James VI: January 1591

Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Originally published by His Majesty's General Register House, Edinburgh, 1936.

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'James VI: January 1591', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593, ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp445-456 [accessed 6 February 2025].

'James VI: January 1591', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Edited by William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online, accessed February 6, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp445-456.

"James VI: January 1591". Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online. Web. 6 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp445-456.

In this section

James VI: January 1591

515. James VI. to Burghley. 1590-1. [Jan. 7.] Lansd. 66, fol. 21.

"This strainger Jhone Pauli, bearer heirof, being recommendit to our derrest bedfellow, we have upon his earnest suit granted our letters of recommendation to our derrest suster the Queine yowr maistresse, quhilk we desyre to be sa effectuall to him as the fruit thairof may appear to thais quhais addresse he hes used."

"We will thairfor earnestlie requeist yow to use the said Jhone sa favorablie as the said Jhone my [sic: may] find this owr requeist to deserve sumquhat at yowr handis." Holyrood House. Signed: James R.

½ p. Addressed. Indorsed.

516. James VI. to Elizabeth. [Jan. 9.]

"Right excellent, right heich and mightie princesse, our derrest suster and cousine, we greit yow heartile weill. This bearer, Jhone Paulin, recommendit to owr derrest bedfellow, and requyring her favorable letters to the furtherance of certaine his affaires, has inlykmaner obtained this present at owr handis, grunding upon owr requeist the issue of his longsum action and redresse of sic wrangis as he alledgeth to have receaved of sum of your subjectis: the tryall and cognition quhair of we knaw of him self hes not bene neglected by your Counsall, quha hes also geven out thair sentence definitive to his contentment, lacking onlie execution."

"We thairfor will earnestlie requeist yow that this strainger, using owr mediatiown as his last refuge, may receave sic favour and expeditioun of the execution of his said sentence as the cause requyreth and as the effects of our requeist may be knawin to thais quhais recommendatioun he hes used."

"This we desyr mair instantlie then uther wayes we wald do for any of our awin subjectis, quhilk we dowbt not ye will considder as sall seeme maist expedient." Holyrood House. Signed: "Your most loving and affectionatt brother and cousin James R."

2 pp. Addressed. Indorsed: "In the behalfe of one John Pawle, a subjecte of the King of Denmark, to have the execution of a sentence given against Sir Walter Luson, for a somme of monny which he is adjudged to paye to the said John Paule."

517. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Jan. 13.]

Has conferred with the Chancellor sundry times concerning Burghley's letters of Dec. 22 to them both. The Chancellor thought the letter to himself too sharp to show to the King, but resolved to inform him thereof, "with wordes to please and stirre hym to good actions." He allowed well of the courses advised and reasons given. It has quickened both King and Chancellor to perform the things promised as to papists and seditious persons, and redress on the Borders, wherein, albeit the King and Council have in the last few days set down sundry acts—copies of which are enclosed—yet he [Bowes] fears "they shall fynd many knottes so hard fastened as there powers shall not redily lowse owt."

The King delayed his access till yesterday, that he and the Council might have done some things to her majesty's good liking.

Albeit the Chancellor seemed resolved to keep Burghley's letter to him from the King, yet he [Bowes] laid before him the matters contained in both letters. The King agreed to lay his hand harder on the papists and seditious; to remove to straiter ward the Master of Angus, Fentry, and others; and to imprison all other excommunicate and seditious persons, promising "so to hunt owt Mr. James Gordon and other Jesuits in this realme, as they shall have litle comforth to remayne heare." A copy of the act for Gordon's apprehension is enclosed.

Friends of some of these papists have sought him to be a mean for their relief, but he has exhorted the King to proceed roundly against them, and to chastise such as shall sue for them. Many think that they shall find friends about the King, and safely pass over the punishment threatened. They have sent messengers to their chief friends to provide for their relief.

