East Indies: August 1624, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.

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'East Indies: August 1624, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp357-369 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'East Indies: August 1624, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp357-369.

"East Indies: August 1624, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1878), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp357-369.

August 1624, 11-20

Aug. 11. 554. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning Mr. Spaldinge's business. A good parcel of coral to be written for to Marseilles for the Company's use. Mr. Governor acquainted the Court that himself, with some of the committees, are warned to attend the Lords at Whitehall in the afternoon concerning, he conceives, Sir Robert Sherley and the great offers he makes to the State of the trade of Persia, and particularly of their silks; the Lords to be told, if pressed to a full answer, that the Company have a ship upon the coast with letters from Persia from their factors, whereby will appear what good is to be done better than by the information of Sir Robert Sherley or Steele; but first to lay down the condition wherein the Company stands, that if there be not a real and present redress, the trade to the Indies is at an end. Letter read from the East India Company in Holland, dated July28/Aug6, 1624, "wherein is excused the butchering of the English in Amboyna, under pretext of justice, supposing they had a plot of betraying the castle and joining with the natives against the Dutch." This their manner of writing was held but a forerunner of some more ample justification of the fact to follow his Majesty, and an answer thereto was read, and thought fit to be sent to them, and "though it be not without some bitterness, yet this manner of smoothing so great a wickedness was thought to deserve it, and the rather because this letter of the Mayors doth second a book lately set forth, wherein is forged a justification of the fact of Amboyna to have been performed with much lenity;" to which book there is an answer now in framing, and so much the less haste made that it may be the more advisedly done and pinch home; but whereas theirs comes forth unavowed, this shall have the avow of the Company. The answer to the Mayors letter not to be sent before Saturday next. Suit of [Rich.] Welden for a hearing and an end of his business, but the Court conceived there were several things to be considered (see ante, No. 539); then was read a petition from him expressing his services and extenuating his errors; also a petition from John Powell setting down that Welden detained from him goods and slaves to the value of 446 ryals; also that he and one Sherrock were imprisoned by command of said Welden only for reporting truly the cruelty of the Dutch towards them and others at Amboyna; and further, that at Booton he so far gave countenance to the murder of the English, that at a feast made by him for certain Dutch there, he caused a health to Van Speult to be drunk round, and "five chambers to be shot off." To this Welden answered, that he did entertain some Dutch in his company, but without any other meaning on his part than ordinary courtesy, and that he never held speech with the Dutch, only they required his subscription to a writing, but it was of no moment and therefore he consented. The Court was much moved that a prime servant of theirs in such a case should subscribe, whereupon Welden produced a copy out of his pocket, "which was so penned as it had neither head nor foot." The Court, "admiring his want of discretion," demanded whether he had not been at that time overtaken with drink; whereto he answered that he was far from being in any such case, but he durst not do otherwise while he was among them; that he had no particular respect for Van Speult, but that he was to go to Jacatra, where the power of the Dutch is above the English. For the diamonds, he confessed one to have been given him by Van Speult the night before he came away, with certain counterfeit stones, no other than "Bristowe diamonds." The Court held it a strange impudency in him to deny to have [had] inward correspondency with the Dutch, and Mr. Governor told him the Company is utterly unsatisfied of his account, and for his behaviour with the Dutch, "they hold it fit for another place." Powell's petition confirmed by Ramsey, another of the Company's servants. Request of Nicholas Gerrard, surety for Mr. Halsey, for respite of payment of 150l. The Court then returned to the consideration of the business of Welden, "whose carriage appeared to have been so foul towards the English under his charge as bred a great detestation towards him," and who, instead of comforts after so grievous sufferings, "rewarded them with imprisonment, blows, and hard speeches, to their utter discouragement;" being asked whether in his conscience he thought the execution done upon the English just, made answer, "he held it to be most unjust, and that they had suffered innocently." It was also remembered that after the great expense of powder, wherein he would have it believed the Dutch exceeded without his order, "he added yet more shooting at Booton, to do honor to him that hath both plotted and executed so much bloody tyranny upon our people." In the end Mr. Governor told him again that they will pass over the business of the junk, but for the rest his answer satisfies not; for the 800 ryals, none could have them but he; the Dutch required them and the Company hath paid them; for the powder they expect payment, and for his other demeanour towards the Company he shall hear further. [Five pages. Court Minute Book, VII., pp. 60–65.]
