Index: M

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1878), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.


Macao (China), 54, 146, p. 100, p. 109, pp. 193–4, p. 251.

-, account of a plot to betray, p. 20.

-, factory at, pulled down by the Dutch, 47.

-, miseries of the English captives at, 84.

-, Portuguese from, p. 205.

-, fleet, p. 61.

-, ships to be sent to, 70.

-, the Dutch fleet off, 293.

-, -, attack, but are repulsed, 146.

-, -, their success at, p. 112.

-, the Portuguese allowed to fortify, 146.

Macassar (Celebes), 43, p. 62, p. 112, 265, 804, p. 126, p. 205, p. 308, p. 318, 539.

-, factory in, p. 111.

-, names of the factors at, 352 (703).

-, the King of, 290.

-, - very kind to the English, p. 205.

-, rice from, 91.

-, the Spaniards in, p. 308, p. 396.

-, the Dutch in, 43.

-, ships gone to, 375.

-, natives of, 272.

-, letter dated from, 290.

Maccho, p. 99.

Mace, Thos., p. 482.

Mace, 35, 50, 91, 111, p. 54, p. 62, pp. 99– 100, 293, 294, p. 122, p. 164, 351, p. 206, p. 209, 472, p. 345, 573, p. 376, 640.

-, concerning the price of, 237, 300, p. 123, p. 180, 464, 493; see also Spices.

Macham, John, pp. 479–480.

Madagascar, p. 98.

Maddox, George, p. 222.

-, - (deceased), p. 225.

Madre Teresa, foundress of the "discalsed Carmelites," canonization of, 75.

Madrid, 114.

-, letters dated from, 59, 75, 97, 194, 195, 198, 240, 241; 248, 467, 675.

Maes, Thomas, pp. 481–482.

Maese, the river, 257.

Mahomet Aly Beg, or Allibeg, 330, pp. 162–3, 577, p. 376.

Maid of Dort, the, 368.

Mail, coats of, 226.

Mainwaring, Sir Henry, 284.

Malabar frigates taken prize, 372–3.

-, it were better to buy Malabar frigates than to build pinnaces in England, 339.

-, coast of, 84.

-, -, 500 tons of pepper to be had yearly on, 347.

-, pepper, 845.

-, -, price of, 574.

Malacca, 146, p. 196, 368, p. 260.

-, about the release of our people at, p. 196.

-, Dutch fleet off, 293.

-, -, ships burnt by, 294.

-, Straits of, 261, 525.

-, -, weakness of the Dutch in, p. 196.

Malaga, p. 166.

Malaya (Moluccas), 16, 100, 102, 137.

-, agent at, see Nicolls, Wm.

-, fort at, p. 201, 370.

-, letters dated from, 47, 52, 86, 88, 100, 101, 120.

Malayans, the,, 272.

Malberry, Matthew, p. 138.

Malin, -, 670.

Mallard, Elizabeth, p. 224.

Mailer, Richard, p. 222.

-, Margaret, p. 222.

Mamoora di China (a drug), 226.

Man, Eustace, p. 196, p. 251.

-, -, letter from, 1622: 39.

-, -, returns home, p. 251.

-, -, his estate, p. 251.

-, Sylvanus, 636, pp. 482–3.

-, -, Margaret, relict of, pp. 482–3.

Mandeville, Visct., Lord President of the Privy Council, see Montague, Henry.

Manichells Island (Amboyna), p. 341.

-, Dutch factory burnt in, p. 341.

Manillas (Philippine Islands), 43, p. 64, 145, 146, 174, 261, p. 193, p. 396.

-, great dearth in the town of, 145.

-, the Dutch in, 43.

-, natives of, rebel against the Spaniards, 145.

-, fleet and voyages, see East Indies, Fleet of Defence in.

Manistone, Wm., 228.

Manley, Paul, p. 482.

-, Constance, wife of, p. 482.

Manners, Fras., Earl of Rutland, p. 153.

