America and West Indies: May 1672

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: May 1672', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 11 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: May 1672', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 11, 2025,

"America and West Indies: May 1672". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 11 February 2025.

May 1672

May 1–4.
St. Jago.
817. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. The inhabitants of St. Jago having by petition demonstrated that they did not through any obstinacy choose Humphrey Freeman, for they did not believe his crime made him incapable of sitting in the Assembly, and praying that he might be allowed to sit, or a new writ issue that they might save their privilege, and on the submission of Mr. Freeman, the Council remitted his prosecution, and consented that he should take the oath of allegiance, and sit in the Assembly for St. Jago.
May 2. The Act of Militia read and sent to the Assembly. The petition of Dennis Ditskall (?Driscal) read, and Thomas Collins ordered to attend the Council on Monday.
May 3. The Act of Enrolment read and sent to the Assembly.
May 4. A conference held of both Houses concerning the necessity of fortifying Port Royal, and repairing Fort Charles, &c. Order of the Governor and Council: Whereas administration of the goods and chattels of Henry Bonner, deceased, was 'committed to Robert Phillips of Port Royal and Henry Watsell of Lygonee, with power to take possession of the plantation at Lygonee and look after it till John Bonner of London, brother and heir to deceased, or his assign should send a power to take it; and whereas Rainsford Waterhouse of London, merchant, the chief creditor having bought of said John Bonner all his right to said plantation, (the deeds whereof being enrolled in Chancery in England, and remitted and proved here, are ordered to be recorded) has appointed Henry Gleed his attorney here, as by the Instrument of Procuration appears. Ordered, that Messrs. Phillips and Watsell's Letters of Administration be repealed and they immediately be accountable to the said Mr. Gleed; and likewise by consent of both parties, that Major Sam. Barry and Anthony Swimmer audit all accounts between them, allowing Phillips and Watsell for their pains, and if they cannot make an end, then Capt. Sam. Bache to compose differences; whereupon said Phillips and Watsell shall give possession of said plantation to Gleed. 5 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXIV., 291–295.]
May 2. 818. Minutes of passes for the ships Catherine, Thomas Quassell commander, with ammunition and 20 men; William, John Williams commander, with 25 men; Arabella, Thos. Praag commander, with 10 men; Bridgewater, Michael Yates commander, with 30 men; and Malaga, Rob. Warner commander, with 40 men, all bound to Barbadoes. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXXIV., p. 161.]
May 3.
819. Col. Chr. Codrington, Deputy Governor, to (Sec. Lord Arlington). Sends copy of his last letter. Cannot send account of the regiments as intended, unexpected rains having hindered his view of some, but those viewed were strong and better armed than he expected. By the next fleet will give account of what is deficient. Annexed,
819. I. Same to same. Has received his Majesty's commands and duplicate from his Lordship, and has put all the ships in their roads into the best posture for defence. Has prevailed with the country to bear the charge of repairing all fortifications and mounting the guns; and caused the enclosed Act to be made for strengthening the militia, by which it will be seen care is taken to bring all men upon service when required. Has appointed 8th April for all regiments, two horse and six foot, to be in arms to give his Majesty account as to their full strength and condition. Doubts the greatest defect will be as to arms, and they are indifferently well stored with ammunition. Found the masters of this fleet very unwilling to sail by way of the Leeward Isles, and has made them sign a bond; these ships have very few guns. Has formerly acquainted his Lordship with the probability of a rich silver mine, and sent pieces of silver. Has since sent a vessel bought for that purpose with a discreet gentleman and a person well experimented in minerals, to make further trial of the mine. Expects them daily, and if they bring news worth his Majesty's knowledge, will despatch a vessel with account thereof. Begs again that a frigate and one or two small vessels may be sent for that design if found worth the expense; but, however, that a commission be forthwith sent to possess the island for his Majesty, lest the neighbouring French prevent them. If honoured with such a commission doubts not to procure here men seasoned for the work, and his interest with the Indians will facilitate the design. Barbadoes, 1672, March 30.