Aug. 11.
The Hague.
555. Carleton to Sec. Conway. Has been drawn on by the States from day to day in the business of Amboyna, but this being the eve of the day fixed by the King for their final resolution, he could delay the despatch no longer. Has delivered his proposition to the President, the Count of Gulenberg [see ante, No. 548]. Perceives the States rely much on a letter they have written to the King, but told them foul deeds could not be satisfied by fair words. They have ordained a placard against the pamphlet, and the generality of them— the Prince of Orange in particular—are as much offended at this accident "as we ourselves." More time is requisite than he imagined at first. Upon closing this despatch the placard has come out, and the States have sent a message that their Deputies will come to him in the evening, so will stay his messenger as long as may be. [Three pages. Holland Corresp.] Incloses,
555. I. Placard of the States General, against a pamphlet entitled, "The true relation of the tidings which came out of the East Indies by the pinnace called the Hare (which arrived at the Texel in June 1624), concerning the conspiracy which was discovered in the Islands of Amboyna, &c.," declaring it to be "a scandalous and senseless libel, the author whereof, as also the printers, sellers, and dispersers, ought to be punished;" requiring all justices and officers to make diligent inquiry after and proceed against them; and promising a reward of 400 guilders to whomsoever shall produce the author or printer. Printed, Dutch. [Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 11. 556. Draft of the proposition above referred to, with corrections by Carleton, calendared ante No. 548. Endorsed, "Copy of the proposition my Lord Ambassador made in the States Assembly the 17 Aug. 1624 sto no touching the execution of some Englishmen at Amboyna, and presented the C. of Gulenburgh in writing the 10th." [Holland Correspond.]
Aug. 11. 557. Carleton to Sec. Conway. The Deputies have been with him again to declare that they have compared the writings Carleton gave them with their men's, and find much contrarity; so as absolutely to condemn their men without further trial they cannot; but if the informations of the English be true, they will use exemplary punishment upon the Governor of Amboyna, his Council, and upon all who have had their hand in the fact. For the search and knowledge thereof they will give precise order, and desire his Majesty's subjects in the Indies may conjoin with theirs, and (these informations proving true) have execution done either there or in Europe. This they promise, to bring Carleton in a formal act on paper, to be sent to the King; if his Majesty can advise any other way of proceeding more to his satisfaction, he may please to make it known, for they are in a good disposition to yield to reason. This is by way of postscript to his despatch of this day. [One page. Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 11.
The Hague.
558. Carleton to Sec. Calvert. Has his hands as full of as tough a piece of work as he ever had in his life about the bloody business of Amboyna, which we must not suffer to be washed away with words, and how to come to deeds we know not at such a distance, and therefore are much confused. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 11.
The Hague.
559. Carleton to Barlow. Has received his letter, and copies of the pamphlet, which are this day very common here. Sends copy of a placard brought to him by the States Deputies. Barlow will do well to make inquiry both after author and printer. Hears from Mr. Abbott the States have a jealousy this plot was hatched at Amsterdam. They have this day declared to Carleton, that in case the informations of the English prove true, "they will not only do exemplary justice on the Governor of Amboyna, but all his bloody council, and whosoever else had a hand in that fact." Knows not what to advise concerning the publishing of "our men's informations," but he recommends him first to have the advice of the East India Company and in the meantime to have translations made [of the placard] both in English and French. Incloses,
