America and West Indies: August 1673

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'America and West Indies: August 1673', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 6 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: August 1673', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 6, 2025,

"America and West Indies: August 1673". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 6 February 2025.

August 1673

Aug. 2.
1123. Tho. Ludwell to (the Committee of Trade and Plantations). Encloses their last laws and levies (see ante, No. 932). Account of their being lately invaded by eight Holland men-of-war, from 30 to 46 guns each ship, and a fire ship, Commanders, Jacob Binkes and Cornelis Evertson, and of the fight which lasted above four hours, in which they took and burnt eleven ships. Begs their Lordships' protection for a poor distressed people. Recommends the bearer, a nephew to Sir Herbert Price, and Lieutenant of one of the men-of-war here, who behaved with extraordinary courage. 1 p. Printed in New York Documents, III., 204. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 53; see also Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XCIV., p. 172–173.]
Aug. 4.
James River
1124. Wm. Sherwood to "my much honoured friend Sir Joseph Williamson, at Whitehall." Cannot let the opportunity of John Richards going to England pass without acknowledgment of his continued favours and his letter of 14 August, which came to hand, per my wife, the 18 April last, and was as welcome as air to prisoners. The late invasion on 12 July by the Dutch will be at large signified to the King by the Governor's Declaration. The bearer hereof will give a perfect account of it, and John Weldon will give him a copy of the Governor's answers to several inquiries. “Recd. Oct. 14.” 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 54.]
Aug. 6. 1125. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Order to the Treasurer to pay to Benjamin Dweight 68 l. 16s. 7 1/2 d., for accommodation of the President and Council at their public meeting up to 3rd-July last, and to report upon Mr. Dweight's accounts during the time of the Grand Sessions. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 249.]
Aug. 11–23. 1126. Votes of the General Assembly convened at St. George's, Bermudas, 11 August, and adjourned to 14 October 1673. The Company's proposals for a joint stock in their last general letter cannot in the least measure conduce to the well being of the island; the failure of the previous joint stock for whale-fishing a sufficient beacon to warn them. After careful inquiry they repudiate charges of profaneness, drunkenness, uncleanness, and other licentious courses of life, and moreover cannot but conclude that the terming us as irreligious and irrational, profane, and refractory, and the hopeful-issues of our bodies, which are dearer to us than our lives, we mean the youth of our country, opprobriously nicknamed spawns and young fry, is no less than a Machiavellian design of some interested persons to wrap us in a bear's skin and with the dogs of cruelty to devour us. But if such false calumniations were true, which they contradict, no wonder the people perish when their teachers are removed and alienated from them. The Company exact from them contrary to his Majesty's Letters Patents one-third of the whole product of their commodity, and will render no account, but continually cry debt. But that they may appear guiltless before God and man, they present for the Company's confirmation, an Act against vice and immorality, as well as several other Acts which are put to the vote and passed. They complain of the loss incurred by the inhabitants by the late and irregular arrival of the magazine ship, and pray that it may not be despatched later than August or September. They have enacted that no person buy or sell tobacco of the growth of the year before the 10th November, on pain of forfeiture; they present the intolerable extortions and combinations of the factors, and pass an Act to permit free trade in the previous year's tobacco if no magazine ship arrive before the 10th March for carrying it away. Pray that the Court and Assistants in London, and all persons concerned in judgment