819. II. "An Act for the settlement of the Militia of this Island." A true copy, attested by Richard Noke, Deputy Secretary, 4 May 1672.
819. III. Bond of 16 captains of ships appointed to sail on 1st April next, who severally bind themselves in the sum of 2,000l. to use their utmost endeavours to keep company from Barbadoes to England, and to obey the commands of Capt. Roger Andrews, their Admiral. Together, 25 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., Nos. 48, 48 I., II., III.]
May 3.
820. Petition of Peter Brent, Serjeant Plumber to his Majesty, and John Augier, part owners of the Pink Peter of London, to the King and Council. That said Pink, Thomas Weight master, bound for Jamaica, and thence to New York, was about August 31, 1671, seized near the Jordaines by a Spanish man-of-war, the Francisco, Capt. Candelero commander, who stripped the company of their clothes, ransacked their trunks, took all their writings, and carried the ship to Campeachy, where they were detained prisoners until 23rd October following, notwithstanding Chas. Cogan, part owner of the ship, acquainted the captain with the publication of the Treaty of Madrid. After having taken all goods and victuals out of her, and stolen and cut in pieces the rigging, they restored her to said Cogan, who with petitioners is damnified to the value of 1,000l., as may appear by his affidavit before the Governor of Jamaica, besides losses sustained by others to about 3,000l. more. Pray for satisfaction. Endorsed, Recd 3d May. Read May 8. Recd in Council June 21, '72. Annexed,
820. I. Order of the King in Council. That said petition be referred to the Council for Plantations for their report. Whitehall, 1672, May 22. Endorsed, Recd 18th June 1672. Read in Council 21st June 1672. Together, 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., Nos. 49, 49 I.]
May 6–9. 821. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Ordered, on petition of Dennis Driscal, and consented to by Richard Collins of Port Royal, that on Dennis' giving security to Collins to pay 20l. within eight months, he be discharged from the Marshal, and that Collins acknowledge satisfaction upon record, each bearing his own charges. The Acts for servants read and passed.
May 7. Ordered, on reading Capt. Wm. Caplin's Bill in Chancery, that both the verdicts obtained against him at the last Grand Court at St. Jago by Wm. Gray, be suspended (as to execution) till further order. The Act for regulating the fees of the several offices of this island, read and passed.
May 8. Ordered, on reading petition of John Mirfeild, the matter of which is directly false, and the words not only scandalizing particular persons, but reflecting very much upon the late Government. That he be taken into custody of the Marshal and kept there till he find sufficient security for his good behaviour, and answer the scandalous and libelling words of his petition at the next Quarter Sessions at St. Jago de la Vega. A private Act (passed?) appointing Col. Thomas Modyford and Capt. Edm. Duck, trustees, and enabling them to make sale of lands, houses, plantations, rents, &c., lately belonging to Thomas Tothill, deceased, for the more speedy payment of his debts, and making provision for Grace his relict and Thomas his son an infant.
May 9. An Act appointing Withy-wood, &c. to be a distinct parish with the name of Vere parish, read and passed. An Act to prevent fraud in retailers of rum. An Act to provide that every one for 10 working negroes be obliged to have one Christian servant, and so proportionably. 3 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXIV., 295–298.]
May 10. 822. Report of the Council for Plantations to the King. In obedience to his Majesty's commands of the 1st March last, herewith offer drafts of new commission and instructions for Lord Willoughby. Signed by Lord Culpeper, Lord Gorges, Edmund Waller (the poet), and four others. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 50.]
