Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.
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'Queen Juana: 1522', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online [accessed 7 February 2025].
'Queen Juana: 1522', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025,
"Queen Juana: 1522". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025.
1522. 25th January. |
96. The Marquis Of Denia to the Emperor Charles. [Archivo General de Simancas. Patronato Real. Comunidades de Castilla. Legajo 5. f. 293. Autograph. The deciphering is by the Secretary of State Covos.] A su Magd. del Marques de Denia. a xxv. de Enero. Sacra Cesarea Catta. Magt. tres cartas de V. mt. he Recibido a que no he respondido una de xxvj y otra de xxvij de Julio y otra de xxvj de Setienbre y otra para que se derribase la fortaleça desta villa. sea nuestro Señor loado que V. Mt. esta con la salud que sus rreynos y vassallos desseamos. asy sea sienpre. la Reyna Nuestra Señora esta de su indispusicion como suele y aun pareceme que cada dia sele acrecienta. de lo demas asy de bestirse como de linpiarse esta mas hordenada que nunca. (fn. 1) muchas vezes me habla Su Alt. para que haga llamar grandes e que quiere hablallos y saber de las cosas del Reyno e entender en ellas. yo le he dicho que estan todos ocupados en cosas que conviene a servicio de Su Alteza y de V[uest]ra Magt. y que no pueden venir, que quando yo viere que estan desocupados los llamare de su parte. algunas vezes se satisfaze y otras riñe porque no vienen luego. en esto yo terne toda la dilacion y buena maña que conviene a v[uest]ro servicio pero crea V[uest]ra Magt. que quedo tan mal vezada de las platicas que aqui con Su Alteza tuvieron despues que entramos en esta villa y tan ufana de los ofrecimientos que le hazian que no esta onbre syn mucho trabajo. y asy por apartar a Su Alt. desta vezindad como porque este lugar no ha sydo ni es tan leal a vuestro servicio como devria yo he sydo y soy de parecer que V[uest]ra Magt. mandase determinadamente que Su Alt. se fuese a arevalo porque es buen lugar y fuerte y han sydo buenos servidores de V[uest]ra Magt. y segund las cosas que han pasado en este rreyno y las que pasarian si oviese lugar, lo que dios no quiera, no se deve esto dilatar. y tenga V[uest]ra magt. por determinado que no se puede hazer con voluntad de Su Alt. porque quien no tiene voluntad para hazer ninguna cosa de las que convienen a su vida ni a su alma syno al reves no se como la ha de tener para esto. y en verdad que hazerle V[uest]ra mt. premia en muchas cosas serviria a dios, y a Su Alteza haria servicio y muy buena obra porque las personas que estan en su dispusicion asy lo quieren. ya la Reyna su ahuela asy le sirvio y trato la Reyna Nuestra Señora su hija. V[uest]ra Magestad haga lo que le pareciere que aquello sera lo mejor. (fn. 3) la manera que me parece que se devria tener para la mudança de Su Alteza daqui es probar por todos los buenos medios que pudiere ser para que Su Alt. lo haga de su voluntad y quando no bastare que veniese el presydente del consejo con mandamiento de V[uest]ra Magt. para toda la gente que aqui esta. y que tome a Su Alt. y la ponga en una leytera a prima noche y que ande sin parar hasta arevalo. y digo que venga el presidente porque se que hara esto y todo lo que V[uest]ra Magt. le mandare al pie de la letra. y con el devrian venir dos o tres del consejo porque pareciese que se hazia con parecer del consejo y de todo el Reyno. y esto yo lo terne aparejado todo, pero haviendo yo de estar en servicio de Su Alteza no convernia que yo pareciese en esto porque quedaria en mucho desgrado de Su Alt. y crea V. Mt. que conviene que esto se haga porque las cosas deste Reyno estan oy con tan mala voluntad como quando la ponian en obra. y siempre que puedan hablar a Su Alt. hallaran aparejo para hazer mayores yerros y por esto V[uest]ra Magestad deve procurar y querer que Su Al. este en parte donde este muy bien servida y a muy buen recabdo y apartada destos inconvenientes y de otros muchos que puede aver que aun no se deven fiar de carta puesto que sea en cifra. (fn. 5) la noche de Navidad estando diziendo los maitines en la capilla salio a buscar a la Señora infante que los estava oyendo y començo a dar bozes que se quitase el altar y todo lo que estava puesto. tornamos a Su Alt. con el acatamiento que era razon y con harto trabajo. y asimismo muchas vezes se pone a su corredor que sale al rio y llama a algunos para que le llamen la gente y capitanes que aqui estan para que maten a los unos y a los otros, asy que estando Su Alt. en esta dispusicion V. Mt. puede