East Indies: March 1622

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.

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'East Indies: March 1622', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp18-30 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'East Indies: March 1622', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp18-30.

"East Indies: March 1622". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1878), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp18-30.

March 1622

March 1. 41. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Petition of John Potter, who had been taken in the Dragon, for wages. He says the Dutch have a factory at Aden, with three or four factors. They bought aloes at Jacatra. Within 500 leagues of the Cape they met cross winds, and put into the port of "Linclessee," in the Isle of St. Lawrence. The king there sent them 60 head of cattle. He delivered in writing his observations of the carriage of the Dutch towards the English. One Francis Leonard, living at Dover, knows of the killing of Courthope, from an eye-witness. It was confidently expected by the men of the Dutch ship Enchusen that "the Dutch and English would go by the ears again," and "that there will be lusty booties." Potter's wages to be paid, and Leonard sent for hither. Mrs. Wickham attends with a letter from the Lord Keeper; attempts to prove that her son Richard took property out with him. A compromise to be made "to content his Lordship." Tichborne, the Company's solicitor, in the Star Chamber against George Ball, to be paid his expenses. Timber for the Company, lying at Killmar, in Ireland. The account between Burrell and the Company to be made out. [Four pages. Court Bk. V., No. 351–355.]
March 4.
42. John Jonsone to Thomas Brockeden. On behalf of two men who are in a most miserable condition, having been robbed of all that the King of Cochin had given them, except their shirts, and seek employment. The Great Naige demands the reason why the English do not desire to trade in his land as well as the Portuguese, and says they shall have pepper and anything the land affords. The Danes trade there under the name of English, and are marvellous well used. He has given them a town and a place to build a castle, which is finished, and hath 36 pieces of ordnance mounted. [Endorsed, "I think this John Johnson went out with the Danes." One page. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 1036.]
March 6.
43. President Fursland and Council to the East India Company. The [Dutch] General has had conference with them about making peace with Macassar, but this will be prejudicial to the trade of Amboyna and the Moluccas. It was concluded that the Dutch shall still stand out with them [of Macassar], and we to continue trade and to accommodate the Dutch with one half of the rice procured. They have received an order from the Dutch General (Coen) for proceeding in trade this next year in the Moluccas. "We shall buy and sell freely so far as our means will stretch, paying our proportionable part of the charge according to the part of spice which we shall receive, and what cannot there be justly divided shall be made here good unto us upon the ending of accounts received from thence." Their proportion of charge cannot be less than 20,000 ryals, and nothing but loss can be expected for the ensuing year. The Dutch General required them to furnish a ship to remain in the Moluccas with theirs (the Dutch), as last year, but their answer was they were not able to perform it, wanting provisions for so long a time. The General, not satisfied with this answer, meaning "to take the advantage of our wants," they use all means, by giving large presents, to prevent us in trade, "contrary to the meaning of the Accord." Have deferred giving their absolute answer to the General as to "following the exploit for the Manillas" until further advice from England. The Dutch will send six ships. The Dutch have taken nine Portugal ships, worth 80,000 ryals, with letters stating that the Portuguese trade will be utterly ruined by the Dutch unless they be speedily relieved by the King. The Dutch will take advantage of this; in short, they will overthrow the Portugals trade in all places in these parts, and we wanting the means to send (ships) with theirs, the Dutch are sure to allege we perform not the agreement in not maintaining 10 ships of defence, which we must leave to your worships to answer; to perform we cannot. They also again demand that an English ship should lye before Bantam, and that we should pay our part of the charges they have been at so long in lying there, and keeping soldiers there, and setting out vessels to and fro upon this coast, which charge now grows so high that they can forbear us no longer, and sure they make account that you shall pay your part, or else they will wholly thrust us out of all trade, and pretend they have just cause for it, bearing all the charge themselves. "We verily persuade ourselves that although the order comes from you and their masters to make restitution here for what is due unto you, yet they will detain all in their hands under pretence of the aforesaid charges, so that there is no hope ever to come to any reasonable agreement with them by any fair courses, as may appear by their injurious dealings daily with us." They demanded nine Lascars taken by the Dutch in the Portugal prize, who had before been captured