[May 10.] 823. Petition of John Knight and others, merchants, freighters of the ship William and Nicholas, Thomas Morley, master, to the Council for Foreign Plantations. That said ship having been sent about February 1671 to the West Indies, was bound home laden with logwood, and forced by stress of weather to put into Anguilla; and was found so leaky, that petitioners being then at Barbadoes hired and sent another ship, the Swan, to take in her lading and proceed to London; but before the Swan's arrival Sir Chas. Wheler seized the ship with her whole lading on pretence of a suspicion that she had made a breach of the Peace with Spain, and petitioner's protest was refused, to the utter ruin of his Majesty's interest in the West Indies, unless such proceedings be punished and prevented. Pray their Lordships so to represent the affair to his Majesty, that said ship and lading be restored, and satisfaction given for damages. Annexed,
823. I. Report of the said Council. That Col. Stapleton, Governor of the Leeward Islands, be commanded to restore said ship and lading to the owners, on their giving security that same be forthcoming if it be proved that she has traded contrary to the Peace of Madrid. 1672, May 10.
823. II. Order of said Council. On consideration of the case if said report be not yet presented to his Majesty that the same be withdrawn, and a new one signed without the clause for security referring to a trial at law; which was accordingly done. 1672, June 11. 2 l/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII, No. 51. See also Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV., 26, 27.]
[May 10.] 824. Report of the Council for Plantations. Newly written and signed without the clause for security as ordered above. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX VIII., No. 52.]
May 10/20.
825. Sir Wm. Godolphin to See. Lord Arlington. In answer to his Lordship's request for his opinion whether or no the cutting of logwood by English in the West Indies may consist with the due observance of the articles between the two Crowns, and what interpretation Spain would put thereon. The wood is brought from Yucatan, a large province of New Spain, about 100 leagues in length, sufficiently peopled, having several great towns, as Merida, Valladolid, San Francisco de Campeche, &c, and the Government one of the most considerable, next to Peru and Mexico. The wood is commonly called Campeachy wood, and is used by dyers for making black, red, and musk and murray colours, which cannot be made without, unless with Brazil wood from Rio de Janeiro, of which comes no great quantity. So that Spain has as well too much right as advantage not to assert the propriety of these woods; for though not all inhabited, these people may as justly pretend to make use of our rivers, mountains, and commons, as we can to enjoy any benefit of those woods. And this is the sense of all Spaniards, since to inhabit and possess are distinct, neither is the former essential to the latter. Has seen several projects offered for the monopoly of this wood at the rent of a considerable sum, none of which have hitherto been accepted, so that it is very improbable they would give this privilege gratis to all the world. But what renders the pretension to a freedom of cutting this wood more odious to the Spaniards is, that for the same reason we may infer a liberty to inhabit there; and it may easily be judged how they who so obstinately disputed a peculiar right to the very sea there, will endure to have the propriety of their lands called in question. Thus much for strict justice, but now will give his opinion that if the English would restrain themselves to cutting wood alone, and in places remote from their towns, it may be advisable for his Majesty to connive at, though not to authorise, their so doing; for when the Spaniards see the American Treaty in other points punctually complied with, perhaps they may be induced to connive likewise; and if they complain, Sir William may be able to excuse the action from the grounds of natural equity, by which the rigour of law ought to be moderated by circumstances. Endorsed, Copy read in Council, 15 June 1672, and in Locke's hand, "the original being in his Lordship's hands." Annexed,
825. I. Extracts from Sir Thomas Lynch's letter of 10th March 1672 (see ante, No. 777), and Sir Thomas Modyford's letter to Lord Arlington of 16th May 1672, "the original being in his Lordship's hands," concerning the logwood trade. Describes the province of Yucatan, where the logwood grows, and which has been calculated by sailors to be near 3,000 miles compass. In this large tract the Spaniards have but two towns that he could hear of, Merida and Campeachy, both a very great distance from Cape Catoche, and from Cozumell, Champatoone, Portreal, and St. Paulo, where our men have cut logwood above three years, and built small houses and planted provisions. They have generally affirmed never to have seen any Spaniard or other person; and "this possession we in the Indies hold the strongest that can be, viz., falling the wood, building the houses, clearing and planting the ground." It is true that about 1667 the Spaniards cut logwood on the west northerly side, and let it lie till a ship could come from Vera Cruz to transport it, but meantime our privateers made bold with it, and they deserted those places; but on the east southerly side the Spaniards never did cut any. With mem in Locke's hand.
