Queen Juana: August 1520

Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Queen Juana: August 1520', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp204-212 [accessed 7 February 2025].

'Queen Juana: August 1520', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp204-212.

"Queen Juana: August 1520". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp204-212.

August 1520

1520. 23rd August. 51. Attestation of the Conversation of the Lieutenant Corregidor of Tordesillas, Bernardino De Castro, with Queen Juana.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Pat. Real. Comunidades de Castilla. Legajo No. 1. f. 135. Original.]
Las cartas e testimonio que se embiaron de Tordesillas.
Yo alonso Martin de Balboa escrivano de sus Magestades y del numero de la villa de tordesillas por el notario de Santa Clara de la dicha villa por la presente doy fee que en veynte e tres dias del mes de agosto de mill e quinientos e veynte años estando en el palacio Real de la dicha villa ante la muy alta e muy poderosa la Reyna doña juana nuestra Señora y estando ay presentes el marques de denia e fray juan de avila confesor de Su Alteza y el licenciado bernaldino de castro teniente de corregidor de la dicha villa e fernando de vega e sancho vazquez de cepeda e Ramon de vega e antonio de vega regidores e bartolome de çamora procurador general de la dicha villa e otras muchas personas de la dicha villa e corte de Su Alteza. el dicho bernaldino de castro teniente de corregidor por acuerdo del Regimiento e comunidad de la dicha villa dixo a Su Alteza muchas cosas acaescidas en sus Reynos despues quel el Rey Catolico murio a las quales Su Alteza Respondio e dyjo que le llamasen al obispo de malaga su capellan mayor e a los licenciados polanco e çapata e aguirre que queria hablar e platicar con ellos, e que ella proveeria en ello. fuele pedida una cedula e que la firmase para llamar a los sobredichos e Su Alteza no la quiso firmar e dyxo e mando a ochoa de olanda que los fuese a llamar. e el dicho teniente pidiolo por testimonio de lo qual fueron testigos alonso seco e pero escudero e otros muchos bezinos de la dicha villa. e yo el escrivano alonso Martin de Balboa escrivano e notario publico sobre dicho fuy presente a esto que dicho es en uno con los dichos testigos e lo fize escrevir e por ende fize aqui este mio signo que es a tal en testimonio de verdad. Alonso Martin de balboa.
51. The letters and the testimony which were sent from Tordesillas.
I, Alonzo Martin de Balboa, escrivano of their Majesties, and del numero of the town of Tordesillas, certify by the present instrument, in the name of the notary of Santa Clara in the same town, that on the 23rd day of the month of August of the year one thousand five hundred and twenty, I was in the royal palace of the said town, in presence of the very high and very mighty Queen Doña Juana, our lady ; whilst there were present the Marquis of Denia, Fray Juan de Avila, confessor to her Highness, the Licentiate Bernaldino de Castro, lieutenant corregidor of the said town, Fernando de Vega, Sancho Vasquez de Cepeda, Ramon de Vega, and Antonio de Vega, regidores, and Bartolome de Zamora, procuratordicha general of the said town, together with a great number of other persons of the said town and court of her Highness. The said Bernaldino de Castro, lieutenant corregidor, told her Highness, in the name of the town council and the commonalty of the said town, many things which had occurred in her kingdoms after the death of the Catholic King. Her Highness answered and said that they should send for the Bishop of Malaga, her first chaplain, and for the Licentiates Polanco, Zapata, and Aguirre, with whom she would speak and consult, and that she would then give her orders. She was asked to give a written and signed order, to send for the above-mentioned persons ; but her Highness refused, and spoke to Ochoa de Olanda, and commanded that he should go and fetch them. The said lieutenant asked an attestation. The witnesses of it were Alonzo Seco and Pero Escudero, and a great many other inhabitants of the said town. And I, the said escrivano, Alonzo Martin de Balboa, escrivano and public notary, was present at this act, together with the said witnesses. I ordered this to be drawn up, and affixed my sign manual to it in testimony of the truth. Alonzo Martin de Balboa.
31st August. 52. The Town of Valladolid to the Captains of the Army of the Commons.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Patronato Real. Comunidades de Castilla. Legajo 1. f. 45. Original.]