at Macao by the Portugals from the English, but the Dutch General refused them in discourteous manner, saying we might buy them. Account of a plot by the Bandanese to betray the town into the hands of the Javas; discovered to the General (Coen) by two of their own confederates; some of them tortured, twelve of the chief plotters condemned to be quartered, and all the rest to perpetual slavery in chains. The prisoners urged upon the torture to confess matters against the English, "but as it well happened there was nothing of any moment to give any advantage against us, yet hereby you may see how they seek by all means to entrap us, and in what danger we live being under their authority. Can they at any time find any occasion of advantage whereby to bring us within compass of their justice we shall be sure to find no favour from them, wherefore we earnestly desire speedily to be released from this bondage." The Eagle from Jambi, and Unity from Acheen, have arrived at Jacatra laden with pepper; less quantity of pepper fallen this year at Jambi than was expected. Understand that the King of Acheen, according to his old custom, began a little to flatter our factors by offering them trade at Tecoe if they would pay well for it, but it is only a wile to get a good sum of money from us as he did from the Hollanders in their last two years' trade. Both they and the Dutch have determined to withdraw their factors from Acheen the first opportunity. The French Admiral having had a licence for 20 days' trading at Tecoe, departed two months since, laden for France. The Whale and Trial have not arrived. Are compelled to send home the Star and Eagle. Invoice of the goods sent in them. 150 tons of pepper on board the Clove waiting for a ship. The James expected from Jambi. Indirect proceedings of the Dutch with their factors at Pulicat and elsewhere. The Dutch pretend there are standing debts of 60,000 pagodas, and by this trick appropriate to themselves the whole benefit of that investment. Send copies of the factors' letters from Pulicat. Instead of accommodating us with house room, they turn our factories into a cottage, and that must be the pattern for us to build by, which is clean contrary to what their masters promised. Thos. Mills' account of the charges at Pulicat, not less than 6,000 ryals a year. "So long as we live under their subjection there will be no profit reaped from any place where we are conjoined with them in their charge." Send copy of the journal kept in this factory and the general accounts up to February. They must now sit still for want of means and shipping to send to the factories; if plentiful supplies do not come in good time, they will not be able to provide lading for any of their ships, which, if it should so fall out, it will not only be the ruin of your great ships, "but also give the Dutch such an advantage in trade as we shall never be able to recover." Only the Clove in port, unserviceable until careened, and they have neither carpenters nor sheathing nails. The Unity and Fortune gone to Japara to be trimmed; the Unity will go to Pulicat and Masulipatam. There is no ship to send to Acheen. The Fortune, Bee, and White Bear only fit to go up the Jambi river, and they have no victuals for them; "it is a misery to see how near we are driven." Only 20 men left for the Clove and the junk Welcome. If officers were made strictly to account at their coming home for all they had wasted and embezzled the ships would not be in such wants as they are. Bad sailing of the Eagle; slighter ships more serviceable in these parts; the Star a good pattern, but stronger built ships needed for the voyage to England. Bad usage of the Chinese by the Dutch in Jacatra, which keeps them from trading there. Cruelties practised towards them. Death of John Davis, pilot major, in December last; his goods and will will be sent by next passage. Send accounts of all those who have died, and other accounts. Lewis Smith, John Ferrers, and Chambers, surgeon of the Supply, sent home as drunken, vicious villains. Robert Burgess, master of the Fortune, and Harris, mate of the Unity, nearly as bad. Rowe commended as a man to whom authority may safely be given. In great want of an experienced shipmaster to be general surveyor of all ships and mariners, who would reform many abuses. Scott, mate of the Anne, returned "an old man, not fit to do service." Far better to send young, lusty lads of 18 or 20, who, though no seamen, would soon learn; such the Hollanders send for soldiers and sailors. Peter Elliot, master of the Anne, recommended for some good employment. James Traughton "hath gotten language and some experience," but his small wages make him anxious to return home to better his means. Their want of authority to reward the well-deserving has lost them many able men; hope it will be remedied. The money that arrives in the chests still short. The factors in Acheen have 800 bahars of pepper in store. In great want of supplies of money, victuals, ink, paper, &c., and of a secretary. In favour of Thomas Taylor, master of the Eagle. Two Dutch ships ready to sail to Holland with pepper and prize goods; they refuse to take our letters, "which is absolutely against the Articles of Accord, but they give no regard thereunto." [Endorsed, "Received by the Star about the 26th September 1622, out of Ireland." Eleven pages and a quarter. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 1039.]