ver lo que conviene a su servicio y lo que pasamos los que aqui estamos. (fn. 5) el Cardenal y el Condestable y el almirante me han escripto sobre esta mudança de Su Alteza, yo les he respondido lo que me parece y que yo escrivo a V. Mt. la forma que se debe de tener. [Lo demas de la carta claro.] yo he hecho relacion a V. Mt. de todo lo que aqui pasa y de lo que conviene para servicio de Su Alt. y de V[uest]ra Mt. y de la Señora ynfante y de lo que se debe haser en el castigo y gratificacion de los desta casa. a esto no me ha respondido V[uest]ra Mt. ni he visto que lo aya mandado proveer. a V[uest]ra Mt. suplico que lo mande proveer por lo que conviene a su servicio. Arzeo despensero mayor de Su Alt. y Carquiçano rebolvieron todas las maldades desta casa e fueron causa que juan de padilla y los otros traydores viniesen aqui y un hijo de Carquiçano andava en todo esto con su padre que es ya onbre. soltaron y perdonaron a estos dos como tengo escripto a V. Mt. y dan cartas cada dia para que se torne a su hijo de Carquiçano el oficio de repostero de plata yo no las he cunplido por que se que este herro en las culpas de su padre y porque pareceria mal quel hijo del traydor tuviese oficio en esta casa aun quel no hubiese herrado quanto mas siendo culpado, que aun quando juan de padilla y los otros traydores estaban en Torrelobaton, el hera carcelero de los servidores de V. Mt. que alla prendian. V. Mt. mande en esto lo que se ha de hazer. asimesmo suplico a V. Mt. a mi me mande haser justicia de Arçeo y de Carquiçano porque pensando yo que ellos havian de ser castigados por las trayciones que hizieron en vuestro deservicio, no he hablado hasta agora en lo que a mi me toca, aunque esto toca a V[uest]ra Magt. pues por servir yo a V. Mt. hizieron ellos lo que hizieron. a V[uest]ra Mt. suplico los mande castigar conforme a justicia y que esta se vea en su consejo o por los alcaldes de su corte syn sospecha porque lo que aqui se hizo fue a voluntad de partes y no conforme a justicia. asymismo ya V[uest]ra Magt. sabe como embio a mandar a los governadores que no entendiesen en las cosas desta casa y lo que se ha seguido en algunas cosas por haver hecho lo contrario no ha sydo servicio de V. Mt. el almirante proveyo del oficio de despensero mayor a un criado suyo y el licenciado polanco procuro un oficio de aposentador para otro criado suyo e asy proveyeron otros oficios lo qual yo no he cunplido ni cunplire hasta que V. Mt. lo mande. en esta casa no devria aver syno criados de V. Mt. e muy leales e gratificados de vuestra propia mano y no de otra ninguna, y quando criados de otros hubiese de aver mas razon seria que los mios lo fuesen asy por la confiança que V. Mt. hase de mi en servirse de mi en esto como por lo que yo y ellos avemos trabajado y padecido por vuestro servicio. a V. Mt. suplico no sea servido que criados de otros entren aqui que demas de que yo recibiria agravio recebirleya mayor porque no conviene a servicio de V. Mt. agora he sabido que los governadores han dado cedulas para los oficiales de la casa, pasen y asienten las albalaes que dieron de los oficios que proveyeron el Cardenal y el Almirante aqui no enbargante que yo no los admita aviendoles yo mostrado las letras de V. Mt. en que me mando a mi que en lugar de aquellos pusiese otros en los oficios necesarios para el servicio de Su Alteza, y abiendolo yo hecho asy e V. Mt. mandado a ellos que no se enpachen en cosa daqui suplico a V[uest]ra Mt. mande enbiarme cedula en que mande a los dichos oficiales que no asienten los tales albalaes y cedulas no enbargante que los governadores ge lo manden, y si las ubieren asentado se den por ningunas y no sean pagadas ni libradas aquellas personas ni admitidas en los tales oficios. y crea V. Mt. que asi en esto como en todo conviene que lo que mandare se cunpla al pie de la letra. sobre estas cedulas que dan o han dado ya enbie a hablar al Cardenal que se le acordase lo que V. Mt. les tiene mandado a ellos y a mi en esto. Respondio que no obedeciese yo en esto lo que ellos mandasen. pareceme que fuera mejor que ellos cunplieran el mandamiento de V. Mt. que no darme a mi ocasion para que yo no cunpla lo que ellos hasen, aunque yo me tenia por dicho de haserlo asy hasta que V. Mt. mande lo que sea servido. en lo que Vra Magt. dise que mi suplicacion sobre la encomienda de Monrreal para don hernando mi hermano llego tarde aca he sabido que V. Mt. hizo merced della al marques de villafranca y esta tengo yo por merced como si a my se me hiziera por que todas las que V. Mt. hiziere al duque dalva y a sus hijos syendo ellos tan leales servidores de