Muy magnificos Señores,
Rescibimos la carta de V. S. m~des y vimos el testimonio de lo que con la Reyna nuestra Señora pasaron y de todo ello hemos avido y avemos mucha alegria y a v[uestro]s m~des tenemos en mr~d la cuenta que desto les ha plazido darnos. y si alguna negligencia vbo en no responder tan ayna a la carta que v[uestro]s mr~des nos enbiaron quando partyan de la villa de medina no pensamos que fue tanta ni de tantos dias como v[uestro]s mr~des por su carta dizen, porque nosotros respondimos a la carta primera que v[uestro]s mr~des nos enbiaron y a la carta segunda. y en la primera respondimos al proposito de lo que s mr~ds por ella nos escrivieron cerca de la yda a tordesillas y somos maravillados non aver ydo a mano de v[uestro]s mr~des nuestra carta. y conforme a lo que en ella escrivimos a v[uestro]s mr~ds vos respondimos y escrevimos a los muy magnificos Señores procuradores de la junta general de la cibdad de avila que lo mismo nos escrevieron que v[uestro]s mr~des, y fue en efecto nuestra respuesta a la una parte y a la otra que hera muy buen consejo y bien acordado yr a la villa de tordesillas adonde por el consejo e regimiento e comunidad de la dicha villa v[uestro]s mr~ds heran llamados, e que no se haziendo mudança de la Reyna nuestra Señora syn su voluntad e mandado de aquella villa adonde esta que se proveyese en tal manera en la guarda e libertad de Su Alteza que no podiesen tiranos algunos apoderar de su casa e persona Real e que pudiesen haser estorbo o ynpedimento alguno a nuestro buen proposito e de v[uestro]s mr~des e bien universal del Reyno. y esta fue e es nuestra voluntad que se haga e asy pedimos por mr~d a v[uestro]s mr~des que se haga e cunpla, e de aver yntervenido en esto la voluntad y mandado de Su Alteza como por el testimonio que v[uestro]s mr~des nos enbiaron paresce y de aver mas claramente hablado y respondido con tanto saber y prudencia que lo ha hecho despues que alli esta, damos muchas gracias a nuestro Señor que bien paresce ser esto obra de sus manos. plega a nuestro Señor de nos encaminar a todos como hagamos lo que fuere su servicio y bien universal destos Reynos e que aquello quiera e permita que se lleve adelante pues que la intencion de todos los que en esto entendemos es tan justa, parecenos asimismo que la forma e horden que se deve de thener en la guarda de la persona e casa Real de Su Alteza se deve asimismo comunicar con los Señores procuradores de la junta general e que a voluntad e consentimiento del concejo justicia e Regidorese comunidad desa villa se haga e ponga. y pues que ya a nuestro Señor ha plazido que contra el exercito de v[uestro]s mr~des no aya lança ynhiesta ni cosa que resestirles pueda ni a la junta de las cibdades destos Reynos, que no se devia ni deve entender en cosa de hecho hasta que por la dicha junta general sea determinado adonde nuestros procuradores y los de las otras cibdades que hasta aqui no los avian enbiado se hallaran, no dexando de favorecer e ayudar a la lastymada villa de medina del canpo en todo lo que pediere e justo fuere para lo qual asymismo enbiamos nuestra gente e capitanes. Nuestro Señor acresciente la vida y estado de v[uestro]s mr~ds. de valladolid xxxj. de agosto de dxx.
Nos juan de prado y fernando de granada escrivanos de sus Altezas e del numero desta dicha villa la fesimos escrevir por mandado del illustre Señor capitan general y de los deputados de la comunidad della. juan de prado. fernando de granada.
[Sobre :] A los muy magcos S[eño]res los S[eño]res capitanes del exercito de las comunidades destos Reynos.
Very magnificent Señores,
We have received the letter of your Lordships, and seen the testimony of what you have negotiated with the Queen our lady. We have been and still are much rejoicing at all this, and thank your Lordships for the account you have been pleased to give us. If there really was negligence on our side in not sending a speedy answer to the letter which your Lordships wrote us when you were leaving the town of Medina, we do not think that our negligence was so great, or continued so many days, as you state in your letter ; for we have answered the first letter of your Lordships, and also the second. In our first letter we gave our answer to what your Lordships had written about your march to Tordesillas, and we are astonished that our letter has not come to your Lordships' hands. The same things which we wrote in it to your Lordships we wrote and answered also to their magnificent Lordships the Procurators of the General Junta in the city of Avila, who had written to us the same as your Lordships ; and our answer to the one party as well as to the other was, that it was a very good and well conceived plan to go to the town of Tordesillas,—whither your Lordships were invited to go by the town council and the commonalty,—and, without causing the Queen our lady to change the town except at her order and command, to provide in such a manner for the security and liberty of her Highness that no tyrants whosoever could possess themselves of her house and royal person, preventing and impeding thereby our good intentions and those of your Lordships, to the great prejudice of the common weal of the kingdom. That was and is our will, and so be it done. Thus we ask your Lordships that it may be done and accomplished ; and as the will and command of her Highness has been declared in this matter, as it appears from the testimony which your Lordships have sent us, and as she afterwards has spoken more clearly, and answered with so much wisdom and prudence as she has done, we give many thanks for it to our Lord, because it is evidently the work of His hand. May it please God to direct us, so that we may do what is for His service, and leads to the common weal of these kingdoms, and may He will and permit that it be accomplished. For as the intention of us all who are interesting ourselves in this affair is so upright, it seems to us that the form and manner which we ought to observe in watching the person and royal household of her Highness must be concerted with the señores Procurators of the General Junta, and arranged and executed in accordance with the will and with the consent of the council, magistracy, regidores, and commonalty of that town. And as it has pleased our Lord that against your army no lance is levied, or any other thing that could resist you or the Junta of the cities of these kingdoms, nothing ought to be done until it is determined by the said General Junta where our Procurators and those of the other cities should assemble, not neglecting, however, to assist the unfortunate town of Medina del Campo in all that is right and possible ; and for that purpose we also send our army and our captains. Our Lord give you long and prosperous lives.