559. I. The placard in Dutch above referred to, see calendared ante No. 555 I.
559. ii. MS. English translation of the preceding. [Two pages and a half. Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 13. 560. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Request of Mary Cockayne for a meeting of the arbitrators in her case. Provision of the very best powder that can be got for money to be written for from "Danske," and Hamborough. Motion to hasten away the pinnace for Jacatra, for there is another small ship to be sent, by which the Company may send their resolution upon their affairs in the Indies. Satins and broad cloths to be provided; the satins to be bought at Frankfort mart. Examination of Augustine Spaldinge, late one of the Company's prime factors, charged with private trade, who the Company finds to have been a bad servant. On his return from a former voyage they were contented to believe his protestations and promises of amendment and employ him again, but he returns now in far worse condition than before, laden with the spoils of the Company and an estate of 3,000l. or 4,000l., whereas the trade allows not the adventurer his own. He said he used no private trade, to which was replied, "that if he did not he must then steal," and it will be proved that he having a stock of the Company's in hand, employed part thereof to his own private benefit. In the end the Court told him that his obstinate denial of all things will force the Company to maintain their right, whereas, others who had confessed their faults have had no cause to repent their so doing. Isaac Crowther to be examined concerning the matter in some Court of Record; and Mr. Ellham to draw Spaldinge's accusations to a head against Wednesday next. Mr. Governor reported that he with Mr. Deputy and others had attended the Lords according to their pleasure concerning a project propounded by Sir Robert Sherley to draw the whole trade of silk of Persia this way to the value of many millions, and had satisfied the Board that all the silk that vends in Christendom does not amount to one million; that there is little probability that Sir Robert should have any authentic power out of Persia to negociate as an Ambassador, the circumstances of time and the shutting of all passage overland considered; that if there were any possibility of doing good by other ways than have been already found, the merchant would for his gain find it out, neither is it probable that Sir Robt. Sherley or Steele whose hand is in this project can come near the Company in getting intelligence from those parts, forasmuch as the Company employ thither the ablest men they can get; and that they have a ship on this coast with letters from the King of Persia to his Majesty upon this subject, and having received those letters and other relations they will then be better able to make full answer to what is propounded. Meantime they made their Lordships' acquainted, that though they have with extreme charge settled a factory at Ormuz, the Hollander hath been there and practised upon the natives to gain both the place and the trade to themselves. The Lords declared that his Majesty's resolution is to right his subjects upon the Dutch and (they) spake otherwise comfortably concerning the India trade. Petitions of divers persons who came home without leave, for wages; no haste to be made of paying them at all, but for the present to have recourse to the Admiralty to procure some punishment upon them as runaways. Petition of Ralph Moore who was driven upon a savage coast where he endured a heavy slavery, (see ante, No. 536), referred to a fuller Court. One month's extra pay (according to former order) to be given to divers persons yet unpaid, for their service in the Manilla Fleet. [Ten pages and a quarter. Court Minute Book, VII., pp. 65–75.]
Aug. 14. 561. Morris Abbott, Governor, Christopher Clitherow, Deputy, and James Cambell, Edward Allen, Ro. Ducie, Nic. Leatt, and Ant. Abdi, Committees of East India Company, to Carleton. Refer to their letter of the 7th present, and send copy of letters from the Mayors in Holland, with their answer, and a journal of one of their servants at Banda, whereby he may discern in what servile conditions our people live under the Dutch, and their cruelties to the Pooloroonese. There are come over and dispersed here, divers of their printed books, in justification of their bloody proceedings. The business is now wholly in the King's hands, from whom they have received comfort and encouragement to follow the trade, "but until it shall appear by effect what is intended, this Company will by no means proceed any further, so as now the upholding or abandoning the trade rests wholly in his Majesty and the State whose pleasure therein we attend as becomes us." Inclose,
561. I. Derick Bas Cr. Witt, H. Schellinger, Simon Jacobs, Lewis de Beq, and Elias Tripp, Mayors of the Netherlands East India Company, to the Governor and Committees of the English East India Company. Honorable, wise, prudent, and discreet Sirs, We have to our great grief understood, that by reason of a conspiracy of some of your Worships' servants in Amboyna, our people there were forced by way of justice to prevent their purpose, and to proceed against the same. By reason whereof, both your Worships and we have good cause to condole each other, considering that by means of such attempts both Companies or their servants there, may be much prejudiced in their mutual friendship and good correspondence so necessary to be maintained there each towards other, except your Worships and we here in Europe do both put our helping hands to all that may be found fitting, just, and reasonable. And for that we are given to understand that many strange misconstructions are cast abroad there in England, as well in Court as other places, as if so be our people had proceeded unjustly therein; we intreat that your worships will not so take the same, being that by the acts and passages of the said process, and all other matters thereto appertaining may well appear the just truth, whereby all other contrary misconceits must consequently surcease. Our intent is, that in no manner of wise, any trouble, molestation or injury be done to any the meanest of your servants in the Indies unjustly, but much rather that they (behaving themselves like good friends and allies) do enjoy all security and friendship according to the treaty. And when also any of ours shall omit or contravent the same, they can best in reason be punished by us, and reparation made, both in the persons and goods of such offenders. (if any such happen to be) to the performance whereof in such case, we shall all willingly lay to our helping hands, so far as our understanding and power may stretch unto. We have already begun to inform the High and Mighty the Lords States of the state of the whole business, which we hope will take effect, to the contentment of all in the world that are lovers of uprightness and justice. In the meanwhile, we friendly entreat, that nothing through any prejudicate opinion, be done or informed by your Worships' means against the same, that may tend to the exaggerating of the proceedings passed in Amboyna, until such time as the King's Majesty be informed by the Lords the States of the truth of the same in all sincerity, considering that none can have better intelligence thereof than the Company, neither shall any with less partiality desire willingly either to make amends or punish the excess (if there were any), then the said our Company, which it may please your Worships to have in consideration. Intreating that we may receive your friendly answer hereto by the very next. Herewithall, Honourable, wise, prudent, and discreet Sirs, we great you heartily and commit you to the Almighty. From the Chamber of the Mayors of the United East India Company of the Netherlands. Your Worships' good friends. Signed as above. Amsterdam, 6 August 1624, N.S. [One page. Corresp. Holland.]
