East Indies: April 1626

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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'East Indies: April 1626', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1884), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp180-192 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'East Indies: April 1626', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1884), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp180-192.

"East Indies: April 1626". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1884), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp180-192.

April 1626

April 1.
286. Edward Misselden to Sec. Sir John Coke. Refers to his large letter of the 25th last [see ante No. 281] since which he has received the enclosed answer from the States which does not vary from their verbal one. Inquired of their secretary why they answered not the other parts of his Majesty's letter, whose answer was that the rest were but inductions to the conclusion concerning Coen, but if he had commission to press those things he should be heard, wherein he attends his Majesty's commands. Enlarges on the necessity of a constant pursuit of these matters, lest these men should think them but formalities and on the form of their Government which affords means of delay ad infinitum, and renders; it a wonder that a government so divided and so weak and exhausted with wars should be able to subsist; for at this time they are in arrears 2,500,000l., and have nothing to help themselves with but trade, wherein indeed they excel all the world, for that which is a principal efficient here is but an adjunct elsewhere. Incloses. The answer above referred to being an extract from the register of the resolutions of the States General. 25 March–4 April. [Holland Corresp.]
April 3. 287. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Committee to go down to Gravesend for dispatch of the ships. Ordered that the bond entered into with James Slade at his going the last voyage be delivered to him to be cancelled. Five barrels of hard indigo bought by Capt. Andrews at 5s. 8d. per lb. William Fremlyn entertained into the Company's service for seven years. 1 p. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 350–351.]
April 4.
288. President Thomas Kerridge to John Banggam at Lahore. Has received his letters of 15th January, and sent his general letter for England that the Company may perceive what he had effected at Court, and what Sir Francis Crane might expect for his rich tapestry. Is sorry Abbott's emeralds found not their so often desired sale. Repents having sent up his own tapestry, as he could have sold them far better and more speedily at Brampore. However is well content with what Banggam does in this and with his other toys. He will see by "our letter" that he is to depart for Agra, taking in his way Semana, to accomplish that investment, if not already effected by Mr. Offley, no certain information has been received. Our despatches were prepared for dispeeding by the ships on the 4th March; but in regard of seven Portuguese galleons waiting on the coast, the voyage was deferred till the 29th for the company of the Dutch; the James and Jonas go immediately for England, the Ann and Falcon for Batavia. Endorsed, "Received in Cabul 29 May 1626." 1 p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1225.]
April 5. 289. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Nicholas Edney, a boy, shipped to attend Thos. Wedmore. About allowance of wages to Robt. Clitherow, son of the deputy, who has been at Surat 18 months in the Company's service. Jewels presented by Harman to be bought at the rates propounded. Leatt's jewel of ballast rubies bought for 400l., and leave given him to adventure his pearls. Report of the Governor that the Persian Ambassador had had audience of the King, whereat they stood looking one upon another, neither as it seemed being prepared for the meeting, but at last they had spoken together and the Ambassador took his leave. Also that the King expected the Company to redeem Sir Robt. Sherley's jewels, which the Governor had refused; resolved not to meddle with the jewels. The gold amounting to 25,000l. to be carefully packed, half the gold aboard the William, the other half aboard the Blessing, and the six chests of ryals in the Discovery. 20l. given to Secretary Coke as fees for procuring the King's hand four several times. It was thought meet that the Persian Ambassador should be presented with white plate, and that the Lord Chamberlain be entreated to move the King to bestow some plate or a jewel upon him. Consideration whether to bestow anything upon Sir Lewis Lewkenor for his pains about the Persian Ambassador, who is to go away on Wednesday next, and in the meantime to be conferred with about the four bales of silk. Payment of the charges of Bartholomew Churchman's imprisonment at Dover denied. Complaint that Jonathan Boothouse entertained to attend on Capt. Browne, intends thereby to defeat his creditors; ordered that he be dismissed, the Court disliking to countenance in any, such fraudulent conduct. Resolved that the wages of Persian factors whose times are expired shall run on with an increase of 10l., rising yearly, for their better encouragement to stay longer. Payments of 30s. per month to be made to Richard Barry for service at Dover. Sherburne's bill of charges amounting to 40l. 11s. allowed. 3½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 351–354.]