The King and Council have given order that all inhabitants of the Middle and West Marches, and Liddesdale, filed in any bills for England before the commissioners at Berwick or in the bill of Mindrum, shall be entered by their cautioners before the King and Council at Holyrood House on the 22nd instant, to be delivered to the Wardens of the March of England for the King's discharge: and that their cautioners also shall be there to see execution done according to their bonds, or show good excuse, upon pain of horning; as by the copy of that act of Council enclosed. The King is pleased that justice shall be done herein; and that for redress of the bill of Mindrum one offender in every clan shall be delivered to Mr. Ralph Gray. If these things be performed, the Borders may be preserved in quietness.

Upon his [Bowes'] request for reformation of the disorders of Liddesdale, the King has dealt with Bothwell far more roughly than he has been accustomed, letting him know that albeit he had promised largely, yet he had performed little, having ever found shifts to delay the accomplishment. The King charged him to be careful, and to fulfil his promises speedily, or he would withdraw his good countenance from him, and cause his pleasure to be executed by others, to the Earl's disgrace.

Bothwell has been with him, offering redress for things past, and justice for all future attempts in England by Liddesdale, provided he be answered with like measure agreeable to the laws of the Marches, and that Carmichael and Cesford, Wardens of the West and Middle Marches in Scotland, shall relieve him by delivery of such men under them as are filed in the bills with the offenders under him in Liddesdale, so as the redress to be made to England shall be equally given for the offenders in their wardenries and the offenders in Liddesdale. For performance hereof he demands either the bonds of Carmichael and Cesford or the assurances of the King and Council; wherein the King has offered to engage his own honour and word, but therewith Bothwell seems not satisfied. He [Bowes] said that he must prosecute for delivery to England for Liddesdale, and that Bothwell should receive like justice from England. And touching the relief to be granted him by the King, Council, or Wardens in this realm he must leave it to their own resolutions. Bothwell replied that without that relief he could not proceed with the deliveries to England, urging him [Bowes] to procure that relief for him, or at least to testify his readiness and upon what points he stands. He said that Sir Thomas Gray and his tenants in his life-time had done outrageous attempts against such as were under him, therefore he would not give redress to Ralph Gray for Mindrum except he might receive satisfaction for those wrongs. He [Bowes] answered that the laws of the Marches should not be denied him in ordinary measure, whereunto he ought to commit himself and his cause now, when King and Council had declared their order therein, and direct his course to the accomplishment of their Act, Bowes having no warrant to travail further therein. Bothwell seemed satisfied, and with offers of devotion to her majesty he departed. Border matters are accompanied with many difficulties.

As to the appeasing of tumults in the north, has let the King know that her majesty wished him to give his countenance to the parties best deserving his favour, commending the Earl of Atholl, and recounting some of the disobedient actions of Huntly. He promised to execute her majesty's advice, expressed his good opinion of Atholl, and afterward witnessed the same to Atholl, and his [Bowes'] doings therein, so that Atholl and his friends acknowledge themselves greatly beholden, and promise all good offices to her majesty. Has acquainted the King with what Burghley wrote of Dr. Bancroft in his letter to the Chancellor. The King took it in good part, but wished that those variances betwixt Dr. Bancroft and the ministers here might be debated without any touch to his honour.

The Chancellor well commends the contents of Burghley's said letter. He is persuaded that it is drawn as near her majesty's mind and pleasure as could be, and that Burghley "haith delyvered the best matter in good order and in better season," as is proved by the good fruits. He thinks Burghley shows his wisdom touching Dr. Bancroft, wherein the King and he are not fully satisfied, but content to pass it over in silence, thinking that the renewing of the matter shall bring greater contention than profit. He [Bowes] thinks the Chancellor showed that letter to the King; it has wrought wonders with the King and Council. Has informed the Chancellor why Burghley sent him her majesty's thanks in the paper severed from the letter; he gives hearty thanks, showing himself ready to serve her majesty, and to honour and love Burghley.

