Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.
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'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].
'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,
"Index: P". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 7, 1669-1674. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.
Packston, Roger, 1417.
Pacy, Rich., 1142.
Padget's Fort (Bermudas), 1126.
-, Tribe (Bermudas), 1126.
Painter, or Paynter, Sir Paul, p. 134, 413, 414. I., p. 214, 556, 858. I.
-, Capt. John, 568, 569, 619, 621.
Palmer, Daniel, 825. II.
-, Fras., p. 102.
-, Henry, 848.
Palmes, Edward, letter from, 1138. II.
Palmetto Point (St. Kitts), p. 445.
Panama, 1. I., 358–9, 483, 494, 504, 543, 544, 547, 578, 588, p. 247, 608, 633, 663, p. 298, 796, 944. II., 945, 1061.
-, President of, see De Gusman, Don Juan P.
-, the greatest mart for silver and gold in the world, p. 203.
-, relation of the taking of, 483, 504–6, 608.
-, pamphlet to be suppressed concerning, 1061.
-, consumed by fire, p. 203.
-, plunder at, p. 203, 608.
Paper, reams of, 1182, 1329.
Paraguay, 149.
-, Capt.-Gen. of, 211.
Paramaribo (Surinam), p. 192, 1367.
Paravacini, Peter, 934.
Parchment, 471. I., p. 184.
Pardal, Capt. Manuel Rivero, 172. III., 206, 240, 293, 310, 544, 578.
-, his commission, 310. I.
-, his challenge, 310. II.
-, death of, 293, 310.
Parham (Antigua), p. 206, 1324.
-, paper dated from, 239.
Parham, William, 1270.
Parish, John, p. 102.
Parke, Daniel, 1118. I., 1149.
Parker, Robt., 499.
-, Capt. Wm., p. 100 (2), p. 251, 662, 726.
-, — ,616.
Parkes, Col., 70.
Parnell, Thos., p. 102.
Parris, —, p. 102.
-, Capt., 995.
Parry, John, 239, 617, 896. IV.
Parsons, James, p. 102.
-, John, p. 101.
Partridges, 250.
Pascattaway, see Piscataqua.
Passage Fort (Jamaica), 633, p. 268.
Pate, John, 733. I.
Paterson, Wm., 1382.
Pattawomacke, or Patowmeck River, see Potomac.
Patten, John, 733. I.
Pattison, Geo., p. 103.
Paulhill, Thos., p. 99.
Payne, Capt. Philip, 232, 1033.
-, -, commission and instructions to, 33–39.
-, Capt. Sam., 1033.
-, Tobias, death of, 117.
Paynter, Sir P., see Painter, Sir P.
Peachell, Hugh, 282.
-, -, cut off King Charles's head, 282.
Peaches, 250.
Pearce, Ric., p. 99 (2).
-, Capt., 754.
Pearl, the (ship), 15.
Pearls, 1287, 1388.
Pearse, Dan., p. 99.
-, John, p. 100.
-, Wm, p. 103.
Peas, 89, 126, p. 183, p. 185, 610, pp. 278–281, 736, 746, 1084, 1135.
-, price of, p. 280.
Peek, John, 542. II.
Peers, John, commission to, 1222.
Peirce, or Pierce, Squire John (Barbadoes), p. 300, p. 317, 1101. II., p. 386, 1264.
Peirs, agent, 940.
Pelham River (St. Kitts), 79. II.
Pelham, Thos., 903.
Pelican's Point (Nevis), p.290, pp. 445–6.
Pellissier, M., 583, 891.
Pemberton, Capt. Roger, 1352.
Peneranda, Conde de, p. 247.
Penford, Mrs., 903.
Pennant, Capt. Gifford, 726, 1089, 1223–4.
Pennington, Daniel, 934.
Pennyng, Nich., 331.
Pensall, Capt. Peter, 1226. III.
Pentagouet (Acadia), 4, 25. I.
Pepper, 271, p. 151.
Pepys, Sam., Secretary to the Admiralty, 1153.
-, letter from, 1417.
-, letter to, 1381.
Percivall, Andrews, Governor at Edisto (Carolina), 721, 1282–3, 1286–7, 1294, 1422.
-, -, commission to, 1278.
-, -, instructions to, 1284–5.
-, James, 881.
Perecute, an Indian, 647.
Pereyra, Moseh, 387.
Perez, Lucas, p. 202.
Periagoes, p. 621, 1391.
Perkins, John, 903.
-, Wm., p. 102.
Permita Point (St. Kitts), 420, 805.
Perriman, Capt., 414. v., 519, 639.
Perrot, —, p. 101.
Perry, Thos., p. 102.
Peru, 1. I., p. 341, 825.
-, mines of, p. 203.
-, pieces, 1013.
Peter, M., 903.
