America and West Indies: December 1671, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: December 1671, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 18 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: December 1671, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025,

"America and West Indies: December 1671, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025.

December 1671, 16-31

Dec. 16. 692. Instructions from Lords Proprietors of Carolina to the Governor and Council at Charles Town on Ashley River in five Articles. To follow the rules for government in the fundamental constitutions, temporary laws, and previous instructions. Instructions of the latest date always to take place. Always to fill up the Grand Council with an equal number of Councillors chosen by the Parliament to the Deputies. To prepare such Bills as he thinks for the good of the plantation, and present them to Parliament to be passed into laws if Parliament think fit, for there is nothing to be debated or voted in Parliament but what is proposed to them by the Council. To afford all assistance they can to Capt. Halstead in his discoveries. Signed by Craven, Ashley, G. Carteret, P. Colleton. In Locke's hand. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XX., p. 79.]
Dec. 16.
Exeter House.
693. Lord Ashley to Stephen Bull. Has made choice of Mr. Mathews because of his acquaintance with some of his near relations to succeed Bull as his deputy. He must not interpret this as any unkindness or disrespect to himself, who though a stranger when put in that trust, yet will continue to him this advantage of being ready to do him any good, and to show his respect grants his desire for the free freight of his goods which come in the Blessing, and has ordered Capt. Halstead to deliver up his bond for the freight of those goods. [Shaftesbury Papers Section IX., Bundle 48, No. 55, p. 99.]
Dec. 16.
Exeter House.
694. Lord Ashley to his very affectionate friend Capt. Halstead. Is very glad to find he has not been mistaken in the person employed in our Carolina affairs and that he has acquitted himself so well to our satisfaction. This gives great encouragement to continue him in our service. The orders sent for his coming home so far from any dislike for him that it is intended to send him again with Mr. Coming to Carolina in a ship most convenient for our business here. In all places where he touches to encourage men of estate to remove to Carolina, but to forbear to invite the poorer sort yet awhile, "for we find ourselves mightily mistaken in endeavouring to get a great number of poor people there, it being substantial men and their families that must make the plantation which will stock the country with negroes, cattle, and other necessaries, whereas others rely and eat upon us." Is sorry for Hugh Wentworth's death at Barbadoes, but is now satisfied that his brother John, now at Providence, was the fitter man to be Governor, and he whom they purposed to make so, but the shuffling of names caused the mistake. He is to assure John Wentworth of this, for the mistake is now rectified. Has written to Sir John Yeamans and Mr. Mathews to take up a colony on Ashley River, which if he likes we will forthwith stock; wishes his opinion upon it and also upon Mathew's honesty, skill in planting, and ability to manage a plantation. Desires exact observations of the two islands of the Bahamas which are planted. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., Bundle 48, No. 55, pp. 103, 104.]
Dec. 16.
Exeter House.
695. Lord Ashley to his very affectionate friend Mr. West. Has received his letters and is abundantly satisfied in all that he doubted of before, which he had not done had West given an account of his management of affairs there before. Finds he has been a very honest man to the Lords Proprietors in the distribution of stores and securing their debts, who have resolved in future to put the disposal of their stores wholly into his hands without any order from the Governor and Council, for now it is thought that every man by his own industry may be not only provided with victuals but with commodities to pay for cloths, tools, and other necessaries out of England. Intend so to furnish their stores that industrious people may be supplied who will pay ready truck, but not that the lazy or debauched shall run further into debt. It was through no personal dislike or disrespect to him that Sir John Yeamans was made Governor, but the nature of their government, which required that a Landgrave should be preferred to any commoner, but their opinion of his discretion, vigilance and fidelity is not at all lessened. Looks upon him as one who does in earnest mind the interest and prosperity of their settlement. Being assured that Charles Town and the country about it is healthy, the Lords Proprietors have altered their minds concerning the remove of their servants farther up the river, and would have him now go on in the plantation he has begun and employ them all there chiefly in planting provisions. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., Bundle 48, No. 55, pp. 104, 106.]
Dec. 17. 696. The King to Governor Sir Wm. Berkeley. To suspend John Lightfoot from the office of Auditor-general in Virginia and to continue Edward Digges in the peaceable possession and enjoyment of said office, his Majesty having been informed that the Governor of Virginia granted his commission to said Digges prior to the date of his Majesty's letters patent to Lightfoot, and that said Digges is a person every way fit for said office of Auditor-general. [Dom. Entry Bk. Chas. II., Vol. XXXI., p. 77.]
Dec. 17.