V. Mt. es para mi muy gran merced. sobre otra encomienda para mi hermano he escripto a V. Mt. le haga mr~d della, y de la quel tiene a don hernando de tovar mi sobrino. y la verdad es que demas de aver muy bien servido con su persona ha gastado de su hazienda todo lo que tenia de manera quel pudiera aver conprado tanto de patrimonio como lo que pedia de por vida. en lo que a mi me toca V. Mt. lo remite a su buena venida a estos Reynos. la verdad es que esta conviene tanto que por la obligacion y voluntad que tengo a vuestro servicio con sola ella me ternia por gratificado y pagado de todo lo que he servido e gastado, pero pues esta se alarga con las ocupaciones que V[uest]ra Magt. alla tiene y se le ofrecen suplico a V[uest]ra Magt. no sea servido que yo acabe de destruyr mi casa porque en verdad que yo he dexado de casar a mi hija doña madalena porque lo que tenia para ello he gastado en servicio de V. Mt. con hartos mas dineros que he gastado y devo. los cinco quentos trecientos setenta y cinco mil mr~s que V. Mt. me mando librar en la coruña en el servicio que estos rreynos concedieron a V. Mt. tanpoco se me pagan porquel servicio no se paga. a V. Mt. suplico pues esta es deuda averiguada de descargo de las animas de los rreyes catolicos aguelos de V. Mt. que ayan gloria V. Mt. me lo mande librar en las rentas hordinarias destos Reynos en este año para que con esto yo pueda casar mi hija pues como tengo dicho lo que para esto tenya he gastado en servicio de V. Mt. la Señora ynfante esta buena y escrive a V. Mt. y en verdad que Su Alteza lo hase todo muy bien y como deve y si algo ha habido de falta mas ha procedido y procede de algunas personas que de Su Alteza. aca he sabido que a V. Mt. han escripto que la marquesa e yo no servimos y tratamos a Su Alteza con el acatamiento que devemos y sy esto fuese asy seria mayor culpa nuestra que en otras personas asy por la voluntad y obligacion que tenemos a su servicio como a hija y nieta de sus padres y aguelos como por ser hermana de V. Mt., y tambien porque segun lo que ha servimos a Reyes no podriamos desir que no sabemos la manera que se deve tener en su servicio. V. Mt. puede creer que havemos servido y servimos a Su Altesa en todo lo que es vuestro servicio y suyo y si algo se ha dexado o dexa de haser en contentamiento de Su Alt. ha sydo por servir mas a V[uest]ra Mt. y a su Alteza. y asy espero en dios que quando Su Alteza tenga mas hedad lo conocera y desto yo no quiero otra merced de nuestro Señor syno que Su Alteza sea en todo hija y nieta de sus padres y aguelos y hermana de V. Mt. quando el año pasado se hizo el apuntamiento para librar las cosas necesarias desta casa, señalaban dos mil ducados para Su Alteza, yo dixe que bastarian mil ducados y asy se libraron el dicho año. Su Alteza dios la guarde esta ya muger y es rason que V. Mt. le acreciente la merced y ayuda y que Su Alteza y todos conozcamos que la mr~d se recibe de mano de Vt. Magt. el respeto que yo tuve estonces fue que la mr~d y acrecentamiento que en esto ubiese de aver fuese de mano de V[uest]ra Mt. sera bien que V[uest]ra Mt. si fuere servido le mande acrecentar a cumplimiento de dos mil ducados por agora hasta que en buen hora V[uest]ra Magt. venga a estos sus rreynos diziendole come V[uest]ra Magt. ha sabido por mis cartas la buena manera que tiene asy en lo que conviene al servicio de V[uest]ra Magt. como en lo que toca a su persona de que Vra Magt. tiene mucho contentamiento y que asy le ruega que siempre lo continue. Su Altesa ha sentido el fallecimyento del Rey de portugal por la perdida de la Señora Reyna su hermana y por que V. Mt. ha perdido buen hermano en el. ha enbiado Su Alt. al maestro fray Miguel que esta aqui por predicador en lugar de villegas a visytar a Su Alteza, y por los mismos repetos yo he sentido y siento mucho su fallecimiento y sino fuera por la ocupacion que aqui tengo en servicio de la Reyna nuestra Señora y de la Señora ynfante yo fuera a visytar y a servir a Su Altesa en su trabajo. V. Mt. deve procurar de conservar el deudo del Rey y de aquel Reyno porque para lo destos es mas provecheso que otro. yo encomende al maestro fray Miguel que supiese por todas las vias que pudiese sy avia alguna inteligencia en portugal de francia y las personas que estan cabe el Rey y quien son y a que parte estan ynclinadas, y que todo lo que supiese desto escriviese a V. Mt. y me lo escriviese para que yo lo escriviese tanbien. yo creo quel Rey procurara la buena gracia y amistad de V. Mt. porque le esta muy bien, pero V. Mt. deve de haser lo mesmo. la fortaleza daqui se avia derribado quando la carta de V. Mt. llego