[April 7.] 290. The Ambassador from the States General to [the Privy Council]. Was informed by Sir Wm. Becher on 6th Feb. last that his Majesty upon petition of the East India Company [see ante, No. 250] had granted them permission to negotiate in Bantam and given them letters to that King requesting him to permit them freely to traffic in his country and to buy pepper according to the Treaty of 1619. Has given notice thereof to the States General and is commanded to represent to their Lordships the considerations herein named against his Majesty's said letters being given to the English East India Company, that it is not lawful for one party alone to break a contract, and that the Dutch alone have borne all expenses since August 1622. Also that if said letters be already given that they be given back and annulled before the ships sail for India. French. Endorsed, "Copy of the States' Ambassador's proposition to the Lords of the Council," underneath which John Bradshaw has written, "in French." On another copy in Corresp. Holland is written, "Delivré à Mons. Conway pour Messeigneurs du Conseil le 7 Avril 1626," and endorsed, "The remonstrance and answer of the States' Ambassador concerning the trade at Bantam." 2½ pp. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 7.]
[April 7.] 291. English translation of the preceding. Endorsed, "Propositions made by the Ambassador of the General Estates concerning the letters of his Majesty granted to the English Company of the Indies at Bantam." 2 pp. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 8.]
April 8. 292. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Bargain concluded with Harman for jewels. Gratuity of 5l. to Signor Jeronimo, a converted Portugal Jesuit, now taking his journey to the universities. All the ships fallen down gone about last night; most of the Expedition's crew come up to receive imprest money; all men ordered to remain with their ships for the future. Complaints against Johnson, master of the Discovery, for having formerly made off with a ship and cargo entrusted to his custody by Thomas Newport, who had taken it as a prize in Barbary, and with having sold the same to his own advantage: also with having engaged himself to the King of Denmark in the Indies; also with blaming the Company at a public inquest dinner of St. Peter's parish, Cornhill, in their differences with the Dutch Company. Wherefore the Court would not send Dodmore Cotton and Sir Robert Sherley with him, but resolved to send them in the Blessing and the Persian Ambassador with Johnson in the Discovery. Agreed that the Persian Ambassador should go by barge on Tuesday next to Gravesend, where one coach only should attend him, and so by land to Dover. Committee appointed to accompany the Ambassador and put him aboard the ship. Thomas Hanson to have recourse, at his request, to the Treasury books, to assist him in collecting the Company's debts. Complaint of Richard Williams, interpreter, on behalf of the Persian Ambassador of the disorder and quarrellings almost every night between the steward and the Company's servants appointed to attend said Ambassador; the steward sent for and sharply reprehended for his ill government. Report of Mr. Governor that he attended Lord Conway and the Lord Treasurer and acquainted them with the resolution of the Court not to lend Sir Robert Sherley money on his jewels; that besides their inability the truth was they desired to have nothing to do with him. His Lordship seemed to be discontented at this answer, wishing the Company had accommodated Sir Robert's request. The Governor then pressed for the King's letter to the King of Persia, and was promised the Company should have it, yet told him the King would not suffer the Persian Ambassador to go till Mr. Cotton and Sir Robt. Sherley were ready, to which Mr. Governor replied that their ships were fallen down and that the Company be freed from blame it through the negligence of the Ambassadors the ships depart without them, and that if the Ambassador stayed it must not be at the Company's but at his own charge. Mr. Governor then attended the Lord Treasurer at his house in Clerkenwell, who although his Lordship had resolved to receive the sacrament that morning spoke with him and heard the Company's answer, who replied that it they would not pleasure Sir Robt. Sherley in this kind it would cost the King 1,000l. but the Governor having delivered thus much thought it not fit for the occasion aforesaid to press this business any further, but took his leave. The Court then took knowledge that the King had refused to feast or give any present to the Persian Ambassador Some proposed to give cloth and commodities, others money, which being put to the question resolved to bestow upon him 400 angels in a golden purse and a standing cup, value 20 marks and a cup of Nuremburg work weighing 49 oz. being offered at 6s. 4d. the oz., it was bought and a warrant ordered for the said 100 angels and plate. Burt's own bond to be taken without a surety; his request that he might not sign the endorsement for restraint of private trade refused. Richard Williams, the Persian Ambassador's interpreter, entertained by the Company at 13s. 4d. per month. Meeting on purpose to treat with the Persian merchant