Queen Juana: April 1521

Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Queen Juana: April 1521', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp376-390 [accessed 7 February 2025].

'Queen Juana: April 1521', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp376-390.

"Queen Juana: April 1521". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp376-390.

April 1521

12th April. 86. The Governors, Grandees, &c., of Spain to the Emperor Charles.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Castilla. Legajo 8. f. 91. Autograph.]
A Su Magestad. del Cardenal y Almirante y de los grandes que estan en Tordesillas. de xij. de abril. sobre lo de lutero.
S. Cessa. y Cathca. Magd.
El Cardenal de Tortosa y el Almirante de Castilla Gobernadores por Vuestra Cesarea Magestad en estos sus Reinos juntamente con los grandes y perlados Cavalleros y personas principales que residen en esta corte en servicio de V. Al. que aqui firmaron sus nombres por si y en nonbre de todos los otros grandes y perlados Cavalleros y otros personas principales de vuestra españa muy humilmente besamos los Reales pies y manos de vuestra Cesarea Magestad y le hazemos saber que en estos sus Reynos y Señorios por diversas partes se ha sabido la ciçania y cisma que el heresiarca Martin lutero ha senbrado en Alemaña entre los subdictos y naturales de V. Mdad. de que todos nosotros como Catholicos Christianos y zeladores de la fe y del servicio y honrra de V. Mt. havemos tenido y tenemos gran dolor y sentimiento mayormente porque havemos seydo certificados que no contento aquel seductor de haver pervertido y engañado a Alemania procura con sus malignas y diabolicas astucias pervertir y contaminar estos sus Reynos y Señorios de españa y que para ello con yncitacion y ayuda de algunos destas partes que dessean impedir o enervar el Sancto officio de la ynquisicion ha tenido forma de hazer traduzir y poner en lengua castellana sus eregias y blasfemias y enbiarlos a senbrar y publicar en esta Catholica nacion y porque de pequeña centella Christianissimo Señor suele nacer y levantarse grande yncendio y si cosa de tanto deservico de dios nuestro Señor y peligro de nuestra Sancta fee Catholica Vuestra magestad no la remediase con tienpo, mayormente estando algunas ciudades destos sus Reynos alteradas, podria causarse grande escandalo y mayor yncendio y tal que despues no se podria facilmente extinguir. por ende por nos y en nonbre de todos los ausentes muy humilmente y con toda ynstancia suplicamos a Va. Cesarea Magestad que como Christianissimo emperador y Catholico Rey nuestro Señor protector y defensor de nuestra Sancta fee Catholica y de la yglesia Romana nuestra madre ymitando sus gloriosos progenitores de ynmortal menoria le plega tomar esta causa de la fe por suya propia, como lo es, y con la devocion fervor y zelo que debe y es obligado la ayude defienda y favorezca y provea de tal manera que aquellas dañadas y perversas subjectiones cessen y sean estirpadas de forma que no solamente tan detestable y corrupta pestilencia no entre en estos sus Reynos y Señorios de españa, mas que por mano de V. Mt. sea esterminada y hechada de todo el mundo, mandando severa y reziamente castigar al dicho Martin luter heresiarcha y sus fautores y sequaces y quemar los libros que contienen sus blasfemias y eregias. e para el devido effecto desto mande V. Mt. proveer de todas las provisiones y remedios necessarios segund el Duque de Alva y los otros perlados y cavalleros que estan en essa su corte lo suplicaran por nuestra parte y suya a Vuestra Mt. Cesarea. en lo qual demas de hazer y cumplir lo que deve y es obligado como el principal principe Christiano los grandes perlados y cavalleros destos sus Reynos y Señorios presentes y ausentes por ser la causa de dios nuestro Señor como es lo Recebiremos en tan grande y señalada merced y beneficio que ninguna podemos estimar mayor, que por cierto todo sentiriamos mucho que siendo Va. Mt. tan Christianissimo Rey y zeloso del servicio de Dios como todos conocemos y haviendo recevido de su divina mano tantos y tan grandes y poderosos Ymperio Reynos principados y Señorios permitiesse que en su tiempo y en el principio de su felicissimo imperio se sembrase tan diabolica heregia y se hiziesse tan gran cissura en la yglesia de dios en nuestra Sancta fe Catholica por mano de una tan ajecta y abominable persona de lo qual resultaria grand nota a V. Cesa. Magd. cuya vida y Cessareo estado nuestro Señor conserve y enxsalce tan luenga y prosperamente como dessea. de Tordesillas a xij de Abril de M.Dxxj años. A. Carl. dertusen. el almirante. el conde de venavente. el pryor de Castylla. don beltran de la cueva. el marques de Astorga. diego de rojas Conde Alferez. el conde de haro. el marques. [Sigue otra rubrica que no ha podido leerse.]
