Queen Juana: September 1520, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Queen Juana: September 1520, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp253-257 [accessed 7 February 2025].

'Queen Juana: September 1520, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp253-257.

"Queen Juana: September 1520, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp253-257.

September 1520, 26-30

26th September. 62. The General Junta of the Kingdom to the Town of Valladolid.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Patronato Real. Comunidades de Castilla. Legajo 1. f. 108. Original.]
Carta de la Junta general para esta villa.
Muy magnificos Señores,
como a todos sea notorio que la rrayz y principio de donde an manado todos los males y daños que estos rreynos han rrecibido a sido la falta de salud de la rreyna nuestra Señora la qual y la tierna hedad del rrey nuestro señor su hijo dieron cabsa y lugar a que metidos estrangeros en la governacion de los dichos rreynos tan sin piedad fuesen despojados y tiranizados dellos en tanto deservicio de sus magestades y daño particular y general de todos, acordamos los procuradores del Reyno que para el rremedyo de los dichos daños mediante la gracia divina estamos juntos que la primera y mas justa jornado que podiamos y deviamos hazer hera yr a la villa de tordesillas a presentarnos ante nuestra Reyna y Señora para dos cosas. la una para que la Junta se haga en su palacio rreal presentandole aquel acatamiento y obediencia que a su rreal persona se deve y a le dar toda la cuenta que de los dichos daños e de lo que para el rremedio dellos se tratare su Alteza sera servida de rrecibir. la otra cabsa es para procurar por todos los medios a nosotros posibles la salud de su Alteza en que tenemos por cierto que esta el rremedio de los trabajos presentes para lo qual embiamos a llamar todos los mas famosos y excelentes medicos destos rreynos e para esto mejor e mas libremente poner en obra parecionos cosa conveniente la abseneia desta villa por el presente de los señores marques y marqnesa de denia creyendo y aun conosciendo dellos que pues tan poco se ocuparon en procurar la salud de su Alteza el tienpo que tovieron cargo de la governacion de su rreal persona e casa que no nos serian buenos ayudadores en este proposito. y porque los Rernedios que por via humana se podrian buscar para cosa tan grande no a provecharian para mas de para mostrar nuestra diligencia y fedelidad si principalmente no recurriesemos al verdadero remedio que es dios aviendolo primero comunicado con personas religiosas de santa vida ordenamos que generalmente en to das las cibdades e villas destos Reynos se fagan solenes e devotas procesyones y plegarias por la dicha salud de su Alteza. hazemoslo saver a vuestra mr~d para que ay provea como se faga lo mismo.
ansimismo hazemos saber a v~ra md. que viendo que el efeto para que aqui nos juntamos hera reparar los males hechos en el Reyno y Resistir los que cada dia se aparejan de nuevo no se podia conseguir estando el poder e fuerça en manos de los mismos autores y favricadores de los dichos males que son los que asta aqui an estado en el consejo Real los generales (fn. 1) no arrepentidos de lo echo siguiendo la natura del demonio entendian agora de nuevo con todas sus fueças en aparejarse asy de gente de armas como de ayudas de grandes para llevar adelante su diabolico proposyto, acordamos aviendo sobrello muchos dias platicado e deliberado que hera necesario sobreser el autoridad de los susodichos pues hera poderio de tinieblas hasta tanto que con acuerdo destos Reynos sus magestades determinen terminen sus culpas e provean de consejo e governador e governadores conforme a la ley de los Reynos lo qual asy se hizo por un requerimiento que por nuestro manclado se les notifico en la noble villa de Valiadolid hazemoslo saber a v[uest]ra mr~d para que de aqui adelante (fn. 2) ... esperamos en dios nuestro Señor que nos guio a lo hazer que sera servido como sea guardada en esta manera. las cibdades e villas e comunidades deste Reyno se hazen muy fuertes y poderosas y se guardaran sus leyes y fueros no consintiendo que se quebranten y el Reyno se porna en costumbre y estilo de lo guardar como asta aqui estava en descuydo de no tener pena del quebrantamiento dello e de su perdicion, e aun visto esto e sabido por las personas que no an tenido entera e vuena voluntad al bien comun podian estar sin cuydado que su mal proposito no avra efeto. aqui ynbiamos la escriptura de hermandad. es menester que v[uest]ra mr~d lo mande pregonar con mucha solenidad (fn. 3) tronpetas e que se notiflque e faga saber e de la misma manera publicar en las otras villas y lugares que no son de su jurisdicion e cahen devaxo de su voto e provincia porque sea publico en estos Reynos e todos gozen del universal favor. y esto mande v[uest]ra mr~d que luego se ponga asi en efeto porque de la misma manera se provee y manda que se faga en todo el Reyno e que se jure por las perrochias e quadrillas. Nuestro Señor sus muy magnificas personas guarde y estado acresciente del qual mandamos dar la presente subscripta en forma de juan de Mirueña e antonio Rodrigues secretario de la Santa junta que es fecha en la villa de tordesyllas a veynte e seys dias del mes de Setiembre de mille quinientos veinte años. por mandado de los Señores procuradores de las cortes e junta general del Reyno leales vassallos de sus magestades. Juan de Mirueña. Antonio Rodriguez.
[Sobre :] A los muy magnificos Señores los Señores concejo justicia cavalleros capitan general e quadrillas e diputados e honrrada comunidad de la muy noble e leal villa de Valladolid.