Peter, the (ship), 733. I., 820, 908, 1022. II.
Peters, Hugh, 1397.
-, Joseph, pp. 101–102.
Peterson, Aaron, p. 102.
Petite Enfante (ship), the, 638. I.
Petty, —, p. 99.
Phelps, Rich., p. 103.
Phillips, Capt., 641.
-, Francis, p. 102.
-, Major Fred., 29, 59, 150. II.
-, Luke, p. 99.
-, Robt,, 817.
Phitts, Capt., 1048.
Phypes, John, p. 100.
-, Roger, p. 103.
Piazza (Covent Garden), the, 658. I.
Pickerin, John, 883.
Pickerine, Jasper, p. 103.
-, —, a minister, deceased, p. 305.
Pidgeon, Capt. Rich., 562, 615.
Pieces of 8, p. 316, 733, 742, 796 (2), 944. I. II., 945, 960.
-, current at 5s., p. 341.
Pierce, Capt. Geof., 183, 795.
-, Squire John, see Peirce, Squire John.
Pierrepont, Henry, Marquis of Dorchester, 385.
Pigs, 89.
Pike, Robt., letter from, 860.
-, Wm., 113.
Pikes, 1182.
Pillar pieces, 1013.
Pimento, 144, 271, 1178. I.
Pinder, or Pindar, Capt. Christopher, 752, 844, 1089.
Pine land, 610.
Pine trees, p. 281.
Pines, Isle of, p. 299, 944.
Pinnuck, John, p. 100.
Pipe staves, 250, 516, 664, pp. 279–80, 687, 746, 1029, 1059, p. 586, p. 621, 1430.
-, price of, p. 279, p. 280.
Piper, John, murdered, 179.
Pirates, see Privateers.
Piscataqua (New England), 860, pp. 580–1.
-, letters dated from, 907, 990.
Pitch, 73. II., 938.
Pittle, Edward, 903.
Pitts, Alex., p. 102.
-, John, p. 100.
-, Thos., p. 102.
Placentia Bay, 368, 369.
Plantains, 181.
Plantations, The—
-, 1669: 6, 9, 12, 22, 42, 43, 50, 51.
-, 1670: 159, 160, 190, 225, 243, 342.
-, 1671: 470, 611, 674. I.
-, 1672: 778, 820, 850, 857, 879, 923, 928–9, 938.
-, 1673: 1039, 1151, 1162–3, 1181.
-, 1674: 1221–2, 1244, 1412.
-, petitions of merchants, planters, and traders to, 159, 160.
-, redress of abuses in, 104.
-, Sir Chas. Wheeler's remarks on the want of ministers for, p. 289.
-, Mr. Gorge's paper relating to, 1244.
-, proposal for securing and improving, 1039.
-, governors of, to take oath of allegiance, 1221–2.
-, servants for, 159, 160, 225.
-, the sugar (in need of white servants), 1244.
-, prisoners transported to, 12, 22.
-, proclamation concerning ships' passes sailing to and from, 719.
-, free trade from Ireland to. 1244.
-, about free trade from Scotland to, 1059, 1244.
-, not exempt from customs in England, 146.
-, Dutch Swedes, and Fins in, 51.
-, Spanish, 1226. III.
-, council of, see Trade and Plantations, Lords of.
Plants, 610.
Plate, 1, p. 4, 483, 608, p. 316, 733, 733. I., 796, 944, II., 945.
Player, Sir Thos., 934.
Plessis, Mons. de, 869.
Plummer, Capt. Wm., 903.
Plymouth, 45, 60, 589, 691, 912, 1164–5.
-, mayor of, 362.
-, merchants of, 579, 764.
-, ships from, p. 289.
Plymouth (New England), 352, 566.
-, land forces in, 566.
Pococke, James, 1395.
Point Comfort (Virginia), 1118. I., 1144.
Poiny (Poiterie), Chev. de, 1201, 1333. I.
Pole, Luke, 1085.
Pogson, Capt. John, Deputy-Governor of St. Eustatius, 869, 896. VII., 1109.
Poland, 264. III.
Pompone, M. de, 1365. I.
Pond, John, p. 100.
Pontegrave, M., 903.
Poole, Mayor of, 362.
-, Capt. Wm., 481, 995, 995. VIII., 997, 1000, 1029, 1072, 1084, 1097–8, 1131.
-, -, instructions to, 1000. I. III.
-, -, letter to, 1021.
-, Sir Wm., 1395–6.
Poores, Henry, p. 99.
Pork, 126, 1084, 1135, 1190.
-, price of, p. 280.
Portagalloone, 507.
Port de Latour (Acadia), 25. I.
Port Morant (Jamaica), p. 5, 161, 162, 240, 640, p. 300, p. 305, 742, p. 383, 945, p. 477.