[Sobre :] A la S. Cessarea y Catholico Magestad del Emperador y Rey Nuestro Señor.
86. To his Majesty, from the cardinal and admiral, and the grandees who are at Tordesillas. 12th of April. Respecting Luther.
Imperial and catholic Majesty,
The Cardinal of Tortosa and the Admiral of Castile, governors for your Imperial Majesty in these your kingdoms, together with the grandees, prelates, cavaliers and principal persons who are staying at this court in the service of your highness, and who here sign their names for themselves and in the name of all the other grandees, prelates, cavaliers and other principal persons of your kingdom of Spain, very humbly kiss the royal feet and hands of your imperial Majesty. We desire you to know that through various channels has been forwarded to these your kingdoms and seignories the intelligence of the discord and schism which the heresiarch Martin Luther has sown in Germany amongst the subjects and vassals of your Majesty, which has caused and still occasions to all of us, as catholic Christians and supporters of the faith and the service and honour of your Majesty, great pain and grief ; especially because we have been certified that that seducer, not content with having perverted and deceived Germany, is endeavouring with his malignant and diabolical cunning to pervert and contaminate these your kingdoms and seignories of Spain. And to this end, at the instigation and with the aid of some persons of these parts, who desire to hinder and weaken the holy office of the Inquisition, he has procured means for translating and putting into the Castilian tongue his heresies and blasphemies, and to send them to be spread and published in this catholic nation. From a little spark, most christian lord, may spring and burst forth a great fire. If your Majesty does not speedily find a remedy for things which do such dishonour to God our Lord and are so dangerous to the holy catholic faith, a great scandal may the more easily be caused, and a still greater flame, and one which afterwards it may not be easy to extinguish, be kindled, since some cities of these kingdoms are in a state of disturbance. Therefore, for ourselves and in the name of all who are absent, very humbly and with great urgency, we supplicate your imperial Majesty, as a most christian Emperor and catholic King our lord, the protector and defender of our holy catholic faith and of the church of Rome, our mother, that, imitating your glorious progenitors of immortal memory, it would please you to adopt this cause of the faith as your own, which indeed it is, and with the devotion, fervour, and zeal which you owe and by which you are bound, to aid, defend, and favour it, and to provide in such manner that those damnable and perverse subtilties may cease and be extirpated, so that not only this detestable and corrupt pestilence shall not enter into these your kingdoms and seignories of Spain, but that by the hand of your Majesty it may be extirpated and destroyed throughout all the world, commanding that the said arch heretic Martin Luther should be severely and effectively punished, together with his abettors and adherents, and that the books which contain his blasphemies and heresies be burnt. In order to obtain due effect, your Majesty should command all the measures and necessary remedies to be provided, according as the Duke of Alba and the other prelates and cavaliers who are at your court, will supplicate your imperial Majesty on our part and theirs. By doing so you will not only do and fulfil all that you are bound and obliged to perform, as the principal christian prince, but we, the grandees, prelates, and cavaliers of these your kingdoms and seignories, present and absent, as this is the cause of God our Lord, will receive it also as so great and signal a mercy and benefit that none other can be esteemed greater. For, certainly, we should all be very sorry if your Majesty, being so very christian a King, and zealous in the service of God, as we all of us know, and having received from His divine hand so many and such great and powerful imperial kingdoms, principalities, and seignories, should permit that in your time, and in the beginning of your most happy reign, such a diabolical heresy should spread, and that there should be such a great schism in the Church of God and in our holy catholic faith, caused by such a mean and abominable person, from which would result great dishonour to your imperial Majesty, whose life and imperial estate may our Lord preserve and increase as long and as prosperously as you desire.