y porque yo sabia que esto estava mandado muchos años ha y porque convenia asi a servicio de V. Mt. yo lo ubiera hecho antes si los governadores me ubieran dexado. pero ella esta ya como conviene y por cedula de los governadores. aqui me han dado una cedula de V. Mt. en que manda que se reciba por capellan de la Reyna nuestra Señora un vecino daqui. aqui ha habido pocos que hayan sido buenos servidores y este no ha sido dellos y es muy moço y de poca autoridad que aun para moço de capilla no es. obedeci (fn. 9) la cedula de V[uest]ra Mt. y no la he cunplido por esto, y porque demas desto podrianse agraviar los que han servido mas que el y sus deudos de ver que ellos no reciben merced y la reciben los que no han servido. V. Mt. mande en esto lo que es servido que yo soy obligado a desirle lo que conviene a su servicio y cunplir lo que V. Mt. mandare. aca he sabido de cierta traycion que diz que en la cocina de V. Mt. se queria haser. todos damos gracias a nuestro Señor porque no ubo efecto lo que los malvados querian, y pues V[uest]ra Magt. tiene tantas causas para dargelas no solo por los rreynos que le dio mas por dalle tanta virtud y prudencia use V. Mt. della escogiendo y eligiendo buenas personas para su servicio, que sy asy lo haze no solo en la vida mas en el estado se le parecera. plega a nuestro Señor que lo guie todo como V[uest]ra Mt. desea. aca se han hecho y hasen muchisimas capitanias de onbres darmas. suplico a V[uest]ra Magt. sea servido que lo que se monta en los cient estradiotes de mi capitania se hagan de onbres darmas y demas desto que de las otras conpañias se saquen algunas lanças para que se cunpla a numero de ciento, pues esta ha de estar y esta aqui con la rreyna nuestra Señora. y tambien suplico a V[uest]ra Magt. enbie a mandar a los governadores que no remueban la gente questa aqui que son cient lanças y noventa escopetas y ciento cinquenta soldados de la conpañia de vernaldino de Carvajal y que toda esta gente sea bien pagada, que en verdad hasta agora no lo es y yo paso gran trabajo con ellos. esta cedula se me enbie a mi para que yo la enbie a los governadores. sabido he lo que ha subcedido en el ducado de Milan en fabor de V. Mt. y asimesmo se dise que V. Mt. ha tomado a Tonay y hecho mucho daño en otros lugares de francia. doy muchas gracias a nuestro Señor por ello y plegale que en todo de bitoria a V. Mt. y pues V. Mt. ha hecho tantos cunplimientos con el Rey de francia quantos se deven haser antes que se comiense a haser guerra de Christianos y el es y ha sido sienpre tan perturbador de la paz, apriete V. Mt. lo que tiene començado de manera que parezca la diferencia que ay de vuestro estado al suyo, que yo espero en nuestro Señor quel ayudara a V. Mt. yo tengo un sobrino clerigo hijo de mi hermana dona elvira de Rojas. suplico a V. Mt. me haga mr~d de recebille por su capellan. V. Mt. hizo merced a pedro de Arayz mi criado del oficio de repostero de plata de la Señora ynfante y el albala se despacho en la coruña en blanco para hinchir la quitacion e llevo la covos. este es oficio necesario y no se puede sostener el que le sirve sin quitacion. Suplico a V[uest]ra Magt. mande despachallo conforme a los que se da a los de la Reyna nuestra Señora, y porque don hernando de tovar mi sobrino hablara y suplicara a V. Mt. de mi parte algunas cosas suplico a V. Mt. le mande oyr y creer. Ruego a nuestro Señor guarde vuestra Cesarea y Catolica Mt. con acrecentamiento de Su Real corona bienaventuradamente. de tordesyllas a xxv de enero 1522. de vuestra Cesarea Magestad umil syervo y vassallo que sus Reales manos veso. el marques. [Sobre :] A la Cesarea Sacra Catolica magt del enperador y rrey de rromanos y despaña de las dos Secilias de Jerusalen nuestro Senor, etc. |
(Translation) 96. To his Majesty. From the Marquis of Denia. 25th of January. Sacred, imperial, and catholic Majesty, I received three letters from your Majesty which I have not yet answered, one of the 26th, another of the 27th of July, and the third of the 26th of September, besides another commanding that the fortress of this place be demolished. Our Lord be praised that your Majesty enjoys the health which your kingdoms and vassals desire. Be it always so. The indisposition of the Queen is the same as usual, although it seems to me that it daily increases. As for the rest, concerning her dressing and keeping herself clean, she is more orderly than ever. [Cipher]. Her Highness speaks often with me, and tells me to call the grandees into her presence, because she wants to speak with them, and to be informed of the affairs of the kingdom and despatch them. I