Queen Juana: April 1518

Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Queen Juana: April 1518', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp156-161 [accessed 7 February 2025].

'Queen Juana: April 1518', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp156-161.

"Queen Juana: April 1518". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp156-161.

April 1518

19th April. 30. Charles King Of Spain to the Marquis Of Denia and the Infanta Catalina.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Castilla. Legajo 5. fo. 294. Contemporary and, as it seems, official copy.]
El Rey. Aranda, 1518. Al Marques de Denia. a xix de Abril.
Traslado de las cartas del Rey nuestro señor que se escrivieron al Marques de Denia y a la señora Ynfante Doña Catalina desde Aranda de Duero a xix de Abril de dxviij años.
El Rey.
Marques primo. vi vuestra letra de vi. y de xv. del presente y agradezcos y tengo en servicio todo lo que alla aveys hecho e hazeys que me ha parescido bien. y estoy muy alegre de la mejoria que cada dia ay en la dispusicion y salud de la Catolica Reyna mi señora. plega a nuestro Señor ge la continue como es menester e yo deseo. donde vos e la marquesa estays no se espera menos y asy vos ruego y encargo. sienpre tengays muy especial cuydado de la salud e buen tratamiento de la persona Real de su Alteza como se que lo facereis. fue bien no darle lugar a salir fuera por las causas que escrevis y en lo de las platicas que su Alteza hos dize estad sobre aviso de le responder lo que conviene e por ser de la calidad que sabeys que son las cosas de su Alteza quando en semejante cosa hos hable no consyntais que ninguna desas mugeres ni otra persona este delante ni que vos hableys ni escrivays cosa ninguna que toque a su Alteza a otra persona syno a mi e siempre con mensajeros ciertos por que asi conviene. e aunque esto es escusado a persona tan sabia y que tanto desea nuestro servicio como vos por ser el caso tan delicado y que tanto me toca lo fago. A la Illustrisima ynfanta mi hermana escrivo para que en todo syga el parescer de vos y de la marquesa. y en lo de sus bestidos haga la marquesa un memorial de lo que le paresce que ha menester y enbiadmelo que luego lo mandare proveer.
De Aranda de Duero a xix de Abril de dxviij años.
Yo el Rey.
Refrendada del Secretario Covos. Señalada del gran chanciller de Borgoña.
Illma Ynfanta mi muy cara e muy amada hermana. por cartas del Marques de Denia he sabydo como estays buena de que he holgado mucho. plega a nuestra Señor de hos dar la salud que deseays. yo y la Illma ynfanta doña leonor nuestra hermana ymos buenos gracias a Dios e con mucho deseo de os ver. nuestra buelta con su ayuda sera presto para questo se puedá conplir. entretanto vos ruego afetuosamente que sigays el consejo e parescer del marques de denia y de la marquesa su muger en todo lo que ovieredes de haser pues syendo de personas tan prudentes y que tanto desean nuestro servicio no se puede herrar en ninguna cosa y en ello recebiremos de vos singular conplazencias.
Yllma Infanta etc.
De Aranda de Duero a xix de Abril de dxviij años.
Vuestro buen hermano yo el Rey. Refrendada del s~rio (fn. 1) Cobos. Señalada del gran chanciller de Borgoña.
30. By the King. Aranda, 1518. To the Marquis of Denia. 19th of April.
Transcript of the letters of the King our Lord to the Marquis of Denia and the Señora Infanta Doña Catalina, from Aranda on the Duero. 19th of April 1518.
By the King.
Marquis my cousin : I have seen your letters of the 6th and 15th of the present month. I thank you, and consider all you have done and are doing there as for my good, and I approve it. I am very glad that the disposition and the health of the Catholic Queen, my lady, improve every day. Would God our Lord that she were to continue so as it is necessary and as I wish. Where you and the Marchioness are nothing less can be expected. I beg and command you very particularly to mind the health and good treatment of the royal person of her Highness, which I know you will do. Considering the reasons you mention, I think you were right not to permit her to go out. With respect to the conversations which her Highness holds with you, you must be very careful in answering her what is suitable ; and, the affairs of her Highness being of such a kind as you know, you must not consent that any of the women or any other person be present when she speaks to you about them, nor ought you to speak or write any thing concerning her Highness to any other person except to me, and always send [your letters] by trusty messengers. For that is necessary ; and although it is superfluous to tell this to a person who is so prudent and so much attached to our service as you are, I nevertheless tell it you because the case is so delicate and of so much importance to me. I write to the most Illustrious Infanta my sister, telling her to follow in all things your advice and that of the Marchioness. As for her dresses, the Marchioness may make a list of what appears necessary, and send it to me. I shall provide for it at once.
From Aranda on the Duero, 19th of April '518.
I the King.
Countersigned by the Secretary Covos.
Sign manual of the High Chancellor of Burgundy.