697. Sir Thos. Lynch to Sec. Lord Arlington. Wrote about a month since to his Lordship, and to Mr. Secretary Slingesby sending answer to inquiries; and will with all possible speed send exact maps of the island, and the best account he can get of the number of the inhabitants. From what his Lordship and others have written concludes the Spaniards neither can nor will do anything, nevertheless continue making all preparations. The Spaniards could only ruin Port Royal; it is absolutely impossible for them to destroy or retake the island. Again begs advice what to do if they should invade Jamaica, and whether to suffer the French to insult and injure them so. Has freed the Governor of Tortuga's patache. The Spaniards carried into St. Jago one of our ketches from New York, wounded some of the seamen, robbed all and then dismissed her; but she has had harder measure here, for being a Jew's, the merchants informed against her, and she was condemned for a foreigner, though the vessel, master, seamen, and goods were English. Sent Mr. Slingesby a petition of divers merchants against the Jews, but he supposes they will not be expelled, for there are but 16 without patents of naturalization, and in Lynch's opinion his Majesty cannot have more profitable subjects than they and the Hollanders, for they have great stocks and correspondence; are not numerous enough to supplant us, nor is it to their interest to betray us. Cannot find any but Jews that will adventure their goods or persons to get a trade. Hopes we shall do as much as will keep up the credit if not enrich the island by keeping the peace and obliging them. Possibly they may come to connive at some little underhand trade; whereby they get more than we. Believes it may be better than a public and open trade which would infallibly destroy that we have with Spain. But should it be impossible to steal into any kind of correspondence with them, yet conceives it against the island's interest to make war. People have not married, built or settled as they would in peace; some for fear of being destroyed, others have got much and suddenly by privateers' bargains and are gone. War carries away all freemen, labourers, and planters of provisions which makes work and victuals dear and scarce. Privateering encourages all manner of disorder and dissoluteness, and if it succeed does but enrich the worst sort of people, and provoke and alarm the Spaniards, constraining them to arm and fortify so that it will be difficult to take any considerable place when the King has a design or people to do it. When Sir T. M. came there were 2,500 in the militia, and now not above 3,200. They judge that there have been lost and left planting in the designs of the Windward Isles, Curaçoa, Oxford, Porto Bello, Granada, and Panama about 2,600, besides those carried off and lost in particular vessels, and these are the bravest sort of people; so that war will infinitely retard the settlement of the island; which makes him wish that peace might be preserved here, according to the treaty at Madrid, though we should break with them in Europe, as it seems to be feared. The Spaniards seem inclinable to peace, but rather out of fear than love. They have but three privateers out, one of Capt. Diego, after whom has sent the Welcome, and Yhallahes and Martin, two Dutchmen, with Sir T. M.'s commission, after whom he sent the Assistance to the Bay of Campeachy. Yhallahes was there, but so far in with the shore that the frigate could not command him; the Governor, to whom they sent with the publication of the peace to treat about freeing an English pink that went hence, sent two barques with the frigate's long boat to take him, but he told them he would not be taken by boats and intended hither. Some days after they met with Martin in a Spanish barque laden with wood; Capt. Wilgress took the wood, but sending the barque for water she was seized by the Spanish Governor; he also chased ashore a Spanish vessel, nor did he get any satisfaction for the merchants of the pink, who were plundered of above 2,000l., part of which the Governor owns detaining as Spanish goods. By the first opportunity his Lordship shall have the depositions and state of the case. Capt. Wilgress also sent his men on shore for logwood, and at the Isle of Pines set fire to divers Spanish huts; for all which, and his wicked, drunken behaviour on board, has turned him out, and made captain one Major Beeston, a gentleman of good estate, parts and conduct, for whom the whole island will answer. Has made Prynce, one of the most famous of the privateers, one of his lieutenants, that the Spaniards should see they were willing to serve his Majesty; and was afraid the sending home Morgan might make all the privateers apprehend they should be so dealt with, notwithstanding the King's proclamation of pardon. However shall send him home so as he shall not be much disgusted, yet the order obeyed, and the Spaniards satisfied. Could not do it now, for he is sick and there is no opportunity, but hopes the Welcome will be ready to bring him in six weeks. To speak the truth of him, he's an honest brave fellow, and had both Sir T. M. and the Council's commission and instructions, which they thought he obeyed and followed so well that they gave him public thanks, which is recorded in the Council books. However, it must be confessed that the privateers did divers barbarous acts, which they lay to his Vice-Admiral's charge. The Assistance sailed two days hence for Trinidad on Cuba for provisions, for which has charged a bill of 104l. on the Commissioners of the Navy; begs his Lordship to move his Majesty that this and his future charges may be readily paid, money being very scarce and at 15 per cent. The Collector wrote four days since that there was no money of the King's, and there has been but 700l. since he came, which is not at all to be wondered at, for all arises from the import on wines, and there have not come in 10 pipes since his arrival, though above 100 sail have. They have carried away little of the island's produce. Most carry away logwood, concerning which Mr. Williamson has promised his Lordship's orders. The Governor of Campeachy complains that these wood cutters do injury to his province, and that the frigate did not satisfy him; to which he answered, that he gave none liberty to cut wood. They were vessels bound for New York, New England, or England, or strangers, and if they did any injury the Governor might punish them; that Lynch did not know whether the King might not think his fleets had a right to cut wood in those desolate places, since they did it in July 12 months, and June last when the peace was adjusted and promulged; and that he had turned out the captain for not punishing his men for chasing a vessel ashore, and not delivering Capt. David's barque and wood; which he would return when he sent for satisfaction for the plundering the pink, for if they seized from our merchants all they called Spanish goods, we should lose more by the peace than by the war. Hopes his Lordship will give some orders in this. Will send to demand satisfaction for the pink and protest against going to seek it in Spain, which your Lordship knows is worse than losing it. Two great ships arrived from Barbadoes, and one at Port Morant with a Dutchman from Surinam and Curaçoa, who is naturalized, and has now brought many negroes. Esquire Pierce from Barbadoes, and Capt. Rendar from Surinam, came to see the island, and are going away mightily satisfied. Hear of abundance coming from divers parts, so that certain of peace and good government, in a small time the island will be strong, populous, and profitable without draining the nation or drawing anything more from the King's treasury. What falls heaviest on them is the blasting of their cocoa; fear most of the old trees will die, as in San Domingo and Cuba; yet hopes to pick up a few nuts for the King and his Lordship, with a bunch or two of vanillas; and hopes to send his Majesty some off his own land, for he is sending a Jew to the inland provinces where the vine grows to see whether he can cure any. 8 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVII., No. 58.]
