America and West Indies: March 1672

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: March 1672', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 8 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: March 1672', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 8, 2025,

"America and West Indies: March 1672". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 8 February 2025.

March 1672

Mar. 1.
Old Harbour,
772. Major James Banister to Sec. Lord Arlington. Apologises for having given his Lordship so many troubles, and declares his honest hopes and hearty wishes for his good health, with many acknowledgments of his kindnesses. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII.,No. 22.]
Mar. 2.
773. Sir Thos. Lynch to Sec. Lord Arlington. By this ship has at large written to his Lordship; this letter only relates to himself. Is mightily obliged for his Lordship's assurance to Sir C. Lyttleton of the continuance of his favour, and not so troubled to understand by his Lordship's of December 15th last, that his enemies censure and undervalue his services. In a few years hopes they will have more cause to be angry with him, for knows such people reckon prosperity a crime, but as yet is not guilty of that, having contracted a debt of 2,000l. His advantages are only in prospect; is troubled they are not nearer, that he might have rendered his Lordship an acknowledgment. Is not wanting to the King's and island's interests, but as yet has done least for himself, though he has got the Assembly to raise the Governor's salary to 1,500l. per annum. His chief hope was to have stolen into a little commerce with the Spaniards, but finds this Peace makes them more cautious and that it is difficult, so has considered of doing it more overtly by way of the Asientistas at Madrid. His Lordship will see by enclosed how he proposes it to Sir W. G[odolphin], and if he can effect anything like this, Sir Thos. will provide the negroes and take on him the charge and care of managing all, and his Lordship shall have one third of the whole profit, only paying proportionably when any loss happens. Cannot foresee that anything can be done but this way; has sent three times to Cartagena, yet could never buy so much as an emerald, but others have sold some few straggling negroes, for it is only for that the Spaniards will venture. Has now sent Sir C. L[yttleton] a "paque" of excellent cocoa silvestre containing 125 lb., 50 for the King, as much for his Lordship, and the rest for Lady Herbert; also two bunches of vanillas, which he believes Mr. Chiffinch will make up best; and eight or ten "rollitos" of most excellent Verina (?) tobacco for his Lordship. His wife sent her ladyship 400 lb. of the best white sugar from Barbadoes, and a tortoise shell box from here, with combs and some vanillas, but does not dare to importune her too often with letters, besides acting now the nurse, housekeeper, and paintress makes her as busy as if she had all the affairs of this new world on her; but she bids him say that Daniel is well, but the most lying and thieving boy in nature. Begs him to write or command his secretary to do so frequently, lest for want of directions he should err; but hopes never to that degree S. C[has.] W[heeler] has, for if the masters that come hither be believed he has been exceedingly criminal and severe; "but I rather think they are English, so subject to murmur much for a little cause." 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 23.]
Mar. 5.
774. Sir Thos. Lynch to Sir Chas. Lyttleton. The ketch that brought his letter of December 1, had a long passage, and came but yesterday. Its contents have hugely surprised and troubled Sir Thos., who cannot but think himself one of the most unfortunate men living, for when first appointed for this service people who did not know him undertook to judge he had neither quality nor parts for it, and now is as unkindly censured though he has taken the government to all people's satisfaction, reduced most of the privateers, and established the peace with the Spaniards, and which is most of all he did not only come hither at his own charge, but without a farthing of expense to the King, and has sent Sir Th. Modyford home prisoner. Cannot much blame Sir Th. M. for censuring him for surprising him so, but must have been strangely treacherous to his own reason and duty to have acquainted such a criminal with the King's orders. Neither would it have been safe or prudent, for he had 400 servants and slaves, and after it was done two or three swore "they were sorry they knew it not, to have cut my throat first." To avoid tumults he passed by all, and used "the miserable man," his son and friends with what respect he could, not thinking he would have made so ill a return as to have insinuated that Lynch promised him security of life and fortune from Lord Arlington; for he never made any such declaration. After the remarkable disasters of his family, said all he could to consolate him and quiet others, and on noise of tumults in the town, wrote to his son that his Lordship had said his estate must not be touched, so he might judge his father's life safe; which quieted people and settled himself better in the government. Hopes he will not allege he surrendered, and that the