East Indies: June 1625

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1884.

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'East Indies: June 1625', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629, ed. W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1884), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp73-79 [accessed 15 September 2024].

'East Indies: June 1625', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Edited by W Noel Sainsbury( London, 1884), British History Online, accessed September 15, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp73-79.

"East Indies: June 1625". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Persia, Volume 6, 1625-1629. Ed. W Noel Sainsbury(London, 1884), , British History Online. Web. 15 September 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/east-indies-china-japan/vol6/pp73-79.

June 1625

June 1. 143. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Order of the Lord Keeper concerning Nathan Bolt. John Lamprey's cause. Ordered that sixty tons of greenish brimstone, lately arrived, fit for making powder be treated for. Anthony Wither's twelve particular objections, with the Answers, read, the latter approved and ordered to be presented to the Lords [see No. 240]. Concerning Wickham's estate, the Court understanding that he went to the Indies very poor and died there with an estate of 1,500l., resolved not only to accept his legacy and put it into the poor box, but commanded Mr. Cappur to go to Sir Thos. Smythe and demand it. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII., 61–63.]
June 2.
144. Barlow to Carleton. Block Marteson, who can give good information, and others, say that they may be "a sartaned" that Coen hereafter shall not go for the Indies they will be ready to inform the States of that which shall be good for both Companies and very acceptable to our Company, and entreat Carleton to have assurance from the States he shall not go, when they will show Coen's wilful breach of the contract with our Company; wishing that Carleton would let that point be examined, whether that Commission he left in the Indies, were from himself or by order from his masters, also whether he had order to establish there free trade, or whether it is his own act. These and many other things Marteson doth make account shall be examined before the States, saying he is a cruel barbarous fellow, and will seek his revenge if it were 20 years hence, for there is never no reconcilement with him. Marteson stands in some terms to be employed by the Company, for Laurence Real is chosen Bewinthebber, who was General before Coen, and opposed to him in all his proceedings. So now by his means that business will have due examination, and if it be found that these breaches are made by the authority of Coen, then the Company have action against him; if by order from his masters, then the better grounds against them. The Bewinthebbers have returned from the Hague, and have left certain deputies with their advocate to treat in the business with our Company. 1 p. [Correap. Holland.]
June 3. 145. Court Minutes of the East India Company. About the packing of cloth for Persia; some to be wrapped in lead as hitherto, the rest in canvas. The clothworker to have 12d. per cloth for "folding and tilletting." Harby being in France, Cartwright is requested to assist Warner in buying kersies. A bargain of timber, to the value of 800l., bought of one Edward Downer, approved. All the Company's docks being full, the ship bought of Barbour to be put into Steven's brother's dock. 90 cwt. of Barbary saltpetre, bought of Mr. Dyke, at 3l. 10s. the cwt., that commodity very needful for the Company at this present. Ordered that the Secretary ask Sir John Coke whether he had written concerning the passing of the Dutch ship, and what order was to be suspected for the future. Order concerning the ships' barges, to prevent their being used by masters in the Downs. Request of Mr. Leate for the Company's barge for two or three days "to carry the Turke up the river as far as Hampton Court" willingly assented to. Concerning Wickham's legacy, Sir Thomas Smythe to be asked that it may be brought into Court. Resignation of Eynes, one of the auditors. That Barlow's accounts, by reason of his age and indisposition, be hastened. Request of John Watts for 50l., stayed for Thomas Staverton out of the estate of Edward Pike, deceased, from his adventure of 1,000l. granted. 3 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 64–66.]
June 9.
The Hague.