March 6.
44. Commission from President Fursland and Council to John Rowe, bound for England with the Star and Eagle, of which he is appointed the chief commander. To sail for Saldanha Bay, leave an account of their voyage there, and take letters for England. To beware of the savages who have surprised and murdered eight of the Rose's men and others. To be assisted by James Troughton and others named as council. His successor in case of death. To "carry themselves particularly kindly and lovingly" towards the Dutch, though they may have cause to "complain of wrongs and damages" from them. Signed by—Richard Fursland, Thomas Brockedon, and Aug. Spaldinge. [Two pages and a half. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 1038.]
March 6.
St. Martin's
45. Sec. Calvert to (Carleton). The States Ambassadors are still here, without doing anything more in the treaty than he acquainted him withal in his last despatch. They should have had audience of the King yesterday, but his indisposition through the pain in his foot (an infirmity which is now more familiar with him than heretofore) hindered it. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 6–8. 46. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Cases of Mrs. Wickham and Robert Owen. Owen to be paid his wages, and then, with Adam Denton, to attend the Lord Keeper and give satisfaction concerning 1,100 ryals of eight taken out of the fort at Jacatra. He is to prove that "what was brought away of the Dutch's money" "was a mere gift, and no way to be charged upon the English;" "that the Company may be discharged of it." A committee to attend the Lord Keeper. Request of Mrs. Viney for payment of Capt. Jourdain's funeral expenses; advised to forbear, lest it should lead to the discussion of other matters, "for there were 4,000 ryals missing in the chests whereof he had the charge, and never any account given of them." Petition of Jonas Viney for his uncle Capt. Jourdain's goods; also for goods given him by the Queen of Patani, refused, because they were unjustly taken by that Queen from the Company. No servant may receive presents to his own use. Other claims made by him to be considered. Burrell's account of 210l. for building the Blessing to be examined. Robinson's accounts.
March 8.—Robinson's accounts. Interview between the committee and the Lord Keeper with reference to Mrs. Wickham and one Owen, Sir Thos. Dale's man. His Lordship is fully satisfied with their proposals, and thinks they have "dealt very liberally," and is always "confident in the justice of their dealings." Letter read from Pruson for a gratuity. He saved them above 200l. last year in bolt ropes, and expects to save this year 500l. in sails and 1,000l. in cordage. Pruson's merits. Robinson defends him, and is blamed for insinuating that the Court does not look after its own interests, but encourages abuses. Pruson to "have 30l. as a thankfulness," his salary of 50l. to be continued, and to draw up a scale of proportions for sails, rigging, and masts of ships of several tonnage, that the Company may see whether they have been abused heretofore. A whole capital to be made up in pepper, &c. Francis Taylor and his sureties. Adam Denton "hath made means to some great person;" it were better, therefore, for the Company to settle with him "of themselves than that they be called to it by some superior authority." Extracts to be made from letters, &c. of "whatsoever may be of force to charge Denton in any sort." Jarrard to be warned once more about his debt, and then to be prosecuted. [Eight pages. Court Bk. V., 355–363.]
March 8.
