Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Originally published by His Majesty's General Register House, Edinburgh, 1936.
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'James VI: August 1590', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593, ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online [accessed 15 February 2025].
'James VI: August 1590', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Edited by William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online, accessed February 15, 2025,
"James VI: August 1590". Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online. Web. 15 February 2025.
In this section
James VI: August 1590
458. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Aug. 1.]
Received his of July 23rd in answer to his of July 16th. "At this Convencion a newe covenaunt of kindenes is taken and concluded betwixt the Chancelour and the Master of Glames with their principall freindes," who have sworn to abandon the friendship of any who shall break it. Bowes has offered, in her majesty's behalf, to shake off any who shall fail in this promise, and to assist the other side. If this bond does not hold, it will be in vain to bind them to any other. It was high time to knit them together, for quarrels were grown so hot as the troubles feared must have befallen had the courses intended not been stopped. All is done that can be to pull up the roots of these discords, but new buds may be seen again before the end of this vacation, while the King is absent at his pastimes, for there are evil spirits intending to stir troubles.
Bothwell and the Master of Glamis are reconciled by the King's especial travail. Glamis had named the Master of Gray as "the author of his information given to the King that Bothwell had determined to have his life," which bred such evil terms betwixt Glamis and Gray as they were near to the offer of the combat, yet the King pacified them, and also agreed Bothwell and Glamis, but rather by his commandment than by their free consent.
"The Erle of Angusse is put to libertie, and afterwardes in like manner agreed with Mr. Alexander Lyndsaie. Whiles the Erle was in ward in the castle here, he refused both to compound with Mr. Lyndsaie, and also to put himself in the King's will, saieng that he sought to have his doinges tried, and not to condempne him self by suche submission, nether wold he stoupe to a parson so farre inferiour and in offering to him suche wrong and dishonour. Thus all these great quarrelles are folden up."
"The King at this Convencion hathe given order for the banishment of Penrie, and directed the Chancelour to see the same executed at his retorne hither from Dumfermling on Mondaie next."
Albeit the ministers here, before the King's commandment given them, had left their accustomed prayer for such as they thought were imprisoned in England for the discipline of the church received in this realm, yet one of them lately come out of England renewed the prayer, against the minds of the rest, causing Bowes to absent himself from the church. Whereupon the King has given order to them all to use that prayer no more, whereunto they have agreed, praying now generally "for their afflicted brethern in France, Geneva, and all other places wheresoever." The general assembly of the church shall be here on Tuesday next the 4th instant, and they will then confer with the rest of their brethren upon this matter.
The King, presently returned to Dunfermline to the Queen, has promised to come hither again on Tuesday or Wednesday next, and will then give Bowes the names of the two commissioners for Spain, and of the commissioners for the Borders, for which purpose he will then confer with his Council here.
Bothwell by covert means seeks the keeping of Edinburgh castle, and Maxwell the wardenry of the West Marches. Has therefore "moved the King in her majestes name to beware to plant any parson suspected of papistrie or other insufficiencie whatsoever in the office of Warden of any of the Marches, or chardge of kepeing of any pece of importance." The King told him he had already provided a special act for prevention of any such thing, and promised to put it in execution.
According to Burghley's direction, has acquainted the King "with the strange matter committ to the report of John Bailie by the secretarie of the Duke of Parma," and that it was falsely contrived, being neither heard nor thought of by her majesty or Burghley; marvelling that upon "Bailifes" opening this thing to him he did not impart it to him (Bowes) to be advertised to her majesty, or otherwise send it to her. The King answered that he gave no credit to the tale, but thought that it was either devised by Parma or his secretary for some cunning practice, or that the motion—if any such thing had been moved—tended only to play with Parma, and to give him neither benefit nor advantage. He said that he sent once for him (Bowes) of purpose to tell him this thing, but he (Bowes) occupied him with so many causes that he forgot to tell it. He will shortly write himself to her majesty.
"The King understanding that Richard Blithe, Scotishman—late pilate in the ship of Captain Gwynn that robbed the Master of Orkeney— is apprehended and in ward in Newcastle, and hearing that Blith did chefelie drawe Gwyn and other Inglish pirates to these northern coastes and to the piracies done on Scottesmen; therfore he is verie desierous to have Blith to be delivered to him, that he maie be executed at Leith to be an example and terrour to others, and hartelie praieth that order may be given for the deliverie of Blithe to him. In consideracion whereof he hathe commaunded that the Spaniard of the companie of the Spanish barque at Orkney, and that cruellie murdered manie Inglishmen, should be delivered to me on Mondaie or Tuesdaie next to be sent into Ingland or hanged here as her majestie should dispose."
This Spaniard has confessed his cruelty in cutting the throats of sundry Englishmen when he found that his knife could not enter through their shirts and clothes full of pitch. He speaks English, and thereby was employed by the captain of this barque, and sent by him to provide victuals in Anstruther, and offer sale of the English ships and corn that the Spaniards had brought to Anstruther, where he was taken. This nation and its merchants are loth to deal with him. The provost of this town refused to keep him in ward until he (Bowes) could dispose of him, so he will be set at liberty unless Bowes take him. Therefore, seeing it may be known by him who furnished the captain, company, and barque from Leith, what Scotchmen be in her, etc., and that the having of him may move the Spaniards to show favour to the English prisoners in their hands, has agreed to take him, and prays order therein, and that Blyth may be brought to him to be delivered to the King if it be thought convenient.
Burghley writes that Thomas Gray is sent back for Orkney, but Bowes has heard nothing of his coming. Yet the wind serves well, so may be he is already passed. On July 24th the Spaniards and Scotchmen were still at Kirkwall, selling corn taken from Englishmen. They had intended to have slain all their English prisoners, but the Scotchmen with them stayed that slaughter; yet they purpose to get more Englishmen both for the slaughter and for the galleys. It is uncertain whether they have sold the corn and departed, or are still at Kirkwall.
Yesternight William Sibbett, a Scotchman, set forth by Bothwell with pretence to serve against the Spaniards and Leaguers, passed out of this Firth to sail for Orkney, trusting to find the Spaniards there. He has long served in England, and offered—in case he can draw the Scotchmen now with the Spaniards to aid him—to surprise the Spaniards. Doubts his success, so has left him to his own course, only telling him that service done to her majesty never passed without reward. The Chancellor has sought to get hold of the Spaniards at Kirkwall by means of the Earl of Orkney; but those Spaniards shall be little endangered unless it be by Thomas Gray.
By the King's leave, gave order to Robert Ardern and others for the apprehension of an English Jesuit lying near the Borders; but the matter was so evil carried that there were five Englishmen and two boys with their horses taken prisoners; but the King has given directions to deliver them. "As the execution was evill governed, so the executioners were deceived in the person of the man to have bein apprehended, makeing me thinck that they should certainlie take the bishop of Dirrie, who— so farre as I can learne—is not in this realme at this tyme."
"The King hath bein latelie advertised that Colonell Stewart and Mr. John Skene came to the Queen mother of Denmark in Brunswick befor her retorne: but bicause some of the princes to whom he [sic] was addressed were departed the daie before his comming thither, therefore the Queen and the other princes there present advised him to followe the princes departed, which he did."
At the despatch of Bowes's letters of July 16th Sir John Carmichael had not arrived, but by those of July 23rd Bowes certified his return. He (Carmichael) continues in devotion to her majesty's service.
At the King's first arrival in Edinburgh he purposed to have "awarded" Huntly, Erroll and others; and albeit that Erroll afterwards reconciled himself with the Chancellor and was received by the King, yet the latter still pretends to confine him and the others where they shall work no hurt. But the great hope that the King has to "hold all thinges in wished quietnes by these late concordes" may stay his course therein. Yet the Chancellor and many councillors are resolute to persuade the King to keep under all the factioners of the Bridge of Dee till he be assured of their loyalty.
