Calvados: Part 1

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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'Calvados: Part 1', in Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206, ed. J Horace Round (London, 1899), British History Online [accessed 14 February 2025].

'Calvados: Part 1', in Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Edited by J Horace Round (London, 1899), British History Online, accessed February 14, 2025,

"Calvados: Part 1". Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Ed. J Horace Round (London, 1899), British History Online. Web. 14 February 2025.

Part 1

[Transcripts in D'Anisy's “Cartulaire de la basse Normandie.” 3 vols.]
[Original Documents in Archives of the Calvados. Cartulary in Bibliothèque Nationale, MS. Lat. 5650.]
(MS. lat., fo. 17d.)
421. [Notification that] Adeliz the countess, daughter of count Richard, sister of count Robert bought from her brother Robert, with her own gold, the castle in the Côtentin called Hulme etc. … which she eventually granted to the abbey of the Holy Trinity free of all claim.
Quod totum factum est anno MLXXV. incarnationis dominice in presentia videlicet Matildis Anglorum regine. Teste (sic) Balduino Gisleberti comitis filio; Hugone pincerna; Hugone de Sildevil; Guillermo ejusdem comitisse capellano.
(MS. lat., fo 17.)
422. Charter of William I. and Matildis his wife giving and granting to the abbey (ecclesie) of the Holy Trinity the following manors, with their appurtenances, as quit as they were the day that king Edward (Etwardus) was alive and dead:—Feldestede in the county of Essex (Essessa), Hantonia and Penneberia in that of Glouecestra, Tarent in that of Dorseth, etc.…
Anno ab incarnatione domini MLXXXII. Indictione V.… [Signa] Willelmi Anglorum regis; comitis Roberti Moritonii; Lanfranci archiepiscopi; Matildis regine; Roberti comitis filii regis; Gaufridi episcopi Constantiensis; Willelmi comitis filii regis; Walchelini episcopi; Henrici filii regis; Willelmi de Braiosa; Stigandi episcopi; Alani comitis; Willelmi de Varenna; Henrico de Ferieres; Etwardi vicecomitis; Hugonis de Pertu (sic); Rogerii Bigot; Hugonis comitis de Cestra Rogerii comitis de Montegomerii. (fn. 1).
(MS. lat., fo. 34.)
423. Charter of Robert, son of William king of the English, prince of the Normans and the Manceaux. For the weal of his soul and those of his father and mother and predecessors, he gives, with the consent (concessu) of his brother Henry, to the abbey (ecclesie) of the Holy Trinity of Caen, and to Cecily his sister and the nuns, lands of his right [specified] outside the walls of Caen, etc.
Hujus rei fuerunt testes et liberatores: Simon de Camilleio; Savericus filius Cane; Radulfus capellanus de Airi; Rogerius Poignant; Rogerius Mala corona dispensator; Toraldus hostiarius; Ex parte Henrici filii regis affuerunt; Rannulfus filius Ulgerii; Odo camerarius ejusdem;
[Signa] Roberti comitis; Henrici regis Willelmi filii; Radulfi capellani; Rogerii de Curcella; Gaufridi de Calmunt; Willelmi camerarii; Roberti de Montfort; Gualterii de Meduana; Hugonis Brittonis; Rogerii dispensatoris; Roberti Balduini filii; Ricardi Patnel; Symonis de Chimilleio; Saverici filii Cane.
(MS. lat., fo. 39d.)
424. List of aggression on the abbey's possessions after king William's death (finivit). Among the aggressors are William the chamberlain, son of Roger de Candos, Richard de Corceio, Nigel de Oillei, Robert Pantolf, Robert de Molbrai, Eudo the vicomte, Rannulf the vicomte, count Henry [i.e., son of king William], who took toll (pedagium) of Chetelhulmus and the whole Côtentin and moreover made the men of that vill and district, belonging to Holy Trinity, work at the castles of his barons (hominum), Hugh de Redeveris, who withheld, yearly, five muids of wine and a vineyard at Vernun, William Gernun who felled and uprooted timber to the utmost of his power, etc.
(MS. lat., fo. 32.)
425. Note that in the year when Henry king of the English subdued Normandy to himself, Hawys (Hadeguisa) wife of Robert Marmion, becoming a nun in the abbey of Holy Trinity, gave to it and the sisters certain lands [in Normandy] as Robert Marmion had held them at his death, with consent of her sons, Roger, Helto, and Manasses, who joined her in placing the gift on the altar.
Testes ejus doni a parte sua: Willelmus Marmion; Herluinus de Fonteneio; Rogerius de Moeio; Godefridus filius Roberti; Willelmus de Ulfieres; Robertus Aculeus; Hamo filius Roberti de Maisnil Ursin; Robertus filius Roberti filii Ernesii et Gersenda mater ejus.
(MS. lat., fo. 88.)
426. Charter of Cecily, daughter of the king, abbess of the Holy Trinity, Caen, granting to Erengot the miller [permission] to erect a mill etc. an allowance being made to him in his rent, to be reckoned by a tally (ei computabitur in suo redditu cum dica).
(Original[?] in
archives. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 273.)
427. Inspeximus by Edward III in 1304, of the following:—
[N. D.]
(MS. lat., fo. 37.)
Charter of Henry I. addressed generally. He gives the abbey of the Holy Trinity of Caen and the nuns there serving God [certain] manors namely Hantonia. Avelinges, Penebery in Gloucestershire (Gloucestra'), and Feldestede and the tithe of Tolosona, eighteen shillings a year, which William de Plaisseio gave the Holy Trinity of Caen for his niece (nepte) who was made a nun there, in Essex (Essessa); and Horsted in Norfolk (Northfolk); and Tarenth in Dorseth; and Tebovesia in Wiltesira; with soch and sach, thol and thiem, and infanguentief, and with all dues and liberties etc., with which his father William, or his brother William, or he himself held them when they were in their (nostro) demesne. If anyone should dare to filch (surripere) anything [of this], he shall be anathema, shall lose the fellowship of the orthodox and shall incur the wrath of Almighty God.
[1153–1154.] Charter of Stephen addressed to the bishop of London and all his officers of Essex (Essessie). He grants to the Holy Trinity of Caen, the abbess, and nuns, and their men of Felsted, in alms for ever, quittance of all essarts within their estate (tenementum) at Felsted from the Michaelmas next after the death (fn. 2) of his son count Eustace. The abbess, therefore, and her men of Felsted are to hold all these essarts in peace and to till them in freedom from the forest and from forfeiture of essarts.
[1154–1170.] Writ of Henry II. addressed to his officers of Essex. The abbess of Caen is to enjoy her [free] warren at Felsted, as she enjoyed it in the time of king Henry his grandfather so that no one may hunt (fuget) there or take the hare except by [permission of] her or her officers, under penalty of ten pounds.
Teste (fn. 3) Willelmo filio Hamonis apud Westmonasterium.
[N. D.] Writ of Henry [II.?] addressed to his officers of Essex He grants to the land of the Holy Trinity of Caen at Felsted, soc and sac, toll and team and infanguentheof and all dues within borough and without, and he directs that the whole land and its men be quit of all pleas and shire [courts] and hundred [courts] and such things, and shall not be troubled therein under penalty of ten pounds.
Similar writs for Horsted in Norfolk, and for Hantone, Avelinges, and Penbery in Gloucestershire.
Charter of Richard I. confirming the gifts of his predecessors kings William and Henry. (fn. 4).
[N. D.]
(MS. lat.,
fos. 26–29d.)
428. Particulars of the stock and revenue on the abbey's English manors, early, apparently, in 12th century. There is mention of the sokemen being bound to carry the ferm to Winchester.
[? Temp. Hen. II.]
(MS. lat., fo. 40d.,
and fo. 50 [fuller].)
429.Note [apparently addressed to the abbess] on the destruction of the abbey's woods [in England]. The men of Aveninges say that its woods, namely Winverdingrung and Hasalholt and Westgrava and Rattingedane are destroyed, on their oath, to the value of 60 marcs over and above the tenants' rights to wood for their houses and hearths; and when Symon took over (recepit) the vills, 1,000 swine could feed in them at the season (Paissun), but now only 500. The men of Hantonia say, on their oath, that the destruction amounts to 60 marcs and that 2,000 swine could then be fed, but now not 1000. And this destruction was wrought by charcoal burners and by sales.