From Tordesillas, the 12th of April 1521. A. Cardinal of Tortosa. The Admiral. The Count of Benavente. The Prior of Castile. Don Beltran de la Cueva. The Marquis of Astorga. Diego de Rojas, Count Alferez. The Count of Haro. The Marquis. [One signature that is illegible.]
[Addressed :] To his imperial and catholic Majesty, the Emperor and King our lord.
12th April. 87. Instructions for the Duke Of Alva.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Castilla. Legajo 8. f. 92. Autograph.]
la creencia de los grandes remitida al duque dalva sobre lo de lutero.
Lo que el señor Duque de Alva por parte de los señores Governadores y de todos los otros grandes perlados cavalleros y perssonas principales destos Reynos ha de dezir a la Cesarea Mt. del Rey Nuestro Señor a quien escriven la carta que va con esta la qual su merced ge la a de dar de su mano es lo seguiente.
que en estos Reynos y Señorios de su magt. se ha sabido por diversas partes la ciçania cisma y ponçoñosa perversidad que el heresiarcha Martin luter ha sembrado en Alemaña y en aquellas partes septemtrionales de que todos estos Señores grandes perlados y cavalleros como Catholicos y celadores de la fe y honrra de Jesuchristo nuestro Redemptor y Señor han tenido gran dolor y sentimiento, especialmente por que han sabido que no contento el perverso suso nombrado haver ynficionado con su falsa y dañada doctrina mucha parte de Alemaña, mas que procura con sus diabolicas astucias ynfecionar y pervertir estos sus Reynos y Señorios de Spaña, y que para ello con desseo que vaya adelante su maligno proposito e yncitado de algunos destas partes que procuran de sembrar aca aquella falsa doctrina a fin de impedir o enervar el Sancto oficio de la ynquisicion ha tenido formas de traduzir y poner en nuestra lengua castellana sus ponçoñosos herrores y blasfemias y enbiarlos a divulgar e publicar a estos Reynos de Su Magt. y porque como el sabe de pequeña centella suele levantarse grande incendio si en cosas semejantes que redundan en deservicio de Nuestro Señor y eversion de nuestra Sancta fee Catholica no se provee con tiempo de remedio conveniente, mayormente estando algunas comunidades destos Reynos alteradas, podriase causar y encender algund grand escandalo y novedad y tal que despues no se pudiesse tan facilmente extinguir. para cuyo remedio estos Señores Gobernadores grandes y perlados y cavalleros zelosos de la Sancta fee Catholica y del servicio y honrra de Su Cesarea Magt. Ruegan a su merced a quien han elegido para esto como a cavallero de Christo y zelador de su honrra y de su vicario y como a varon de Illustre estado y muy accepto a Su Magt. Cesarea le quiera hazer relacion de todo lo susodicho y de lo que mas a este proposito le parecera, y de su parte y la destos Señores le suplique que como christianissimo principe emperador Catholico Rey e Señor nuestro protector y defensor de la Iglesia Romana nuestra madre ymitando las pisadas de sus gloriosos progenitores de ynmortal memoria mande favorecer y favorezca la Sancta fe Catholica e yglesia Romana y proveer y remediarla, de tal manera que las dapñadas y diabolicas subjectiones y perversas opiniones dichas cessen y se extirpen, y que no solamente tan grand pestilencia no venga ni entre en estos sus Reynos e Señorios de españa mas que del todo cese y sea extirpada de Alemania y de aquellas partes aquilionales, y que esta vestidura individible de nuestro Redemtor quede como siempre fue entera e yncorrupta por mano de su Cessarea Magd. y que demas desto mande castigar a Martin luter perverso heresiarcha y a sus fauctores y sequaces y pertinaces en su dañada secta. y cerca dello mande Su Cesarea Magd. dar todas las cartas y provisiones necesarias porque lo susodicho pueda consseguir su devido effecto. segun que parecera a su merced. y que señaladamente provea que ninguno sea osado so gravissimas penas de traer a españa ni oyr ni leer en ella las obras dañadas de la dicha secta y prohibir lo mismo en las otras tierras y Señorios que Su Magestad tiene alla, y escrivir y persuadir a todos los principes y potentados comarcanos donde aya ydo o pueda yr aquella tan gran pestilencia para que huyan della y no la reciban ni esperen en ninguna manera.