answered that they are all occupied in affairs which concern the service of her Highness and of your Majesty, and that they cannot come. As soon as I should learn that they are unoccupied, I would ask them in her name to come. Sometimes she is satisfied, but at other times she scolds because they do not come immediately. In this respect I shall use all the delay and artfulness which your service requires. But your Majesty may believe me she is so much spoilt by the conversations which they (fn. 2) had with her Highness since we came to this place, and so haughty in consequence of the offers which were made to her, that there is no man who has not great difficulty with her. In order to remove her Highness from this neighbourhood, and because this town has not been so faithful to your service as it ought, I have been and am of opinion that your Majesty should command peremptorily that her Highness should go to Arevalo, which is a good town, strongly fortified, and they have been loyal servants of your Majesty. Considering what has happened in this kingdom, and would happen again if any occasion offered, which God forbid, this affair ought not to be delayed, and your Majesty may take it for granted that it cannot be done with the consent of her Highness. For as she refuses to do anything required for her life and her soul, and does exactly the contrary, I do not know how she can consent to this. In truth, if your Majesty would apply the torture (fn. 4) it would in many respects be a service and a good thing rendered to God and to her Highness. Persons who are in her frame of mind require it, and the Queen your grandmother served and treated in this way the Queen our lady, her daughter. Your Majesty may do what seems best in this case. The manner in which the removal of her Highness from here should be effected seems to me to be this. First, all means of persuasion ought to be employed in order to see whether her Highness would not do it of her own will, and if that does not suffice the President of the council ought to come with an order from your Majesty to all the persons who are here. He is to take her Highness, to put her by night into a litter, and to carry her without stopping to Arevalo. I say the President, because I know that he would do this and anything else your Majesty may command au pied de la lettre. Two or three councillors should also come with him, that it may seem as though it were done with the consent of the whole council and the whole kingdom. I shall keep everything ready, but as I am to remain in the service of her Highness it would be inconvenient for me to take part openly in this affair, because I should thus be much disliked by her Highness. Your Majesty may believe me that this ought to be done, for the disposition of this kingdom is now as bad as it was when they showed it by their deeds, and whenever they have opportunity to speak with her Highness they will find means to commit greater errors. For these reasons your Majesty ought to procure and to wish that her Highness live in a place where she is very well attended and very well watched, and out of the way of these and many other inconveniences which might arise. Even now one ought not to confide in a letter, notwithstanding it be written in cipher. On Christmas eve, when matins were celebrated in the chapel she came out [of her room], took away the señora Infanta, who was hearing them, and cried out that the altar and all that had been erected should be taken away. We led her Highness back with all courtesy, but with great difficulty. Sometimes she goes to her corridor which has the river aspect, and calls upon some people to go and fetch the soldiers and the captains who are here that they might kill one or the other. Her Highness being in this condition your Majesty can judge for yourself what is convenient for your service and what we suffer who are here. The Cardinal, the Constable, and the Admiral have written to me about the removal of her Highness. I have answered what I think is right, and told them that I am writing to your Majesty about the measures which ought to be used. [Common writing.] I have reported to your Majesty all that passes here and all that the service of her Highness, of your Majesty, and of the señora Infanta requires ; and also about the punishments and rewards of those who are employed in this household. To that letter your Majesty has sent me no answer, nor do I know what you have commanded. I beseech your Majesty to command that orders for what is required for your service be given. Arzeo, the chief butler of her Highness, and