825. II. Informations of several merchants, viz, Philip Dassigny, James Jones, Peter Bennett, Henry Udall, and Joseph Knapman, about the logwood trade, delivered 22nd April 1672. For three years the Jamaica ships with New England men and others have had free trade to cut logwood at Cape Catoche, Loggerhead Key, Cozumella, and there abouts without molestation, and there are no fortifications, magazines, or warehouses belonging to the Spaniard at or near those places, nor were any inhabitants heard of nearer than Boakaconeen, 12 leagues from Cape Catoche. Also information of Daniel Palmer, mate, and Thomas Matson, surgeon, of the William and Nicholas, taken 7th May 1672. On 20th March 1671, they arrived at an island on the coast of Yucatan, called Summasanto, 100 miles from any Spanish town, and three from the Main; where they cut 200 tons of logwood, and saw no inhabitants or houses, though they were there five months. Endorsed by Locke, Read in Council, 15 June 72. Together, 7 1/4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., Nos. 53, 53 I., II.]
826. Copies of the two preceding papers annexed. Examined by H. Slingesby, Secretary to the Council for Plantations. 4 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., Nos. 54, 55.]
[May 11–14. 827. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. An Act to prevent damages done by fire, &c., read and passed. An Act for regulation of the nuisances on Port Royal. An Act for the more easy collecting his Majesty's quitrents. Having by conference with the Assembly, and by several other messages, declared the dangers that are approaching and that Port Royal ought to be fortified, and having sent the King's letter bidding them prepare for the danger at their own charge; but the Assembly being of opinion that to secure the island it was not necessary to fortify Port Royal, or if it were, the fort there already was sufficient, or if not, the country was not able, and ought not to be charged with any tax towards repairing that, or building more forts, platforms, or breastworks. Ordered that the following declaration be entered: That it is absolutely necessary for the security of the island and trade to fortify Port Royal; that it ought to be made as strong and regular as possible, for reputation of the island; that it appears by survey, that it may be beaten down, and unless speedily repaired will fall; that this fort, a platform at Bonham Point, a slight one at the prison, and one at the breastwork to the seaward, will secure the harbour against a considerable force; that on examination of the treasurers and collectors it appears that the quitrents and impost can do nothing towards the building of forts, they being not enough to discharge salaries and contingencies; and that the country may raise all that is necessary by parish levies, which will be insensible and yet sufficient.
May 13. The Act for hunting read and passed. Also an Act for the maintenance of the Ministry, an Act declaring the laws of England in force, and an Act for a perpetual thanksgiving on 10th May.
May 14. The following Acts signed by the Governor by desire of the Assembly, having been subscribed by their speaker, passed both Houses, viz.: Declaring the laws in England in force; for the better adjusting and more easy collecting his Majesty's quitrents, &c., and taking out patents; for the maintenance of the ministry; for the militia; for the enrolment of deeds; for regulation of hunting; for the better government of Christian servants; for the establishing of fees for every office in this island; for the bounding and establishing Vere parish; for the remedying of nuisances upon Port Royal, and spreading of fire; for preventing fraud in the sellers and makers of rum; for confirming and enacting several Orders of Council; and for the anniversary celebration of the 10th May. After signing which Acts and sending them back to the Assembly, the Governor sent for the Speaker and all the House, and having declared the Assembly dissolved, dismissed them. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXIV, 299–304.]
May 14. 828. Minutes of the Council for Plantations. Proposals formerly delivered by Lord Willoughby considered and agreed to, viz.: That a good fifth-rate frigate be sent to cruise at Barbadoes, to prevent the Dutch taking our ships as in the last war, and to intercept their trade, and another for guard of the Leeward Islands; that two good small ketches be allowed for constant intelligence; that said vessels be victualled for eight months; and that credit be established in England to supply his Majesty's ships, by the help of New England and some merchants in England. l 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XX VIII., No. 56.]