561. II. The East India Company to the Mayors of the Dutch Company. Right worshipful, worthy, and prudent Sirs, We had well hoped that your Worships, out of your love to justice and desire of the continuance of the ancient amity between our nation and yours, as also of that especial and near conjunction of late entred between our and your Companies, would have so taken to heart that late most odious and execrable practice of your people at Amboyna, whereby they not only involved ours there in a false and forged, yea in an impossible crime, but withall forced them by barbarous, inhuman, and unheard of tortures to confess that whereof they were innocent, and then dispatched them with a reproachful death, that you would of your selves, without our motion or instigation have taken some speedy and effectual course for the due expiation of so damnable and unexampled an abuse of sacred justice. But by your Worships' letter unto us of the sixth of August stilo novo, we understand to our great grief and admiration, that by a kind of skilful conveyance of well conceived words, your Worships go about not to excuse or extenuate, but to justify and aver, an act never to be named nor thought upon without horror and shame of all mankind, much more of Christians, and those professing the same true religion; further persuading us to believe that the Acts of Process enregistered by the actors of so hellish a device, are the infallible rule and touchstone to discover the truth of this infernal stratagem, and that your Worships, who have already undertaken the defence thereof, will be the most commodious and competent revengers of the same; albeit (as you know) in matters of far less moment, we have now lately intimated our just complaints unto your Worships, eight months together, without redress or almost any audience therein. As for your Worships' request that we would not exaggerate anything, but expect until the Lords States General, having received information from your Worships (who affirm to have the best intelligence herein), shall have first informed his Majesty, although there be nothing as yet published in print on our party as there hath been of yours, yet we must confess we have already, and long before the receipt of this letter from your Worships, presented in writing our so just and intollerable griefs unto his Majesty's most sacred hands and consideration; yet altogether without aggravation in a true and naked narration of the passages, grounded (we doubt not to affirm it) upon surer evidence than any your Worships have received, or than can be expected from your people, who having committed this parricide, have (doubtless), done what they could to make way for the easy defence of the same. But the God of truth and light never faileth to leave some way and means to discover and unmask such odious and inhuman works of darkness. Pardon (we beseech you) if, being thus insufferably grieved, we cannot dissemble the same, but utter it plainly unto your Worships, who, if you truly condole with us, as your letter courteously professeth, will (we hope and earnestly request the same) so manage your part of this affair, that you will not only forbear to hinder the discovery of the truth, and the due amends of so foul a fact, but do your best furtherance, both to the one and the other, that so you may give a proof unto the world, of your true detestation of so horrible and abominable proceedings, and that yourselves were far from giving any such direction, as may have been any occasion or encouragement thereunto. Even so recommending our love and kind offices unto your Worships, we commit you to the gracious protection of the Almighty. Your Worships' loving friends. London, 14 Aug. 1624. Copies in Dutch and English. [Three pages. Holland Corresp., also East Indies, Vol. III., Nos. 28, 29.]
Aug. 14. 562. Locke to Carleton. Sir Robt. Sherley proposed in Council last week some things concerning the East India Company. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CLXXI., No. 48, Cal., p. 326.]
Aug. 15.
