East Indies, China and Japan: January 1618

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'East Indies, China and Japan: January 1618', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1870), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol3/pp100-114 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'East Indies, China and Japan: January 1618', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol3/pp100-114.

"East Indies, China and Japan: January 1618". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol3/pp100-114.

January 1618

Jan. 2. London. 235. Nathaniel Brent to [Sir Dudley Carleton]. The merchants of Middleburgh and the East Indies have undertaken to furnish the Exchequer with 50,000l., of which the King has assigned 12,000l. for Ireland, 8,000l. for the arrearages of artillery, 17,000l. for Lords Hamilton, D'Aubigny, Hay, and Haddington, and 4,000l. for the Prince's mask. [Extract from Domestic Jac. I. Vol. 95, No. 3. Cal. p. 510.]
Jan. 5. 236. Robert Jackson to Geo. Ball, president at Bantam. Report that they should go away out of the ship as to day, but if they come not ashore begs him to let diligent search be made among the ships for them. Was obliged by the master of the Admiral that took their ship to take down his flag and ancient, and was taken by force before the General. Begs, if not much to Ball's dishonour, that he may be released, and Robt. Ambrose paid two ryals of eight which Jackson owes him. [Half a page. O.C., Vol. V., No. 588.]
Jan. 8. Jacatra. 237. Nich. Ufflete to President Ball at Bantam. The rice and boards requested in Ball's letter of the 4th inst. are ready. Wil. Wilson sent to the Sabundar, who showed him a writing from the King, in which was demanded a kind of duty to be paid for every ship coming to Jacatra, called in Malay, Rooba Rooba. The King said Capt. Jourdain agreed to give out of every ship two barrels of powder, two pieces and four yards of broadcloth, or else the value ; Ufflete replied he could say nothing until he had written to Ball for directions. Capt. Dickers arrived this day in a Dutch pinnace, and is to go for Holland. Two Flemish pinnaces at present in the road. A French fleet ten leagues off in want of a pilot ; the King has forbidden either English or Dutch to go aboard, the which Ball may certify Mons. La Cane. Lading of the French ships. It is thought the King himself will buy all that he is able, which is thought to be the reason why he will allow none to go aboard. Has fifty butts of rack and a lot of pickled fish, in want of cask and hogsheads to put them in. [One page and a half. O.C., Vol. V., No. 589.]
Jan. 9. 238. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning payment to the wife of Wm. Addames of money lent to the sailors of the Thomas by her husband. Doctor Wood's book "for the comforte of navigators and such as shall travaile by sea," dedicated to the East India Company, commended as a very good work. Felix Kingston, the printer, willing to give 1,000 copies of the said book for his freedom, which the Company held proper to be distributed in several voyages amongst their mariners, sworn a free brother. Twenty jacobus given to Dr. Wood for writing the book and preaching aboard the Company's ships. All the ships to fall down to Gravesend this week, and then to be dispatched together by the committees. Imprest money to be paid to the ships by Atkinson. Request of the Lord Chancellor for one of his bedchamber to be admitted to the freedom of the Company and allowed to adventure 1,000l. to be granted, if he will not accept 100 jacobus instead, which the Governor is desired to offer, as also to beg the Lord Chancellor not to make any further request of the like kind. Request of the Attorney-General for his brother-in-law, Sir Edward Cockett, to be admitted a free brother, and to adventure 500l., to be granted, upon his assurance that it shall be the last request he will make of that nature. Letters read from Christopher Farewell, of 26th December last, for payment on account of his salary and goods, referred. Petition of William Wilye, surgeon in the Peppercorn, to remit freight for his pepper, refused. Letter read from Capt. Best, "making a dark acknowledgment of an offence, and citing certain places out of Solomon to prove that it is the part of a wise man to pass by an offence ; resolved to respite his business till the departure of the ships. Petition of John Smith, craving satisfaction for losses sustained by the Flemings, and for the wages of Henricke Sedensnore, a Dutchman, who bequeathed them to him, referred. Reasons for deciding that the patent for "the custom of the knees" should not be interfered with ; Hukeley to be granted his freedom, and his good offices secured that nothing be done prejudicial to the Company by that patent. Philip Richardson being disabled, dismissed the service, with a gratuity of two double jacobus. Purchase of plank by the "committees for the yardes ;" also of corn out of the east country ; "in 10 years the company have not spent of English 300 quarters, whereby a great deal of clamour is stopped." Capt. Pepwell's goods to be delivered to Raphe Handson. Petition of Lucy Delemove for part of her husband's wages and payment of a debt and a month's pay yearly out of the wages of one Allye, an Indian, refused. Proposals delivered by Sir Noel Caron, from one of the "Maios" of the Low Countries, for the English and Dutch Companies to unite, "whereby they shall be able to give the law to others in the Indyes, seeing there is a new company setting up in France and another in Denmark," to be considered. Sir John Wolstenholme to procure a warrant for the transmission of the piece of brass ordnance to the King of Acheen. Purchase of two pieces of brass ordnance from Lord Lincoln. [Three pages and three quarters. Court Bk. IV., 104-107.]