May 14. 829. Thirty-four Acts of the Assembly of Jamaica made 14th May 1672, and sent by Sir Tho. Lynch to the Lords of Trade and Plantations, viz. :—(1.) An Act for preservation of cattle. (2.) Requiring the enrolment of deeds for prevention of fraudulent conveyances. (3.) Empowering his Majesty's Justices of the Peace within this island to decide all pleas and differences between party and party not exceeding the value of forty shillings. (4.) For the better maintenance of the Ministry. (5.) For the good governing of servants and ordering the rights between masters and servants. (6.) For the perpetual anniversary thanksgiving on the tenth day of May for the happy success and conquest made and obtained on his most sacred Majesty's island of Jamaica. (7.) For the speedy taking out of patents and better adjusting and more easy collecting of the quitrents of this his Majesty's island. Endorsed, "Read the 28th of January." (8.) Prohibiting the transportation of several commodities in a growing condition out of this island. Endorsed, "Of the same into any parts of America, to be there planted. Read the 21st of January, and not thought fit to be tendered at present for his Majesty's royal assent." (9.) For confirmation of divers Acts and orders heretofore made and repealing of all others, and also for the indemnifying all persons who have acted by virtue of the same. Endorsed, "Read in Council the 13th Jan. 1672-3." (10.) For the better ordering and governing of negro slaves. (11.) For settling the militia. Endorsed, "Read in Council the 13th of January 1672-3 and approved." (12.) Declaring an Act for quieting men's estates against dormant titles, made in the last Assembly convened by Sir Thomas Modyford, to be of force and perpetual. Endorsed, "Read 16th of January. The 6 months time was upon reading judged to be too short, nor was it thought necessary that they should be tied to take out new orders." (13.) For the regulating the fees of the several offices in the island. Endorsed, "Read in Council the first of February 1672-3." (14.) For the better amending, repairing, and keeping clear the common highways and known broad paths within this island, and leading to church and market, and for laying out new highways and turning old highways where it shall be needful. (15.) Against excessive usury. (16.) For foreign attachments. (17.) To prevent fraud and deceit in the makers and sellers of rum. (18.) For prevention of such damage as may happen by fire. (19.) Appointing Col. Thomas Modyford and Capt. Edmond Duck to be trustees, and fully enabled to make sale of the lands and plantations of Mr. Thomas Tothill, late of this island, deceased, for the payment of debts and making provision for the relict and infant of the said deceased. (20.) Rating meat sold by retail. (21.) For regulating the freight of boats, wherries, and other vessels, and their owners and employers. (22.) For the ordering and empowering the Secretary of the island to take sufficient security of every master of ship or vessel and others that depart this island; and of the duty of masters of ships and others that come to trade in this island. (23.) For the speedy remedying of all such nuisances as are or may hereafter be made upon the town of Port Royal, and to prevent the spreading of any fire that may happen therein. (24.) For regulating hunting. (25.) For prevention of the retailing of strong liquors by unlicensed persons. (26.) Against tippling, cursing, and swearing. (27.) Declaring it to be felony without benefit of clergy to steal or carry away any boat, canoe, wherry, or other vessel from any part of this island. (28.) Tor the encouragement of the importation of Christian servants into this island. (29.) For the bounding and establishing Vere parish. (30.) Empowering any freeholder to plead his own cause. (31.) For raising of money. (32.) Declaring the laws of England in force in this island. Endorsed, "Read 16th of January & disapproved." (33.) For raising of a public revenue out of all strong liquors and other goods of the production of foreign plantations imported or to be imported into this island and for the disposal thereof. And (34.) For toleration in matters of religion. Endorsed, "The copies of 34 Acts made by the Assembly at Jamaica, and sent by Sr Thomas Lynch to the Council for Plantation. Received Octob. 27, 1672, from my Lord Arlington, but directed to Mr Slingsby. Memorandum, that by Sr Thomas Lynch his letter of April 6th, 1673, it appears that these laws were signed the 14th of May 1672, so that they can be in force no longer than the 13th of May 1674." Together, 96 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXVIII.]