at his own request; he declared that he was commissioned to buy for the King of Persia certain commodities and toys which he cannot find in London; wherefore he wished the Company to buy and pay him for his silk and he will be gone, otherwise he will run away and leave the silk behind him. This strange language and unexpected resolution put the Court to an admiration, but it was remembered that his brain is a little cracked, and that this distemper may grow upon him, so he was told the Company understood he had purposed to stay in England a year or two, that they could not buy the silk thus off hand, though he offered to take whatever they pleased, be it in cloth, earth, or a handful of ashes, and he desired a passage in one of their ships. Debate whether the Persian had power to dispose of these silks and whether the Company might safely buy, as the King of Persia might make reprisals on their property if his goods were undersold to them; neither ought they to make, the first offer; the merchant asserted his full power to treat, but the Court observing strange passages to fall from him wished him to advise better of this business, and so it was deferred for further consideration. 7½ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 355–362.]
April. 293. Warrant to pay to Dodmore Cotton, Esq., appointed his Majesty's Ambassador to the King of Persia 40s. per diem from the 2nd April until his return to his Majesty's presence, and to advance such sums from time to time as shall be thought fit, to be afterwards defalked upon his said entertainment. ¼ p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 9.]
April 10. 294. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The Persian merchant presented himself, having had a large conference with the committee on Saturday last about the sale of his silk, which he then offered to the Company but upon such terms and in such a manner as they held no way fit to accept. The Governor now demanded whether he had better consider of the business and whether his resolution were still the same so speedily to return for Persia; to which he answered that he had found no cause to alter his mind, and was come again to make offer of his silk and to desire their favour for his passage. The Governor told him the Company were loath to do anything whereby the King of Persia should have cause to think they had gone beyond him and then demonstrated the small benefit made by this commodity from Persia, which yielded the Company not above 50 per cent., whereas the same being brought from Babylon to Aleppo makes at least 70 or 80 per cent. profit. The merchant answered that the King of Persia sent him as a merchant not as an ambassador and with the ambassador he would have nothing to do and that he had command to tell the Company the King did much desire the English should have the sole trade of his silk, for which purpose he intended to cut off the passage to Constantinople, wishing the King of England would settle a factory at Ispahan, thither to bring the commodities of this kingdom, for which they shall make return of at least three or four for one. The Governor told him the Company had now prepared four ships for Persia, the charges whereof were very great, and if the return were not answerable, they should not be encouraged to proceed any further in the trade, that the English ought to have their privileges enlarged; the merchant promised to endeavour his best to further anything the English should desire. He was informed that the King did intend to send Mr. Cotton as ambassador to the King of Persia, but that the Company had no intention to use or employ him, but had entertained one Mr. Burt, in their business, to whom they had given very large and ample authority. The merchant insisted on his former request to have passage in their ships, and desired to leave his silks in their hands and be paid for same a year or two hence. It was thought fit, in case the Court should conclude a bargain with him, to have the Ambassador present, but he said he was answerable for the silk to the King of Persia only, neither hath he anything to do with the Ambassador, nor the Ambassador with him, but in regard he came to no particular price nothing was concluded but referred him to further consideration. Report that Secretary Coke, being pressed for the King's letters to the King of Persia, promised to put Lord Conway in mind thereof that he knew of no commandment to stay the Company's ships, unless it should be by an express order from the King which he could not believe. Lord Conway had promised the Governor that the letters should be ready by Monday next. Notice to the Persian Ambassador that the ships were fallen into the Downs so as if a fair wind come about they will proceed in their voyage; he said he could not be ready before Friday next at the soonest; resolved that their ships should take their first fair wind and not stay for him. Ellam commanded to have all the letters ready against tomorrow, and that he should insert in them to their factors at Gombroon this caveat, that they are in no sort to take care or defray any part of the charges of Mr. Cotton or Sir Robert Sherley after their landing in Persia." 3¾ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 362–366.]