[Temp. Hen. II.]
(MS. lat., fos. 41–87.)
430.Detailed inquest on the manors of the abbey in England, evidently made under Henry II. The full list of jurors is given for each vill. “Francalani” are mentioned at Hantonia and Panneberie, and those “qui gabulant libere” occasionally; also holders of “cotseldes.” This inquest is followed by one precisely similar for the Norman manors, the list of jurors, in Normandy being styled “Jurea” in each case.
(Original in archives.
MS. lat., fo. 36d.
Trans., Vol. III.,
fo. 257.)
431. Notification by Fromund abbot of Theokesbery and the whole convent there that the dispute between themselves and the abbey (ecclesia) of the Holy Trinity of Caen concerning the church of Aveling[es] has been thus amicably settled: the nuns of the Holy Trinity have given their abbey 20 marks, by way of compromise (nomine transactionis), to induce them to withdraw wholly from the suit; and they, for peace and harmony's sake have taken 20 marcs, in chapter, and have abandoned and absolutely quitclaimed to Holy Trinity any right they had in the church of Aveling[es] or its appurtenances. There were present, at this compromise (transactioni), by command of Roger bishop of Worcester, Ralf prior of Worcester, who was then acting for the bishop in ecclesiastical business, and Matthew archdeacon of Gloucester, (fn. 5) as is proved by the witness of their seals appendant.
Testibus: Baldrico decano de Saptone; Rogero de Wicha; Rand[ulfus de Aveling[es]; Salomo[ne] presbitero; Willelmo capellano Theokesb[erie]; magistro Silvestro; Ricardo et Thoma de Bislege; Ricardo de Hantone; Hugone de Teteberia; Waltero de Stanlega; Philippo de Grenhamstude; Willelmo et Abrahamo clericis; Willelmo de Felsted; Harduino de Bislega; [Willelmo Helinant; Jordano de Neilesw'nda (fn. 6);] Henrico de Hantone; Ricardo monacho; Willelmo de Mortune; Warino de Saleberia.
[1174, 20 Jan.]
(MS. lat., fo. 14.)
432.Agreement between Joan abbess of Caen and Robert son of Richard de Scrotonia.
Talis fuit finis inter Johannam abbatissam Cadomi et Robertum filiam Ricardi de Scrotonia in curia domini regis Henrici filii Matildis imperatricis apud Cadomum in plenaria assisa coram Willelmo filio Radulfi tunc temporis senescallo Normannie, et Roberto comite Mellensi, et Henrico episcopo Baiocensi, et Henrico abbate Fiscannensi, et Petro abbate Cadomi, et Godefrido abbate Sancti Severi; Rogero de Arreio; Henrico de Novo burgo; comite Augi; Johanne de Solinneio; Waquelino de Ferrariis; Hugone de Gorn[ai]; Ricardo de Belfou; Enger[rano] Patric; Willelmo camerario Tancarville; Bertran[no] de Verdon; Radulfo Taixun; Henrico de Tilleio; Willelmo Pingui; Walterio de Brionia; Gaufrido Fiquet; Jordane (sic) de Landa; Roberto de Curleio; Roberto de Liveto; Ricardo Gifardi; Albino de Vira; Reginaldo de Doit; Gaufrido Duredent; Herberto filio Bernard; Paride clerico; Radulfo de Warlanomonte; Radulfo vicecomite; Ranulfo de Pratariis; Doone Bardulfo; Willelmo de Manerio; Roberto de Manerio; Ranulfo de Grandivalle; Radulfo de Clinchamp; Willelmo Silvani; Radulfo de Breseio; Thoma de Botemonte; Roberto de Lunviler; Hugone Buschardi; Ricardo de Argentiis; Roberto de Capella; Hugone de Liveto; Alano de Putot; Philippo [Willelmo de Merula; Roberto de Briecuria; Hamone pincerna; Ricardo Beurel (fn. 7);] de Croleio; Phillipo Suhardi; Ricardo de Graeio; Radulfo de Carun; Oinan de Carun; Thoma portitore; Henrico Lupello; Willelmo Escorcheville; Gaufrido de Boesvill; Roberto de Lu; Roberto Belet; Willelmo Belet; Willelmo de Salviz; Radulfo Abbate; Maugerio Ferun; Benedicto de Loches; Johanne Britone; Artrao et Willelmo fratre ejus sacerdotibus; Johanne de Grantia, Osberto sacerdotibus; Radulfo de Hospicio; Michaele filio Gar[ini]; Ranulfo nepote Nigelli; Gisleberto de Foro, et multis aliis ….. et hoc factum fuit ad octavas Sancti Hylarii apud Cadomum anno ab incarnatione Domini MCLXXIII. quo tenuit rex curiam suam ibidem ad Natale cum duce Saxonie. Et ibi adfuerunt Ricardus filius Henrici; Rogerus filius Landrici; Martinus de Hosa; Johannes filius Luce.
(Roll in private
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 205.)
433.Charter of Gilbert bishop of London addressed generally. Recognising the ancient right, from the time of his predecessors of his daughters the nuns of the Holy Trinity, Caen to the church of Felsted, he confirms it to them with all its appurtenances, and grants that they may apply the property of that church to their own uses, saving in all things the rights of the church of London, and the service of two chaplains, who are to serve that church yearly at the cost (?) (fn. 8) of the abbess and convent.
Hiis testibus: Roberto Folet, Radulfo de Chilton[e], Gilleberto Banastre, canonicis; Roberto, Waltero, Davide capellanis; magistro Waltero de Witteneia; Johanne de Witeng; Johanne Storcestr[e]; Radulfo de Warlemunt; Willelmo de Felested; Baldewino; Gaudefrido parvo, et multis aliis.
(Roll in private
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 208.)
434.Charter of Richard (?) (fn. 9) Foliot, archdeacon, addressed to the dean of Maldon (Meldensi decano) and the chapter of Donemawe. In accordance with the act of their worshipful father Gilbert Foliot bishop of London, who has confirmed to the abbey and the nuns of Holy Trinity, Caen, the church of Felsted with all its appurtenances, as he has ascertained from his charter, he confirms it by his own authority.
Hiis testibus: Roberto decano; Johanne de Marmiun; Ricardo persona de Beverstona; Davide capellano; Savarino de Estre, Symone de Cistan', (fn. 10) Roberto de Felested, capellanis; Baldewino de Felested, Willelmo de Warlemont, militibus; Willelmo de Avelinges; Rogero de Gi'nes; Le Briton’ (fn. 11); Roberto filio Briteve; Willelmo London[iensi]; Willelmo et Baudewino de Offinton', et magistro Petro qui hanc cartam scripsit, et multis aliis.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 201.)
435.Charter of Thomas Bardul, giving the abbey of the Holy Trinity of Caen 30 shillings sterling of annual rent, in England, from [in] his mill of Elwadeston[e] on the Derwent with his daughter Mathildis, made a nun there by consent of his wife Rohais, mother of Mathildis, of whose inheritance was the mill, because the said Rohais so directed (precepit) (fn. 12) in her life, that the aforesaid rent should be given to her daughter Mathildis to establish her in a religious order (consulendam in religione). His daughter is to have 15 shillings of it yearly for her life, and, after her death, the whole sum is to be the property of the abbey etc. …. And if by chance there should escheat to him in Normandy anything near the abbey, he or his heir will give it an equivalent in Angevin money to the value of the sterling money, the abbey giving up to him or his heir this charter and receiving a new one for the [property given in] exchange; and his English property shall remain the right of him and his heirs when the abbey has received such exchange in Normandy.
Testibus his: Willelmo filio Radulfi tunc senescallo Normannie; Henrico filio Radulfi; Ricardo [de] Cardif; Eudone de Fonteneis, et Rogero de Landa; Rogero de Arry; Radulfo de Wallemont; Panide clerico; Willelmo de Caluz; Jordano de Greendon; Balduino de Toeny; Roberto le neveu; Willelmo de Longavilla; Osberto capellano; Ansquetillo clerico; Willelmo clerico de Argentomo cum multis aliis.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 256.)
