Jan. 11.
Pardon my boldness in writing so stoutly to your honour ; but
the 'serviable' heart and sincere good-will I bear to your service
moves me thereto, hoping you will take it in good part.
The common bruit is here that 5,000 footmen and 1,000 horse
are coming from England ; and I have, therefore, thought it good
to advertise you of such things as are necessary to be provided for
against the coming over of our army (but if it is to be paid by the
Queen, and not by the Estates here, no doubt but your honour
and the Council have taken better order than I can invent or
think) ; but if our army is to be paid by the States, and all things
at their charge, it is very necessary that the Lord-General should
write to them to give a commission to such man as he might
appoint, to take up in Flanders so many waggons as shall serve for
the carriage of his baggage and that of any noblemen or captains
who shall come with him.
Also, if he bring over artillery or other munitions, as light fieldpieces
with powder and shot, there must be another commission
granted from the States to take up 150 horses, 'tymonires,' to draw
the artillery.
Also 600 pioneers must be levied in Flanders to attend upon the
artillery, or to fortify and intrench our camp. In these cases I
have been very well experimented in these past civil wars, so that
if it shall please the Lord-General to appoint me to make these
provisions against his arrival, in serving commission from him and
the States, I trust to accomplish the commissions very well to his
It is also needful to have from the States a commission for
lodging and placing the soldiers in all villages and 'freedoms' on
the coast, if by fortune of weather our camp should not arrive at
one port, or on one day ; considering that the most part of them
will be very sick and weak at their first coming from the seas.
Further, if the General sends over artillery, powder, or munitions,
or bullets, spades, pickaxes, and other things necessary for
our camp, it were best to send them to Antwerp, hence they may
be brought either to Mechlin or Brussels by water, to 'evite' all
the ill ways and foul passages in Flanders ; and the horses and
waggons can meet the artillery.
I doubt not but that your honour and the Queen's Council will
take order with the States that our men may have as good wages
and treatment as their own subjects and all other strangers ; which
is as follows :
Every ten 'ansiens' of soldiers have a colonel appointed, and
every ancient is 150 men, others 200 men, as it pleases the States.
The colonel has 1,000 guilders a month 'tretament,' paying certain
of his officers thereof, and is further allowed 50 light horse or
'harkabussears a horsbacke, as forerytars,' to foresee ambushes
and give intelligence of the enemy ; also to send with convoys for
victuals and other things for the regiment. Which colonel I
think to be very convenient, and a principal good order ; for on all
occasions the general may command three or four colonels with
their men to do what service he may please at short notice, as every
regiment lies in one quarter together and knows its leaders. Also
if the general should be troubled with every particular cause, he
would be greatly troubled ; whereas the colonels can keep order
and hear all disorder in their regiments, and punish disorderly persons
with consent of the general.
Thus much I have thought good to advertise you, trusting that
you will take it in good part, as my meaning is to do you service,
and to live and die in the service of the Queen and for my country.
I would have written to my Lord of Leicester, but for want of
acquaintance and never having written to him. I trust that you
will so commend me to him that I shall be bounden to pray for you
for the rest of my life ; and I trust to do him such good service that
you shall both be content. I am to be employed at both your commands ;
either to serve with 100 light horse as captain of the scouts
and guides, to ride abroad to foresee all dangerous passages and to
prevent attempts which the enemy might pretend against us, as
also I should have no fear to lie in ambush to entrap some of our
chiefest rebels who are in service with Don John. The passages
of these countries, having been here in service these 30 years, are
very well known to me, as also the persons of our English rebels,
and both the 'Hambeltons,' who ride continually in post both to
Spain and Italy through France, and pass and re-pass upon the
frontiers greatly to the advancement of the service of Don John.
Or else if you please to employ me for 'treschman' or marshal of
the lodgings, or to remain always with the general, to be at his command
to send on messages or do all services he may command, I
hope to give him such intelligences and advertisements of all such
regiments as are to be mistrusted, who have forsaken their first
colonels, who remain with Don John, and [who] are in service with
the States, but yet if we do join battle, I have a great doubt of their
fidelity, and so have others who know them as well as I do. There
are captains of the regiment of the Baron of Hierges who are
'comen' with their men to serve the States, whom I have known
to be 'the only one hand' of the Baron. So of the regiments of
the Count de Meghon, M. de Floyon, Mondragon's regiment, M.