April 12. 295. Minutes of business to be submitted to the King. To move his Majesty for a letter to the East India Merchants to appoint a ship for the transportation of Sir Robert Sherley and Sir Dodmore Cotton, that they be landed in some convenient port in Persia, and treated according to their quality. And that they have order not to take upon themselves any authority over the ship or mariners Extract [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. XXIV., No. 67, Cal. p. 308.)
April ? 296. Memorandum concerning the East India Company and the Persian trade. The Governor and Committees further represent concerning the Persian trade, that last year they made a fair entrance with 2,500 cloths, 80 tons of tin and other commodities, which this year they purposed to have doubled; but in regard of the great charge they have been put to and are yet likely to bear by Ambassadors, they are much discouraged; and the rather because they perceive they shall be constrained to transport Sir Robert Sherley into Persia, of whose fair proceeding there, having just cause to be jealous, they have already given order to clear that country both of their goods and servants. 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No., 10.]
April 13. 297. [Secretary Lord Conway] to the East India Company Has received commandment to signify his Majesty's pleasure that for the more convenient passage of Sir Robert Sherley and Mr. Cotton to the King of Persia's Court, order be given to have them landed at Baudier Gumrough within three leagues of Ormuz or at some convenient port near that place. And further that they set down the means they think requisite for their security that neither Sir Robert nor Mr. Cotton attempt anything on their goods in Persia by pretence of consulage or otherwise; and what the Company shall reasonably demand in that behalf shall be done. Endorsed, "April 13, 1626. To the Governor and Committees of the East India Merchants." 1 p. (East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 11.) See also Conway's Letter Bk. p. 248, Dom. Chas. 1.
April ? 298. Minutes of business to be submitted to the King. The East India merchants represent their trade into Persia to be so overburdened with the charge of Ambassadors and the profits so small, that nothing but obedience to his Majesty's commands causes them to continue it. They complain that Sir Robert Sherley has practised with the Persian Merchant here and his son against the Company and has both written himself and procured them to write to the King of Persia to seize all the Company's goods and servants; and therefore if he should go into Persia he would not only destroy the trade, but practise against their factors. Pray therefore to be excused from transporting him, and that he may seek his own passage according to his own offer. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. XXIV., No. 75, Cal. p. 309.)
April ? 299. Warrant to the Duke of Buckingham and others. To call some of the East India merchants before them and examine their reasons alleged to be spared from giving passage to Sir Robert Sherley in their ships to Persia; and if they find not those reasons sufficient then to command the Company in his Majesty's name to give order without further delay for the reception of Sir Robert Sherley and his company, and acquaint their Lordships what ship and what rooms in the ship they appoint for that purpose. ½ p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 12.]
