America and West Indies: January 1664

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'America and West Indies: January 1664', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online [accessed 13 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: January 1664', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025,

"America and West Indies: January 1664". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 5, 1661-1668. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1880), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025.

January 1664

1664. Jan. 1/11
627. Henry Parker to John Thomson [alias Edw. Riggs to Sec. Bennet]. There are more fanatics in Rotterdam than anywhere else. Understands that Wheeler and Ludlow are in the Holland plantation in New England, and reported to be well. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. XC., No. 1, Cal., p. 426.]
Jan. 11.
628. The King to Lord Willoughby. Has received his letter of Nov. 4, relating the misfortune which had befallen Barbadoes by the caterpillars and worms devouring the fruits of the island. Promises some ease from the hardships complained of through the Acts of Navigation. The complaints against the French Governor are just, and he is left to take what order with him is requisite. The island of St. Vincent has not been granted to anyone, nor shall any islands under Lord Willoughby's command be disposed of without he is first consulted. The King has good hopes of the prosperity of Jamaica, and will send a commission to Col. Modyford to be Governor, with power to do all things requisite for the good establishment thereof, wherein Lord Willoughby shall help him. Approves of raising a regiment and giving them the Royal colours. A ship of war shall be placed at his service if the exigency of affairs will permit ; and the guns desired shall be sent out. Rough draft in Williamson's handwriting. 1 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 1.]
1664? 629. Proposals in the handwriting of Col. Thomas Modyford. That a frigate and three or four other vessels, well provided with arms and ammunition, be appointed to carry passengers to and from the Leeward Islands and "this place" [Jamaica]. The planters, especially for the first two years, to consist only of freemen who best know the manner of the country in building and planting, to be disposed of in townships of 50 men each, to have a portion of land assigned and increased according to ability in the management of it. A free passage to be given to the first 1,000 men, everyone to have the right to demand 100 acres of land ; at first the Government must be military, but the chief encouragement will be an assurance of equal liberties with the Governments of England and Barbadoes. The first plantations to be at the river's side, well stocked, "it will feed millions of cattle." The ground is already "bared," so that provisions, commodities, &c. may be sown, and if licensed to import cattle and horses from Brazil, Cape Verd, &c. no other wealth would be needed, cows being cheap and in great plenty in those places. It must be considered that Barbadoes cannot last "in an height of trade three years longer." A place must therefore in prudence be presently thought upon where this great people should find maintenance and employment. 20,000l. put in honest and active hands would in a short time return a fair revenue to the common treasury. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 2.]
1664? 630. Propositions which it is humbly conceived will be for his Majesty's service. That Col. Thos. Modyford may have power to give liberty of conscience in Jamaica ; to grant land at his discretion ; to make declaration in all the Caribbee Islands that there shall be no custom paid at Jamaica for 21 years ; to call in all private men-of-war ; to proceed against those who refuse and continue pirates or take commissions from other princes ; to settle an Admiralty there ; to give assurances to Spanish subjects of free trade at Jamaica ; and that, for the security of the island, his Majesty keep a ketch there for obtaining intelligence ; and that the ship now going be victualled for 12 months, that she may return to the Caribbee Isles for planters. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 3.]
1664? 631. Propositions concerning Jamaica. That letters be written to Lord Willoughby, to permit Col. Modyford to make public declaration in Barbadoes and the Leeward Isles that freemen desiring to go to Jamaica may repair to him ; and to Col. Modyford to give him notice that his Majesty has appointed him Governor of Jamaica, with instructions what conditions to offer to such as will go with him. That it be left to Col. Modyford's discretion what land be fit to be granted to single persons, families, and servants, but to be granted to them and their heirs for ever at a peppercorn rent ; and that he declare publicly that there shall be no custom paid at Jamaica for 21 years ; for without order concerning these latter it is conceived that freemen will rather go to the Dutch and French plantations than to Jamaica. Indorsed by Sec. Bennet, Mr. Kendal's propo>s concerg Jamaica. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 4.]
1664. Jan.? 632. Mem. that a letter be sent to Lord Willoughby to permit Col. Modyford publicly to invite planters to go to Jamaica, and the terms he may offer to encourage them to do so. A ship ready to go to Barbadoes with such despatches. Indorsed by Williamson, "Every person to have so much as he can well plant and manage. Jones, a Wiltshireman, a preacher." p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 5.]