Jan. 9. Aboard the Unicorn. 239. Ric. Hounsell to Capt. Geo. Ball, president at Bantam. Requests his directions for the removal of the surgeon of the Hope to the Unicorn. There are Thos. Symons and two other surgeons in the Hope. [One page. O.C., Vol. V., No. 590.]
Jan. 13. Bantam. 240. W. Stonywell to Edward Longe at Jacatra. Has not yet received the money of Mr. Swanley. The French Admiral arrived ; he will have great care in laying out the money according to Longe's direction. Has delivered his two letters to La Cane, and advised Ufflete of Gen. Decker's escape from the Flemings, and of his being at the court ; it is supposed the Dutch will detain the ship till the General be given up. Two ships sailed to day for Jacatra, but no news as yet of what they have done. Will remember Mr. Powle. The Solomon and the Thomas left for Macassar three days past ; the Charles and the Hope are laden and ready to sail. [One page. O.C., Vol. V., No. 591.]
Jan. 13-16. 241. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Resolution concerning Beale, who was bound for certain sums for Lutterford. Provisions to be got ready for the relief of the factories at Bantam and Surat, and a surgeon to be left at Bantam. A pipe of wine a piece to be provided for Sir Thomas Dale, Capts. Parker, and Bonner, as chief commanders. Petition of Alice, widow of Robert Walldo, against her daughter-in-law, the widow of John Walldo, for certain moneys, to be determined by Hump. Smith and Handford. Capt. Best's business deferred for consideration. Mountney's recompense for his servant's services increased to "eight score pounds," to make it 20l. per annum. Value of Christopher Farewell's goods, money due to him, referred to next general court. New lease of Leadenhall to be rewritten. Letter read from Nathaniel Martyn concerning his losses and crosses and the great expenses he has been at through his troubles ; motion to make him an allowance for his antelope, which cost him dear, and was very chargeable to bring home, refused, because by commission all were forbidden to bring any such rare creatures but for the Company's use ; but being unwilling to send him away discontented, he was given 100l., and promised further favour at his return if he deserved it by his good service. Request of Sir Thos. Dale for Capt. Harris and Capt. Christien to accompany him in the fleet owing to his Vice-Admiral, Capt. Parker, being old and corpulent, refused. Orders drawn out by John Woodall, "general surgeon for the Company," to be delivered to the chief commander of each ship, who is to see them observed on the voyage. Careening of ships in the Indies. The carpenters' wives to be relieved out of their husband's wages during their absence, although an inconvenience, because of the difficulty of procuring carpenters. Complaint as to the smallness of the breadrooms in the ships, amended. Forty hogsheads of wheat to be bought at Surat and carried to Bantam yearly, for relief of the ships and factory there. Jan. 16. Information from the Lord Admiral that Sir Thomas Bromley and Capt. Harvye were making a voyage from Flushing to the East Indies in a great ship, and that he had sent orders to the narrow seas for staying them till further order ; the Company, doubting not their designs, desired the Governor to thank his lordship, and so to leave the business. Discovery of copy of an act, confirmed by the States General in Holland, of the resolution of the Dutch to proceed against the English in the Indies as disturbers of the peace and likely to overthrow their conquests and trade. The Company, knowing their innocence therein, regard this as a fair warning, "which does second some speeches delivered heretofore by Sir Noel," [Caron] and therefore "direct our people to goe on peaceablie, be the more circumspect, take care of themselves and proceede soe much the stronger." Resolved to conceal the knowledge of this act till some convenient time present itself, "the Company, distasting much the carriage of the Dutch generally against the English in all places in the Indies, being more bitter and violent against them than the Portugals, who are content (as is thought) to wink at the English in their trade, although not to give them leave, and to forbear any further meddling with them." As to the Company compounding for Mitton's "patent for the custom in Ireland for transporting timber." Burrell suspended for discovering things out of court. Oliver Stiles to send in his adventure. Request of the Earl of Arundel, on behalf of his cousin Lamplugh, for some composition "for erecting and maintaining a light at Dungeon Nesse," all other merchants having conformed thereto, refused, as it in no way concerned the Company. Concerning John Holloway and his ungarbled pepper. Answer to Withington's bill to be presented to the solicitor. Capt. Best's case to be referred to the Lords if he do not present himself in person and acknowledge his fault. Burrell blamed for carelessness in paying certain moneys lent to Anthony Gomye to Mrs. Sheffield. Report of the Treasurer on the great charge of shipbuilding, the charges of one ship with the rigging standing the Company in 18,000l. Committee appointed to confer with Browning of Ipswich for the building of a ship of 500 tons. John Chesheire, a steward, dismissed for bad conduct. A mark a week to be paid to Robert Freeman for his diligence as clerk in the counting-house. John Steele and Edward Fleetwood entertained, the latter to attend upon Mr. Fridaye, the preacher. [Six pages. Court Bk. IV., 108-113.]