436. Charter of William de Felstede addressed to all sons of the church, and especially to all his friends of Gloucester [shire] and Dorset. He gives to Geoffrey de Veim, chamberlain of his worshipful father and lord, Richard bishop of Winchester, the land of Pendebery with all its appurtenances, for his service, to be held of himself and his heirs by him and his heirs, at forty shillings a year for all service, half at Easter, and half at Michaelmas, etc. …. And for this agreement Geoffrey has given him a besant (bizantinum).
Testibus hiis: Ricardo Wintoniensi episcopo; Herberto (fn. 13) Cantuariensi archidiacono; Philippo priore Oxon[ie] (fn. 14); Alano de Furnellis; Gaufrido de Caritate; Petro Turlac; Hugone de Vado; Willelmo Daneys; Willelmo de Monte acuto; Johanne de Valle; Willelmo Revel; Willelmo de Bosco; Alano de Witehano; Philippo de Furn[ellis] (fn. 15); Benedicto nepote et Thoma; Willelmo filio Ivoni[s]; Pictavino Bruno; Thoma de Sancto Michaele; Thoma de Bruesham; Thoma de Veim; Adamo de Broc; Jordano de Camera; Symone Cadel; Osberto scriptore.
(MS. lat., fo. 87.)
437. Notification that Joan abbess of the Holy Trinity of Caen, in the year 1183, proved her right (disraisnavit) to a house in the king's court, in full assise (plenaria assisa) before William son of Ralf, then seneschal of the king in Normandy, and William de Sancto Johanne, Ralf Tesson, Henry de Tilleio, William de Mara, Hamo the butler, Ranulf de Praeriis, Ralf the vicomte, Henry Lovet, Geoffrey Duredent, Jordan de Landa, Robert de Livet, Robert de Culleio, Richard son of H[enry], Robert de Manerio, William de Caluz, Robert Belet, Roger de Arreio, Thomas de Botemont and many others.
1185. (fn. 16)
(MS. lat., fo. 87d.)
438. [Notification that] Ralf son of Eudo brought a writ of the king to the assise at Caen [addressed] to William son of Ralf, then seneschal of Normandy and to the other justices (justicias) then holding assise (assisas), by which writ the king directed them to ascertain (faccrent recognosci), by lawful men, who presented the last parson (personam) deceased (fn. 17) to (in) the church of Karpik[eit], concerning which there was a dispute between the abbess of Caen and Ralf son of Eudo. The abbess said that the abbey of Holy Trinity had held the church (eam) since its foundation by gift of king William and queen Mathildis, and that it was confirmed to the abbey by charters of king William and of king Henry son of the Empress. On this the barons of the exchequer, William son of Ralf and the other justices (justicie) of the king determined at the exchequer (consideraverunt super scaccarium) that that enquiry (recognicio) ought not to take place nor ought the abbess to plead concerning that church, which was confirmed to the abbey by the lords of Normandy. And thus the abbey was quit of Ralf's claim to that church by judgment of the barons of the exchequer, at the exchequer (super scaccarium) before William son of Ralf, William de Mara, Hamo the butler, Robert de Harecort, John archdeacon de Arenis, Robert archdeacon of Noting[ham], Richard Bevrel, William de Caluz, Jordan de Landa, Roger de Arreio, Ansquitill, Osbert the chaplain, Ralf de Lexovio, Robert de Bernaio, Seher de Quinceio, Ralf Tesson, Gilbert de Telleriis, Ralf de Wall[e]mont, Peter de Argentomo, Nicholas Pigace, John Pigace, Rohard and Artur serjeants, Geoffrey de Rapendona, Robert Lacaille and many others, and Ralf the scribe of Caen, and master Martin de Ginvilla, [and] master Geoffrey de Haia.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 195.)
439. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He grants to the abbey (ecclesia) of the Holy Trinity of Caen and the nuns there serving God, the following gifts made to them by his predecessors and others. Of the gift of his great-grandfather king William and his wife queen Mathildis [lands in Normandy].… and in the island of Gersoi a mill and half the tithe of five parishes and the sixth [tithe] sheaf from a parish and a half, and the land and tithes which Reginald the chaplain of king William held in that island.… Of the gift of Adelaidis daughter of Tustin Haldup, half the vill of Carpiquet with a moiety of its tithe and church etc.… Of the gift of Stigand, the churches of Falaise with the tithes and the church of Wibrai and a mill there.… Of the gift of Alvred de Mouin the land which belonged to Aala his sister at Ranvilla except the fee that St. Leger of Préaux has there.… Of the gift of Fredesend aunt (amita) of Ranulf the vicomte, Osbertivilla: of his own, a mill in the town of Caen, and the land of two free men in Goisbertivilla.… Of that of Baldwin, son of count Gilbert, and Emma his wife, the churches of Foresta with the tithes and 200 acres of land there. Of that of Roger de Monb[rai] the land he held in Grainvilla. …Of that of Fule de Alnou, Follebec with the mill and all its appurtenances. Of that of Ascelina daughter of Alvred Gigant her land at Grandchamp and Joeio.… Of that of Gonnor mother of William de Breosa her land at Bavent Rouvres, Cierneium, Craissanvilla, and Quatrepuis.… Of that of William de Warenna, the service of the land which belonged to Doriel in Anisey and Barbarie and Villum. Of that of Odo bishop of Bayeux, and by his grant, all privileges and quittances granted by him to the abbey and the church of St. Giles, and the abbess and nuns, and their clerks and servants, as recorded in king William's charter. Of the gift of Haudwise, wife of Robert Marmion, at St. George and Jurkis, and the mill of La Boiste and Le Parkiet; of that of Richard de Rollos a muid of wheat at Rosel; of that of Robert de Matonio 20 sestiers of grain yearly; of that of Turold Papeillun the tithe of his men at Ambleia; of that of Hugh de (sic) Meurdrac and his wife, the tithe they had at Trayli, so that for that tithe they should give the nuns 20 shillings a year at the fair (nundinis) of Montmartin; of that of Hugh de Bruecuria, 10 acres of land and a tithe at Graia, etc.… Of that of King William and queen Mathildis, the bourg of Quettehou (Kathechulmus), with its appurtenances, and messuages at Rouen and Barfleur.… Of that of Fulcold, the queen's chamberlain, the land and houses he had at Caen and Cambio.… Of that of William of Flanders, the queen's chamberlain, 60 acres of land at Advilla.… Of that of Thomas Bardul 30 shillings sterling from his mill of Erwadeston on the Derwent; of that of king William I. and king Henry I. the manors, in England, of Hantone, and Avelingues, and Penneberia, and Felesteld and Horsteld, and Darent, and Teolvesia, etc.… He also confirms the agreement (conventio et finis) made between the monks of St. Stephen's and the nuns of Holy Trinity, by king William's consent, concerning the dispute as to their holdings, according to that king's charter in the nuns’ possession, etc.
Testibus: Henrico Baiocensi episcopo; Willelmo de Humeto constabulario; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie; Hugone de Cressy; Alveredo de Sancto Martino; Roberto de Bruecuria; Ricardo de Canvilla (fn. 18); Gilleberto filio Rainfredi. Apud Cadomum.
Half of seal remaining on fine plaited tag of parti-coloured silks.
1189, 7 Sept.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 201.)
440. Charter of Richard I. repeating and confirming above charter of Henry II.
Testibus: Waltero archiepiscopo Rothomagensi; Henrico episcopo Baiocensi; Johanne episcopo Ebroicensi; R[eginaldo] Bathonensi, et Hugone Coventr[ensi], episcopis; Willelmo de Magnavilla comite de Essex. Data per manum Willelmi de Longocampo cancellarii nostri die vij. Septembris anni primi coronationis nostre, apud Sanctum Albanum.
Half of seal remaining on plaited tag of Prussian-blue silk.
1190, 28 May.
(Roll in private
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 208.)
441. Confirmation by Clement III. to his dear daughters in Christ the abbess and convent of the Holy Trinity of Caen, of the church of Felstede, etc.
Datum Laterani (fn. 19) V. kalendas Junii pontificatus nostri anno tertio.
1190, 25 Jan.
(Cartulary of Holy
Trinity, (fn. 20) fo. 22.
