed, Recd. July 9th, Read, Nov. 27th, 1734. Holograph. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 876. ff. 128, 128v., 131v.]
May 10. 163. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Petition for repeal of Act of New York to empower the Vestry of Jamaica etc. Describe case of Rev. Mr. Poyer and Coigan. The annual allowances made by the Society to supplement the stipends of Missionaries, schoolmasters and catechists in the Province of New York at the request of vestries and inhabitants amount to £635 sterl. etc. Set out, N.Y. Col. Docs. VI, p. 1. Signed, Ferd. John Paris, for the Society. Endorsed, Recd. Read 10th May, 1734. 22/3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1056. ff. 103–104v.]
May 10.
164.Lt. Governor Armstrong to the Council of Trade and Plantations. This being the first opportunity that hath presented from hence this year, I judged it my duty to communicate to yor. Lordps that the present state of affairs here are much as formerly, and to lay before you the whole of my transactions in conjunction with the Council since my last; which are comprehended in the copy of minutes, orders, letters and those of the buttings and boundings of the patents now transmitted for your Lordships' perusal. By the Minutes particularly these of 6th and 7th of July 1733 and that of the 9th of Jany. 1733/4 your Lordps. may observe sevl. reasons for my suspending of William Winniett Esqe. from being of the Council; Tho' which added to these I advised Yor. Lordps. of the 10th July 1733 and the 15th of Novr. 1732 upon Major Cope's declaration in Council the 25th of July 1732, to which I must refer you, I hope will be judged sufficient for my vindication; his discovering the designe of the magazine intended at Mines, being, although but oblicquely, in such a manner insinuated also by others as to cause a further suspicion of his integrity; as to which it not being possible to procure clearer proof, without exposing the informers not only to the envy and hatred of their neighbours, but to the malice and fury of the Indians, I concluded it was the safest, not to communicate any further reasons to ye Council than what are in said Minutes expressed, but to refer his suspension till H.M. pleasure should be thereon known, least any person from thence should ffall a sacrifice. In regard to anything further to be said about the seigniors, I must also refer your Lordps. to the Minutes of Council and my Orders thereon issued relating to the inhabitants of this River and their seignioreal rents, which they, with less difficulty than I at first imagined, have paid to me for the year 1732 and 1733 for and on accot of H.M.; for which, I am accountable £40 18s. 27/89/0d. New England money which at 260 p. ct. discompt amounts to £11 7sd. sterll. as you will see by the schedule of the said rents and ye stated accot. thereof herewith sent to yor. Lordps. As to those payable by the inhabitants in the other parts of the Government, I can't as yet give your Lordps. Any information, being balk'd in my intended expedition, which I still designe as soon as the circumstances of time and opportunity will permit, and the stopages made on accot of Mrs. Belisle for the reasons assigned I recommend to yr. consideration. I have frequently discoursed with the inhabitants about renewing their grants and taking patents in H.M. name, but as yet to no purpose; their present quit rents being but a mere triffle in comparison of what is required by H.M. Instructions: And as there are almost none of them that possesseth less than a mile in front and a league backwards without ye condition of inclosing and fencing, your Lordships may easily judge from thence of their backwardness in this respect: And, with submission to your Lordps., I am of opinion, that if the upland (which on this river is indeed rocky and mountainous and of a thin sandy soil) be so very barren as by them represented, that one penny sterll. p. annum is too much for one hundred acres of such ground that will never ansr. the charge of inclosing; And this my Lords may be one great reason why we have not some British planters amongest us, the terms of their grants being also, perhaps, much more favourable in our neighbouring provinces; And I likewise take the liberty, my Lords, to represent that, in my opinion, H.M. revenues and interest in this, as well as in his other Provinces to the southward of us, would sooner incress and be supported by Trade and Navigation carried on in time by British subjects settling amongest us upon the annual acknowledgemt. of a pepper corn than of ten shill. p. acre; As it would be an encouragemt. for adventurers at least to come and see us and prove the soil. I hope yt. your Lordps. will peruse these Minutes and Orders and favr. me with your advice thereon, that for the future, if my proceedings be anyways blamable, I may thereby avoid the like mistakes, and allways meet with your Lordps.' approbation, which shall be my constant study, etc. Signed, L. Armstrong. Endorsed, Recd. 4th, Read 5th Sept., 1734. 3 pp. Enclosed,
