America and West Indies: May 1673

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: May 1673', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 6 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: May 1673', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 6, 2025,

"America and West Indies: May 1673". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 6 February 2025.

May 1673

May 6–8. 1084. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Ordered, that a month's provision be forthwith delivered by the Treasurer to Capt. John Wyborne of H.M.S. "Garland," as provided at the last meeting of the Assembly; and that commission be drawn in the usual form to make Col. Thomas Warner Governor for his Majesty of Dominique. May 7. Ordered, that Lieut.-Col. Wm. Bate deliver out of his Majesty's stores to Capt. Wyborne of H.M.S. "Garland," 20 barrels of powder, 2 cwt. match, 176 round demi-culverin shot, 176 round saker shot, 22 round 3-pounders, and 3 reams paper royal. May 8.—A paper of the wants of the St. David from Capt. Poole produced by the Assembly, and estimate of what they conceive fit to be allowed to carry the ship home. Col. Henry Walrond desired to draw up letters to the Council of Plantations and Secretary of State against next council day. Ordered, that the commission, instructions, and letter to Col. Thos. Warner about the government of Dominique be signed by the President, also the instructions to Capt. John Wyborne about sailing with the Garland to the Leeward Isles; that the solemnity of embarking the corpse of the late Lord Willoughby be on the 22nd instant, and that the Assembly have notice. That the disposal of the money remaining of the Tobago plunder be considered next council day. Order by the President, Council, and Assembly to the Treasurer to provide for H.M.S. St. David 13,000 lb. bread, 5,000 lb. beef, 1,374 lb. pork, 30 bushels of peas, 1,000 gallons rum, and 2,500 lb. fish for her voyage to England, or such other provisions (not exceeding the cost of the above) as he and Capt. Poole shall agree upon. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 234–236.]
May 7. 1085. Petition of Christian Gayner, relict of William Gayner, of Leitrim, co. Longford, in Ireland, to the King and Council. Petitioner's husband in 1633 was employed by the head-planters and owners of Tobago, alias New Walcheren Zealanders, to recover that island from the Spaniard and improve it, which with a commission from the Prince of Orange he performed. In 1636 the owners employed one Luke Pole, master of the ship New Walcheren, to disseize Petitioner's husband of said government, and place one Cornelius John De Moore, son of one of the owners, in the government; and said Pole, inviting Petitioner's husband to dine with him on ship-board, he was clapped in irons, proclaimed a traitor, displaced of his government, and had effects to the value of 10,000l. taken from him; and after 11 months' time set on shore at St. Christopher's, whence he was remitted to Zealand for jutice, where finding, after tedious law suits at Flushing, he could have no justice, he repaired to the Provincial Senate of Holland, and failing there also, appealed to the High Council of the Supremacy of Holland, Zealand, and Friezland, at the Hague, who, on 4th June 1662, decreed him all the damages he had sustained to be paid him by each of the defendants in solidum; but Petitioner's husband could never obtain execution upon their goods, nor seize their persons, they being too considerable. Prays that the premises be taken into consideration at the treaty of peace intended betwixt his Majesty, the Most Christian King and the United Provinces, that Petitioner may have execution of said decree. Signed and Endorsed: "Read May 7, 73." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 31.]
1673 ? 1086. Petition of Samuel Wilson, on behalf of the inhabitants of Boston, to the King. The Bostoners being in great want of English manutactures, and having of late laden and sent 18 of their best vessels for England to purchase the said manufactures, yet have no grant for any ship to transport English manufactures to them. Prays that a license may be granted to John Bugby for his ship Society, 200 tons burthen, 16 guns, 20 Englishmen, and 8 foreigners, that he may go for Barbadoes and New England with the said necessaries. Annexed,
1086. I. Mem. That the protection desired for John Bugby is not for any more men at present than will serve to fit the ship and to take in her lading, which will not be half the ship's company this month. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., Nos. 32, 32 I.]
1673 ? 1087. Petition of Samuel Wilson to Secretary the Earl of Arlington. To move the King to grant protection to Captain Bugby, with note annexed. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., Nos. 33, 33 I.]
May 9.