"The Twedees and Veyches—whereof your lordship wold be better informed—are two surnames in Twedale. Twedee is the lard of Drumaliard and Veichee of Dawick. They are not of any great possessions, but men of accion and well frended. Twedie latelie killed one of the Veiches, whereupon he was called to the daie of lawe, whereof I have made mencion to your lordship in my letter. And bicause Veechees sawe that they could not prevaile against Twedee that waie, therefore three of the Veeches the other daie in this towne killed the tutour of Drumaliard, for which slaughter two of them being taken here were arraigned, who pleaded that the person slaine was at horne; and thereupon they are staied untill it shalbe tried whether the plea be true or not. Bothwell and manie others labour earnestlie for the lives of these Veechees; but the King, comming in parson to the Tollboothe for the execution of justice, is resolved that these two men shalbe executed in case the parson slaine be released of his horning at the tyme of his slaughter."
Encloses a note of all the councillors and principal officers here. The King had appointed another Council, but upon new accidents it was resolved to retain the old one; many things intended since the King's return have had little success.
At this Convention it is agreed that the King shall have three French crowns for every tun of wine brought into this realm after Michaelmas next. Albeit the matter for change of the coin into fine silver was long in deliberation, yet at length it was referred to certain commissioners appointed to present their advices at the next parliament, that order may be taken by that parliament. The subduing of the isles and other causes deliberated by the former Convention are likewise referred to several commissioners specially assigned.
On Thursday last about nine at night the King passed to Dunfermline with purpose to return on Tuesday next; and afterwards to repair from Dunfermline into the west about Dunbarton and Inch Murrin to hunt for six or eight weeks.
"The next daie, being yesterdaie, the Chancelour followed the King to perswaid the Queen to receive suche companie of ladies and gentlewomen as was thought honorable and mete to be about her, and to satisfie her in other causes betwixt the King and her; for the Queen mother of Denmark had committ her to the care of the Chancelour, with especiall trust and request that he should advise her in all thinges for her honour and benefitt."
Huntly came from Balwearie's house in Fife to Falkland to speak with the King, who would not let him come to his presence in the wood as he desired. Yet it is thought that before the King depart into the west Huntly shall be with him to surrender his interest in Dunfermline to the King and Queen. Well affected councillors persuade the King to hold a good course with him and his faction, for it is evident that this general union of all will yield no settled peace.
"Mr. James Gordon is not yet departed out of this realme, and Alexander Gorden, lard of Stradowne, brother of Huntlaie, is possessed and overcommed with the humour of frenesie before thus visiting him."
Sir William Keith came hither secretly on Thursday last, to Lady Gowrie's house, where he will remain till he may recover the King's favour or know his pleasure.
This day Lord Maxwell has been with Bowes and offered his devotion to her majesty, and for preservation of amity betwixt the realms and peace on the Borders. He professes to be resolute herein, howsoever he be suspected in religion, wherein he acknowledges himself in doubt of some points professed in this church. He would "conferre with the learned therein, and thereon do as God should give him light," promising to keep faithfully his offers to her majesty. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.
5 pp. Addressed. Indorsed.
Enclosure with the same:—
(Names of the Secret Council appointed 1587.)
"John Lord Hamilton, commendator of Arbroath. William, Earl of Angus, Lord Douglas and Abernethe. George, Earl of Huntly, Lord Gordon and Badzenauche. David, Earl of Crawford, Lord Lyndsey. George, Erl Marishal, Lord Keith. Francis, Earl Bothwell, Lord Hailes and Creichton, Lord Admiral of Scotland. John, Erl of Montrose, Lord Graham. John, Earl of Marr, Lord Erskin. George, Earl of Rothes, Lord Leslie. Mr. Peter Rollok, bisshop of Dunkeld. James Steward, Lord Down. Deceased in Julie last. William Maxwell, Lord Herries. Claud Hamilton, commendator of Paisley. Mr. Alexander Seatoun, prior of Pluscardin. Mr. Adam Boswell, bisshop of Orkney. Mr. Alexander Colvill, abbot of Culrosse. Sir James Hume of Koldenknowes, knight, captain of the castle now. Sir Patrick Waus of Barne-Barrauche, knight. Sir John Cockburne of Ormistoun, knight. Sir John Carmighell, knight, Master Stables [sic] to his highnes. Mr. David Carnegy of Collichie. Mr. Peter Young of Seaton, Elemosinar to his majesty."
"Officers of Estate."
"John Maitland, Lord Thirlston, Chancelor and stil Secretarie. Sir Thomas Lyon, knight, Master of Glamis, Lord Threasurer. David Seaton of Perbrothe, Comptroller. Mr. Robert Douglas, provost of Linclowden, collector general and threasurer of the augmentacons. Alexander Haie of Easter Kennett, Clerk of Register. Sir Lewis Balentine, knight, Justice Clerk. Sir Robert Melvill, knight, Treasurers Deputy. Mark Carr, Lord of Newbottle, Master of Requests. Walter Stewart, prior of Blantire, Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal. Mr. David Makgill, advocate. Sir John Murray of Tullybardin, knight, Master Household."
"Lordis newlie admitted to be upon the Counsell by particular warrantes."
"Sir William Keith of Delnes, knight. Mr. Alexander Lyndsaie of Sandifourd, Vice Chamberlain. Mr. John Colvill of Strathrudey, collector of the taxations."
"The names of those that lye in his majestes chamber."
"Mr. Alexander Lindsaie. George Hume. James Beaton, page of honour. James Sandelandes."
"The Master stableres."
"Sir John Carmighell, principal Master stabler. John Shaw, extraordinary Master stabler."
Officers of his House.
"Andrew Melvill, extraordinary Master of Household. Michaell Elphinston, carver; William Elphinston, cupper (brothers). Patrick Murray, cupper."
"The names of the chefe officers to the Quene."
"William Vaudervaus, "Master Houshould." John Levingston, Master stabler. Young Lard of Pollart and Hume, gentleman in her majesty's chamber. The Lard of Robertland, Cunningham, principal server. James Murray, page of honour. Johannes Calixtus, secretary to the Queen. George Eppin, carver. Christopher Curiot, cupper. Mr. David Marton, usher of her chamber. Katheren Skinck, Anne Roos, her 2 gentlewomen brought with her. Hans Drier and others, her cooks."
2 pp. Notes by Burghley. Indorsed: "1 Aug. 1590. Names of the King of Scottes Counsell, and of his and the Quenes principall officers and servantes. 1587." [sic].
Second enclosure with the same:—
(Councillors and officers of state.)
"1587. Earls: A. John Lord Hamilton and Abirbrothok, be the newe erection thairof. A. William Dowglas, Erle of Angus, Lord Dowglas and Abirnethie. B. George Gordoun, Erle of Huntley, Lord Gordoun and Badzenauch. B. David Lyndsey, Erle of Crawfurd, Lord Lyndsey. B. Francis Hay, Erle of Erroll, Lord Hay, Constable of Scotland. D. George Keyth, Erle Marschell, Lord Keyth. B. Francis Stewart, Erle Bothuile, Lord Haillis, Chrichtoun and Liddisdaill. B. John Grayhame, Erle Montroiss, Lord Grayhame. A. John Erskin, Erle of Marre, Lord Erskin. F. George Leslie, Erle of Rothes, Lord Leslie. Bishopes: A. Mr. Peter Rollok, bishop of Dunkeld. A. Mr. Adam Bothuile, bishop of Orknay. Lordis. C. George Seytoun, Lord of Seytoun, admitted in the place of the Lord of Downe when the King was in Denmark. C. William Maxwell, Lord Hereis. Mr. Alexander Lindsey, Lord of Spynie. Commendatours: C. Claude Hammiltoun, abbot of Paisley. C. Mr. Alexander Seytoun, priour of Pluscardin. Officers of Estate: A. John Maitland, Lord Thirlstane, Chancellair and Secretair. A. Sir Thomas Lyoun, Master of Glamis, of Balduky, knight, Lord Threasurour. E. David Seyton of Parbroth, Comptrollair. D. Mr. Robert Dowglas of the howss of Dumlanryct, provost of Lynclouden, collectour generall and thesaurair of the newe augmentationis. A. Walter Stewart, second brother to the Lord of Mynto, priour of Blantire, Keper of the Privie Seill. D. Mark Ker, Lord of Newbottle, Master of Requeistis. A. Sir Lewes Bellendyne of Auchnoll, knight, Justice Clerke. D. Mr. David Makgill of Nysbet, advocat. D. Sir Robert Melvile of Murdocarny, knight, Thesaurair Depute. A. Mr. Peter Zounge, elemosiner to his majestie. A. Alexander Hay of Eister Kennett, Clerk of Register."
