East Indies: August 1614

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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'East Indies: August 1614', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1864), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol2/pp313-317 [accessed 13 February 2025].

'East Indies: August 1614', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1864), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol2/pp313-317.

"East Indies: August 1614". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1864), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol2/pp313-317.

August 1614

Aug. 2–19. 762. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Transfer of adventures. No abatement to be made of the officers' duties. Money in hand being short, those who will bring in their adventure before the time, to be allowed interest. Mrs. Flower Hinshawe accepted as security for her son for 700l. Henry Fisher to be admitted. Wages of Wm. Sheppard, a factor at Bantam, who was pressed upon the Company by Sir Lionel Cranfield. Demand of Mr. Barret.
Aug. 3.—Proceedings of Wm. Sheppard in the East Indies, his boast of his means gotten there, considering that he went forth a raw youth, with much importunity of Sir Lionel Cranfield, who promised to be his security, and that he has done no good service, but sent home commodities on his private account. The Company resolve not to part with any of his wages until they are better satisfied of his doings. Day appointed for the Turkey business. Sale of cloves. Payment to Francis Sadler. The pepper account. Payment to Mr. Bonner, master of the Dragon. Wages of John Tilman, deceased. Pepper sent by Edward Cristian, captain of the Osiander, to be given up to Richard Atkinson and Francis Sadler. Custom of the pepper. Mr. Horrod's ship not to be bought. Stores of the Dragon and Expedition to be appraised. Resolution to send the two pinnaces away, but not to have any hand in the removal [from Bantam], because there must be a treaty with the King of Jacatra to procure a place to build free from fire; the Flemings must also be treated with and authority taken from hence. Not thought fitting nor safe to remove wholly from Bantam, as the Flemings might then have the opportunity to keep the English away altogether, “whereas no place can perform so much on the sudden as Bantam for the furnishing of our ships that want lading.” Masters to be provided with stores and other commodities. The pinnaces not to be sheathed with lead. The purser to buy all the Mariner's pepper brought home in the Expedition for the Company's use.
Aug. 4.—Damask bought by Mrs. Edmondes' man. George Pitt's adventure of 800l. in the joint stock to be passed over to Thos. Bownest. Request of Augustine Baddicott, concerning the beef supplied to the Company. Leonard Prestwood, recommended to the governor by the Lords of Shrewsbury and Pembroke, to be employed. Dr. Goulston, at the request of Sir Edwin Sandys, whose life he had saved, to be admitted gratis. Beef and biscuit not fit to be sold to be given away to the poor and prisoners. Request of Nicholas Towsee to be admitted free, referred. Concerning a letter from the States General received from Sir Noel Caron, in which they make show of a willingness of the East India Company of the Low Countries to enter into conference with the Company “upon some promise formerly made by His Majesty to that purpose.” Opinion that something might be done, but not too speedily; endeavours should be made to discover their inclinations and whether they still remain upon their former peremptory terms. Supposition that they expect to have this Company join with them in power as well offensive as defensive. Reply of the Company in such case; the King will never give way to a breach of the peace between the English and Spanish. If in parts where they mutually trade, the Portugals attempt to drive them away, the English will be willing to join the Dutch against them. Doubt that there is a wish to make the Indian action a state business too great for private men to manage, and therefore would draw the English into the like. Answer to be returned to Sir Noel, that the Company are willing to join in a friendly meeting if the Dutch will make an overture of some probable course to bring the issue to a friendly conclusion.