47. Protest of William Nicolls against Governor Houtman, "delivered to the Governor the day above written." The soldiers, who ought only to have their own clothing, are allowed to have out their whole means in commodities, which they sell to the natives, to the ruin of the "sales in the shop." The Governor bought 100 slaves for goods, but compels the English to pay money for everything, who are also compelled to pay one third of 4,967 gilders for fortifications, &c. at Sabowa, which now is mere "pretence only," and serve as stores for their own shipping; their houses at Motir and Macao have been pulled down by the Governor's orders, the men abused, and one Croft beaten; Johnson also has been grossly treated at Batchian. The Dutch charge the English for things which do not concern them; their object is to waste English money and get all the trade into their own hands. [One page and a half. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 1034.]
March 9.
48. Chamberlain to Carleton. The States Ambassadors were at Theobalds this week, but could not be admitted to audience of the King. On Shrove Tuesday they were feasted by Sir Edward Cecil with that temperance that they came all sober away, as having had but six healths that went round. [Extract from Domestic Corresp. Jac. I., Vol. CXXVIII., No. 41, Cal. p. 356.]
March 9.
The Hague.
49. Sir D. Carleton to Sec. Calvert. On the 13th Feb. his nephew arrived with Calvert's letters of the 7th, in the same passage with the advocate, expressly employed by the Dutch Ambassadors in England to procure authorization from the States and Directors to submit the arbitrament of the disputes between the two Companies to the King's decision, but with restriction in the point of restitution to 50,000l.; which when he had proposed with good allowance of his Excellency and the States, and was gone to Amsterdam to treat with the Company, advertisement came from England that the King wouid not take into his hands any limited arbitrament. They esteem this a deliberation of much weight, and the whole of the 17 directors are ordered to the Hague; meanwhile the advocate has returned towards England, with orders from the States to their Ambassadors not to be so stiff touching the arresting of the first point of restitution, but to give the King's Commissioners contentment in case they will not yield to the treating of other points before it be concluded. They have here published at Amsterdam a discourse concerning their late enterprise against the Bandas, much differing from that published in England; and with this and the reports of their Ambassadors in England, they breed an opinion as if much wrong were done them, in the blame which is cast upon their men and the strict manner of proceeding with their Commissioners; this (leaving the Company to their own passions) Carleton has encountered as best he might with his Excellency and the States, whom he finds so well affected towards the continuance of the treaty, that he makes no doubt that if the Ambassadors in England swerve from reason, they will be overruled from hence, if it be known before a prejudice be settled by partial reports. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 11–15. 50. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Discussion with Pruson about his scale of rigging. He is to show proof of his judgment and skill in the next ship sent forth. Jarrard, when spoken to about his debt by the solicitor, makes "great moan" his offers not satisfactory. Whale fins to be sold by the candle next Court; 2½d. to be the first price.
March 13.—Case of Mrs. Wickham. The Court offer her 300l. for quietness sake, in full discharge of her claims. Jarrard petitions for favour. The Court does not think him deserving of it, but postpones action till Lady Day. Mrs. Viney and Jonas Viney refuse the Company's offers concerning the estate of Capt. Jourdain. Case of Mr. Salmon and his wife, late widow of Capt. Bonner, slain in the Dragon. Examination of Pruson; he is again admonished; Swanley to draw up a scale like his for sails and rigging for comparison.
March 15.—Reports of Pruson; he is to be allowed a fair trial of his skill. Petition of William and Francis Singleton in reference to the estate of their brother Thomas. Letter read from Barlow of the 1st of March, touching the maces, nutmegs, &c. taken from the English at Pooloroon and Lantar by the Dutch, who gave no direct answer, but demanded respite for eight days. Order to take out a half capital in pepper confirmed. Price of calicoes, duttees fixed. Complaint of Philip Jacob about some purchases. Some satins, tissue, and scarlet cloths laid with silver and gold, &c., turned over from the Muscovy Company, not fit to be sold at the General Court. [Nine pages. Court Bk. V., 363–371.]
