East Indies: June 1615

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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'East Indies: June 1615', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616, ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1864), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol2/pp410-415 [accessed 12 February 2025].

'East Indies: June 1615', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1864), British History Online, accessed February 12, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol2/pp410-415.

"East Indies: June 1615". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 2, 1513-1616. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury (London, 1864), British History Online. Web. 12 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol2/pp410-415.

June 1615

June 5. 982. Petition of Wm. Carmichell, of the East Indies, to the King. Complains of the wrongs done him by the Hollanders in seizing his goods in the East Indies, imprisoning him and delaying justice, and prays his loss, being no small matter, that any lawful judge may oversee the cause, and that he may have some relief from the misery he is in. With reference to Dr. Martin, the King's advocate. Greenwich, 5 June, 1615. Annexed,
982. I. Report upon the above petition. As to the goods that were taken from the petitioner, whether they were taken lawfully and ought to be restored, and whether the cause was referred to a court not indifferent; upon all of which the report is favourable to the petitioner. [Two pages. Certified copy. East Indies, Vol. I., No. 47]
June 5–9. 983. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Examination upon a commission granted by the Privy Council of persons “suspected for their unlawful attempts unto the East Indies.” Eustace Manne too sparing of his knowledge about the ship of Brest, having “slubbered over matters very cunningly,” to be more strictly examined, and a petition presented to the Lord Chancellor to grant a ne exeat regnum against Manne. Gassett will not join in bonds with Captains Gifford and Pepwell, although he is to become an adventurer of 2,000l. Gratuity to the messenger sent into Sussex for Sir John Feme, who escaped into France. Suit of Collins, surgeon, to recover his goods from the ship at Brest, having been misled by Sir John Ferae. Cordage. Mich. Nicholson's adventure set over to Peter Humble, John Delbridge's to Wm. Adderley, Dr. Rant's to Roger Godsalve, and Gabriel Towerson's to Geo. Bennett.
June 9.—Examination of Knokes, Thompson, and Havers; nothing material found against them. To effect the ne exeat regnum against Manne and Yates. Cordage. [Two pages and a half. Court Bk., III., 425–427.
June 10.
984. Articles exhibited by John Sandcrofte, Edmond Aspinall, and Samuel Juxon, to Arthur Spaight, commander of the Hector against John Oxwicke. That since his being in Peedere [Pedir] “he did not entreat” anything for Priaman and Tecoe, but only an answer to King James' letter and custom free [for English goods]. That at his conference with the king [of Acheen] he only demanded leave to go to Priaman and Tecoe to buy pepper, when the king answered “there was enough here, let him buy that first.” That the king was exceeding angry with Oxwicke for not using his people well, and told him that Acheen was not beholden to the English but the English to Acheen. His conduct at the custom house. Concerning his linguist. Request of the Orankaya that Oxwicke should go no more to the court. His behaviour to Sanderofte, giving him the lie when engaged in the Company's business. Refusal to sell the king of Acheen iron but at a particular price. Abuse of Sam. Juxon. [One page and a half. Injured by damp. O. C., Vol III., No. 279. I.]
June 15. 985. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Agreement with Mr. Fletcher to make 40 tons of cordage. Admission of Robt. Prettie, servant to Alderman Rich. Piott, John Dike, and Rich. Dike. Capts. Gifford and Pepwell bound in sureties of 2,000l. not to go beyond Cape Bona Spei. Resolution about Knokes, Thompson and Havers, prisoners. Restitution demanded by Clarke for wrongs done at sea by Mannering; refusal of the Lord Admiral to grant a warrant without the Company's consent. [One page and a half. Court Bk. III., 427–429.]
June 16.
986. Sir John Digby to [Sec. Winwood?]. Understands that divers of the kings and princes of the East Indies are combined against the Portugals, and knows that the wisest in Madrid are of opinion that they hazard losing the greatest part of what the Portugals hold in those countries, trade having infinitely decayed, and the kingdom of Portugal grown so extreme poor, that they will be scarcely able to send succours thither; the Spaniards little troubled with these misfortunes, nor apt to relieve them. [Extract from Correspondence, Spain.]