safety of his person and fortune was the condition; he is drowning, so glad to lay hold of the bulrush which Lynch hopes will not be turned into a spear to wound him. However, his person is in the King's power, but what his estate is now knows, for all are in his son's name. Would not have him importune the King about his fortune; threw himself at first at his Majesty's feet and would still be there till he is pleased to reward him. If the King should give him anything on this revenue it will never be paid, and is quite lost with the country for endeavouring to increase the revenue. Is horribly troubled he is so censured and envied for nothing, unless for having spent 1,700l. in coming. "And I vow to God I have already contracted above 2,500l. debt to settle myself, and shall not these three years be able to eat with 1,500l. per annum." If he governs three years will, unlike all former Governors, make it infinitely more easy for his successor; his very houses have cost near 800l., and will do his utmost to get them entailed on the King, that he who succeeds may not be so horribly incommoded as he has been. Wonders Mr. Slingesby should seem to say his letters declared that he promised Sir Th. M. security of life and fortune, for what he said is only what he wrote to Sir Thos.' son to quiet the people. What Sir T. M. alleges is "a damned untruth." What power he had the Council saw, and beyond that he could neither promise nor do anything; though in that conjuncture it was both necessary and reasonable to palliate things, and the King himself prudently wrote Sir Th. M. a letter after a certain air as if he was not displeased, of which he and his friends made great parade. Hopes Lord Arlington remembers what directions he gave him by word of mouth, for he has three or four letters from him by this opportunity, none of which blame his conduct. Were he at Whitehall is sure nothing could be objected against him, for those who envy or hate him most must confess the King's authority is now established, people all seem satisfied, trade is increased, the revenue something improved, planting advanced, the militia better settled and disciplined, almost all the English privateers reduced, peace perfectly established, and the Spaniards so entirely satisfied that they compliment Lynch as if he were the greatest person in the world. And if the Lords of the Treasury, the Secretaries of State, Council, and Master of the Ordnance have the state of the Government, accounts of revenue and ammunition, and full answers to all inquired after, and his Majesty have Sir Th. M. in the Tower without any expense or trouble, surely he has not served ill when with no money, a narrow title, and sick and wanting everything. Prays him to endeavour to give his Majesty a true sense of these his services. 3 pp. Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 24.]
Mar. 6.
775. Sir Charles Wheler, Governor of the Leeward Islands, to the Council for Plantations. His speech of 1st March to the Council and Assembly of Nevis demanding the duty of 20 lb. per head due to him as Governor, and their reply that they had just before his arrival passed an Act not to pay that duty any more, and that the 4 1/2 per cent. was in lieu of all dues to the King whatsoever. He answered that it would hardly be well taken by the King that they should pay it to Governors of their own choosing but not such as his Majesty should send; and on demanding to see the Act of repeal there could be none such found. They insisted that their grant of 4 1/2 per cent. was only to free their estates from tenure under the Earl of Carlisle (the best bargain they ever made). They then offered to pass an Act to give it to Wheler, but to none after him; but he said he would not pass such an Act with an exclusive bar to the rights of succeeding Governors, but if they would give it for his time without such bar he would take it and let the next Governor play his game as well as he had done his. Told them they were running upon a rock, and that he could, with his Majesty's leave, raise as good a revenue and not ask the Assembly for a penny, and though they had raised an excise upon liquors imported, and made a Treasurer of their own, which was more than the Lords and Commons of England assumed, he would suffer no wine to be imported but by his license. Relates how he put it to the vote, that Col. Russell, the principal man of the island, refused it, and said he would neither vote for it nor pay it; how one passed it for the Governor's time, and others would not vote but as the Assembly voted. Upon which he told them that raise it he would, but would not touch it himself till he heard his Majesty's pleasure. His reasons at length for giving this narration. Thinks Capt. Lanhathorne, who twice refused his vote as Councillor, ought to be removed from the Council; is afraid of Col. Russell, and dares not make this levy, for, if he refuse to pay it, he is so leading a cast in the island that all will follow his example. Desires his Majesty would write to Col. Russell to transmit a grant he pretends from Lord Willoughby to exempt his brother and him from all taxes and duties, and in the interim to pay the levy for example sake, till his Majesty's pleasure be known; not the least difference has passed between