146. Carleton to Sec. Conway. The Bewinthebbers make difficulty to proceed any further till the act of reprisals be abolished; which Carleton cannot counsel, but that it should be suspended while things are in treaty is very necessary. Yet cannot say things are in treaty, for finds the three Ambassadors waiting passage for England have no commission in that business, and when they are spoken to, as they should be, roundly, they will undoubtedly answer they left the matter in handling betwixt the States and himself; but Conway will see what the States say, excusing themselves upon the reprisals. For his part has no commision further than to put the three points required by our merchants into their hands. Many particularities depend upon those general demands, which must be resolved on by treaty; wherefore Conway may please either to procure the Ambassadors there may write for commissions, or else that commission be sent hither to regulate this business. Here are two English merchants, Misselden at Delft, and Barlow at Amsterdam, whom our Company hath formerly employed; they (or others) being authorised by our merchants, with address to his Majesty's minister in this place, and commission with such deputies as the States shall appoint as arbitrators, of all that shall pass in these three points, may bring them to some good issue; otherwise by way of proposition and answer, or such conference as is often held betwixt the States and himself, the matter will still hang in uncertainty, and these Bewinthebbers take advantage of such irregular proceeding to draw things into length. [Extract from Corresp. Holland.]
June 10. 147. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Statement of Mr. Evelyn, that by reason of his late dangerous indisposition he had been slack in performing his contract for making gunpowder, but was now recovered and desired the saltpetre might be delivered to him. Debate about the colours used for dyeing the Company's cloth; ordered that two or three bales be sent to Persia of colours not mentioned in the factors' advices for a trial, Deed of sale presented by Mr. Garway, from Barbour and partners of the ship Red Lion. Leave given to Ducy to view certain timber near Erith, which may be had at 2s. 6d. the load, and then to go to Lincolnshire to view a parcel for Mr. Garway's father if it be fit for the Company's use. Agreement with Matthew Graves, ship carpenter, to pay 480l. for docking, sheathing, and finishing the Red Lion. Stevens to overlook the work. Report of Henry Garway of the landing at the Custom House of divers chests of coral for the Company's use; he and Mr. Ellam appointed to see condition of same before agreeing for the custom of the whole. Petition of Jeremy Sambrooke, that by reason of the indisposition of body of Lanman, by whom petitioner had long been trained and was now personally recommended, he desired the reversion of Lanman's place; the Court, although they approved of petitioner as an honest able man yet they relished not well his request for a reversion, which they utterly denied, nevertheless, that he might not be discouraged, answered that he was as likely to have the Company's favour to succeed him as any other whatsoever. Ordered that Fotherby have the paying of painters, boat makers, &c. and that some one be appointed to relieve Edward Seagar from paying wages at Blackwall; Thomas Rilston nominated, but the settling thereof deferred. Account of Hugh Greete. Desire of Giles Debutt to pass over an adventure of 500l. to Giles Vandeputt, according to an order in the Exchequer, but as he did not come in person the Court would not allow it. 4 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 67–70.]
June 12. 148. Answer of the States General to the reply of Sir Dudley Carleton and Sir William St. Leger of the 19/29th May [see ante, No. 136]. To clear up the point dwelt upon in the 9th Article, they have commanded the Administrators of the East India Company to give all the contentment they can on this point; but since the Act of Reprisals is not yet annulled, although his Majesty is satisfied with the endeavours they have made touching the business of Amboyna, for which said reprisals were granted, and they have nothing in common with the three points, the administrators make difficulty of proceeding further, without being satisfied that said reprisals are abolished; which they pray his Majesty to do as soon as possible, that this affair may be better ended. French. [Extracts from Corresp. Holland.]
June 15–17. 149. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Report of Mr. Governor that letters were come from Messrs. Barlow and Misselden, together with one from Wm. Martyn and other factors at Surat, brought by a Holland ship, which confirms the report of the unhappy disaster of imprisoning their factors and confiscating their goods there; but in the opinion of Mr. Lebeck, one of the properest merchants of Amsterdam, this accident will prove but a money matter, for that the like trick had been put on the Dutch and cost them 70,000 guilders, and Mr. Governor well hoped this would prove but such a business. Also that Barlow had sent a copy of the commission which Coen left with Carpenter in the Indies, wherein much double dealing would be discovered, and had notice of other writings of Coen's, which he much desires to bring to light, but as yet he cannot compass at any rate; Mr. Skinner to be entreated to translate the commission. Concerning Evelyn's contracts for serving the Company with powder. The salaries of Messrs. Cowley and Hanson, the new warehouse keepers, not to be allowed until the return of some of the Company's ships. Letter to be written to Thos. Newport about the late Sampson Newport, his brother's adventure, and his debt to the Company. Committees appointed to compound and settle the custom of five chests of coral landed. John De Wall to be offered to the Dutch Mayors as counter security for 212 lasts of pepper "to parallel Sir Peter Van Lore." Discussion on Hugh Greete's business; it was remembered that Greete went out a poor man, that he had not dealt faithfully with the Company to whom he was much indebted, and that he was sent home prisoner for misdemeanor, and resolved that the factor's letters concerning him be perused, and Lanman draw out his account with all possible speed.