General Court
of Boston.
1088. Certificate of the Governor and Council of Massachusetts touching Sir Thos. Temple. At the request of Sir Thos. Temple, late Governor of Lower Accadia, bear witness that, having had manifold occasion, owing to his dependence on them for supplies and to the vicinity of his Government, to observe the translations of his affairs, they have found him very faithful and industrious in the King's service, he has to his great cost maintained the King's interest against all opposers, till he received the King's commands to surrender the same, when to his great loss he readily submitted to the King's pleasure; he has in all respects behaved himself as a loyal subject and servant; he has been several times on his voyage home to give an account of this, but has been prevented by sore sickness. Signed by John Leveret, Governor, Sam. Simonds, Deputy-Governor, and ten others. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 34.]
May 9–12.
St. Jago de
la Vega.
1089. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Returns of the Elections to the Assembly brought in by the Marshall, viz.:—For the parish of St. Thomas, Capt. Sam. Bache and John Medly; St. David's, Jacob Stoakes and Thomas Rives; Port Royal, Benjamin Whitcombe and Edward Halested; St. Andrew's, Major Sam. Barry and Capt. Rich. Brayn; St. Katherine's, Capt. Sam. Long; for St. Jago de la Vega, Major Jno. Colebeck, for Bowers, and Major-Wm. Nedham, for the 16 mile walk; Clarendon, Capt. Gifford Pennant; Vere, George Osborn, Esq.; St. Elizabeth, Capt. John Barrow and Captain Christopher Pindar, Esq.; St. Ann and St. James, Capt. Richard Guy; and St. George and St. Mary's, Capt. George Nedham. Petition of Robert Rollfe to Lieut.-Governor Lynch: having unfortunately slain Capt. Harmondson, without the least malice other than to retake him, having broken goal, which he hopes might be justified by law; but being informed that, through some mistake at trial, the decision of his case may be tedious, if ever it comes to be argued, and very poor, and having been imprisoned many months, Petitioner casts himself on his Excellency's mercy, entreating pardon for his crime, so that he may be enlarged from prison, or permitted to transport himself, having never before been reputed guilty of any notorious crime. With certificate, signed by eight of the jury, that the tragedy was casually committed by petitioner in discharge of his office; whereupon, on the unanimous recommendation of the Council, ordered for the reasons given that the Attorney-General forthwith draw his pardon.
May 10.—The Assembly attended in a body, and Capt. Sam. Long was approved Speaker on his Excellency's nomination, Col. Modyford and Chief Justice White administered the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, and both-Houses adjourned till Monday.
May 12.—The Speaker and Assembly having been sent for, the Lieut.-Governor in a speech to the whole House recommended the raising of money to complete fortifications at Port Royal, showing his Majesty and the Council's letters advising of the danger the island was in, and how suddenly it might be attacked, and praying them to consider speedily of the best means to preserve it. But the Assembly, having spent divers days in unnecessary questions and disputes, and at last bound themselves not to raise money for fortifications or any public uses, his Excellency, considering it necessary that the several officers should with all speed repair to their respective commands, with the advice of the Council sent for the Speaker and Assembly on the 16th inst. and declared them dissolved. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXV., 345–352.]
May 15.
1090. Lieut.-Governor Sir Thos. Lynch to Dr. Benj. Worsley, Sec. to the Council for Plantations, at Villiers House, in London. Has nothing to impart, but troubles him with duplicates of what he wrote at large to the Lords, by three ships that sailed 20 days since. The advice they had from their Lordships and himself made them active for their defence and to call an Assembly to raise money to complete what is so well begun at Port Royal; but by their questions, delays, and disputes these five days, doubts they will not; and if they are obstinate, it is his interest to let them alone till his Majesty gives other orders, or sends one with a greater character. Is as full of business as one that has but the shadow of a Parliament to treat with, and begins to fear he will find all such Assemblies to be haunted with malignant spirits, which are not to be conjured down by reason. Judges that one of the great reasons against a tax will be, that the danger is over and none was ever laid. Have no news of Spaniards or French. Annexed is copy of the King's letter to Sir Thos. Lynch of 15 January [see ante, No. 1024]. Together, 2 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 35.]