From Valladolid, 31st of August '520.
We, Juan de Prado and Fernando de Granada, escrivanos of their Highnesses and del numero of this town, ordered this instrument to be drawn up at the command of the illustrious Captain General and the deputies of the commonalty. —Juan de Prado. Fernando de Granada.
[Addressed :] To the very magnificent Lords, the captains of the army of the Commons in these kingdoms.
31st August. 53. The Cardinal Of Tortosa to the Emperor Charles.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Patronato Real. Comunidades de Castilla. Legajo 1. folio 193. Autograph.]
A su Magt. del Cardinal de Tortcosa. de postrero de Agosto.
S. Cesa. R. C. Mt.
A xxviij del presente recebi la carta de V. Al. de veynte del mesmo a la qual respondere y dire particularmente por esta lo que conviene, y quanto a los negocios deste Reyno parece que van a total perdicion si Dios especialmente no pone la mano en el remedio y assiento dellos, y no hay ninguna ciudat que se pueda reduzir a obediencia sin que se le de remission de todo lo passado. las ciudades rebelles tienen grand armada en el campo y valladolit les ha embiado mil infantes para en ayuda y socorro no enbargante que se dize ser obediente. medina despues del miserable incendio y fuego ha entregado el artilleria de V. Mt. en poder de don joan de padilla y otros capitanes y a xxiiij deste ha entrado en tordesyllas. dizese que llevaran la Reyna nuestra Señora al lugar donde ellos quisieren. los de tordesillas rehusaron de recebir el armada de V. Mt. y ahora dexan entrar los de toledo. han solicitado muchas vezes con la Reyna a que proviese en estos alborotos y escandalos. Su Alteza les ha respondido prudentemente en algo ahunque ha mezclado en ello algunas cosas por las quales facilmente se comprendia que Su Alteza no sta cumplidamente en si, mas el pueblo desto toma lo que haze a su caso y paral efecto de sus intenciones y en lo contrario no quiere tener consideracion ni respecto alguno. dizese que el marques de denia esta mal quisto de todos los criados de Su Alteza. hizome saber a los veynte y nueve deste questa casi preso y de tal manera que le han mandado que no salga de la fortaleza. y que ahunque hayan trebaiado por muchas vias a induzir a Su Alteza que firmase, jamas lo an pudido acabar con ella ni se crehe que lo acabaran. dizese que los procuradores que se han juntado en avila con auctoridat de la Reyna quieren hazer gobernador o governadores y detener y arrestar todo el dinero y hazer otras semeiantes cosas. casi todas las ciudades y ahun burgos valladolit y gaudalajara quieren enbiar sus procuradores ad aquel aiuntamiento a lo qual cierto no hallo ni tengo medio para lo estorvar si V[uestr]a Magestad no permite y me da facultad para poder perdonar a todos o ad algunos segun que meior vieremos convenir todo lo passado como dicho es. cada dia parece que mas se encienden los coraçones y voluntades de los pueblos contra todos por cuios medios les parece haver sydo tentado y procurado que se sacassen dineros destos Reynos para V. Md. ningunos procuradores de los que han consentido y otorgado el servicio ahunque remitido se tienen por seguros ni los Regidores que les han dado facultad de consentir a ello. a muchos del conseio y otros oficiales amenazan. el presidente Çapata Vargas don Alonso de Castilla Vozmediano y su hermano Xuarez y ahun el comendador mayor de Castilla y otros muchos sus (fn. 2) huydos para librarse de tanto peligro. si todos se van en fin seguirles he. mas no sabemos en que lugar de Castilla podriamos estar seguros. yo he dicho que soy contento de immolar y padecer por ellos y estar firme aqui fasta que todos los que temen sean ydos, que juntos no nos dexarian yr y si me fuera yo primero sin duda detuvieran a los otros que quedaran. a todos los grandes y mas sabios del reyno y a mi parece que es menester usar de clemencia y perdonar lo que en otro tiempo no se habria de remitir porque de las rebelliones no se sigan ni hagan cosas peores de las fechas y que despues no aya remedio sino con grande armada por via de guerra de la qual es siempre incierta la salida. Suplico a V. Mt. que con toda celeridat me mande responder a esto. yo quanto pudiere me esforçare de usar con toda limitacion de la potestad que V. Al. me diere sobre esto.