Dec. 18. 698. Deputation from Anthony Lord Ashley to Maurice Mathews. Whereas each of the Lords Proprietors hath power to make a deputy to be his representative in Parliament and in the Grand Council, and to exercise such powers in the absence of the deputator out of Carolina as by the Fundamental Constitutions more fully appear. Lord Ashley, out of the trust and confidence he has in his wisdom, prudence, and integrity hereby appoints Maurice Mathews his deputy in Carolina. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XX., p. 76.]
[Dec. 20.] 699. Draft commission appointing Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. Stapleton [whose name has been added by Williamson] Governor of the Leeward Islands, and revoking Sir Charles Wheler's commission of the 25th January 1671. Endorsed, "Draft prepared by his Maj. Council for Plantations. Agreed the 20 of December 1671."
N.B.—This commission is almost identical with the commission dated 25th January 1671, to Sir Chas. Wheler, but the appointment of Deputy Governors in the islands under his command is left absolutely to Governor Stapleton, whereas Governor Wheler had power only to nominate and appoint Deputy Governors until the King's pleasure be known. A paragraph to continue Lieutenant-Colonel Robt. Stapleton Lieutenant-Governor of Montserrat "for the good opinion we have of his abilities to serve us in that command," Williamson has written in the margin "leave out this." 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVII, No. 59.]
[Dec. 20.] 700. Draft instructions to Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. Stapleton [Williamson has written in the name], Governor of the Leeward Islands, in the same terms (mutatis mutandis) as those to Sir Chas. Wheler of the 31st January 1671, except the first article, which has been added, and directs him with all speed to deliver to Sir Chas. Wheler the accompanying letter and revocation of his commission of the 25th January 1671, and to cause his Majesty's exemplification of said revocation to be published, as also his commission, whether he can presently deliver it to Sir Chas. Wheler or no. To the 15th article is added, that said islands may have a sufficient supply of merchantable negroes at moderate rates, he is to take especial care that payment be made for same, "it being otherwise against reason to expect that any should send good wares to a known bad market," and to send account from time to time to the Council for Plantations of the number of negroes yearly supplied to the islands, and at what rates. And in the last article, he is directed to choose St. Kitts for his chief residence, "which is now in our possession," instead of "when it shall be delivered to you." Endorsed, "Draught . . . . prepared by his Maj. Council for Plantations. Agreed the 20th of December 1671." 5 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVII., No. 60. See also Col. Entry Bk., XCII., 455.]
[Dec. 20.] 700. Draft revocation of Sir Chas. Wheler's commissions as Governor of the Leeward Islands and Commissioner to treat concerning the re-entry of the English into possession of goods and estates sold to the French, and other matters relating to the full execution of that part of the Treaty of Breda, dated the 25th January 1671, and the 14th March ensuing. Endorsed, "Draught … . prepared by his Maj. Council of Plantations. Agreed the 20th of December 1671." 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVII, No. 61.]
[Dec. 20.] 702. Draft commission to Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. Stapleton [Williamson has written in the name] to treat with the French Commissioners and determine all differences concerning the restoring of his Majesty's subjects to their lands and goods, &c., in his Majesty's part of St. Christopher's, of which restitution has been made, being in the same terms (mutatis mutandis) with that of the 14th March 1671, to Sir Chas. Wheler, which is declared void. Endorsed, "Draught … . prepared by his Maj. Council of Plantations. Agreed the 20th of December 1671." 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVII, No. 62.]
Dec. 21.
Office of the
703. An account of the powder, match, muskets, shot, &c., hereafter mentioned, sent with Sir Thomas Lynch to Jamaica, the 24th day of January 1671, with the value thereof, amounting to 1,520l. 1/2 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXVII., 96.]