Aug. 9.—Munden, the painter, alleging that one or two of the Company's warehouses, at Leadenhall, are fittest to use “for making and painting of the pageants” the Lord Mayor to be moved that the Staplers' Chapel might be appropriated instead, or else that an angel or two be bestowed upon Munden to accommodate the difference. About renewing the Company's lease at Deptford. Suit of Baddicott the butcher. Nicholas Towse, one of the searchers of the Custom House to have his freedom. Concerning Capt. Best, how extraordinarily well he has deserved for his good service, and ill by his great private trade; the desire to employ him in another voyage; the delivery of his bond and his gratification to be left to the Governor. Customs on the quilts and satins exempt from impost by the book of rates, but termed coverlets and damasks by the farmers of customs. Mr. Bonner, master of the Dragon and Capt. Best to be gratified. A good quantity of cider to be bespoken seeing it is a plentiful year for fruit. Proportion of men and victuals for the two pinnaces. Mr. White's adventure in the 6th voyage set over to John Cason. Wages of Christ. Luther, who died at the Cape. 100l. presented to Nicholas Banggam for his services in the East Indies from Sept. 1611 to Dec. 1013. Employment of Robt. Youarte. Petition of Augustine Spalding for recompense for his good services in India; charges brought against him and his answers.
Aug. 10.—About obtaining from the Lord Mayor additional warehouses in Leadenhall. Manufactures to be provided for Surat for the next fleet. John Eldred's adventure of 1,200l. in the joint stock to be placed to the account of Adrian Moore. No written answer to be returned to Sir Noel Caron until His Majesty's pleasure be known.
Aug. 16.—Robt. Waldoe's adventure of 400l. in the joint stock to be set over to John Waldoe; 500l. of Daniel Burrell to Thos. Bownest; 200l. of Stephen Hodgson's in the sixth voyage to Robt. Middleton and Robt. Bateman; and all the adventures of Dr. Poe to Rich. Ashcrafte and Wm. Compton. Wages of Johnson, master of the Globe. Proposal of “a Scottish lord” to build a ship of 500 tons in Suevia or Denmark for the Company. Purchase of land at Blackwall. Silk bought by Wm. Palmer, and calicoes by Daniel Gorsuche. Wages of Wm. Parker, deceased. Concerning payment to the wife of Sir Henry Middleton of part of his wages for legacies to the amount of 400l. The auditors to look after Sir Henry's accounts. The wages of the Indians here to be paid weekly. Wages of John Gate, deceased, and of Wm. Holmes for custom on goods sent home by Langley. Robt. Youart entertained. Cloths provided for the voyage. Capt. Harris to be employed. Petitions of Henry Woodriffe and Robt. Johnson, for employment as factors, referred. No commanders to take any attendants but such as are allowed by the Company. Anthony Marlowe's account for goods that came to the hands of Augustine Spalding at Bantam. Charges against Spalding; putting cloves into the hands of the Chinese to sell to the Company's people at extraordinary rates, refusing to stay in the country when his services and language were much needed by Sir Henry Middleton and Capt. Saris, and enriching himself to the value of 8,000l. or 10,000l. to the Company's prejudice. Aldworthe, Canninge, and other factors in the Indies known to have used private trade to be sent for home. Robt. Offley sworn one of the committees.
Aug. 19.—Win. Rolfe's adventure in the seventh voyage to be set over to Thos Bownest; and certain of Wm. Burrell's adventures to Sir Thos. Smythe, in trust for Geo. Rooke. Petition of Mary, widow of Giles Thornton, late master of the Trades Increase, desiring relief for the loss of her husband, son, and two servants, who all died in the voyage; the Company conceived it too dangerous a precedent. Freedom to Anthony Stoughton, brother and executor to John Stoughton, late a factor in the sixth voyage, who lost his life in the Company's service. The Indian youth brought home by Capt. Best and taught by Mr. Copland to read and write, to be sent to school and instructed in religion, that hereafter he may be sent home to convert some of his own nation. About purchase of a ship at Brest. Wages of Wm. Hughes, deceased. Concerning the employment of Capt. Best; his good service in the fight, capitulations for strengthening the trade with the Grand Mogul and Governors of Cambaya and his private trade; being compared with some others, the governor is desired to treat with him, and also with Mr. Salmon to go as