on themselves and their estates, may, with the rest of the officers, take the appointed oath that no order from the Court at home may enforce them to suffer any pain, penalty, damage, or forfeiture without a legal trial in the islands by 12 of their peers; that officers in the islands, excepting the Governor during the time of his Government, be liable to action for wrongs or damages; that no person presume to demand the unjust imposition of one penny per lb. on all tobaccos coming from the island, that no person plead by Bill, or be obliged to give answer in writing, but that all pleading be as in said book, of laws is provided; and that the Sheriff have power to hear, determine, and grant execution for debts not above the value of 20s.; that they have received 20 barrels as a gift from His Majesty, and but 10 from the Company. These Acts and grievances to be forthwith published in the several parish churches, and that in consideration that the magazine ship is allotted to stay but 40 days; the Assembly adjourn to the 21st inst. That all agents receive in their rents by the 26th November, and all factors their debts by the 31st December, or be debarred from impleading for that year. That the export of oranges, potatoes, or any other fruits of the island (tobacco excepted), be in cedar boxes; against making paths over other men's lands; penalty of 10l. to any person leaving sails and oars in his boat or outhouse at night, which facilitate robbery and the running away of slaves; against stripping the public lands of timber and fire-wood by Commanders of the magazine ships. Any person refusing his actual service to His Majesty, the Company, or country, shall pay reasonable satisfaction to the person chosen in his stead; that all persons chosen to serve as Assembly men or Jurors have their necessary charges defrayed by their tribe or parish; and that ships coming to the island for refreshment only, pay no port charges, save pilotage, and tollage for water and wharfage. Report of the Committee of Inquiry of the Assembly, as to the defects and wants of King's Castle, Southampton Fort, Smith's Fort, and Padget's Fort. Whereas His Majesty is engaged in a bloody war against the United Provinces, whatever goods and moneys belonging to the public are in the hands of the Sheriff shall be forthwith laid out in the repair of the Castle and forts, and other public charges. No ships belonging to the inhabitants sailing out of port to be obliged to take pilots; that the 100 acres or four shares of land allotted to Anthony Jenour, Sheriff, by the Company's printed book of laws, be forthwith laid out; that any person going aboard a ship within seven days of her arrival and buying up any goods above the value of 10l., be proceeded against as a regrator, forestaller, and ingrosser; the rents, and profits of glebe lands, where there is no Minister, to go to defray public charges, and their timber to be protected. All penalties (above the value of 5s.) to be received by the Sheriff and disposed of by order of the Governor and Council for the use of the country; to give account thereof to the Assembly, and allow himself 2s. in the pound. This Act limited to the time of this present Governor, Sir John Heydon. The Assembly adjourned to the 14th October at the Church in Padgett's Tribe.
23 August. Names of the Deputy-Governor, Council, and Assembly, viz. :—J. Heydon, D.G.; Henry Tucker, Senr.; Richard Woolrich, Henry Moore, John Hubbard, John Wainwright, Senr.; Thomas Wood, Jonathan Turner, Senr.; Thomas Lecraift, Cornelius White, Sec.:—Charles Whetenhall, Speaker; John Bristow, Junr.; Samuel Brangman, Boaz Sharp, Thomas Shaw, James Farmer, John Welch, Thomas Stow, John Squire, John Hutchins, Richard Hanger, George Hubbard, William Milborn, Lawrence Dill, John Cox, John Somersall, Senr.; Edward Sherlock, Senr.; Robert Dickenson, St. George Tucker, Thomas Kersey, Edward Chaplain, George Bascomb, William Basden, Phillip Lea, John Rawlins, Senr.; Nicholas Thornton, John Arthur, John Stow, Richard Jennins, Richard Deniston, Severn Vicars, William Righton, Senr.; Thomas Hall, Georg Ball, John Morrice, Senr; Will. Burch, Thomas Forster, Richard Mathelin, Nathaniel Butterfield, and Hamond Johnson, Clerk of the Assembly.