164. i. Orders issued by Lt. Governor Armstrong, (i) 4th Jan. 1733. In pursuance of Governor Philipps' order of, by and with the advice of the Council, 10th Dec, 1730, that all quit rents, homages and services formerly paid by the inhabitants at Mines and other places up the Bay of Fundy to their respective seigniors, should then be paid to His Britannick Majesty etc. orders the Deputies of the inhabitants of the River of Annapolis Royal to require them to have in readiness all such rents etc. and arrears since 1731, and commit their contracts to the care of the Deputies, to be duly examined, in order to ascertain their rents etc. (ii) 5th Feb. 1733. A legal standard half bushel having now been made in pursuance of order of July 27th last, the Deputies are now required to bring in all the half bushels that can be found among the inhabitants of the River and to get new ones made according to the standard within 21 days etc. (iii) July 19, 1733. There being several complaints both from the English and French inhabitants of Annapolis Royal, the Cape, Bellair, and Rushewforshew (whose flocks and herds intermix and feed in common, that they have lost both sheep and cattle for want of overseers to inspect the said flocks and herds etc., and Francis Robisheau (alias Nigan) and Claud Melanson of the Cape having undertaken that office for the publick wellfare etc., these are therefore (by and with the advice of H.M. Council) to give notice to every person residing in said places etc. that they are not to put into said flocks or herds any sheep, lambs or cattle without first acquainting one or both of said overseers with their marks, nor to take any from thence etc. without first applying to one or both of them etc. upon penalty of double the value of the beast taken, and also upon the penalty of paying for all such beasts as may be lost besides their loss of commonage, etc. Sixpence to be paid for each bullock or cow and 4d. for each sheep, to the overseers, who are to report any frauds discovered etc. (iv) 20th July, 1733. Order to George Mitchell, Deputy Surveyor of the Woods, to survey the woods and lands lying on both sides of the River of Annapolis Royal from the Gutt upwards etc. A guard will attend him etc. (v) 11th Aug. 1733. H.M. having appointed proper persons for surveying the woods and lands, and directed that places thereof should be transmitted home, etc., These are to order the French inhabitants of this River (repeated verbal orders communicated to them by their Deputys being contemptuously neglected and despised) to plant stakes or poles at their respective boundarys fronting the river, and to appoint one or two inhabitants of such village, whereof the Surveyor is to take a plan to attend with one of the Deputys belonging to the district to inform the Surveyor more particularly of the buttings and boundings, that the same may be laid down by compass etc. (vi) 30th Aug., 1733. Governor's Order for the French inhabitants of the Provinces to elect Deputies on 11th Oct., the annual date fixed in Council 11th Sept., 1732 etc. (vii) 28th Sept., 1733. Certificate by Lt. Governor Armstrong that Alexr. Le Borgne, Sre. De Belleisle has taken the oath of allegiance, (viii) Lt. Gov. Armstrong's Order to Prudane Robisheau Sr., of the River of Annapolis Royal, for collecting H.M. rents etc. within the banfieu, due since 1731. 1st Dec., 1733. (ix) Similar order to John Duon for collecting the quit rents of the inhabitants of the River outside the banlieu. (x) Order by Lt. Gov. Armstrong, 8th Jan., 1734, to Reny Forest, James Girroiz, and Reny Richards to pay to Madame Bellisle one half of the usual rents of their farms, which consist of "six hogshead three bushels of wheat and thirteen fowls," and to lodge the other half in H.M. stores until further orders, (xi) Lt. Governor Armstrong's Order, 10th April, 1734, to George Mitchell, Depty. Surveyor of the Woods, to survey Mines, Pissaquit, Cobaquit, Cape Doré, Shickanecto and Chippody. (xii) Order by Lt. Armstrong, 10th April, 1734, that Mm. Forest etc. (v. No. x.) pay their full rents to Mme. Belleisle, it having been declared by several inhabitants that their rents are farm rents, not seigniorial rents etc. The whole endorsed, Recd. 4th Sept., 1734. 13 large pp.