May 15. 1091. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Col. Henry Hawley chosen chairman, the President absent from indisposition. Consideration to be had of allowance to be made out of the Tobago plunder undisposed of for the country's arms lent for the expedition and not returned. Col. Henry Walrond desired to represent to the President that some of the field officers and others have refused commissions, and desire him, for the safety of the island, and the more that a strange ship yesterday passed by and took a view of all their ports, that care be taken that no vacancy be suffered in any regiment. Copies of letters to his Majesty and the Council of Plantations, produced by Col. Walrond, read and approved. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 287, 288.]
May 16 1092. Minutes of a Council of War. Present: Sir Thos. Lynch, Lieut.-Governor, and 14 members of the Council. Ordered, That notwithstanding the Courts of Common Law are again revived for the encouragement of merchants and others, the orders of a Council of War of 11th March last shall be of force in case of any alarum or occasion, of which all officers are required to take notice; provided always, that the Lygonee Regiment rendezvous at such place in those quarters as the Commander shall judge most convenient for its transportation to the succour of Port Royal. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXV., 353, 354.]
1093. Letters concerning Gambia.
I. — to Mr. Buckworth, Deputy Governor of the Royal African Company. His Majesty having appointed a Committee of Council to consider the memorial of the Duke of Courland's agent touching his pretensions to trade to the Island of Gambia, their Lordships have commanded him to write to the company to certify them when, how, from whom, and on what terms said island and fort came into English possession? what grant they have of it? the date, and what reasons they have to oppose the Duke's trading there according to his Majesty's grant? Desires him to send the above particulars with as much speed as he can to the Council Chamber, Whitehall. 1673, May 17.
II. — to Sir Robert Holmes. Is commanded by the Committee of Council appointed to treat with the Duke of Courland's agent about his pretensions to trade to the Island of Gambia, to desire him to certify them with all speed from whom? by what means? and on what terms said island was taken by Sir Robert Holmes? and what promises and agreement he made with the Duke of Courland's governor for the surrender thereof? and if he has any copy of the agreement to transmit it to him at the Council Chamber. 1673, May 17.
III. — to his good brother Sir Richard Browne. Some of the Committee appointed to treat with the Duke of Courland's agent touching his pretensions to trade to the Island of Gambia, remembering that he was present when they made a Report in that business (some time since March 1671), have commanded him to ask if he has any papers relating thereto, or remembrance thereof. 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 36.]
May 21. 1094. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Sir Tobias Bridge and Major John Hallett desired to summon before them Abraham Langford, to give account of 222l. 6s., which he received of Major Hallett by order of his late Excellency, money received from sale of the plunder of Tobago; ordered that said Langford be not permitted to depart the island till said account be perfected. The Assembly attending, Mr. Speaker desired directions, and was desired by the President to take care about assisting in the charge of the honourable embarking of his late Excellency's corpse. To take care about repairing the fortifications, and to provide for holding the General Sessions. Ordered, that Lieut.-Col. Bate forthwith bring account of what charge the country has been at in furnishing the St. David to Mr. Knights, who is to get bills drawn on the Commissioners of the Navy for payment to Lieut.-Col. Edward Thornburgh; that 45l. 6s. 8d., resting in Major John Hallett's hands, being the remainder of plunder brought from Tobago, be paid to Sir Tobias Bridge to be distributed to the soldiers and sailors maimed at Tobago. The Assembly attended with answers to the three proposals sent them, viz.: that they were very willing to bear the charge of mourning for the trumpets, drums, and colours at the embarking of his late Excellency's corpse; that they desire that the arrears of sugar from the levy on coppers and stills and all arrears of labour be speedily levied and disposed of for the reparation of the forts, and that the charge of what further reparations may be requisite be calculated, and they will willingly comply with what shall be needful; and that they concur that the country pay the charge of the General Sessions, gaol delivery, and public meeting of the Council, and that orders be drawn on the Treasurer for same, though the same and other public charges ought to be discharged out of the 4 1/2. Ordered by the President, Council, and Assembly that the Treasurer provide mourning for the trumpets, drums, and colours of one regiment of horse, two of foot, and the Life Guard, as he shall receive direction from the President, for the more decent carrying on the ceremony "at the embarking of his late Excy"; the charge to be paid out of the excise on liquors imported. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 238–241.]