Maravilla, Island of (Philippine Islands), 70.

Marcharke, Lawrence, see Mareschalk, Lawrence de.

Mardykers (free natives of the Moluccas), the, 1, p. 99, 499. i., p. 393.

Mareschalk, Lawrence de, chief Dutch merchant at Amboyna, and one of the judges, 611–613, 618, 637, 645, 647, p. 449, 688, 723.

-, -, one of those who tortured the English, 517.

-, -, a principal man in the sentencing our people to be butchered, p. 463.

-, -, East India Company and Carleton's advice that he be laid hold of, 517, 644.

-, -, age about, 30, 661. ii.

-, -, arrives in Holland, 604.

-, -, East India Company say he must be hanged, 618.

-, -, the States General send for, about the Amboyna massacre, 644, 661.

-, -, does not appear upon the summons, it is thought he will not be found, 658, 664, 669.

-, -, his deposition (about Amboyna), 661. ii., 684.

-, -, East India Company's answer to, 684.1.

-, -, pretends sickness at Delft, 661.

-, -, his examination, 668.

-, East India Company insist upon his confronting our men, 723.

Margate Road, p. 160.

Markham, Valentine, auditor of the East India Company, p. 92, p. 186.

-, petitions of, p. 480, p. 486.

-, his salary, 510, 716.

Marmora, 149.

Marque, Letters of, p. 248, 418.

Marriner, Michael, p. 485.

Marseilles, 156, p. 161, 347, 449, 554, 578, 636, 716.

-, the principal market for coral, 471.

Marshall, Robt., p. 482.

-, -, Jane, wife of, p. 482.

Marshalsea, the, p. 482.

Marteau, Thos., 277.

Marten, Sir Henry, judge of the Admiralty, 92, 165, 292, p. 123, p. 133, p. 135, pp. 150–1, 361, 384, 421, p. 255, 426, p. 270, 447–8, 451, p. 278, 463, p. 295, 491, 496, 539, 566, 573, p. 372, 594, 616, pp. 410–411, 621, 627, 682, 687, p. 449 (2).

-, -, deposition before, 125.

-, -, discourse of, 216.

-, -, sentences a seaman to be ducked, p. 269.

-, -, petition of, p. 480.

-, -, letter to, 1624: 470.

-, -, commissioner on the Amboyna business, 608, p. 410, 621.

Marteson, Dutch governor of Amboyna (1615– 1618), 722.

Martin, Giles, see Martyn, Gyles.

-, Jas., 424.

-, John, p. 154.

-, Malachi, purser of the Lion, p. 207, 375, 698.

-, -, petitions of, p. 484, p. 486.

-, Thos. (deceased), 337.

-, Wm., in prison in Surat, 438.

-, -, his wages, p. 482.

Martyn, Gyles, p. 93, 300, p. 148, 517, 573, 621, 665, 680.

-, -, elected one of the Committee of the East India Company, 492.

-, -, letter from, 1624: 674.

-, -, petition signed by, p. 491.

Marvell, Peter, p. 481.

-, -, Elizabeth, wife of, p. 481.

Mason, John, 13, 18.

-, William, pp. 481–483, p. 485.

-, -, Jane, wife of, pp. 481–483, p. 485.

Massingberd, John, p. 487.

Master of Requests, see Coke, Sir John.

Masters, Nat., p. 492.

Mastiffs, 226, p. 204, p. 287, p. 377.

Masts (of ships), 46, p. 176.

-, value of, 445.

-, about the choice of, 449.

Masulipatam, p. 21, 85, pp. 62–4, p. 108, p. 111, p. 112, p. 149, p. 198, pp. 206–7, 375, 436, p. 466.

-, supplies sent to factory at, p. 62.

-, factors at, pp. 198–9.

-, -, letter to, 1622: 111.

-, names of factors at, 352 (703) see also Duke, Matthew; Methwold, Wm.

-, ships to sail for, p. 260.