June 17.—On the petition of Hester, widow of George Lunn, the Company's pulley maker, who through his and her son's death is left in great extremity, the Court was content that she should continue in that service until order be given for the contrary, and be paid 40l. though the accounts be not audited. Ordered that Thomas Rilston pay the wages at Blackwall, so that Edward Seagar may the better attend to his accounts at the Custom House. Order for providing biscuits. The price of corn, by reason of the unseasonableness of the weather, already risen. About payment of many poor cloth-workers employed by the Company in dressing their cloth. Petition to be prepared to the Lord Treasurer about the, custom of the Company's refuse coral, as the committees cannot agree with the farmers thereon. Articles of complaint preferred against Hugh Greete by the factors read, but because there was not a full court the business deferred. 7 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VIII. 71–77.]
June 18.
The Hague.
150. Carleton to Sec. Conway. Certain deputies of the States have been twice with him this week touching the "three points," about which they brought a project, which he returned as unsatisfactory; and now they have the business in hand again to bring their Bewinthebbers, who still remain here about this business, to more reason. When they come nearer to conclusion will advertise the whole proceeding. [Extracts from Corresp. Holland.]
June 18.
Cally Tullawry.
151. Robt. Young, Jno. Leachland, Jno. Banggam, and Gregory Clement, to Kerridge and Council at Surat. The emeralds again proffered to Meer Moosa as ordered, who absolutely refused them. Banggam will endeavour their sale at Agra or the Court. "Meer Moosa is gone hence three course to Cally Tullawry." Draft with corrections. 1 p. [O.C. Vol. XI., No. 199.]
June 22–25. 152. Court Minutes of the East India Company. About payment of the mariners' wages, by John Yonge and Thomas Rilston. Ordered that the poorer cloth workers only be paid when they bring in their work. Discussion on Hugh Greete's business; that he had dealt unfaithfully with the Company and cozened them, bying diamonds for the Company's use, and culling out the choicest for himself, for which and other misdemeanors he was sent home prisoner in irons, and that in 1619 two sums of 150l. each were paid by virtue of one order, which was conceived a "disreputation" to the Company, but as the Company might be questioned in time to come for detaining a sum given for building a hospital, it was thought fit to leave the reasons on record for satisfaction of posterity that it may appear to the world that the Company proceedings are just and well grounded, but the resolution left when Mr. Governor might be present. Draught of petition to the King concerning the injuries of the Dutch read and approved. Payment to Allen Gardner on account of 100 loads of timber. Report of Mr. Mun of a conversation with a kinsman of Lord Ambassador Carleton's, newly, come over, in reference to three propositions, the first concerning the departure of the English from Jacatra, whereto it was said the Dutch will give their free consent; that as to deciding differences by joint consultation the Dutch give way, so it be not within their jurisdiction, and for building of forts they will give liberty, so it be by joint advice and according to the Treaty, by all which it appears the Company are in the same case they were a twelve month since; he also said that Mareschalk was in prison, and the rest sent for, and more could not be done. The Court remembered the opinion of the late King that the Dutch could have no sovereignty over his subjects though they had conspired against the Castle of Amboyna, yet were they unjustly murdered; resolved to attend the King before the Dutch Ambassadors have audience, with a petition inserting the whole process of the business of Amboyna from the delivery of the petition at Wanstead, and particularly his late Majesty's resolution to have satisfaction by 12 August last, and yet nothing hitherto effected, the captains of the King's ships making slight of their commissions, alleging my Lord Duke told them the business was ended, and my Lord Ambassador telling the States the seizure of their ships was suspended. Upon these grounds it was held meet that the Lord President, Lord Chamberlain, and Lord Marshal be attended and boldly to let them know that the trade cannot continue if speedy redress be not given, and if justice be not done on the malefactors, the Treaty dissolved, and no reglement yielded unto, though the opinion of the late King and lords was not to make void the Treaty, but to rectify it, the Court being resolutely of opinion that without justice and due reparation both the Persian and Indian trade will fall, because no money will be brought in. Report of the Treasurer that a general balance had been effected by Lanman, so after debate a course was concluded upon for bringing in delinquents accounts. A general court of election to be held on Friday week. John Cappur's accounts audited, on the foot whereof was a rest of 11l. 0s. 10d. which the Court, considering he had disbursed 2,300l. during four years, was pleased to bestow on him, with advertisement not to let his accounts run so long hereafter. Warrant to pay 50l. to John Cappur, to be employed about the powder mill.