"Mr. Dacre contynueth still in this towne, attendynge her majesty's pleasure. The shippe wherein he had imbarked his apparell for Spayne is departed ten dayes past, first for Orkney and after for Spayne by the west seas. Sithence his commynge hither he haith gotten litle releyfe eyther owt of England—savynge from some of the tenantes of Dacres landes who sent some money—or yett in this realme"—saving the gold chain weighing above 35 ounces given him by the King. He is distressed with want, looking for relief from his poor tenants rather than any other in England.

In the last contention betwixt the laird of Cesford and the town of Jedburgh, William Carre—lately slain by young Cesford's means—took part with the town. He greatly hindered the designs of Cesford, taking part always with Farnyhurst against Cesford, for which causes young Cesford procured his slaughter at Edinburgh. This William Carre, about six weeks before his death, sent to him [Bowes] by Richard Douglas to quit himself for the slaughter of Lord Russell, and to seek his help at the hands of Lord Russell's friends; which was refused. After he was stricken by Cesford's servants, he [Bowes] gave order to the minister with him to know of him whether he shot Lord Russell or not, but his death was so hasty as the minister could not learn the truth. His friends confidently affirm "that he was fully cleane of that slawghter." The Chancellor will be thankful for any favour showed to young Cesford during his abode in England.

Encloses a copy of the Act for resumption of the King's property. The property is taken to be the honours, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents, and hereditaments of all possessions annexed to the crown. By this Act many gifts of the King shall be revoked "and the parcells to be taken agayne into the King's handes." Sir William Keith is like to sustain loss by the revocation of the King's grant to him of part of the earldom of Ross.

Returns the note of councillors and officers of state sent in Burghley's last letter, with the addition of their names, titles, and dignities,according to Burghley's direction. On the King's return from Denmark it was agreed that the Secret Council should be altered, and the persons named in this note were accorded to be the only councillors and officers of state, but that accord proceeded no further, and they are not established as was intended, but the old Council remains, of whom he also encloses a list.

"Upon information geven by me to Colonell Stewart, that your lordship had receaved the answeres of the Estates to his demandes negotiated by Mr. John Skeyne, and what apparence of reason was fownd in the same, he shewed hym selfe very redy and willynge to conforme hym selfe to that which in the sight of your lordship and other wise men should be found reasonable, cheifly in this tyme wherein it is necessary for all Christyans to suspend contentions and knytt there forces together." He [Stewart] has written Burghley the enclosed letter, but will shortly resolve further with the King and write again, and send his solicitor to prosecute the same.

Sir Alexander Stewart will surely acknowledge that he told Bowes that he intended to serve the Duke of Parma, having obtained commendations to him, "and therwith of his owne accord offered to do her majestie service by any intelligence that he could gyve": he named the persons commending him, and the means for his furtherance, and offered his service before he [Bowes] dealt with him at all, and before his nephew, the young laird of Pury Ogilvie, wrote to him [Bowes] on his behalf. He [Bowes] recommended his offer to Burghley, and received direction to wish him to do some service before he came to England or might look for reward; which he [Bowes] imparted to him, telling him of her majesty's liberality to those found worthy. He seemed content, but liked not to pass by sea, but to come quietly through England. After his long abode, he brought his nephew's letters, signifying the cause of his delay, and showing himself ready to start. He [Bowes] gave him letters to Burghley, and wished him success, but without any promise of gifts from her majesty or any other before service rendered. Trusts he will readily confess the truth of this information.

The Chancellor has already, in the King's name, required a letter from Burghley to Sir John Selby to apprehend and send hither John Dickson, that killed his own father, and sojourneth still in "Horkley" near Norham. Burghley wrote that he would give the order desired, but as nothing had been done, the Chancellor prays him [Bowes] to remind him of the matter.