704. "The Governor of Jamaica's, [Sir Thos. Lynch] answers to the inquiries of his Majesty's Commissioners." 1. What Councils, Assemblies, and Courts of Judicature? When he first came there was but one Court of Common Pleas, but on petition of the free-holders he constituted in every parish a court of the nature of a county court for sums under 20s., and a Commission of the Peace, with a Supreme Court at St. Jago, armed with King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer powers, where he has officiated in person. This order has proved of infinite satisfaction to the inhabitants. They have also a Court of Equity, in which the Governor is Judge, in which he cannot remember above three decrees made these seven years. At his first coming he called an Assembly by writs, and several laws being made, he dissolved them, and has had no occasion to call any since. His Majesty's Council of 12, chosen by the Governor, meet as often as the Supreme Court sits, which is once in two months, or oftener. Found this Council and Assembly settled in Sir Charles Lyttleton's time. 2. What Courts of Admiralty? But one court, at Port Royal, Sir James Modyford judge, with appeal to the Governor, whose sentence is definitive. 3. Where the Legislative and Executive Powers are seated? The Legislative power is in the Governor, his Majesty's Council representing the Lord's House, and the Assembly composed of Representatives of the Freeholders, two persons elected out of every parish; each of these bodies enjoying a negative as well as affirmative vote. The Executive powers are fixed in the officers, civil and military; and the courts of law direct all processes to the provost-marshal, which is found highly inconvenient; would have settled sheriffs in every parish, but that the office of provost-marshal for life was settled by patent, which is worthy their Lordship's timely consideration. 4. What laws are in force? "Right reason, which is the common law of England," together with Magna Charta and the Ancient Statutes of England, so far as practicable. Their statutes, made by the Assembly in his first year, were sent to Lord Chancellor Hyde for his Majesty's approbation, which was granted, but by reason of his misfortune they were not returned; supposes they may be in the hands of the now Lord Keeper, whom he has solicited for their return. By those they have acted, on the credit of the Lord Chancellor's letter, and find them very wholesome. 5. What number of horse and foot, and whether trained bands or standing forces? Only trained bands, exercised every two months, whose numbers he will find in enclosed list. 6. What castles, forts, and stores? Fort Charles, on Port Royal, is the only fort; no ship can go in or out of the harbour without being accountable to it. A list of its stores, guns, and provisions enclosed; also the figure of it and its situation [see preceding Vol. No. 1563. I.]. Had also, in St. Jago, a stonehouse fitted for ammunition, but the roof, built by the Spaniards, fell in 10th February last and spoiled much powder. 7. What number of privateers frequent the coast with their burdens, number of men and guns, and names of commanders? Has caused a list of the privateers of this island to be sent herewith, and an uncertain calculation of the French and Dutch belonging to Hispaniola or Tortuga. 8 and 9. What is the strength of neighbours, and what correspondency is kept with them? Having lately expelled a parcel of Spanish negroes and mulattos which did much mischief, the sea is betwixt them and all other nations. The nearest is Cuba, very thinly inhabited by Spaniards and slaves, and their laws severely prohibit correspondence; on its coasts all sorts of privateers careen and victual their ships, and small vessels of this port go thither for hides, tallow, and jerked meat, and never see any of the inhabitants; the east part, where St. Jago stands, is within 20 leagues of the north side of Jamaica, and from thence came the last forces that invaded this island. Next westward is Yucatan and its bay, and the Bay of Campeachy and Mexico, a great province, thinly inhabited, where our people go to cut logwood and return in about three months: this place has many more Indians than Spaniards, but most under the Spanish yoke, except to the westward. Due west lies Mexico, full of people, from whence came to Cuba 30 companies of foot, which, about 10 years ago, were defeated by General D'Oyley at Rio Neva, on the north side of this island. Due south from Yucatan are Honduras, Guatemala, River of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, River Chagre, and Porto Bello, very rich, and thinly inhabited, with many more Indians than Spaniards, and some towns of Indians that deny any subjection to the Spaniards. On this coast live the Mosquito Indians, and about Cape Gratia Dios others who are not subject to the Spaniard, but trade with our people for turtle shell and other commodities. In the Bay of Darien, southward and south east from Jamaica, lie Cartagena, St. Martha, Maracay, Comana, and Caraccas, the chief sea coast towns of the Main, at great distance apart, and a country very thinly inhabited betwixt. The men-of-war have at times taken and plundered most of their towns, and about Maracay the Chimely Indians often worst the Spaniards. North of Caraccas and east from hence lies Porto Rico, an island bigger than this, thinly inhabited by Spaniards, with but one town called St. John's, from whence they apprehend neither good nor evil. Near this lies the very great island of Hispaniola, the west parts of which are inhabited by French, with a mixture of English, Dutch, and Walloons; with whom our people trade for hides, tallow, jerked meat, cattle, and horses, which they daily fetch from the Spaniards who dare not vindicate themselves. "Thus may your Lordships read Jamaica circled with enemy's countries, which (though not sufficiently stored with people to hurt us), yet are good places to receive and cherish such forces as may come from Europe or Mexico to oppress us, and therefore is there much reason for that standing force of privateers or somewhat equivalent, to give us seasonable intelligence and to be prompt to resist the first attempts of an enemy." 