East Indies: September 1622

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1878.

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'East Indies: September 1622', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp64-69 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'East Indies: September 1622', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1878), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp64-69.

"East Indies: September 1622". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 4, 1622-1624. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1878), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol4/pp64-69.

Sep 1622

Sept. 7.
146. Richard Cocks to Sir Thomas Smythe, Governor, and the Committees of the East India Company. Refers to his last letter of 30 Sept. 1621 (see No. 1112, previous volume of Calendar). Ten ships of the Manilla fleet, five English and five Dutch, safely returned to Firando, having made a far richer voyage than last year. Has received instructions from Fursland to leave off our consortship of the fleet of defence with the Hollanders, and to send our five ships to Jacatra, the Palsgrave and Moon to take in their lading of pepper at Jambi, the Peppercorn to stay on the coast of China, and the Elizabeth and Bull to come direct to Jacatra; and bring away all left in Japan, leaving John Osterwick with two assistants and a cargo of 5,000 taies. The Hollanders this year made an attack on Amacao (Macao) with 14 or 15 ships, but were repulsed with a loss of from 300 to 500 men, and four ships burnt; the King of China having at length allowed the Portuguese to fortify the place, and ordered the Viceroy of Canton to assist them with 100,000 men, if necessary, against the Hollanders They are now fortified near to Isla Formosa, called the Isla de Piscadores, where they report a very good harbour, and give themselves out to be English, only to bring our nation in disgrace with the Chinese; but this contradicted by our China friends in Japan. Is afraid that their attempt against Macao will cause both their nations to be driven out of Japan, for it has overthrown the China trade in these parts, yet our China friends say we may have trade into China if we will; the wars of the Tartar and the death of three kings of China in one or two years the cause we have not entered before now; the Hollanders will never be suffered to enter on any conditions whatsoever. Went with Osterwick and two of the Dutch factors to Yedo, with presents for the Emperor, but after being detained three months they met the King of Firando, from whom they had many fair promises, yet now order is come that the Emperor will have all the goods of the prize frigate for himself, and they were constrained to deliver them "will we or nill we." Two friars who came in the frigate from Manilla, and 12 other Spanish and Portuguese friars, have been roasted to death at Nangasaki; and the captain, a Japanese, and 112 other Japanese men, women, and children have been put to death by fire and sword for harbouring them. Also some friars who arrived at Shasma from Caggalion, in the Manillas, under the guise of merchants, were found out and sent prisoners to Nangasaki, where it is thought they will be roasted to death; whilst the Chinese are in danger of losing their lives, and the goods seized upon of Andrea Dittis, the China captain (our friend). Some Spaniards and Portuguese are imprisoned, condemned, and all their goods confiscated for attempting to carry off one of the friars "which was roasted;" and two Japons (in the Hollanders' service) with their wives and children executed. "This Emperor Shongo Same being such a mortal enemy to the name of a Christian, especially of Papistical Christians." When at the Emperor's court at Yedo he was often asked whether the English were Christians, and explained the difference between the English and the Spaniard's religion, "which seemed in some sort to give them content." Has stood out long for the prize goods of the frigate, but that would not serve the Tono or Chief Justice of Firando, who threatened to put Capt. Leonard Camps and himself to death, and the seizure of all his goods; and in case of resistance to have burned all our shipping and put us all to the sword. "God send us well out of Japan, for I doubt it will be every day worse than other. * * * And so let this suffice for the present state of Japan." Particulars of sales of goods and stock. The Hollanders sent a ship from Jacatra by Siam to Japan, with goods, which captured three rich Portugal frigates bound from Macao to Malacca or Goa. This letter was sent in the Dutch ship Trow, but being forced back by stormy weather is now sent by the Bull. Continued, see No. 175. [Four pages and a half. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1078.]
Sept. 9.
147. Robert Johnson and Marmaduke Stevinton to Edward Harvey, chief at Indraghiri. Are sorry to hear of the great loss by untimely fire by villainous people; they must have patience till they can avenge it. Wish he had sent particulars of the losses; are persuaded that pepper will not burn, and hope the cloth was removed in time. He is to come away at once if possible. He must take care that the pepper and 600 ryals which he proposes to capture do not belong to friends. [One page. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1079.]
Sept. 11. 148. Locke to Carleton. The States have done little or nothing since his last, the English Commissioners having failed to meet them several times. The East India merchants not the only men that complain. [Extract Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXXIII., No. 12, Cal., p. 446.]
Sept. 14.
The Hague.
149. Carleton to Sec. Calvert. A small fleet now going out from Amsterdam of ten ships, under one Hermite, admiral, who has heretofore traded into the East Indies. He has 1,500 men, and victuals for sixteen months. All that is known of the voyage is that it is westward, and in all appearance by the proportion of victuals as far as the Indies, though the voice goeth most for Momorra (?) in assistance of the Moors against the Spaniards. The Ambassadors in England have written hither very comfortable letters, of a good inclination in the King to set a final end to their long differences, which must be only done by his authority. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Sept. ? 150. Order of his Majesty concerning the islands of Pooloroon and Lantar. The question being debated at large by the Commissioners on both sides on the 13th present, the King ordered, at Theobalds, on the 15th, in presence of the Commissioners, that the former agreement for Pooloroon should hold good, the island having been surrendered to the King of Great Britain in 1616 by a solemn deed, according to the custom of the country; and that henceforth in Lantar there should be a friendly union between the English and Dutch East India Companies, and that the natives be again brought back and replanted upon the island, to which the States Commissioners readily assented, and "the business touching those two islands was thus settled." [Four pages. East Indies, Vol. II., No. 21.]