The Master of Glamis promised to return hither about the 8th instant, but is not come, "so as the matter betwixt the Chancellor and hym remayneth in great drynesse, and lykely to fall to further danger to them bothe and the good causes. The Erle Marshall sent for Glamys for some especiall causes particulerly specifyed in his letter." But this was before the agreement of Huntly and Marishal, effected by Lord Hume's mediation; therefore it is thought that Glamis was a chief instrument of that reconciliation, "owt of the which it is looked that some stormes shall aryse."

Means have been made to reconcile Morton and Maxwell by a marriage of their children, which Glamis sets forwards by all the means he can, and to draw Maxwell from the Chancellor, who has discovered the practice, so as they are now uncertain how to proceed.

Sir John Carmichael is purposed to give up the wardenry of the West Marches, being unable to endure the charges thereof: the King is unwilling he should resign, but not so able as willing to relieve him therein. "He haith beyn laytly boasted by Bothwell, but he trusteth to putt over the same withowt great danger."

Bothwell tells him that he has bought the Isle of May, "the place whereto the capten of the Spanish barke nowe brought into England had appoynted to have made his rende-vous in the next sprynge." He doubtless hopes to meet there with some Spaniards and be partaker of their gold. His buildings by Kelso proceed, and he seems to intend to become a good neighbour, his house being so near to England.

"In the King's retourne the other day from the Tolbuthe, the yonge lard of Loggye—nowe in displeasure with the Duke of Lenox by his disobedyence shewed in the King's chamber—parted from the King and sodenly mett the Duke in the strete and followynge the King. The Duke drewe his sword and stroke Loggye. And so many swordes were drawen and suche concourse of people neare the King as Angus, Glencarne, and other noblemen then with the King did—partly agaynst his will— drawe hym into a shoppe for his surety, and untill the cause and state of the affray should be discovered. Loggy is lightly hurt on the head, but the Duke is commanded from the court for some tyme, and for his unseasonable attempt so neare the King's person."

Atholl, Murray, and the rest of the northern party against Huntly remain here by command, until certificate shall be made by the commissioners appointed to enquire of the attempts passed betwixt Huntly and them. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

8 pp. Addressed. Indorsed by Burghley.

Enclosure with the same:

[Act of the Scottish Council.]

Order to denounce Mr. James Gordon, uncle of the Earl of Huntly. 6 Jan. 1590-1.

1 p. Copy. Indorsed. See Register of the Privy Council of Scotland. iv. 562.

Second enclosure with the same:

[Colonel William Stewart to Burghley.]

"I haif understand be my lord ambassadour heir resident, as the onlie anser of my last letters direct unto zour honour, that the Estaittis of the Low Countries United hes sent unto zour lordship ane copy of thair answer gevin unto Mr. Johne Skene tweching his negotiatioun with thame in my effairis: as also he hes declarit unto me zour lordship's gude will and favouris to be employit upoun my adverteisment for ony farder reasonable consideratioun to be had of my clames thair; for the quhilk I am at this present onlie to geve zour lordship maist humble thankis, intending—God willing—or it be lang to direct ane speciall servand of my awin, quha is weill acquent with the caus towardis the saidis Estaittis, to deall farder and tak ane finall resolutioun alsweill anent my dett as thair desyre to be servit with twa thowsand futemen moir nor thay haif, under my charge."

"At quhilk tyme I will with all humilitie craif sic furtherance as zour honour than may schaw me in the premissis, being resolvit that reasoun salbe refusit on thair pairt, or utherwayis I sall endevoir my selff in that actioun and caus quhairin I haif with trewth travellit in all respectis unto this hour." Edinburgh. 9 January 1590-1. Signed: William Stewart.

1 p. Addressed. Indorsed.