May 23.
African House,
1095. John Buckworth to Sir Edward Walker. Has made it his business to enquire as well into his Majesty's right to the trade of the River Gambia as into the grounds of the Duke of Courland's pretensions to same. The Duke was possessed of the fort St. Andrea, at the mouth of the Gambia, which he sold to the Dutch in February 1660. The King granted in 1661 Letters Patent to the Royal African Company, which were confirmed in 1662. In September 1664 his Majesty granted Letters Patent to the Duke of Courland to trade to the coast of Guinea for his own single account, but not for his subjects, to the value of 12,000l. per annum, in consideration of the Duke transferring to his Majesty said fort of St. Andrea, since which the Duke has laid claim to trade with the Royal African Company to Gambia, but the cause was heard before the Privy Council in March 1670[–1?], when it was found that as the Duke had first sold Fort St. Andrea to the Dutch before he transferred same to his Majesty, and that his Majesty had granted the sole trade to Africa before his grant to the Duke, that his Majesty was surprised in said grant to the Duke, and he had no right to trade to Guinea, or any part thereof. The whole trade of Gambia does not take European commodities to the value of half 12,000l. per annum, and if the Duke hath liberty to trade for that sum yearly the Royal Company must either desert said fort or maintain the garrison without trade. Also copy endorsed by Williamson, "Letter to Sir Ed. Walker from Sir R. Vere (I take it), Gambia, and the D. of Courland's interest in it." [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., Nos. 37, 38.]
May 24 1096. Sir Robt. Holmes to Sir Edw. Walker. As to the desire of the Privy Council to be informed concerning a fort taken by Sir Robert from the Duke of Courland, knows of nothing taken from the Duke by himself. A little fort that had two men and a boy in it was taken as it shot at some of his Majesty's ships, then under Sir Robert's command; but always understood it belonged to the Dutch. It is now in the Royal Company's hands. Endorsed, "Rec. 26 May 1673." Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 39.]
1097. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Copy of letter to Lord Arlington, prepared by Col. Henry Walrond, read and approved. Ordered, that Abraham Langford have his ticket to depart the island,notwithstanding the former order, having made it appear that no money of the plunder of Tobago remains in his hands, but is paid to John and Charles Willoughby, executors to the late Lord Willoughby. The Assembly attended, and were told of a mistake in the proportion of victuals designed for the St. David; they desired to present Captain Poole with 4 cwt. refined sugar as a gift. Report, that on yesterday seven night, Capt. Wyborne being about St. Lucia, with 10 Flemish men-of-war, whereof the St. Patrick was one, and eight of them of at least 48 guns, in two squadrons, viz.: of Amsterdam and Zealand, which forced the Garland into the road at Martinique, where he was blocked in for three days, but they made no attempt on the Garland nor Island,though the Island had not above 12 guns mounted, and 150 men; but from the "Cole Sacke" (Cul de sac) belonging to the French they took a sloop and a ship of 200 tons laden with sugar. That the ship Grand Infant, that went with the French forces to Curaçao, is lost, with 650 men, by ill weather; and that the Dutch fleet came from Cales (Cadiz), and were all very clean, by which 'tis supposed they have not been out long. Resolved that the President make an agreement with the owners of the sloop Speedwell, now bound to Martinique, to go about Deseada and make discovery of any Dutch ships, supposed to lie there expecting the fleet homeward bound from Barbadoes, and give account thereof as soon as may be, and further to agree with the owners for satisfaction to be given them, in case the sloop should be taken on that discovery. Ordered, that the General Sessions be held on 8th July next, and timely notice to be given to all persons according to custom. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 241–243.]
May 28.