Petition of the Assembly to the Company of the Somers Islands Complain that although several Assemblies have presented the aggrievances of these islands, they could never find any redress of the burdens and impositions laid on them through self-interested persons to their almost ruin, contrary to the King's Patent, and the Book of Laws printed in 1622, whereby the Company is obliged and provision made to defray the public charges and provide ammunition, ministers and colony servants, which continually have been wanting; for till his Majesty supplied them by this magazine ship there were not two rounds of powder in the colony, though there has been extorted from them near four times the value of their public charges; they have no account of the disposal of their own monies; though there ought to be five ministers in the island they have but one; the public lands are disposed of contrary to his Majesty's Patents and by the Company's last letters they are commanded to build a fort at their own charges, though they are so impoverished they cannot do so They therefore present their aggrievances and several Acts for their approbation, desiring to acknowledge their obligation to some of the honourable part of the Company, who have also been abused by some of the trading party, and on bended knees, for God, his Majesty, and the Island's sake beseech them to confirm their Acts and relieve their aggrievances; to succour them speedily with holy, able, peaceable, and painful labourers in the Word and truth, that they may not have their souls ruined, though their bodies and estates have been enslaved; and that the treasury and husbandry of the Company may not be in the hands of any persons of the trading party. 1673, August 11.
Petition of the Assembly to Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury, Governor of the Company. Have a firm hope that as another Moses for the deliverance of the oppressed the Lord has appointed his Honour, which they experienced when he moved his Majesty to send them a plentiful proportion of ammunition; present their complaints and acts for redress, together with a petition to his Majesty, the presenting or retarding whereof is left to his Honour's wisdom, that if they be hindered of their redress his Majesty may take them into his protection; for they conceive that on strict inquiry his Honour will find that some persons desiring their own interest against the common good, have infringed his Majesty and the Company's Laws, to their great oppression, if not utter ruin.
Petition of the Assembly of the Somers Islands to the King. Refer to the grant by Patent of 29th June 1615 to the first Proprietors, who made several wholesome laws printed in 1622, whereby they were obliged to maintain the public charges out of the public lands; since which, part of the interest of the islands has been alienated amongst some few traders and mechanics, who, for self interest, have infringed his Majesty and the Company's Laws, imposing arbitrary commands, forbidding trade for anything sent but what is in their ship which is but once a year, enhancing their goods to such rates that they have the island commodities for almost nothing, and unjustly taxing their tobacco to one-third of its value or more, amounting to four times the value of the public charges, for which they were to supply ammunition and ministers, yet they have but one minister, and ammunition in proportion till his Majesty bountifully supplied them, and made them further happy by commanding the continuance of their truly worthy (Deputy) Governor Sir John Haydon. Wherefore they earnestly implore his Majesty's assistance, their great necessities compelling them to seek redress from his Majesty by the hand of their Honourable Governor the Earl of Shaftesbury, who can more particularly inform his Majesty of their deplorable condition. Endorsed, "Votes of the Assembly 1673, with a Petition Read Oct. 21, 1679." Together, 15 pp. General Sir J. H. Lefroy has printed an abstract of this document which he describes as "most irregular in form, grievances and enacting clauses being mixed up without any distinction." Memorials of the, Bermudas II. 382 et seq. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 55.]
Aug. 13.
Exeter House.
1127. Lord Shaftesbury to [Stephen] Bull. He has behaved so well as a planter in the country and in 'the government as Shaftesbury's Deputy, though for unavoidable reasons he bestowed his deputation on Mr. Mathew's, yet to let him know it was not through disesteem he has got Lord Cornbury to choose Bull his deputy. Cannot but take especial notice of his acquaintance among and interest with the Indians, however it may be discountenanced by some there, looks on as very wisely done and very agreeable to our design which is to get and continue the friendship and assistance of the Indians and mako them useful without force or injury. Should be very glad that all the tribes of Indians round about had each an Englishman for their Cassique. [Shaftesbury Papers, Section IX., Bundle 48, No. 55, p. 136.]