May 14. 830. Thirty-two Acts of the Assembly of Jamaica, being duplicates of the preceding with the exceptions of Acts Nos. 24 and 30, which are not included. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXVII., fol. 100–138.]
May 14. 831. An Act for the better maintenance of the Ministry, copy of the Act No. 4 above mentioned. Endorsed, "Jamaica, '72." 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 57.]
832. Seven Acts of St. Christopher's, viz.:—(1.) An Act for the encouraging his Majesty's subjects that are willing to settle themselves and families upon the aforesaid island. 15th May 1672. (2.) Prohibiting his Majesty's native subjects from alienating their land, &c. to any foreigners, and for recording and making bills of sale, &c. in the Secretary's office. 12th June 1672. (3.) For the safe and speedy resettling and peopling the English part of this island with his Majesty's native-born subjects, and for the preservation of the slaves and other stock thereon, which doth belong thereto. 24th June 1672. (4.) Touching military affairs in this island for every person capable to bear arms to be furnished with good firearms, &c. and one pound of powder for each person, with proportionable bullet, &c. 1st October 1672. (5.) Touching the carrying off this island any slave or slaves by stealth or any white person or persons, servant or servants to be felony. 1st October 1672. (6.) An additional Act to an Act passed the 24th of June last past touching the safe and speedy resettling the English part of this island and concerning the entertaining of vagabonds in the English ground, &c. 1st October 1672. And (7.) For the levying of twenty-five pounds of sugar per poll upon all white persons and fifty-five pounds of sugar per poll upon all the slaves within his Majesty's part of the said island. 13th June 1672. Together, 7 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. L., 1–7.]
May 15. 833. Three Acts of St. Christopher's, viz.:—(1.) An Act for the encouraging his Majesty's subjects that are willing to settle themselves and families upon the aforesaid island. (2.) for the extending of land for the due payment of debts; and (3.) for raising a levy for the payment of the country's debts. All signed by Sir Chas. Wheler and recorded in the Secretary's office 7th June 1672 by John Browne. Together, 3 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XLIX., 95–97.]
May 17. 834. Order of the Council for Plantations. That on the request of Lord Willoughby the names of the islands of Sancta Lucia, St. Vincent, and Dominica be added and inserted in the necessary clauses of his commission and instructions, the draft whereof was lately transmitted to Lord Arlington, to whom notice is to be given that they be inserted accordingly if said commission and instructions be not already passed. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 58, see also Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV., 109.]
May 17. 835. Minutes of the Assembly of Barbadoes. A duplicate of the Assembly's letter of 6th December last to the planters in London, with copy of their petition to his Majesty about the 4 1/2 per cent., and a letter to Henchman, signed and sealed by the Speaker, and left with Lt.-Col. Bate to be sent away by the first ship. 1/2 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XIII., 97.]
May 17.
836. The Assembly of Barbadoes to Tho. Henchman. Have received his of the 11th March last, and take in good part his willingness to act as their solicitor in England, not doubting but he will be very diligent in prosecuting their affairs as he shall be directed by their brethren planters, to whom they have referred him. Have not time to enlarge, nor is anything further needful. Signed by Simon Lambert, Speaker. 1/2 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XIII., 97, 98.]
May 19.
837. Petition of John Ayliffe to the King. His father and petitioner have always faithfully and loyally asserted his Majesty's crown and dignity to the great detriment of their estate, and whereas the office of Clerk in Chancery in Barbadoes is at present in his Majesty's power to grant, prays for a grant of said office by Letters Patent, together with the custody of the seal thereof and power to make deputies for the execution of same. With reference from Sec. Lord Arlington to the Lords Committee for Plantations, "his Maj. being graciously inclined to gratify the loyalty and good services of the petr." Whitehall, 1672, May 19. With Mem. "Brought into Council June 4, 1672." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 59. See also Dom. Entry Bk., Car. II. Vol. XXX VII., p. 33.]