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 202.)
442. Letter from Hugh, bishop of Coventry to the justiciaries of the king and the barons of the Exchequer, informing them that a final concord has been made, in the king's court, before him, and William bishop of Ely and [Hugh] bishop of Durham and other justices between Johanna abbess of Caen and William de Felsted, concerning all that William held of the abbey of Holy Trinity, Caen, the said William quitclaiming it all and restoring it to the abbey, except his patrimony at Felsted, in accordance with the charters of Dametta the abbess and the convent; and William has handed over all the charters of the said property, and pledged his faith in the bishop's hand, that neither in person, nor by other, will he ever raise any claim against the said abbey or the convent for that property; and the abbess has given William 100 marcs of silver for this concord; and a cyrograph of it has been made and [confirmed] by both parties before himself at the Exchequer, at Westminster, in the first year of king Richard, the 25th day of January.
1190, 25 Jan.
(Original in archives. Trans. Vol. III. fo. 202.)
443. Similar letter from Hugh bishop of Durham.
1192, (fn. 21) 23 Oct.
(Inspeximus in
D'Anisy's collection.
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 202.)
444. Final concord, made in the king's court at Westminster, the Saturday after St Luke in the fourth year of king Richard, before Walter, archbishop of Rouen, (fn. 22) and Roger son of Rainfred and Robert de Wittefeld, (fn. 23) and Osbert son of Hervey, and Symon de Patteshill, (fn. 24) and master Thomas de Husseburne (fn. 25) and Hugh de Chaucombe, (fn. 26) justices of the said king and other lieges of the king, between Johanna the abbess and the convent of the Holy Trinity of Caen and William son of Symon de Felsted; for all the lands of the abbess in England that William held at ferm of the said abbess and convent, namely Hanton', and Aveling', and Lomcestr', and Esto'm, and Penthebery, and the meadow of Pilesmore, and Tydelford, and Horsted and Felsted with all their appurtenances for which there had been a plea between them in the king's court. William restores and quitclaims, for himself and his heirs, to the abbess and convent and their successors for ever all the above lands with all their appurtenances saving the tenement which he claims to hold of Walter de Langeford and his holding in Felsted and in Salingues, which remains to William and his heirs to be held of the abbess and convent in inheritance, namely the messuage (masnagium) of William with its appurtenances and with the old way before his door and the field next his garden, and the fields which belonged to Ralf the smith, and the moor (mora) adjoining the moor of Osbert son of Valerand, and that which Archer (Archerius) holds of William, and the meadow which Robert son of Segar holds of him, and the land which Sperling holds of him next Severneloia and an acre on the other part of the road, and Bubroc, and Polestroc and Edithelphed and the field before the door of William Hervey with the tenement of Symon the turner, and the field behind the house of Alan the clothier (Telarii), with his tenement and those of Robert the parmenter and Wekard son of Saffred and John Blunt (Blondi) and Sewin the turner and Robert son of Warin and Ailwin son of Goderic and Leman son of Bricopicius and Helyas the butcher and Sigar son of Godric and Robert son of Hervey, and William's field next Blachebollocheia, and the tenement which belonged to Ebdoyn Newman (novi hominis) and formerly to Geoffrey, and on the other side of Blachebollocheia the tenement of Robert Gruierii and that of Symon de Mesped’ and half a virgate of land, with the appurtenances, which belonged to Osbert Ruste, and as much which belonged to William de Houdeham and the herbage of Caltee next William's meadow, and the mill next Longahand with its pool, and the tenement of John the miller and the herbage of the road of Wyddunsere as far as the hedge (haysa) of Hemorre and the herbage of Granugg’ as far as the gate of the churchyard, and Silvuleia, and Bubroc and Barbeia and Rucheia with their appurtenances and the land of Ralf Sprune, and the meadow called Hoeylin, so far as it belonged to the demesne of the abbess, and one acre in Sterlemald to (fn. 27) …. the road as far as Hoeylin, adjoining the hedge of Windemare and Stullemorra. And the aforesaid William and his heirs are to hold all the foregoing, with their appurtenances, of the said abbess and convent paying annually twenty-three shillings and three half pence, half at Easter and half at Michaelmas in discharge of (pro) all service and dues belonging to the said abbess and convent; and, moreover, the said William is to provide (inveniet) in the church of Felstede the light of one lamp or one mortar (hujus mortaris) every night of the year, or two shillings a year for the said light; and moreover William quitclaims the tenement of Umfrey de Wychesleya, and restores to the abbess and convent three men, namely William son of Alwin, with his tenement, and John and Ailmar his brothers; and the abbess and convent quitclaim to William and his heirs five men, namely Symon the turner, and Robert the parmenter, and Wymunol (?) Sostefeld and Robert son of Hervey; and Robert Syner'; and William gives up to the said abbess all the charters and muniments of the said lands that are in his possession, except his own charter of the said tenements in Felsted and Salingues (fn. 28); and the abbess and convent grant to William and his heirs and their men at Felsted free common in Felsted; and William and his heirs are to have quittance of pannage for the swine of their own breeding, in all woods of the abbess and convent at Felsted except in the wood of Blachehouleia, and the swine of William's men and of their heirs are to be quit of pannage save in the year when feeding (paisson) shall be found them in the woods of the abbess at Felsted. And for this fine [and] concord the abbess and convent have given William a hundred pounds sterling and eight acres of land in Grandeloy’ ere and in the outwoods (foris boscis) outside the enclosure (hayam). (fn. 29)
(Original [? in
private hands.]
Charter roll.
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 206.)
445. Charter of Richard bishop of London addressed generally. He confirms to the abbess and convent of the Holy Trinity, Caen the church of Felsted with all its appurtenances and grants that they may apply for ever its property to their own use, as did his predecessor Gilbert Foliot by a charter which he has inspected with his own eyes.
Testibus hiis: Radulfo de Diceto Londoniensi decano; Ricardo de Storteford magistro scolarum; Roberto de Clifford, magistro Hugone a London, Petro de Waltham, canonicis London[iensibus]; Rogero et Davide capellanis; Johanne de Storteford'; Johanne Witeng'; Willelmo de Avening; Helya clerico de Hanton[e]; Waltero clerico; Alexandro de Norfolch; Henrico pincerna; Willelmo de Londuni; Radulfo parvo; Galfredo Francigena, et multis aliis.
Fine seal and counter-seal of bishop. [Drawing.]
[? Temp. Ric. I.]
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 248. (fn. 30) )
446. Charter of Clementia prioress of Haliwelles and all the convent addressed generally. They grant in fee and inheritance to their dear clerk, David the chaplain, their land in London near the precinct of St. Paul's, to the west, towards Castle Munfichet, which [land] master Hugh de London[e] formerly held of them, to be held at an annual rent of three shillings for ever in discharge of (pro) all service; and David and those who shall be his heirs in that land are to pay that sum half at Easter and half at Michaelmas.
Hiis testibus: Willelmo capellano, procuratore domus nostre; Thoma aldermanno illius warde; Ricardo juniore; Johanne de Storteford (fn. 31); Waltero clerico; Gilberto des Arches; Alexandro de Norfolke clerico; Galfrido fabro; Galfrido mercerio; Roberto fabro; Selemaro; Baldewino parmementario, et alii[s] multi[s].
[? Temp. Ric. I.]
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 247.)
447. Charter of master Gervase the chaplain, notifying that he has granted and confirmed in fee and inheritance to Odo the chaplain and his heirs all the land and buildings he held of Jordan de Zuin in London towards the castle of Munfichet, next the land which belonged to master Hugh de London, adjoining the precinct (atrium) of St. Paul's, to be held of his son John and Felicia his wife and their heirs definitely (finabiliter) in inheritance at a rent of eightpence, at Easter, in discharge of (pro) all services, dues, and demands, saving service [due] to the chief lord, the said Jordan and his heirs, namely thirty two pence, which the said Odo pays yearly, as is recited in the charter which he holds from Jordan and has delivered to Odo with seisin of that land. And he is bound to warrant that land to Odo against all men and women. For this grant and confirmation Odo has given him and his son and his son's wife 100 shillings as consideration (gersuma).
