Queen Juana: September 1518

Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Queen Juana: September 1518', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp175-180 [accessed 7 February 2025].

'Queen Juana: September 1518', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp175-180.

"Queen Juana: September 1518". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp175-180.

September 1518

12th September. 37. Fray Juan De Avila to Charles, King Of Spain.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Legajo 8. f. 133. Holograph.]
A su Al. de fray Juan de Avila ca. (fn. 1) de la Señora ynfante. Respondida.
Serenissimo y muy poderoso Rey y Señor,
oy domingo en xij dias de Setienbre sy ha plasido a la divina bondad de dios ha oydo missa la Reyna nuestra Señora y Su Altesa tiene voluntad de lo continuar. aca se trabaja con mucho cuydado por el marques y la marquesa cerca desto y en todas las otras cosas que tocan al servicio de la Reyna nuestra Señora y de la Señora ynfante. merescedores son que V[uestr]a Altesa les haga muchas mercedes y porque el marques escrive largamente a V[uestr]a Alteza de todas las cosas de aca no quiero yo mas enojar syno que suplico a dios nuestro Señor quanto yo puedo guarde a Vtra Altesa y acresciente su vida y rreal estado para gloria y servicio suyo y bien de estos Reynos. de tordesyllas a xij de Setienbre. Serenissimo y muy poderoso Rey y Señor besa las manos a V[uestr]a Altesa el su pobre frayre y capellan frey Juan de avila. [Rubrica.]
[Sobre :] Al Serenissimo y muy poderoso Rey y Señorel Rey don Carlos nuestro Señor.
37. To his Highness. From Fray Juan de Avila, Chaplain (?) of the Señora Infanta. Answered.
Most serene and very powerful King and Lord,
Today, Sunday, the 12th of September, it has pleased the divine goodness of God that the Queen our lady has heard mass, and her Highness has the will to continue to do so. The Marquis and Marchioness proceed with great caution in this affair, as in all other things which concern the service of the Queen our lady and the Señora Infanta. They deserve great favour from your Highness. As the Marquis writes a long letter to your Highness about all that passes here, I refrain from annoying you any longer, and pray only to God our Lord, as much as I can, to guard your Highness, to preserve your life, and to augment your royal states for the sake of his glory and service and the welfare of these kingdoms.
From Tordesillas, 12th of September.
Most serene and very mighty King and lord, your poor friar and chaplain kisses the hands of your Highness.
Fray Juan de Avila. [Sign manual.]
[Addressed :] To the most serene and very mighty King and lord the King Don Carlos our lord.
12th September. 38. The Infanta Catalina to Charles, King Of Spain.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Legajo 8. f. 126. Autograph.]
A su Al. de la Infante doña Catalina. de xij de Otubre. (fn. 2) en favor del maestro Villegas.
Muy alto y muy Catholico y muy poderoso Señor,
el maestro fray Antonio de Villegas predicador de V. Al. que esta lleva a estado aqui despues que V[uestr]a Al. partio de Valladolid porque yo ge lo rrogue e a predicado en la capilla de la Reyna mi Señora de que yo e rrecevido mucho descanso. suplico a V. Al. que asy en mandalle pagar el tiempo que aca a estado como en todo lo que le tocare V. Al. por me haser merced le mande aver Recomendado. nuestro Señor guarde la muy Real persona de v[uest]ra Al. como desseo e e menester e acreciente su Real corona. De tordesillas a dose de Setiembre. (fn. 3) Besa las manos y los pies de V. Al. esta su humilde servidora la ynfante doña Catalina. [Rubrica.]
[Sobre :] Al. muy alto e muy catto e muy poderoso Señor el Rey mi Señor.
38. To his Highness. From the Infanta Doña Catalina. 12th of October. (fn. 4) In recommendation of Maestro Villegas.
Very high, very catholic, and very mighty Señor,
The Maestro Fray Antonio de Villegas, preacher of your Highness, and bearer of this letter, has remained here since your Highness left Valladolid, as I have asked him to do, and he has preached in the chapel of the Queen my lady. I have been much edified thereby, and entreat your Highness to order that he be paid for the time he has been here, and to receive all his other affairs under your protection, whereby I should consider myself much favoured.
Our Lord so protect the very royal person of your Highness as I wish and stand in need of, and strengthen your royal crown.
From Tordesillas, 12th of September.
Your humble servant kisses your Highness' hands and feet.
The Infanta Doña Catalina.
[Sign manual of the Infanta.]
[Addressed :] To the very high, very catholic, and very mighty lord, the King, my lord.
13th Sept. 39. The Marquis Of Denia to Charles, King Of Spain.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Castilla. Legajo 5. f. 315. Autograph. The marginal notes are written by Francisco de los Covos, Secretary of State to King Charles.]
A Su Alteza. del marques de denia. Respondida.
Muy alto e muy catholico y muy poderoso Señor.
Recebi una carta de vuestra Alteza de veinte e quatro de Agosto. sea nuestro Señor loado que vuestra Alteza esta con la salud que sus vassallos e criados deseamos. asy sea siempre.
39. To his Highness. From the Marquis of Denia. Answered.
Very high, very catholic, and very mighty Lord,
I received a letter from your Highness, dated 24th of August. God be praised that your Highness enjoys as good health as his vassals and servants desire. Be it always so.
What I have to tell from here is that the Queen our lady and the señora Infanta are in as good health as your Highness can wish.