May 22.
838. Petition of James Barrett, Capt. of one of the four Barbadoes companies, to the King. For a warrant to Sir Stephen Fox to pay out of the contingent money 31l. 18s. for monies expended by him for the King's service; with reference to Prince Rupert, his Majesty declaring that if it prove to be as alleged, he will cause satisfaction to be given. 1/2 p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXX VII., p. 31.]
May 24. 839. Grant to William, Earl of Kinnoul, his executors and assigns, in consideration of a surrender of all his interest in the Caribbee Islands, of an annuity of 600l. for five years from Michaelmas last, and then an annuity of 1,000l. to him and his heirs for ever, to be paid quarterly out of his Majesty's revenue of 4 1/2 per cent. at Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands. [Dom. Chas. II.. Docquet.]
May 25. 840. The King to the Deputy Governor of Barbadoes. His Majesty has of long time been acquainted with the delay and failure of justice the Royal African Company have met with in Barbadoes in relation to the great debts due to them, but lately they have so fully represented their case and the ruin impending upon their whole trade that his Majesty has resolved to interpose in the most effectual manner that full right may be done to the Company, and that by no artifice on pretence of law or custom they be any longer withheld from what is due to them. And though his Majesty might justly send for some of the chief debtors to answer this complaint, his Majesty, desirous to recommend his justice by all ways of moderation, has thought fit first that the Governor or Deputy Governor employ his utmost diligence in assisting Robert Beven and Edwin Rede, agents sent by said Company for recovery of their debts. And that none may shelter themselves as persons in his Majesty's service, his Majesty's pleasure is that any person refusing or neglecting payment of his debts to said Company within four months after demand, be discharged from his office in that island; especially of judicature, they being unworthy to have a hand in the distribution of justice that are not just in their own particular concerns. And if this course shall not have the effect desired, his Majesty is resolved to apply the most severe remedies to let them see that distance shall shelter none from his justice and power. This letter to be published in the accustomed places and recorded in the General Assembly of the island. 2 1/4 pp. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXXI., pp. 92, 93.]
May 25. 841. Minutes of the Council of Nevis, held at the public Court Hall at Charles Town. Present, Governor Stapleton, the Council and Assembly. The King's letter to Governor Stapleton was read, as also Sir Charles Wheler's revocation, and Wm. Stapleton's commission to be Governor of the Leeward Isles from Guadaloupe to St. John de Porto Rico, who thereupon commissioned Colonel Randall Russell, Deputy-Governor of Nevis, and Joseph Rokeby, Secretary, and issued his proclamation to continue all civil and military officers in their respective places. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 60.]
May 27.
842. Colonel W. Stapleton, Governor of the Leeward Islands to the Council for Plantations. Received theirs of 16th February last the 22nd instant, and begs pardon that he cannot answer their inquiries by this opportunity, having been employed to this day about the revocation of Sir Chas. Wheler's powers, and the publication of that and his own commission to succeed him. Could not meet Sir Charles on English ground, he having retired to Martinique. Hopes to answer their inquiries by the next, this vessel only touching here on her voyage to Jamaica to put him ashore. The Caribbee Indians have lately broken the peace made with Lord Willoughby, having killed two and left for dead two more of his Majesty's subjects in. Antigua, where 30 of them are in the woods; has secured two periagoes and 28 Indians who came to Montserrat to commit the like outrages, he has in irons, but not yet given them their due punishment, because there is something of a silver mine expected to be in Dominica, and he fears those heathens might cut off the English upon that island; the inhabitants of which have voted to war with them. Desires his Majesty's commands in that particular. Endorsed, "Recd 4 of October 1672, read in Council 13th Octobr." 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXVIII., No. 61.]