Jan. 17. Bantam. 242. William Stonywell to Edward Longe at Jacatra. Has received by his letter of 16th inst. news of the arrival of Staverton and the purser at Jacatra, and of the death of honest Mr. Hanson, for which he is heartily sorry. The French Admiral arrested by the Dutch till they deliver the General back again ; she rides between Bantam and Jacatra. The Vice-Admiral rideth in the road, but has not as yet sold any of the ship's goods. The Charles and the Hope to depart on Tuesday next (20th January). [Half a page. O. C., Vol. V., No. 592.]
Jan. 18. Jacatra. 243. Nich. Ufflete to Geo. Ball at Bantam. Has received his last by the Attendance. The goods demanded shall be sent. Can hear of no nuts at Jacatra. The Dutch galley and two frigates have arrived fitted, and are ready to set sail. [Quarter of a page. O. C., Vol. V., No. 594.]
Jan. 18. Savoy. 244. Geo. Lord Carew to Sir Thos. Roe. News Letter. February 1617. Nine great ships left Holland for the East Indies. March. The Holland fleet returned from the East Indies ; forbears writing of their actions in those parts, and particularly at Malacca, as they must be best known to him. May. The Dragon and the Expedition come safely home from the East Indies, but yet are not unladen. September. Entreats him to be careful to make the map of the Mogul's territory as he intended ; it will leave to the world a lasting memory when he is dust. Also begs him to get the story of that country offered to him "by an old gentleman, the new Governor of Scinde," translated. Admires the greatness of that monarch ; the description of the riches he saw, when he left Ajmere, exceeds all the reports ever read, yet he observes more baseness in that Prince and people than can be imagined. His letter sent overland miscarried ; knows not where to lay the fault, "and yet I am sure there hath been some trumpery used." Hopes he may, with the next shipping, be the messenger of his own health, "for your time spent among infidels hath been sufficient, if not too much." Refers to the friar's journey from Lahore to Pekin, and to his discourses upon the Indus and Ob ; thinks he will do well to inform himself of those rivers. November. The Hollanders this summer again attempted the discovery of the North-west passage by Fretum Davis, and it is reported that all difficulties are past. They found a nation of pigmies, and took two of them in a small canoe ; but seeing the cook dressing a piece of pork, and conceiving it to be man's flesh and fearing to be devoured, both leapt into the sea and were drowned ; has this story but by relation, but thinks it true. [Extracts from Dom. Jac. I., Vol. 95., No. 22. Cal. pp. 514-516. Printed in Carew's letters for the Camden Society, edited by John Maclean, pp. 80-139.]
Jan. 19. Bantam. 245. Geo. Ball. Thos. Spurway, and John Byndon to the East India Company. Since the departure of the Peppercorn for London they have lost Geo. Barkeley, he died on 30 March 1617, and was buried the next day, leaving to his successor, Geo. Ball, "an imperfect, cumbersome and miserable business." They have spent nine months over Barkeley's accounts, and cannot now send a statement according to the Company's orders. Stock of this factory under 170,000 ryals., debts only excepted, of which the most part were desperate, when Ball succeeded as chief. The rest of the factories remain as Capt. Jourdain left them, Firando only excepted, where the remainder is less by 110,000 ryals. Difficulties of making up the accounts ; no factory except Bantam hath Barkeley's discharge for expenses of housekeeping, building, presents, men's wages, and such like, which during the three years of his negotiation will amount to no small matter. Unsatisfactory state of the Company's affairs in the Indies. Many invited out by golden rewards, but none stay, indeed it were madness to do so. "At home men are famous for doing nothing ; here they are infamous for their honest endeavours. At home is respect and reward ; abroad disrespect and heartbreaking. At home is augmentation of wages ; abroad no more than the third of wages. At home is content ; abroad nothing so much as griefs, cares, and displeasure. At home is safety ; abroad no security. At home is liberty ; abroad the best is bondage. And, in a word, at home all things are as a man may wish, and here nothing answerable to merit." Arrival of the Charles and the James on 21 July last after touching at Masulipatam ; also of the Hope and the Hound on 15 Aug. and 21 Oct. As to their letters no spurs are needed, where there is willingness and bounden duty remembered. The Dragon, Clove, Globe, Expedition, and Peppercorn are past the Cape homeward bound, and Capt. Pring and his fleet towards Surat. The Solomon, with Mr. Lucas from Masulipatam, and the Osiander, by way of Acheen, have safely arrived ; the Unicorn and Rose have also arrived from Tecoe with pepper. On the increased powers given by the Company to their chief servants. Scarcity of spices prevented their sending cargoes to Surat and Masulipatam. The Flemings thunder it most terribly in these parts, that the inhabitants, "for fear of taking," have in a manner given off trading. Two years past, notwithstanding Pooloway was surrendered to the King of England, the Flemings took it by force of arms, and the English factors and people there were forced to fly, leaving behind them their goods. Last year the Swan and Defence traded to Pooloroon, and the English were so well thought of by the natives that they would needs be fellow subjects to his Majesty, and made surrender of the island, with earth and a young tree, and with writings drawn and confirmed under the hands of the principal of the gentry, and seal or chap of the country. The like was also done by the inhabitants of Rosingyn for their island and town of Ware, situate on the island of Lantar, as appears by the translated copies of the