-, Dutch ships at, 392.

Matarara, 145.

Matarines, the, 145.

Mathews, Daniel, p. 485.

-, John, brother of, his estate, p. 485.

-, Richard, pp. 479–480.

Matsnanga Kitchzamondono, p. 131.

Maurice de Nassau, Prince of Orange, see Nassau.

Mauritius, the Danes trade to, p. 442.

May, Margaret, 362.

-, Thomasine, 362.

Maydeneblick (Dutch ship), the, 26.

Mayerne, Dr., p. 151.

Mayes, Mark, pp. 219–220, p. 483.

Mayors, Fras., p. 152.

-, -, Ann, widow of, p. 152.

Mayres, Mark, see Mayes, Mark.

Meade, Thos., p. 491.

-, Valentine, 362.

Meal, 650.

Mediterranean, the, 490.

Meighen, Thos., p. 478.

Meller, Wm., p. 492.

Mendo Mota, a Portugal, 240.

Merchant Adventurers, deputy of the, see Misselden, Edward.

Merchant Taylors' Hall, 253, 267.

- School, master of, 327.

-, -, -, son of, see Haynes, Richard.

Mercury, the, 71.

Mericke (Merricke), Sir John, p. 153, p. 226.

-, -, petition signed by, p. 491.

Merryt, Ann, p. 219.

Mervin, Sir Henry, 69.

Methwold, Wm., one of the Council of Defence, 85, 152, 238, pp. 108–9, p. 152, 328, p. 232.

-, -, letter from, 1623: 316.

-, -, letter to, 1622: 84.

-, -, leave granted to return home, p. 109, p. 202.

-, -, arrives in England, 316, p. 144, p. 148.

-, -, concerning imputations against him and reduction in his wages, p. 109, p. 157, p. 168, 335, 339, p. 176.

-, -, report on, p. 166.

-, -, petition of, p. 223.

-, -, interest paid by East India Company on his wages, 413.

-, -, his bond to be delivered to him, 437.

-, -, see also East Indies, Council of Defence in.

Mexico, 174, p. 246.

Miako (Japan), 223, pp. 128–9.

Michelson, Thos., p. 484.

Middleburg, 13, 457, 602, 603, 605, 606, 613, 615, 624, 632, 642, 661.

-, chief of the East India Chamber at, see Boreel, Jacques.

-, commissioners at, 622.

Middlesex, Earl of, see Cranfield, Sir Lionel.

Middleton, Sir David, p. 133.

-, -, Henry, son of, 636.

-, Richard, p. 488.

-, William, p. 491.

Midsley, Edward, p. 141.

Migiel Stanley, a Japanese, executed by the Dutch at Amboyna, p. 315.

Milan pieces, see Muskets.

Milborne, Jane, pp. 223–4.

Mildmay, Sir Henry, 319.

-, -, his wife, 319.

Mile End, p. 143.

Milford, p. 142.

Miller, Richard, p. 491.

-, Martha, p. 91.

-, -, her husband, p. 91, 345.

-, Stephen, steward of the Jonas and Lion, p. 222, 698.

-, Marie, 362.

-, Thos., p. 486.

-, -, Augustine, son of, p. 486.

Mills, Cyprian, p. 92.

-, Joseph, p. 63.

-, Thos., factor at Fulicat and Masulipatam, p. 20, 111, p. 64, 352, p. 202.

-, -, letters to, 1622: 85, 110.

Millward, John (deceased), p. 449.

-, -, his estate, p. 166, p. 485.

-, -, Thos., brother of, 300, p. 140.

-, -, -, petition of, p. 485.

Milward, John, petition signed by, p. 491.

Mlndoro, 70.

Ministers, gratifications from the East India Company forborne to, 355.

Minn, -, 426.

Mint, the, 60 lbs. weight of gold taken to, 425.

-, see also Tower, the.

Mintam (?), Island of, p. 156.