April 14–19. 300. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Report of the Governor of what had passed yesterday before the Lords concerning Mr. Cotton; it was his Majesty's and their Lordship's request that the Company would furnish Mr. Cotton with money in Persia according to the rate of 60s. per diem, and the Company should have it repaid here again as it should grow due by privy seal or any cither security. The Governor made answer that he and the rest there present (who were but few) could not undertake to promise it without the approbation of the Court, but would tomorrow inform the Court of it, which the Lord Treasurer said was a fair and discreet answer. Debate what answer to give their Lordships; agreed to deliver this much as their just excuse, "that they have now recalled their estates out of Persia, where they have little or nothing remaining, by which means the Company shall be altogether unfurnished, and can in no sort accommodate Mr. Cotton as is desired." Adam Bowen dispatched with the jewels and the Company's letters sent to the Downs, with such instructions to their factors at Surat to prevent the danger of Mr. Cotton and Sir R. Sherley as was agreed on, which instructions were read and confirmed. That the Governor had reminded Lord Conway and Mr. Cotton that the ships were ready, hoping it was not his Lordship's pleasure to have them stayed, which would cause them absolutely to lose the voyage for this year; his Lordship was pleased to return this answer, "God forbid they should; for mine own part I hold it unfit the merchants should lose their voyage for the stay of the Ambassadors or any other occasions." The Governor thanked his Lordship for that his honourable answer, desiring him to observe the Company's care in giving timely advertisement of their ships, that hereafter they may not be blamed.
April 19.—Answer of John Brookes, late master of the Moon, to calumnies and false accusations imposed upon him as the chief and only cause in casting away the said ship, and that this unfortunate accident had murdered him in his reputation and robbed him of his means; he related particularly, by way of journal, his journey to the Indies in 1622; how the Trial, whereof he then was master, was cast away, through no fault of his, but by such a disaster as might have befallen the most skilful mariner; how he had advised the Company to make their plantation at Champore or Bessee and not at Lagundy, in regard of the badness of the harbour and want of water, and how Gonninge, who approved rather of Lagundy, threatened therefore to stay him in the country three years longer. He further' alleged that being pressed to take his voyage home in the Moon he absolutely refused, knowing her weakness and how extremely she was eaten with the worms, but at the encouragement of Brockenden he altered his resolution. He accused Saunders as the ground and main of this scandal raised against him, adding Scudamore and Hunter as confederates in giving out that he would run away with the ship; that he was driven by tempest into the Nests, and then prepared himself to come into the Downs. That when the ship struck aground he was not present at the opening of Mr. Brockenden's chest, nor had any of the diamonds and jewels, but confessed that his boy had them; he inveighed against Yonge for causing him to be committed, and complained of the Company for keeping him in prison seven months, there having been 14 Courts of Admiralty in that time. The Deputy then demanded what he did further desire, for whatsoever he had delivered was rather a repetition of his life than any manifestation or clearing of his innocency; his request was for a speedy trial, which the Deputy answered was reasonable and the Court would willingly incline thereto, and as they have begun with him in a legal course so they would proceed with all expedition. Declaration by the Persian merchant, through his interpreter, that he was desirous to put off his silks; answered that there are many in the city who would buy, which the Company would further to their uttermost. That they had received advertisement from Holland that the Persian Ambassador there had sold the Persian merchant's silks, to which he gave answer that the Ambassador durst not do it, for he had no authority to meddle therewith, but if he bad adventured so far he will be cut in pieces when he returns to Persia. Concerning Poynett's bill of charges for piloting the Company's ships from Gravesend to the Downs. Ordered that the Persian Ambassador, if he return to London, be lodged in the same House, the Company paying the rent for one year, if he stay so long; but the Ambassador being at all other charges. Thomas Corne's charges for riding several times post to Dover and back again, and for other expenses, to be paid 6 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 366–372.]
April 20.
Deal, from off the Expedition.
301. Sir Dodmore Cotton to Sec. Lord Conway. The ships are gone, and he and Sir Robt. Sherley left behind. Beseeches his Majesty's order to the merchants to transport them to the Gulf of Persia in a small ship now at Deal, wherein they have embarked, and if they overtake the fleet that they may be taken into the ship appointed for them. The black Persian left behind wishes to go in this ship, but there is no conveniency and it might cause mischief. Intreats his Lordship to send the propositions of Sir Robert Sherley mentioned in his instructions, and to take order for his dispatch, lest his Majesty's business miscarry. 2 pp. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 13.]