518. James VI. to Robert Bowes. [Jan. 25.] Lansd. 66, fol. 22.

"The pitiefull complaint maid to ws be Thomas Pairman of his miserable estait and conditioun, being presentlie exyled and fugitive frome his native cuntrey and not able to abyd our darrest suster the Quene your maistresse her lawis, for ane slaughter committed by him, houbeit not of his awin motion or of precogitat malice but ensewing of accident upon ane suddane conflict, hes moved ws to requeist yow verry earnestlie, having weill considdered the verrie trewth of that matter sa far as we cowld learne, to employ yowr haill credit, moyen, and freindis that by yowris and thair mediatioun the said Thomas may find mercie and grace at our said darrest susteris handis."

"And lyk as he hath alreaddie satisfied the pairtie offendit by the said slaughter, sa it wald please her extend hir gracious favour towardis him in receaving him her peceable subject." Holyrood House. Signed: James R.

½ p. Addressed. Indorsed.

519. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Jan. 25.]

Difficulties have fallen out which stayed the execution of redress on the Borders agreeable to the Act of Council; whereupon the King and Council held a second deliberation for the satisfaction of Bothwell's demands and the progress of the cause, with public promises given to the King by Bothwell, Maxwell, Hume, Cesford, and Carmichael. The King and Council have resolved to proceed in the redresses to be made to England for the bills filed by the commissioners at Berwick for Mindrum, and attempts done since that time, as by the copy of the Act enclosed. The time appointed by the first Act is now prolonged to the 8th of February, when it is promised that these redresses shall proceed. Bowes has warned the English wardens to be ready to do the like justice to Scotland, for the preservation of the peace of the Borders.

The Master of Glamis promised to be here long since, and was desired by letters of the prior of Blantyre to hasten hither, but delays his coming. His friends are amazed at his doings, especially as they have heard that he lately offered to render his office of Lord Treasurer of Scotland into the hands of the laird of Spynie, "the King's especiall mynion, and one muche favoring the Erle of Huntlay." His reconciliation with the Chancellor is stayed by his absence, and there is now little hope of it.

Sundry well-affected councillors are so discomfited as to be minded to retire and await events. Some of the servants of Glamis give out that he will be here in two or three days, and he [Bowes] purposes to push the matter of the reconciliation. If he fail—through Glamis's absence or other actions—it will be meet to unite the Chancellor and other well affected councillors without Glamis. "The Chancelour is ridden to the Lord Claud Hamilton's house at Paislay, mynding to retorne hither the 27th or 28th hereof. It is looked that Glames shalbe then here, or els that he will not come at all."

Sundry Papists here have consulted how to avoid the dangers likely to fall on them through the King's displeasure stirred up by her majesty. Some wish to seek general toleration, and to compass it by large sums of money "to be aventured amongst the fittest courtiours"; but others "have advised rather to imploy that charge to worke a change in court and governement"; and in the mean time to forbear any suit for such general oversight, "and also by chosen instrumentes to solicit particuler courtiers and Catholick noblemen to shrowde and defend those heades of the Papistes." Persons are chosen to carry out this last advice, and he [Bowes] has been moved in favour of the Master of Angus "by an honest gentleman that neither sawe the bothome of the practise, nor yet will hereafter deale further in the cause. They have suche lures to call the hungry courtiers to them," that he fears they may get their desires.

Angus Mackonell and Macklen have been arraigned upon divers crimes. Mackonell readily put himself in the King's mercy, but Macklen justified his actions by the King's commissions given to him: yet in the end he submitted himself to the King's clemency. It is not yet resolved whether their possessions shall be united again to the crown and kept in the King's hands for maintenance of his house, or they shall pay a yearly rent, or a gross sum into the King's coffers; a "grosse somme shall litle proffitt the King but be given to courtiers. Donnell Gormond remayning in this castle is not yet arraigned, but he is like to follow his fellowes."

Upon a law suit of the laird of Inderwick against Sir John Carmichael for the house and lands in Fenton, whereon Carmichael has built a fair house, he [Bowes] entreated the King to mediate betwixt them, telling him that the same done in favour of Carmichael would be well accepted by her majesty. Whereupon the King has dealt effectually for Carmichael, who acknowledges himself greatly beholden to her majesty, and desires that she would vouchsafe—by a letter from Burghley to him [Bowes] to be shown to the King—to thank him for his grace shown to Carmichael for her sake.