surrenders inclosed [wanting]. Hostile proceedings of the Flemings in consequence. The Swan, on leaving Ware, was captured by the Flemings, and Sophony Cozucke with four others killed ; as many more were maimed ; the rest as prisoners were committed to irons, the master and his boy excepted ; since which 20 are dead. Some of the crew of the Defence, the master and chief officers being ashore, in the night "ran away with the ship to the Flemings." Restitution of both ships was demanded by Mr. Courthope at the hands of the Dutch general then at Neira, but refused unless the forts were surrendered to the Dutch and all English interests disclaimed, not only in Pooloroon but in all the islands of Banda. The natives anxious "to embrace us," and repent not their doings. A prow sent to Bantam waylaid by the Flemings and chased into Booton. Another arriving at Macassar found the Attendance there. A boat laden with mace cast away upon a ledge of rocks joining the main of Booton, and the goods all lost, the men only being saved. If his Majesty accept this surrender the rest of the islands will fall to him, and will not be worth less to the English than Amboyna is to the Flemings, which yields them at least 400 tons of cloves yearly, and in years of plenty three times as much. Remarks on the insufficient pay of the Company's servants. Inconveniences which arise from the independent powers given to commanders of fleets. Hugh Greete, for fraudulent dealing, confined a prisoner to his chamber by order of Council, but released without leave by Capt. Pepwell. Observations on the Company's orders prohibiting private trade. Many of them compelled by necessity to trade on their own accounts, their third being too little to maintain charges, "for the other, it is merely fiction." Do their best endeavours to prohibit private trade among the factors, but earnestly entreat the Company themselves to take care of their captains, masters, and mariners. No goods for the Company's account have arrived from Surat these four years. Authority and power brought by Captain Keeling to give the fatal blow to all private trade. Review of the Indian factories. Surat and the dependent places, of all others, the most commodious both for England and these parts, if supplied with wares answerable to their markets. As to the abuses from the Governor and great men, remedy may sooner be found in the Red Sea among their junks than at the Mogul's court. "Nothing but fear keeps a Moor in awe ; use him kindly, and he will abuse you ; but deal with him in smooth words and nipping deeds and he will respect and reverence you." Sumatra and the two factories of Acheen and Tiku vend great store of Cambaya and Masulipatam commodities to good profit, and yield, besides pepper, the best gold, camphor, sulphur, wax, and benjamin. The mischief is, the King is a tyrant inconstant and covetous, and his officers corrupt, and no certainty of the English continuing there. The license for trade in Tiku, granted to Capt. Keeling, withdrawn by the King, who strives to bring the trade of all strangers to Acheen, and is, it is said, assisted by Nicolls, the chief factor. Remarks on the untowardness and peevishness of Nicolls ; his trade with a French ship at Tiku. The stock at present in Tiku and Acheen very little, but it is hoped Capt. Pring's fleet will touch at both places, supply their wants, and obtain a renewal of the King's licence and privileges for trade in Tiku. Bantam, the greatest place in the East Indies for trade, it yields at least 60,000 sacks of pepper yearly, and in years of plenty 140,000 and 150,000, which is commonly clearly swept off by the English, Flemings, and Chinese. Cause of the present dearth, the contentions between the English and the Flemings, which being known to these Moors and Pagans, is wrought upon to their advantage and the damage of the English. Impossibility of managing trade without credit ; unless the English agree with the Flemings, the Company must either continue to trust or leave off trade. At Bantam the English mostly deal with the Chinamen. Outrages of the Dutch last year upon them, staying their junks and getting a ransom of 2,000 sacks of pepper. Interruptions to their building operations. The produce of Jacatra ; a good road for shipping and a convenient place for building a warehouse. League between the Kings of Jacatra and Bantam against the Mattaram, by which their hopes of building are overthrown in both places, except by force. Jambi, though newly entered into, of great hopes, the trade increasing daily. It yields at present 10,000 sacks of pepper yearly ; cloth of Cambay and Coromandel will vend at good prices. The English well thought of and well treated, and the Flemings, as in all other places, only feared. Patani yields little, and in respect of great charges, taxations, and other unkind usage imposed on strangers, begins to be forsaken, and is at present little worth except for sales of Coromandel and Surat cloth. At Siam, Coromandel cloth will sell to the value of 50,000 ryals a year ; there are deer skins and Sapon wood for Japan, and gold and rubies to good profit, and if the country were in peace a place of far greater expectation in trade. Have had but little experience of Camboja and Tsiampa, which places they have very lately entered ; the Company's factors there report that there are sales for Surat and Coromandel goods, and that they supply camboja, benjamin, lignum, aloes, and other commodities for the Indies. Japan gives out silver, copper, and iron, and good store of victualling. Although no great benefit accrues from returns from thence, they are of opinion that were Japan supplied as it should be, not with gallypots, pictures, looking glasses, table books, thread, and spectacles, and such like trumpery from England, but with commodities from these parts of the world, it would prove none of the worst