164. ii. Copies of letters from Lt. Governor Armstrong to, (i) Capt. Aldridge, 15th Nov., 1732. Upon a complaint from Mr. How that he has divested him and the other Justices of the Peace and taken upon himself the entire management of civil as well as military affairs at Canso, etc. calls upon him, unless he can produce instructions for doing so, not to interrupt the Justices in his military capacity as Commander of the troops, "least by so doing you frighten or discourage the settling of that place; the least appearance of a civil Government being much more agreeable to inhabitants than that of a martial" etc. As a Member of Council, however, he is to sit as President etc. (ii) To the Justices at Canso. Nov. 15, 1732. Instructs them as preceding, (iii) To Governor Belcher, Nov. 15, 1732. Reply to 9th Oct. Hopes the Assembly may be prevailed upon to settle a truck house as he proposed, for the sake of the peace and welfare of both Governments. In that case he will send a detachment to secure the house and goods etc. (iv) To the Deputies of the Upper French inhabitants of the River of Annapolis Royal. Dec. 13, 1732. Reply to petition of 8th Dec. N.S., praying that the priest may be allowed to exercise his ministerial office one half of his time up the river, or that the church may be removed to the midst of the parish, for the conveniency of the ancient people and children, as, they allege, Governor Philipps promised. Explains that Governor made no other promise than what has always been done conformably to the 14th Article of the Treaty. As every protestant parish in Britain etc. has only one Congregational Church, how can they expect more? etc. Continues: Cannot consent to the church being removed without orders from home, it having been removed from up the river to the town of Annapolis Royal for several good reasons, etc., being no less than a massacre continued by your former Priests, Charlemagne Fœlix at Mines and several of the people to be perpetrated by the Indians: and there are none of you but knows how barbarously some of H.M. subjects were murder'd and wounded by these infatuated, unthinking people etc. The priest's residence cannot be altered without similar instructions etc. (v) To the Bishop of Quebec. Nov. 21, 1732. Has directed M. de St. Poncy to attend the inhabitants of the River and the other priest at Passaquit. Will show them respect according to their merits, and hopes they will not prove fomentors of rebellion like some of their predecessors etc. Endorsed as preceding. 9 large pp.
164. iii. Buttings and boundings, quit rents and terms of patents granted by Lt. Governor Armstrong 23rd Nov., 1732—10th Aug., 1733. Grants of lands to: Charles Vane (2); Lt. John Handfeild; Rev. John Harrison; Wm. Haw Taylor; Capt. Henry Daniel; John Dyson, bombardier; John Adams; Charles King. Same endorsement. 8¾ f large pp.
164. iv. Minutes of Council of Nova Scotia, 25th Sept., 1732– 10th April, 1734. Same endorsement. 18¾ large pp.
164. v. Schedule of the seigniorial rents payable yearly by the inhabitants of Annapolis Royal, according to their grants etc., with accounts of collections by Prudane Robisheaux and John Duon etc. Same endorsement. 26 pp. [C.O. 217, 7. ff. 51–52 v., 54–65 v., 67–71 v., 73–82, 83 v., 85–97 v.]
May 10.
165. Lt. Governor Armstrong to the Duke of Newcastle. Duplicate of preceding covering letter, mutatis mutandis. Signed, L. Armstrong. 3 pp. Enclosed,
165. i.–v. Duplicates of Nos. i.–v. encl. preceding. [C. O. 217, 39. ff. 67–68, 70–79 v., 83–87, 89–95, 97–101, 102 v.–115.]