633. The King to Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes. Whereas his Majesty has made choice of Col. Modyford to be Governor of Jamaica, whither his Majesty has ordered him to transport himself from Barbadoes, with instructions for perfecting the settlement of the island of Jamaica, and particularly for furnishing it with a sufficient number of planters ; commands him to permit Col. Modyford to give public notice thereof in Barbadoes, and to invite persons to plant in Jamaica, and to be aiding and assisting as there shall be occasion. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 6.]
Jan.? 634. Draft of the preceding, with corrections in Williamson's handwriting. p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 6*.]
Jan. 11? 635. The King to Col. Sir Thos. Modyford. Has chosen him to be Governor of Jamaica, for which he shall in due time receive his Majesty's commission and instructions ; but in the meantime, by the advice and authority of Lord Willoughby, he is commanded to publish in Barbadoes and the Caribbees, by proclamation or other means, his Majesty's intentions to plant and settle said island and to invite settlers, with assurances of protection, liberty of conscience in matters of religion, and free grants of as much land as they are well able to plant and manage. Draft, with corrections in the handwriting of Williamson. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 7.]
Jan. 16. 636. The King's warrant to the Attorney-General to prepare a bill under the Great Seal containing a grant to Thos. Elliot, groom of his Majesty's bedchamber, of mines to be discovered in a certain mountain adjoining the river Seganectucke, in Nova Scotia, for the term of 31 years, all ore to be brought to this kingdom, and the usual duties thereon to be paid, and one-fourth part to be reserved for the King's use. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XVI., p. 12, and Vol. XXI., p. 12.]
1664? 637. Draft of a letter in the handwriting of Williamson to Lord Windsor. As his Majesty has designed the Earl of Marlborough to succeed his Lordship in the Government of Jamaica, requests him to send an account of the condition wherein he found and left the colony, with any other observations and lights his Lordship hath by him or can furnish, without which Williamson is not sufficiently instructed to draw up the necessary instructions and despatches, and he cannot acquit himself as he ought of his Majesty's commands. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 8.]
1664. Jan. 17.
638. Lord Windsor to Joseph Williamson at Sec. Bennet's lodgings in Whitehall. Sends copy of his instructions, of which also Sec. Morrice has a copy. Knows not of any papers he either has or had that might be serviceable to the next Governor, only those which by the King's order he delivered to Sec. Bennet, by reason the condition of Jamaica was quite altered by his Lordship's coming, being before under no civil government, and left by him regulated to the laws and government of England. Indorsed, Rec. 25th. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 9.]
Jan.? 639. Notes by Williamson of a commission in 12 articles, headed "The Old Commission of Lord Windsor," the same as were given in full to Col. D'Oyley, Feb. 8th, 1661, see ante, No. 20. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 10.]
Jan. 18. 640. Commission to Col. [Edward] Morgan, appointing him Deputy-Governor of Jamaica, to command in chief in the absence of Sir Thos. Modyford, Governor there. His instructions are dated 27 Feb., see No. 674. p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XX., p. 7.]
Jan. 19. 641. The King to Edward D'Oyley, Esq. Whereas seizure was made in 1661 by the Diamond in Jamaica harbour of the Flemish ship Martin Van Rosen, Leonard Johnson, master, which with her lading of negroes and goods was condemned as lawful prize, and onethird part by virtue of a late Act of Parliament belongs to his Majesty, the same is hereby commanded to be paid to Philip Howard. Signed by the King and countersigned by Sec. Sir Henry Bennet. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 11.]
Jan. 19. 642. Copies of the copy dated 24th Feb.are entered in Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XVI., pp. 13, 51.
1664? 643. Note of the seizure of the above ship, and confiscation of her goods and negroes by Col. D'Oyley to the value of 650l., whereof one-third belongs to the seamen for which his Majesty hath passed an order [see ante, No. 599], one-third to the Governor, and the rest to his Majesty which is in the hands of Col. D'Oyley. p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 12.]
1664. Jan. 19.
Inner Court of Wards.
644. Minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations. Debate on the model or form proposed by the Farmers of the King's Customs to be put in practice by their officers, which at their own charge they propose to send to Virginia, New England, Maryland, Long Island, and other Plantations, for preventing the defrauding of his Majesty's Customs, Committee appointed to contract same into as few and brief heads as they can and add the Earl of Anglesey's proviso limiting the proceedings of such officers by the late Acts of Navigation. Printed in New York Documents, III., 49. p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XIV., No. 59, p. 55.]