Hiis testibus: Radulfo de Diceto decano Londoniensi (fn. 32); Ricardo juniore canonico; Roberto presbitero de Sancto Martino; Laurentio presbitero de Sancto Gregorio; Willelmo capellano de Stebeh[eie] (fn. 33) Alexandro de Norfoulke clerico; Hugone de Dovero; Roberto filio Siward; Gilberto Baco; Michaele de Valentiis; Galfrido Moricio (fn. 34); Galfrido fabro; Roberto fabro; Rogero carpentario; Selomaro regis portario; Johanne pincerna; Johanne marescallo, et multis aliis.
Seal of master Gervase. [An antique gem, with the legend “Deum timeo nec non.”]
[? Temp. Ric. I.]
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. III.
fo. 260.)
448. Charter of John son of master Gervase writer of the great rell, granting and demising to Odo chaplain of St. Paul's, London, and those successors whom he may make his heirs all his land, with the buildings and appurtenances, next the land which belonged to master Hugh de London, without the precinct of St. Paul's towards Castle Munfichet, to be held of him and his heirs definitely (finabiliter) in inheritance, paying to himself and his heirs eightpence etc. (ut supra); and Odo and whosoever he may make his heir is to acquit that land towards the chief lord etc. (ut supra). He has pledged his faith to Odo to observe this grant and agreement faithfully and without ill intent; and Odo has pledged his faith to him that neither by himself, nor by other, will he seek contrivance or device for depriving him of that rent of eightpence. And those whom he shall make his heirs are to do the same. For this grant and confirmation, Odo has given him 100 shillings as consideration (gersuma).
Hiis testibus: Radulfo de Diceto decano Londoniensi; Ricardo juniore canonico; Roberto capellano de Sancto Martino; Laurentio presbitero de Sancto Gregorio; Willelmo capellano de Stebheie; Alexandro de Norfolk clerico; Hugone de Colecester; Roberto filio Siward; Gilberto Dato; Michaele de Val'uoines; Galfrido mercereio; Galfrido fabro; Roberto fabro; Selomaro; Reginaldo portario; Augustino Caliz; Johanne Morin; Johanne pincerna; Johanne Marescallo, et multis aliis. (fn. 35)
[Original Documents in Archives of the Calvados.]
(Original in archives'
of the Orne. (fn. 36) Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 150.)
449. Charter of Roger de Montegomerico liegeman (fidelis) of William king of the English, prince of the Normans and of the men of Maine. For the love of God and of his lord the king, and for the weal of his soul, he gives (trado) to St. Stephen's, Caen the bourg of Trun with the wood of Auge (Alge) and all the appurtenances of the bourg, except the mills and tithes which he had already given to other churches, on condition that, so long as he lives, or his lord [the king], or his wife, he might, if he would, keep (habere) that bourg in his demesne; but that after his death, or that of his lord, or of his wife, it should be the right and possession of that house, for the abbot and monks there canonically serving God to dispose of, to give, to hold, and to administer as they shall deem best. And as testimony of this, he grants the house of Aiulf Guirellus with all his rights to dues from that house, whether from native or other (extrancis) traders, there buying or selling, or making any contract whence profit is accustomed to accrue. His lord the king authorises this gift, and in memory of it grants the road, which led without the bourg, through the bourg.
Testes: Henricus filius Rogerii de Bellomonte; Hamo; Gislebertus Haretel, et alii plures.
Afterwards at the dedication of St. Stephen's Roger delivered this gift upon the altar, by permission of William king of the English, prince of the Normans and of the men of Maine, and of his son Robert.
Testes: Lanfrancus Cantuariensis archiepiscopus; Odo Baiocensis episcopus; Rogerius de Bellomonte, et alii plures qui ei dedicationi interfuere.
[Signa] Willelmi regis Anglorum; Mathildis regine; Roberti comitis; Willelmi comitis; Alani comitis; Rogerii comitis de Montegomerico; Hugonis comitis; Aucensis comitis; Enrici de Bellomonte.
[Circ. 1077.]
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 151.)
450. Charter of William [I.] king of the English, prince of the Normans and of the men of Maine. He gives the abbey of St. Stephen, Caen, which he has raised for the weal of himself, his wife, his children, and his relatives, a cellar at Rouen on the Seine, that the monks may store there, undisturbed, the wine or anything else they may buy for their own use, to be conveyed to their-monastery without selling it. And there may dwell in it one man, who shall have a hundred muids of wine, a year, free from all claims (creditibus) and seizure so long as he pays the king his mueison, paid by others, in Rouen on every hundred muids. Such wine as he may have beyond a hundred muids is to enjoy the same quittance as that of the other agents (homines) of churches who enjoy quittance in that town. He also grants the land that Hugh Rosel held of him in Grainville, and gave the said monastery when he became a monk.
[Signa] Willelmi regis Anglorum comitis Normannorum; Mathildis regine; Ricardi de Corceio; Gaufridi Constanciensis episcopi; Fulconis de Alnou.
(Original in archives.
Seal broken.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 152.)
451. Charter of Robert duke of the Normans granting, for the weal of his soul and [those] of his father and mother, his brothers (sic), his predecessors and his relatives, to the abbey of St. Stephen's, Caen, founded by his father William king of the English, a market on Sundays in the manor of Ceus, to be enjoyed in inheritance for ever, and a fair annually at the time the abbot and monks might select. He grants with his heart, and confirms it with his lips (ore) and with his hand, that anyone violating this grant be excommunicated by authority of the Almighty Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and excluded for ever from the kingdom of God.
[Signa] Roberti comitis Normannie; Eustacii de Britolio; Willelmi Rothomagensis archiepiscopi; Ranulfi episcopi Dunelmensis; [Odonis] episcopi Baiocensis; Willelmi camerarii; Willelmi comitis de Warenna; Roberti de Montiforte; Gisleberti de Aquila; Rainaldi de Aureavalle; Willelmi de Ferreriis; Radulfi Taisson; episcopi Constanciencis; Roberti Marmion; Roberti de Grentonis-maisnillio; Roberti Doisnel.
(Original in archives.
Fragment of seal
on plaited green tag.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 176.)
452. Charter of Henry II. He confirms and restores to St. Stephen's Caen and the monks there serving God, for the weal of his soul and [those] of his father, and mother, his wife, sons, relatives, predecessors, and successors, all that king William his great-grandfather, or king Henry his grandfather gave it, according to their charters, and all that it rightfully (rationabiliter) held in their times, or rightfully acquired in their times or his. They are, therefore, to hold, etc. … the manor of Northam with Aisserugia its member, in England, in the county of Denevessire (sic) with all its appurtenances, in lands, waters, saltpans, free of wreck-dues (wereccio) and shire (fn. 37) [court] and hundred [court]; with the dues of the ships that come there etc., as queen Mathildis wife of his great grandfather king William, held it, when she gave it to St. Stephen's, as the said king William's charter testifies. This he restores. He also confirms two manors in Dorset given by king William, namely, Framton with its members and appurtenances in wood and plain, and Biemecomma; and in Berkshire, seven hides at Heinreit. He also grants Brideton in Dorset, of the gift of king Henry his grandfather, as it was given with soc and sac, thol and them and Invangenetheof, and with all dues belonging to it, for the weal of the king's soul and [those] of all his relatives, and, in part, for the crown and the other ornaments belonging to it, which his father king William, at his death, left (dimisit) to St. Stephen's; and in Essex (Essessa) the little manor (maneriolum) of Penfeld, with the wood adjacent, with the whole tithe of the rest of his land, namely Tiedesham and Esingesham and Foleborne and Aliueleia (fn. 38) (sic) and Bures, and with an estate (mansio terre) within London, Wodestrata, (fn. 39) free from gelt and escot, and all other due; and the church of Morton, with its appurtenances of the gift of William de Escoiis; and in Norfolk Wells, with its appurtenances in Gaiton, and with the church and its appurtenances, also of his gift.
Testibus: Rothrodo Ebroicensi episcopo; Phillippo Baiocensi episcopo; Arnulfo Lexoviensi episcopo; Jordano Taixun; Willelmo filio Johannis; Thoma cancellario; Gaufrido Ridello, Apud Baiocas.
(Two originals in
archives of Calvados. (fn. 40)
Seals broken; tags
of plaited green silks.