Sept. 16.
151. Sec. Calvert to Carleton. Yesterday was debated before the King the possession of the Island of Lantar, taken by the English since the making, but before the publication, of the treaty. It was accommodated to the contentment of the Hollanders, that the fort shall be demolished, the place remain as it was, and the trade be common to both, according to the proportion limited in the treaty; that is, one part to us and two parts to them. They acquainted the King with their resolution for setting forward the West Indian Company, and offered to receive the English into the association. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 20.
152. Answer of Richard Fursland, President, and the Council, to John Peterson Coen, General of the Netherlands Company, and his Council. About the taking of the goods of a China junk, in the Straits of Banca, which was done without their orders, but being taken they think it right to keep them, as the Dutch did those taken by the Gallias last year out of a China junk, and as a set off against the robbery of the Unicorn, and debts owing by the Chinese. Some of the delinquents will be sent home to be judged by the Company. "Rejoinder to the Duplique of the Fiscal." It is out of their "elements to deal with fiscals," for, "as it is a craven cock that cannot crow upon his own dunghill, so he is no true fiscal that cannot prate for his wages, and sustain any matter (though never so false) without blushing, if it make for his advantage;" but they will "answer briefly that rabble of suborned stuff inserted by him." Here follows "a brief declaration of the circumstances in taking the China junk in the Straits of Banca, drawn up from our people's examinations upon their oaths." That the English boarded her with drawn swords in the night, and more than 100 Chinese leaped overboard and some were drowned, "is one of the grossest lies of all the rest." Narrative of the facts as they really happened (see ante, No. 124). Think the matter according to the last article of the accord ought to be settled by the Companies at home. "Answer to the triplique of the advocate fiscal, concerning the taking of the China junk, delivered over in the Fort Batavia, 10 Oct. 1622." A further statement, signed by Tho. Brockedon, Aug. Spaldinge, and Will. Methwold, was delivered to the Dutch General in the fort of Batavia, 7 Nov. 1622. [Ten pages and a half. O.C., Vol. IX., No. 1080.]
Sept. 21. 153. The King to the Lords Commissioners for the Treaty with the Ambassadors of the States. This is a copy (dated 21 Sept.) of the original despatch from the King, dated 21 Oct. 1622, see No. 166. Bradshaw has endorsed this copy, "21° 7br 1622. The Kgs Lre to ye Lds Comrs for ye treaty wth ye Duch touchg ye E. Inda Busines." [East Indies, Vol. II., No. 22.]
Sept. 25. 154. Locke to Carleton. The States proceed but slowly in their business. Mons. Aerssens told Mons. Beaulieu they had been eight times at Whitehall by appointment of the Privy Council and lost their labour, wherewith they were not very well pleased. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXXIII., No. 25, Cal., p. 449.]
[Sept. 28.] 155. Commission from the King to the Lord President of the Council and others. To inquire into the causes of the decay of trade, and among other things to find out whether the East India Company justly perform their contract concerning the exporting of coin, and to consider by what means that trade which is specious in show may really be made profitable to the public, without exhausting the treasure of the kingdom. [Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXXIII., No. 27., Cal., p. 450]
1622 ? 156. "A calculation of what moneys less will drive the trades of silks, indigo, and spices by Cape Bone Spei, than by Turkey." It is argued that the exportation of money for India and Persia by way of Cape Bone Spei is not the cause of scarcity of silver, but the money transported for Turkey from Marseilles, Leghorn, Sicily, and Venice. Cost of Persian silk bought in Turkey and transported yearly to Christendom, and the probability of drawing the money hither when the trade by way of Turkey shall be diverted. Difference between the present cost of the spices and indigo now imported, and when they came by way of Turkey. The whole sum exported by sea is less than would buy the like quantity in Turkey, which is yearly 1,178,366l. 13s. 4d., and the land is better served. [Two pages and a quarter. Endorsed as above. East Indies, Vol. II., No. 23.]
1622 ? 157. "Reasons to prove that it is not the East India trade which doth consume the gold, silver coin, or other treasure of this kingdom, but rather that the said trade is an excellent means greatly to increase the same." From the foundation of the trade in 1601 till July 1620 the Company only shipped away 548,090l. in Spanish ryals, although they might have exported 720,000l. They have in the same term exported to the value of 292,286l. in broad cloths, kerseys, lead, tin, &c. During the last years more goods have been sent to the Indies than in the 16 years before. Thirtyfour ships have been employed in the trade. Goods bought in India for 356,288l. have produced in England 1,914,600l. The Company now ship yearly 50,000l. in divers wares. Proportion of the trade which it is hoped may yearly be brought into England. Great cause for suspecting that the Dutch will break their agreement. [One page and a half. East Indies, Vol. II., No. 24.]
1622 ? 158. "Reasons alleged to prove that the trade from England unto the East Indies doth not consume, but rather increase the treasure of this kingdom." Somewhat longer but to the same effect as the preceding. [Two pages and three quarters. East Indies, Vol. II., No. 25.]
1622 ? 159. Treatise by Ed. Bennett on the inconveniences of importing tobacco from Spain, containing also a vindication of the East India Company from the charge of their being the cause of the scarcity of silver by their exportation. [Six pages. Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CXXXV., No. 56, Cal., p. 477.]