factories. Succadana is the rendezvous of trade for diamonds, bezoar, gold, wax, and other commodities, and a place where they have been time sufficient to know it ; but for want of able and industrious men opportunities are slipped, and they seldom, if ever, get any but refuse diamonds and at dear rates. Stones now worth twice as much as at their first entrance there ; the Flemings send greater supplies than ever. Accounts Banjermassin among the number of needless factories. Cassarian [David] is returned thence, and Bishop and Kendal left there for recovery of debts, which it seems they have small hopes of getting in, and being unprovided with goods or money to maintain their charges, are minded to leave the place. Macassar is much resorted to by the Portuguese and Spaniards, and still followed by the English, but forsaken by the Flemings ; trade has fallen off since the Flemings by proclamation have forbidden trade to Banda, Amboyna, and the Moluccas. About 40,000 ryals worth of Cambaya and Coromandel cloth is sold there annually and other commodities. It yields the very best rice in abundance, and some quantity of turtle shells, but the chief profit of the factory must come through Banda, Moluccas, or Amboyna. If the English can keep what they have in Banda, Macassar will be of great import for victualling, otherwise of small moment. Banda will sell 40,000 ryals yearly of clothing, victuals, and other necessaries. The islands will yield 1,000 tons of nuts and mace annually. General observations. There are no factories but will yield profit worth the keeping if supplied with fitting commodities, and with men of discretion to manage them. Through bad management, despite their best endeavours, they have been for a time forced to live upon the main to the Company's loss, and, in the opinion of many, to their shame also. The Company not altogether mistaken in imputing to them the shearing of sheep, while the Company shear the hogs. Dishonest dealings of Hugh Greete, by profession a jeweller but in practice a juggler and connivance of Capt. Pepwell. Forced to lay up the Osiander for want of victuals. Banda must be succoured ; "the Dutch horse will not travail without provender at his nose, nor we English able to endure without beef, bread, and good drink, of all which we are too much destitute at present ; would to God it were otherwise !" Greete sent home a prisoner ; his diamonds cannot be found, and he will not give any satisfaction for the wrong he has done the Company in his accounts. Complain of the Company not sending over the prices current of goods at home, as the Flemings do, which helps to assist their investments. "The glory of a factor is the gain of his employers, and the contrary his discredit." The Endeavour, built from the junk Grievance, is serviceable for nothing. His Majesty's letters to the Emperor of China they can get none to translate, much less to convey them ; have therefore sent them to Cocks in Firando, if happily his friend Capt. Dettis, who is a Chinaman and the only one, can get them done and sent. It is upon the promise of Dettis that Cocks depends, and as it were makes himself sure of trade in China. Fear Cocks' understanding is blinded with the expectation of incredible wonders. It is death for any "Chiness" to translate or carry those letters, or to give passage to any Christian carrying them. It was revealed by oracle to the Emperor that his country should be subdued by a grey-eyed people, and he therefore forbids all Christians his country. If letters be so hard to be delivered, trade will be harder to be procured, and cannot be expected by any fair course. Desire arms for their security against the Dutch, considering the weak state of the factories, and that they can no longer live in security with their neighbours the Dutch. Have of late had bickerings on shore with them, and lost men on both sides ; neither is it expected that it will so end, for they are grown iusolent and desperate, and strive in all possibility to oppress the English. What can they do without arms, in comparison with the numbers of the Dutch ? nothing. Insufficient victualling of the ships ; they are manned for the most part with as honest men as are in Newgate, or any other prison of common rogues. Bad quality of the ships' stores ; supplies required to be kept in the country. Remarks on the mariners sent to India. The Solomon and Thomas sent to Macassar to take in rice, and so proceed to Banda. The Attendance, now at Jacatra, will likewise proceed to Banda. Threats of the Dutch. Capture of the Speedwell on 26 Nov. last by the Dutch between Jacatra and Bantam. Arrival in February last of four French ships, two from Dieppe and two from St. Malo. The Dutch took 49 Flemings from them, mostly officers and pilots, and the chief commander Hans Dekar ; they bought pepper, but, as the matter stands, their voyage is likely to be overthrown. The value of the cargo of the Charles, commander Henry Pepwell, 58,675 ryals, "as they cost first penny ;" that of the Merchants' Hope 36,587 ryals. Hope they will arrive in safety. Account of the estates of deceased factors left in the writer's hands. Copies of the surrender of Banda sent by both ships ; the protest of the Dutch against the English, and the answers ; copy of the Court Book, and their proceedings against Capt. Henry Pepwell and Hugh Greete. Refer the Company to Lucas Antheunis and Thos. Brockedon for the more perfect relation of all things. Imperfect account of the estate of the late Geo. Barkeley and Ralph Coppindall, as also of Jno. Millward. The accounts of Patteson likewise imperfect ; during the short time of his negotiating at Tiku he has purchased himself a good estate, "though, as we are given to understand, in a very bad fashion, because he appropriates that to himself which in truth belongeth unto you." [Twenty-nine pages. O.C., Vol. V., No. 595.]