Billy's alias Signor Robles' regiment, Colonel 'Mary Corduary's'
regiment ; besides particular persons who are greatly to be mistrusted
that most of them will turn their coats if occasion serves.
These things and others of which I will inform the general at his
coming are sufficient to warn him to form his camp with the
Prince's soldiers, and other regiments, as those of the Count de la
Marche, Count Boussu, the Viscount of Ghent, M. de Hèze, Count
Egmont, and others. We must so intrench our camp and choose
our ground as to prevent all attempts that our enemies shall pretend
against us ; for you must think that we shall [have] for
enemies the oddest [sic] and 'experimentest' soldiers in the world,
who have such a number of chief leaders and experimented generals
as in our camp is not one to make comparison ; for except the
Count de Boussu, M. de la Motte, and the Marshal Goignies, we
have no generals that have haunted or experimented the wars to
have any judgement or knowledge in martial affairs.—Brussels,
11 Jan. 1577.
Add. Endd. 4½ pp. [Holl. and Fland. V. 12.]
Jan. 11.
589. A statement of duties (moyens generaux) to be levied on
merchandise consumed in and entering the Low Countries ; including
wines (Auxerrois, Bordeaux, Paris, Orleans, 'Beane,' Ay,
Cognac, Poitou, Louvain, Liége, the Rhine, Malmsey and Muscadel,
Caucry, 'eau de vie ou vin brûlé) ; beer (Antwerp, England,
Cambray, &c.) ; meat ; fish and herrings.
'In presence of me, Jan de Pennemantz.'
Walsingham's mark. Fr. 5½ pp. [Ibid. V. 13.]
590. Another copy of the same. 4 pp. [Ibid. V. 14.]
Jan. 11.
Of the good success of our matters since the return of the
Marquis, his letters and mine will have informed you. The States
have since dispatched M. de Famars, who is now upon his departure,
with full powers to act for them. They resolutely expect the
transporting of our forces with all the speed that may be ; which
cannot be greater than their necessity. They have this week been
compelled to raise the siege of Ruremonde, which Mondragon has
succoured with 5,000 foot and 1,200 horse. He is now returned
towards Maestricht, some think in hope of surprising that town,
where he had intelligences ; though prevented by the States, who
have lately sent thither 10 ensigns of foot and 100 horse, to remain
in garrison.
Other things here begin to take a better course. The people,
who would not hitherto approve the entry of Matthias to take his
oath here, till the States had appointed him a Council unsuspected,
confirmed to the Prince his new government of Brabant, and
chosen him lieutenant-general to the Archduke, have now in them
all obtained satisfaction. Wherefore the Marquis and other Commissioners
are sent to Antwerp to pray his Highness to transport
himself hither, where they provide for his reception on Tuesday or
Wednesday next. The Count of 'Swartzberg,' the Emperor's
ambassador, is come to him, and the rest of the Commissioners are
daily expected, though little good fruit is hoped for of their labours.
Draft. Endd. ¾ p. [Ibid. V. 15.]
Jan. 12.
Finding this convenient messenger, servant to M. du Plessis,
I would not fail to trouble you with these few lines, to
let you know that La Roche has lately prayed one Malleroy
[Malroy], brother to Clervaut, and belonging to the
Prince of Orange, to procure from the Prince letters in his
favour, that as he is shortly going to India to possess a land
given him by the Pope, if he shall encounter any ships of the
Prince's, he may be bold to account of them as his friends, and
would not for his part fail to treat them with all courtesy. Malleroy
finds this strange, because, as everyone knows, ships belonging to
the Prince of Orange have no trade into those parts, as also that
they are not of such strength as to be able to do him any harm.
He seems to doubt if the enterprise be not against Zealand. He
tells me that Combelles, lieutenant to Count Martinengo when
alive, goes with la Roche as colonel of 12 ensigns of foot, and that
young Lansac is of this match, la Roche making account of 15
ships and 1,500 harquebusiers. He says, too, that dining with la
Roche in the company of other gentlemen, he took occasion to say
that her Majesty was the mightiest princess of Christendom on
the seas ; whereso la Roche replied that though he were a poor
gentleman the Queen of England had 'doubted' of him before
now, and had written to the King to stay his preparations. He
affirmed that the enterprise of England is not so dangerous as is
thought ; there are many descents without peril or difficulty.