Carquizano, stirred up all the disturbances of this house, and were the instigators of the coming of Juan de Padilla and the other traitors, and a son of Carquizano, who is already grown up, took part in all that his father did. They set the two at liberty, as I have already written to your Majesty, and write letters every day that the son of Carquizano may be restored to his place of keeper of the plate. I have not obeyed them because I know that he committed the same offences as his father, and it would not appear well if the son of a traitor held an office in this household, even if he had not committed any fault, and how much more so being guilty of having been the jailor of the servants of your Majesty who had been taken prisoners when Juan de Padilla and the other traitors were in Torre Lobaton. Your Majesty will command what is to be done in this matter. I likewise beseech your Majesty to command me to punish Arzeo and Carquizano. Believing that they were to be punished for the treasons they had committed against you, I did not speak until now of what regards me, although that also concerns your Majesty. For what they did was done because I served your Majesty. I beseech your Majesty to order that they be punished according to law, and that the case be decided either by your council or by the alcaldes of your court without partiality. For the decision which has been come to here has been an arbitrary one of partisans, and not according to law. Your Majesty will remember that you have ordered the governors not to meddle in the affairs of this household, and the consequences of some contraventions are not favourable to the service of your Majesty. The admiral has given the place of chief butler to a servant of his, and the licentiate Polanco procured the place of butler for one of his servants, and in a similar way other offices have been given away. I have paid no respect to these nominations, nor shall I do so until your Majesty gives your orders. In this house there ought to be only servants of your Majesty, very trustworthy ones, rewarded by your own hands and by no one else. But if others are to be employed, it would be more just to employ my servants on account of the confidence which your Majesty has in me, as well as because I and they have laboured and suffered in doing our duty. I beseech your Majesty not to permit that servants of others enter this house, for not only should I be aggrieved thereby, but you also would be more so, as it is incompatible with the service of your Majesty. I have learnt now that the governors have given orders about the offices of this household. They despatch and register the letters patent concerning the offices which the cardinal and the admiral gave away when they were here, although I do not accept them as valid, having shown them the letters of your Majesty by which you command me to appoint others to the offices which are necessary for the service of her Highness. As I have done this, and as your Majesty has commanded them not to meddle in these affairs, I beg your Majesty to send me an order commanding the said officers not to register such letters patent, notwithstanding the orders of the governors, and if they have registered them to declare them null and void, and that the appointed persons shall not be paid or receive warrants, nor be admitted to their offices. Your Majesty may believe me that in this as in all other respects it is necessary that your commands be executed to the very letter. Concerning the decrees which they give or have given, I have already sent to the cardinal asking him to remember what your Majesty has commanded them and me. He answered that I should not obey what they order. It seems to me it would be better for them to obey the commands of your Majesty than to give me occasion to disobey what they decree, although I think I am right to do so until your Majesty decides what your servants are to do. Your Majesty informs me that my petition for the knight commandership of Monreal for my brother Don Hernando arrived late. I have learnt that your Majesty bestowed it on the Marquis of Villafranca, and have received it as a reward bestowed on myself. For every favour your Majesty shows to the Duke of Alba and his sons, who are such loyal servants of your Majesty, is a very great favour shown to myself. I have written to your Majesty about another knight commandership, begging you to give it to my brother, and that which he holds now to Don Hernando de Tovar, my nephew. It is only the truth to say that he has served very well with his person, and spent all the property he had with which