June 18.
Saldanha Road,
aboard the Lion.
987. Nich. Banggam to the East India Company. Account of the voyage out, having lost sight of England 6th of March. Differences between Thos. Barwicke and Captain Harris. The four ships arrived at Saldanha 5th present. Much of the bread not fit to eat. The merchants not well dieted. Loss of quicksilver through being badly packed. The black coney skins will not sell. Thos. Bonner put out of his place as master of the Expedition. My lord ambassador [Roe] in good health. Arrival of the Hope from Surat. Have left nine of the condemned men ashore, the rest kept to leave any where. Requests Sir Thos. Smythe to manage his stock in adventure. [Two pages and a half. O. C., Vol. III., No. 280.]
June 18.
Aboard the
988. Thos. Arthington to [the East India Company]. Passage from England to Saldanha from 4th March to 5th June. Death of Wm. Higons and Ric. Starkey in the Dragon. News brought by the Hope from Surat, of advantage to the general. Commendations of the general, Captain Keeling. The 10th article of the commission for seafaring causes concerning dead men's goods not understood. Barrat and Curtis, masters of the Peppercorn and Lion, transferred. Difference between Captain Harris and his Cape merchant. Wm. Cradle displaced, and Thos. Bond made master of the Expedition. The pursers excluded from the council. Ten of the condemned men set willingly ashore at Saldanha. Concerning the nearest course from England to the Cape of Good Hope. Abstract. [Half a page. O. C., Vol. II., No. 187, p. 18.]
June 19.
989. Captain Keeling to [the East India Company]. To send warm clothing, besides canvas suits for the sailors. Wonders Portugals are employed, one found a plotter to betray Captain Newport in the Expedition. Complains of the unfitness of the factors, officers, and men. Defects in the Peppercorn, Expedition, and Dragon. Discord between Captain Harris and Robert Gipps. Captain Newport discontented that Barkeley is before him in succession; Barkeley commended. Concerning private trade, and why some are so strictly bound, while it is tolerated in others. Requires presents of worth for kings, as other generals have had. The Surat fleet should be in the Downs by 15th January at furthest. Directions for the most direct course to the Cape of Good Hope. “Wonderful many arguments” to have his wife sent to him, or for himself to come home in the next ship from Bantam. Against gentlemen passengers going in any of the ships. “Merland, whom some of the lords commended, is the veriest villain in the world.” Officers displaced. Not to build the ships “so pynned in above.” Whether the condemned men are to be put ashore where he chooses, against their will. A rock found by the lord ambassador [Roe], who affirms it to be of quicksilver and vermilion; some sent home by Edward Dodsworthe. In every fleet to Surat, a ship or two of small draught and good defence should be sent, which might be employed from port to port. Abstract. [One page and a half. O. C., Vol. II., No. 187, pp. 9, 10.]
June 19.
990. Robert Gipps to [the East India Company]. The ships were in great danger off the coast of Barbary through ignorance of the mariners. Removal of officers. Death of Edward White on 26th May. His difference with Capt. Harris, “the captain revileth the merchant and threateneth him.” Capt. Harris has brought 100l. to sea for private trade. Brass thought more of than copper at Saldanha. Only four dead in all the fleet from England to Saldanha. Nine condemned men put ashore. Abstract. [Half a page. O. C., Vol. II., No. 187, p. 12.]
June 20.
991. Rich. Baker to [the East India Company]. Errors in the Ship's course; his directions for the best course to the Cape. Reached Saldanha in 91 days notwithstanding 23 days of contrary winds. Great abuses by Wooddall the surgeon. Divers men changed from one place to another. All the pursers, except Thos. Arthington, exempted from being of the council. Advises that tents should be made in Saldanha of old sails for the sick men. The offices of captain and Cape merchant should be distinguished, as concerning the merchandise. Condemned men landed. The Hope arrived from Surat. The lord ambassador [Roe] sets up a pillar at the Cape with inscription of his embassy. Abstract. [One page. O. C., Vol. II., No. 187, pp. 3–4.]
June 20.