I will not trouble you with the report of the dangerous broils
occasioned by a quarrel, in the King's chamber during a dance,
between Bussy and Grammont. It will suffice you to know that
Bussy will take no wrong where Monsieur can defend him.—Paris,
12 Jan. 1577.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [France II. 3.]
Jan. 12.
You have heard so lately from the Court by your servant, and now
by this bearer from Mr. Secretary, that I think there is nothing
left for me to write more than what concerns myself, either for my
abode here, or for my going into Scotland, which is now in consultation,
and my labour as great as may be that any man take this
journey in hand than I. I assure you it neither agrees with my
years, nor any way to my contentment. If ought can make me
willing it is that the errand is good if it take effect as the 'plate'
is laid. A league offensive and defensive between us and them ;
pensions to be bestowed among the worthiest sort ; agreement to
be made between the portions now discontented, some with the
government, some with particular actions. This is the sum of the
negotiation ; God send it to be well followed here and executed
there as the importance of the cause requires.
As concerning your doing there, I find them all well 'liked of'
here, and wish your reward might be according to your deserving.
This bearer is servant to my Lord Cobham, and serves under me
at Canterbury ; always at your command as myself. And so with
commendations to my good gossip and your young son, I commit
you to God.—London, 12 Jan. 1577.
Add. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fland. V. 16.]
Jan. 14.
You will hear from M. de Famars, who is being sent to her
Majesty to entreat her to carry out the promise made to us through
the Marquis of Havrech, what is the state of this country, both
general and particular ; also what forces the enemy has, and how
much will to injure us ; and you will know how necessary it is
for us to be succoured from the resources which her Majesty has
in plenty. For my own part, I beg you to aid us as you have
done before. If you will oblige us in general I shall in particular
be bound to serve you.—Ghent, 14 Jan. 1578. (Signed), Guille
de Nassau.
Add. Endd. : The Prince of Orange to my L. by Mons.
Famars, [Walsingham's mark] mark below. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. V. 17.]
Jan. 14.
Yours of the 25th ult. received, together with the 'newell'
you sent her Majesty ; for an account of the good acceptance of
which I must refer you to Secretary Wilson's report. He had the
delivery of it, I being absent. I am much beholding to you for the
piece of satin you sent me, which liked her Majesty so well that
I have never had greater thanks of her for any present I have made
As you cannot but be desirous to know what resolution we are
grown to with them of Dieppe, whose ships were stayed in the west
country, I enclose a copy of the order that my lords of the Council
have set down in that behalf. [Erased : Which the said Frenchmen
have already performed by disbursing the £500 therein mentioned,
and entering into a bond for the payment of the other
£1,500 in case Lansac does not make satisfaction to our merchants
within the time limited ; and my lords have written to the vice-admiral
of Cornwall for the release of the Frenchmen's ships.]
As two empty barks of our merchants' fleet are still stayed at
Brouage, the French Ambassador has written the enclosed to the
King for their release. Her Majesty's pleasure is that you also use
the best means you may to induce the King to yield thereto. If
the release does not follow, it may minister occasion for a new
I send herewith the report of the purser of one of Mr. Sackford's
ships of the gentle farewell he and his company received of Lansac
at their departure from Bordeaux. As it argues in him not only
a malicious stomach, but insolent behaviour against her Majesty,
which she may not in honour endure, her pleasure is, upon some
other cause of access, you inform the King thereof, and signify to
him that as his sufferance of the same cannot stand with the good
amity professed between them, and his promises, made both by
yourself and his own Ambassador, to see redress done, it cannot be
thought by any of judgment but that if he were willing he might
easily repress the insolence of his subject.
Also where, as you may perceive by the enclosed certificate, it
is given out that divers ships are set forth in warlike manner, by
order from the King, as they report, to spoil her Majesty's subjects,
which course they are already entered into by spoiling a merchantman
of Exeter, her Highness wishes you to let the King plainly
understand that if this be true, such kind of dealing tending to the
manifest breach of the ancient treaties between the Crowns, and
to the opening of a plain course of hostility, cannot be otherwise
interpreted than to savour of an unfriendly and aliened mind ;
whereof if he do not use his authority to contain his subjects within
a more temperate course, her realm is not unprovided of means to
redress these wrongs, and that there are sundry of her subjects who,
if they had leave, would at their own charges put themselves in
adventure to revenge the manifold injuries they and their countrymen
have received at his subjects' hands, whom it will be hard to
stay unless present redress follow.