1098. The President and Council of Barbadoes to the Council for Trade and Plantations. Thank our Great and Good God for having inspired the King to establish as sentinels over the honour, interest, and welfare of his subjects so many persons of nobility and honour, and thank them for their care, expressed in their letter of December 11 last, to the late William, Lord Willoughby of Parham,who departed this life 10th April last; since which they have, according to his Majesty's Letters Patent, taken on them the administration of the Government till his Majesty's further pleasure. Sir Peter Colleton, appointed by his Excellency, is elected President and Commander-in-chief. The militia consists of two regiments of horse and six of foot, numbering 1,000 horse and 4,000 foot, the utmost number of white men capable of military service, so small are their numbers, and so infirm by age, sickness, and personal defects (or mental, in which quality they deem the Quakers) are the rest; so are already enforced to arm part of their blackmen. Are but weakly provided with arms and ammunition, not having yet recovered the total loss of their magazine by fire in 1668, and having been forced to spare a great proportion to furnish the soldiers that lately subdued Tobago, and also recruited H.M.S. St. David and Garland; spent most of their ammunition in fight, and the usual way of increasing their store of powder by tonnage of shipping is almost taken away by the war. Their usual way of raising money by excise on liquors imported also fails, by reason of the poverty of the inhabitants; are 1,200,000 lb. of sugar indebted; their forts in great decay; no provision to maintain the Governor; no public gaol able to secure a prisoner; no House of Meeting for the Governor, Council, and Assembly, but taverns; and have no means of providing same but by subsidies, which will be very burdensome in the defect of trade. Fear that during this chargeable war with the Dutch his Majesty cannot spare it; but if peace speedily ensue, pray their Honours to intercede that the 4 1/2 per cent. may defray the uses it was raised for, and that arms and ammunition may be sent. The St. David, Capt. Poole, that arrived with his Excellency, and now returns with his corpse, has been very serviceable in securing ships inward and outward bound, and preserving their little remainder of trade left to them; now goes convoy to a fleet of merchant ships for England; but the Garland, Capt. Wyborne, is by Capt. Poole commanded to stay till his Majesty or H.R.H. further orders. Desire, in case her return be ordered, that some other ship of war may supply her room, otherwise the island will be immediately blocked up by some of the Dutch capers, which, though of small force, will be able to master any vessels that now trade here, and in a short time the island will be reduced to great extremities, especially for want of provisions. And that his Majesty's affairs in Dominique might not decline, and yet to avoid giving distaste to the French, have only commissioned an Indian, Thomas Warner, somewhat related to Sir Thomas Warner, heretofore Lieut.-General of the Caribbees, with the powers he formerly had from William or Francis, Lord Willoughby, and their deputies, yet so directed as may assure the French there is no intention to break with them. Copies of said commission, letter, and instructions are enclosed. Have not seen any copy of the Articles of Submission made by the Indians of Dominique, but have desired Sir Peter Colleton, if any such be found amongst Lord Willoughby's papers, to send them; also such as relate to the St. Vincent and Sancta Lucia Indians, together with a particular account of the inhabitants and public stores of this island. Have ordered the fleet for England, without touching at the Leeward Isles, having just received advice from Capt. Wyborne that 10 Dutch men-of-war lately arrived there. Signed by Sir Peter Colleton and eight of the Council. Endorsed by Locke. Enclose,
1098. I. The President and Council of Barbadoes to Col. Warner. Lord Willoughby, their late Governor, having departed this life, and the government of the islands to windward of Guadaloupe being devolved on them, they have thought good, in reward of his past services, to continue his power, as Governor under them, of Dominique, in order whereto they send commission and instructions. Mem. "A true copy attested the 3d day of June 1673 per Edwyn Stede Dep. Sec." Endorsed by Locke.
1098. II. Commission from the President and Council of Barbadoes to Col. Thos. Warner, appointing him Governor of Dominique, to observe such instructions as he shall receive from them. 1673. Mem. "A true copy attested 3rd of June 1673 pr Edw. Stede, Dep. Secry." Endorsed by Locke.