them, nor shall without his Majesty commands. His duty in St. Christopher's is literally greater than any slave's in the island, and he cannot stand under it without some relief: there is not a house for him or Capt. Matthews, the Deputy Governor, to live or quarter in, all having been a prey to the French, nor like ever to be in his time; not a fort that can be depended on to save his Majesty's title till succours come from Nevis, little powder, no arms, nor a shilling to pay for any. It is a miracle the French and English do not every day draw their swords, the insolence, vanity, and injustice of the one and animosity of the other being so great. The French men-of-war sail under the King's fort (if so pitiful a dirt pie may deserve the name), and never strike till we have made a shot or two, and, on demand of payment for the shot, a French captain said he was sorry he did not duck the officer that came to ask for it. All their merchantmen ride in the English road and ship and land goods on the King's land, having no shore of their own at this place, called the Fig Tree, yet they will not suffer the English to carry even provisions through their quarters to the windward side, which before the war was their right, and without which he does not see how they can live, for hardly thrice in a year will the weather permit to send sloops round for trade. Those who have purchased land in the King's territory refuse to take the oath of fidelity to the King, except some 100 poor planters, but those who have estates also in the French territories think it grace enough that the overseers of their negroes take the oath. Does not mention their delay in the Courts of Claims, which the English make to their estates, and their keeping their stock on the King's land, notwithstanding his several publications to the contrary, to the unsupportable damage of the few poor English who are returned and begin to plant, nor other daily complaints of their officers of customs and others, and dare do nothing to right himself. It is only by the King's wisdom and prudence in the management of his Majesty's affairs in Europe that his Governor holds St. Christopher's a day, nor can any man be answerable for it unless he is supplied. Has not received one line out of England to say whether he has mistaken or done amiss or has pleased the King. Sometimes thinks he governs with as high a hand as his commission will bear him out, and at other times that he may be suspected of being too easy. Has sent a seditious Scotchman, Archibald Henderson, with his accusation, into England, and may be, he thinks, Col. Russell deserves the same. Has a merchant or two in his eye that he is ready to order home to his principals to desire them to send factors who will look to their storehouses and not be tricking underhand. Could be presented and grow rich by following the preacher's counsel of not being over righteous, but does not yet so understand his duty, and if he is strict upon those who break the laws, he pleases those who keep them, and when he has the curses of ill men whose debaucheries he punishes, he shall have the praises of those whose virtues he rewards. When he arrived this little port, Charles Town, which may have 500 men in it, now all the shipping is in the road, was characterised to be a sink of debauchery, and may be there is not a port town in England now more orderly; in the road were all sorts of shipping, and now not one but English built, and yet the number not less, and trading according to the Act of Navigation. Last year some millions of sugar, of the production of these plantations, was carried from thence into Holland; and hopes this year there shall not be a ton, unless his Deputy Governors fail of their duty; but this has not been done in eight months without holding the reins very hard, for which the merchants' pens have flown abroad liberally and falsely; but would not knowingly act against the law to the value of a barleycorn for all the sugar in the West Indies. Endorsed, "Recd the 7th May 1672. Read in Council the 10th of May 1672." 10 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 25.]
Mar. 7.
776. Sir Thos. Lynch to Joseph Williamson. Thanks for his of Christmas Eve, with Gazettes, but principally for the continuance of his friendship. Has sent poor Dr. Browne's letter, "who fell into a premunire in employment," and begged to be discharged; he is coming for England and can tell his own story. The Lieutenant behaved himself well this last voyage in the Assistance; hopes the new Captain will much improve him. Has now written a particular letter to his Lordship and one at large of all occurrences; from Mr. Slingesby or Council has never had a syllable, yet now writes again. Thanks him heartily for his advice, and will write to the Prince; has frequently written to Mr. Wrenne for H.R.H., but never had a word from him nor orders about the ships that have been out of provisions these six months. As soon as the Welcome comes in will send her home with Admiral Morgan. Hopes his Lordship will move the King for "the speedy payment of all I have and shall disburse for the ships, for if I do not they must be laid up, nobody else will on any terms." Endorsed, R. 21 May. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 26.]
Mar. 10.