The French Ambassador was lately 'in hand' with me for a more
straight kind of amity between the Queen and his master ; which
I think to be an ordinary entertainment of his, or, rather, that they
use this device to blear our eyes, while underhand they brew some
mischief according to their accustomed manner ; yet do I bear him
in hand that I believe it. Among other things he seemed to wish,
though not in plain terms, but so far as I could gather his meaning,
that the garter were sent to the King ; but since, if her Majesty
were to yield thereto, and it were not afterwards accepted, such a
refusal would greatly dishonour her ; it were well you secretly
sounded du Foix and others whom you think fittest to know what
acceptance would now be made of the garter, which has hitherto
been deferred owing to the troublesome times.
Draft (corrections by Walsingham). Endd. by L. Tomson.
4 pp. [France II. 4.]
Jan. 16.
By our last of the 5th we certified the good usage shown us
here by the Senate on the delivery of the Queen's letters and yours.
From that time till the 14 we did not hear from them. Then
we were warned that the next morning at their accustomed hour
they would give us an answer.
At the time appointed we were conducted to the Town-house
and used in most points as before. Whereupon Dr. Reder, their
Syndicus, declared that the notable Senate had with reverence
read and considered the Queen's letter, and with all good affection
had weighed your letters, and also our verbal demands. To
which he answered to the effect that the Senate accepted in good
part your 'civil and gentle' opinion of them and their denunciation
at the expiring of the privileges. Wherein the Senate would
not be wanting of promise and 'covenance,' with signification
of much courtesy. And whereas we were come to treat of continuance
of trade and desired certain deputed who might 'entend'
communication to the same end, for that reason they sent for us
lest we might think our overlong attendance caused not [sic]
for lack of reasonable inclination on their part. But, considering
that the writer of this treaty is of great importance, it behoves an
advised deliberation ; that at once the nail might be 'stroken'
fast, which behoved the more time, inasmuch as the other Hanse
towns were to be considered and advised of this treaty, who
claimed, 'yea, with comminations' to 'have a saying thereto'
before the conclusion of our reception. Without their advice they
could not resolve : but they knew that those towns would always
offer favourable and friendly counsel. Moreover the estate of those
towns consisting chiefly of burgesses, whom as the principal
member this matter greatly concerned, they would have to be
called together, which would require time.
Therefore the Senate, perceiving that, though willing, they
could not decide with such expedition as they desired and we
required, thought good to let us know the impediments, to the end
we might consider whether we both were to remain here, or to
leave the matter in the hands of one. Wherein they wished Dr.
Palley to consider whether it were not best for him to commit
his power to Mr. Christopher Hoddesdon, Governor and Master
here of the Society, with whom they would treat, and would give
their decision in writing ; before the 'year's end of supply,' meaning
the eleventh year of your privileges, they will end the matter
absolutely. They requested us to let them know what we resolved.
Whereupon we, finding these delays grievous and doubtful,
confessed at once, and answered in brief that we never doubted
their good meaning and benevolence towards you, or the matter
of our present charge, for which we gave them hearty thanks.
In the long declaration we found three points to be noted, for
some of which we were sorry ; as that this Senate having absolute
power and authority, as it appeared, to dispose the affairs of this
town, should await direction or advice from the other Hanse
towns, who we thought if they considered the conventions between
our realm and them, could find no grounded cause of difficulty
against us. As to the gathering of their citizens, we could not
but like it, since we hoped for friendship at the hands at least
of the greater part in respect of our conversation, and the mutual
affection engendered in the last ten years. But whereas they
inclined to protract the ending of this treaty till after midsummer,
we said that this delay would be neither commendable nor
beneficial, since your usual time of shipping approaches in
February, when you are used to appoint your goods for that
place, where you ought to 'have remaining' for that year ; and
it would not be expedient, while matters were in question to
direct the next shipping hither, whence perhaps within a few
months you would have cause to depart.