Trans. Vol. I.
fos. 154-175.)
453. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He confirms to St. Stephen's, Caen and the monks there serving God, for the weal of his soul, and [those] of his father, mother, wife, sons, kinsmen, and predecessors, whatever king William his great-grandfather, or king Henry his grandfather gave the said abbey (ecclesia) as their charters testify, and all that they lawfully (racionabiliter) held in the time of king Henry his grandfather or William his great-grandfather, and all acquisitions, by gift, purchase, or exchange, in their days or his own, etc., namely [Norman possessions recited].… In the land of the English, two manors in the county of Dorset Franthon and Biencomme; in the county of Somerseth, 10 hides at Cruche and the church with all the tithe of the place; in the county of Wilthesira, the church of Cosham, with all its land and tithe; in the county of Norfolch the manor called Welles given by William de Scociis, with the church of Morthon and its land and tithe in Essex; the little manor of Pantelle in Essex, and in London land which belonged to Leivreth, near St. Peter's church, free from Geelth and Scoth and all other due, which Waleran son of Ranulf gave (fn. 41) with the tithe of all his land in England; in Henreth the land which St. Stephen's held there of Marmium's fee. He [also] confirms and restores Northam in Devenessira, (fn. 42) given by queen Matilda in her last illness, as free as she held it herself, with its appurtenances and dues. He grants the land which Robert de Grentemaisnil and Agnes his wife gave in the manor of Bernard son of Ospac at Rouen; and confirms the manor of Briditonia in Dorset, confirmed by his grandfather king Henry, with soc and sac and thol and theam and all its dues, for the redemption of his soul, and those of his father and mother and all his relatives; and this he did (fn. 43) partly for the crown and other ornaments connected with it, which his father had bequeathed to St. Stephen's at his death, and partly in exchange for the churches and lands of Crucha and Cosseham. He also grants that the supplies and all the substance of the monks and of their demesne servants be free from toll and passage-money and all due, wheresoever they come, as his grandfather king Henry directed, under ten pounds penalty for infringement. He also directs that the marshal of Venoix (fn. 44) (Venuntium) shall not prohibit the abbot of Caen or his meadow-keeper (pratarius) from mowing the demesne meadows, nor take money from him for it, etc.; and all who come to the fair of St. Lawrence are to enjoy his peace, coming and going, and the abbot is to enjoy all his dues, as granted by the king, and no one is to disturb the merchants, coming or going, under penalty of ten pounds…. The whole land of the Bessin and the Hiesmois (Oximis) is to be free from exaction and corvé (gravaria et operationibus) and all other dues, etc.…. He also quitclaims all St. Stephen's land from work on his park at Rouen and from carriage (carreium) of his wine from Argences (Argentie) as quitclaimed by his grandfather.… He confirms the gifts of Ralf son of Herbert of land at Bavent, of Geoffrey Bosville of two-thirds of the tithe there, in wine and cider (sicera) as well as wheat and all else that pays tithe with one acre in his field for a tithe-barn (grancia), also of William Paganellus, namely, the tithe of Fontenay (Fontanetum) as free and complete, with an acre of land, as his predecessors ever held it, also that of William de Audreio of the church of Loncelles (Locelle) with its endowments; also that of Geoffrey de Mannevilla of the land of Scrovilla which Godfrey de Tillcio and Ralf his brother previously held. He also grants the market and fair of Ceeus, as confirmed by his grandfather king Henry, whose brother Robert granted it, under his own hand, at St. Pierre sur Dive, etc., also the gift made by king William his great-grandfather, namely two stags and two kids (capreolos) annually from (in) his woods, on the feast of the Invention of St. Stephen's body, and William de Maigneio's gift of the fee of Robert earl of Gloucester, by consent of that earl and of William his son, namely, two mills at Monsacutus. He grants the gift of abbot Gilbert, on the fief of Hugh de Rosel, of the land which his father gave St. Stephen's when he was made a monk there on condition that Hugh should perform fitting service for it with the rest of the fee he holds of St. Stephen's. And for this, Hugh has given the abbey a virgate of land and two-thirds of the tithe of all his land at Rosel and Grouchy (Groceium) agreeing also that the tithe should be delivered at the houses of St. Stephen's tithe-collectors free of all claim; and for the fees of Grainville and Groceium he has done his homage to the abbey. He confirms the gift of the manor of Vein, which his great-grandfather, king William gave in his last illness, as it was held on the day of his death, etc. He also confirms all the gifts of Odo bishop of Bayeux, his chapter consenting, that is, only of those churches, houses, lands, which were given to the abbey before or at its dedication, namely, of what he held at Caen on that day, etc.… Of 12 acres (jugera) of land which abbot Lanfranc bought at Venoix (Venuntium), of the meadows which William de Corcellis sold him of the said bishop's fee, of all Ros except the church, etc. … Of what Richard Goiz held at Rucqueville (Ruscavilla) etc.… and Ranulf the vicomte at Britivilla Orguellosa, etc.… On all the foregoing gifts, that belonged to the church of Bayeux, he grants the forfeiture for criminal sins, money fines, and the injunction of penance for non-criminal sins by the dwellers thereon. And he grants, as Odo granted, that whensoever cases of criminal sins, in the said churches, houses, or lands, are heard by the archdeacon of Bayeux, the abbot or prior of St. Stephen's, etc.… He further confirms the gifts made by the barons of Normandy to St. Stephen's namely that of the bourg of Trun, etc., by Roger de Mungomerio, in record of which gift king William granted that the road passing without the bourg should lead through it; and that of Robert count of Mortain, namely Hubertivilla, etc., etc.; and that of Richard son of Turstin, vicomte of Avranches, namely his land at Ruschavilla of the fee of Turstin son of Richard, with the said Turstin's consent; and that of Ranulf vicomte of Bayeux, etc. etc.; and that of Robert Bertrand, namely, all his land at Britivilla Orgulosa etc.; and that of Eudo Dapifer, namely, all his share of Baltha etc., and the land of Hotot, half of which was in his demesne and half held of him by William in fee etc. etc.; and that of Robert de Monbrai earl of Northumberland, namely what he held at Vilers in Auge (Alge) near Boseval in frank almoin; and that of Engelram and Agnes his wife of the church and tithe of Alnetum etc.; and that of Ralf son of Ansera, (fn. 45) namely 73 acres of his alleu at Boseval; and that of Ralf son of Herfred, namely half the land he held near Badwent etc.; and that of Serlo de Lingevrio, namely the church of Buxedellum etc. with all the rightful tithe of his demesne and his villeins, and with a third of the tithe of his knights there and of the other parishioners who attend that church …. and that of William de Sola, namely all that Hugh de Diva held of him at Dives and Chaumont; and the privileges granted at Alençon by William count of Ponthieu. He also confirms the purchases and exchanges made by Lanfranc, William, Gilbert, Eudo, Peter, and William, abbots of St. Stephen's. Lanfranc purchased etc…. William purchased from Robert Marmion, by consent of his wife and children, a mill on the Laize (Leisia) etc…. from Roger Arundel an acre and a half of meadow from Osmund Aculeus, Richard, and Roger the alleu they had at Chaumont (Calvum montem) on the Dive, of which he afterwards gave 50 acres to Boselin (fn. 46) in fee, on receiving the price he had given for the land [and] on condition that after the death of Boselin's uncle, Ansered the priest, two-thirds of the tithe there should always go to St. Stephen's etc.…. To abbot William Ranulf son of Ascelin sold all the land belonging to him within and about the church, and all that the abbey had bought from him everywhere, so that neither he nor any heir of his could make any claim therein. In this sale was comprised all his land except (preter (fn. 47) ) his own house and two acres of meadow and an acre and three roods of land. All this he definitely confirmed before the altar of St. Stephen's and the abbot and many of the convent, his wife and children being present, and joining with him in the act. [Abbot] William bought etc.