Queen Juana: 1498

Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1868.

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'Queen Juana: 1498', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana, ed. G A Bergenroth( London, 1868), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp47-53 [accessed 20 January 2025].

'Queen Juana: 1498', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Edited by G A Bergenroth( London, 1868), British History Online, accessed January 20, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp47-53.

"Queen Juana: 1498". Calendar of State Papers, Spain: Supplement To Volumes 1 and 2, Queen Katherine; Intended Marriage of King Henry VII To Queen Juana. Ed. G A Bergenroth(London, 1868), , British History Online. Web. 20 January 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/spain/supp/vols1-2/pp47-53.


1498. August 1. The Sub-Prior of Santa Cruz to Ferdinand and Isabel The Catholic.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Patronato Real. Tratados con Inglaterra. Legajo 2. Holograph.]
A sus Al. del Sopõr de Santa Cruz.
Martes postrimero de Julio llegamos aqui : el jueves siguiente fablamos al Archiduque y despues al Archiduquessa. recibieronnos alegremente a lo que nos parescio. propuse a la Señora Archiduquesa la causa de mi venida. holgo mucho, esta tan gentil y tan fermosa y gorda y tan preñada que si V. Al. la viessen habrian consolacion. el viernes siguiente torne a hablar a Su Alteza y entre estas hablas mostro tener alguna turbacion por que de alla supo algunas cosas que se dixieron alla y por que en tal tiempo me parecio que era mas razon darle placer que enojo dixele que Su Alteza habia dexado en castilla tan buen nombre que nunqua se perderia por lo que de aqua se pudiesse decir quanto mas que si algo se decia no se decia sino a V. Al. en quien tenia tan buenos procuradores que no hacia falta su presencia escusandola con su tierna edad y poca experiencia y con el grande amor que le conocia todo lo deshacia delante de V. Al. estas mismas escusas pone por si y ahun por su marido que algo mas sosegada quedo. no le faltaban buenas razones para defender su causa que ansi los suyos della y ella dellos por no osar no han escrito mas largo hasta qui y esto baste por la segunda vista. doña marina manuel no esta aqui. enviele las saludes. para los otras menudencias no me parece que es buen tiempo agora. una cosa sepan Vuestras Altezas que aqua no dan de comer a hombre del mundo de manera que si Vuestras Altezas entienden que me tengo de detener aqua algun dia segund los gastos de aqua es menester me manden proveer que de mas de nuestra provision me dio el Rey de inglaterra en nobles cincuenta y tres ducados y todo ha sido menester.
Del Sop~or de Santa.
1. To their Highnesses from the Subprior of Santa Cruz.
We arrived here on Tuesday, the last day of July. The next Thursday we spoke with the Archduke, and after that with the Archduchess. They received us with joy, as it seemed. I stated to the Archduchess the subject of my mission. She was much pleased with it. She is very gentle, and so handsome and stout, and so much advanced in her pregnancy, that it would be a consolation for your Highnesses to see her. The following Friday I spoke again with her Highness, who, in the course of our conversation, was somewhat troubled because she had been informed from there (Spain) of several things that were said there of her. As, considering her condition, it seemed to me more reasonable to please than to cause her trouble. I said to her here, (fn. 1) especially as, if anything had been said, it was said only to your Highnesses, who are so good advocates of her that her presence was unnecessary. Her tender age, her want of experience, and her great love, of which you were aware, would excuse all before your Highnesses. She alleges the same excuses for herself and her husband. She is more composed. She is not in want of good reasons to defend her cause, which her servants have not written [when speaking] of her, or she [when speaking] of her servants, because they did not dare to be more explicit. This much for my second visit. Doña Marina Manuel is not here. I sent her your greetings. For the other small matters the time is not yet come. One thing your Highnesses ought to know ; they do not give here anything to eat to any person in the world, so that if it is the intention of your Highnesses that I remain longer here, it will be necessary some day to provide for my expenses. Above what I get for my expenses, I received fifty-three ducats in nobles from the King of England. This (money) has been very necessary to me.