As for Mr. Palley's departure, the answer was that he came
not hither to depart (unless he were recalled), before a final
decision one way or other, and therefore could not dispose of his
To this answer of ours it was replied that by the last treaty
between the Hanse Towns at Lubeck, about four months since,
they were bound to 'have respect' as expressed. But they would
use all possible diligence ; desiring us to have patience, and as
occasion served we should hear of their proceedings. We asked
them that we might not long be delayed, and departed.
Upon this 'delaytory' declaration we are moved to suspect that
one of two things is intended, either that because of our doubtful
state here we shall not venture to ship thither, and thus the Steelyard
men might do it, and serve the first market ; or else that they
mean to delay us without a decision till our liberties here have
expired, after which they perhaps think that we, finding this
place either necessary because of the troubles in the Low Countries
or otherwise commodious for our trade, will not keep away ; while
if we come 'without a stay' they will burden us with such tolls
as they list. Wherefore if, to defend us against these things,
order might be taken that no goods should be shipped hitherward,
either by us, or by the Steelyard men, or any other, until we
have a definite answer, and also if it would please the Lords of
the Council to call the Alderman of the Steelyard before them,
and 'temper with him in asperity' towards the disjoining of the
Hanse Towns in our case, and also if favourable letters from the
Queen to this Senate could be obtained, for our 'resolute, convenient,
and speedy' answer, we trust our proceeding here would
have the speedier effect.—Hamburg, 16 January 1577.
Copy [?]. Endd. by L. Tomson : From Hambrough. 2 pp.
[Hanse Towns I. 25.]
Jan. 17.
Hamburg, 17 January.—My last was dated the 3rd, and treated
of [a summary of that letter follows] ; since which time I have
had no occurrents from either Rome or Venice. Dantzic has made
an agreement with the King of 'Pole.' I have not the articles,
but I understand they have to pay him two tons of gold in five
years ; also, in respect of their half customs, 10,000 gulden a year
for ever, and must also pay to the Abbot of 'the Olive' 20,000
gulden for rebuilding 'the Olive,' which they destroyed, and must
acknowledge dutiful obedience to the King as subjects. In respect
of this, he has confirmed their privileges as amply as ever they
were granted by any of his predecessors. Six hundred Scotchmen
who have served the town have been their chief stay in all their
troubles. They have done such noble service that they have got
great fame for their country in these parts.
The Estates are levying horsemen in the land of 'Pomer' and
'Makelborowghe,' and are in great need of money for that service ;
but in Holstein and Brunswick they can get none to serve them,
since those countries hope for money to come from Don John,
whom they are much readier to serve ; not in respect of love,
but of much money owing to the Duke of Holstein and 'Harticke
Eryke' for former service done, which they hope by this means
to 'heme' in. But it is thought they will be deceived, Don John
being too strong without their help, and that he has more need of
money than men ; yet it is reported that he has promised to send
them money. It is also thought by the wise here that the
disagreement of the States will be their utter destruction.
On the 10th ult., about nine a.m., was heard and seen one great
flash of lightning and one clap of thunder, since which there
has been such a continuance of frost and snow that the river
is daily travelled over wth horse and 'slede.'
The practise of the Hanse Towns as it seems is so united against
us that I am much in doubt we shall not renew our privileges here.
If it so chances, I think the company will have great need of your
Lordship's help ; for if such 'counterplatts' be not provided in
our state to meet their devices, great perils may ensue, to the
hindrance not only of the company, but of the commonwealth ;
and that you may the better judge of it, I enclose a copy of the
commissioners' letter to the company.
Add. Endd. 1½ pp. [Ibid. I. 26.]
[Jan. 17.]
On Wednesday last the States' camp removed, and encamped
close under the town walls of Namur, at a town called Bouge.
Those of Namur came out with all their forces, and, after skirmishing
about two hours, 'were driven to take the town on their heads'
to escape the forces of the States. Particulars of the fight and
slaughter are yet unknown.
Archduke Matthias on Wednesday [sic] night arrived at
Mechlin, meaning to have come directly to Brussels ; but was
requested by letters thence to wait for the Prince of Orange to
accompany him in his entry, which he most willingly did, 'stering
[?] as desirous thereof.'