Jan. 25.
645. Deposition of John Haines taken before Sir Chas. Lyttelton Judge of the Principal Court of Admiralty. About March last, being an inhabitant amongst the Spaniards he heard that a party of English belonging to Captain Swart being landed near the river Cant, a party of men under Andrea de Ceseneras and Don Alonzo de Fonseca were sent to take them, who having met with and slain 11 of them, found 17 more, in a small wood in a Savanna, prepared to defend themselves. Whereupon the Spaniards, by showing their dead comrades, displaying their own force, and promising that they should have fair quarter, and be sent to St. Jago on Cuba, and from thence be shipped to Jamaica, induced them to lay down their arms ; but in the night killed them all. Has heard all this from Andreas Hidalgo, one of the Spanish party. Has also seen the bones of the 17 men lying as they were slain, within a compass of 5 yards square, and has heard that the magistrates of Baiam sent to the Spaniards, not to bring in one Englishman alive. And further the Major of Baiam having heard that Nicholas Rion and Francis Peron were trading with the Spaniards in the river Civilia upon Cuba, sent his son Don Alonzo de Fonseca, with seven or eight men to kill the Company and take their barque ; which they effected by inviting two of them ashore, on pretence of giving them a beef, and sending three of those with whom they were accustomed to trade on board, who stabbed Nicholas and Francis ; and when the last man jumped overboard and swam to shore, he was lanced to death by those who had killed the other two. This took place in April last and has heard that all the actors declare it to be truth. The captured barque was of Jamaica. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 13.]
Jan. 26.
646. Consultation held by Captains Quick, Facy, and Fenn, and John Ladd, Thomas Darcy, Wm. Glanvill, Edward Jones, and Patrick Robertson, factors and officers of the Royal African Company. Upon receipt of a letter from Major Holmes, dated the 23rd inst., from Goree to John Ladd, with news of the surrender of said island and desiring him to come thither with all expedition, and with as many men as possibly could be spared for keeping possession of the island ; said Council think it expedient to do so for the following reasons. It is a strong fortified place where the ship may conveniently ride and has been the chief Dutch factory for all the north parts of Guinea. That if it please the Company to keep possession of said island, no nation can have any trade in any of those north parts, and it lies so conveniently for all ships coming out of England for South Guinea, that it is not six hours sail out of the way to touch there. 1 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 14.]
Jan. 29. 647. Report of Sirs John Berkeley, G. Carteret, and W. Coventrye. Have discoursed with several persons well acquainted with the affairs of New England, some having lately inhabited on Long Island, where they have yet an interest. That the Dutch on those colonies do not exceed 1,300 men, the English who live intermixed with them being about 600 men. That from the colony of New Haven, where Mr. Winthrop commands, and from the east end of Long Island, which consists of English, may be gathered in eight or nine days 1,300 or 1,400 men, besides other English which will come freely from other colonies, and a probability of engaging the Indians if need require, so it seems very probable the Dutch may either be reduced to his Majesty's obedience or dispossessed of their usurped dwellings and forts if the King will send three ships and about 300 soldiers under good officers, with provisions as per list ; the pay per month would be 369l. 12s. If thought fit to proceed in this design letters must be sent from his Majesty to the several Provinces in New England to be aiding and assisting therein, and that all possible diligence be used in regard to the season. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 15.]
Jan. 29.
648. Deposition of Charles Hadsell, commander of the Prosperous of London, taken before Sir Charles Lyttelton, judge of the Principal Court of Admiralty there established for the American seas. Touching his capture by Captain Juan de Sota, of the Spanish ship St. Christo, of Maracaia, and his being carried prisoner to St. Domingo, where he petitioned against this wrongful seizure, and to be sent to Spain to get satisfaction for his losses, amounting to 3,000l., but was refused. After 14 months' imprisonment was sent to Havannah, whence he escaped in a canoe with five other English prisoners. Two of these English prisoners, Wm. Harris and Wm. Garrett, sailed under Col. Cham Arundell, and Harris says that Arundell and his company were surprised in the Bay of Matanzas, and carried to Puerto Principe, where, after a month's imprisonment, Arundell and Bartholomew Cock, his master (about June 1662), were taken out by negroes into the bush and murdered, and that he saw them bring Col. Arundell's head into the town, while the rest of them were saved by a Flemish friar, who procured them to be sent to Havannah. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVIII., No. 16.]