Aug. ? 1128. Memorial of Col. Morgan to the King. In obedience to his Majesty's commands by Lord Arlington and promise concerning Jamaica, has set down what he thinks convenient for the present security of that place, viz.:—That his Majesty will order a fifth rate frigate for his transportation, and give the merchants of that place leave to send a ship of 26 guns with but 30 seamen and one third of them foreigners, and to carry such necessaries as his Majesty shall send at a very easy rate. That his Majesty will let them have for the two new batteries on Port Royal 20 iron guns, viz., 10 demi and 10 whole culverin, with powder, shot, and all other necessaries belonging. Conceives these things very necessary to be forthwith sent for the preservation of the Island, and the chief harbour and magazine there. Endorsed, "Jamaica. Coll. Morgan, 1673." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 56.]
Aug. 12.
1129. Lt.-Gov. Sir Thos. Lynch, to Sec. Sir Joseph Williamson Hearty thanks for his three letters by these King's ships, which are not less kind for being short, for with his vast employment wonders he writes at all. Believes that before this can come to hand the King will have chosen the best minister for the greatest negociation, and he will have concluded the peace, which seems to them impossible, the English, French, and Dutch interests seeming altogether incompatible. Nothing could have so much surprised Lynch as the false representations of his putting the Dutch pirate to death, and that his friends should think he needed a pardon for doing what all laws of God and man require and will justify; does not find that either friends or enemies thought of suspending their censures till he was heard. Remits to his Lordship exemplifications of the whole proceedings, and will send copy by Robothome, and hopes he will be as ready to do him right in clearing his innocency, as he was to do him favour when he thought him guilty. Knows he will consider the King is ill served in discouraging the only person that has resolutely obeyed him in these Indies. His Lordship has likewise accounts of their losses by the Spaniards and all news of these parts. Will serve Mr. Bates to his power, and has furnished him with 20l. of the 100l. he gives him credit for, which he desires him to pay to Thos. Duck. Mr. Bates is now bound on the frigate to Havanna, and at return will write, having then leisure and matter. Endorsed, per" G. Spilsby, Commander of his Majesty's Catch Eaglet. Rec. 14 November 1673." 1 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 57.]
Aug. 12.
1130. Lieut.-Governor Sir Thos. Lynch to Dr. Benj. Worsley. Has given account of receipt of letters from the Council and himself, and heartily thanks him for all, and for this by the Portland and Dr. Trapham. Hopes Spillsbery will say Worsley's recommendations have been obeyed in his respect, and cannot doubt his parts will do a great deal of honour to the island, to Worsley and to the Royal Society who expect solutions to all inquiries that can be made to which he will contribute as far as lies in his power. Had his letter of January, but none from his Majesty or Lord Arlington of that month; but has now, which has more troubled and surprised him than anything that ever happened to him, for he cannot imagine by what malice or artifice his proceedings against the pirate Johnson have been so disguised that the King should wholly disapprove of them. Advised Sir Joseph that he called the Council and consulted lawyers that nothing might be done illegally or rashly; which he thought sufficient in so notorious a case, wherein all indifferent people-would have given more credit to his integrity and judgment than to the malicious informations of criminals and enemies. Sends his Lordship copies of the proceedings, and has ordered a friend to put them into Worsley's hands, for would have his name white at Villiers House, how black soever Sir T[hos]. M[odyford]'s partizans have made it on the Exchange. Is sure he will consider it is not for the King's interest he should be so traduced, for by the account given of the Assembly he will judge here are people that need not so many encouragements to be obstinate and factious. Knows not what to say to the Council's exceptions to their Acts, they being rather formed to the particular usage of these parts, than assimilated to the laws of England; nor can they ever have laws if some deference be not made to the judgment and reason of the Governor, Council, and Assembly; for few amongst them can give reasons for divers of those laws. Urged upon the Assembly the necessity of enabling some one to solicit for them, but it was as ill approved as the building of fortifications. A good intelligent gent. of the Council is coming for England with some of the next ships, and it's possible they may oblige him to wait on the Lords, and give satisfaction to anything that can be scrupled. Meantime the Council had better suspend the passing of the laws than correct any part of them; for many things that may seem unreasonable there are