[Jan. 20.] [Bantam.] 246. William Methwold to the East India Company. When the Globe left the fleet, 9 March 1617, the rest of the fleet proceeded along the coast of Malabar, and they in the Unicorn gave chase to a frigate. The factory at Calicut, settled the previous year by Capt. Keeling to little purpose, intended to be dissolved, so little encouragement had Mr. Keridge either of the place or trade in the letters from thence. On their arrival at Calicut, Peter Nedham was principal, in lieu of Geo. Woolman, deceased of the flux. Nedham confirmed what had been formerly written to Surat, "that this country neither gave vent to ours, nor produced commodities in any quantity or at reasonable rates to return for England." Most of the cloth and other commodities left there were sold, but complaints received in place of payment from the debtors, who say they were forced to buy by the King. Each of the three Queens, sisters to the Samorin, presented with a looking-glass, the better to colour the designs of the English to quit the place, which was accordingly done, and their presents accepted. Refers to Nedham for other circumstances, whose year's service will enable him to give better satisfaction. Arrival of the Charles and the James ; their kind usage at Dabul. They freed the Dabul ships which the Lord Ambassador had solicited the General [Pepwell] to take. Nedham and the Banian broker having come aboard, they went the same day to Cranganore, the residence of the Samorin, where the broker landed and brought hostage from the King, so Nedham had conference with the King, who used his accustomed fair promises of payment, but willed the General to come ashore. The General refused. Methwold's advice not taken. Sailed the next morning. Three frigates of Calicut put themselves under their protection, for fear of the Portugals. Discovered two great ships laden, and of no force, under the Portuguese fort of Colon, but the General refused to make any attempt against them. Came next day to Berenga. Arrived at Tiku, where Henry Patteson, Diego, and Geo. Pybourne had been left merchants by Capt. Keeling. The Rose, laden with salt, newly returned from Bantam ; John Millward commander, commissioned by Capt. Bartlett to re-assume the place of Cape Merchant at Tiku, and Patteson to return to Bantam. Presented the Vice-King with a looking-glass, fowling-piece, and other things, and gave other presents to the captain of the King's slaves and the three priests. Did not think fit to insist upon being principal, as he was commissioned from Surat, knowing that "titular respect were no just grounds to breed disturbance in the Company's affairs." Robt. Everard appointed second, to whom Patteson willingly gave way. Prices of Surat goods at Tiku. Death of Millward on 13 July [1617] intestate ; his goods removed to Bantam. Death of Patteson ; how his estate, which he valued at 1,700 ryals, is distributed by his will. Tiku will yearly produce upwards of 600 tons of pepper ; goods vendible there. A factory at Baroach absolutely necessary, which may also on occasion supply Cambaya, not two days journey from thence ; goods which Methwold has heard will sell there. Inconvenience of the commands conferred on masters, mariners, and merchants ; the care of negotiation depends upon the latter, and they should be free to treat for trade or otherwise with the country people. The private trade carried on by the commanders, which he is aware of, but knows not how to prevent, only to give advice at Bantam. After upwards of four months stay sailed from Tiku ; during that time were buried 23 persons, including four merchants, Patteson, Pybourne, Millward, and Everard. Left the goods, which were of small importance, in charge of Lewis Smith and Richard Harris. Arrived at Bantam 22 Oct., where were all the ships belonging to the Company in the Indies, except the Rose and the Advice. [Indorsed, "Concerning his voyage in the Unicorn from Surat to Tiku and Bantam, and all accidents. Received by the Hope 1 Sept. 1618." See Court Minutes Sept. 11. Three pages and a quarter. O. C., Vol. V., No. 596.]
Jan. 20. Ahmedabad. 247. Sir Thos. Roe's pass to the subjects of the Great Mogul for the ship Ghehangier, set out by Aseph Khan from Gogo, to trade in the Red Sea. [One and a quarter pages. O.C., Vol. V., No. 597.]
[Jan. 20.] 248. Declaration and instructions for the ship intended for the Red Sea, if the Commander of the Fleet, Capt. Martin Pring and Thos. Kerridge, cape merchant of the English factors, with his consultation upon the motions made by Sir Thos. Roe, think fit to proceed in the voyage. [Three pages. O.C., Vol. V., No. 598.]