Misselden, Edward, 331, 384, 404, 409, 504, 723, p. 489.

-, -, deputy of the merchant adventurers, 333.

-, -, as commissioner at Amsterdam to negociate with the Netherlands Company for a private treaty, 1623–1624, 331, 883, p. 169, 334, 340, p. 218, 384, 388, pp. 265–7.

-, -, his instructions, p. 174, p. 176, 530.

-, -, letters from, 1624: 450, 526, 530.

-, -, petition signed by, p. 493.

-, -, gives account of his services, 665.

-, -, letters to, 1624: 474, 624.

-, -, ill-health of, 530, 665.

-, -, gratification to, 665, 682, p. 449.

-, -, returns to Delft, 688.

Mitchell, Edmond, p. 483.

-, -, his sister, see Sheering, Elizabeth.

-, -, Henry, p. 91.

Mocawe, see Macao.

Mocha, 84, 372–3, 438, 607–677, 711.

-, cruel oppression of the Turks at, 711.

Mocho, see Mocha.

Mogul, the, see Great Mogul, the.

Mohilla, Island of, 676, 677.

-, -, King of, 676.

Molson, Moulson, or Mowlson, alderman and sheriff, p. 167, p. 170, 335, p. 180, 582.

Moluccas, the, 91, 99, 101, 137, 140, pp. 98– 100, 264, pp. 146–7, pp. 156–158, p. 235, 400, 469, 521, p. 340, p. 410, 637.

-, Gonninge's account of, 370.

-, names of factors in, 352 (703).

-, factors in, p. 207, 369, p. 489.

-, imperfect accounts received from factories in, p. 202.

-, about recalling all the factors from, and dissolving the factories in, p. 108, p. 111, 238, 370.

-, concerning trade in, 48, pp. 100–101, p. 108, p. 149, p. 198, p. 203, p. 209, p. 216, p. 451, p. 489.

-, -, great and excessive charges of, 55, p. 108, 265, 272.

-, -, not less than 20,000 ryals yearly, p. 62.

-, -, yearly capital necessary for, (60,000 Rs.), p. 62.

-, -, give over the, p. 147, p. 208.

-, -, Carleton's propositions, p. 369.

-, English offer to settle again in, p. 147.

-, generally bruited the English should not have any goods.from, 722.

-, concerning forts and garrisons in, 26, 178, 203, 206, 211, 212, 232, pp. 98– 100, p. 108, 272, p. 208, 644, 697, 717, 717. i.

-, -, the King's declaration, 244, 245, 250.

-, drafts of principal forts in, sent by the Charles, p. 201.

-, schools in, 236, 272.

-, bloody executions in, p. 146; see also Amboyna massacre.

-, the Amboyna massacre, a plot to root the English out of, 486.

-, -, the insatiable covetousness of the Dutch to gain the sole trade of, the whole cause of the Amboyna massacre, p. 320, 519.

-, must abandon that trade because of, p. 201.

-, the resolution of East India Company to demand 70,000 ryals for injuries done in, 384.

-, demand for damages in, 404, 409.

-, the business of, in debate in Holland, p. 280.

-, English gold very profitable in, 682.

-, map of (sent to Carleton), 617.

-, ships sent to, p. 4.

-, -, from, pp. 63–4.

-, the Chinese in, 5, 6, p. 340.

-, the Dutch in, 1, 5, p. 4, 19, 43, 84, 137, pp. 98–100, p. 108, 272, 291, p. 198.

-, -, governors of, see
-, Le Feber, Jaques.
-, Lam, Derickson.
-, Houtman, Fredk.

-, -, great numbers of, necessary to inhabit, 243.

-, -, their gains more than 300,000 guilders per annum in, p. 208.

-, -, deny the English sale of clothing and victuals in, 26, 235, 610.

-, -, enjoy two thirds of the trade of, 140, 499. i.

-, -, prevent English from enjoying their third part of the trade of, 235–6.

-, -, their account of the general charges in, 391.