absolutely necessary here. Supposes the great things the Council have to consider are whether these laws preserve his Majesty's prerogative and sufficiently improve his revenue, but of the rest they are hardly competent judges. Thanks him for the copies of the memorials presented to the Spanish Ministers; but if to be negociated in Spain, they will be paid when all good works are in the world to come. Has now remitted his Lordship a new edition to the former account of losses, and hopes they will cry so loud that they must be heard, and that the King will let them take, if the Spaniards will not give, satisfaction; to him they seem the most ungrateful and senseless people in the world. The Portland goes to Havanna to demand satisfaction for 5 vessels taken on the coast of Yucatan, and one Cooke the advice ship he sent on the arrival of the Eaglet. Is hugely obliged for his marginal note; this employment must give him one occasion to thank him, or he will abjure it, and not serve longer unless per duris, for it's incredible yet true that what he has is not sufficient to make him live and gratify his friends and yet coveted by men of the greatest quality. But believes the King will make it worthy of these noble pretenders, and they will come when there is either war or peace, and not when there are neither customs nor prizes, ships nor trade, and by turns has been forced to disoblige the whole world, since the King and Ministers are not pleased with him. But people are very healthful and seem content, the weather seasonable, and all hugely rejoiced with these two ships, which he tells them, they receive from his Majesty's grace at the Council's instance; and all conclude themselves happy and safe under the care of such wise patriots. Indorsed, "p his Majesty, Catch Eaglet q Dios gd." 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 58.]
August 14.
1131. The President and Council of Barbadoes to (the Council for Trade and Plantations). Wrote 28th May, by Capt. Wm. Poole, of H.M.S. St. David. By theirs of 14th March to Lord Willoughby, lately received, find their Lordships had not received account of his success at Tobago. The Dutch surrendered by treaty the island to his Majesty on the enclosed articles: the forts and buildings are destroyed, the white men had liberty to depart; and the negroes and all goods were the soldiers' reward, of which there were near 600 landmen, besides seamen. Our forces having laid all things waste returned, and reported that several negroes had betaken themselves to the woods; whereupon his Excellency sent a small vessel with 30 landmen to hunt for and bring them with some remains of plunder; at least one-third of these were French who had lived at Tobago under the Dutch, and tendered themselves as guides, but being armed to pursue the blacks, they betook themselves to the woods and returned not, so the Commander returned without the negroes. Are informed that the Caribbee Indians, who came to glean the remains of plunder have taken those blacks, and slain those runagate French. Presume the island is so laid waste as to hinder all settlements there during this war, but if any nation presume to make any beginnings, will endeavour to destroy them. To leave a small garrison had been to render them a prey to the Dutch, and therewith lose his Majesty's title, and a garrison able to hold it against the Dutch is more than they can maintain; deem it the only way to preserve his Majesty's right to keep it a waste. Have had little opportunity to consider the instructions to his Excellency, more than what concerns the militia and defence of the island; to enable them wherein have established an excise on liquors, which in this time of war, they doubt will fall much short of defraying the charge of the fortifications they have in hand. Have made no other law since his Excellency's death, nor found out any way for the payment of their public debt. Some have proposed a land and poll tax, but have deserted those thoughts finding the planter already mightily impoverished, and many to have quitted the island by reason of the great charge of fortifications and military duties. Hope by next conveyance to answer all his late Excellency's instructions. Desire some gun-powder, their store being small, and much of it bad. Stores and provisions for the St. David and Garland have lately arrived in two merchant ships, Peter Hales and Richard North, masters.
1131. I. The Council of Barbadoes to Commissioners of the Navy. Have received their letter of 27th March to his late Excellency, with Chartered parties and Bills of Lading, and as the St. David is returned for England, and the Garland gone to New England, have ordered those provisions to be landed and surveyed, also what Hales and North have embezzled or spoiled, for which they presume the Commissioners will have satisfaction. Endorsed by Locke, "Read at a Comttee of the Council, 21 Oct. 73." 3 1/2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., Nos. 59, 59, I. See also Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV., 167–169.]