"The grefes amongst Huntlay against Murray, Atholl, and others in the northe continew, and are increased by the kuff that Murray gave openlie in the Tolebooth before the Counsaill to John Drummond, servant to Huntlay and in especiall creditt. Murray and Atholl remaine still here, sekeing to have leave to retorne, which hitherto they can not obtaine."

The King granted Maxwell his warrant to enter into such lands as he had before he went to Spain, to hold as he held them then; but Morton procured the revocation thereof so far as concerned himself, upon reasons laid before the King and Council.

Bothwell has again prayed the Captain of Edinburgh Castle to have that office, offering so largely as the captain is much tempted, being also so wounded with the King's dealing against him in open court on behalf of the laird of Inderwick as he begins to tire of that office and of his good course so long continued, minding to retire and live privately at home. He [Bowes] has hitherto stayed him, and if the Chancellor and Glamis be reconciled "he shalbe comforted to kepe still his rowmes."

"The other daie one especiall witnes was brought by Cragmiller to prove the adultery betwixt the lard of Neddery and the wife of Cragmiller, who sought to be devorced thereby from her. But as this witnesse was standing at the barre before the lords of the sessions and readie to depose, Bothwell came and arrested him for fellony committ within his rule and offices, and pulling him violentlie with fowre men from the barre did bothe cary him awaie and also still deteyneth him. At the same tyme the King was in the next chamber in the Tolboothe, yet the complaint was not brought to him before that Bothwell was departed with his prisoner mencioned." Many offenders are countenanced by noblemen, with great contempt of the laws and justice. The King has been specially moved with the facts of the lairds of Cesford and Niddery, and David Edmonston of Burnehouse. Thinking to have found them all three at the single combat appointed betwixt Niddery and David Edmonston of Wowmett at Kelso on Wednesday the 20th instant, he called suddenly to him on Tuesday last after supper the Earl of Mar and Lord Hume, Spynie, and Sir George Hume, and rode with them that night to Bothwell's house at Kelso, trusting to find there Niddery and Edmonston, and young Cesford at the Friars, whereunto his wife was come to meet him. But Niddery and Edmonston, being warned, fled from Kelso; and Cesford could not be found at his house at the Friars.

The next day the King remained with Bothwell at his house at the abbey in Kelso, and calling Bothwell to him before the noblemen, recounted how he had advanced and loved him, pardoned his odious offences, "that he was his soveraigne, his graciouse lord, a Steward, and gave him the honour to accompt him nere of his bloode." Yet Bothwell had requited all with the greatest unthankfulness and indignities that could be, so that by him the King lost the hearts of many good subjects and was deeply endangered. He concluded that he would once again freely pardon all his faults, upon condition, that from henceforth he behave himself dutifully in his office of Liddesdale, doing good justice to England for the same; and also forbear to receive persons known to be guilty of blood or other crimes: wherein if the King find him negligent, he vowed to God that he will call to memory all his former faults, and punish him as far as the law allows. Bothwell submitted himself with show of great sorrow, promising to change his course to the King's contentment. Great inconveniences might have ensued had this combat proceeded, for it is said that Bothwell purposed to relieve Niddery upon sight of any danger of his defeat, and Hume of Pollard had promised to rescue Edmonston his brother-in-law in his distress, and had brought with him above 800 men.