777. Sir Thos. Lynch to the Council for Trade and Plantations. Hopes his letters to the Lord President and Mr. Secretary are received, and that they will command some of their servants to let him know it. By several occasions has remitted the state of the Government, the rolls of the militia, and accounts of the revenue, arms and ammunition; and to Lord Arlington the instructions of the French Admiral, which seem absolutely destructive to all good correspondency and neighbourhood, and an account of his sending a ship to Campeachy to demand restitution of 3,000l. some English lost by being carried there. Has a letter from the King which seems to command all ships to depart hence only in March, June, and September, but has told Lord Arlington that if they may not go hence in the winter likewise, none will come; will take care they go in squadrons. Long since begged orders about the Jews and Hollanders that came to plant, whom he considers it is the interest of the island to encourage, as they have great stocks, no people, and aversions to the French and Spaniards. What has troubled him most is the logwood cutting at Cape Catoche, which he has hitherto connived at, for the reasons given. Has sent Mr. Hewet to Campeachy, who has all the arguments. But has given orders to forbid any designing that way, because Lord Arlington writes that he will send into Spain about it and that "we must not choque with Spain for small things, which I take to be a tacit prohibition." The Spaniards seem highly satisfied of his Majesty's care to preserve the peace, but for fear of trade they dare not be civil and furnish us with victuals. Five weeks since sent the Assistance and four vessels to take two or three pirates in the South Cays of Cuba; and last night Commander Beeston writes the two great frigates were gone, but he had taken some French that by English commissions had burnt Villa de los Cayos on Cuba and a brigantine of 22 English confederates with these French, that the America and Lilly were gone for Campeachy, and he and the other two coming up infinitely dissatisfied with the Governor of St. Jago, who for all this commanded his lieutenant to sell them no meat. Considers this most barbarous and ungrateful and contrary to the Treaty, and can only attribute it to the Governor's being fearful of being informed against for trade; however, shall not for the future take so much pains to provoke the pirates, when one cannot oblige the Spaniard by it. Expects the Welcome every day, and will immediately fit her for England. Has furnished the frigates with 300l., and wants at least 1,000l. more; it is a great prejudice to his particular affairs, for he wants money to carry him on, but none else will supply on any advance; hopes they will move the King that it may be readily repaid. The frigates have been out of provisions near six months. The island is more flourishing than ever, and like to make abundance of good sugars and some indigo, but no cacoa; people are healthful and seem contented, "which is as good as if they were so"; there have come into port 150 sail since he arrived; from Virginia comes one Col. Vassall, a sober, rational man, that says more will remove, and is like to settle a good trade with that country for provisions. The bearer, Capt. Cullen, will satisfy them more at large. Though he has no hope of succeeding in his designs for stealing into trade with his neighbours, thinks the Peace should be kept if possible, though we break in Europe, "for it's only privateering was the sickness of Jamaica, for that and planting a country are absolutely inconsistent." Peace and easy government would soon settle this island, with only one frigate for a year or two for defence. Has sufficiently complimented the French by suffering one of their Royal Company's ships to fit and victual, and restoring the Governor of Tortuga's patache, which Sir Thos. Modyford took away. Hears the Buccaneers are again revolted since the departure of the French frigates. From the Main hears they expect the galleons every day, and that 10 sail of French have entered the Straits, which keeps the poor Spaniards in arms all along the coast of Peru and the South Sea, and puts them into strange apprehension, "all mankind seeming to conspire the murdering and destroying them as common enemies, not because they do worse, but have more than ordinary, such is the curse of riches without government and strength." The Assembly sat from Feb. 1 to 15, and then adjourned to May 1; they despatched Acts for raising the customs, making pieces of 8 current at 5s., and restraining Quakerism; and have been pretty sharp upon Sir Thos. Modyford, of which more in his next. Wants money and time for completing the maps of the island and account of the people. The receiver of the quit rents shall number the people; what Sir Thos. Modyford sent was only by guess. The Commissioners have finished the settlement of the north side, which will speedily be better than this, for the land is infinitely so, and well watered; they found and have enlisted 350 old soldiers, laid out two towns, and established two courts of justice, and one of the Commissioners goes over once in six months as chief judge. It is a fortnight or three weeks' journey, the ways are so difficult. Believes their Honours are very judicious and not unkind to him, otherwise should be more honest than wise in writing so largely, for where so much is said much may be censured. Just closing this came enclosed letter from Capt. Wentworth of New Providence; if their Honours judge it must belong as formerly to this island, shall send him commission and supplies; at present they have them only from the Dutch. if the Council advise it, shall send a commission there, that the people may be governed and these interlopers prevented, till his Majesty or their Honours give other orders. Endorsed, Recd 26th May 1672 and read the day following. Annexed,
777. I. "Considerations for Mr. Hewett for his voyage to Campeachy." The arguments referred to in Governor Lynch's letter "if the Govr allege we break the Peace by sufferings vessels from this port to go to the coast of Campeachy to cut wood." Endorsed, "Rec. 1 May 1672, from Sir Chas. Lyttleton." Together, 8 1/4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., Nos. 27, 27 I.]