563. Barlow to Carleton. His letter of the 11th, with proclamation received two days past. The books have not been proclaimed, only the bookbinders will not sell any more. Has set one a work to see if it be possible to find out the printer, for if he were met with, the author would soon be found. Assures himself Boreel is the man. This proclamation hath much crossed the Bewinthebbers design, and they make solemn protestations that they have no hand in their Governor's fact of Amboyna. Hopes the relation of the six men will prove true. It is well nothing of ours was in print; will follow his good advice to be sparing therein, and has advised the Company thereof. Arrival of a ship from the last West India fleet; no one is suffered to land until the Company have fetched their letters. [One page. Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 16.
From my house at "Twore Heell" (Tower Hill).
564. Sir Robert Sherley to Lords of the Council. Has expected, according to his Majesty's commands, their Lordships' determination concerning the great business of Persia, by him propounded seven months since at his audience at Newmarket. If the business be not undertaken in time, how prejudicial it will be to his master the King of Persia's expectation and his own reputation, both here and there. Desires their Lordships' favour in sudden resolution, the rather that if the ships be not ready in February next, a whole year is lost. Intends to wait till Thursday, and then to meet his Majesty at Woodstock, where he hopes to find their resolutions, if he carries them not with him. Endorsed, "A letter to the Lords from the Persian Ambassador." [One page and a half. East Indies, Vol. III., No. 30.]
Aug. 16.
565. Commission and Instructions from the President and Council of Defence to Richard Bix, for the intended project on the island of Pulo-Bessee. That the Charles proceed thither to survey whether it be a fitting place for plantation; that he be chief, and Capt. Swan and Robert Hayes his council. On their arrival at "this uninhabited island" to take possession, and fortify in the securest part; the ship is provided with labouring tools for houses, ordnance and artillery for defence, with blacks to labour, and soldiers to defend, and most experienced men to direct military discipline and fortifications. Instructions for government, and how to draw the pepper trade from Bantam. Several sorts of goods are sent, that each comer may be accommodated. If the Pengran or any other seem to mistrust their plantation, he must endeavour to give them satisfaction by demonstrating that their coming is only as merchants, peaceably, to buy their commodities and furnish what they want. That they come not with wives and children to seek an habitation; "for in our own country and under our own King we live so happily and in peace, that none of us desire to be in these parts otherwise than from voyage to voyage;" neither have they any reason for fortification on this poor island, save for security from fire's fury and the violence of enemies. That their chief trade is intended to be at Bantam; but if the Pengran by force assail them, they shall with their utmost forces maintain their plantation. Directions: "If our allies the Dutch seek to affront you, it will be either in Judas his kindness to undermine you, or with Sampson's firebrands to provoke you." Any misunderstanding which the Council of Defence cannot determine is by the 30th article of the Agreement of 1619 to be referred into Europe. If the Dutch actually assault them, to defend themselves "as from pirates;" but being overmatched, "to show your white flag, and make the best composition you can." On his arrival, to publish, with some ceremony fitting in the name of the King, his possession of those islands; but if opposed by any Dutch ship, to make no forcible resistance, but with protest leave it for the Council of Defence. As the island is far more commodiously seated than Batavia, to invite and retain any English ships which may arrive, for the uniting of their forces will countenance and secure their plantation. Instructions for buildings. Since finishing the premises the Dutch have dispeeded sundry ships towards the west, especially two, wherein it is reported that 150 soldiers secretly embarked in the dead of night. These preparations move them to mistrust that their secret intentions are made public, and that the Dutch intend to intercept their possession of Bessy. In such case, if the Dutch have taken possession, to act as before instructed, and search for some other convenient place; but if he find no place of conveniency, to anchor in Bantam road for trade, which if the Dutch oppose, he shall only inform himself of their intents, and so protesting against them return. Signed by Thos. Brockedon, Hen. Hawley, and John Goninge. [Five pages and a half. O.C., Vol. X., No. 1163.]