-, -, protest against English for not paying their share in, 434.

-, -, pay for everything in commodities, but the English pay ready money, 137, p. 61, 236, p. 198, p. 203, p. 208.

-, -, bad usuage, intolerable exactions and tyranny, and bloody executions in, 6, p. 61, 236, p. 100, 361, 364, p. 198, p. 209, pp. 208–9, 521, 540, 597. i., 604, 610.

- -, account of injuries done to the English by, 236–7, p. 154, p. 198, p. 208, 370.

-, -, order English to be turned out of the forts in, 137.

-, -, reap no benefit of tolls in, 272.

-, -, castles and forts possessed by, 370.

-, -, director of, see Houtman, Gov.

-, -, forts dissolved by, 370.

-, -, keep six or eight ships in, 392.

-, -, ships of, lost, 91.

-, the Spaniards in, —

-, -, castles and forts possessed by, 370.

-, see also Amboyna, Bandas, Batchian, Ceram, Malaya.

Momorra, see Marmora.

Money, see Bullion, Gold, Silver.

Monger, Jas., p. 492.

Monox, or Monnox, Edward, agent in Persia, pp. 126–7, p. 154, 329, p. 159, p. 164, p. 186, 376, 404, p. 280, 690, p. 466.

-, -, to have the freedom of the East India Company, p. 166.

-, -, returns out of Persia in the Lion, p. 126.

-, -, his errors and miscarriages, p. 157, pp. 160–1.

-, -, his Journal, 305, p. 442, 682.

-, -, -, abstract of, read at Committee of East India Company, p. 126.

-, -, -, begs it may be restored to him, p. 127.

-, -, wages paid to, p. 137.

-, -, his goods, p. 156.

Montague, Henry, Visc. Mandeville, Lord President of the Privy Council, p. 28, p. 90, p. 253, 421, p. 255, p. 266, 509, 510, 594, pp. 410–411, 623, 643, 650, p. 463.

-, -, commission to, 155.

-, -, letter from, 1624: 511.

-, -, letters and petitions to, 361, p. 265, 601, 608.

-, -, gratuities to, 639.

-, -, servant to, see Dixon.

-, Sir Sidney, 83.

Montes Claros, Marquis of, 240.

Montfort, Richard, p. 220.

Montgomery, Earl of, see Herbert, Philip.

-, Adrian, purser's mate in the Palsgrave, 698.

Moon, the, 145, 146, 164, 175, 177, 261, p. 111, 266, 338, 357, 367, p. 196, p. 205, 375, 390.

-, springs a leak and is unable to sail for England, 367.

-, rotten and unserviceable, p. 260.

-, Capt. of, see Adams, Robt.

-, commander of, see Brooke, John.

-, pursers of, see More, Hugh; Neeve, John.

-, steward's mate of, see Hoyle, Abraham.

Moone, Thos., p. 478.

Moore, Capt., 10.

-, Ann, widow, p. 156.

-, Benjamin, p. 411 (deceased), 352 (703).

-, Francis (deceased), 643.

-, George, death of, 99.

-, Rachel, p. 220.

-, Ralph, strange adventures of, 536.

-, -, petitions of, 560, 566.

-, Thos., a nailor, the East India Company's smith at Deptford, 329, p. 246, 471, 503, p. 482.

-, -, his brother-in-law, p. 248.

-, William, p. 481.

-, -, 363.

Moorer, Richard, p. 493.

Moors, the, p. 4, p. 64, 149, 272.

-, their ships burnt, 386.

Moorteere, see Motir.

Mordochay, -, estate of, p. 91.

More, Hugh, purser of the Moon, 177.

Morehouse, -, a preacher, 384, p. 249, p. 253.

Morewoode, Gilbert, 491.

Morgan, -, (brewer), p. 181.

-, -, complaint against, 673.

-, George, surgeon, p. 484.

-, Henry, p. 224.

-, Wm., chief mate and master of the Elizabeth, p. 209, 375.