992. Geo. Uffington to [the East India Company]. Danger escaped by the whole fleet, “better sometimes to be fortunate than wise.” Opposition to an act made by Capt. Keeling concerning dead men's goods. Death of Fras. Johnson and Edw. White, but 20 men sick in all the fleet to Saldanha. Officers displaced. Discord between Capt. Harris and Robt. Gipps. Abstract. [Quarter of a page. O. C., Vol. II., No. 187, p. 4.]
June 20. 993. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Reasons against entertaining Capt. Pepwell at present. Articles to be framed against Capt. Blagede (sic). The dividends upon the 3d and 5th voyages formerly resolved on, to be confirmed at the next general court. Course to be taken with those who have not paid in their second year's adventure. Consideration about the 173,000l. or thereabouts owing by the joint stock; the most indifferent course to have it taken up at interest, being a matter of great importance, it is to be concealed as a secret, “in regard the generality cannot suddenly apprehend the true grounds and reasons thereof.” Debt of Wm. Ferrers for a chest of damasks. News from Persia; enmity between the Persian and Portugal. Gratification of 500 marks to Capt. Saris. Washborne bound for the ordnance in lieu of Adderley, deceased. Two new ships to be built of about 800 and 600 or 700 tons. Petition of Robt. Wincall for Adderley"s place refused. Motion of Holliday in behalf of his servant Hurt for employment referred. Pursuivants' bills. [Three pages. Court Bk., III., 429–431.]
June 23
June 29.
994. Consultation of the merchants of the Thomas and Hector, as to which of the ships is fittest to work out her lading upon the coast of Sumatra. Opinions of Robt. Johnson, Samuel Juxon, Edmond Aspinall and John Sandcrofte, with remarks by Capt. Arthur Spaigbt on 27th June. Further consultation on 29th June when it is agreed that the Hector should proceed to Tecoe and Priaman according to the King's free licence, but if the Thomas succeed in establishing a factory at either of those places then the Hector is to go for Bantam. [Two pages. O. C., Vol. III., No. 281.]
June 27–28. 995. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Sale of velvets, satins, and other commodities, with the prices and names of the purchasers.
June 28.—Petition of Capt. Rich. Gifford to be relieved from the charges of his men, while detained by the Company's means. Oil, feathers, and “tikes” for the lord admiral. Letter written by the Privy Council to Sir Thos. Edmondes, ambassador in France, concerning the ships prepared at Brest and elsewhere for the East Indies, to be kept back, esteeming the first written to be far more material to their purpose. Pipe staves and timber from Ireland. 4,000 bags to be provided against the ships return now expected. Arrest of Manne upon a ne exeat regnum. Liberty to Collins to go to France, to acquaint those going to the East Indies of the danger they run “if they proceed upon their unlawful voyage”; and to assure him employment in the Company's service, the better to bind him to do his uttermost to divert the rest. Letter read from the Privy Council to Sir Thos. Edmondes, which was carried over by Rastall, with Rastall's answer concerning the business. Gratification of 100l. each to Ellam and Lanman for extraordinary pains in the Company's service. The Low Country business; some of their propositions made known, the first groundwork to have 1,100,000l. or 1,200,000l. put into stock by the two companies together; committee appointed to digest everything well before a meeting with Sir Noel Caron. Gratuity to “a man of good account” for his intelligence of proceedings in the Low Countries. Wages of John Williams, factor in the sixth voyage. The account keeper prohibited from supplying any notes from their books. Freedom to Mr. Wheeler. [Three pages and a half. Court Bk., III., 432–435.]
[June] 30.
996. Consultation by the merchants of the Thomas. Finding the Hector in Acheen laden with goods from Surat, which after great delay and charges, was allowed by the king to trade at Tecoe and Priaman for eight months, providing the King's goods were sold, and for the performance of which condition a pledge was left; the merchants consider it a discredit to leave any pledge, and agree to attempt the settling of a factory at Acheen, which will yield great possibility of profit, considering the Guzerats bring no goods thither as they were wont to do, whereby the town is utterly unfurnished; and likewise to procure two or three years' trade at Tecoe and Priaman. To effect this, the King of England's letters have been delivered to the King of Acheen, and various presents, as described. Signed by John Millward, Wm. Nicolls, and John Yates. Copy. [Three quarters of a vage. O. C., Vol III., No. 282.]