"Barons admitted to be on Counsell sen the Parliament. 1587."
"A. Sir Patricke Waus of Barnebarrauch, knyght. A. Sir James Hume of Coldenknowis, knyght, capten of the castle of Edenbrough. A. Mr. David Carnogy of Colluchy. A. Mr. John Cokburne of Ormistoun, ane of the senatours of the Colledge of Justice. A. Sir John Carmychaell of that ilk, knyght, Wardane of the West Marche. C. Sir John Seytoun, brother to the Lord Seyton, of Barnis, knight."
"The letters do signify, videlicet."—
"A. well affected in religion, and to the amity. B. at the brigg of Dee. C. knowen Catholice. D. Protestant. E. suspected Catholice. F. neutral."
1590. "Counsellours and officers of estate named and accorded to have beyn established after the Kingis retourne owt of Denmarke, which neverthelesse upon newe consideracions were stayed, with order that the old Cownsell and officers before aucthorised should remayne in the places which they occupyed at the Kingis sayd retourne owt of Denmarke."
"Counsellours and officers of estate."
"John Maitland, Lord of Thirlistane, Lord Chancellor and Secretary. Sir Thomas Lyoun of Balducky, knight, Lord Threasurour. David Seaton of Parbroth, Comptroller. Mr. Robert Dowglas, provost of Lynclouden, Collector Generall and Thesaurer of the new Augmentations. Walter Stewart, prior of Blantyre, Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal. Marke Ker, Lord of Newbotle, Master of the Requests. Sir Lewes Ballendine of Auchnoule, knight, Justice Clerk. Mr. David Makgill of Nesbit, advocate. Sir Robert Melvill of Mordocarny, knight, Treasurer's Deputy. Mr. George Yonge, elemosinar to the King. Alexander Hay of Ester Kennet, Clerk of Register."
"Counsellours to be added to the rest."
"Erles: Lord John Hammylton, Lord of Abirbrothok. William Dowglas, now Earl of Angus and Abernethy. William Dowglas, now Earl of Morton. George Keyth, Earl Marishal and Lord Keyth. George Lisley, Earl of Rothes and Lord Lisley. John Erskyn, Erle of Marre. Lords: Robert Boyd, Lord Boyd. David Lyndsey, Lord Lyndsey. Barons and Lairds: Sir James Hume, knight, Laird of Coldenknowes, captain of Edinborough castle. Sir John Gordon, knight, Laird of Loughenvarre. Sir Alexander Bruce, knight, Laird of Earthe. Mr. John Cockburne, Laird of Ormeston."
2⅓ pp. Annotated by Burghley. Indorsed.
459. The Master of Gray to Burghley. [Aug. 5.]
"Her majesteis embassadour hes impertit to me the ansuer of my last vrettin to your lordship, quhairby I perceivit your lordship sumquhat to have mistaken the meaning of my letter, for I did not crave absolutly to have haid a thousand pounds in November nixt, but in cace that so could not have bein, that I micht have knowin vhen conveniently her majestie micht have spairit it; and in the mid tym that I micht have haid sume varrand for my surtie, ether her majesteis privie seall or the lyk assurence. Thus ves the verie meaning of my letter, vich if I shall obtein by your lordships good mediation I shalbe about to requyt it by all good service as I can."
"As for that her majestie sayeth her meaning ves never to give to any bot to the King himself, in thus sche shall satisfie her meaning, for I have alredy obteined his majesteis dispositioun of it, as the embassadour and the berar haithe bothe sein. So I commit to him all forthar particulariteis." Edinburgh. Signed: Mr. of Gray.
¾ p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.
460. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Aug. 8.]
On the 3rd instant he received Burghley's letter of July 28th. It is high time he answered the same, but defers it, because he has delivered to the Chancellor a note of sundry articles, to which he has as yet had no reply.
For the better ordering of causes for the Borders and Isles, the Council sent to the King Sir John Carmichael, with request to give his presence at the deliberation thereof, and for some course to be taken for the government in this town during his absence. And on Wednesday the 5th instant the King—by Sir John's labour—came hither, to consult in those causes.
For preserving quietness in the King's absence it was thought meet to leave some Council here with authority, as by the act of Council enclosed. This act was accorded to stir the King to promise to execute such resolutions as the Council should set down, "and to laie the burden of the displeasures of men offended therein from the shoulders of particular Counsellours."
The King and Council have travailed much to put order to the Borders, and thought good to take bonds of all landlords in the Marches to find sufficient sureties in Lothian and elsewhere, that they and their tenants shall be answerable as well to the King, warden, and wardens, as also for all attempts done in England. Bothwell was charged to give caution for Liddesdale, but refused, with bitter speeches against the Council. On his second refusal, made yesterday, he was committed to Edinburgh castle, where he remained all night. This day he gave bonds of Murray and Hume for Liddesdale, and so is set again at liberty, by direction of the King and friendly means of the Chancellor; whereat sundry are not well pleased, holding that in consideration of the first article in Bowes's notes, and the King's promise to the Earl of Worcester, the King should have taken bond of him to keep such bounds as he should have been confined unto in Ross or other northern parts: that motion, once well embraced, is now frustrate, which seems to shake the fellowship of the councillors presently here.
"The principall parsons in the isles, videlicet, Angusse Mackonell, Mackclene, MacDonell Gormun and others, were committ to the castle here before the King's comming. They are alreadie brought to liberall offers for the King's proffitt, so as his yerelie revenewes is like to be muche increased thereby. Wherein the Counsell will further procede with the next opportunitie."
The King has appointed another Convention for the 17th of September. In his passage yesternight he was driven by tempest much beyond the ordinary landing, and sundry of his company were in no small danger, but all escaped without hurt. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.
1½ pp. Addressed. Indorsed partly by Burghley.
Enclosure with the same:—
(Act of the King in Council.)
Printed in The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, iv. 519.
"For as muche as the Kinges majestie hath committed the handling and ordering of the publick affaires of this realme and estate to a certaine nomber of persons nominat and chosen by his highnes to be of his Privie Counsell, and of officers of his estate knawne by his majestie by proofe and experience to be most forward and affectionat to the advancement of his highnes authoritie and service; in the which chardg notwithstanding, his majestie understanding that they are able to profitt litle or nathing to the honour and suertie of his highnes person, crowne, and estate without his highnes concurrencie and hand halden to whatsomeever thing they sall conclude, deliberate, and ordaine to be put to execution in this behalf; therefore his majestie in presence of his Secrett Counsell presentlie convenit solempnlie hes promised, and by these presencis in the word of ane prince promises, that whatsomever thing is or salbe concluded and descerned by the said persons of his highnes Counsell and officers of his estate, nominate and elected by his majestie, as said is, and by them ordayned to be put in execution against whatsomeever person or persons, or otherwaies to stand and have effect as lawes hereafter, that his majestie aswell absent as present shall ratifie, like as his highnes presentlie ratifies and approves the same, and sall concurre and hald hand to the execution thereof by his owne person gif nede be, and otherwise to the uttermost of his powre; and at na tyme by the perswacion, importance, sute or solicitacion of any person or persons nor otherwais under whatsomever couler or pretence sall alter, chang, or anull any of their proceedinges in this case, directlie nor indirectlie, without their awne advise, counsell, and consent graunted thereto."
"The names of the counsellours chosen to be resident here in the tyme of his progresse and absence from hence, videlicet: the Chancelour, the Threasurer, the Threasurer's deputie, the Comptroller, the Collectour, Justice Clark, Clark Register, Blantire, Ormeston, Carmighell, Collothie, Captaine of this castle." Edinburgh. 7 Aug. 1590.