April 20.
302. (Sec. Lord Conway) to (Sir Dodmore Cotton). Instantly after reading his letter, made his Majesty and the Lords acquainted with his request, and his Majesty gave present command that a letter be written in his name from the Lords to the merchants not to suffer their ship to go without Sir Dodmore and Sir Robert Sherley. The merchants have pressed exceedingly to have that command taken off, alleging the inconvenience of the way of Persia, their ship being bound only for the East Indies; but his Majesty is resolute, and herewith he shall receive a letter to the master of the ship to take them both with him, and also a copy of the propositions made by Sir Robert Sherley to his Majesty in the name of the King of Persia. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 14.]
April 20.
303. Sec. Lord Conway to [Capt. Jesson], master of the Expedition. To receive Sir Dodmore Cotton and Sir Robert Sherley into his ship and transport them into Persia, and if the Lord Nagdi Bey come aboard to use his Majesty's Ambassador with due respect. Endorsed, To the master of one of the ships bound to the East Indies. There are minutes of this and the preceding letter in Conway's Letter Bk. pp. 248–9, Dom., Chas. I. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 15.]
April 21. 304. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mun put the Court in mind to desire from Lord Conway a sight of the MS. concerning Amboyna, wherein that foul and bloody fact of the Dutch is expressed and the fault laid upon the English; but the Court thought fit to be silent for a while until it may be known what course the Parliament will run. Consideration of the answer to be given by a committee to the Lords concerning the transportation of Sir Dodmore Cotton Sir Robert Sherley and his lady, and their servants, who keep possession of the Expedition contrary to the Company's order, she being bound not for Persia but for Jacatra; resolved to show the great inconveniences and dangers like to befall the Company thereby, with which reasons, if their Lordships shall not rest satisfied, but urge the Company to carry them directly for Persia, then absolutely to deny their request, and rather to stay the sending of said ship until the next fleet. Warner, assistant to Treasurer Bateman, made known that seeing many payments will be presently issued forth the Company's cash must of necessity be supplied. Proposal of the Governor that such of the Committees as had not formerly been bound would now give the Court leave to make use of their bonds to take up the moneys required, for which they shall have counter security, which was willingly assented to. Payment ordered of 3,000l. to Venn for gold previously had. Brookes very importunate to be brought to trial; ordered that the Secretary write to John Yonge to attend Sir George Newman and obtain from him a peremptory day for the trial. Further request of Brookes on behalf of his son, not only for payment of his wages, but for 10l. which he delivered into the Company's cash in the Indies; the Court demanded of the boy concerning the casting away of the Moon and the breaking up of Brockenden's chest, and who had his jewels, to which the boy most cautiously and cunningly answered, and in all excused his father, but accused Churchman, the master, Stamper, the boatswain, and himself; the Court was then pleased in favour of the boy to give order for the payment of the said 10l. and such wages as are due unto him. Suit of Capt. Hall for remainder of his wages and indigo brought home; after debate resolved that 100 marks be stayed out of his wages as a fine for his private trade and for the freight of his goods; he humbly thanked the Court for dealing so favourably with him, protesting that if he were again employed he would never commit the like error. Examination of the complaints of Rowe, master of the Star, against John Grant, John Sallus, and Charles Askenby; Grant acknowledged he had left the ship at Portsmouth, being denied leave by Rowe, and submitted himself to the Court. In the case of Sallus, the Court much disliked the passion and hasty humour of Rowe; Askenby confessed to his running away and stay at Mauritius Island, but that it was occasioned out of fear of Rowe's threats. Orders of the Court for deductions from their several wages. Full wages to be paid to John Groves, surgeon's mate of the Star, in regard Rowe hath no exception or complaint against him; 50s. to Tichbourne, the Company's solicitor, for charges in entering the decree made in the Star Chamber on their behalf against George Ball. 6¼ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII., 372–378.]