1098. III. The President and Council of Barbadoes. Instructions to Col. Thos. Warner, Deputy-Governor of Dominique. To give encouragement to his Majesty's subjects in his island, and endeavour that none of the inhabitants offer any violence to them. To take special care to give no occasion of difference between his Majesty's subjects and those of the French King. To endeavour to secure negroes or others that shall run away from his Majesty's plantations till he can meet with convenience for their re-transportation, and then to send account of his charges. From time to time to give account of the condition of the island, and of his wants and necessities. "A true copy attested the 3rd day of June 1673 pr Edwyn Stede, Dep. Secy." Endorsed by Locke. Together, 7 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX.,Nos. 40, 40 I., II., III.]1099. Copy of preceding letter, a true copy attested by Edwyn Stede, Deputy-Secretary, 18th August, 1673, "Read at a Committee of the Council 21 Octr 1673." [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV., 154–156.]
May 28: 1100. The President and Council of Barbadoes to (Sec. Lord Arlington). Lord Willoughby being dead, have, according to his Majesty's orders, taken on them the administration of Government, as they have acquainted his Majesty in their letter enclosed, which they desire his Lordship to present. Enclose duplicate of what they have already written to the Council of Plantations. Endorsed, "A true copy attested 18th day of Augt 1673 pr Edwyn Stede, Dep. Secr."
1100. I. The Council of Barbadoes to the King. Hold it their duty to acquaint his Majesty that Wm. Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes, is dead, and that, in accordance with his Majesty's letters patent, they have taken upon them the administration of Government till his Majesty's pleasure be further signified, which they desire may be with as much speed as his Majesty's other other occasions will permit. Have by this conveyance given account to the Earl of Arlington and the Council of Trade and Plantations of the state of affairs within the late Lord Willoughby's Government. Barbadoes, 1673, May 28. "A true copy attested 18th day of Aug. 1673 pr Edwyn Stede, Dep. Sec."
1100. II. The President and Council of Barbadoes to the Council for Trade and Plantations. Duplicate [see ante, No. 1098]. Endorsed "A true copy attested 18th Augt 1673 pr Edw. Stede, Dep. Seccy." Endorsed by Locke also "21 Octobr 1673. Read at a Comittee of the Council."
1100. III. The President and Council of Barbadoes to Col. Warner "A true copy attested by Edywn Stede, Depy Secy 9 June 1673." Together, 5 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., Nos. 41, 41 I., II.,III.]
May 28.
1101. Sir Peter Colleton, President of the Council of Barbadoes, to (the Council for Trade). The Council of this Island give notice of the death of Will. Lord Willoughby, and have appointed Colleton to give account of the inhabitants and public stores, and to send copies of what Indian articles shall be found. By lists taken during Lord Willoughby's life, finds the inhabitants amount to 9,274 white men over 16 years of age, 3,600 boys, and 8,435 women and girls, of which one half may be English and the rest Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, and Jews; the negro men amount to 10,236, boys 5,827; women 11,914, and girls 5,207; but, forasmuch as there ran a report that these lists were taking in order to a tax on negroes, is of opinion that one third of the negroes is not given. From the account enclosed their Honours may perceive they are very slenderly provided with ammunition, especially powder, considering the number of their forces and guns mounted. The course for supply of powder is by a tax of 1 lb. of powder per ton on ships trading here, but the war ships are kept from coming hither. Desires them to move his Majesty for a speedy supply of powder, with ammunition and small arms. Cannot find among Lord Willoughby's papers articles made with the Indians, nor copies, but those sent to him by Dr. Worseley from England. Hopes he gave a satisfactory answer in this particular by Capt. Terry, who sailed in March. The Council have sent another commission to Warner, the Indian, to