otrosi los dichos Señores Governadores grandes perlados y cavalleros piden por mr~d a su mr~d que porque lo susodicho mejor se cumpla y execute quiera juntarse con los nuncios y embaxadores de Su Santidad y otros Señores desta nacion que estan en corte de Su Magestad y todos juntamente supliquen de parte de todos estos Reynos de españa quiera remediar lo susodicho y estirpar esta abhominable heregia, porque les parece que grand nota seria a Su Magestad que en el principio de su felicisimo Imperio siendo Su Magt. tan catholico y zeloso del servizio de dios y haviendole nuestro Señor dado tantos y tan grandes y poderosos Imperio Reynos e Señorios permitiesse tan gran cisura en la iglesia de dios por mano de una tan objecta pertinaz y luciferina persona.
demas de lo susodicho hablara su merced con los Señores Cardenales electores y grandes questan con Su Magd. y en su corte y en aquellas tierras y provincias para que a este effecto todos se alleguen favorezcan y ayuden, y cerca desto diga y haga lo que a su merced le parecera mas convenir al buen expediente del negocio y al servicio de dios nuestro Señor y conservacion de Nuestra Sancta fee catholica, y hazer en ello la ynstancia y diligencias que de su singular zelo siempre se vio y conocio y se espera y confia.
fecha en Tordesillas a xij de Abril de MDxxj años.
A. Carl. dertusen. el almirante.
87. Credentials of the Grandees to the Duke of Alba, concerning the affairs of Luther.
What the Duke of Alba, in the name of the governors and the other grandees, prelates, cavaliers, and principal persons of these kingdoms, is to say to his Imperial Majesty, the King our lord, to whom they write the letter which accompanies this, and which his Lordship will deliver with his own hand, is as follows.
In these kingdoms and dominions of his Majesty has been made known through different channels the discord, schism, and venomous perversity which the heresiarch Martin Luther has sown in Germany and in those northern countries ; from the which all these grandees, prelates, and cavaliers, as catholics and maintainers of the faith and honour of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Lord, have endured great grief and pain, especially as they have been informed that the perverse man spoken of above, not content with having infected a great portion of Germany with his false and damnable doctrine, is also endeavouring to infect and pervert these his kingdoms and dominions of Spain with his diabolical cunning, and that for this reason, inspired with a desire that his malignant intent should go forward, and incited thereunto by some of these countries who are endeavouring to sow that false doctrine here, in order to hinder and weaken the holy office of the inquisition, has procured his venomous errors and blasphemies to be translated and put into our Castilian tongue, and sent to be divulged and published in these kingdoms of his Majesty. We know that from small sparks a great fire may be kindled if in such matters as these, which are an offence against our Lord and a subversion of our holy catholic faith, the right remedy be not employed in time, and that especially when some communities of these kingdoms are in a disturbed state, so great scandals and innovations may be caused and kindled that it would be difficult afterwards to extinguish them. Therefore, for the remedy of these evils, these governors, grandees, prelates, and cavaliers, zealous for the holy catholic faith and the service and honour of his Imperial Majesty, beg your lordship, whom they have elected for this purpose as a champion of Christ, a zealous supporter of his honour and that of his vicar, as a man of illustrious name and very acceptable to his Imperial Majesty, to make a relation to him of all that has been said above and of what else may seem to you to be to the purpose. You will beg him, in your own name and in the name of us, these Lords, that being a most Christian Prince and Emperor, the catholic King, our Lord, protector and defender of the Roman church our mother, and following the footsteps of his glorious forefathers of immortal memory, he would cause to be favoured and show favour to the holy catholic faith and Roman church, and take measures and concert remedies in such a manner that these damnable and diabolical subtilties and perverse opinions may cease and be extirpated, and that so great a pestilence be not only prevented from entering these his kingdoms and dominions of Spain, but also may entirely cease and be extirpated in Germany and those northern parts ; so that the indivisible robe of our Redeemer may remain as it has ever been, entire and uncorrupt through the power of his imperial Majesty. Moreover, he should command Martin Luther to be chastised as a perverse heresiarch, together with all the abettors, followers, and adherents of that damnable sect. And to this end his imperial Majesty ought to command that all the necessary letters and provisions be despatched, in order that all that is necessary be carried out to full effect, according as it may seem best to your lordship. And may it especially be provided that no one shall dare, under the heaviest penalties, to introduce into Spain, or to hear read, or to read, the damnable writings of the above named sect. And may the same be also prohibited in the other countries and dominions which his Majesty there possesses. And may letters be written and all the princes and potentates of the neighbouring states, where this great pestilence has entered or may enter, be persuaded to flee from it and not to accept or tolerate it in any way.