The King is resolved to choose certain of his Council to provide for his house and estate and the managing of his affairs. "For this purpose the Chancelour is sent for; but it is like that the King shall enter this day into this deliberacion before his comming; for the King is presentlie amynded to hasten the matter," and to choose well-affected councillors, who fearing to be hindered by those of the King's chamber seeking their own commodities, will be loth to undertake this burden without the King's firm promise to support them. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

Postscript.—Letters from the north say that Huntly, Erroll, Montrose, and others have appointed to convene at Montrose on Wednesday next: Hume is to be there, and Glamis will send his commissioner. If this convention hold, surely matters of importance will be broached there. This meeting is intended to entertain familiarity betwixt Huntly and Marishal, and to solemnize their accords. These two receiving letters from divers courtiers, and finding therein "contrariouse dealinges" towards themselves, have interchanged these letters, "espieng suche dublenes in courtiers as moveth their spedie conference."

Has sent to Berwick Abraham Lawes and William Daniell. Had they been tried here by Bothwell they should easily have escaped.

5 pp. Addressed. Indorsed.

Enclosure with the same:

[Act of the Scottish Council.]

"Edinburgh 13 Jan. 1590:"

"The which daie the King's majestie proponed how earnestlie he is urged to cause delivery and redresse to be made for the six bills of the Middle Marche of England filed by the commissioners against Liddisdale, and for the bill of attemptate at Myndram done in his highness' absence furthe of this realme: and therefore enquired of Francis Erle Bothwell, Lord Haillis, Chrithon, and Liddisdale, John Lord Maxwell, Alexander Lord Hume, and John Carmighell of that ilk, Warden of the West Marche, being all personally present, how his majestie might be releived of the redresse of the said bills according to justice and the treaties betwixt the realmes. Wherto their answers and reasons being hard and considered, at last every one of them made promis to his majestie as followis, that is to saie:"

"The said Erle Bothwell: that he shall garre his men filed in the said bills, viz., Sym Armestrang of Mangerton, Sym Armestrang yonger of Quhithaughe, Will Ellott of Harth Scarth, Arche Ellott, called 'Martyn's Arche,' Arche Ellott of the Hill, Niniane Armestrang of Twadane, Hectour Armestrang his brother, Andro Armestrang, Francis Armestrang and Hob Armestrang, sonnes to the lard of Quhithaugh, Alexander's Archy Armestrange, John Armestrang, called 'the lard's Jok,' Thome Ellot of Chopschaw, Will Ellot of Gorrounbery, Davy Ellot, called 'the carleing,' Syme's Tom Armestrang, Thome Armestrang, called 'Rowe's Tome,' Ade Ellott of the Schawis, Sym Armestrang, called 'Rakkas,' John Armestrang his brother, Anthony Ellott of the Benkis, brother sonne to Martynn, Archie Ellott of the Hill, John Ellott of the Hughehouse, John Ellott, called 'Bowholmes,' Archy Ellot brother to Will of Falneesh, Archy Croser, called 'Quintin's Archy,' John Croser brother sonne to Martyn, Martyn Croser of Blackstaneley [Bastonley], George Nickson sonne to Will of Callaley, John Nickson of Larestaneburne, and Mark Turneball of Nether Bonechester, answere and redresse for the partes of all others their steilfellowes dwelland in Lyddisdale or other his landes."

"The said Lord Maxwell promised that he sall garre his men filed in the said bills, they are to saie, Jok Armestrange of Kynmouth, Hectour Armestrang of Hilhouse in Kirktoun in Evisdale, George Armestrange of Arkleton, John Batyson, called 'Jok of the store,' Will Armestrang, called 'Kynmouth,' young Tom Armestrang of the Gyngills and Ade Armestrang his brother, answere and make redresse for the partes of all others their steilfellowes dwelland upon the Lord Maxwell's landes."

"The said Alexander Lord Hume promised that he sall garr his men filed in the said bills, viz., Robert Ellot of Glenvoren, Archie Armestrang sonne of the lard of Quhithaugh, Nicoll Scott in Mospeble and Andrew Scott, called 'the braidis Andro,' answere and redresse for the partes of all others their steilfellowis dwelland upon his landes."