-, -, petitions of, 531, p. 481.

Morning Star (Dutch ship), the, 91.

Moroh, p. 378.

Morris, Katherine, p. 223.

-, Richard, p. 484.

-, Wm., p. 221, p. 479.

Morrison, Sir Richard, p. 485.

Morse (or seahorse) teeth, 226, p. 162, 440, p. 287, 577, p. 377, 676.

Moseley, Henry, pp. 483–4.

Mosely, -, p. 174.

Moss, or Mosse, Margery, p. 91.

-, -, her husband (William), p. 91, p. 148.

Motir, 53, p. 64.

-, factor at, pulled down by the Dutch, 47.

Mountford, Simon, estate of, p. 221, p. 479 (2), p. 480.

-, Walter, 35, p. 124, p. 126, p. 138, p. 143, p. 150, p. 176, p. 186, p. 247.

-, -, his debts, p. 186.

-, -, his accounts intricate and out of order, p. 181.

-, -, petitions of, p. 478, p. 482.

-, Dr., p. 151.

Mountney, Richard, husband to the East India Company, p. 124, p. 126, p. 134, p. 153.

-, -, his accounts, 712.

Mowlson, sheriff see Molson.

Moyen, the (Dutch ship), 70.

Mozambique, 34, 84, p. 110, p. 193, p. 200, p. 202, p. 467.

-, the Portuguese caracs at, p. 442.

Mules, 226.

Mullaimbeg, or Mullayimbeg, 226, p. 162, p. 165, p. 287, p. 376.

Mullins, or Mulnes, Thos., p. 483.

Mun, Munne, or Munnes, Thos., deputy governor of the East India Company, p. 134, 323, p. 153, p. 167, p. 176, p. 179, 345, p. 231, p. 238, p. 267, 449, pp. 275–7, pp. 279–280, p. 296, 539, p. 372, 582, 594, 607, 616, 639, 643, 667, p. 449.

-, -, his speech in Parliament about the East India Company, 425.

-, -, elected deputy governor of the East India Company, 433.

-, -, refuses to take upon him the office of deputy governor, 435.

-, -, attends Parliament about Lady Dale's business, 454.

-, -, attends Sec. Conway about payment of 10,000l. to the King, pp. 278– 280.

-, -, letters from, 1624: 486, 499, 575, 674.

-, -, is spared being elected deputy governor, 492.

-, -, elected one of the Committee of the East India Company, 492.

Munck, Levinus, 83, 109.

Munday, see Munden, John.

Munden, John, master of the Exchange, pp. 204–5, 375, 536, 673, 682.

-, -, gratification to, 536.

-, -, petitions of, p. 481, p. 485.

-, -, Robert, p. 485.

Munke, Henry, p. 479.

Muscat (Arabia), 372.

-, castle, 711.

-, the Persians endeavour the destruction of, p. 287.

-, a beggarly poor town, p. 442.

Muschamp, Geo., p. 4, 91, p. 109, 328, 399, 499.1.

-, -, letter from, 1622: 99.

-, -, returns home (has lost one leg), p.109.

-, -, gratuity to, p. 156.

-, -, his re-employment and wages, pp. 156–7, 426.

-, goes to EastIndies in the Star, 404.

Muscovy, see Russia.

Muscovy Company, the, 13, 30, 50, 78, 92, 118, 188, 190, 439, p. 266.

-, -, debts of, 78, p. 160.

-, -, (business) committee for and reports of, 81, 83, 87, p. 269.

-, -, robbery of memorials and money of, 190.

Musk, p. 164.

Muskets, 421, p. 381.

-, Milan pieces, p. 377.

Muskett, John, p. 148.

Musseeh el Zemaun, the Venerable, 295.

Mussulmans, 10.

Mustard, Thos., p. 491.

Muys, Lord, 15.

Mylls, Thos., see Mills, Thos.

Mynn, -, p. 159, p. 167, 503.