[Escrito por el secretario Covos.]
que a avydo mucho plaser y que donde el y la marquesa estan etc. y que lo continue.
lo que daca ay que desir es que la Reyna nuestra Señora e la Señora Infante estan con la salud que vuestra Alteza desea. e despues que V. Alteza me mando que procurase que Su Alteza oyese misa syempre se ha tenido especial cuydado desto e asy a plasydo a nuestro Señor que ayer Su Alteza quyso que se dyxesse la mysa. e adereçose al cabo del corredor a donde vuestra Alteza vio a Su Alteza con paños e pusose un doser de terciopelo negro e damasco negro que para esto se hiso. en saliendo Su Altesa hiso oraçion al altar e echaronle agua bendita, e en començando la confesyon hincose de rodillas hasta que se acabo e asentose. tomo unas oras a la Señora ynfante e reso en ellas las oras de la cruz. e en tanto que alçaron el sacramento e consumyeron syempre estubo de rrodillas resando pater noster e ave-marias que se oyan. quando truxeron el evangelio e la pas no lo quiso Su Alteza e mando ge lo diesen a la Señora ynfante. despues de acabada la myssa entrose Su Alteza en su camara e oy a oydo myssa de la mesma manera. procurarse ha con el ayuda de nuestro Señor que esto se continue. no entran a la missa syno el que la dysse y el guardian e un moço de capilla. Vuestra Alteza deve dar gracias a nuestro Señor porque aunque Su Alteza esta en otra dispusycion de la que vuestra Alteza querria segun ell amor y acatameinto que le tiene plasera a dios que la porna en camino para que le conozca e se salve.