May 11
New Hampshire
166. Col. Dunbar to Mr. Popple. Abstract. Very many letters have passed between him, his deputies and Mr. Shirley, Advocate General at Boston, to whom he is chiefly obliged for persuading the Deputy Judge here to decree that 383,000 feet of white pine boards cut out of condemned logs remained the property of the King. Had, indeed, hoped for more than twice as much. "It is very shocking to me to know that the boards etc. decreed to H.M. are now every day carrying away, and that I have no power to prevent them, as per the Advocate Genll's opinion, etc. I humbly hope a particular resentmt. will be shewn to the town of Exeter, who are but a nest of thieves, not to be restrained by ordinary laws, and that this Province will escape any weight of such resentment, for generally speaking the people express great abhorrence of the late tumult, and are dutyfully inclined to His Majesty etc. I think that if Mr. Belcher was as hearty as he pretends, the rioters might not only be discovered, but that ye King's officers might attend their duty without insult or danger; if the expedients are approved, wch. I have now proposed to ye Lords Comrs. of the Treasury, it may for the future prevent such publique outrages" etc. Requests the Board's favour in recommending him to be otherwise disposed of, and to any part of H.M. Dominions, "for it is impossible I can be easy or of use here dureing Mr. Belcher's administration, no man that knows him will give any credit to him, and he is now fishing for any matter of complaint against me" etc. Signed, David Dunbar. Endorsed, Recd. July 9th, Read Nov. 27th, 1734. Holograph. 2 pp. Enclosed,
166. i. Mr. Shirley to Col. Dunbar. Boston, May 6, 1734. Gives opinion on the Exeter riot and proceedings upon it. Signed, Wm. Shirley. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 3 pp.
166. ii. Depositions of James Pitman, Henry Marshall, Robert Gallaway, Joseph Cross, Walter Alston, William Stiggins, William Jarrat, Negro Peter, Benjamin Dockum, and Joseph Miller, as to the conspiracy and riot at Exeter, April 24, 1734. Copy. 4 pp.
166. iii. Col. Dunbar to Col. John Gillman at Exeter, April 23, 1734. [C. O. 5,876. ff. 129, 129v, 130, 132, 132v, 133–5, 136, 137.
May 11.
Spanish Town.
167. Major Ayscough, President of the Council of Jamaica, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The security of the Island, against the rebellious negroes, being upon my coming into the Goverment the first object of my care, I ordered a party of two hundred men, with the utmost dispatch, to be fitted out, under the command of Capt. Swarton, a gentleman of an estate in St. Thomas's in the East; his officers were gentlemen's sons, voluntiers, and also another party of the like force from Port Antonio, Capt. Swarton marched the 20th of April last, and having cut a road through the woods, the seventh day about eight a clock in the morning, they attackt the rebells, in their chief town, and beat them out, which consisted of one hundred and twenty seven huts, and at the most could not hold four hundred men, women, and children; (in this town is supposed to be the body of the rebellious slaves) of which as near as they cou'd guess were one hundred shot, after they were beat out of their town, they retired behind trees and bushes and fought our men, for five days, killed eight of them, and wounded thirteen; our party killed a great many of the rebells, and amongst them one of their head captains; a list of the arms and other things taken out of their town, I send inclosed to your Lordships. This is a rout that never was taken before, and is now made so good a road to the negro town, that the partys may march to it, in a day and a half; and had not the excessive rains, which brought the rivers down, prevented the Port Antonio party, from coming to Captain Swarton's assistance, with a supply of ammunition and other necessarys, shou'd have taken or killed most of them, but for want of which, Capt. Swarton was obliged to retire. The Assembly met on Tuesday last, and have come to a resolution, to send out two partys more in a forthnight, or three weeks; the gentlemen here all offer their services to go, and I don't doubt but on the return of the next partys, to give your Lordships a much better account. Inclosed I send your Lordships my Speech to the Assembly, and also their Address, I thought it my duty to lay this before you, and have the honour to subscribe myself with the greatest esteem, etc. Signed, J. Ayscough. Endorsed, Recd., Read 24th July, 1734. 1¾ pp. Enclosed,
167. i. List of arms captured in the Negro town. Bills, poles, kettles etc., 20 muskeats, 12 lb. Gunpowder, 18 guns, bullets, powder horns etc.½ p.