The Subprior of Santa Cruz.
16th August. 2. The Sub-Prior of Santa Cruz to Ferdinand and Isabel The Catholic.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Negociado de Estado. Patronato Real. Tratados con Inglaterra. Legajo 2°. Holograph.]
A sus Al. del Sop~or de Santa Cruz. xvj de Agosto de xcviij.
Martes vigilia de la Asuncion de nuestra Señora hable tercera vez con la Señora Archiduquessa y demandandome algo de su vida para escribir a V. Al. me respondio que por agora no sabia que decir, porque tenia escrito largo a V. Al. hasta agora no me ha preguntado por persona de toda españa sino lo que yo le dixe. se decir a V. Al. que no hubo mucha placer de mi venida y con mucha razon por que antes que yo llegase le escribieron y creo que fue la condesa de camina desde bilbao que yo venia por su confessor y era tan publico que yo venia por su confessor que en inglaterra hallamos dos cartas dello hasta que yo le afirme lo contrario con que algo quedo satisfecha. respondiome enfin que si aqui estoviesse algunos dias veria lo que pedia. yo le respondi que no venia yo a facer inquisicion sobre su vida ni para escrebir ni decir cosa que por su boca no saliese y que viese de que seria mas servida que la visitase muchas veces o pocas que algo meior le supo y respondio que todas las veces que yo quisiese hablarle y decir todo lo que menos bueno me pareciese lo recibiria de buena gana. y hasta agora no tengo otra prenda suya. no se donde pararemos al menester que deste no se rezume nada aqua por carta ni por palabra sino todo se tornara en nada. no se si mi venida o su poca devocion lo causo que el dia de la Asuncion aqui acudieron dos confessores suyos y con nenguno se confesso. hasta agora por mi indisposicion no he podido frecuentar la visitacion ; ya esto meior bendito Nuestro Senor : lo que mas se ofreciere facerlo he saber a V. Al. a xvj de Agosto.
Por la mar escrebi dos juntas y con don Rodrigo otra y esta agora. suplico a V. Al. manden facer mincion de todas. Del Sop~or.
2. To their Highnesses from the Subprior of Santa Cruz, 16th of August '98.
On Tuesday, the eve of the assumption of our Lady, I spoke for the third time with the Señora Archduchess. I asked her [to tell me] something of her life which I could write to your Highnesses, but she answered me that for the moment she had nothing to say, because she had written a long letter to your Highnesses. Up to this time she has not made any inquiry for any person in the whole of Spain, [and heard] only what I have told her. I can tell your Highnesses that she was not gratified by my coming, and that with good reason, for before I had arrived certain persons, and I believe it was the Countess of Camin, wrote to her from Bilbao, that I came as her confessor. [The rumour] that I came as her confessor was so public that we found in England two letters of that purport. When I assured her of the contrary she became somewhat more quiet. In conclusion she answered me, that should I remain some days longer she would take my demands into consideration. I replied that I had not come [like an inquisitor] to pry into her conduct, and would not write or say a word except what came from her lips. [I begged her] to tell me whether she would prefer that I should visit her frequently or rarely. ... (fn. 2) She answered that as often as I wished to speak to her, and to tell her what did not seem right to me, she would hear it with pleasure. Hitherto I have received no other pledge from her. I do not know how far we shall go if necessary. Of this (fn. 3) nothing can be done here, either by letters or word of mouth, and all will turn into nothing. I do not know whether my presence or her want of devotion was the reason that she did not confess on the day of the Assumption, although two of her confessors were in attendance. My indisposition has hitherto prevented me from frequently visiting her, but, God be thanked, I am already better. Anything that happens I shall make known to your Highnesses. From the Subprior.
16th of August.
1st Sept. 3. Fray Andreas to the Archduchess Dõna Juana.
[Archivo General de Simancas. Estado. Legajo 1, f. 366. Holograph.]