Aug. 14.
1132. Sir Peter Colleton to (Sec. Lord Arlington). Sent account last month of the actions of the Dutch at the Leeward Isles. The 5th inst. arrived Capt. Peter Wroth, brother to Sir John Wroth of Kent, who, commissioned by Col. Stapleton had been seeking purchase in the Dutch plantations of Guiana. He reports their condition at Surinam to be very weak, which is augmented by their divisions, as will be seen by enclosed depositions. Believes the French, invited by their weakness and the value of the plunder, had attempted Surinam ere now, had they not wanted victuals; if they take it and carry the great number of negroes and implements for making sugar to their own plantations, it will be a great addition to them. Proposes 800 men though a much less number might take it but cannot foresee what assistance the Dutch may have from the Arawaca Indians their friends, their own negroes, or the meaner sort of English planters, whose condition is much mended by them, or how they may strengthen themselves from the garrisons of Berbice, Issakebe (Essequibo), and Baruma. If the King will be at the charge of about three months victuals, shipping, and small arms and ammunition, will himself raise men and officers inured to the climate and acquainted with the place, who are impatient to put the French on the design. When he meets the Council on this subject, has only his own vote with the rest. The soldiers will expect share of the plunder usually allowed to adventurers without pay. Endorsed by Locke "Barbados 21 Octobr 1673. Read at a Committee of the Council." Encloses,
1132. I. Deposition of Capt. Peter Wroth sworn before Sir P. Colleton, 5th August 1673. About 12th May Dept. made the coast of Guiana in the Little Kitt, 20 tons, 6 guns, 30 men, and having notice from Indians that there were English and Dutch inhabitants of Surinam turtling at the Three Creeks, he went and surprised seven of them, who said they expected him, having had intelligence by way of Martinique from a Jew named Luis Dias who owns Quomoka plantation in Surinam, and had blocked up Mud Creek which they knew he was acquainted with; that there were in the river the St. Patrick, 2 other Dutch men-of-war of 30 and 24 guns, a victualler and a fireship, which next spring tide intended to go to Virginia to do what mischief they could; that they landed in Surinam 100 men, two months victuals and pay for the garrison of the fort, and ammunition; that the inhabitants were divided among themselves, as well the Dutch as Dutch and English, and that on any report of English ships on the coast, the principal English inhabitants were kept prisoners in the fort; that there were 300 Dutch inhabitants able to bear arms, and many of the English were dead but those that remained had much increased their stock of negroes and cattle, the Dutch affording them very cheap; that there were 7,000 to 12,000 negroes; and that English and Dutch were very sickly and died very fast. Dept. then sailed past Surinam, taking a sloop, to Isakebe, ats Demerara, where he was ambuscaded and lost some men, and thence to the Caribbs in Amecouza River, where he victualled, and arrived at Barbadoes this day. In margin, "21st Oct. 1673. Read at the Commtee."
1132. II. Deposition of John Madder. Has lived 15 years in Surinam, and catching turtle 30 leagues to windward of Surinam, was with five more taken prisoner by Capt. Peter Wroth in May last. When he left Surinam there might be 200 English and 300 Dutch, and 5,000 or 6,000 negroes. The Dutch had very plentifully supplied the colony with negroes, the usual price being for a good negro 2,400 lb. sugar. These 12 months past they have been often alarmed, and then always command the chief of the English into the fort. There is great hatred between the Caribbee Indians and the Dutch. In margin, "21 Octobr 1673. Read at the Commtee." Together, 5 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., Nos. 60, 60 I., II.; see also Col. Entry Bk., No. XCIV., 163–166.]