March 15. 51. Minutes of a General Court of Sales. Those of the generality absent to be fined 12d. each. List of goods sold, including diamonds, pepper, bastas, duttees, and silks from Persia, with names of purchasers and the prices. [Two pages. Court Bk. V., 372–373.]
March 15.
52. Declaration of William Nicolls, in reference to a difference with General Houtman, touching accounts. [Three quarters of a page. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 1037.]
March 15/25. 53. Giles Cole to William Nicolls at Malaya. Has delivered the letters intrusted to him. The Dutch "only looked upon Moorteere" (Motir), and put to sea before he arrived. Has received from John Gonninge 300 ryals of eight, and a slave named Sallamat, valued at 95 ryals of eight, for Thomas Johnson at Batchian, and has left 10 ryals with Gonninge for a debt owing to Perry. [In a postscript Cole says he has delivered the slave and money to Thomas Johnson. One page and a quarter O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 1040.]
March 16. 54. [President Fursland and Council] to the East India Company. Hope the Star and Eagle have had a short passage. "Although time is but short since their departure (10 days) yet we have new occasions of complaints of the injuries offered us by our false friends the Hollanders." At Succadana Mr. Pirk was denied by order of the Dutch General a passage in their ship. "At Jambi the Dutch also do their best to overthrow our trade, as to their contracts for the equal division of pepper and bringing down the price; they are not ashamed to break all agreements and promises passed between us." They seek to draw all the trade to their town of Batavia, and to get all the pepper trade into their own hands. "To bring their purpose to pass they care not what it cost them, holding this maxim that although they should not get their charges by trade for two or three years' time, yet if they may work you out their cost will be well bestowed, for afterwards they will soon get it up again." The Dutch mean to set forth a fleet of 15 sail, of which seven are great ships and the rest pinnaces; their destination is unknown, but as they carry all sorts of tools and instruments for fortification we suppose it to be Mocawe (Macao ?), or some of those islands near adjoining, and failing that Cape Sperito Sancto in the Manillas, there to lie in wait for the plate ship, which comes yearly out of the South Seas. The Italian proverb is Chi tutto abbracia nulla stringe, and so it may come to pass with them for all their greatness. 400 tons of pepper on board the James, the rest of her lading expected from Indraghiri, but doubt she will arrive in England this season. At Pettapoli and elsewhere good sorts may be provided and at less charge than at Pulicat. At all places where they are under the Dutch the charges are greater, so you may please consider whether to be free from them may not be more beneficial for your trade, than to live under their subjection, and take their leavings. Bantam holds out in its old manner, no tidings of late from thence; are persuaded this Pengran will never make any accord with the Dutch. When we receive our capital we intend to make another attempt to come to some agreement with him. [Two pages. O.C., Vo. VIII., No. 1041.]
March 18. 55. Court Minutes of the East India Company. "Scandalous imputation" on the Company by the grocers as to indigo dust sold to them; "for the satisfaction of the world," a committee is appointed to examine the indigo. "The States having been with the King the day before, the Company are to attend the Lords at the counsel board that afternoon;" a committee appointed for that purpose. Indigo taken by Brettridge on security of 2,400l. in the second joint stock. How "to advance the vent of calicoes." Discussion as to the stock to be called in next year, and the Company's debts. The first stock, consisting of 400,000l., underwent the interest of 300,000l. or 400,000l., and therefore this being so great a stock, may well bear 200,000l. at interest, whereto was answered that the charge of the second is far greater than of the first, by reason of the interruption of trade, returns have been less. Proposals to lessen the charges by dissolving unprofitable factories at Japan and the like. No great quantity of calicoes to be bought at Surat, as two years' return of those goods and indigo are expected from other places this year. Sufficient stock left at Surat to lade home two ships. The charge is great, both for the Molucca trade and their 30 sail of shipping now abroad. Their resolution will depend upon the conclusion with the Dutch, or the advice from Bantam by the next ships. 20,000l. proposed to be sent yearly to Surat, and 2,000,000 ryals to Bantam. [Three pages. Court Bk. V., 374–376.]