Muy alta y muy poderosa y muy escelente Señora princesa,
guarde dios a V[uestr]a Alteza y la alunbre con bien y la aga bien graciosa y quista con todos porque amen amen de muchos penetra los cielos. de Çaragoça escrevi a V[uestr]a Alteza a do fue a ber la reyna nuestra Señora que la alle bien peligrosa y a dios gracias la dexe buena sana y muy alegre. plega a dios de la guardar y alunbrar a V[uestr]a Alteza como es tanto menester a su servicio mucho plazer ovieron todas esas Señoras comigo y conpli con muchas dellas y a muchas dexe descontentas porque plugo a dios que al mejor tiempo que me avian menester las dexe. dizenme que V[uestr]a Alteza se confiesa con esos frayles questan en paris y que a uno avia dado treynta florines para azer buenas xiras que andas (fn. 4) por esos bodegones de paris. mi parescer es que V[uestr]a Alteza no se confiese sino con frayle que este en su monasterio de la observancia que no tenga para si un alfiler ni V[uestr]a Alteza le puede dar ni hazer bien sino para la comunidad y monesterio do estoviere que sea de observancia y con tales frailes como estos que estan en monasterio de observancia dara buena cuenta a dios de su anima. este padre y frayle que la presente dara a V[uestr]a Alteza es de observancia muy bueno y honesto y de buenas letras sino fuese tan moço bien descargaria V[uestr]a Alteza su anima con el y no con esos que no estan en observancia tantos años como andan alla y es buen predicador y si V[uestr]a Alteza se quisiere servir algunos tienpos del año quando fuere menester yo se que V[uestr]a Alteza se contentara de su predicacion. suplico a V[uestr]a Alteza le aya por encomendado y servira a dios en ello y si V[uestr]a Alteza tiene enojo de mi como la dexe no es de tener segun la enfermedad tenia y avia miedo de mi anima que no sabia adonde avia de yr y tenia quasi ya el pie en la huesa y temia la sentencia y cuenta que avia de dar a dios y agora bibo con tal Señor que yamas se morira mas sienpre bibio y bibe para sienpre y los que le sirven bien los haze bibir para sienpre y asy hize este troque con V[uestr]a Alteza y si lo quiere bien mirar como he escrito V. Alt. cierto mas la (fn. 6) ... no aca que questando alla y mucho mucho quie ... alla al tienpo de ... to y aun si V[uestr]a Alteza lo escriviera si dios fuera servido no dexaria de yr alla en tal tienpo que se que fuera consolacion para V[uestr]a Alteza mas yo he scrito muchas vezes nunca me ha querido enbiar ni escrevir como esta. sea como v[uest]ra Alteza mandare. que tales servicios y tantos años no son de olvidar delante de dios ni del mundo. a dios gracias crea V[uestr]a Alteza que esto mas contento en el monesterio que me allo con pan y agua que V[uestr]a Alteza con quanto tiene y demando perdon que atrebome a quien tanto amo y sirvo de noche y de dia delante de dios. esfuerçese y alegre quanto podiere y este su anima pura linpia con dios y confiesese muy bien y muchas vezes y asi tendra menos temor que tenia en la carraca, ca yo espero en dios que la alunbrara y guardara con bien y que ha de parir un hijo por que asi se demando a dios que la diese prole y fuese hijo y asi me escriva luego para que le ofresca a dios y a nuestra Señora y a Santo domingo y a San pedro martir y despues dios mediante que aya parido el hijo me ha de enviar un vestidura o una camisa suya por que esta asi prometido a San pedro martil (fn. 8). el provincial su fraile de la merced oy sabado me enbio una carta de Valladoliz que luego le hiziese saber como esta V[uestr]a Alteza si sabia algunas nuevas y si escriviese que besara las manos a V[uestr]a Alteza y que presto esperava de las besar. si V[uestr]a Alteza no me escrive nunca mas escrivo y esta sera la postrera. dios la aga bienaventurada y alunbre con bien que asi sera con la misericordia de dios. oy sabado primero dia de Setienbre. de V[uestr]a Alteza, su indigno y perpetuo orador que sus reales manos besa. fr. Andreas mr. Archeducisse.
[Sobre :] A la muy alta y muy excelente poderosa Señora princesa Archiduquesa mi Señora.