10. What arms, ammunition, and stores did you find on the place, or have been sent since, when received, how employed, what remaining, and where? In answer to the 6th inquiry, find an account of the arms, ammunition, and stores. 11. What moneys have been paid or appointed by his Majesty, or levied, towards buying arms and making fortifications? Their Lordships have also an account of what has been appointed and what paid by his Majesty, none having been levied. 12. The boundaries and contents of land? The boundaries are the sea; the contents, by calculation of Sergeant-Major John Man, Surveyor-General, 7,000,000 acres. 13. What commodities and materials for shipping? The commodities are expressed at large in his former sent to Lord Arlington; and for materials for shipping knows none, but good timber, as cedars, whitewood and the like. 14. Whether saltpetre may be produced, and at what rates delivered in England? He did in the time of the Dutch war, to his no small charge make an essay for saltpetre, and made very good, but at so dear a rate that he gave it over. 15. What rivers, harbours, and roads, and of what depths? Desires to refer to a map of the island, by said Major Man, copied by Mr. Innians, the surveyor, and sent his son to be printed, wherein the rivers, harbours, and roads and their depths are punctually set down. 16. What number of planters, servants, slaves, and parishes? The number of planters, servants, and slaves will appear in the list herewith sent and the parishes in the plot last mentioned. 17 and 18. What number of English, Scots, or Irish, and slaves have yearly come or been brought, and what number have yearly died these seven years last past? No account of their coming could be kept, in regard of their landing at several harbours, bays, and creeks, but a guess may be made of dividing the number of acres granted by 30, which was the allowance per head; nor can account be given of the dead, for few are brought to the parish church to be buried, many a parish having yet no church. 19. What number of ships yearly trade to and from, and of what burdens? Send herewith a perfect account of the ships for these last two years, and also of the logwood men, that their Lordships may judge of the hopefulness of that trade. 20 and 21. What obstructions do you find to trade and navigation, and what advantages may be gained? The only obstruction to trade is the want of servants and slaves, and had all nations permission to bring them, as to Barbadoes they had till about 1652, this place would suddenly swell up to a greater felicity and wealth than ever that did. This privilege granted would make them not feel those lesser obstructions laid on them by Act of Parliament, as, no goods to be carried but from and to England, &c. No foreigners to be merchants here, &c.; but if it may not be granted, moves that the English merchants may have gratis the Royal Company's license to trade for slaves from Jamaica. Enlarged on this subject in said papers to Lord Arlington, to which he desires to refer. 22. What duties payable upon goods exported or imported? There is not a tax on goods exported, nor on any imported but wines and strong liquors, and every English ship pays 12d. per ton and a foreigner 2s. Found these set by Act of a former Assembly, for payment of several officers, military and civil, to all whom it's very much in arrear, and therefore to it has been added 40s. for a license to sell drink, of which a particular account shall be presented. 23. What revenue arises to his Majesty, by whom collected, and how accounted for? His Majesty's particular revenue consists of fines and forfeitures, charged in his this book under the title of escheats, which stands debtor to his Majesty about 400l.; quitrents between 300l. and 400l., levied by Captain Linley Cox and Thomas Tothill; and prizes and 15ths from 600l. to 800l.; all which and more from 5,000l. to 6,000l. has been disbursed on his Majesty's account, and the completing of Fort Charles; for which his Majesty gave him a Privy Seal on Lord Willoughby for 1,000l. worth of sugar, but he could never obtain 1l. thereof. Will, on demand, give an exact account of all particulars. 24. What provision for instructing the people in the Christian religion, and for paying the ministry? Their Lordships will find among the statutes with these presented, a law for the maintenance of the ministry; until this his Majesty was piously pleased to pay five ministers 100l. each, but since they were left upon the charity of the inhabitants, he has encouraged them to enlarge their payments, at St. Katherine's, where he lives, from 50l. to 140l., and at Port Royal, 200l. At. St. Katherine's Mr. Howser, a Switzer, officiates; at Port Royal, Mr. Maxwell, a Scotchman; at St. John's, Mr. Lemmings, an Englishman, lately sent by my Lord of London; and in St. Andrew's, Mr. Zellers, another Switzer; all these are orthodox men, of good life, and conversation, live comfortably on their means, and preach every Sunday. Mr. Pickering, of St. Thomas and St. David's, at Port Morant and Yallows, is lately dead, and they have none to supply his place. But, alas, these five do not preach to one-third of the island, and the plantations are at such distance that it is impossible to make up congregations; but they meet at each others houses, as the primitive Christians did, and there pray, read a chapter, sing a psalm, and home again; so that did not the accessors to this island come so well instructed in the article of our faith, it might well be feared the Christian religion would be quite forgot. "I have, my Lords, and shall use all the persuasive means I can to advance this people's knowledge of the true God, as also of all Christian and moral virtues." Signed by Sir Thos. Modyford. Encloses,
704. I. List of the ships under the command of Admiral Morgan, with the name, Commander, and number of tons, guns, and men of each ship, viz., 28 English ships, of from 10 to 140 tons, in all 1,120 tons, with from 0 to 20 guns, in all 180 guns, and from 16 to 140 men, in all 1,326 men; 8 French ships, from 25 to 100 tons, in all 465 tons, with from 2 to 14 guns, in all 59 guns, and from 30 to 110 men, in all 520 men.