1 p. Copy. Indorsed by Burghley.
461. Sir Richard Cockburn to the Lord Chancellor of Scotland. [Aug. 11.] Add. MSS., 23, 241, fol. 38.
"His majestie subscryved maist willinglie this precept to the provest of Lynclouden how sone I presented the same, and shew sic gud countenance to the Lord Maxwell as could be, quha is departed maist contented. I send the twa warrandis delyvered to me be zour lordschip with James Hudsone, quhilk I doubt not zour lordschip hes ressaved or now. It hes bene shawin to his majestie that thare is syndrie counterfyte yrones in England for printing of the viij. d. peces, and a young man laitlye commed from Londone hes brocht ane with him quhilk be chance he saw and bocht thair, quhilk wilbe delivered to his majestie, and thereftir shalbe send over to zour lordschip."
"He reportis lykwyis of ane Englisheman apprehendit with the same coinzie in Lin, with quhome thair is ane Scottis man lykwyis taken: his name is Murray, brother to the minister of Dysart. Thair is a great quantitye of the coinzie in the magistratis handis there, because therby the countrey hes ressaved great skaith, and yf it be neglected will import forder; as also that it is suspected if the Scottisman wer heir he could shew of monye partiners merchandis of this countrey."
"His majestie hes geaven me directioun to signifye the same to zour lordschip, desyring that zour lordschip and the rest of the Counsale may wryte vearye earnestlye for sending of him heir quha is apprehendit, and lykwyis to geve a note therof to James Hudsone to deale with the Lord Thesaurare of Englande, quhilk he doubtis not zour lordschip shall cause be done, aswell for tryall of the mater, quhairby some commoditye not small will redound, as also for deterring of others to attempt the lyke."
"Because of Mr. Jhone Colvilles intended voyage to France his majestie wald have some other collectour appoyntit for collecting of the last termes payment of the taxatioun; quhilk yf zour lordschip think gud I wald glaidlye do, as I may easelye, having Archie Prymrose and the rest of the officeris to use the same; bot have meanit na sic thing to his majestie till at first meting I heir zour lordschips opinioun. His majestie hes spoken of Barnie Lyndesay, quhome he thinkis meit for that office; bot yf onye commoditye shall aryse therof, it wer als meit it should fall in some freyndis handis."
"The Quene kepis that dyet as I wrate to zour lordschip in being this nicht in Brunteland and the morne heir. I heare of na altering as zit of his majesties purpose to remove frome this on Thursday to Striveling, except the Quenes presence heir breade some forder delay, and the cumming of some buck houndis frome Barwik lang luikid for: sic as ar accome elles ar not vearye gud, and hes committed na slauchter, althocht the King hes spent thir twa last dayes in following of thame." Falkland. Signed: R. Cokburne.
1½ pp. Holograph, also address.
462. Lord Chancellor Maitland to Burghley. [Aug. 13.]
"Your lordship's dealing with me in most kyndlye maner aswell by your so freendlye lettre sent by Sir Johne Carmichaell as by remembring me so frequentlye by your so looving commendations in everye dispath to Mr. Bowes, and the many causes recyted by your lordship requyring mutuell intelligence betuene us, doeth not onlye testifye the memorye of the old familiar acquentance and vearye straict amitye betueene your lordship and my unquhyll brother doeth yet survive, but also hath so bound and addicted me to your lordship as I wold accompt my self happye yf some good occasioun fall out to yeeld effectuell pruif of a gratfull hart. Beleeve me, my good lord, it causeeth me no small joy, and I do accompt it one of the greatest happes has hitherto befallen me, to be honored be your lordships amitye, esteemyng thereof as I owht aswell for your worthines as the place yow holde. And althogh thair be no paritye for the great defect on my part, unabill to correspond to the honour I resave, I sall endevour my self by faythfull devotioun touard your lordship, and such small offices as I may be abill to do, to utter such a dispositioun and good will as yf it war accompanyed with powar, your lordship shuld not have occasioun to repent yow of the ondeserved faveur bestowed on me. Albeit thair be no equalitye, yet sen our actiouns and desseings do tend to one end, our sound concurrence will produce good effectes to bothe our sovereynes and cuntrees."
"If this microcosme of Britannye, separat from the continent world, naturallye joyned by situatioun and language, and most happelye be religioun, shalbe by the indissolubill amitye of the two princes sincerelye conserved in unioun, the antechristian confederatis shall never be abill to effectuat thair bloodye and godles intentions."
"Yf our two sovereynes be nurished in the true consideratioun thay have wyselye apprehended, that the fondamentall seurtye of both thair states is setteled on trew religioun, which falling nather of thame may consist, it will continue and greatlye increas the amitye and good intelligence happelye begone betueene thame."
"I doubt not bot your lordship will use your prudence and credit with that wyse and zealous prince as hitherto yow have geaven large experience to the benefite of all sincerelye professing Christ in Europ. As to me I shall carye a wathfull ee and do my best endevour heere, assuring my self the King my sovereyne will not by any suggestioun be moved to alter the good cours of his proceadeur."
"Having tryed this bearar zealouslye affecting the continuance of the amitye betueen these tuo princes, sincerelye devoted to your lordships service, and one vhose fidelitye I have often experimented, I have communicat to him some thinges to be imperted to your lordship, which —I doubt not—he will faythfullye delyver. If he shuld neid my recommendatioun, or my request may breed him more faveur at your lordships hand, I wold earnestlye interpone it, estemyng myself greatlye benefited by the encreas of your lordships good will touard him." Edinburgh. Signed: Jo. Thyrlstane.
2 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed by Burghley.
463. Proclamation by James VI. [Aug. 14.] Cf. The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, iv. 526.
"James be the grace of God King of Scottis to oure lovittis Andro Home messinger, our shreffis in that part conjunctlie and severaly specealie constitut, greting. Forsamekill as it is understand to ws and lordis of oure Secreit Counsall that ther is ane grit nwmber of personis oure liegis quhilkis at all tymes, and cheiflie this last zeir preceiding, efter thay had brocht [sic] ther wynis within the toun of Burdeaulx in France and utheris partis ther about, and laidnit the schippis and utheris weshallis therwith, transportit the same wynis to the townis of Newheavin, Sanct Vallareis, and utheris townis inhabeit be papistis, dissobedient to the auctoritie of the present King of France, oure aintient alye and confederat, and joynit with us in freindschipp and religioun, and thair sauld and disponit upon the samin, and thay with thair schippis and weshallis oftymes returnit within oure realme emptie without [ony] kynd of waris proffitable to the sale [sic: same] howbeit thai ressavit at the first departing furth therof the laiding and vittuallis therin, obleissing thame of ther naturall dewitie to rander sum commoditie therto againe: and nochtwithstanding this kynd of tred is now becum sa common that be the furneissing of the saidis townis nocht onlie ar the inhabitantis therof fosterit in ther errouris and unnaturall rebellion agains ther soveraine lord and King to the contempt of man, bot we ar greitlie defraudit of oure customes, and with tyme ar liklie altogidder to be disapointit of the dewitie laitlie grantit and apointit to be upliftit of the saidis wynnis, to the greit hurt of ws and commoun weill of our realme, gif tymous remeid be nocht provydit."
"Oure will is heirfoir and we charge zow straitlie and commandis that incontenent thir our letters sene ze pas, and in our name and auctoritie command and charge all and syndrie oure liegis be opin proclamacioun at the mercat croces of the heid burrowis of our realme, that nane of thame tak upon hand to transport ony wynis bocht [or] to be bocht within the said toun of Burdeaulx or ony utheris partis of France to the said townis of Newheavin, Sainct Vallareis, or utheris townis, portis, or herbereis inhabit be papistis dissobedient to ther native King and Prince, nor zit to brek, bouke, stell, blok, interchange, or ony wyis to by or sell with thame, bot to bring the same wynns haill and togidder hame to this ther natiwe cuntrie and ther sell and mak penny therof, pay thair customes and utheris dewtes therfoir according to the act laitlie maid be ws, with avise of our estaittis at our lait convention haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of July last bypast, and onnawyis to dispone upon the same ony utherwyis under quhatsomewer cullour or pretence under the paine of confiscacioun of ther schippis, weshellis, and guidis being therin, and of all the rest of the movable guidis, to our use."