Item. The said governors, grandees, prelates, and cavaliers beg it as a favour of your Lordship, in order that the above stated may be better fulfilled and executed, to unite with the nuncios and ambassadors of his Holiness, and with other lords of this nation who are staying at the court of his Majesty, and conjointly with all of them to beg him in the name of all these kingdoms of Spain that he would be pleased to remedy the above, and to extirpate this abominable heresy ; because it seems to them that it would be a great reproach to his Majesty if at the beginning of his most happy reign, his Majesty, being so catholic a prince, and so zealous in the service of God, and our Lord having given him so many and such great and powerful kingdoms and dominions, he should permit so great a schism in the church of God to be made by the hand of such a mean, obstinate, and devilish (fn. 1) person.
Over and above this your lordship will speak with the cardinals, Princes Electors, and grandees, who are staying with his Majesty, at his court and in those countries and provinces, in order that all may unite together and show favour and lend aid for this purpose. With respect to this, your Lordship will say and do whatever may seem best for the good furtherance of this matter, and the service of God our Lord, and the preservation of our holy catholic faith. You will use in it all the industry and diligence which has always been known to proceed from your singular zeal, and which may be expected and hoped from it.
Given at Tordesillas, 12th of April 1521.
A. Cardinal of Tortosa. The Admiral.
13th April. 88. The President And Council Of State to the Emperor Charles.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Castilla. Legajo 9. f. 1. Autograph.]
A Su Magestad. de presidente y los del consejo. xiij de abril 1521.
Sacra cesarea y Catholica magestad.
por breves del nuestro muy Sancto padre y cartas del cardenal de tortosa governador destos Reynos y de otras partes avemos entendido los errores y eregias que martin luter aleman a levantado contra nuestra Sancta fe Catholica y avemos sabido el gran sentimiento que V. Mt. hizo luego que esto vino a su noticia y con quanto cuydado y diligencia mando entender en el rremedio dello, y porque somos certificados que todo lo que V. A. hizo y lo que su Santidad contra este erege proveyo y mando no a bastado fasta agora para le apartar de sus errores y heregia antes ha tenido y tiene algunos que le siguen y favorecen, de que nuestro Señor dios es muy deservido y su Santa yglesia muy ofendida acordamos de escrivir a V. Mt. cerca dello. no porque no tengamos entera confiança y certenidad que V. Mt. deve continuamente entender en estirpar estos errores y eregia y defender nuestra Sancta fe y la Sede apostolica y al vicario de Christo, pero por cunplir con dios y con V. A. y con la obligacion que como Christianos tenemos a la defension de su fe traeremos a la memoria de V. Mt. la que el tiene como rrey Catolico de esta nuestra españa y despues como enperador de Alemaña, porque dexando aparte lo que V. A. como principe Christiano es tenudo (fn. 2) a hazer en semejante caso por defension de la fe en el castigo deste malvado herege es tanbien muy grande la obligacion que a ello tiene como rrey y Señor destos rreynos y sucesor en ellos como nieto de aquellos gloriosos y Catholicos Reyes don fernando y doña ysabel vuestros aguelos que como V. Mt. sabe desde el principio de su bienaventurado rreynado con gran estudio se desvelaron en el castigo de los ereges y en desarraygar de sus rreynos toda especie de heregia ynstituyendo para ello el oficio de la Sancta ynquisicion y porque la bivienda de los moros y judios que avia en Castilla no pervertiese la yntincion de los verdaderos Christianos ni rrecibiesen perjuizio de su dañada conversacion mandaron echar y echaron Sus Altezas a todos los moros y judios de Castilla aviendo por bien de perder mucha parte de sus rentas rreales por acrecentar nuestra Sancta fe y apartar todo lo que podia ser estorvo del servicio de dios. y asy nuestro Señor por tan señalados servicios y tan Sancta y derecha yntincion y obras tan catolicas ensancho sus rreynos y Señorios y les dio sienpre vitoria contra sus adversarios y fue cabsa que vuestra Real sucesion fuese tan poderosa y de tantos Reynos como V. Mt. posee. y este enxenplo y espiriencia deve mover las entrañas de V. A. a dolerse desta eregia y no consentir que en tiempo de su Sacro ynperio prevalezca y tener firme esperança que si este pestifero luter (fn. 3) ... ario de Christo es por vuestra mano castigado tomara dios la defension de ... ... pacific ... constituyra vuestra rreal persona en mas poderoso estado y le enseñara ... fe y devocion que los otros enparadores ... mente ha succedido tuvieron a la Sede apostolica y co ... ues que el Sacro imperio fue transferido