Most Illustrious Infanta, my very dear and beloved sister, I have been informed by letters from the Marquis of Denia that you are in good health. Please God to grant you the health you desire. I and the most Illustrious Infanta Doña Eleanor our sister are well, God be thanked, and we wish much to see you. We shall soon return, with His help. With regard to all that is to be done until then, I beg you most affectionately to follow the council and advice of the Marquis of Denia and of the Marchioness his wife. Persons who are so prudent and so much desire to serve us cannot err in any respect. By doing as we wish you will afford us particular pleasure.
Most Illustrious Infanta, etc.
From Aranda on the Duero, 19th of April '518.
Your good brother,
I the King.
Countersigned by the Secretary Covos.
Sign manual of the High Chancellor of Burgundy.
27th April. 31. The Marquis Of Denia to Charles, King Of Spain.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Castilla. Lo. 5. f. 290. Autograph.]
A su Alteza del Marques de Denia. de xxvij de Abril.
Muy alto y muy catolico y muy poderoso Señor,
Recebi la carta de vuestra Alteza de xix del presente y en lo que toca al servicio y buen tratamiento de la Reyna nuestra señora se haze y ara como Vuestra Alteza lo manda en todo lo que pudieremos Su Alteza esta a Dios gracias como tengo escripto y de lo que adelante oviere dare entero aviso a V. Alteza. en lo que Vuestra Alteza manda que este muy sobre aviso quando en algo me hablare asy se a hecho y ara y Vuestra Alteza este seguro que en todo se tiene y terna la manera que conviene a vuestro servicio asy en que no este nadie delante quando Su Alteza me hablare como en tener el secreto que es razon. y en el escrevir terne la orden que V. Alteza manda que aun quando escrevy a vuestra Alteza (fn. 2) Aranda de mi mano escrevi lo que Vuestra Alteza vyo por no fiallo del que me escrevia y asy se a hecho que cosa daqui no se a escrito syno al Señor ynfante. que sabiendo la Señora ynfante su partyda me parecyo le devia enbiar a vesitar y yo le escrevi que la Reyna nuestra señora estava mejor tratada que solia que me parecio que es servicio de vuestra Alteza que en estos reynos y en toda parte se sepa la mejoria que ay en su real persona y que esta ha sido de mano de vuestra Alteza. e asymesmo dezia al Señor ynfante en lo de su partida lo que como buen vasallo y servidor de V. Alteza debia dezir. y sy cient años estoviera en estos reynos no le escriviera ni dixiera una palabra de lo daqui. asy que crea V. Alteza que en todo lo que yo entendiere sera con toda fidelidad asy por lo que me toca como por el servicio de V. Alteza como lo a acostumbrado hazer. por que demas de lo que soy obligado la merced y confiança que vuestra Alteza me a echo me pone nueva obligacion. la Señora ynfante esta muy buena y besa las reales manos a V. Alteza. Muy poderoso señor Nuestro Señor la muy real persona de V. Alteza guarde muchos y bienaventurados años con acrecentamiento de su real corona. de tordesillas a xxvij de Abril. muy poderoso Señor umyll syervo y vassallo que las reales manos de v. Alteza veso. el marques. [Rubrica.]
[Sobre :] ... muy catolico y muy ... ñor el Rey ñro Señor.
31. To His Highness. From the Marquis of Denia, 27th of April.
Very high, very catholic and mighty Lord,
I received the letter from your Highness of the 19th of the present month. With respect to the service and good treatment of the Queen our lady, all that your Highness commands is done and will be done in as far as it is possible. Her Highness continues, thanks to God, as I have written, and of all that hereafter may happen I shall give full information to your Highness. Concerning what your Highness commands me, viz., that I ought to be very prudent when she speaks to me, [I may state] that that has been and will be the case. Your Highness may rest assured that in every thing that precaution is and will be observed which your interest requires, by not permitting any one to be present when her Highness speaks to me, as well as by keeping the secret, as it stands to reason. As for my writing, I shall observe the orders of your Highness. Even when I wrote to your Highness to Aranda, I did so with my own hand, as your Highness has seen, because I did not trust my secretary. Thus it is that nothing from here has been written to any one except to the señor Infante, because the señora Infanta knew that he was about to depart [from Spain], and it seemed to me unavoidable to send him a message of courtesy. I wrote to him that the Queen our lady was better treated than she had been before, thinking it advantageous to your Highness that the better treatment of her Highness should be known in these kingdoms, and everywhere else, and that it was due to your Highness. Besides this I wrote to the señor Infante on the occasion of his departure what a good vassal and servant of your Highness ought to write, but if he had remained a hundred years in these kingdoms I should not have written or told him a word of what is going on here. Your Highness may believe that all that I hear [from the Queen] will be faithfully [kept secret], from respect to myself as well as to the interests of your Highness. Such has been the custom with me, and now the favours and the confidence of your Highness have imposed new duties upon me. The señora Infanta is well, and kisses the royal hands of your Highness. Very mighty lord, our Lord preserve the royal person of your Highness and give you many happy years and exalt your royal crown. From Tordesillas, 27th of April.
Very mighty lord, your humble servant and vassal kisses the royal hands of your Highness.
The Marquis. [Sign manual.]
[Addressed :] (fn. 3) ... very catholic and very (fn. 3) ... the King our lord.


  • 1. Secretario.
  • 2. Sic.
  • 3. Paper gone.