March 19. 56. Locke to Carleton. The States had audience of the King on Sunday last [17th] in his bedchamber, and they have sat in council with the Lords twice or thrice since they were wont to do. It is thought that things will go forward well now betwixt our Commissioners and them, but yet there is nothing come to a head. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXVIII., No. 59, Cal. p. 361.]
March 20/30.
57. Thomas Johnson to [William Nicolls at Malaya]. Will endeavour to procure a general reckoning with Rowle. "For the nut trees, if I cannot have them I will teach them a trick not to bear, for now they hang so long, that they endanger our lives in falling down." Sends receipts (annexed) for 360 ryals and the slave Sallamat. [One page. O.C., Vol. VIII., No. 1042.]
March 22. 58. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Pruson delivers his scale for rigging, &c. Long discussion about the indigo. Letter read from the King requesting that all accounts may be cleared with Sir Dudley Diggs, whom he intends for service in Ireland, and a reasonable valuation of his adventures in the second joint stock be made. It was held not to be in the power of this Court to do so, but his readiness and ability to serve the Company "both with his travail and with his pen," and his watchfulness upon all the Company's occasions in the late Parliament, and His Majesty's request, were considered. His adventure is worth 4,000l., of which 2,375l. is paid; and he owes 1,500l., half of which is upon interest. Hurt chosen by ballot to succeed Richard Atkinson deceased, to pay mariners' wages, &c., with a salary of 80l. Charles Charles to be his servant. [Three pages. Court Bk. V., 376– 379.]
March 23.
59. Sir Walter Aston, the English Ambassador, to Lord Digby. About the 9/19th of this month there departed from Lisbon four caraques with a new vice-king for Goa, and in their company four tall ships of war with soldiers and a new Governor for Ormuz, which makes him believe a report lately spread in the Court, that the King of Persia quarrels with the Portuguese for what they possess in the Gulf of Persia; but the Persian having no shipping, he will doubtless be able to do little hurt to Ormuz. Sir Robert Sherley, who has been here some years with a Persian embassage, is at length despatched. Does not understand that he has concluded anything of importance but has been well entertained, and has now 1,000 ducats given him for his journey and a jewel for his wife. He goes to Rome, the Emperor's Court, Muscovia, and so to Persia by the Caspian Sea. He insists much on procuring a trade for the English East India Company out of Persia, by the Caspian Sea, the Volga, and through the Muscovite's country, and says he will himself write to the King. [Extract from Spanish Correspondence.]
March 24.
60. Sec. Calvert to Carleton. We have in a manner agreed upon the first article with the States Ambassadors concerning the restitution of the goods brought into Holland, if the merchants can agree amongst themselves of the value and of the moneys made upon the sale, which is their work and not the Commissioners. I hope we shall next week proceed to another and find less difficulties now the ice is broken. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 25.
The Hague.
61. Carleton to Calvert. The 17 Directors of the East India Company appeared here, but made no stay. They remain at Amsterdam by order of the States until, after news of their Ambassadors' audience with the King (which they now expect hourly), they have deliberated of their further proceedings. Meanwhile nothing is done either there or here in that business. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 27. 62. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Adam Denton desires an end of his differences with the Company. Growing impatient at the various charges made against him, he demands a list of them in writing; which is granted. Sir Dudley Diggs requests that his petition for the sinking of his adventure may be referred to a General Court. He is to be allowed the 300l. given him as "a gratification for his late service in the Low Countries." Offer for indigo dust. The Governor sent for to attend the Lord Admiral. He requests that some of the committees may accompany him, and that Mr. Treasurer Stone and the rest will hear the petitioners attending without. [Three pages. Court Bk. V., 380–382.]
March 28./April 7.