167. ii. President Ayscough's Speech to the Council and Assembly of Jamaica. By the death of the late Governor, Major General Hunter the several powers, and authoritys to him granted by H.M. Commission, are now devolved on me, which trust I shall endeavour to discharge with the utmost fidelity to my sovereign, and the good and welfare of this island. From the present exigency of our affairs, I think it incumbent on me to take the first opportunity to consult on proper measures for our further relief and security, and your meeting is become the more necessary, from my having received last night, an express that Captain Swarton with his party from windward, had attackt the rebells in their town, and kept it in possession for some days, but for want of a supply of ammunition, and a reinforcement, from the party from Port Antonio, was obliged to quit it and is gone back with his men to Morant. The resolutions that were taken at the late Council of War, for the raising of partys to reduce the rebellious negroes, I have endeavoured to put in execution, but the defect of the Militia Act, and the want of sufficient powers, in the several party laws, to compell the inhabitants of this Island, to do their duty, in this publick service, have not only retarded, but in a great measure defeated the intended expedition, very few of the parishes having sent their quote's of men, and those ill provided with arms and proper necessarys. I must therefore recommend to you the making of such a law, as will render the militia more usefull. Gentlemen of the Assembly, I have ordered the accounts of the present expedition to be laid before you etc. Endorsed as covering letter. Copy. 1½ pp.
167. iii. Address of Assembly to Major Ayscough. Thanks for his Speech and welcome his administration after their former experience of it etc. Major Ayscough returned thanks. Same endorsement. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 21. ff. 81–83, 84, 85 v.–86 v., 87 v.]
May 11.
Spanish Town.
168. President Ayscough to the Duke of Newcastle. Duplicate of preceding covering letter, mutatis mutandis. Signed, J. Ayscough. Endorsed, R. 24th July. 2¾ pp. Enclosed,
168. i.–iii. Duplicates of encl. i.–iii. preceding. [C.O. 137, 55. ff. 47–49, 50, 51, 53.]
May 14.
169. Mr. Popple to Peter Leheup. The Lords of the Committee having directed my Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations to enquire what money has been charged and rais'd on the inhabitants of Barbados and the Leewd. Islands for the repairs of the fortifications or other defence of the said Islands and to what uses the said money has been applied; I am commanded to desire, you will furnish my Lords Commrs. with extracts from the accounts in the Auditor's Office, of any money that has either been rais'd for, or applied to the purposes aforesaid, so far back as your accounts go. [C.O. 29, 15. p. 435.]
May 15.
Council Office.
170. Mr. Sharpe to Mr. Couraud. In answer to your letter of last night, I am to inform you that there has been no meeting of the Committee of Council at this Office upon Plantation Affairs since the 18th of last month, when my Lord Duke of Newcastle was present. Their Lordps. Had then under their consideration an application for stores for Barbados and the Leeward Islands, and enclosed are copys of the orders of the Committee sent thereupon to the Lords Commissrs. for Trade, as likewise to the Board of Ordnance. No report hath been yet made by the said Lords Commrs. to these orders, but the Ordnance have made a return etc. Copy enclosed. As to what you mention of a representation of the merchants, which you suppose relates to Jamaica, I don't know of any such in this Office, except what relates to an Act lately passed laying a duty on negroes. If you think His Grace would have a copy of this, it shall be transcribed etc. Signed, W. Sharpe. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 36. ff. 32, 33.]