1671 to
778. Extracts out of several letters concerning the usage of the English by the French in America, viz. :—
Sir T. Lynch to Mr. Williamson, 9th October 1671 [Cal. No. 638].
Same to Lord Arlington, 29th November 1671 [Cal. No. 663].
Same to Earl of Sandwich, 14th October 1671 [Cal. No. 640].
Same to Council of Plantations, 10 March 1672 [Cal. No. 777].
Col. Wm. Byam, Deputy Governor of Antigua, to Lord Willoughby, 1671 [Cal. No. 508].
Capt. James Hayes to Col. Codrington, Deputy Governor of Barbadoes [Cal No. 507]. 4 pp. Two copies. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., Nos. 28, 29.]
Mar. 10. 779. Copy of preceding extracts from the four letters of Sir Thos. Lynch only. 2 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX VIII., No. 30.]
Mar. 10. 780. The King to the Governor of Virginia. Orders concerning the sailing of ships to England in March, June, and September, at which times only they are to be allowed to return home and use their utmost endeavours to keep company and defend each other during their voyage. 1 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Vol. XXIV., p. 58.]
Mar. 10. 781. Mem. That three letters were sent to Virginia, New York and Boston of the same tenor of that to Sir Tho. Lynch (see ante, No. 684) for their (ships) to return from those places, 24th March, 24th June, and 24th September. 1/4 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXIV., p. 58.]
Mar. 11.
782. Thos. Henchman to the Assembly of Barbadoes. Received this day from Sir Peter Colleton their letter of 6th December last, desiring him to appear as their solicitor before his Majesty, Council, and Commitees; readily accepts that employment, and though he has no inheritance in their island, hopes to make it appear he has a real love for the inhabitants, and will do his utmost for their interests on all occasions. As soon as the Gentlemen Planters meet on public business, will assure them of his readiness to serve the country, and will from time to time apply to them for directions and advice, and make use of all opportunities to render account of all material passages to the Assembly. Received by the Assembly 17th May 1672. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XIII., 96, 97.]
Mar. 14. 783. Receipt of Richard Sladden of "two Letteres for his mat sarves one for Cornnall franceis Lovelys govener of monadez and one for the govener of his Counsell of his majtis Colony of manachok in new england. Recd abord of the bell bow marchent bound for boston in newingland. p me will neam." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 31.]
Mar. 19. 784. An Act passed in the island of Montserrat against small boats, barque, logs, and canoes. Dated 19 March 1672. [Col. Entry Bk, No. L., 220, 221.]
Mar. 20.
785. Minutes of a Council of War held aboard H.M.S. Assistance. Present: Governor Sir Thomas Lynch, Lt.-Colonels Robert Byndlos and Charles Whitfield, Captain Hender Molesworth, John White, Col. Theodore Cary, Captain of Port Royal Castle, Major William Beeston, Commander, and the other Commission Officers of the Assistance, Captain Samuel Cole, Commander of the Lyon frigate of Bristol, and Captain Thomas Potts of the ketch Golden Hind of London. For the trial of Captain Francis Witherborn for piracy. That having notice of the Peace, he took command of the bark Charity to continue privateering, that he consorted with Yhallahs and fled when chased by the Assistance; that he took a Spanish canoa, and his mate Thomas Wright took another canoa which is still out privateering; that there were articles of consortship between Witherborn and one Captain De Mangle, a Frenchman, obliging each other to continue privateering; and that he would not have surrendered if not forced. To which Witherborn only made this defence, that his men governed him, that his mate Wright had greater influence over them than he had, and that the articles were only to blind the Frenchman. Upon consideration of the whole matter all were of opinion that having committed piracy and broken the articles of peace, Captain Witherborn ought to suffer death according to the law. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 32.]