June 24.—There being so few of the Committees present (11) it was thought meet that Greete's business be ended tomorrow. Bacon to attend the Council table to procure a day of hearing Wither's complaints. Mr. Governor, with Mr. Deputy and Mr. Mun, to attend the Lord Chamberlain about delivery of the petition to the King. The rooms over the gate granted to Mr. Sec. Sherburne until Michaelmas. Complaint of Blunt against Wm. Walker that he is negligent in his place, and exceedingly abuses the Committees with uncivil and scandalous speeches; also complaint of Sherburne for Walker's speeches against him. After debate it was resolved to hear Walker speak for himself next morning.
June 25.—Concerning the business of delinquents; resolved, to let it rest as at present. Consideration of Greete's business; there being no sufficient proof in point of law to warrant the Company's detention of his estate, resolved, after long debate, to lay freight upon his goods brought home, abate his whole wages, having dealt in private trade, deduct his debt to the Company, and employ the remainder to charitable uses. Five ryals per chest freight for coral to be paid. Report of Mr. Governor that he had delivered the petition to the King, which, when his Majesty had looked upon and found long, he demanded what the matter was, and was answered it imported the Company's desire for justice for the murder at Amboyna, and reparation of other injuries from the Dutch, and the Company's discouragement that the Dutch ships in the Downs" were not seized upon; to which remonstrance the King was pleased to signify three several times he would take care of it, and folded up the petition and put it in his pocket. The complaint of Blunt against Walker read; ordered that Walker be dismissed, that he deliver up the keys, and another porter be chosen. Debate about the security to be given to the Dutch [for pepper], because that John de Wall being old it was thought he would not engage himself, so resolved to intreat Sir Wm. Courteen and Mr. Vandeputt to write to their brothers to be security. Gratification of 20 marks to Walter Whitinge for his services, and 100l. to Barlow for his great pains and diligence in the Company's service. All the Company's officers re-elected and ordered to be at Court on Friday to take their oaths for the year ensuing. About payment of a tun of lemon water, and the account between the Company and Mr. Bownest for indigo and calicoes. 11 pp. [Ct. Min. Bk. VII. 78–88.]
June 25./July 5.
153. Edward Misselden to Edward Sherburne, Secretary to the East India Company. Desired in his former to the Company to have advice of his letters of the 7th and 22nd January and 2nd April past, not mentioned to have been received, but the doubt is not yet satisfied. Has forborne to touch that again to the Company, choosing rather to desire it at Sherburne's hands. Begs he will honour him with a line when anything falls out at the Court that concerns him. 1½ pp. [East Indies, Vol. III., No. 74.]
June 25.
154. The Governor of Tegall to "the Captain of the English" in Bantam. You may at your pleasure send a ship to Tegall, not doubting our friendly "receptance." Prays him to furnish us with fine white cloth. For all other business refers us to the bearer. On same page.
155. The President and Council for the English to the Governor of Tegall. Will in good time visit his port of Tegall with a ship, meantime pray him to accept of a piece of cloth. Dated 26 Jan. 1628 (sic). Together, 1 p. [O.C., Vol. XI., No. 1200.]