de grecia ... los alemanes y emperadores vuestros predecessores an sido y fueron verdaderos abogados y defensores de la Sancta madre yglesia de rroma y persiguidores de los ereges. y desto dan testimonio las leyes y Sacras constituciones por ellos fechas en favor de la libertad eclesiastica y espulsion y castigo de los ereges y la mucha sangre que los alemanes derramaron por estirpar la eregia de bohemia. pues doblada es y mucho mayor la obligacion que V. Mt. tiene al castigo deste erege pues teneis Señor origen y descendencia no solo destos ynvencissimos enperadores mas de aquellos rreyes Catolicos cuyo inperio y Reynos y Señorios juntamente y en tan tierna edad poseeys. y no syn gran cabsa y misterio prepuso dios a V. Mt. en tan alto trono sino porque fuesedes mas poderoso para defension de su yglesia y castigo de los ereges. y asy suplicamos a V. Mt. que demas de mandar cunplir en todo lo que Su Santidad ha declarado y proveydo y mandado contra este Martino luter erege y sus faborecedores y sequaces mande que la velicosa y Christiana gente alemana de vuestro inperio se levante y mueva poderosamente y con mano armada a prender este erege y entergarle preso a nuestro muy Sancto padre con todos sus libros y escripturas ereticas para que Su Santidad mande hesecutar lo que contra el tiene determinado. y no dexe V. Mt. de gastar en la prosecucion desto su patrimonio rreal pues sera cabsa de lo acrecentar y alargar la vida tenporal y asegurar la eterna a V. Mt. y porque esta eregia no se estienda a estos vuestros rreynos entre otras provisiones que para ello se haran se han dado en el consejo cartas de Vuestra Mt. para todo el rreyno proybiendo con grandes penas que ninguna persona venda ni tenga ni lea ni predique los libros deste erege ni trate de sus herrores ni eregias publica ny secretamente. y de la execucion desto se tendra entero cuydado como cosa que tanto ymporta al servicio de dios y de V. Mt. y bien destos vuestros Reynos. Nuestro Señor la vida y muy poderoso estado de V. A. acresciente con mas Reynos y Señorios. de burgos xiij de Abril 1521.
Archiep~s. granatĩs. licenciatus Çapata. licenciatus de Santiago. don alonso de Castilla. doctor Cabrero. lictus. de qualla. el doctor beltran. Doctor guevara.
[Sobre :] A la S. C. R. C. Mt. el enperador nuestro Señor.
88. To his Majesty. From the president and the members of the Council. 13th of April, 1521.
Sacred, imperial, and catholic Majesty,
Through briefs of our most Holy Father, and letters from the Cardinal of Tortosa, governor of these kingdoms, and from other persons, we have heard of the errors and heresies which Martin Luther, a German, has raised against our holy catholic faith, and we have heard of the great grief felt by your Majesty as soon as this matter came to your notice, and with how much care and diligence you commanded that a remedy should be found for it. Because we are informed that all which your Highness did, and all which his Holiness commanded and provided, against this heretic, was not sufficient to turn him from his errors and heresies, but, on the contrary, that he has found and still has some followers and protectors, by which our Lord God is greatly injured, and his holy Church much offended, we have agreed to write to your Majesty concerning this matter. Not that we have not entire confidence and certainty that your Majesty will constantly endeavour to extirpate these errors and heresy, and defend our holy faith and the Apostolic See, and the Vicar of Christ, but, in order to fulfil our duty towards God and your Highness, and because of the obligation we are under as Christians to defend the faith, we remind your Majesty of what is due from you, the catholic King of this our Spain, and the Emperor of Germany. For, not to mention what your Highness is bound to do, as a Christian prince, in such a case for the defence of the faith and the punishment of this wicked heretic, very great is your obligation as king and lord of these kingdoms, and successor and grandson of those glorious and catholic King and Queen, Don Ferdinand and Doña Isabel, your ancestors, who, as your Majesty knows, from the beginning of their most happy reign, with great diligence applied themselves to the chastisement of heretics, and the rooting out of all kinds of heresy from their kingdoms, instituting to this end the office of the Holy Inquisition. And in order that the mode of life of the Moors and Jews who were in Castile should not pervert the minds of the true Christians, and that they should not receive injury from their damnable conversation, their Highnesses commanded that all the Moors and Jews should be driven away, and drove them out of Castile, consenting to lose a large portion of their royal revenues in order to increase our holy faith, and to put away all that might be a hindrance to the service of God.