"Certefeing thame and thai failze, that the same schippis, weshellis, and guidis salbe confiscat and intromettit with, and thay utherwyis puneist in ther personis as effeiris."
"The quhilk to do we commit to zow conjunctlie and severalie oure full power be thir our letters, delyvering thame be zow deulie execuit and indorsat, againe to the berar." Edinburgh. Per actum Secreti Consilii.
1 p. Copy. Indorsed by Burghley.
464. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Aug. 14.]
That he might understand what the Chancellor had done with the King and Council in sundry causes specified in notes delivered by Bowes, the said Chancellor came to Bowes's lodgings, letting him know:—
1. That the King continues his purpose to confine some of the fellowship of the Bridge of Dee, especially Huntly and Bothwell. It came in question before King and Council whether Erroll should be so confined: the Chancellor asked whether he (Bowes) had agreed that he should be spared: Bowes answered that he had many times reminded the King of his promise to the Earl of Worcester, persuading him to execute the same for his own benefit, but did not name any particular person to be confined, or agree that any should be spared.
The King would be pleased to spare Erroll, since he has humbly submitted and offers to abandon the fellowship of the Bridge of Dee, especially Huntly, against whom Erroll is ready—as the Master of Glamis answers for him—"to enter into such accion as should breake all bandes betwixt them, so that he might be assured to be ether backed by the associates joyning with him, or to be out of danger of hurt by courtiers after that he had imbarked himself in that course."
The Master of Glamis, doubting that the Chancellor may be drawn to confine Erroll, has dealt with Bowes for sparing him, that he may be no otherwise used than the rest of that faction, "as Montrosse, Crawford, and others who are not like to be put att." Bowes said he had only travailed with the King to perform his promise to her majesty, leaving the execution thereof to his pleasure. The confining of Erroll may please the Chancellor, but it will displease Morton and all the associates of Stirling, "and occasion him rather to linck againe with Huntlaie then to leave that accion as is promised."
The King has taken order with the assembly of the church that they shall receive the submissions of such of the Bridge of Dee as have not yet satisfied them, and proceed with their censures against such as refuse. Bowes has urged that evil instruments be removed, "and also chastised during the tyme of their limittacions." Secondly, the Chancellor told Bowes that the King had sent a letter to her majesty by James Hudson; Bowes commends the said Hudson to Burghley's favour. "Thirdlie the King hathe chosen Sir James Melvill and William Melvill his brother to be commissioners for Spaine. And in case ether of them shalbe unwilling to undertake that voyage—as Sir James presentlie sheweth him self to be—then an other fitt and sufficient parson shalbe appointed to supplie the rowme." Fourthly, it is thought good to spare the coming of commissioners for the Borders, and that the Councils of both realms be informed by the wardens what bills remain to be answered, and what things hinder justice, that the Councils may give order for redress, and the wardens execute the same, who thereby shall be better esteemed by the Borderers. Bowes has written to Lord Scrope, Sir John Forster, and Sir John Selby to expedite the information they are to send to the Council, and asks Burghley for direction as to his part. The King and Council have been occupied about Border causes. "Bothwell, Dumlanerig, Johnstone, and others have bein committ upon their refusall to give bond, but they are released upon the cautions that they have found. Murray was onelie bound for Bothwell, and Hume being offered was refused in regard that he should give bond for him self. Bothwell hathe nowe dischardged the bond of Murray for him upon promis that he will give up Liddisdale unto the King in exchang of other landes. (fn. 1) And for the execution thereof he is presentlie gone to the King at Fawkland." Fifthly, John Penry is banished by act of Council, whereof Bowes sends a copy. Sixthly, the King has stayed the prayers for such as they note to be persecuted in England. They now pray for such as are afflicted for righteousness in France, this isle, (fn. 2) Geneva, and elsewhere, which prayer being left to the preacher, is hitherto well tempered. Lastly, that order is given for immediate delivery of the prisoners taken by Thomas Cranston, with their horses and gear, and Hume has written to Cranston for "indelate execution" thereof. Thus much for the 7 articles, whereof he encloses a copy.
The Chancellor then told him (Bowes) that the French King had written to him offering "to renew the old league with France, to seeke the awncient priviledges, and to raise up the Scotish gard there." The King and Council chose John Colvile for the negociation thereof, in regard of her majesty's good opinion of him and his own sufficiency, but before sending him the King would know her majesty's pleasure therein. "In his owne opinion he held it convenient to renew and knit this league betwixt her majestie, the Frenche King, and the King of Scotland." Colvile also imparted this matter to him (Bowes) saying that the laird of Wemys had set this thing on foot, looking to be captain of the Scottish guard and archers to be raised, by the commendation of the King of Scots. Wished Colvile to repair through England: he would rather go by sea, but awaits her majesty's pleasure therein.
The Chancellor further moved that John Dixon—that killed his own father and is now in Horklay near Norham—and other fugitives in England remaining on the Borders should be apprehended and delivered to the King; and that English fugitives abiding in Scotland should be delivered to persons appointed to receive them in England. One Urwyn and other wicked fellows are harboured in the Borders in Scotland, who used to ride nightly in troops to rob and spoil in England; the Chancellor would have these delivered as he desired the Scottish fugitives to be.
Sir Alexander Stewart has renewed his offer of service. Bowes asked for some proof that he would carry himself and the cause so warily that all danger might be prevented, and himself found worthy of her majesty's thanks. He purposes to prepare for his journey and service, complaining much that his power suffices not to do it so fully as should be. He minds to repair through England; Bowes urges him to pass by sea, which he says he cannot endure, so his journey is yet uncertain. Bowes has discovered—according to Burghley's direction—that he has lived without suspicion of papistry, appears to profess the gospel, and to "observe all orders as a marshall man." He is descended from bishop Alexander Stewart, brother of James IV., and is valiant and trusty.
By such as he (Bowes) sent into Orkney he hears that on Saturday last, the 8th instant, the Spaniards were still in Kirkwall road, and had then taken six English fisher ships called "doggers" fishing about Shetland. They have killed twelve of the men, and reserve the rest for the galleys. They have fraught one ship with fish for Spain, and sold some for thirty crowns, the vessel and lading of fish. Those they cannot sell they have burnt, with some men in them.
Now they have furnished three sails and gathered men, and number eight or nine score persons, Spaniards and Scots, well victualled but with small ordenance. Few of them are skilful mariners or able to guide their ships; the Scots will soon refuse their company if they are once assaulted. They will not haste away, but will yet do more hurt to the fishers and other Englishmen on that coast; their words and cruelty are intolerable.
Hears nothing of Thomas Gray. He can do nothing against those Spaniards by any instrument here; if they are to be apprehended it must be by Gray or some other sent by the Lord Admiral, and it may not be delayed. A flyboat with Englishmen lately chased some Scottish ships into "the Harborow." This flyboat being thought to be a pirate lies now at "the May."
Sir James Hume, captain of Edinburgh castle, broke his leg the other day by a fall from his horse. Bothwell before sought that office, but it is said that the Chancellor seeks it for himself, and sent to George Hume yesterday to move the King therein; this without the privity of the captain, though he is the Chancellor's dear friend: and that the Chancellor also desired George Hume to move that Huntly might come to the King, whereupon Huntly shall be reconciled with the Chancellor. But Bowes knows not whether these things be true.
Lord Hume prays Bowes to intreat Burghley to move her majesty "for a placard to buy two horses or geldinges in England, for the which he is alreadie at a price, but the owners will not deliver them without placard." He offers in return his diligence to preserve peace on the Borders.
John, Lord Fleming, has obtained the King's leave to pass to other realms, desiring to pass through England, and praying her majesty's safe-conduct. He is commended to Bowes by the Chancellor and Robert Bruce, who recommends his request to Burghley.