Aug. 14. 1133. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Letters to the Council of Plantations, Lord Arlington, &c., produced by Col. Henry Walrond, approved and ordered to be sent. Mem. that care be taken to pay the gunners and matrosses of the several forts. Commissioners appointed for sale of the damnified provisions brought for his Majesty's ships for ready money, viz., bread at 12s. 6d. per cwt., and to report the condition of other provisions. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 250.]
Aug. 23.
1134. Warrant to prepare a Bill to pass the Great Seal containing a grant to George Thornburgh, of Barbadoes, of the Offices of Chief Clerk and Register and Sole Examiner of the Court of Chancery there during life, with power to execute same by deputy, together with all fees and profits thereto belonging; also to take into his custody and safely keep all records and papers whatsoever to said offices belonging. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXXVI., pp. 273–274.]
Aug. 26. 1135. Minutes of the Council of Barbadoes. Ordered on report of the Commissioners for surveying his Majesty's provisions, that the flour, peas, currants, oatmeal, 4 casks of decayed beef and pork, and the damaged bread, sent for the St. David and Garland, be forthwith sold at the best price for ready money. 1/2 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XI., 250–251.]
Aug. 29. 1136. Petition of John Smith, son and executor of English Smith, late planter in Nevis, to the King. Recites his former petition [see ante, No. 1107]. Prays an order to the Governor of Nevis to award restitution to petitioner for the present, and that said Thomas, being now in England and about to transplant himself to New England, may be summoned to appear before his Majesty to make good his title to said cattle if he can, petitioner being ready to put in security as his Majesty shall think fit, to abide judgment and answer all costs. In margin, "Recd and read in Council, Aug. 29, 73." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., No. 61.]
Aug. 30.
St. Jago.
1137. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Ordered, upon reading a record of a trial in BB. between Abel Dean and Wm. Dives, and lately remitted by Mr. Dean in pursuance of an order made here by his Excellency and Council, September 26th, 1672, ordered that the effects remain no longer arrested in Capt. Anthony Swymmer's hands, and that those concerned for Mr. Dives be referred to common law. A proposal of his Excellency to employ the two frigates with other vessels to attack Curacao or some other Dutch Colony, debated and adjourned to 6th September. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXV., 354–355.]
Aug. 31.
1138. Governor Leverett to Sec. Lord Arlington. The enclosed gives an account of the unexpected and unhappy loss of New York and that country, whether by treachery or negligence has not to resolve himself in, but doubts something of both. Has certain intelligence since the receipt of the enclosed, that Albany surrendered on the same terms. It was expected Col. Lovelace would have kept himself out of the enemy's hand, that the country might have been improved, who was ready to rise for reducing that place, but by one of their Dutch Domine's he was collogued with, whereby they got him in for three days, and before those were out the inhabitants laid arrests upon him for debts, so that time lapsed, the Dutch captains declared that he had liberty (paying his debts) within six weeks to depart the country, they having seized his estate before; so that they keep him and, it's said, intend him for Holland. Several of the towns of Long Island and of Governor Cartwright's government are come into them. They are at work to repair the defects of carriages and platforms (too much neglected before), expecting recruits from England to their settling if not prevented. Apologise for giving his lordship such trouble. Endorsed, received from Mr. Richards 11 September, 1678. Encloses,
1138. I. Col. Lovelace to Governor Winthrop. Received at Newhaven the unwelcome news of the Dutch approach before New York; was not in the place; they appeared at first with ten sail, afterwards seventeen; yesterday about 5 or 6 o'clock they stormed it, a hot dispute it seems it was; how the success was, cannot as yet learn; they have breakfasted on all his sheep and cattle on Staten Island; is hastening as fast as he can to make one, and doubts not but to give a good account of it. Winthrop's gentlemen have formed a post from Mr. Richbell's to Winthorp, asks him to let it be continued for intelligence; it will be necessary to form a militia, for if it should miscarry they might not radicate long; is yet out of their power, and is hastening over to Long Island to raise the militia there. 31 July 1673.