he could have bought estates worth as much as what he now begs to have given him for life. With respect to myself your Majesty postpones your decision until your arrival in these kingdoms. It is true that it [the arrival] is so necessary that, owing to my obligations and the goodwill I bear to your service, I should consider myself rewarded and paid by it [the arrival] for all my services and expenses. As it [the arrival], however, is delayed by the occupations your Majesty has there and which occur, I beseech your Majesty not to permit that I entirely ruin my family. For it is the truth that I have not married my daughter Madalena because I have spent her marriage portion in the service of your Majesty, and much more money which I have spent and still owe. The five millions three hundred and seventy-five thousand maravedis (fn. 6) which your Majesty ordered to be paid to me in Coruña out of the grant which these kingdoms conceded to your Majesty are not paid to me because the grant is not paid. As they constitute a recognised debt for the relief of the souls of the catholic King and Queen, grandparents of your Majesty, who are in glory, I beg your Majesty to command that they be paid to me this year, out of the ordinary revenues of these kingdoms, so that I may marry my daughter, whose marriage portion, as I have stated, I have spent in the service of your Majesty. The señora Infanta is well, and writes to your Majesty. In truth she behaves in every respect very well and as she ought. If she has committed some errors it was and is more the fault of other persons than of her Highness. I have been told that letters have been written from here to your Majesty that the marchioness and I do not serve and treat her Highness with the respect which is due to her. If that were the case, it would be a greater fault in us than in other persons, on account of the goodwill and obligation we have to serve her, being the daughter and granddaughter of her parents and grandparents, and sister of your Majesty. Besides, having attended upon royal personages during so long a time, we cannot excuse ourselves with saying that we do not know how to behave in their service. Your Majesty may believe me, we have attended and are attending to her Highness in everything that is for your service and hers, and if in some respects her Highness has not been and is not satisfied with us, the reason has been that we wished the better to serve your Majesty and her Highness. I hope in God that when her Highness is of riper age she will acknowledge it herself, and I ask no other reward from our Lord, but that her Highness may be in every respect the daughter and granddaughter of her parents and grandparents, and the sister of your Majesty. When last year the estimate was made for the necessary expenses of this household, two thousand ducats were assigned to her Highness. I said that one thousand ducats were sufficient, and last year this sum only has been paid. Her Highness is, God be thanked, already a woman, and it is reasonable that your Majesty should increase her revenue and allowance. Her Highness and all here must know that she receives that favour at the hands of your Majesty. The reason which I then had was that the favour and the increase of it should come from the hand of your Majesty. It would be good, if your Majesty is pleased, to order that her allowance be now increased to the sum of two thousand ducats until the happy time when your Majesty comes to these your kingdoms, and to tell her that your Majesty has been informed through my letters of her good conduct with respect to the service of your Majesty as well as to her own person, and that your Majesty is well satisfied with her, and begs her thus to continue. Her Highness (fn. 7) has felt very much the death of the King of Portugal on account of the loss to the Queen her sister, and because your Majesty has lost in him a good brother. Her Highness has sent the maestro Fray Miguel, who is preacher here in the place of Villegas, to visit her Highness (fn. 8) For the same reasons I have been and am very sorry for his death, and if it were not for my occupations in the service of the Queen my lady and the señora Infanta, which detain me here, I should go and visit and serve her Highness in her troubles. Your Majesty ought to take measures to preserve relations with the King and with that kingdom, because it is more advantageous to these [kingdoms] than any other. I have recommended to the maestro Fray Miguel to ascertain by all means possible whether France entertains intelligence with Portugal, and who are the persons