The 'pratise' hereof is that the States lately with much ado
granted the admittance of the Prince to be lieutenant of the Archduke ;
and lest they should hereafter 'cavil or brabble' when
Matthias has taken his oath the intent of the Commons is that the
Prince also shall be sworn at the same instant, otherwise the other
shall not be admitted. His Excellency seems unwilling to accept
of this charge, but they will press him thereto ; though, indeed, I
think the nobles and others would wish the contrary.
Yesterday the Prince arrived here, guarded by 300 Gaunt
soldiers, and to-night he departs towards Mechlin ; whence tomorrow
they take their journey to Brussels, where there are great
preparations to receive them.
Some of the States' men crossed the 'Mase,' entered Luxembourg,
and skirmished with Don John's men, 'putting them to
retire' with the slaughter of 40 of them ; and returned to camp,
bringing 200 horned beasts and 14 prisoners.
Since the States took a little fort between Namur and Huy, their
men have crossed the river daily, skirmishing with the enemy and
invading the country ; so that some think Don John will have to
call back his forces from Ruremonde, where he pretended some
enterprises, but all have failed.
Count 'Swartzenbourgh' [Schwarzburg] is entertained by the
States with 2,000 horse, who are looked for daily.
Don John lies in Luxembourg daily expecting his forces and
money, which is provided in Venice, Genoa, and other places ; the
King having also taken from most of his merchants in Spain all
such money as he could get, using some forcible dealing therein.
The States also do their utmost to make both men and money ;
and it is hoped they will be able to countervail the enemy's forces,
if they agree among themselves.
Count Egmont's regiment is come from the camp, and will be
placed in towns which are suspected of being governed by evil
instruments, as Mechlin, Louvain, and others.
Endd. 1½ pp. [Holl. and Fland. V. 18.]
Jan. 18.
K. d. L. x.
Upon the receipt of your honour's of the 11th, which came to
hand just as I was going to salute the Prince on his return from
Ghent, I have dealt with him touching the assigning of a place both
for the landing of our forces and to serve as a magazine for victuals
and munitions. I perceive from him that as there is no special
article in that behalf comprised in the capitulation between her
Majesty and the States, it would be a matter somewhat hardly
'digested' if it were now propounded to them ; and he thinks it
would be needless to propose it, seeing that all the ports of the
country are open to them, and they are to be furnished here with
both victuals and munitions. Howbeit he thought it not amiss to
sound the Marquis and others, to see what they would say ; but as
I shall hardly get any opportunity for 2 or 3 days, till the triumph
is over, I would not neglect to tell you thus much, as a 'project,' in
my opinion, of the answer that will be made.
The States have been earnestly in hand with me, both by the
Marquis and others, to intreat our merchants here to become
caution for a present sum of 30,000 or 40,000 crowns, which they
would have borrowed here upon her Majesty's credit, till the
coming over of the obligations. But my answer was that I had no
such authority, neither durst do it. Besides, neither the procuration
delivered to Carington nor her Majesty's promise extended
to delivering them any money till she had received their
assurances ; which was still so far off that she knew not yet whether
the States had avowed the rest of the Marquis's negotiations.
Therefore I prayed M. de Famars to hasten over our bonds and
procure that the money may be assigned into the hands of the
Marquis for their use. I doubt not you will so provide that this
money be not employed in paying the 'errereges' due to their
army, or otherwise distributed at their discretion ; being chiefly
intended, as I take it, for the entertaining of strangers and
increasing of their forces, both which may meet with difficulties
enough if not looked to.—Antwerp, 18 Jan. 1577.
Draft. 1 p. [Ibid. V. 19.]
Jan. 18.
K. d. L. x.
It has been a fault of ignorance rather than of will that I have
not sooner replied to your last, touching the details of entertainment,
and the provision to be made here of armour, with the prices
of it. Partly the long time since I received any order from you in
that respect, which was the 14th of last October, and partly the
doubtful state of the Marquis's negotiations, made me forget it.
Now to reform my error, I send you such notes as I hope will
satisfy you ; remitting you for other things to the occurrents
accompanying, and to the relation of M. de Famars.—Antwerp,
8 Jan. 1577.
Subjoined : Note concerning prices of such soldiers' furniture as
Colonel Morgan offers to provide in the Low Countries in three
weeks' space.
White Milan corselets, graven, with all
their furniture
£3 6s. 8d.
sterling apiece.