Jan. 20. 249. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Burlamachi to deal with Sir Noel Caron for the stay of the ship of Sir Thomas Bromley and Capt. Harvye, if Sir Noel think fit. Suit of Merabell, widow of Arthur Jackson, merchant, pretending that her husband had been robbed at sea by Turkish pirates, and complaint made by the English Ambassador to the Bashaw for restitution, he having detained those goods for certain supposed losses which he sustained by the Trades Increase in the Red Sea, and therefore craving relief from the Company ; but they conceiving it a business fetched very far off and strained exceedingly to draw it to such a head, gave answer that it nothing concerned them, and so dismissed her. Offer of Bullock, through Sir John Wolstenholme, to join with another in the patent to attempt the discovery of the North-west Passage, "by reason that they understand in the bottome of Bottons Bay, which runneth in 450 leagues from the mouth, where a greate tyde of floode runnes and riseth sometimes 17 or 18 feet in height, which is supposed cannott bee butt by some current from the sea in some other place, which in probabilitie may prove the desired passage, whereof Mr. Brigges hath a very greate hope." On the motion of Sir John, that this Company have formerly contributed towards the discovery, and that he himself intended "a good round adventure in his own particular," and will persuade his friends to do the like, so that two pinnaces, which will cost 2,000l., may be furnished forth ; seeing these works bring forth some good, "as the whale fishing was found by the like occasion," a grant of 200l. was allowed towards the discovery. The surrender for Leadenhall, being engrossed, to be delivered to the officer of the Staplers. A patent for the transportation of money, presented by the Governor, which he had procured from the King. On the recommendation of the Lord Treasurer and the Lord of Buckingham, adventures of 800l. each were granted to Wm. Robinson, sec. to the Lord Treasurer, and to Sir Raphe Freeman, a master of requests ; also one of 500l. to Sir Richard Weston, though much distasted by some of the Company ; but resolved to deny all others hereafter, and that if any of the Company shall move for an adventure for a friend it shall in future be paid out of the party's own stock. Adventures of 1,000l. each confirmed to Sir John Villiers and Lord Wm. Compton. Edward Seager entertained in Mountney's service at 30l. a year and sworn a free brother. Resolution for the exporting of 20,000 pipe staves yearly from Ireland, and for conferring with Leate on his offer of supplying pipe staves at 5l. per 1,000. Forty shillings given to Christopher Dive, constable of Poplar and Blackwall, owing to losses he sustained by the escape of one of his prisoners. Purchase of elephants' teeth at Amsterdam. [Three pages. Court Bk. IV., 114-116.]
Jan. 21. Port of Jacatra. 250. Letter [from a Dutchman ?] to "loving and trusty friends" [at Bantam]. Intelligence from Sir Cornelius Vanberre. In great hindrance of knowing the great trouble and danger they all are in at Bantam. Has received letters with news of the arrival of their ships, the Harlem, the Amsterdam, and the Hart, with two prizes. Desires they should go presently for Amboyna, and that there they shall find that the General Jan Peterson Coome, with the whole fleete, have departed from hence ; that upon this occasion the whole strength of the Worshipful Company [of Holland ?] be gathered together and return with all possible haste. A new agreement has been made with the King of Jacatra, which is well liked by all. The consequences of treachery, if any be meant. Would have sent the agreement but for fear of its falling with their letters into the hands of the English, and that thereby it should be known how much they have paid for the freedom of the town and other purposes intended by them [the Dutch ?] The Javas are glad of this contract, and come and go into the Dutch as before. The English ships remain in the road, except seven which are gone to sea ; believes they are gone to Bantam. [One page. O.C., Vol. V., No. 590-1.]
Jan. 22. Bantam. 251. Wm. Stonywell to Edward Longe at Jacatra. Advice concerning the laying out of Longe's moneys. The Admiral [of the French] is detained without by the Flemings. The Chinese have bid so high for the cloth that the English President will not meddle with it. The Charles and Hope have left for England, the Unicorn, James, and Rose accompanying them to the straits, the Dutch having reported that the Charles should never pass the straits without they took all the Dutchmen out of her. The Neptune sailed for Jacatra yesterday. Presents from Swanley and Fotherbye to him. [One and a half pages. O.C., Vol. V., No. 599.]
Jan. 23. 252. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Sir Julius Csar having desired his freedom in person, and "persuading that he is as willing and ready to do as great kindness for the Company as others are or can be," to be permitted to adventure 2,000l., if no less a sum will please him. The act of the last Court to refuse any further adventures confirmed and resolved to be constantly observed. William Legge entertained at 4l. a month. Petitions of John Humphry, John Huffe, Thomas Hamlyn, and Robert Bell, gunners, craving imprest and relief for their wives during their absence, refused. John Nicholls, gunner and "partaker of the mishap which befel Capt. Davies from the straits," entertained. Gratuity to Thomas Russell, prisoner in the King's Bench, for his services and expenses in setting up lights for the preservation of shipping. Measures to be taken for the better provision of saltpetre. Canvas to be sent to the Indies for the use of the ships, as the cloth of the country is slight and unfit for service. Wages of Richard Stanley, purser of the "Sun," to be increased. Gratuity to Wm. Biddulph, factor at Surat, for his services, and his salary to be increased. Request of Sidgwicke to receive money due for goods sold belonging to the late Capt. Downton. Wm. Browne's debt of 170l., for goods bought of Capt. Downton, forborne until payment of a dividend on the seventh voyage. Calculation that the goods in the Indies are sufficient to lade home all the Company's ships, "which giveth fair encouragement to the adventurers." Committees for the commissions to meet in the afternoon for dispatch of the letters. Conference to be had with Bromrig, shipwright, regarding the building of a ship of 600 tons. [Three pages. Court Bk. IV., 116-119.]
Jan. 25. Bantam. 253. W. Stonywell to E. Longe at Jacatra. The Admiral of the French will not be detained much longer, the reason, as privately reported, that the General is going after the Charles. None but "coast goods" in the Vice-Admiral, which the town is full of. [One page. O.C., Vol. V., No. 600.]