be Governor of Dominica for his Majesty, which was thought the most likely way to keep on foot his Majesty's title, and avoid a contest with the French. Cannot learn that the French have sent any to inhabit there since taking thence those Col. Codrington placed there, nor does not think they will, unless jealousy of the English, or an opinion that the silver mine is of value induce them, for the island is extremely mountainous, and the French already possessed of many islands more plantable, and not one-tenth part peopled. In February last M. de Baas, with 5 of the French King's ships, 3 merchantmen, 14 shallops, and 1,200 soldiers sailed to Curaçoa, expecting 600 buccaneers from Hispaniola would have joined him, but they failed; he landed, and was on shore 48 hours, but attempted nothing against the fort; but reimbarked, dispersed his fleet, and went with two ships to Hispaniola. Takes notice of their advice of ships fitted by the Lamsons and West India Company of Holland; has brought the Militia into as good a posture as can be expected from men not in pay, and found them very ready on any alarm. Is now repairing some of the forts washed down by the sea, and supplying other defects, and doubts not to be able to keep a much greater force than the Lamsons or West India Company from doing harm. Meantime, constant guard is kept and all the forces are in arms, and have their posts assigned. May 29. This day came in the Garland, which had been to Dominica to give Col. Warner his commission and instructions, who said there had been no French there these three months. She was chased by Dutch men-of-war into Martinico Road. They plied in near the castles, which fired at them, upon which they called a council of war and drove off, and five of them passed to windward of this Island. Is informed by Capt. Wyborne of the Garland that the Grand Infant, a French man-of-war of 44 guns, is supposed to be lost coming from Hispaniola to Curaçoa, with 670 men, of whom near 500 were the buccaneers expected to join M. de Baas at Curaçoa; they set out in February, but have not since been heard of. Endorsed by John Locke also, "21st Octob. 1673, read at a Committee of the Council." Encloses,
1101. I. "A list of the most eminent planters in Barbadoes, anno 1673," containing twelve names, with the number of acres of land held by each, all of whom are included in the following list.
1101. II. A list of the most eminent planters in Barbadoes, anno 1673. Sir Peter Collerton, Bart., 700 acres; Col. Henry Drax, 800; Col. Henry Hawley, 300; Col. Daniel Searle, 500; Col. Henry Walrond, 400; Col. Samuel Barwicke, 400; Samuel Farmer, Esq., 500; John Sparke, 600; Col. Samuel Newton, 400; John Knight, 350; Col. John Willoughby, 450; and Thomas Wardell, 250; "The above written are the present Council." Col. Wm. Sharpe, 600; Col. Symon Lambert, 500; Col. Timothy Thornhill, 500; Col. Jno. Stanfast, 500; Col. Richard Bayly, 500; Ed. Littleton, 600; Majr. Robt. Legard, 300; Majr. Jno. Helmes, 200; James Wallwin, 300; Col. Wm. Yeamans, 300; Majr. Saml. Tidcombe, 300; Capt. Thos. Maycocke, 500; Wm. Merricke, 400; Richd. Evans, 300; Col. Lewis Morris, 400; Jno. Foster, 300; Wm. Dyer, 300; Capt. Jno. Gibbs, 300; John Worsam, 300; Col. Richd. Guy, 200; Richard Howell, 200; Col. Jno. Horne, 500; Robt. Rich, 350; Thos. Colleton, 500; Hen. Wallrond, junr., 200; Col. Christopher Codrington, 600; Jno. Kendall, 250; Majr. Thos. Rous, 350; John Holder, 400; Robt. Mead, 200; Henry Sweet, 400; Capt. Ed. Briney, 200; Majr. Jno. Hallett, 300; Col. Richd. Hawkins, 350; Capt. John Davyes, 200; Robt. Davers, 600; Henry Odiarne, 300; Martin Bently, 400; Capt. Rowland Bulkely, 500; Thos. Wiltshire, 300; John Pierce, 1,000; Capt. Jno. Codrington, 300; Major Robt. Haskett, 900; Capt. Tobias Frere, 400; Col. John Frere, 300; Richard Seawell, 600; Majr. Jno. Gregory, 300; Nicholas Prideaux, 300; Major Wm. Goodale, 200; Col. Richd. Buckworth, 200; Col. Wm. Bate, 200; Col. Christopher Cine, 400; Capt. John Sutton, 300; Benja. Middleton, 400; Majr. James Carter, 300; Capt. Samuel Rolleston, 200; Col. Alexander Ruddocke, 200; Robert Breviter, 350; Giles Hall, 400; Capt. Jno. Waterman, 800; Majr. Philip Bishop, 250; Lt. Col. Thomas Rous, 400.