63. Mathew Slade to Carleton. The 17 (Dutch Directors) returned from the Hague not well contented with the States order which, notwithstanding they have sent to their Commissioner in England, and having refused to consider what Mr. Barlow propounded on behalf of his masters, are departed hence. They to whom Slade has spoken, made show of great desire to compound, saying that they know that this difference will otherwise turn to their ruin, but in their meetings there appeareth much obstinacy. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
March 28 to May 28. 64. Abstract of what passed in the treaty in England betwixt the States Ambassadors and his Majesty's Commissioners, from the 28 of March to the 28 of May 1622.
March 28.—This day, after his Majesty had given audience to the States, the Commissioners proceeded in the treaty. The first thing spoken of: the principal sum of the goods brought into Holland, not agreed upon in respect of interest demanded by our men; ordered that the merchants meet and agree if they can, if not to be referred to the Commissioners. This point of restitution at an end, the Dutch exhibit a paper of the taking of the Black Lion for our merchants to answer.
April 1, 2, and 4.—The question of the price of the pepper brought into Holland, and whether sold at a full price discussed (on these three days), the merchants on both sides deliver in their papers, but no accommodation being made "upon this difference, the treaty breaks off."
April 11.—The States having addressed themselves to his Majesty upon the difficulty they found for any further proceeding in the treaty, he commands his Commissioners to proceed further "being in great hope and assurance, &c.," and the point in question is suspended. The taking of the Black Lion by four English ships the next question. The papers to be translated. The King commands my Lord (President ?) to move about the trade of tin. The proposition touching the liberty of commerce is new unto them; they have power to handle it, but it overthrows the fundamental laws of their State, and they hope the King will innovate nothing in it.
April 15.—The papers reciprocally delivered by way of complaint; answer and reply will best show the state of the treaty touching the Black Lion. Time taken by us to answer their reply.
April 29.—The answer to their paper this day read. Complaint made of songs against the States, &c. Care has been taken to suppress a book printing concerning the insolencies of the Dutch, but on the other side there come daily such scandalous books out of Holland, both against the State and Government, as is not sufferable. The cause of this liberty of our merchants in their last paper comes from the Commissioners, for when our merchants used an unseemly word my Lords reproved them for it and caused them to tear their paper in their presence, but at their last meeting, when their paper contained many scandalous words, they never reproved them for it.
April 30 and May 2.—The fact of the restitution of the Black Lion being agreed upon, the meaning of the words "en effect" is disputed, we maintaining that the Black Lion came not effectually because we were none the richer for it, and the other side that it came effectually, that is really, because it was in our hands 22 days, and that the word was put in to distinguish between goods perishing in fight and those that came really to us.
May 7, 8, 10.—Being so unfortunate as not to agree about the interpretation of "en effect," they had recourse to the King, who referred the resolution of that point. Then the particulars of the loss of our ships were read and the paper delivered in by our merchants. All ships ought to be delivered by the treaty; some have been restored, some refused. The arrival of the Bull in the Indies certified by Derick, Basse, and Borell to be a sufficient and absolute publication of the treaty, whereupon the ships ought to have been restored. Arguments whether the publication of the treaty could be made in the Indies before the ratification arrived there. Agreed according to the article of answer of Derick, Basse, and Borell. The Swan is confessed, and the Defence came to them. The Dutch deny that demand was ever made for the ships, but our merchants allege that it was, though the publication of the treaty was a sufficient demand, by the testimony of the factors who made it, and by the answer of Coen himself. The Bear demanded in August last, but denied; the Sampson demanded, but denied; the Attendance in the public service of both Companies.
May 15.—This day spent in examination of proofs showed by the English in demanding the Bear, Dragon, Sampson, and Attendance. The Lords think them sufficient, and give their reasons. The Dutch cannot admit the publication of the treaty to have been a sufficient demand; the Defence, Solomon, and Attendance were abandoned, the Star and Swan restored in the Indies, the Expedition lost on the cable of the Great James, the Dragon refused because spoiled, but the Bear, Sampson, and Hound it is equitable should be restored.
May 23.—The States acknowledge the writing of the English merchants to be just, but deny it contains any sufficient demand for restitution of ships. Our merchants do not know of any agreement made for a day fixed for the publication.