1138. II. Edward Palmes to Governor Leverett. Had intelligence from Hartford to Milford that New York was taken Wednesday last [July 30], with the loss of one man on each side. The fleet consisted of 20 ships and a galliot. The army landed were about 800 men; it is said they gave good quarter, but what particulars was not yet known. New London, 3 August.
1138. III. The relation of Robert Hodge that came from Southhold on Long Island, Aug. 6. Taken at Boston, 11 Aug. Gives an account of the capture of the fort by the Dutch, 6 August.
1138. IV. Intelligence from New York by one from Stanford. On the 6th inst., there came four men from New York, two of them were taken at Virginia, and came in the fleet to New York, from whence they made their mistake, and affirmed that the English fleet at Virginia saw the Dutch fleet riding at the mouth of their bay, and supposed them to be a fleet from England come to convoy them home, on which they came to the Dutch, who took eight and burnt five, the rest escaped; the sloop wherein were Capt. James Cartwright and Mr. Hopkins, came to the Dutch, conceiving it to be an English fleet, and were taken by them; Capt. Cartwright and his wife were set on shore in Virginia, but they brought Mr. Hopkins with the sloop to the Manhattan. This man saith that he heard the General demand of the master of the sloop, Samuel Davis, what force they had at New York, and told him if he would deal faithfully with him, he would give him his sloop and cargo again; the sloop's master replied that in the space of three hours the Governor, Lovelace, could raise 5,000 men, and 150 piece of ordnance mounted, fit for service upon the wall; on this the Dutch General said, "If this be true, I will give you your sloop and cargo and never see them," then he inquired of Mr. Hopkins, who told him there might be between 60 and 80 men in the fort, and in three or four days' time they might raise three or four hundred men, and that there were 30 or 36 pieces of ordnance upon the walls that a shot or two would shake them out of their carriages; then all their cry was for New York, to which place they came, and this captive saw them land by the Governor's orchard about 600 men, and of these he thought they had not above 400 guns, some had pistols, some swords, some half-pikes, and he was very confident there could not be above 1,200 fighting men in the whole fleet, not above 1,600 in all; there were but 7 ships that came from Holland (the rest, prizes they had taken), and 2 Generals, one wears the flag eight days, then the other wears it eight days; they are not privateers, but commissioned by the State to make spoil where they could; they brought 100 Frenchmen off from Surinam and burnt it, and left none there. One other of the above-said four men reports, that when Capt. Berry came to the fort upon the account of surrendering, Mr. Hopkins told him that his business was done, also that on August 2, about 2 o'clock, he saw one of the Generals go over to Long Island in his row-boat, with the Orange flag and trumpet to Governor Lovelace, which, after some discourse, went with them straight into the castle, and that Mr. John Sellick going from Stanford to Long Island for boards in a small catch was captured by the Dutch.
1138. V. Examinations taken before Nathan Gold of one of the corporals of the garrison, and of the boatswain of Mr. Mullin's ship, lately taken by the Dutch. 6 August.
1138. VI. Proclamation of the Commanders and Court martial of the ships of war, in the service of the States-General and the Prince of Orange. Declare their intention to govern the inhabitants as true and faithful subjects, provided they undertake nothing in prejudice of the present government, and their resolution to all the English towns upon Long Island and to Southampton in particular, that they should send two deputies to take the oath of allegiance, and to bring the constable's staves and colours, the deputies to appear on the 11th and 12th inst., if possible. Signed Cornelius Everson, Jacob Binks. Fort William Frederick, 14 Aug.
1138. VII. Nathan Gold to Governor Winthrop. Account of the proceedings of the Dutch. The bearer, [John] Sellick, can give a particular account. The General Lovelace is not at York; and has free egress and regress. They sent 150 soldiers for fort Albany about Tuesday last, 8 August. Endorsed, 21 Oct. 1673. Read in the Committee. Printed in New York Documents, III., 198–205. 11 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXX., Nos. 62, 62 I.–VII.]