3. Very high, very mighty, and very excellent Lady and Princess,
May God guard your Highness, give you a good delivery, and make you gracious, and beloved by all, in order that amen, amen from the lips of many may reach the heavens. I wrote to your Highness from Zaragoza, where I went to see the Queen our lady. I found her in a very dangerous state, and, thanks to God, I left her in good health and very joyful. May it please God to preserve her, and to give your Highness a good delivery, which His service so much requires. All those ladies were much delighted with me, and I did my duty towards many of them, although I left a great number of them discontented, because it was the will of God that just when they stood most in want of me I left them. I am told that your Highness confesses to those sort of friars who live in Paris, and that you had given to one of them thirty florins to make good cheer, and that thou (fn. 5) livest with those drunkards from Paris. My opinion is that your Highness should not confess except to a friar who lives according to the rules of his convent, who has not a pin of his own, and to whom your Highness cannot give anything nor show him favour, but only to the convent in which he lives, which ought to be of the Observant Friars. Such friars as those who live in a convent of the Observant Friars will give good account to God of your soul. The father and friar who will deliver this letter to your Highness belongs to the Observant Friars. He is very good and honest, and learned. If he were not so young your Highness would do well to entrust your soul to his keeping, and not to that of those who, during many years, have not been subject to the rules of their convents, and who are swarming about there [in Flanders]. He is a good preacher, and if your Highness would, in case of need, make use of his services at certain times of the year, I know that your Highness would be satisfied with his preaching. I beg your Highness to consider him as well recommended to you, whereby you will render a service to God. If your Highness is offended with me because I left you, you ought not to be so, for I was ill, and was afraid for my soul, not knowing where I had to go to ; I had almost one foot in my grave, and was in dread of the sentence and the account which I had to give God. I live now with a Lord who never will die, but always lived and lives for ever, and who gives eternal life to those who serve Him well. I have exchanged your service for His, and if your Highness will well consider what I have written to you, certainly you will more ... (fn. 7) here than there, and very, very much I should [wish to go] there at the time of ..., (fn. 7) and if your Highness should write, with the will of God, I would not refuse to go there in such a time, if I could comfort your Highness. But although I have written very often, you have never sent me a word or written to me. Be this as it may, and as your Highness pleases to order, but such services [as I have rendered you] during so many years ought not to be forgotten, either before God or before the world. God be thanked, your Highness may believe me that I am more happy in my monastery, living on bread and water, than your Highness with all you possess. I ask pardon that I am so bold with you, whom I love so much, and serve by day and night before God. Have courage and be as cheerful as you can, have a pure clear conscience before God, and confess well and oftentimes. If you do that you will have less fear than you had in the vessel, and I hope in God that He will deliver and preserve you well, and that you will give birth to a son, for I pray to God that He gives you issue, and [that the child] be a son. Write me directly, so that I may offer him to God, and to our Lady, and to St. Domingo and St. Peter the Martyr. If with the help of God you have given birth to a son, send me a frock or a shirt of his, for that has been promised to St. Peter the Martyr. The Provincial, friar of the convent de la Merced, sends me to-day (Saturday) a letter from Valladolid, asking me to let him know directly whether I have news from you, and, if I write to you, to tell you that he kisses your hands, which he hopes soon to do in reality. If your Highness does not answer me, I shall never write again, and this will be my last letter. God give you happiness and an easy delivery. So be it ordered by His mercy. To-day is Saturday, the first day of September. (fn. 9)
Your Highness' unworthy and constant advocate, who kisses your royal hands,
Frey Andreas, Magister Archeducisse.
[Addressed :] To the very high, very excellent, and very mighty Princess Archduchess, my lady.


  • 1. Flanders.
  • 2. We are unable to discover any clear sense in the five following words : que algo mejor le supo.
  • 3. Sic.
  • 4. Sic.
  • 5. Sic.
  • 6. Roto en el original.
  • 7. Paper gone.
  • 8. Sic.
  • 9. In the year 1498 the 1st of September fell on a Saturday.