"As also the said Sir John Carmighell, Warden of the West Marche —if he continew in that effect—and failzeing quhairof the King's majestie him self sall gar all others the steilfellowis of the attemptates contened in the said bills dwelland upon the landes sometyme debatable releif the parsons that shalbe entred for their partes of the said bills within twentie daies after delivery be made."

"And for the greater suertie of the said relief, the said Lord Maxwell promised to enter and present Jok Armestrang sonne to Will of Kynmouth, young Tom Armestrang of the Gyngills, Adie Armestr[ang] his brother, Tom Armestrang, called 'Rowie's Tome,' to the said Erle Bothwell at Kelso upon the 4th day of the said month of February, to be kepit by him in his strength ay and quhill a perfect suertie be made unto him to releive the parsons that shalbe entred for the bills that they are filed in respective."

"And in like maner the said Alexander Lord Hume promised to enter and present Robert Ellott of Glenvoren, Archy Armestrang of Quhithaugh, Nicol Scott in Mospeble and Andro Scott, called 'the braidis Andro,' to the said Earle Bothwell at Kelso upon the said 4th day of February next to come to the effect foresaide, saulfand that it salbe lefull to the said Earle Bothwell to enter and deliver in England any ane of the said two Scottes fowle in the said bill of Myndrome as it sall happen ether of them to fall by lote to be entered therefore."

"And so soone as the steilfellowes salbe declared to his majestie, he sall burden the Wardens of the West and Middle Marches, and they to burden the landes lordes and their suerties, who throwe the said releif may be made in due time and the persons entred fred of all perill and danger which they may incarre in default thereof; and that the said steilfellowes sall not onely make releif for their partes of the said bills, but also of the expences of the persons that salbe delivered ay and quhill they be frede."

"In respect of the quhilk releif faithfully promised in manner foresaid, the said Francis Erle Bothwell likewise faithfully promised that he upon the 8th day of February next to come sall kepe meting with the Warden of the Middle Marche of England, and there sall make delivery of these persons following for the six bills filed against Liddisdale, viz., Sym Armestrang younger of Quhithaugh for the bill of Hadingbrigges, Arche Ellott, called 'Martin's Archie,' for the bill of Fetherstonhaugh and lard of Bittillsdeane, Andro Armestrang sonne to the lard of Quhithaughe for the bill of Prendik, Sym's Tom Armestrang for the bill of Jenkin Hunter, Hob Armestrange sonne to the lard of Quhithaughe for the bill of Christian Fynwick, and Hectour Armestrang of Twedane or Nynian Armestrang his brother for the bill of Thorneburne."

"And also the said Francis Erle Bothwell faithfully promised, that he be him or his depute upon the [——] day of February next to come sall deliver six persons fowle in the said bill of Myndram to the Warden of the East Marche of England or his depute, that is to say, ane Armestrang, ane Ellott, ane Croser, ane Nixson, ane Scott, and ane Turneball, under the paine never to looke his majestie in the face againe if this be not done."

"In consideration of quhilk faithfull promis made for his majestie's releit, his highness promised to cause the said Erle Bothwell's men that sall happen to be entred for the said bills be releived be his highness's Wardens and their lands-lordes and cautioners, swa that in default of the saide releif they sall not be in danger of their lives: and that his majestie's self salbe debtour for the partes of all outlawes besides Liddisdale in the said releif: and that his majestie sall deale with the Inglish ambassadour in sic as the principall factours of Englishmen filed in the six bills of Lyddisdale salbe delivered to the said Erle Bothwell, as he delivers principall offenders Scotishmen; otherwaies if any offers salbe delivered to him that he salbe na further urged but to deliver offers againe; and that mutuall redresse salbe given and taken and procede indelately till all the bills filed by commissioners be delivered for, and metinges keped to that effect at least every monthe anes."

"And sic like that the said Erle Bothwell sall have duetifull answer and redresse according to the treaties and law of Marches for his bill of Sprouston when it sall please him to pursue therefore."

2 pp. Copy. Indorsed.