… To [abbot] Lanfranc Gisla, wife of William Patric, and her son William sold 5 acres of land at Caen, and Ranulf son of Ascelin 4 acres, from which stone was quarried for the monastery…. Robert de Belfou granted, in alms, to St. Stephen's all the land which Hugh de Diva held of him at and round Dives. Hugh de Diva and Boselin, (fn. 46) his brother gave St. Stephen's, at Modol, four acres and a half of vineyard free from all payments except a third of the tithe, Hugh or his heir being also bound to render to the monks, at vintage time, 6 muids of wine…. Robert son of Bernard burnt four houses belonging to St. Stephen's and a winepress (torcularium) with all the wine-pots (vinaria) of which there were many at vintage-time at Modol, and inflicted other heavy loss, in wine, horses, oxen, and much else, for which he gave [in compensation] 40 shillings of Le Mans and the tithe of Moen near Ceus and all those dues, and mortgages, and purchases, and alms, which the monks held at Modol of Hugh de Rovres and Emma his wife, etc…. William the butler de Albigneio gave St. Stephen's all that he held at Etaveaux (Stavellum) of it, in inheritance. This gift had been previously made by William at the castle of Caen, in the presence of the king and the barons…. [Abbot] Eudo bought at Scarvilla 50 acres of land from two brothers, Adelulf and Alan for thirty pounds ten shillings in money of Rouen, of which Adelulf, the elder, had 12 pounds and a horse of 20 shillings [value], and his sons William and Osmund, for their consent, (concessione), the one 20 shillings and the other a tunic (clamidem), [while] Alan had 15 pounds, Thomas, his son, (fn. 48) for his consent a horse and 20 shillings, [and] his mother 10 shillings and two sestiers of wheat and one of barley. William Bacon, of whose fee was the land, received from the abbot 16 pounds, 11 shillings, and [for?] the hauberk [? knight's fee] which belonged to Robert de Tresgoz 100 shillings in money, to free the land to St. Stephen's that no service or aid should thenceforth be required from the vendors or from the brethren; and Roger his son, for his consent, had 40 shillings for a palfrey. Robert de Tresgoz, when admitted as a monk before his death, gave a holding at St. Croix. The men of Siccavilla, received into the brotherhood of St. Stephen's, gave it two-thirds of their tithes. The church of that vill, which the abbey had peaceably possessed from of old, was persistently claimed by a certain clerk, Herbert. King Henry, resolving to put an end to the trouble, summoned both parties to plead before him on an appointed day, at the castle of Caen. On the day appointed, the abbot and monks, with all that was required, attended (suum placitum obtulerunt) before the king and justice, but Herbert made default in the hearing of the king, all the justices (totius justice) and the barons; and, by the decision of the king and justice[s], St. Stephen's remained seised, no more to make answer to anyone therein. Roger son of Peter de Fontaneto, in the presence of all the justice[s] restored to St. Stephen's that land [Fontenay] and all the tithes which had been given it by his grandfather Godfrey and his father, and granted them to be held by it for ever…. He (the king) also confirms (concedo) the agreement between the abbot and Richard son of Edith made at London, (fn. 49) and that between the monks of St. Stephen's and the king's officers concerning the land of Brideport and Brideton. (fn. 50)
Testibus: Rothroco Ebroicensi episcopo; Philippo Baiocensi episcopo; Arnulfo Lexoviensi episcopo; Thoma cancellario; Gaufrido Ridello; Gaufrido capellano; Willelmo filio Johannis; Godart de Vaus; Jordano Taixum; Ricardo de Haia. Apud Cadomum.
(Original in
454. Writ of Henry II. addressed to his officers of all Normandy. The monks of St. Stephen's of Caen are to enjoy all their privileges, houses, and rents at Rouen, Avranches, and Dives, as the charter of Robert de Novo Burgo witnesses they proved their right (disracionaverunt) to them in his [Henry's] court before him [Robert] and the king's barons, and at Caen they are to enjoy the same privileges as the charter of the bishop of Evreux witnesses to have been proved in his (the king's) court. And no one is to wrong them therein.
Teste Philippo Baiocensi episcopo per Regin[aldum] Warwic. Apud Cadumum.
(Original in archives.
Cartulaire de
Normandie, fo. 14b.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 178.)
455. Charter of Hugh earl of Chester granting, by permission and with the assent of his lord king Henry, for the weal of his soul and those of his predecessors, the gift which his predecessor, Ranulf vicomte of Bayeux made to St. Stephen's, Caen of all the land which he held in Brittivilla Orgoillosa with the share of the church appurtenant, and the tenants (coloni) and freeman (liberi homines) thereof; also the church of Boevilla with its alleu and whole tithe, as in king William's charter.
Testibus: Gisleberto episcopo Lundoniensi (fn. 51); Ricardo archidiacono Pictaviensi; Walerano archiadiacono Baiocensi; magistro Radulfo de Than[wrde] (fn. 52); Willelmo de Mandevilla comite de Essessia; Willelmo comite de Arundel; Hugone de Longocampo; Reginaldo de Curtenay; Johanne de Waureio; Hachet de Ridefort (fn. 53); Ranulfo de Grandivalle; Gaufrido de Constantino; Rogero de Livet; Ranulfo de Glainvilla, et Germano (fn. 54) scriptore regis, et Willelmo clerico meo, et pluribus aliis, apud Chivilly.
(Original in archives.
Seal broken.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 179.)
456. Notification (fn. 55) that in the year 1171, William de Abovilla, with consent of Henry his eldest son, gave in alms for ever to the abbey of St. Stephen's, Caen all his right of presentation to the church of Bretteville Orgeillosa and the chapel of Putot, and placed that gift on St. Stephen's altar, and made corporal oath on the gospels that he would never make any claim thereto, against the abbot and monks, but would warrant it to them to the utmost of his power, and without their sending him his expenses; and for this gift abbot William and the monks gave William 30 pounds of Anjou. This was done in the presence of King Henry, and of the bishops Arnulf of Lisieux, Froger of Séez, Goscelin of Salisbury, and of the king's justices William de Sancto Johanne and William de Corceio, and of Thomas archdeacon of Bayeux, representing Henry bishop of Bayeux, and confirming the agreement with his own seal.
Testibus etiam: Herberto precentore; Galerano archidiacono; et Rogerio de Arrie, et Johanne archidiacono Sagiensi, et Johanne archidiacono Luxoviensi, et aliis; Willelmo de Glainvilla; Willelmo de Humeto; Ricardo filio comitis; Willelmo Crasso; Ranulfo de Grandval; Roberto de Vein, et Willelmo fratre suo, et Robert de Aniseio.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 178.)
457. Charter of Robert earl of Leicester confirming to St. Stephen's abbey, Caen, and the monks there serving God, for the weal of his soul and those of his predecessors, of the countess Petronilla his wife and of his children, a turner in his forest of Breteuil to make them dishes and cups (ciphos) for the use of their house, as free as his own turner in that forest, or anyone else's.
Testibus: Rogerio de Campana; Hamone de Hotot; Reginaldo de Haya; Willelmo de Bellagrava; magistro Hugone clerico meo; Gaufrido de Dovra; Halano de Cheus; Luca Pincerna; Herberto de Luzay.
(Collated copy in the
458. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the archbishop of Rouen and all his officers of Normandy. He gives to the abbey (ecclesie) of St. Stephen, Cean and its monks one day's fair, yearly on St. Stephen's day next after Christmas, receiving all the dues on that day from those who come to it and return.
Testibus H[enrico] episcopo Baiocensi; Ricardo de Humeto constabulario; Willelmo de Albinneio; Roberto de Briwecurt; Roberto de Stutevilla. Apud Cadomum.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 181.)
459. Charter of Richard archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, confirming to the abbey of St. Stephen's, Caen all its possessions etc., in the province of Canterbury, namely the manor of Northam and its church, with Aisserugia, a member of that manor; in Dorset, Frantona and Biencoma with its church; in Berchesire, at Henreth, (fn. 56) seven hides of land; in Dorset Bridetone; in Essex Penfeld, given by Waleran son of Ranulf, with the whole tithe of Tiedesham, Clesingham, Folebornia, Aelivaleio and Bures, and with an estate, within London, in Wodestre; also the church of Morton and the tithe of the demesne of William de Abracense, from his mill, pannage, cheese, calves, poults (pullis), apples, nuts, and other tithes belonging to that church, according to William's charter; also the messuage of John the chaplain, near the churchyard, with the adjacent flax-ground (linaria) of William's gift; in Norfolk the manor of Welles and the church of St. Nicholas of Gaiton etc.; further. the churches of Frantona (fn. 57); Biencombe, Wittremburna, Abbetescomba, saving the bishop's dues, in accordance with the charter of Joscelin bishop of Salisbury. (fn. 58) All is to be held in accordance with the benefactors’ charters, which he has seen and handled with his own hands. Curses on those who infringe this grant.