Port Mundy, 561.
Port Rossignol (Acadia), 25. I.
Port Royal (Acadia), 4, 24, 25. I., 95.
Port Royal (Carolina), 41, 86, 88–92, 99, 105, 126, 131, 177, 191, 203–4, 224, 255, 284, 336–8, 343, 345, 434, 714, p. 605, p. 621.
-, settlement of, 54, 55, 86–92, 105, 124, 131, 224, 250, 261, 336.
-, Lords Proprietors of Carolina approve of removal to Ashley River from, 489.
-, Governor of, see Sayle, Capt. Wm.
-, Caseeka of, 255.
-, Marshal of, 346.
-, about map of, 714.
-, letters dated from, 203.
-, river, pp. 605–6.
Port Royal (Jamaica), p. 5. p. 50, 163, 172. III., 207, 240, 310. II., 480, p. 194, 504, 552, 640, 645, 650, 655, 662–3, p. 298, p. 305, 705, 726,730, 808, 817, 821, 827, p. 361, p. 383, 882, 905, 933, 940, 944. I., 954. II., 968, 1004, 1025, 1047, 1062, 1089, 1092, 1142, 1223–4, 1269.
-, Governor of, 543.
-, Commander of, 947.
-, number of persons in, p. 104.
-, Quakers at, 242.
-, merchants of, petition of, 848.
-, Chief Judge of, see Byndlosse, Lieut.-Col. Robt.
-, judges of, 129, 241.
-, Court of Admiralty at, 704.
-, clerk of the court, see Lothill, —.
-, customer at, see Modyford, Sir Jas.
-, clerk of the market at, see Browne, Rich.
-, list of ships arrived at, 704. III. IV.
-, forts and castle, 227, 604. I., 817,827, 885, 1055, 1089, 1090, 1115, 1128.
-, -, Capt. of, see Cary, Col. Theod.
-, King's house at, 1352.
-, letters and papers dated from, 21, 207, 227, 240, 552, 601–2, 786, 946.
Port Royal, (ship) the, 55, 99, 105, 125, 338, 633, p. 622.
-, -, supposed loss of, 248, 313, 471. I.
-, -, relation of loss of, 250, p. 136, 434.
Porter, Chas., 934.
Portland, the (ship), 1130 (2), 1233, 1320.
Portman, John, 54, 541, p. 280, 934, 1113.
Porto Bello, see Puerto Bello.
Porto Rico, see Puerto Rico.
Portreal, 825. I.
Portsmouth, 857.
Portugal, 357, 1059.
-, King of, 1039.
-, sugar trade of, p. 215, 1039.
-, -, price of, p. 215.
Portuguese, their pride, 549.
Postnati, the, 968.
Potash, 73. II.
Potatoes, 89, 163, 203, 298. II., 315, 474, 610, p. 279, 746, p. 446, 1126, p. 585.
Potomac River, p. 23, 145, 146, 572.
-, patent for land on, 572.
Potozi, mines of, p. 203.
Potter, John, p. 100.
Pottle, Wm., 1291, 1383.
Potts, Geo., 1.
-, Capt. Thos., 785.
Povey, Rich., Secretary of Jamaica, 165, 166, 222, 227, 480, p. 250, 704. VII.
-, -, letter to, 165. I.
-, -, death of, 1205.
-, Thos., 934, 1397.
Powder, 264. I., 269, 345, 383, 475, p. 280, p. 288, 704, 704. VI., p. 338, p. 372, 988, 1040, 1043, 1084, 1148, 1161, 1239.
-, price of, 1352.
Powell, Francis, p. 99.
-, John, p. 103.
-, Martha, 97. I.
-, Lieut., killed, 483.
-, Wm. p. 99.
Powetan, p. 607.
Powis, Lord, 934.
Poyett, Mons. de, 1048, 1273.
Poynton, John, 903.
Praag, Thos., 818.
Praille, or Prayle, Mons. de, 903, 1333. II. III.
Presimon, M. de, 903.
Prettye, Henry, 1293.
-, -, letter to, 1293. II.
Price, Fras., p. 102 (2).
-, Sir Herbert, nephew of, 1123.
-, John (Carolina), 721.
-, John (Jamaica), p. 99.
-, Mat., p. 99.
-, Capt. Thos., 179.
Prideaux, Nich., 482, 1101. II.
Priest, John, p. 100.
Primitive Christians, p. 305.
Prince, Capt. Lawrence, 172. II., 293, 310, p. 202, 633, p. 299.
Pringell, Wm., 1380.
Prison Point (Jamaica), 1055.
Pritchett, Wm., p. 103.
-, 1669: pp. 4–5, 21, 114, 129.