1101. III. An account of the great artillery,powder, arms and ammunition, in the magazines and forts in Barbadoes. Anno. 1673; viz.:—152 culverins, demi-culverins, sakers, minions, falconets, drakes or small field pieces; 10,430 shot for same; and 10 hand grenades,260 pikes, 480 muskets, 1,002 swords, 804 bandeliers, 21,000 lb. small shot, 6,500 cut flints, 368 barrels of powder, and 1,800 lb. of match. Mem. "29 May 1673. The same to be sent for the present year, and so yearly. In what places the same are lodged." Together, 7 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., Nos. 42, 42 I., II., III.]
May 28. 1102. Copies of preceding letter and inclosure III. "Read at a Committee of the Council, 21 Oct. 1673." [Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV., 157–160.]
May 28.
1103. [Sir Peter Colleton] to John Locke, Esq., at Little Exeter House, in the Strand, London. Has been long expecting to hear news from him from New England, and Lord Willoughby and himself had projects of taking Carolina in their way and visiting Locke there, but it has pleased God to dispose things otherwise,his Lordship is dead, Locke, Sir Peter understands, in employment in England, and himself tied by the leg with an office here, until his Majesty pleases to release him. Our friends in Carolina sing the same song they did from the beginning, a very healthy, pleasant, and fertile country, but great want of victuals clothes, and tools. Is of opinion the two last ought to be sent, one supply would be enough, and they will be furnished sufficiently this year with victuals never to want more; if the other two be omitted they may run a hazard of losing all the money they have laid out. After Barbados had been settled six years the people then, upwards of 600 men, were leaving, and he sees what this island is come to, and no doubt if they hold their ground but Carolina will excel all other English plantations. Several men of considerable estates will engage from hence as soon as there is peace and shipping is to be had. Sends to Colonel Thornburgh a box of Carolina China root, to be divided between Locke and a cousin of Sir Peter's who is a "drugster." Finds he is Locke's partner in the Bahama trade, which will turn to account if he meddles not with planting, but if he plant otherwise than provisions he will have his whole stock drowned in a plantation and be never the better for it. Planting is Sir Peter's trade, and he thinks he may say without vanity he understands it as well as most men. But if other men will plant the Bahamas hinder them not, for they improve our Province. Can give reasons why he would neither have Locke or my Lord engage in it. Hopes by the next to send him a jar of this island's tar and what other rarities they have. 2 pp. Not signed, but endorsed, by Locke, "Sir Peter Colleton to J.L." With seal. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., Bundle 48, No. 90.]
May 28.
1104. Sir Peter Colleton to Henry Slingesby, in London. Hopes several letters written since his arrival are come safe to hand. On 10th of last month died Lord Willoughby, upon which the government devolved by commission to the Council, who have chosen himself President, with command of the militia, till his Majesty's pleasure. Has a troublesome task to keep 11 men in order, who reckon themselves equal in power and are not over well qualified for government, and hopes he will get them a good Governor. Continues of opinion that a man that has an interest on the place will be more certain to be such than one sent from England, who may think his employment a reward for past services, and that he shall be winked at if for his particular profit he break the Acts of Trade and Navigation and other orders; which the other will never dare to do, especially if he have also an estate in England, and other than such he would never advise to be trusted. Lord Willoughby often affirmed that his setting out and first six months' expense of government cost him near 2,500l., and the people here gave him not a cross, nor had they anything to give without raising a particular tax, for the public are above 1,200,000 lbs. sugar in debt, and reparations about the forts will cost 500,000 lbs. more, so that unless the King assist them out of the 4 1/2 per cent. he cannot see how they can go through with their public charge. His Excellency when he lay sick put Col. Codrington out of the Council and put his own son in his place. Col. Codrington and his Lordship had large accounts, which Sir Peter had adjusted, bringing one to give and the other to take 5,000l., to be paid in time, but his Lordship, finding that Codrington, to avoid being forced to pay his creditors, had made over all his estate, grew very jealous, which, and being no freeholder, was, Sir Peter thinks, the cause he was put out, and that his son would thus be in a much better condition to recover his right. 3,500l. was due to his Lordship by bond. Refers to his letter to the Council of Plantations for other affairs. Endorsed, "21 Octobr. 1673. Read at Committee of the Council." 2 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 43; see also Col. Enry Bk, No. XCIV., 152–153.]