Jan. 26. Bantam. 254. Wm. Stonywell to E. Longe at Jacatra. Entreats him to sell the cloth which he will receive from Cassarian [David]. The Pengran has sent word to the Flemings that if they will not suffer the French Admiral to come in, he will pull down their house to the ground and send them out of this place. The Unicorn or James will sail for Jacatra this week. Cassarian is to go in the Attendance for Macassar, and from thence proceed chief commander in the three ships for Banda. Remembrances to Ufflete and the rest of their friends. [One page. O.C., Vol. V., No. 601.]
Jan. 27. 255. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Committees to conclude with Bromrig for the building of a ship of 600 tons. Gratuity to Martyn Harrington, formerly "nouzeled up in popery, wherein he took orders according to the Church of Rome," but now conformed to his Majesty's laws, and in great want. Committee to go to Gravesend with the commissions and letters, and dispatch the ships for Surat. The piece of ordnance (for the King of Acheen) to be sent down on Friday. Capt. Best, presenting himself in Court, "submits himself plainly by writing ;" the Company promise to write to Sir George Calvert and to use their best means to have his offence remitted by the Lords of the Council ; he is to be ready to appear whenever sent for and to give his best advice. Permission to Francis Fetiplace, factor in India, to return home to take possession of an estate left to him, and then to return back again. Committee appointed to justify to Doctor Amye the truth of the accusations against Withington. At the earnest suit of the Earl of Arundel, on behalf of his kinsman Lamplugh, for some composition towards the maintenance of lights at Dungeness, "where are 25 or 26 nightly of 2 in the lb.," it was resolved to grant 20 nobles per annum so long as the patent is in force. Forty chests of money for Surat to be placed in the Dragon, Lion, and Expedition. Information of an Englishman being at Ispahan, supposed to be Connok ; letters to be sent to him complaining of his not having written overland since his arrival. Suit of John Hills, carpenter's mate in the "Sampson," for part of his wages in advance, refused. Part of the wages of Richd. Griffin, factor, to be paid to Alexander Stafford in payment of a debt due to him. Increase of wages to John Courtys [Curtis], master's mate in the Lion. [Two pages and a half. Court Bk. IV., 119-122.]
Jan. 31. London. 256. John Chamberlain to Sir Dudley Carleton. Our East Indian fleet setting out stronger than ever, there being nine ships of great burthen, three or four of them newly built. Sir Thos. Dale should go general, but is like to lose his employment if he return not from Holland soon. The King has granted a patent to Sir Jas. Cunningham to raise a Scottish East Indian Company, he and his heirs to be governors ; other large privileges directly infringing upon former grants. They only yet make a noise and show, and seek every where for adventurers, who come slowly in ; hears they would fain compound and sell their rights and interests to the East India Company. [Extract from Domestic Jac. I., Vol. 95, No. 27, Cal. p. 518.]
Jan. 31. Acheen. 257. [William Nicolls] to Thos. Kerridge and the rest at Surat. Has received the packet of letters sent in the "Gogeratt" ship which he sent for Bantam in the Osiander, which came from Masulipatam with a cargo of steel, all of which is sold to good profit. Commodities of those countries fit for Acheen. The King has commanded five hundred men to plant naught but pepper, which in two years will grow to perfection. This King will permit no trade at Tiku or Priaman without his sanction, which must cost a good bribe. The Company has sustained much wrong and loss by denial of their debts, as appears by the accounts of Millward and Patteson, who died there, being poisoned, he fears, for having sent the Rose hither to complain. Richard Harges now prime factor there. Baker, Phillips, Stratford, Uppington, and Whitelock, merchants of General Keeling's last fleet, all dead, with many more not now in his memory. Was in danger of being poisoned himself by a slave. Capt. Geo. Ball writes from Bantam in August last that the Hollanders, being at the Manillas with twelve ships becalmed, the Spaniards burnt and sunk six of them and took the best of their prize goods which they had robbed the Chinese of ; in this fight the Hollanders lost 700 men. Also of the Hope's arrival at Bantam, Commander Capt. Newport, who says seven ships were sent this year for Surat. Also that the Hollanders took the Swan, John Davis, mr., about Banda, and stayed the Defence ; the master and all the officers fled ashore to the Flemings, and are by them detained. Arrival of two French ships of St. Malo, the St. Michael and St. Louis, Louis Hance general and Nicholas Fruter Berdelero captain ; merchants, John Decker and Michael Hance, the general's brother, all Dutchmen. The ships were laden with cloth taken in the Red Sea from Guzerats and Dabuls. Dispute between two native merchants ; the writer interceded with the King for Nocada Amye, for the favour he showed to the English ; begs Kerridge to use him kindly for the writer's sake. General Keeling, on his arrival in April 1616, procured a letter for trade at Tiku for the sale of his own goods, under colour of which the Unicorn has this year procured most of her lading ; her goods landed are near upon sold. Return of the Hollanders after two years and a half, with letter from their president at Bantam to prohibit the English, Guzerat, and Dabul merchants from trading at Acheen, Tiku, or Priaman ; the King's ire at their peremptory demands, and bade the writer ask them if they could overmaster the English. Depreciation in the currency of ryals of eight. [Three pages and a half. O.C., Vol. V., No. 602.]