-, 1670: 138, 161, 172. III., 193, 194, 207, 237, p. 104, 275–6, 280, 293, 310, 359, pp. 146–147, 376.
-, 1671: 441, 483, 494, 507, 508, 552, 573, 577, 578, 580, p. 247, 609, 638, 640, 663, p. 288, pp. 298–9, 704, 709.
-, 1672: 724, 726, 729, 733, 742, 743, 774, p. 340, 786, 789, 796, 825. I., 854, 887, p. 392, 908, 940, 944. I., 945, p. 426, 961.
-, 1673: p. 505.
-, 1674: 1198, p. 623.
-, Charles II.'s instructions concerning, 193, 194.
-, Governor Sir Thos. Modyford's remarks on, 74, 114, 129, 226, 237, 577, 578.
-, orders concerning, 543, p. 316.
-, reasons for granting commissions to, 103, 276, 1423.
-, price of Commissions to, 573. I.
-, reason for a standing force of, p. 303.
-, actions with, 161, 483, 507, 508, 742.
-, list of ships under Admiral Morgan, 704. I.
-, Admiral Morgan's relation of his expedition, 504–506, 542.
-, take Granada, 293, 310.
-, take Panama, 483.
-, take Providence, 103, 494.
-, take Rio del Hacha, 359.
-, prizes brought in by, 573, 733. I., 796.
-, 1,800 strong, 359.
-, buccaniers, 3,000 strong, p. 247.
-, one of the most famous, p. 299, see Prince, Lawrence.
-, barbarous acts of, p. 299, 742, 945.
-, trial of, 785.
-, orders to heave overboard and hang, p. 206, p. 316.
-, condemned to death, 796.
-, put to death, 950.
-, hanged, 275.
-, conditions of pardon to, p. 146, 405, 552.
-, encouragements to plant in Jamaica, p. 147.
-, divided, lost, or taken to planting, p. 247.
-, His Majesty's order for calling in all, 705.
-, not one English pirate in the Indies, 954.
-, the King's opinion of, 1024.
-, people against privateering, 944.
-, ruin through fitting out, p. 253.
-, surgeon of, 256.
-, Dutch, 577, 709, 982, 992. I., 998, 1001. II., 1082, 1237, 1257.
-, -, put to death, 1129.
-, French, 21, 101. I., p. 122, 359, 483, 577, p. 247, 709, 733, 742, 789, 796, 1082, p. 505, p. 623.
-, -, list of ships, 704. I.
-, Spanish, 206, 709, p. 623.
-, Walloons, 577. See also Johnson, Peter.
Privateering the sickness of Jamaica, p. 340.
Privy Council of England, the, 18, 178, 360, 384, 477, 512, 575, 652, 1029, 1227, 1390.
-, names of, 385.
-, letters and orders of, 23, 43, 353, 385, 1194.
-, letters, petitions, and propositions to, 49, 57, 116, 276–281, 519. I.
-, reports of committees of, see Plantations, the Council for Foreign.
-, clerk of the, letters to, 6.
Prizes and prize goods, 567, 717.
-, Lords Commissioners for, petition to, 717.
-, -, warrant to, 1056.
Probert, Chas., p. 99.
Proby, Peter, 934.
Prosser, Rice, p. 99.
Providence Island, 483, 494, p. 202, 534, 613, 723, 1296.
-, grant of, 311.
-, Gov. of, see Smith, Maj. Sam.
-, taken by privateers, 103, 494.
-, Spaniards in, 494.
-, (Bahamas), 312, 509, 510, 694.
-, Governors of, Wentworth, Hugh, Wenworth, John.
-, -, Lords Proprietors of, instructions from, 510.
-, -, letter from, 509.
-, seals for, 1349.
Providence Plantations, 307, 352, 566.
-, Governor of, see Arnold, Benedict.
-, Deputies for, see Greene, John, Holden, Randall.
-, land forces in, 566.
Providence (ship), the, 794.
Prynce, see Prince, Lawrence.
Prynne, —, 181.
Pryse, John, 1281.
Puerto Bello, 1, p. 39, 172. II. III., 359, 483, p. 298, p. 303.
-, cruelties at the taking of, p. 50.
-, prisoners tortured, p. 253.
Puerto Rico, p. 205, p. 303, 750. 940, 1153.
-, Gov. of, see, Arteaga, Don G. de.
Puerto Velo, 1. I.
Pugh, Peter, 165, p. 250, 704. VII.
-, death of, 704. VII.
Pumpkins, 610.
Puncher, Robt., p. 99.
Pursivall, Geo., 903.
Putnam, John, p. 99.
Puy, Lawrence du, 934.
Pyattt, Robt., p. 100.
Pycroft, Mary, 903.
Pye, Edward, 152, 297, p. 134, 357, 413, 414. I., p. 214, 556, 558. I., 852, 998.