April 22.
A board the Expedition.
305. Sir Dodmore Cotton to Sec. Lord Conway. Received his Lordship's letter of the 20th the next morning. The merchants have commanded the master to London; fears they will change him. Understands by his Lordship's letter to the master that the Persian is to go in the same vessel, but besides that there is no possibility for accommodation of them all, it cannot be avoided that some lamentable accident will happen. The merchants have found the way either to break the King's designs by our not going or by some man's death, "for can the two Ambassadors go in so small a ship so long a voyage and not see each other; the rest speaks itself." 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 16.]
April 24. 306. Sir Dodmore Cotton to Sec. Lord Conway. The (East India) merchants have ordered nothing as yet, although his Lordship's letter fully expressed his Majesty's command. A new master, Capt. Hall, takes charge of the ship, but says he has no order from them. Report that the merchants would have the Persian along in their ship, the inconvenience and danger whereof he mentioned in his last. Beseeches to know his Majesty's pleasure ½ p. [Dom., Chas. I., Vol. XXV., No. 58., Cal p. 317.]
April 24. 307. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Discourse concerning what resolution to take about the transportation of Sir Dodmore Cotton, Sir Robert Sherley, and the Persian Ambassador, Sir Dodmore and Sir Robert and his lady having embarked aboard the Expedition; if they go the Persian will not be left behind, and how to accommodate them all in so small a ship. Jesson, the master, and John Samuel, the purser of the ship were conferred with. Complaints against Jesson that through his negligence this accident in suffering Sir Dodmore and Sir Robert to take possession of the ship bad happened, for he might have been in readiness to go with the rest of the fleet. The Governor then demanded whether it were possible to accommodate the Ambassadors in the ship without danger; to which it was answered that two of the Ambassadors might make a hard shift, but if the Persian came on board it was impossible to accommodate them all, and for his part, whether the Persian go or not, he is resolved not to hazard his person in the ship, for there can be no other thing expected but a destruction of the whole company. After long debate it was propounded by the Governor to have a letter written to John Yonge, ordering him to acquaint Sir Dodmore Cotton and Sir Robt. Sherley with these inconveniences and dangers, when they may be so discouraged as to give over the voyage and stay until the next fleet. Ordered that a Court of Sales be held on Wednesday come sevennight. Calicoes, wet pepper, and indigo dust to be sold; some indigo dust to be shipped for Holland. Offer of 10,000 pipe staves, but the Company having no want of them Leatt was suffered to lay them in the Company's yard at Deptford. Committee approved to take care for a provision of canvas. Styles to undergo the charge of making provision of cordage. The magazines to be moved from Deal to Sandwich in regard the stores in them are much wasted by the ordinary use and command of them by the captains of his Majesty's ships riding in the Downs. Ordnance to be surveyed. Accounts between the King's officers and the Company to be cleared. 5 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 379–383.]
April 25. 308. (Sec. Lord Conway) to Sir Dodmore Cotton. Though the merchants insisted strongly on the necessity of sending the Persian Ambassador in the same ship with him and Sir Robert Sherley, yet on the signification of his Majesty's pleasure, and the same being urged by the Lords, they promised to seek some other passage for that Ambassador. Hopes he will be speedily freed from that trouble and find no other impediment to his voyage. 2/3 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 17.] In conway's Letter Bk., p. 49, Dom., Chas. I., are minutes of this letter and also of another to Cap. Hall, of the Expedition, to the same effect.
April 26.