Mar. 20.
Port Royal.
786. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Ordered, that Mr. Thornton, Provost Marshal, have leave to transport criminals now in his custody, and not able to pay their fees, who desire themselves to be transported. Opinion of Council on seeing Lord Arlington's letter of November 1671, that since it had not directly forbidden logwood cutting it ought not to be yet prohibited, for the Spaniard had never complained, they had great colour of right to it by the articles, and it was of great importance to the island, and the only diversion for privateers. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXIV., 289.]
Mar. 22.
787. Commission to Sir Tobias Bridge appointing him commander under William Lord Willoughby of all his Majesty's forces raised or to be raised in Barbadoes. 1/2 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIII., fo. 53.]
Mar. 22.
788. The King to the Lieut.-Governor and Council of Barbadoes. Has appointed Sir Tobias Bridge commander of the forces in Barbadoes under Lord Wm. Willoughby to the end they may receive him with the respect due to his command. It is his Majesty's pleasure that they also admit him into the Council, and assist him in managing his Majesty's forces there. 1/2 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIII.,fo. 53.]
Mar. 30.
789. Major James Banister to Sec. Lord Arlington. Since his last writing the Assistance has brought in two privateers, one English and one French, the captains of which having committed great violence against the Spaniard, are, he hears, sentenced to death. The bearer, Admiral Henry Morgan, is sent home confined in the Welcome frigate, to appear, as it is suspected, on account of his proceedings against the Spaniard. Knows not what approbation he may find there, but he received here "a very high and honorable applause for his noble service therein," both from Sir Thos. Modyford and the Council that commissioned him. Hopes without offence he may say, "he is a very well deserving person, and one of great courage and conduct, who may, with his Majesty's pleasure, perform good public service at home or be very advantageous to this island if war should again break forth with the Spaniard." Requests his Lordship's assistance that he may obtain his Majesty's favour in this business, and his Lordship will thereby pacify the suspicions of the Council that they shall likewise be questioned about his commission. Hopes he will excuse this freedom of his boldness. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 33.]
Mar. 30.
790. Lieut.-Governor Codrington to (Sec. Lord Arlington). Annexed to his letter of 3rd May, see No. 819 I. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 48 I.]
Mar. 30. 791. Mem. of Commissions for the Barbadoes Regiment of Dragoons, consisting of 12 troops.
Prince Rupert, Colonel, Lieut. Cooper, Ensign Colt,
Sir John Talbot, Lieut.- ,, Crompton, ,, Meney,
Colonel, ,, Fenwicke, ,, Whitaker,
Major Andros, Major, ,, Rupert Billingsley ,, Sutton,
Capt. Cotter, ,, Mallet, ,, Rodney,
,, Talbot, ,, Langford, ,, Stroude,
,, Barrett, ,, Sackveld, ,, Atkins,
,, Heybourne, ,, Sillyard, ,, Ed. Lloyd,
,, Newport, ,, Derham, ,, Doucett,
,, Count Ulefeldt, ,, Sackville, ,, Littleton,
,, Sir William ,, Skelton, ,, Andros,
,, Throgmorton, ,, Brockelly, ,, Hadgedoll.
,, Clifford,
,, James Walker,
1/2 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXXV. A., p. 37.]
[Mar. 30.] 792. Conditions for the officers of the Barbadoes Regiment of Dragoons, to be raised under the command of Prince Rupert, to sign upon receiving their commissions. That the old captains now on foot in the Barbadoes regiment mount their men by the next general muster day at furthest; that the new captains raise and mount by the same time, each captain 40 dragoons, each lieutenant 20, each cornet 10, and each sergeant 5, unless the captain of the troop shall take the whole on himself, or a greater number than his own, in which case the other officers of the troop shall be freed proportionably; that all imaginable diligence be used by the officers to be ready for a muster as soon as may be. Signed by Jo. Talbott, Ralph Hebburne, Cornifice Count of Ulefeldt, W. Throgmorton, James Walker, Manny Newport, Tho. Sylliard, Hen. Derham, Ed. Sackvile, Jo. Shelton, Ben. Hadgedoll. 1 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXXV. A., p. 37.]