Wherefore our Lord, as a reward for such signal services and such holy and right intentions and such catholic works, extended their kingdoms and dominions, and always gave them victory over their enemies. This was the cause why your royal succession was so powerful, and why you have so many kingdoms as you possess. This example and experience ought to stir the bowels of your Majesty to grieve over this heresy, and not to allow it to prevail in the time of your sacred empire, and to have a firm hope that if this pestiferous Luther (fn. 4) ... of Christ is chastised by your hand, God will take the defence of ... peaceful ... institute your royal person in more powerful state and will teach you ... faith and devotion that the other Emperors ... has taken place, they had at the Apostolic See and ... that the holy empire was transferred from Greece ... the Germans and the Emperors your predecessors have been and were true advocates and defenders of our holy mother, the church of Rome, and persecutors of heretics. Of this proof is given by the laws and sacred constitutions which were made by them in favour of ecclesiastical liberty, the repression and punishment of heretics, and the quantity of blood shed by the Germans to extirpate heresy out of Bohemia. The obligation under which your Majesty lies to chastise this heretic is doubled and rendered much greater as you have your origin and descent, not only from these invincible Emperors, but also from the catholic king and queen whose empire and kingdoms and seignories jointly and at such a tender age you possess. Not without great and mysterious cause has God raised your Majesty to so great a throne, but that you might be more powerful for the defence of his church and the punishment of heretics. Therefore we supplicate your Majesty that, besides commanding that everything should be done which his Holiness has declared and provided and commanded against this heretic, Martin Luther, his abettors and followers, you should command that the warlike and christian German people of your empire should rise and be powerfully moved, and with arms in their hand take this heretic, and deliver him up to our most holy Father, with all his books and heretical writings, in order that his Holiness may command that to be executed against him which he has determined upon. And let not your Majesty hesitate to spend your royal patrimony in the prosecution of this, since it will be the means of increasing your temporal and of assuring to your Majesty eternal life. In order that this heresy may not extend to these your kingdoms, amongst other provisions which will be made to that end, letters have been issued in the name of your Majesty by the council, prohibiting throughout the kingdom, under great penalties, that any one shall sell or keep, or read or preach from the books of this heretic, or speak of his errors and heresies, publicly or secretly. The greatest care will be taken in the execution of this mandate, as a matter which greatly concerns the service of God and your Majesty, and the welfare of these your kingdoms. May the Lord protect the life and increase the very powerful state of your Majesty with many more kingdoms and seignories.
From Burgos, 13th of April, 1521.
The Archbishop of Granada. Licentiate Zapata. Licentiate de Santiago. Don Alonso de Castilla. Doctor Cabrero. Licentiate de Qualla. Doctor Beltran. Doctor Guevara.
[Addressed :] To his sacred, imperial, royal, and catholic majesty, the Emperor, our lord.
14th April. 89. The Bishop Of Oviedo to the Emperor Charles.
[Simancas. Estado. Castilla. Legajo 9. f. 2. Autograph.]
A Su Mt. del obispo de Oviedo xiiij de Abril 1521.