Testibus: Walterio Roffensi (fn. 59) episcopo; magistro Petro Bleseeno archidiacono Bathon[iensi] (fn. 60); Moise (fn. 61) capellano, magistro Rogerio de Roulvestro; Henrico Baiocense; Johnne capellano; Roberto de Bathwento; Willelmo Sottewaine, et aliis multis.
1190, 20 March.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 182.)
460. Charter of Richard I. granting to St. Stephen's, Caen, and the monks there serving God, for the weal of his soul and those of his father and mother and his kinsmen and predecessors, all the following gifts, purchases, exchanges, recoveries, concords, and all rightful acquisitions made in the time of his father king Henry and his own: namely (fn. 62) etc. … of the gift by Robert de Haia to St. Stephen's of all his holding in the forest etc., saving the rents and services due to the lord of whose fee was the holding; also the gift by Hugh Malbeene and Ascelina his wife of the said tenement held of them by Robert; … the gift by Hugh Paganellus, his wife and sons, of 11 acres in Hastellonda near Familleium; … the gift, by William Tresgoz and Robert his son, of a vavassor at Siccavilla; … also the purchases and recoveries etc. by abbot William in the time of king Henry … who recovered the land of Eschelinus from the earl of Gloucester … and a villein's holding (villenagium) at Brachevilla from Geoffrey earl of Mandevilla [on] giving him ten pounds, and the land of Brittivilla superba etc.—formerly given by Ranulf vicomte of Bayeux to St Stephen's—[on] giving him 50 pounds Angevin and two palfreys, the church of Seun from William de Abovilla and Robert de Seun who claimed its presentation, [on] giving William 30 pounds of Anjou and 10 to Robert; also the release to him by Ralf Hericius of Combraium and Ralf de Combraio his son [on] his giving them 40½ shillings of Anjou etc. … and by the two nephews (nepotibus) of Geoffrey de Clinton of the rights they claimed in Francavilla, for 40 shillings of Anjou etc. etc. …
Testibus: Walterio Rothomagensi archiepiscopo; W[illelmo] Eliensi episcopo cancellario nostro; Henrico Baiocensi, Radulfo Lexoviensi, Willelmo Constanciensi, Johanne Ebroicensi, episcopis; Willelmo de Humeto constabulario; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie. Datum per manum Johannis de Alencone Lexoviensis archidiaconi vice-cancellarii nostri, apud Rothomagum xx. die martii regni nostri anno primo.
(Original in archives.
Trans. Vol. I.
fo. 195.)
461. Charter of Robert de Gouiz, notifying that he gives to St. Stephen's, Caen and the monks there serving God the church of St. Machutus of Moan for the weal of his soul and [those] of his kinsmen, predecessors, and lords.
Hoc autem factum est in plena assisia apud Cadomum et relatum ad scaccarium domini regis, et in rotulis annotatum, presente Willelmo filio Radulfi tunc senescallo Normannie, anno ab incarnatione domini MoCoXCo. Testibus domino Roberto electo Wirecestrie; Radulfo Taisson; Willelmo Taisson; Roberto abbate Fontaneti; Rogerio de Arry; Ansquetillo; Willelmo Tolmer; Roberto de Bernaio; Radulfo de Lexovio; Waltero Anglico; Willelmo Calviz; Roberto de Livet; Ricardo filio Henrici; Radulfo scriptore; Rogero de Siccavilla; Rogero de Gouiz; Thoma Malfillastre; Rogero Suhart; Johanne de Fontaneto; Willelmo de Callouey; Roberto filio Brite; Radulfo de Mundrevilla; Philippo de Siccavilla; Gaufrido de Galomance; Roberto de Garsale; Roberto filio Hugonis; Ada (fn. 63) et Serlo[ne] de Carpiquet, et aliis multis.
1200, 7 June.
(Original in D'Anisy's
Collection, sealed.
Trans. Vol. I. fo. 195.)
462. Charter of John in favour of St. Stephen's, Caen. Printed in Rotuli Cartarum I. 69, but without the last two witnesses:—“Petro de Pratellis; Ricardo de Reveriis.”


  • 1. It will be observed that the Cartulary scribe has placed the witnesses in wrong order.
  • 2. August 1153.
  • 3. Trans.: “Testibus.”
  • 4. The rest of this Inspeximus is destroyed. See Cal. Charter Roll, V, p. 158.
  • 5. d. 1177.
  • 6. Omitted in Transcript.
  • 7. These names within brackets are wrongly thus inserted in Cartulary.
  • 8. Trans.: “justum.”
  • 9. Trans.: “G.” Richard Foliot was archdeacon of Colchester in the time of bishop Gilbert. But Dunmow and Felsted were in the archdeaconry of Middlesex. If the transcriber's Meldens’ is a misreading for Middlesex (Maldon being far away), the party might be “Gibert” archdeacon of Middlesex, who is said to appear in 1188, but whose surname is not given.
  • 10. Rectius: “Eistan[es].”
  • 11. Sic.
  • 12. Trans.: “Percepit.”
  • 13. Trans.: “Derberto.”
  • 14. Succeeded in or before 1180.
  • 15. Trans.: “Furno.”
  • 16. So headed in MS. lat.
  • 17. i.e., a writ of Darrein Presentment.
  • 18. Trans.: “Cauvilla.”
  • 19. Trans.: “Laterano.”
  • 20. Now in archives.
  • 21. “1194” erroneously in D'Anisy's Transcripts.
  • 22. A fine was made before the same seven justices on Dec. 4, 1192 (Ed. Pipe Roll, Soc. I., 13).
  • 23. Trans.: “Waldeford.”
  • 24. Ib.: “Peterswill.”
  • 25. Ib.: “Husebury.”
  • 26. Ib.: “Thancombe.”
  • 27. MS. injured.
  • 28. Trans.: “Solingues.”
  • 29. The text is evidently corrupt in Transcript, if not in the Inspeximus, but could not be collated.
  • 30. Cf. 9th Report on Historical MSS., App. I. p. 20a.
  • 31. Trans.: “Scorteford.”
  • 32. Trans.: “Londini.”
  • 33. Ib.: “SeeBeh'.”
  • 34. Ib. sed rectius: “mercerio.”
  • 35. Compare the deeds with same witnesses in 9th Report Hist. MSS. Cemm. App. I. p. 15 (Nos. 1349, 401).
  • 36. No longer there now.
  • 37. “Seyra” in orig.; Trans.: “Seyya.”
  • 38. Trans.: “Alvineleia.”
  • 39. Ib.: “Wodestra.”
  • 40.
  • 41. See Palgrave's English Commonwealth II., clxxxi.
  • 42. Trans.: “Denevessira.”
  • 43. Trans.: “feci.”
  • 44. Cf. Rotuli Chartarum, I., p. 46 (2).
  • 45. MS.: “Ansere” (? “Anseredi”).
  • 46. Cf. Domesday, I., 202b.
  • 47. Trans.: “propter.”
  • 48. Omitted in Transcript, of which the text is here corrupt.
  • 49. Trans.: “Londonem.”
  • 50. See Palgrave's English Commonwealth II., clxxxiii. for this agreement.
  • 51. Trans.: “Lundoni.”
  • 52. Ib.: “Than”; Cart.: “Tam[wrda].”
  • 53. Cart.: “Bidefort.”
  • 54. Cart.: “Gervasio.”
  • 55. Styling itself “Litis divisio.”
  • 56. Trans.: “Hevreth.”
  • 57. Trans.: “Francona.”
  • 58. Trans.: “Josclis Garesbi.”
  • 59. Trans.: “Rofo.”
  • 60. Trans.: “Bathone.”
  • 61. Trans.: “Morse.”
  • 62. A great number of late and very small grants of land in Normandy follow.
  • 63. Trans.: “Adam.”