Aug. 18–20. 566. Court Minutes of the East India Company. "Cannara" wine to be provided for the Swallow. Information that Sir Henry Marten has given direction that two or three of those that came home without leave shall be warned before him, to be made examples of. Petition of Ralph Moore considered (see ante, No. 560); the Court "took pity of the man," pardoned his debt for his ransom, and rewarded him with 10l. more. Sir Robert Sherley's project, offered to his Majesty in the name of the King of Persia, as his ambassador, is read: he first propounds an aid of 20,000 or 35,000 (sic) soldiers to the English in those parts; secondly, the whole trade of silk of Persia to be brought to England in English bottoms, &c., with other conditions, whereof some are not feasible and others inconvenient, purposely omitted here, "being entered in a book apart amongst other minutes of this year;" Mr. Governor and the rest are entreated to go again to the Lords with the answer in writing (see No. 571). Concerning a debt of Mr. Vivian to the Company, for which Mr. Bagwell is one of the sureties. Further complaint of Mr. Lanman of the ill-keeping of the warehouse books; the Court considering that Edward Lee has overmuch to do, ordered Mr. Waytes to undertake those books. Mr. Deputy and others to attend the King at Woodstock forthwith, first to present him with two letters from the King of Persia; secondly, to carry with them and acquaint his Majesty with the Mayors letter and the printed book, translated, that came over in Dutch, concerning the business of Amboyna; and lastly, to beseech his Majesty to have reparation by the stay of the Dutch ships now expected out of the Indies. A General Court to be warned for next Friday; Mr. Lanman in the meantime to cast up whether the pepper now come home in the Dolphin, with other remains, will make up the eighth half-capital. Offer made to buy all the calicoes in this ship, but the Court would not be too sudden in the sale. Complaint of the auditors, who are troubled at the greatness of interest; Mr. Governor has encouraged them to bring it to this Court, "having a settled resolution to deliver the Company of interest." Forty pieces of choice Florence or Bologna satins to be bought for the Indies, two thirds crimson and one third green.
Aug. 20.—The heads of the several occasions of the journey to Woodstock to his Majesty read, viz.:—1. The delivery of the Persian letters that came in the Dolphin. 2. To show the letter of the Mayors justifying the fact of Amboyna. 3. To move for the printing of the declaration set down by this Company concerning Amboyna, not in the nature of a libel, as the Dutch have done theirs, and therefore is called in, but with the "avow" of the Company. 4. To move for stay of the Dutch Company's ships, now daily expected in the Narrow Seas. Ordered that a General Court be warned for next Friday afternoon, and tickets to be left by Grimstone at the houses of those who are not at home to be spoken withal. The auditors to be heard concerning the Company's debts at the next sitting. Motion by Mr. Jackson on behalf of Mr. Spaldinge, to end all question between the Company and Spaldinge by arbitration. The Lords not having sat when the committee attended with the Company's answer to Sir Robt. Sherley's project (see No. 571), the Secretary delivered same, according to instructions, to Lord Grandison at Battersea. Mr. Waytes, one of the auditors, presented the Dutch proclamation wherein the book written in justification of the fact of Amboyna is called in, with other pieces, translated into English out of several languages, all which were delivered to those who were to attend the King at Woodstock. Report by a committee that according to order they had consulted Dr. Reeve, a civilian, with the state of the business between the Company and Spaldinge, and that he advised the Company to enter an action in the Admiralty against Spaldinge of 5,000l. for private trade, and acquaint Sir Henry Marten therewith, and that he as the King's advocate would also enter an action against Spaldinge in the King's name, and to be sudden in entering their action, lest Spaldinge get the start of them and make himself plaintiff, whereby he shall gain advantage in the suit; Mr. Browne to see the action entered same day. [Seven pages. Court Minute Book, VII., pp. 75–82.]
Aug. 20.
The Hague.