704. II. List of the trained bands taken in June 1670, with the names of the Captains, and the numbers of the privates and inferior officers of each company. The foot soldiers divided into five regiments, viz., the General's, Lieutenant-General's, Major-General's, Colonel Freeman's, and the Leward Regiment; number 2,386 men and officers. Also a horse regiment, numbering 222 men and officers, and two companies on the north side numbering 112.
704. III. List of ships and vessels arrived in Port Royal Harbour, from 1st of January 1668, until the 1st of January 1670, with names, burden, and masters' names. In all 208 ships, ranging from 3 to 180 tons, and 6,727 tons. 1671, February 10.
704. IV. Account of ships, &c. that trade for logwood at Campeachy and belong to this harbour of Port Royal, in Jamaica, with names of the captains, ships, and number of tons, men, and guns; amounting to 32 ships, of 1,170 tons, with 424 men and 74 guns. 1671, March 4.
704. V. "Account of the establishment of Jamaica ordained by his Majesty to be paid by advance, settled the 25th of Dec. 1663, and was 2,500l. per annum." The establishment for seven years ending 25th Dec. 1670 amounts to 17,500l., whereof has been paid 12,500l. to the year 1668, leaving a balance of 5,000l. unpaid. 1671, March 4.
704. VI. Account of ammunition in the "storehouse in town, which was kept and issued by Richard Hemmings, under my own care and direction." Found in Mr. Bragg's house 77 barrels of powder and 108 of bullets; and there are now remaining 50 barrels of powder and 48 of bullets. The casks and English wood were so eaten by worms and white ants that he provided jars to put the powder in. 1671, March 4.
704. VII. "Account of what stores of his Majesty's came to my hands or knowledge in the Island of Jamaica since the 4th June 1664," and how disposed of. At his arrival found Mr. Povey was by patent Steward-General of his Majesty's stores, and Mr. Pugh his substitute. After the death of Pugh, ordered Lieut.-Col. Byndlos to take account of the stores remaining, who fished out of the sea and sand 60 or 70 sheets of lead and parcels of solder and brimstone, a copper kettle, and an old copper, and received from Capt. Keene, with whom Pugh left it, 40 barrels of powder. Sept. 2, 1667, Sir James Modyford took charge of the fort, and Dec. 17, 1669, Capt. Keene was made captain of it, and by his account there is now remaining 34 barrels. Has sent their Lordships also a copy of Povey's patent, that they may, if they please, demand an account of what he left with Mr. Pugh, "because there is much talk among the officers of great matters sent by the late Usurper to this place, and that there hath not been fair dealing used about it." 1671, March 4.
704. VIII. An account of the guns mounted in the Fort Charles, and all necessaries belonging to them, taken the 2 5/8th of Febr. 1671.
704. IX. Writ for electing Assembly men in Jamaica, addressed to John Cope, of the parish of St. John's, Esq., commanding him to appoint a day and place where the freeholders of said parish may make election of two of the most discreet freeholders for the Assembly to be held at St. Jago de Vega, on Tuesday, the 11th October 1664. 1664, July 11. Together 23 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXVII., 96–119.]
Dec. 21.
St. Jago.
705. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Ordered, that the ensuing writ to the Provost-Marshal issue for the election of two Assembly men for Port Royal; the election to be held on 28th inst., and that all inhabitants that pay scot and lot, including freeholders, merchants, and all that are taxed by the vestry, be admitted and give their voices. Deposition of Henry Morgan, aged 36: That about 1st of May he helped one Capt. John Erasmus to a horse at the house of Richard Guy, to go to Withy Wood, he having an order from Sir Thomas Modyford to go to the Caimanos in pursuit of Cyiles Delacade, to bring him with his ship and company to Jamaica. Sworn, 2nd Dec. 1671. Deposition of Capt. Henry Wills, aged 35: That coming on shore at Withy Wood, from Panama, he met Capt. Jno. Erasmus, who demanded his brigantine for the use of the Governor, showing him a paper signed by Sir Thomas Modyford, that said Erasmus was to go to Caimanos and fetch Yhallahs to Jamaica. Sworn, 13th Dec. 1671. Deposition of Morgan Jones, aged 55: That being at anchor at the Little Caimanos, Capt. Erasmus and Capt. Yhallah came aboard him, showed him an order from Sir Thos. Modyford, brought by Capt. Erasmus, requiring Yhallah to repair to his commission port, and desired him to write an answer, which he did; believes Capt. Erasmus was sent because it was known that nobody had so great power over Capt. Yhallah, they having been partners. Sworn, 18th Dec. 1671. Ordered, on reading the foregoing affidavits, from which it plainly appears that Capt. Erasmus had order from Sir Thos. Modyford to go to the Caimanos to fetch in Capt. Yhallahs, in obedience to the King's orders for calling in all privateers, that whereas William Cousens, as security for Capt. Rose, was condemned on the King's bond, for that Rose carried off Capt. Erasmus without the Governor's ticket, he being indebted to several persons in the island, said Rose and Cousens be indemnified from any suits or demands on account thereof, and that Jno. White, Esq., Chief Judge of the Supreme Court, forbear to give out any execution upon the judgment already obtained till further matter appear. Whereas by an order of 21st Oct. last that doubloons should be raised to 20s., and pieces of 8 to 5s., and be received current at that rate in six months, several persons, upon hopes of making 25 per cent. by this advance, board up their Spanish money, whereby trade is much lessened and the merchants enforced to sue the planters, who, not having ready money, will be compelled to make disadvantageous contracts, ordered, to the intent that money may more freely pass, that the former order immediately take place, but that all debts formerly contracted be discharged at the rate of 4s. 6d. per piece of 8, or in doubloons at 17s. 6d., being their intrinsic value. 6 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., XXXIV., 264–271.]