Has had great pleasure, and where he and the Marchioness are, etc., he is to continue (fn. 5).
From the moment that your Highness has commanded that I should see that her Highness might hear mass, I have especially occupied myself with this subject, and it has pleased our Lord to order that her Highness yesterday consented that mass should be said [in a chapel] constructed out of drapery at the end of the corridor in which your Highness saw her Highness. A canopy of black velvet and black damask had been erected for this occasion. When her Highness came out [of her rooms] she prayed at the altar, and was besprinkled with holy water. When the confession began she went down on her knees, and remained kneeling until it was concluded, when she seated herself. She took a book of prayers from the señora Infanta, and chanted from it the prayers of the cross. When the sacrament was raised and received she was still on her knees, and chanted Paternosters and Ave Marias so loud that they could be heard. When the evangelium and the pax were brought to her, her Highness refused to accept them, and ordered that they should be given to the señora Infanta. When mass was concluded her Highness returned to her room ; and to day she has heard mass in the same manner. With the help of God it must be procured that this be continued. None was present at mass except the priest who said it, the guardian, and a boy of the chapel. Your Highness ought to give thanks to our Lord, for although her Highness is in another disposition than your Highness according to your love and veneration for her could wish, it has pleased God to direct her on the way to His knowledge and her salvation.
que asy lo cree por que le tyene por buena persona y servydor. el padre guardian maestro de la Señora infante demas de ser virtuoso religioso en esto de la missa a trabajado todo lo que ha podido e asy lo hase en todo lo que conviene a la buena dotrina de la Señora ynfante. Believes it, because he thinks he is a good person and servant. The father guardian, tutor of the señora Infanta, is not only a virtuous priest, but he has also done, and still does, what he can concerning the saying mass, and omits nothing to instruct the señora Infanta in the true doctrine.
que asy lo haga con mucho cuydado y que quando acaeciese esto lo que Dios no quiera avise con correo a mucha diligencia con su parecer adonde deben yr. en lo que V[uestr]a Altesa dize de la guarda que se tenga en esta villa asy se a hecho e sy con mas diligencia se podiere hacer de aqui adelante tambien se hara. e quando algo acaeciere lo que nuestro Señor no quiera tambien se hara lo que vuestra Alteza manda antes de partir de aqui porque en la verdad seria cosa tan trabajosa la partyda e de tantos inconvinientes que sy la Señora ynfante no estuviese en medio yo me atreveria a toda cosa por escusar la verguença que desto se podria ofrecer. espero en nuestro Señor que lo remediara de manera que no sea menester e quando otra cosa sea haserlo e saber a vuestra Alteza con correo que vaya con diligencia para que en todo mande lo que se haga. por que la yda de Sant pablo de la moraleja que vuestra Alteza manda ay dos inconvinientes. el uno es que esta muy cerca de muchos lugares que estan dañados. y ell otro que dos vezes en el año concurre mucha gente en aquella casa que asy por estar el tienpo tan dañado como por estar Su Alteza en la dyspusicion que esta me parece ques grande ynconviniente. e quando Su Alteza oviese de partir daqui vuestra Alteza a de determinar que vaya a parte donde pueda estar syenpre e que aya casa qual convenga para su recogimiento. e sy esto oviere de ser tanbien se hara lo que vuestra Alteza manda. en lo del cuerpo del Rey nuestro Señor que aya gloria que sera muy bien que vuestra Alteza mande acabar la capilla e ponga en ella los cuerpos de los Reyes e Reyna nuestros Señores que ayan gloria.
(fn. 7) ... de tordesyllas a xiij. de Setiembre de dxviij. muy poderoso Señor syervo y vassallo de V. Al. que sus Reales manos veso.
el marques. [Rubrica.]
[Sobre :] Al muy alto muy catolico e muy poderoso Señor el Rey nuestro Señor.
So be it done with great precaution. If this should be the case, which God forbid, he must write by a flying courier, and state his opinion where they ought to go. Your Highness orders that the town be well guarded. That is done, and if it should be possible henceforth to be even more vigilant, it will not be neglected. If, however something should happen, which God forbid, the orders which your Highness gave before leaving here will be fulfilled. For, in fact, to leave this place would be a very troublesome thing. The inconveniences would be so great that, if the señora Infanta were not here, I would rather risk anything in order to avoid the scandal which would be the consequence. I hope to God he will remedy it so that it may not be necessary [to leave this place] ; but if it should be otherwise, I would let your Highness know by a flying courier, so that you could order what would have to be done. For to go to Sant Pablo de la Moraleja, as your Highness has ordered, would have two inconveniences. In the first place, a great number of villages which are infected are very near it ; and, secondly, a great number of persons visit that convent twice a year, and that is in my opinion a great disadvantage, on account of the prevalence of illness, as well as on that of the disposition of her Highness. If her Highness should be obliged to leave this, your Highness should select a place for her where she can remain for ever, and where the house is convenient for her reception. If that should be the case what your Highness has commanded would be done. It is very desirable that your Highness should order the chapel (fn. 6) to be finished where the corpse of the King our lord, who is in glory, can be deposited by the side of the bodies of the Catholic King and Queen, our lord and lady, who are in glory.
From Tordesillas, 13th of September 1518. Very mighty lord, your servant and vassal, who kisses your Royal hands.
The Marquis.
[Sign of the Marquis of Denia.]
[Addressed :] To the very high, catholic, and mighty lord, the King our lord.


  • 1. Sic.
  • 2. Sic.
  • 3. De letra de la Infanta.
  • 4. Sic.
  • 5. Written by the Secretary of State, Francisco de los Covos.
  • 6. In Granada.
  • 7. Sic.