567. Carleton to Sec. Conway. The States' Deputies sent him on the 14th, as promised, a writing of their resolution of the business of Amboyna, with copy of their letter to the King of the 2nd (see No. 535), but he found neither of them approach to what he gathers would be satisfactory to the King, Lords, or English Company. Therefore he assembled the best of his poor spirits and presented yesterday to the States the enclosed memorials, super totam materiem, with this protest, that it proceeded only of himself, and that he took this liberty because they continued their professions of good intentions, and would do his uttermost, but otherwise left them to the King's just indignation. They promised to put his reply in deliberation in their Assembly, but went first to the Prince of Orange, who agreed to have the business driven forward from words to deeds. The Prince encouraged in this by the comfort his Majesty gave him of his affection, of which he never had more need, the enemy having begun a siege of Breda. Carleton has written in the margin, "Three writings to go with this letter." [Three pages.] Incloses,
567. I. Declaration of the States General touching the fact of Amboyna. Since their former despatch to the King of the 2/12 pres. they have taken into fresh consideration, at the repeated requisition of Carleton, the "complaints and informations" of the English East India Company, and declare sincerely that they greatly desired to have been able to find sufficient proofs in said papers on which to come to a final decision on the difference in question, so as either to justify or disapprove of the things which passed at Amboyna, according to truth and equity. But as the writings which have been produced on either side vary, not only as to the form of the pretended execution, but also as to the subject and even the cause—the one maintaining there was a conspiracy, the other not; the one that part of the confessions were free and the rest with slight constraint, and the other that they were all extorted by the most grievous tortures—everything is so much enveloped in doubt and contradiction that it is impossible for them to proceed without further information. Desire that his Majesty will give orders by a special commission to have true and good (veritable et bonne) information taken in Amboyna of the whole affair, and promise that in case the things described in the writings of the English Company prove true, that there shall be such severe punishment as the enormity of the excess deserves. Also that his Majesty will cease from any further deliberation which may interrupt the freedom of their trade and affairs, since on their part they have been careful to prevent, even by public placard, anything which might cause jealousy of their good intentions. Hope the King will be contented with this provisional declaration, and desire the Ambassador (Carleton) will lend a helping hand. The Hague, 23 Aug. 1624 (N.S.). French. [Two pages and a half. Holland Corresp.]
567. II. Memorial presented by Sir Dudley Carleton to the States General. Finds their letter to himself of 13/23 prest. and that to the King of 2/12 pres. to be the same in effect, and that it is not a satisfactory response to his own proposition of the 7/17, which treated of two points, the one accessory, the other principal. The accessory was the libel, which, as he requested, they have decried by placard. The principal was a declaration of their sense of the fact of Amboyna, and a public assurance to his Majesty of their doing exemplary justice and establishing such a government in the Indies as would satisfy the King's honour and secure the persons and goods of his Majesty's subjects there. He can, however, discover nothing in their letter but a good intention. Replies to their excuses of want of sufficient proofs for forming a final decision on the differences in question. An agent, with nine others of the English, are seized, imprisoned, and put to death for a pretended treason, without even communicating with the Council of Defence or asking advice of the General and Council of the Netherlands Company; does not this fact alone merit the declaration required? The waiting for information will require two voyages to the Indies, and it is too much in an affair so bloody to presume on his Majesty's patience for three or four years. Besides, their requisition to his Majesty to assist their inquiry will be judged impertinent, for it will be difficult to find men who will run headlong into the clutches of those who have so inhumanly mangled their companions. Let them maturely consider and take some categorical resolution in conformity with their reiterated demonstration of good inclination, seeing that so much blood so savagely shed cannot be washed out by a torrent of words and vague promises. Has once more conferred with their deputies, so as to give them a means of escape from their difficulties and from an interruption of their alliance with his Majesty. When they really set themselves to work to make reparation the King will proceed no further against them; but in default they will find that he will seek by all possible means to make them know that he cannot suffer such an outrage. 17/27 Aug. 1624. French. [Three pages and a half. Holland Corresp.]
567. III. "Memorial of such points as are necessary to be inserted in the States declaration touching the business of Amboyna." 1. That the States condemn the deed as cruel, violent, and precipitate. 2. That they declare their resolution that the severity of the punishment shall be equal to the enormity of such an excess. 3. That they will appoint a special commission to take information in the Indies, and that the authors of the deed shall be conducted to Jacatra or to Europe if his Majesty is not content to have them punished in Amboyna. And in case the King send a deputation on his part, that the States be responsible for their safety. 4. That all be managed with discretion and silence for the reasons given. 5. That they beseech his Majesty not to allow the innocent to suffer for the guilty, but to prevent anything that might interrupt freedom of trade. 6. That the trade of the Moluccas, Banda, and Amboyna, from which the English, intimidated by the execution of their companions, have retired, be restored to them, and satisfaction given for their losses, and that some new reglement be made in accordance with the treaty, to prevent further disorders. 7. That in case the English persist in their desire to retire from any part of the Indies, their people shall not be interfered with, but if they continue their ancient association, and wish to build forts on the islands of Pooloroon, Lantar, and other fit places, the States General will willingly consent according to the treaty, so as it be found needful for the good of both Companies. 8. That for the King's better satisfaction the States General engage the public faith instead of the hostages required. [French. Endorsed as above. Two pages and a half. Holland Corresp.]