Dec. 22.
706. Proclamation by the King touching the Planters in the Island of St. Christopher's. Whereas, to the utter disappointment of his Majesty's just expectations, and the general discouragement of his subjects who formerly inhabited St. Christopher's, Sir Chas. Wheler, Governor of the Leeward Islands, caused a certain proclamation to be published there the 24th August last (see ante, No. 658. I.), than which nothing could have been more contrary to his commission and instructions, and to the just interests of the ancient planters; his Majesty has thought fit to declare the said proclamation null and void; and further, that all the late proprietors, their heirs and assigns shall be admitted to enjoy their plantations, with such stock as they can conveniently provide; save only, that those who have sold their plantations to the French must reimburse the purchasers the price they actually received, within one whole year from the re-delivery of the English part of the said island on the 5/15 July 1671; and those who have not sold to the French must return to the island before the 25th December 1672. No taxes or impositions whatsoever shall at any time be imposed, nor quitrents required, nor moneys levied, on any lands or tenements in the said island, unless by some public law made by the Governor, Council, and Assembly; and all the inhabitants are hereby freed as against his Majesty from all crimes and miscarriages which happened during the late war in that island, and from all prosecutions or inquiries touching the same, nor shall they ever be mentioned to the prejudice of any in person, estate, or reputation. "In the Savoy, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1671." 3 sheets. Two copies. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVII., Nos. 63, 64.]
[Dec.] 707. Draft Instructions to Lt.-Col. Wm. Stapleton, Commissioner for composing differences between the English and French in St. Christopher's. By Sir Chas. Wheler's letters of the 6/16 July 1671, and the Act signed by him and the French Governor the 5/15 July 1671, his Majesty understands that the English part of St. Christopher's is delivered up, and that Commissioners on each part have met several times for determining all disputes as to the restitution of his subjects' private rights of possession; but by the tenour of a late proclamation issued by Sir Charles, his Majesty may well suspect his other proceedings have been as disadvantageous as the said proclamation was discouraging to the old planters of St. Kitts. It is the King's pleasure that he cause his Majesty's proclamation (see ante, No. 706) to be published at Nevis and all other places in his Government. To take account of the Commissioners' proceedings with the French and declare that his Majesty positively adheres to the term agreed with the French Ambassador, and ratified by the French King's orders, of a year to be counted from the delivery of the said orders by Sir Chas. Wheler to M. De Baas (5/15th July 1671), for the King's subjects to resume their estates at the price they actually received from the French; not doubting that if Sir Chas. Wheler had yielded to shorten that term, as his Majesty has disowned his proceedings by Proclamation, the French King will speedily send orders not to insist thereon. His Majesty has agreed that his subjects shall repay to the French the price actually received for lands or goods before they be restored to the possession thereof; but he is to caution the Commissioners to uphold their interests vigorously herein, since his Majesty is informed that many were forced by the French to give acquittances for more than they received, and some were robbed by the French at sea of that little they did receive; defalcation should likewise be made for all negroes, beasts, &c. embezzled or sold by the French, and that have perished in their service. He is to insist on satisfaction for all wilful devastations committed upon plantations of his Majesty's subjects since the signing of the Treaty of Breda the 21/31 July 1667, and to counterbalance any demand for meliorations by pressing a recompence for the profits made since the first demand of restitution by Wm. Lord Willoughby, and his protest on their refusal the 2/12 May 1668; but no demand for meliorations ought to hinder immediate re-entry into possession, the price received being first repaid, and the parties left to adjust any such dispute between themselves, with his help and that of the Commissioners of the other part in bringing them to reason. As to the French demand for diet, &c. of prisoners, the instruction is the same as to Sir Chas. Wheler of 14th March 1671. With all possible industry to encourage the speedy re-planting of St. Christopher's with his Majesty's subjects, proceeding with all fairness towards the French, without raising unnecessary difficulties, and for further encouragement they shall not be charged the 4 1/2 per cent. duty for three years from the 25th March 1672. To insist on the restitution of such guns and ordnance as were in the forts when taken. If the time for re-entry of the old planters is like to be elapsed before they put in their claims and tender their monies, to encourage any of his Majesty's subjects to refund said prices, so as to redeem if possible all the English plantations; but if any of the French remain they are to become his Majesty's subjects and take the oath of allegiance; and in the next Assembly he is to revive the old law or make a new one, prohibiting the alienation of plantations to subjects of other States; and as much as in him lies to provide against English subjects selling their plantations to those French who thus are become his Majesty's subjects. With all speed to transmit account of the proceedings of the Commissioners with the French that if need be his Majesty may interpose with the French King for his assistance; and also from time to time an account of how much of his Majesty's part of the island remains in French possession for want of re-purchasing, how many French families and persons reside thereon, how many English families and persons there are, and how many formerly planted remain unplanted. And to recommend to the Assembly of St. Christopher's the making of a law determining the claims of all former planters not made before the 25th December 1672. Endorsed, "Prepared by his Majesty's Council of Plantations. Agreed the 20th Decemb. 1671." 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVII., No. 65.]