'The caliver with his flask, touch-box,
and graven morion'
23s. 4d.
Muskets of various bores, 6, 8, and 10
bullets to the pound, with flask, touchbox,
brazen charges, rest, and breastplate
Targets of caliver proof
A close burganet, caliver proof
Targets of double pistol proof
Close caskets of same proof
White Milan morions of Spanish fashion
Common halberds
Ordinary corselets, unless sent for from Germany, can be more
cheaply provided in England ; nor can more than 50 muskets be
provided here, but they must be got from Wesel or other towns in
Draft, on back of the last. Endd. ¾ p.
Jan. 18.
K. d. L. x.
599. OCCURRENTS from ANTWERP, forwarded by DAVISON.
The Archduke departing from Antwerp last Monday, thinking
to have made his entry into Brussels next day, has remained at
Mechlin ever since ; partly at the instance of the States, that they
might provide to receive him with the more honour, but chiefly at
the desire of the people, who were loth he should make his entry
unless the Prince were there, both that he might see his household
and Council composed of unsuspected men, and that he might take
his own oath as Governor of Brabant with the charge of lieutenant-general.
The latter being left to the Archduke's liking, was by
him remitted to his conference with the Prince and States at his
coming to Brussels, where (the Prince and divers of the nobility of
Brabant meeting him at Vilvord) he makes his entry to-day with
great solemnity.
This entry, it is thought, will not a little offend the Duke of
Alençon, who, seeing this hope of the States frustrate, now harps
upon the marriage of his niece, of which he has hope, if the
States, whose inclination he has sounded by his ministers, would
like the same ; but neither are they willing to advance it, nor is it
thought that the King of Spain intends anything less, having
already offered her to his nephew, the Emperor, following the
example of his ancestors, who, to maintain the greatness of their
house, have seldom married any inheritor out of it.
Howbeit, this pretended match with the Emperor is not without
suspicion of some unhappy plot between the King of Spain and
him ; which is the rather increased that Count Zwartzenborgh
[Schwarzenberg], his ambassador, who has been here these
12 or 13 days, has neither had audience of the Archduke,
on the plea that he would not see him but
in the presence of the States, nor desired it of them. This
delay, with his long abode at Cologne, confronted with other circumstances,
but especially with a consideration of his person, being
by race an Italian, in disposition Spanish, in religion a Jesuit, in
credit great with the Empress, and one that has heretofore done
very ill offices in Germany, makes some wise men suspect the
worst. He now accompanies the Archduke to Brussels, and will
there await the other Commissioners ; whose long abode by the
way likewise increases the jealousy conceived of them and their
The Prince's going to Brussels is much misliked by some of his
well-willers, who, considering that with the peril of his person, is
joined the danger of the whole State, wish he had stayed at Ghent
or Antwerp ; the rather because the time of his abode there cannot
be much less than a month, during which a defeat of the States'
camp, a thing not utterly undreaded, would not a little alter the
condition of things ; which God forbid.
On Monday last, the camp moved from Templon to a hill near
Namur ; where certain companies issuing from the town gave them
a hot skirmish, with loss on both sides.
Elsewhere there has been little alteration since the succouring
of Ruremonde, save that Mondragon on his return thence meant
to have attempted Maestricht ; wherein it is thought he would
assuredly have prevailed, if M. de Hèze, sent by the States with a
regiment of foot and some horse, had not entered the town.
There is little other news, save that the States have heard that
M. de "Esselles," brother to Noircarmes 'that dead is,' is on his
way hither with the King's answer to the letter sent 3 months ago.
But what answer he brings is as uncertain as they are hopeless of
any good from thence.
1½ p. [Ibid. V. 20.]
600. Another copy.
1 p. [Ibid. V. 21.]
Jan. 19.
K. d. L. x.
I am requested by the Lord Admiral to get the enclosed letter
safely conveyed to Mr. Leighton. I know not the contents ; yet I
pray you for my word's sake to take some especial order that it may
be safely delivered.—Hampton Court, 19 Jan. 1577.
Add. in Fr. Endd. 10 lines. [Ibid. V. 22.]
Jan. 20.
602. OATH taken by the PRINCE of ORANGE on appointment
Endd. and corrected by Daniel Rogers. Latin. 1 p. [Ibid.
V. 23.]