Has imparted to the Chancellor and Sir John Carmichael how well her majesty accepted and Burghley commended the constant course and judgment of the Chancellor, and the grateful report made by Carmichael of his good entertainment in England, and his performance of his promise by persuading the King to follow her majesty's advice for repressing his insolent subjects.
Has shown the Master of Glamis Burghley's conceit of him, whereupon Glamis promised to run out truly such course as by her majesty or the King and the well affected here shall be found profitable, offering to serve in court, to retire home, or to do as shall be thought most meet. The courses of the Chancellor and Glamis do not yet fully concur, especially as to Erroll: Bowes prays direction therein.
Lord Maxwell, called before the assembly of the church, has subscribed to some articles, praying further instruction in others: "which in regard that he hathe many tymes done the like, and therein shewed litle frute comming by the delaie, hath bein denied to him": yet he finds some favour, and it is thought he will follow the King and keep court beyond his wonted manner.
"Some have thought to make Bothwell thinck that the demaund of his bond for Liddisdale was purposelie intended to trapp him; and that upon his late entrie into the castle by commaundment of the King and Counsell it was ment that he should have bein deteined, and that some letter subscribed by the King to that effect was sent and delivered to the captaine of the castle; whereupon it is said that this shall warne him to beware to yeald his bodie againe to ward or prison." Troubles are feared about Michaelmas next.
James Gordon is to be presented before the Council and enjoined to depart this realm: sundry motions have been made, but nothing hitherto effected. He is now in this town.
"The conclusion of your lordship's letter expressing her majestie's heavie displeasure against me, by the default of the full pay to have bein made to the garrison at Barwick by me in due tyme, hathe depelie wounded my hart, and planelie laid before myne eyes myne errour and sorowfull case wherein I am cast by the same." By the untruth of such as he employed in Berwick a large portion of the treasure intended for the garrison was wasted: they have not recompensed the same, and he (Bowes) has consumed his own small stock by supplying the want. He is willing to sell lands or other possessions to satisfy the garrison, but can find no one to purchase, except he agree to receive the money at times not convenient for the garrison, at rates far under value, and with such bonds as for ever to encumber the lands and possessions of himself and his friends. The garrison cannot charge him with one penny exacted or bribed from them, or any default but want of their full pay. He lays his life, body, lands and possessions at her majesty's pleasure.
Has instructed these bearers, John Aleyn and Christopher Sheperson —Bowes's servant—to entreat Burghley "to remove her majestes offended countenaunce," and to further his suit to her. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.
Postscript—"After the making up of these presentes the bailifes of the towne of Anstruther, by the commaundement of the King, brought and delivered to me the Spaniard that was taken by that towne, and that was a crewell executioner of the Inglishmen latelie taken by the Spaniards in the Spanish bark. He is left to my disposition; it may therfore please your lordship to give spedie direction aswell what shalbe done with him, as also with Richard Blithe, Scotesman, prisoner in Newcastle, and demaunded by the King in exchang of this Spaniard."
6 pp. Addressed. Marginal notes and indorsement by Burghley.
Enclosure with the same:—
(Act of the King in Council.)
Printed in The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, iv. 517-8.
"The Kingis majestie, with advise of the lordis of his Secreit Counsaill, for certane caussis and considerationis moving thame, ordainit letterz to be direct to officiaris of armes, sherffis in that parte, chargeing thame to pas and in his hienes name and aucthoritie command and charge Johnne Pennerie, Inglishman, be oppin proclamatioun at the mercatt croceis of the heid burrowis of this realme and utheris placeis neidfull, to depairt and pas furth of this realme, boundis, and dominionis thairof within ten dayis nixt eftir he be chargeit therto, and on nawise to returne agane thairin, nor within ony parte of the same, without speciall licence of his majestie had and obtenit therto, undir the pane of deid; certifeing him, and he failzie, the said space being bipast, he salbe apprehendit and punist therfoir to the deid with all rigour and extremitie. And siclike to command and charge all and sundrie his hienes legis, off quhat estate degree or qualitie that evir thay be of, that nane of thame tak upoun hand, the said space being bipast, to ressett, supplee, or intercommoun with the said Johnne Pennerie, or furneis him meit, drink, house, or harborie, undir quhatsomevir cullour or pretens undir the said pane of deid; certifeing thame and thay failzie or do in the contrair, that thay sall alswa be persewit and punist with the like rigour and extremitie to the deid, in example of utheris." Edinburgh, 6 Aug. 1590. Signed: "Joannes Andro," clerk deputy.
½ p. Copy. Indorsed by Burghley.
Second enclosure with the same:—
(Seven articles submitted by Bowes to the Chancellor.)
"The seasonable progresse in the course aswell advised by the Queen as also purposed by the King, and delivered by him to the Erle of Worcester to be certified and assured by the Queen for the order to be followed and holden to draw his insolent subjectes to due obedience. The Kinges letter to the Queen to the effectes conceived and to be sent with suche parson and expedicion as shalbe convenient. Two commissioners for Spaine to be appointed and put in readines and their names to be delivered to the ambassadour mencioned. Tymelie deliberacion to be taken for preservacion of the peace and redresse of the attemptates on the Borders. That commissioners may be appointed to execute the accourdes, and that the names of the commissioners for Scotland may be likewise delivered to the ambassadour. John Penrie, Inglishman, may be publicklie banished this realme. The ministers in this realme to be admonished and directed to forbeare to use in their sermons any forme of praier tending to condempne or disprove the governement of the Queen's majeste of England, or of the churche there in ecclesiasticall causes or discipline."
"The Kinges especiall commaundement and letters to be given and sent to the Wardens of the Marches and to the parties to whom the same appertaine for the indelaied deliverie of the five Inglishmen latelie taken prisoners by Thomas Cranston of Morison, with restitucion of their horses and geare." Edinburgh, 6 Aug. 1590.
2/3 p. Indorsed by Burghley.
465. Sir John Carmichael to Burghley. [Aug. 14.]
"Haveing the commodetie of this beirar I culd do no les of my dewty nor visit zour lordship with this my simpill lettir, without that I have ony mattir of importans to wryte, bot onely to randir zour honour maist humill and hartlie thankis for all zour lordships honorabill courteseis ressavit be me the tyme of my remane at Loundoun imployit to hir majestie; for the quhilk I am nocht able to recompans zour lordship bot with gud will and service quhen soevir zour lordship sall pleis to command me, athir be word or wryte in ony thing I am able owthir in hir majestes effairis or in zour lordship's awin particular. For I think myself bound unto hir hienes for that honour I ressavit of her majestie, being unworthy of the same, by all the princeis into the warld, my dewty reservit unto the King my sovirane, and sall not faill, God willing, at all tymeis to be redy to do all the gude offices that is able to ly in the handis of sic ane mene man as me to plesour hir hienes; and I hoip thair salbe na thing done heir be na na [sic] honest men bot that hir majestie salbe content with."
"I am to repair presentlie to my charge upone the vest wardanrie. Gif thair be ony thing hir hienes or zour lordship will imploy me with that I am able or can do, it salbe redy upoun adverteisment, with the grace of God; and speciallie annenttis the quyetnes of thir twa cuntreyis, quhilk quyetnes I wiss to contenew langer nor I am able to leve, and that all ewill effectit men may be displaceit and cut away that seikis to move ony truble in the contrair of the present quyetnes."
"The rest of the particularis of all thir mattiris I reffer thame to the sufficiencie of the beirar, quha can shaw zow eviry manis part in particular, and myne amangis the rest at mair length nor I can wryte." Edinburgh. Signed: Carmychall.
1 p. Addressed. Indorsed.