Dec. 23.
708. Sec. Lord Arlington to Sir Thos. Lynch, Lieutenant-Governor of Jamaica. Having written at large by this conveyance, this is only for cover to the enclosed from his Majesty (see ante, No. 684) for ordering the return of merchant men from that island, which is of much importance in the uncertain state of things at present in Europe. Mem. This letter covered the preceding from his Majesty, and was sent to Mr. Bragg, in Greenyard in Leadenhall Street, Sir Thos. Lynch's correspondent and agent. A duplicate sent by Captain Robottom, 22nd February 1672. See No. 768. 1/2 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXIV., p. 44.]
Dec. 25.
709. Sir Thos. Lynch to Sec. Lord Arlington. By a ship that sails with this he wrote at large; but yesterday came news that Yhallahs has sold his frigate for 7,000 pieces of 8 to the Governor of Campeachy, and having put the English ashore, with the Dutch and French has entered into Spanish pay, and is fitting with two Spanish to take the logwood cutters. Jamaica has there four or five ships and as many barques, which Lynch has connived at because it has been of such vast advantage in this unlucky conjuncture of drought, besides here they think they may do it, being in uninhabited places, and where they cut in July 12 months and June last; but most of the ships go to rights for England or New England. Hopes by the next for his Lordship's orders in this matter, for which he wrote in his very first letter. Yesterday arrived the frigate hired to go to Carthagena, with enclosed letter of the Governor's. They are more cautious of preserving their trade than their cities, for had the French any design against them, could easily save the one and not break with the other; but their pride would discourage any Prince but ours from being at such a charge to serve them, which, however, will make this island mighty flourishing, for privateering and planting are two things absolutely incompatible. Had some intimation of the design at Isla de Vaca, which the Governor mentions, and sent the Welcome there to take this Diego and deliver him to any Spanish Governor; when she comes in intends to send her home. Has charged 101l. on the Commissioners of the Navy for victuals for the Assistance, and must for greater sums, and all on his own credit, for nobody else will advance on any score. Begs his Lordship to move the King that he may be repaid, and to assist Sir Chas. Lyttleton in getting his 1,000 marks. Hopes the world is satisfied that he has served his Majesty cheaper if not better than anybody in England could. Begs the Assistance may not be commanded away till another frigate be sent, or they will be exposed to the piracies of little privateers, and be insulted by their neighbours. Endorsed, R. 24 Apr. 1672, &c. 2 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVII., No. 66.]
Dec. 26. 710. Mem. of a commission to John Wentworth in the same form as that granted to Hugh Wentworth, Governor of Providence and the rest of the Bahama Isands (see ante, No. 509). [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XX., p. 57.]
Dec. 30. 711. Commission from Lords Proprietors of Carolina to John Culpeper, appointing him Surveyor-General of that part of the Province to the southward and westward of Cape Carteret. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XX., p. 77.]
Dec. 30.
712. Instructions from the Lords Proprietors of Carolina to the Governor and Council of the Bahamas, in six articles. Always to fill up the Council with Councillors chosen by the Parliament equal to the number of Deputies. To prepare Bills for Parliament, for nothing is to be debated or voted there but what is proposed to them by the Council. Prohibition to any one to cut Braziletto wood, cedar, or other timber upon any part of the Bahamas, except upon his own plantation, or licensed to do so by the Governor and three Deputies. Also to go coasting in search of ambergris, whales, and whale fishing, and wrecks, all which are royalties belonging to the Lords Proprietors, unless licensed by the Governor and three Deputies, one-fifth part of which is reserved to the Lords Proprietors, out of which a fifth part is given to the Governor. To prepare a Bill to be passed in Parliament for the preservation or turtle. Instructions of the latest date, when they vary, "always to take place." Signed by Craven, Ashley, G. Carteret, and P. Colleton. All in Locke's handwriting. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XX., pp. 73, 74.]
Dec ? 713. Temporary laws of Carolina to be added to the former (see ante, No. 515). 8. No. Indian upon any pretence whatsoever to be made a slave or without his own consent to be carried out "of our country." 9. In case of the death or absence of a Deputy the eldest of the Councillors chosen by the Parliament to succeed until the Proprietor appoint a successor, and his place at the Council to be filled by the Parliament, but the Proprietor shall make some other person his Deputy, then the Deputy chosen as aforesaid to be Coun- cillor as before, and the new Councillor to cease to be of the Council. Signed by Craven, Ashley, G. Carteret, and P. Colleton. In Locke's hand. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XX., p. 78.]