62. Letter of the General Junta to this town.
Very magnificent Señores,
As is notorious to all, the root and the beginning of all the evils and injuries which these kingdoms have received has been the want of health in the person of the Queen our lady, which, in conjunction with the tender age of the King our lord her son, was the cause and occasion for placing the government of these kingdoms in the hands of strangers, by whom they have been ruthlessly plundered and tyrannized over to the great prejudice of their Majesties, and with great injury individual and general. We the Procurators of the kingdom, who are assembled in order to remedy the said injuries, through the grace of God, decided that the first measure we could and ought to take was to go to this town of Tordesillas, and to present ourselves to our Queen and lady, for two reasons, viz., firstly that the Junta may be assembled in her royal palace, showing her that respect and obedience which are due to her royal person ; to give her an account of all the said injuries, and to ask her Highness that she be pleased to approve what should he decided upon for their remedy. The other reason is to procure by all means in our power the health of her Highness, in which consists, as we firmly believe, the remedy for all our present troubles. For that purpose we send for all the most famous and excellent physicians in these kingdoms. In order to be in a better condition and at greater liberty to execute our design, it has seemed to us expedient that the Marquis and the Marchioness of Denia should not remain in this town. We believe, and even know, that as they did not occupy themselves with restoring the health of her Highness during the time when they had the charge of the government of her royal person and household so they would not aid us in our purpose. And because in so important a case the remedies which could be found by human exertion would have no other effect than to show our goodwill and loyalty, unless we have recourse to the principal and true remedy, which is God, we have consulted persons in holy orders and of holy life, and, at their advice, now order that in all the cities and towns throughout these kingdoms solemn and devout processions and public prayers be made for the health of her Highness. We inform your Lordships of this, and beg you to see that so it be done there.
We also let your Lordships know that, as the purpose for which we are here assembled is to remedy the evils which have been inflicted on these kingdoms, and to resist those who every day make new preparations, so it is impossible to carry out our design as long as the very authors and contrivers of the said evils have the power and force in their hands. Those who until this time have been members of the Royal Council do not repent what they have done, but, imitating the devil, try again with all their strength to enlist soldiers, to gain over the grandees, and to carry out their diabolical intentions. We have, therefore, during many days discussed and deliberated on this subject, and finally decided that it is necessary to suspend them from their offices, which were powers of darkness, until their Majesties pronounce on their guilt and appoint other privy councillors, governor, and governors, according to the law of these kingdoms. This decision was notified to them by an intimation made at our command in the noble town of Valiadolid. We inform your Lordships of this, in order that henceforth (fn. 4) ...
We hope in God our Lord, who has directed us to do this, that He will be pleased to ordain that, if all is faithfully observed, the cities and towns and commons of this kingdom will become very strong and powerful, and not permit the laws and fueros to be broken. The kingdoms will then assume the habit and custom of keeping them, instead of, as it hitherto has done, neglecting them, unmindful of breaches of the law and its own perdition. When those persons who hitherto have had no pure and good intentions perceive and know this, they will see that their bad designs cannot be carried into effect, and be no longer dangerous. We send herewith the writ of confederation, which your Lordships must proclaim with much solemnity and sound of trumpets. It is to be notified to and proclaimed in the same manner in the other towns and villages which are not under the jurisdiction of your Lordships, but are represented by your vote, and belong to your province, so that it may be proclaimed throughout these kingdoms, and all enjoy the same favour. Your Lordships must give orders that this be put in effect without delay, for it is ordered and commanded that the same be done in the whole kingdom, and that the oath of allegiance be taken in every parish and every district. Our Lord guard your magnificent persons and increase your estates. We have ordered that this letter be drawn up in form, and signed by Juan de Mirueña and Antonio Rodriguez, Secretary of the holy Junta. It is dated in the town of Tordesillas on the 26th of the month of September, of the year one thousand five hundred and twenty.
By order of the Señores Procurators of the Cortes and General Junta of the kingdom, who are loyal subjects of their Majesties.
Juan de Mirueña.
Antonio Rodriguez.


  • 1. Sic, pero debe ser quales.
  • 2. roto el origl. y siguen otros dos capitulos que no se copian por estar destrozados.
  • 3. Sic.
  • 4. Paper gone. The conclusion of this and the two following paragraphs are illegible.