466. Answer of William, Landgrave of Hesse, to the Ambassadors of Scotland. [Aug. 22.]
"Quæ serenissimi principis Domini Jacobi Sexti Scotiæ Regis nomine regiæ suæ majestatis legati generosus et virtute et eruditione nobilis dominus Wilhelmus Stuartus de Petten Weme, commendatarius, et Johannes Skeneus supremi senatus advocatus et consiliarii de bellis multis jam annis inter potentissimos Reges et augustissimam Reginam Hispaniæ, Galliæ atque Angliæ, summo cum discrimine et vicinorum regnorum et ditionum tum periculo tum damno gestis nec dum sopitis illustrissimo principi et domino, domino Wilhelmo, Hassiæ Landgravio, Comiti in Catzenelenbogen, Dietz, Ligenhaim et Nidda, domino nostro clementissimo, copiosa et eleganti oratione ad omnem tranquillitatis et pacis formam inducendam compossita, ornate et prolixe exposuerunt ex iis regiæ ipsius majestatis Christiano Rege non tantum dignum sed et pacis studiosissimum propensum insuper celsitudo sua erga se animum abunde intellexit."
"Quod itaque primum regia ipsius majestas studium suum amicitiam et benevolentiam celsitudini suæ offert, omniaque fælicia et fausta amice precatur, pro eo quas potest et debet regiæ ipsius majestati gratias agit celsitudo sua longe maximas. Et si regia ipsius majestas una cum conjuge sua dilectissima prospera itidem uteretur valetudine et fælici omnium rerum successum persuasissimum sibi habebunt regii legati celsitudini suæ nihil optatius nihil jucundius nihil denique auditum gratius accedere posse. Legationis vero summam quod attinet magno sane cum animi dolore celsitudo sua quæ hactenus in regnis tam splendidissimis durarunt bella tam civilia quam extera percepit et adhuc non absque animi molestia percipit; atque una cum regia ipsius majestate libenter fatetur nisi bellorum isti motus et turbæ quam primum sopiantur quod non modo vicinis regnis atque provinciis longe majora iis que hactenus tolerarunt metuenda sint; sed et veræ nostræ religioni adeoque reipublicæ Christianæ extremum periculum sit pertimescendum. Quod itaque regia ipsius majestas in hac sua etate non admodum provecta in eam curam atque solicitudinem incumbit, qua ratione non modo impendenti illi maximeque periculoso malo occurri, illudque a vicinis regnis atque provinciis averti, sed et quo pacto veræ nostre evangelicæ religionis studium et exercitium conservari, et non tam ad posteros nostros quam et extera regna propagari possit id ut majestatis ejus regiæ nomini æternam pariet laudem et gloriam: ita et non dubitat celsitudo sua, quin Deus optimus maximus id non modo largitur eidem sit remuneraturus, sed et conatus magistatis ejus regiæ in totius reipublicæ Christianæ salutem atque incrementum prosperaturus. Et licet celsitudinis suæ judicio æquiores ineundæ pacis conditiones esse non possint, quam ut quisque sorte sua contentus regnum quod divinitus concessum habet, administret, et suam quam nactus est Spartam adornet, liberumque et suis et aliis religionis veræ exercitium permittat neque alterius evertione nimiam sibi potentiam adaugere annitatur; vix ullis tamen rerum argumentis in id hactenus celsitudo sua induci potuit, ut crediderit, in eas conditiones vel omnes vel Hispaniam saltem consensurum esse. Verum utut illa sese habeant, attamen cum præpotens ille rerum omnium arbiter cor Regis in manu sua habeat et is sit qui et flumina et tempestates pro liberrima sua voluntate quo vult derivet, nullo modo animum despondendum esse celsitudo sua arbitratur, sed eo fortius enitendum ut publicæ pax et communis tranquillitas orbi Christiano restituatur. Qua in re cum infracto animo majestas ejus regia pergere contendat, eo que nomine Evangelicæ religionis reges et electores et principes de amicabili inter predictos reges Hispaniæ, Galliæ et Angliæ compositione instituenda interpellandos esse censeat, etsi celsitudo sua non modo tam laudabile majestatis suæ propositum non potest non probare, sed et ipsamet ejus plane sit sententia hæc tam diu agitata mala saniori consilio tolli non posse. Attamen cum hæc gravis et ardua sit deliberatio quæ diligenti inquisitione indigeat ut celsitudo sua sine aliorum electorum et principum maxime vero celsitudinis suæ—ratione inveterate fraternitatis—confœderatorum consilio, certi quid ea in re statuere sola non possit, non intermittet (fn. 3) consilia et cogitationes suas hac in re cum iisdem communicare. Et cum ex Episcopi et Electoris Coloniensis nuper ad celsitudinem suam misso legato intellexerit ejusdem Coloniensis celsitudinem eadem prope-modum in proximo deputatorum principum conventu Francofurti ad Mœnum, non evangelicæ tantum sed et universis tam reformatæ quam pontificiæ religionis electoribus et principibus deliberanda propositurum, celsitudo sua huic negotio non est defutura sed una cum aliis conventui predicto deputatis proceribus diligentem et exquisitam rationem memori mente habitura. Interim vero dum ea aguntur certo sibi pollicebitur majestas ejus regia celsitudinem suam nihil intermissuram quod ad impedienda imminentia tam imperio Romano quam vicinis regnis atque provinciis universæque Christianæ reipublicæ mala, et reconciliandos controvertentium regum animos profutura arbitrabitur. (fn. 4) Et hæc sunt quæ regiis legatis ad ea quæ regiæ majestatis nomine nunciarunt et exposuerunt nunc temporis respondere voluit illustrissimus princeps Landgravius Hassiæ enixe postulans ut regii legati quibus benevolentiam suam gratiose offert eadem Regi serinissmo [sic] celsitudinis suæ nomine cum officiorum suorum oblatione, deferre velint." Rothenburg. Copy of signature: "Wilhelmus Hassia."
2¾ pp. Copy. Indorsed.
467. Burghley to Robert Bowes. [Aug. 25.] Lansd. MSS., 103, fol. 204.
Writes this to be sent by John Winter, once Burghley's servant, now her majesty's, who is appointed to come to those parts with a ship of war and a pinnace, to take the Spanish pirates at Kirkwall or Orkney. He is to pass northward, to require Bowes's advice, and to acquaint the King or Council with his errand, that he may have favorable asistance. "He is commanded also as he shall retorn to receave the Spanish pyrat whom yow have, or els to demand hym at Barwyk, and to bryng hym by sea to Yarmouth, wher it is ment he shall suffer so[m]e sharp extraordinary deth, for the cruelte he hath shewed to them of Yarmouth. If he be gon to Barwyk I pray yow wryt your letter thyther, that he may be ther delyvered to hym." Desires to know the facts wherewith Captain Gwynn the pirate may be justly charged, authentically warranted by a public officer. Hopes this day to send Lord Fleming's passport, and license for Lord Hume, which stay to be signed. Signed: W. Burghley.
1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
468. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Aug. 25.]
At the receipt of Burghley's letter of the 11th instant, the King, Chancellor, and Council were away in the country. The King was on his way to Inch Murrin, whence he returned to Hamilton and is come to Falkland, purposing to be either here on business on Saturday, the 29th instant, or else at St. Johnston's to speak with Atholl and other noblemen. The Chancellor will remain at his house at Lowther till the first of next month, when he intends to come hither: but if the King come sooner, the Chancellor will be here with him. The rest of the Council have leave to be absent till the first of next month.
This state continues in quietness, and good men labour to continue the concord betwixt the Chancellor, Glamis, and other officers in the King's house. Upon receipt of Burghley's letter and the letters from the lords of the Council, Bowes wrote to the mayor, aldermen, and sheriff of Newcastle to send Richard Blith, Scotchman, to Berwick, and sent to the Chancellor for his order for the receipt of Blith, whom he hath ordered to be delivered to Alexander Hume of Huton Hall: but those of Newcastle thought it dangerous to send him so far without warrant from the lords of the Council. Therefore Bowes has sent servants of his own to fetch Blithe, and trusts he shall be speedily delivered to Alexander Hume, and the Spaniard in exchange to Sir John Selby at Berwick. Although the execution of this Spaniard might have provoked the Spaniards in Orkney to cruelty on the Englishmen there, yet there is now less danger thereof, for the barque and company are departed from Orkney, having already murdered a great part of the English prisoners. Some they have sold and set to ransom at Orkney, and some they carried away with them. This nation "speake liberallie against suche as might have reskewed these prisoners with great honour and service to her majestie."