May 28.—My Lords maintain that the publication of the treaty was a sufficient demand for restitution. The States that to demand the execution of the treaty is not to demand the restitution of the ships. The Lord Treasurer that by the publication of the treaty the ships are to be delivered. Lord Hamilton that General Coen's answer implies a demand was made, and a man now in England will swear the demand of the ships was made upon the arrival of the Bull. This having been so long in debate, and made so plain, to lay it by now were to dispute much and do nothing, but if it be accorded the States shall find the merchants overruled. The States wish the merchants to confer, but they having interest are not expected to agree when the Lords that are indifferent cannot agree. [Eleven pages. In the handwriting of Thos. Locke, endorsed as above by Carleton. East Indies, Vol. II., No. 17.]
[N.B.—After this the English Commissioners and the Dutch Ambassadors came to a stand (see No. 95), but again met on 10 July (No. 112), there having been in the meantime "divers parleys" between the merchants (No. 108). They came, however, to another stand on 29 July (No. 116), and two days afterwards the negotiations were quite broken off (No. 117). So the King commanded Sir Ed. Conway to endeavour to renew the treaty, and after the lapse of about a month points of accommodation were debated before the King on 15 Sept., upon which negotiations were renewed between the English Commissioners and the Dutch Ambassadors. The several points discussed and the arguments that were urged on both sides—not a single paper having a date—are calendared and placed all together at p. 80 et seq. The several reports of the English Lords Commissioners to the King on the issue of these negotiations will be found calendared, see Nos. 165, 167, 178, 187.]
March 29. 65. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Discussion on Sir Dudley Diggs' case. "For their respect to the merit of the gentleman," he is to have the 300l. gratification (which otherwise might have been swallowed up by his debt), and to give bond for the payment of principal and interest of his debt "at a year's day." Richard Atkinson's accounts to be audited at once, that his widow may "deliver into the Court of Orphans" a perfect inventory of his estate. Discussion as to the stock to be brought in next year. As much needed as last. They owe 170,000l. odd, besides 100,000l. on the old joint stock to be paid by four half-yearly payments. Half a capital must be brought in, or the treasurers threaten to resign. The matter not to be debated at a General Court, as its necessity is indisputable; yet for the "more grace" and authenticity of the business it is to be decided at a full Court. Motion for raising the price of indigo, as "being a business of great consequence," referred to a fuller Court, meantime none to be sold. Complaint of the biscuit baker contractors; owing to the badness of last year's wheat, and the dearness of old wheat, they have lost greatly on their contract. [Three pages. Court Bk. V., 383–385.]
March 29. 66. Sir John Wolstenholme, Sir Nic. Fortescue, and others to Sir Clement Edmondes. Prices that should be allowed for iron ordnance and shot, and which the East India Company have paid of late years. Think 9l. per ton for all above demi-culverins and 10l. per ton for all under, an indifferent price. [Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXVIII., No. 94, Cal. p. 365.]
March 30.
67. Chamberlain to Carleton. The States have been with the King twice or thrice, and with the Privy Council oftener. Hears the [Dutch] East India ship that was stayed is restored, and he blamed that took her, and his commission taken from him. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXVIII., No. 96, Cal. p. 365.]
March 31.
68. Robert Barlow to Carleton. Since the Dutch Commissioners' audience of the King there have been several meetings, one of the greatest points of importance being as good as agreed upon, viz., concerning the restitution of those goods which the Dutch had brought hither and sold. Having made a beginning there is no doubt but there will be a good end, and that our Company shall have reasonable good satisfaction for their damages. Understands that the Marquis Hamilton and Mons. Aerssens were the men that laboured most to bring out this good beginning. It gives the Company here good content to hear what passes in England concerning their business, and they say this being once ended they hope hereafter there shall never be the like occasion of breach, that in every point they will perform the contract and not enrich themselves any way by any goods taken from the English Company, saying there hath been errors committed on both sides, which if should long continue would prove the subversion of both the Companies. [Holland Corresp.]