No se a quien se ha escrito que los españoles y mayormente el duque dalva no son bien tratados por V. Mt. lo que cierto commueve los animos de muchos a mal y dizen que V. Mt. no se cura destos Reynos pues no manda proveher con tienpo a lo necessario. si se sometieren a otro Rey sera muy dificil e ynposible cobrar estos Reynos. enculpanme porque de mucho tiempo aqua no he embiado a vuestra Alteza algun cavallero para le hazer relacion de palabra de todo lo que ha passado y del estado en que estan estos Reynos y no crehen que se lehen a V. Alt. las cartas que cerca dello se le escriven ahunque yo se y digo y les afirmo que si. ... (fn. 3)
53. To His Majesty. From the Cardinal of Tortosa. (fn. 1) Last day of August.
Sacred, Imperial, Royal, and Catholic Majesty,
On the 28th of the present month I received the letter of your Highness, dated the 20th of the same month, and in answer to it I shall state minutely in this letter what is suitable. As for the affairs of this kingdom, it seems that they are on the way to utter ruin, if the hand of God does not interfere to remedy and arrange all. There is not a single town that could be reduced to obedience without a full pardon for all that has been done. The revolted cities have a great army in the field, and Valladolid, although she calls herself loyal, has sent one thousand foot in aid and succour of them. Medina, after the lamentable fire and burning, has delivered the artillery of your Majesty to Juan de Padilla and other captains, who entered Tordesillas on the 24th of this month. It is said they will carry off the Queen our Lady to some place of their choosing. The inhabitants of Tordesillas refused to admit your Majesty's troops, and now they let those of Toledo enter. They have during these tumults and disorders often asked the Queen to give orders. Her Highness has answered with prudence in some respects, although she added some things, from which it is easy to understand that her Highness is not perfectly in her right mind. The people, however, accept only what suits them and serves their purposes, and do not like to consider or take into account any thing that is contrary. It is said that the Marquis of Denia is disliked by all the servants of her Highness. He let me know on the 29th of this month that he was almost a prisoner, and had been ordered not to leave the fortress. Although they have endeavoured in various ways to induce her Highness to sign, they could never prevail upon her, nor is it believed that they will succeed. It is said that the Procurators who have assembled in Avila wish, by the authority of the Queen, to nominate a governor or governors, and detain and seize all the money, and to do other similar things. Almost all the cities, and even Burgos, Valladolid, and Guadalaxara, are ready to send Procurators to that assembly, and certainly I do not see how, nor have I means, to prevent them if your Majesty does not permit and give me power to pardon all or some, according as might seem best to us, for all that has been done, as I have stated. Every day the passions and the ill will of the towns become fiercer against all who are supposed to have been instrumental in attempting to carry out or in carrying out of these kingdoms sums of money for your Majesty. None of the Procurators who have consented to and voted for the grant, although it is remitted, feel themselves secure, nor the regidores who have authorized them to consent They threaten many of the members of the Council and other officers. The President, Zapata, Vargas, Don Alonzo de Castilla, Vozmediano, and his brother, Suarez, and even the Comendador Mayor of Castile, and many others, have fled, in order to escape such danger. If all go, I must at last follow them ; but we do not know where we can stay with security in Castile. I have said that I would and made up my mind to suffer for them, remaining here until all who are afraid are gone. They do not permit us to go together, and if I went first they would certainly detain the others who were left behind. All the grandees, all the wisest men of the kingdom, and I are of opinion that it is necessary to use clemency, and pardon that which in other times could not be forgiven. Otherwise worse things than have already been committed might be the consequence of their rebellion, and no other resource might be left than a great army and war, the success of which is always doubtful. I beseech your Majesty to order that an answer be given to me immediately. I will do my best to use the power which your Majesty may give me with the utmost limitation possible.
I do not know to whom it has been written that the Spaniards, and especially the Duke of Alba, has not been well treated by your Majesty, whereby, assuredly, the minds of many are inclined towards evil. They say that your Majesty does not care for these kingdoms, and therefore does not provide in time for what is necessary. If they should once obey another king, it would be very difficult and even impossible to regain these kingdoms. They reproach me for not sending a long time ago some gentleman to your Highness in order to give information by word of mouth of all that has occurred, and of the state in which the kingdom is placed ; for they do not believe that the letters which are written to your Highness are read to you, although I know, and say, and affirm that they are...
[That portion of paper which contained the date and signature is lost.]


  • 1. Cardinal Adrian, afterwards Pope Adrian VI.
  • 2. son.
  • 3. Aqui falta el trozo donde debian estar la fecha y firma.