near the King, what their persuasions are, and towards which party they are inclined. [I have told him] to write all he can learn about this subject to your Majesty and to me, that I may write it also. I believe the King will seek to obtain the goodwill and friendship of your Majesty, because it suits him well, but your Majesty ought to do the same. The fortress was already demolished when the letter of your Majesty arrived. As I knew that it was ordered many years ago, and that it was suitable to the service of your Majesty, I should have done it earlier, if the governors had permitted it. But now it is already reduced to its proper state in consequence of an order of the governors. I have received a decree of your Majesty ordering that an inhabitant of this town be appointed chaplain of the Queen my lady. There are few here who have been loyal servants, and this one is not of their number. He is very young, has little authority, and would not be sufficient to fill the place of a boy of the chapel. I have [not] obeyed and carried out the order of your Majesty for these reasons, as well as because others who have served better than he and his relations would think themselves aggrieved if they learn that they receive no favours, whilst those receive them who have done no service. Your Majesty may order what is for your interest. Although I am obliged to tell you what is compatible with your service I shall do what your Majesty commands. We have been informed here of a certain treason which is said to have been intended in the kitchen of your Majesty. We all praise our Lord that what these diabolical people attempted was not carried into effect. As your Majesty has such good reason [to thank our Lord] not only for the kingdoms He gave you, but also for so much virtue and prudence, your Majesty ought to make use of it [your prudence] and select and choose good persons for your service. If you do so the effect will be visible not only in things which regard your life, but also in those of your states. May our Lord be pleased to ordain everything as your Majesty wishes. A great many companies of men-at-arms have been formed here. I beg your Majesty to be pleased to order that instead of one hundred light horse my company is to consist of the same number of men-at-arms, and, moreover, that a certain number of lances be draughted from the other companies in order to complete the number of one hundred, as it is now, and is to remain, with the Queen our lady. I likewise beseech your Majesty to command the governors not to relieve the garrison which is here, consisting of 100 lances, 90 sharpshooters, and 150 foot of the company of Bernardino de Carvajal. All these troops ought to be well paid, which, to tell the truth, has not been done hitherto, and I have had many difficulties with them. This order ought to be sent to me, that I may forward it to the governors. I have learnt the successes of your Majesty in the Duchy of Milan, and it is also said that your Majesty has taken Tournay, and done great injury to other towns in France. I have thanked our Lord much for it, and may He be pleased to give your Majesty victory everywhere, as your Majesty has made all the offers to the King of France which ought to be made before beginning war with Christians, and he is and always has been the disturber of peace. Your Majesty should continue with great energy what you have begun, so that the difference between you and him may become apparent. I hope in our Lord that He will help you. A nephew of mine, son of my sister Doña Elvira de Rojas, is a priest. I beg your Majesty to appoint him your chaplain. Your Majesty appointed my servant Pedro de Arayz keeper of the plate of the señora Infanta. In Coruña the letter patent was despatched in blank, and Covos took it with him to fill up the amount of the salary. The office is indispensable, and he who holds it cannot maintain himself without pay. I beseech your Majesty to command that [the letters patent] be despatched in the same form as those [of the servants] of the Queen our lady. My nephew, Don Hernando de Tovar, will speak with your Majesty, and ask you some things in my name. I beg your Majesty that he may be heard and credit given to him. I pray our Lord to guard your imperial and catholic Majesty, and increase your royal crown with many blessings. From Tordesillas, 25th of January 1522. Your Majesty's humble servant and vassal kisses your royal hands. The marquis. [Addressed :] To his imperial, sacred, and catholic Majesty, the Emperor and King of the Romans, of Spain, the two Sicilies, and Jerusalem, our lord, &c. |