309. Richard Wylde to John Banggam, at Lahore. Wrote to him by way of Agra a few days past on behalf of John Benthall and Joseph Hopkinson, the former from Persia, having requested him to solicit from Banggam the return of 100 tomauns delivered him in Gombroon to be invested in goods. Requests him to draw out an account and send it with Benthall's money remaining in his hands, for it is a great hindrance to Benthall to have his stock lie dead so long. Hopkinson is also faulty in the same kind, who, on his departure for Mocha left a rememdrance of goods in Banggam and Goodwin's hands to satisfy Benthall; of these, Clitherow informed Hopkinson that the damasks and cloths of gold were sold last year by Goodwin, who has retained the money. Entreats Banggam to show Goodwin this letter, and demand an account of business committed to him by the Company, wherein he hath been too much remiss. 1 p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1226.]
April 26.
310. Thomas Kerridge to John Banggam. Urges him if any of Kerridge's goods remain after the Naroze to put them out at prices current, lest Manuel de Payna's brinquos cause his to be disesteemed. Mahomet Chan will prove a more noble chapman than Aseph Chan, so it is requisite to win his favour; hopes that like a cunning courtier running with the current he has already effected this.
April 29.—Postscript. In daily expectation of advice from Banggam has deferred this bearer's despatch three days. Naderzeman was often earnest to have some of the tofas remaining in Banggam's charge; to have especial care not to trust him with anything, being a base conditioned fellow, and such a one as will hardly pay for aught he buyeth. 1 p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1227.]
April 27.
The Downs.
311. Sir Dodmore Cotton to (Sec. Lord Conway). Has received his Lordship's concerning Sir Robert Sherley and himself embarking without the other Ambassador in the ship Expedition. They have both been aboard her 10 days, and nothwithstanding his Majesty's express command the merchants have not given any order for their journey nor disburdened the ship so as she might use her ordnance or take in his goods; and the officers still talk of carrying them to Jacatra first (a most unhealthy place and clean out of their way), and God knows when they would bring them to Persia, therefore they must be held to the King's command to go for Persia, though they winter about the Islands of Conga. "If they show such small respect to the King's commands here what can we expect abroad." 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 18.]
April 28. 312. Sir Dodmore Cotton to Sec. Lord Conway. This 28th April the merchants have given order for removing the ship to the Isle of Wight, and this night they are for Dover, and God knows what will be done with them, for Capt. Hall asked what he could do if they were carried to Jacatra, to which he answered he would protest them traitors to his Majesty and this kingdom, as much as if they carried him to Goa, but hoped they would do as the King commanded; he answered that if he went he would do as the Company commanded. It seems they are already out of his Majesty's protection, what then would become of them when at the mercy of the merchants, but beseeches his Majesty if he does otherwise than well to send another Ambassador to know the mystery of these things, and if he dies to have an account from the merchants, for he grieves his Majesty should be so much abused. Trusts his Lordship will take order that they be not lost, but if so, pity their memory. The Captain said he would do nothing without the broad seal. 1 p. [East Indies, Vol. IV., No. 19.]
April 28. 313. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Information that Sir George Newman would hold no court for trial of Brookes and his confederates until the Parliament was ended; resolved that a petition be presented to the Lords Committees of the Upper House against them. George Baker, entertained a factor, desired to be excused in that he had not proceeded in the voyage, he had desisted from it at his father's command in regard the voyage was so dangerous and desperate. The Court, though unwilling to pardon his error because others should not be encouraged to do the like, yet in regard he had received no money by way of imprest were content to connive at this his not proceeding. Information that the last advice from Surat complains of the coral that it was over bought, that it was of the inferior sort, &c. Discussion about next year's investments; some of opinion that the coral from Marseilles is better than that of Leghorn, others that the Leghorn coral was better bought; resolved to keep the trade in the Company's hands lest the Dutch deprive the Company of it, and therefore resolved to buy of all sorts and as much as can be got, observing the last year's rule, to buy from 2s. to 15s. or thereabouts. Concerning the estate of Henry Dorrell, deceased, resolved to end this business on Wednesday next. Thos. Corne's bill of charges allowed. Richard Greenbury, painter, to receive 20 marks for two pictures of the Persian Ambassador. 4¼ pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 384–388.]