S. Cesa. Rl. Mat.
los governadores grandes y cavalleros que aqui estan en servicio de V. R. Mat. me encomendaron que por que de los prelados del Reyno aqui no resydia otro que yo que en nonbre de los otros absentes y mio suplicase a V. R. Mat. lo mesmo que ellos le enbian supplicar cerca de la extirpacion de la pestifera seta de Martino lutero, y aunque seyendo la causa de la calidad que es, toda supplicacion para con V[uest]ra Cesarea Mat. deve ser escusada teniendo segun que todos tenemos por cierto que lo mandara remediar como de Su Christianissima e rreal consciencia se espera, pero por complir lo que me fue encomendado y hazer lo que los eclesiasticos devemos a la defensyon y conservacion de la fee catholica e a la reverencia e obediencia de Nuestro Señor el papa e de su Sancta sede apostolica, con la mayor afficion y devocion que puedo y devo en nonbre de todos los prelados destos sus Reynos e myo muy humilmente suplico a V. R. Mat. que como Christianissimo emperador Rey Catholico y Señor protector y defensor de la yglesya Catholica procure y mande echar de todos sus Reynos e Señorios setemptrionales tan detestable abominacion, e no permita ni de lugar que pase a nuestra Region occidental a ynficionar estos sus Reynos e Señorios de españa. constame Christianisimo muy poderoso Señor por letras y mensajeros la voluntad y voto de los prelados de españa muy humiles e devotos servidores de V. A. ser conformes con esta mi suplicacion, y por esto lo oso afirmar y suplicar en nonbre de todos e mio. en lo qual demas de hazer Va. Cesa. Mt. lo que tan Christianissimo e Catholico emperador Rey e Señor deve e del se espera todos lo Recibiremos en muy crescida e señalada merced y beneficio. y por ello con la Reverencia que devemos muy humilmente besamos Sus Cesareos y Reales pies y manos. conserve y ensalce Nuestro Señor la vida Cesareo y Real estado de V. Md. tan luenga y prosperamente como desea. de Tordesyllas a xiiij de Abril 1521.
de V. S. Cesarea Mtat. muy humil e devotissimo siervo y capellan que Sus Cesareos Reales pies y manos muy humilmente besa.
el obyspo de ovyedo.
[Sobre :] A la S. Cesa. Cathoca. Mtat. Xpianissimo enperador semper Augusto Rey de las Spañas nuestro Soberano Se or.
89. To his Majesty. From the Bishop of Oviedo. 14th of April 1521.
Sacred, imperial, and royal Majesty,
The governors, grandees, and cavaliers, who are here in the service of your royal Majesty, have requested me, as no other prelates of the kingdom reside here except myself, that in the name of the others who are absent, and in my own name, I should supplicate from your royal Majesty the same things that they have sent to entreat from you respecting the extirpation of the pestilent sect of Martin Luther. Although the matter is of the kind that all supplications with respect to it made to your imperial Majesty are superfluous, as we all of us hold it for certain that you will provide a remedy for it, as is to be expected from your most christian and royal conscience, yet in order to fulfil that which was commended to me, and to do that which as ecclesiastics we ought for the defence and preservation of the Catholic faith, and the reverence and obedience due to our Lord, the Pope and his holy apostolic see, with the greatest affection and devotion which I ought and can feel, and in the name of all the prelates of these your kingdoms and in my own name, I very humbly pray your Majesty that as most Christian Emperor, Catholic King and lord, and defender of the Catholic Church, you would procure and command so detestable an abomination to be driven out of all your northern kingdoms and seignories, and not permit or give occasion that it should pass into our western regions to infect these your kingdoms and seignories of Spain Most Christian and very powerful Lord, I know from letters and messengers that the will and desire of the prelates of Spain, who are very humble and devoted servants of your Highness, are in accord with this my supplication, and I therefore venture to affirm and proffer it in the name of all of them and in my own. Your imperial Majesty is not only bound to do it, as is expected from you as a most Christian and Catholic Emperor, King, and lord, but we shall all receive it as a very great and most signal favour and benefit ; and for this cause, with the reverence due from us, we very humbly kiss your imperial and royal feet and hands. May our Lord preserve and exalt the life and imperial and royal state of your Majesty as long and prosperously as you desire.
From Tordesillas, the 14th of April 1521.
Imperial Majesty, your most humble and devoted servant and chaplain very humbly kisses your imperial and royal feet and hands.
The Bishop of Oviedo.
[Addressed :] To his Imperial and Catholic Majesty, the most Christian and august Emperor, the King of Spain our Sovereign lord.


  • 1. luciferina.
  • 2. Sic.
  • 3. Los puntos indican roturas en el original.
  • 4. Paper gone.