vice–admiral. Touching a box of ambergris lately arrived. Capt. Newport much commended for his good services, delivering his charge safely, discovering unknown places, bringing home his ship laden and his men in health, and dispatching the voyage in so short a time; notwithstanding some objections against him, he is held worthy of recompense. Difference between the Turkey and East India Companies referred to Sir Thos. Smythe and Sir Thos. Lowe, to be concluded privately and peaceably. Lease of the wharf, &c, at Deptford and Leaden Hall. Letter from the governor to Capt. Saris read, to be left at Sandwich, and delivered to him as soon as he arrives in the Downs; admonishing him to prevent the mariners or any others from making away with goods until they come to London. Sir Samuel Leonard's 2,000l. accepted by the Company at eight per cent. Complaint of Robt. Wright to be considered. Gratuity to Robt. Draper. [Twenty pages and a quarter. Court Bk., III., 185–205.]
Aug. 19.
763. Thos. Aid worthe and Wm. Biddulph to the East India Company. Wrote at large on 7th October and 9th November, 1613, from Masulipatam. The taking of a. ship of Surat, worth 100,000l., by the Portugals, has caused a breach of the peace between them and this King. The Portugal city of Damaun besieged, and orders given to seize all Portugals and their goods; their church doors sealed up, and the exercise of their religion forbidden. Xavier, the great Jesuit, who was before loved by the King, imprisoned. Great good might now be done with English shipping, the coming of which is much wished for, the people being debarred from trade. The Portugals have lost more than the gain of the 100,000l. Great armada preparing by the Portugals at Goa to take Surat. The English well entertained at Surat, the people much more affecting them than the Portugals. English cloth will not sell; it was only bought at first by great men to cover their elephants, and make saddles for their horses; “but for garments they use none in these parts, neither in rain nor cold weather.” Much cloth may certainly be sold in Persia, the country being cold, and men, women, and children clothed with it some five months in. the year; the information derived from Richard Steele, who came from Aleppo overland. Newman employed by Mr. Stapers, Abbott, and others, to recover goods from John Midnall who died at the king's court at Adsmere [Ajmere]. There is some hope of getting the goods. Raw silk to be had 50 per cent, better cheap from Persia than Aleppo. Jasques, a headland at the entrance of the Gulf of Persia, and 40 leagues from Ormus, not so much in danger of the Portugals as Barreen, and 12 days' sailing from hence, fit to lade raw silk. The King of Persia much favoureth the English nation, and is of late fallen out with the Portugals. Sir Robert Sherley arrived at Sinde; his house, at the instigation of the Portugals, attempted to be burnt, his chief men being slain, and himself hardly used. Sir Robert sent for to the king's court, where he has been very honourably entertained. The king has promised to do justice on all who have wronged him. Sherley told Keridge at Adsmere that if the English will not accept trade in Persia he will bring in the Dutch, who much desire it. Indigo and cotton yarn to be had at Masulipatara; indigo, calicoes, powder, sugar, and green ginger, the chief English commodities in Surat; lead, quicksilver, elephants' teeth, coral, and swords the chief commodities to be sent to Surat. A sufficient man should reside at the king's court, in the room of Paul Canninge, deceased. Accounts., Thos. Keridge and Nich. Withington, at Agra. Money and goods, left by William More, in charge of Wm. Biddulph. [Three pages. Indorsed, “Received by the James 6 September 1615.” O. C, Vol. II., No. 163. Part printed in The Sherley Brothers,” for the Roxburghe Club, p. 83.]
Aug. 19.
764. Thos. Aldworthe to Peter Floris, at Masulipatam. His cotton yarn better and better cheap than any to be had at Surat. His musters of indigo very deceitful, and full of dross; better to be bought at Surat. Is sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Essington, “and of the destruction of that famous ship at Bantam.” Perceives his determination to go for Bantam; sends letters for the Company. Midnall died last June at Ajmere. [One page and a quarter. Indorsed, “Received this 11 Sept. 1614. Rec. from Mr. Floriss 6 Sept. 1615.” O. C., Vol. II., No. 164.]