The Spaniards have few pilots for the west course, but would seek better pilots in the isles. They are thought to pass by St. George's Channel for Spain. Some Scotchmen with them conspired to surprise the captain and Spaniards, but their force was too weak to attempt it. The captain, suspecting them, dismissed most of the Scots and took Irishmen instead.
Has already sent Burghley a note of the Councillors established in 1587, and of the officers now in the King's house. The King and Council, after his return from Denmark, had resolved to change the Council, and agreed on the choice of them that should have succeeded, appointing such persons only to be on the Secret Council as Bowes certified by a former note. "Yet that resolucion and order by another Counsell was overthrowen; so as the former Counsell established 1587 remayneth without change or alteracion therein."
Bothwell, thinking to have discharged the bond given by Murray for him, has travailed with the King, offering to bring Liddesdale to obedience if his bond might be cancelled; but the King will not grant his request.
"Great sute is made here for the libertie of John Lesle taken in England with sondrie letters sent by the bishop of Rosse. Wherein because I know not his case I do leave him and the matter to your lordship's pleasure." Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.
2 pp. Addressed. Indorsed.
469. R. Hamilton of Huikheid to his Sister Elizabeth Hamilton, Lady Stenhous. [Aug. 26.]
"Nocht vithstanding the greit deith in this cuntrie at the vryting heirof, I vas in guid heilt, desyrin the lyk of zou and zour huisband my guid bruthir, to qhom I vil desyr zou ernistlie to maik my hartlie commendation, for I vil assuir zou, gif al the sistirs I haif var mariit, I vil assuir zow he vil be estimit and favorit—be me—by thaim al, and nocht only for zour caus bot for auld companionri and aquentans, quhilk sal nocht be forzeit on my pairt." Off Corbeil. Signed: R. Hamylton of Huikheid.
½ p. Holograph, also address.
470. James Rither to the Lord Treasurer. [Aug. 29.] Lansd. MSS., 64, fol. 168.
By long observance I have noted the people of this isle, though always divided by the ancient enmities of England and Scotland, yet the nearer any part of our pale is to Scotland the less enmity, the more accordance in manners; "not that the Skottes take of us but we of them, as the evell is ever more infectyve than the good."
The King of Scots of late specially praised all northern gentlemen, "with his more regard of them then of the rest, then the pulling dowen of the lord ambasidors armes by night, being sett up over the doore of his lodging in Skottland." These things I could not hear, being about the court when the ambassador returned, albeit I was conversant with northern gentlemen that had been that journey. "Bee thes rumors fals or trewe they ar rimæ by which wee may easyly spie into their myndes thourough thes speechis what they lyke."
Divers here that have horses to sell and were wont to take them to the great horse fair at Malton in the east of this shire now go to Carlisle with them. "They found means ynow to convey them into Skottland from more inward fayers, but whie shold that needy nation esteem our horsis at a greater prise then our owen country people do; for yt is the hope of Skottes money that drawe thes horses to Kaerlyle, and so the sellers confess." There are also that settle that way upon no substantial cause. I wish no more fugitives thither, for they watch for a time of return.
Pardon my conceit, it is Kentish, far from the conditions of these in mind as in country, "and yet as neer fully as the Skott is in good will to the trew Inglish. We have many Skottysh wyttes amongst us; the borderers property of taking more than his owen—for they never steal— is gotten so into us that cattell, sheep and horses were never so hard to keep from theeves handes," even in the heart of this shire. The Lord grant us all true English hearts. Harwood. Signed: James Rither.
¾ p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.
471. Christian, Elector of Saxony, to James VI. [Aug. 30.]
"Serenissime Rex, serenitati regiæ vestræ salutem dicimus et operam nostram in omni officiorum genere paratissimam offerimus domine adfinis et amice charissime. Literæ regiæ serenitatis die octavo mensis Junii ex ipsius regia Sancte Crucis datæ a domino Guilielmo Stuarto et Joanne Skenæo legatis ejus nobis sunt redditæ, ex quibus summa cum voluptate benevolentiam regiæ vestræ serenitatis et amorem singularem summumque in rempublicam Christianam studium perspeximus, quod profecto tantum in nullo principum Christianorum esse potest quin majus etiam pericula ipsius summa extremaque necessitas requirant. Verum ut in omnibus morbis qui ad summum gradum pervenerunt remedia omnia sunt periculosissima, et nihilominus extrema fere adhibentur cum locus nullus lenioribus relictus sit valde apud nos est dubium, an quod serenitas vestra regia mitius proponit pacificationis, scilicet inter eos qui bellum inexpiabile invicem gerunt ad hoc sedandum atque tollendum satis virium atque facultatis habiturum sit. Experientia namque multiplex nos docuit hac via toties jam tentata adeo nihill esse promotum, ut hujus simulatione plerique in hominum nimis credulorum et innocentissimorum perniciem abusi sint periculum etiam foret ne dum legati hinc inde convenirent, et de negotio hoc tractando certi aliquid statuerent omnium ope et auxilio destituti miserabiliter perirent, quibus omnis aut certe præcipua spes secundum Deum in maturis Christianorum principum auxiliis posita videtur; quodsi cum iis hominibus res foret apud quos major justitiæ et æquitati locus relictus esset nihil sane nobis ipsis antiquius foret quam ad restinguenda bellorum incendia tam funesta et toti Christianæ reipublicæ periculosissima lenissimum et optatissimum remedium adhibere. Nunc vero omnis res eo judicio nostro perducta videtur ut bonis quidem pax nulla speranda paulo sit firmior atque diuturnior, improbi autem idem semper spectent ut obtentu hujus alios dicipiant. Nulla hic exempla aut rationes conquirimus, ne aut memoriæ serenitatis vestræ regiæ aut prudentiæ diffidere videamur. Hoc tantum dicimus ne illos quidem ipsos cum quibus talia ante omnia communicanda videntur, quosque bellum urget periculosissimum adeo et funestum, et qui omnia remedia etiam acerbissima ad spem salutis dubiæ arripiunt per legatos suos unquam significationem apud nos aliquam dedisse sibi aliquid spei in pace reliquum esse, quod profecto factum non fuisset nisi ex præteriti temporis eventu de futuro etiam conjicerent, et penitus iis diffidendum putarent qui eorum credulitate semper in ipsorum et reipublicæ Christianæ perniciem abusi sunt, si igitur hi justis rationibus pacem tam infidam respuerent an bellum propterea nos ipsis inferre honestum et reipublicæ Christianæ utile foret. Quod si quis credit eos qui pacem violaverint vi et armis cogi et ab ipsis meritas pœnas expeti posse is simul illud expendat quam gravia inde et periculosa bella oritura essent, et quanto satius foret vi innocentiam quæ suis se viribus adhuc tuetur, aliquo modo adjuvare, quam rebus prope desperatis auxilium ferre. Verum utut sese hec omnia habeant cum tale negotium non ad nos solos sed vel ipso judicio serenitatis vestræ regiæ ad reliquos sacri Romani imperii principes pertineat et per se maximi sit momenti de eo cum illis mature deliberabimus, (fn. 5) neque tamen interea quicquam prætermittemus, quod quidem a nobis ad diuturnam pacem ac tranquillitatem reipublicæ Christianæ præstari possit. Hujus enim salute atque dignitate consilia nostra metimur omnia et hoc unum spectamus ut suum cuique tribuatur et corum regnorum extrema ruina maturo consilio præcaveatur, quibus eversis eadem respublica salva et incolumis esse non potest. Ad vestram autem serenitatem regiam quod attinet quemadmodum ei arctissimo adfinitatis et mutuæ benevolentiæ amorisque vinculo conjuncti sumus, ita nullam occasionem scientes prætermissuri sumus studii nostri atque observantiæ erga ipsam illustriori aliquo argumento declarendæ, quæ autem verbis polliciti sumus ea reipsa præstabimus longe promptius atque libentius. Quem animum nostrum itemque sententiam de toto illo quod supra diximus negotio legati regiæ vestræ serenitatis coram prolixius exponent." Dresden.
1¾ pp. Copy. Indorsed.